What is a fair in Rus'. Russian fair

From today, a pre-revolutionary fair in Russia would be called a festival. These were not just auctions, but large cultural centers: operas and ballets were staged here, concerts were given and the first cinema was shown. Famous artists and singers came to the fair on tour. About how entertainment has changed - from the amusements of buffoons with bears to Chaliapin's concerts - in the material of the Kultura.RF portal.

Ancient fairs: from a booth to a cultural center

Alexander Cherednichenko. Fair (detail). 2009. Private collection

Boris Kustodiev. Booths (fragment). 1917. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

The first fairs appeared in Rus' in the X-XII centuries. Then they were called "bargaining" or "bargaining". They took place both in cities and in villages, lasted only a few days, and sold one product here: for example, bread, livestock or fabrics. The very word "fair" came into Russian from German (from Jahrmarkt: Jahr - year, markt - market) in the 17th century, when foreign merchants began to come to the auctions.

For entertainment at the fairgrounds in those years, buffoons were responsible. They gave performances with bears and goats, played pipes, balalaikas, rattles. However, the "cultural programs" were dissatisfied with the priests.

Makariev is vainly busy,
Boils with its abundance.
An Indian brought pearls here,
Fake guilt European,
A herd of defective horses
The breeder drove from the steppes,
The player brought his decks
And a handful of helpful bones
Landowner - ripe daughters,
And daughters - last year's fashion.
Everyone fusses, lies for two,
And everywhere the mercantile spirit.

Thanks to the Nizhny Novgorod fair, even the architectural appearance of the city changed when the auction was moved there from the Makaryevsky monastery - after a major fire. For the arrangement of the trading artel, large-scale construction was launched here. The main building was erected by Augustine Betancourt, the author of the Moscow Manege. The fair house consisted of 60 buildings for more than two thousand shops. When arranging the malls, they took into account the specifics of trade: for example, for Asians selling tea, they built separate Chinese rows, decorated in the national style. Spassky Old Fair Cathedral was erected on the territory of the fair according to the project of the French architect Auguste Montferrand, who built St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. The organizers of the fair also took care of representatives of other confessions: an Armenian-Gregorian church and a mosque also appeared here.

In the center of the trading town there was a square, in different parts there were not only shops and shops, but also pharmacies, taverns, taverns, forges, barbershops, theaters, a bank. Nizhny Novgorod had an underground sewage system, unique for those years, thanks to which the city was kept clean.

Cheerful life of the "great marketplace"

Alexander Pushnin. At the fair (detail). 1960. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Anna Cherednichenko. To the market (detail). 1947. Private collection

Fairs of the 19th century became real cultural centers. In small towns, booths, trainers and puppet theaters were still responsible for entertainment. One of their heroes - cheerful Petrushka - became a favorite of the public. The people were also amused with the help of districts: this was the name of a box equipped with magnifying glasses and popular prints with everyday scenes. Raeshniks moved the pictures and supplemented the performance with short funny sayings. For example, like this: “And this is the Vistula River, the water in it is sour, whoever drinks this water will live for a hundred years”.

Entertainment area in the fair town Nizhny Novgorod It was called "Merry Scooter" - there were booths, gardens, a photo studio and entertainment pavilions. One of them even showed a movie. Concerts were held in the main house of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

Another guest performer was the singer Fyodor Chaliapin. He recalled the fair in his book "Mask and Soul": “The fair was buzzing with all kinds of sounds that a person could imagine before the invention of radio. At the fair, the bright colors of Russia mixed with the colorful colors of the Muslim East. The life of the great marketplace flowed spaciously, cheerfully, wildly..

The history of the Irbit Drama Theater named after A.N. Ostrovsky. The writer Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak spoke about the cultural life of Irbit in the novel “Privalovsky Millions”.

The performances were so popular that the theater "was chock-full of fairground audiences." “Everything that was eminent for tens of miles was placed on armchairs and chairs: Moscow aces in commerce, Siberian industrialists, manufacturers, vodka kings, buyers of bread and bacon, fur traders”- wrote Mamin-Sibiryak. The fair also influenced the architecture of Irbit: in the 19th century, several stone buildings, trade and entertainment establishments were built in the city.

Weekend fairs are fairs that are created to support agricultural producers. They operate from April to December inclusive (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Trading places are provided free of charge.

At weekend fairs, you can sell only agricultural products (vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, fish, dairy products) and food products (bakery, cereals, flour, vegetable oils, salt, sugar, spices, tea, coffee, canned food and confectionery products) produced in the territory Russian Federation, Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union.

2. Who can get a seat at the fair?

To get a place at the weekend fair can:

  • individuals (leading personal subsidiary plots or engaged in horticulture or horticulture, animal husbandry, heads of peasant (farm) households);
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities.

Individuals can get trading places only for the group of goods “vegetables and fruits”. Moreover, 60% of these places should be provided to those who run a personal subsidiary plot or are engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry, 20% - to the heads of peasant (farmer) households. The remaining 20% ​​is distributed between individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

At each fair, one place should be provided to a pensioner (or a disabled person) so that he can sell products grown on his site.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have received a place at the fair are not required to trade themselves - you can take sellers, no more than three per site. Individuals can take as sellers only their own Close relatives are relatives in a direct ascending and descending line (parents and children, grandfathers, grandmothers and grandchildren), full and half-blooded (having a common father or mother) brothers and sisters.

> close relatives.

3. When are fairs held?

In Moscow, weekend fairs are held during three trading sessions of three months. The first trading session in 2019 took place from April 5 to June 30. The second trading session in 2019 took place from July 5 to September 29. The third trading session began on October 4th. It is planned to be held until December 29th.

The dates of the weekend fairs are approved every year by the organizer of the weekend fairs - GBU "Moscow Fairs".

4. How to register and get a place at the fair?

To trade at the fair, you need to apply. This can only be done online on the site.

If you do not have Internet access, you can contact any. There are zones electronic services where computers with free Internet access are installed.

Only one administrative district can be specified in one request. But on its territory you can choose several fairs. However, you cannot get, for example, two places if you specify only one seller.

Places are given out in order of priority: whoever applied earlier is given a place. If you do not have enough seats, you will be put on a waiting list.

5. What documents will be needed?

To work at the weekend fair you will need:

  • for individuals - an identity document; for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities - the original or duly certified copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • for individuals - documents confirming the conduct of a peasant (farm) economy, personal subsidiary farming or horticulture, horticulture, animal husbandry, and title documents for land plot used for these purposes (original or notarized copy); for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities - shipping documentation (original or notarized copy);
  • documents confirming the quality and safety of products in accordance with the requirements of federal law;
  • medical books;
  • for individuals - documents confirming kinship with sellers.

Documents must be with the sellers during the entire time of work at the fair. They may be requested by authorized officials or organizers of the fair.

6. How to find a weekend fair?

Weekend fairs are organized in all districts of Moscow. Places for their placement Locations of fairs are coordinated by councils of deputies of municipal districts, district administrations and other involved authorities, proposed by prefectures administrative districts Moscow, are considered by the Department of Trade and Services of Moscow and in the form of an address list of weekend fairs are submitted for approval at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on consumer market issues under the Government of Moscow.

"> Approve annually.

Addresses of weekend fairs in the section of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow on the site. You can also find them on the open data portal.

with a link to the official portal Mayor and Government of Moscow.
At the festival, you can try meat, fish and cheese products, as well as seasonal vegetables and fruits from different regions of Russia. In addition, workshops, performances, outdoor games and concerts are held here during the week.

Delicious and fresh seasonal products will be presented at fairs. In SWAD they are located at the following addresses:

Earlier it was reported that in the fair town on Profsoyuznaya street, possession 41 will work “House of ceramics” and the school of the young cook “Culinary Bureau”. And on Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, possession 11, in "Forest shop" learn how to make wood crafts.

/ Monday, 1 October 2018 /

themes: culture

Gastronomic festival kicks off in Moscow "Golden autumn ", which will last until October 7th. . . . . . In SWAD they are located at the following addresses:

Starokachalovskaya street, property 5a;

Nakhimovsky prospect, possession 51/21;

Intersection of Novoyasenevsky prospect and Profsoyuznaya street.

. . . . .

Fairs of goods of Russian manufacturers in the South-West Administrative District are located at the following addresses:
- Starokachalovskaya street, property 5a;
- Nakhimovsky prospect, possession 51/21;
- intersection of Novoyasenevsky prospect and Profsoyuznaya street.
As reported on the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, a gastronomic festival has started in the capital "Golden autumn ". It will run until October 7th. In addition to the gastronomic program, the SWAD prepared an entertainment program. . . . . .

On September 28, the festival starts in the capital "Golden autumn " from the loop Moscow seasons. It will last until October 7 and will delight Muscovites with delicious natural products and entertainment for every taste.

The festival site in the South-Western Administrative District will be located not far from our district, in neighboring Cheryomushki, at the address: Profsoyuznaya, vl. 41. The second site will operate in Northern Butovo at the address: Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, vl. eleven.

In the fair town on Profsoyuznaya street, vl. 41 will open “House of ceramics” and the school of the young cook “Culinary Bureau”, and in "Forest shop" on Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, ow. 11 will teach everyone to make crafts from wood. Also, guests will learn about computer animation in the scientific space "Science & Co".

From September 28 to October 7, a gastronomic festival will be held in Moscow "Golden autumn " from the loop Moscow seasons where you can buy meat, fish and cheese products, as well as seasonal vegetables and fruits from different regions of Russia. . . . . .

During the festival, Muscovites and tourists are waiting for 80 free tours, reports the Agency “ Moscow ". "As part of the festival "Golden autumn ", which will take place in the capital from September 28 to October 7, Muscovites and tourists are waiting for almost 80 free excursions dedicated to gastronomy, literature, music, history, architecture. To visit the excursions of the project "Walking around Moscow" do not forget to register on the site. And to take part in walks starting from the sites "Golden Autumn", just come to Tverskaya Square or st. Novy Arbat 10 minutes before the start of the tour," the organizing committee of the cycle of city street events said. Moscow seasons.

It is specified that the guests "Golden Autumn" waiting for numerous culinary and creative master classes, as well as concerts, interactive programs and other entertainment for the whole family. Entrance to all festival events is free for everyone.

. . . . .

During the festival, Muscovites will also be able to participate in an extensive entertainment program, which includes cooking classes, art performances, outdoor games, concerts and more. The program is designed for all ages.

Two festive venues will open at once in the South-Western Administrative District. . . . . . 11 it will be possible to learn how to make crafts from wood. Also, lovers of technical innovations will have the opportunity to learn about computer animation in the scientific space "Science & Co".

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened the festival "Golden autumn ". He visited the fairground in Novokosin, opened at the request of the residents of the area. Two more festival venues earned in Zyablikovo on Orekhovy Boulevard and in Northern Butovo on Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard.
. . . . . According to the press service of the mayor, this year it will cover five sites in the city center and five more in other districts. The festival will feature five inter-regional and ten regional fairs, as well as 101 weekend fairs. The festival will feature 21 agricultural markets and more than a thousand chain stores.
"Autumn is the time for harvesting and trading, it was brought to Moscow by thousands of enterprises from more than 50 regions of our country. Here you can buy everything: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish products. And besides this, of course, at the festival sites, as usual , concerts, master classes are held. So it's not just trade - it's a holiday", - Sobyanin emphasized.
At the festival "Golden autumn " there will be more than 600 creative and over 250 culinary master classes, 80 concerts and more than 250 performances, as well as many sports competitions. Over a thousand events in total.

. . . . . There are two sites of the festival in the SWAD - at the metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard" and at the metro station “New Cheryomushki”.
At the festival, you can not only buy delicious and fresh seasonal products from Russian manufacturers, but also take part in the cultural program. According to the newspaper "Moskva Za Kaluzhskaya Zastava", in “House of ceramics” near metro station “New Cheryomushki” you can not only learn the history of ceramics, but also paint ceramic products with autumn landscapes with your own hands. Also on Profsoyuznaya street, 41 works “Culinary Bureau”.
At the festival site near the metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard" is located “Forest shop”, which will talk about working with wood and wooden home decor items. And in the educational space "Science & Co" in Northern Butovo, where children will be taught how to create computer animation and games, as well as edit videos.

. . . . .

The festival was joined by regional and interregional fairs, where you can buy delicious and fresh seasonal products: mushrooms and berries, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat products, honey and much more. In the South-West of Moscow, they are located at the following addresses:

. . . . .

In addition to the gastronomic program, guests of the festival can take part in various cultural events. For example, at the site near the metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard" “Forest shop”. In a cozy corner, the townspeople will be told about working with wood and wooden home decor items.

Also in Severny Butovo, the Science & Co educational space is open, where useful and exciting life hacks are waiting for children. Here they will learn how to create computer animation and games, as well as mount videos for their own blog.

“House of ceramics” located near the metro station “New Cheryomushki”. Here you can not only learn the history of ceramics, but also paint ceramic products with autumn landscapes with your own hands. Also, Muscovites will be offered to design a vase for flowers and create dishes in the form of autumn leaves using decorative glaze. . . . . .


. . . . .
The festival will be held from September 28 to October 7, the festival venues are located in different parts of the city, including on the outskirts.
. . . . .
In addition, culinary master classes, performances by musicians, performances and exhibitions will be held throughout the city as part of the festival.

Sergei Sobyanin opened a gastronomic festival "Golden autumn " visiting a new fairground in Novokosin on Gorodetskaya street.
The site was opened at the request of the residents of the area. . . . . .
According to the mayor, the creation of modern all-season centers for family vacation asked by the residents.
"Residents of Novokosino asked to make such a festival site. We made such a site. And I must say that in terms of the number of people who visit them, the turnover at festivals, this is the second site after Tverskaya Street. Today a new festival has opened here Golden autumn. Autumn is the season for harvesting and trading. Such a harvest was brought to Moscow by thousands of enterprises from more than 50 regions of our country"Sobyanin said.
Sobyanin added that the venues will have their own program of events. In particular, an inter-regional agricultural fair will operate on Gorodetskaya Street between festivals.
. . . . . I invite all Muscovites. Until October 7 festival “Very golden” will receive guests," the mayor added.
All new all-season grounds are equipped with railings and ramps. Each of them has a stage, a children's carousel, special chalets for master classes and animation, gastronomic and shopping sections.
The mayor added that the first results of the work of the three new sites show that they are really in demand. During the days of the festival “Flower Jam”, which was held from August 30 to September 9, the sites in Novokosin, Zyablikovo and Northern Butovo were visited by a total of more than 209 thousand people.
. . . . . This year, the festival will cover five venues in the city center and five in the districts, as well as fairgrounds - five inter-regional, 10 regional metropolitan fairs, 101 weekend fairs, 21 specialized agricultural markets and more than a thousand chain stores.
As part of the festival, the best seasonal farm products will be presented in a large assortment - fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, cheese, meat and fish. More than a thousand participants from 55 regions of Russia came to the festival, who plan to sell at least four thousand tons of domestic products.
Traditionally, the best cheese makers of Russia will take part in the trade program, bringing more than 100 varieties of cheese to the festival. The venues will host tastings and exhibitions dedicated to domestic cheese making.
The cultural program of the festival includes more than 600 creative and over 250 culinary master classes, 80 concerts, more than 250 theatrical programs and stage performances, dozens of sports activities.
Also within the framework "Golden Autumn" there will be a pumpkin festival. More than 100 tons of pumpkins will decorate the festival grounds. Designers will create unusual autumn compositions: 30 pumpkin art objects, 10 pumpkin compositions.

1 Buffoon:

Come on, honest people
Here comes the extravaganza
Come quickly
And do not spare money!

2 Buffoon:

Hey, people, move, fuss.
Come, don't crowd, have fun.
Ride the goods, get moving
Don't think it's a gift
fork out!

3 Buffoon:
The fair opens
The public is gathering
Please all here
Honorable gentlemen!


Oh, the people have gathered!

Some together, some apart

Who - on business, who - walking,

Someone sings songs

Buy, sell

Everyone is invited to tea at the table.

Buffoons, barkers -

They call the fair start!

Peddler (pie seller)
Here are the pies
Not expensive at all!
Piping hot,
For a thousand - a couple!
Bunny pies
And with all sorts of things
With eggs, with potatoes,
Take a little!

Peddler 1


Peddler 3



The fair is on!

People are having fun

Having fun and walking

Yes shopping notes

Buffoon 2:

We only have a fair

Not easy this time

Buffoon 3:

And the goods here are not simple

Don't walk past, stop!

Look around here

Intelligent home!

Buffoon 4:

For the mind we have goods -

We have gathered here for a reason!

Buffoon 5:

We'll be all day again

Brain each other to storm!

collect puzzles,

And prompt quietly

For those who are just for the first time

Train with us!

Buffoon 1:

Brain games are waiting for you

Very interesting!

We open doors for you

And the fun begins!

Episode 1

Young lady (to the Mayor):

Mayor! Do not rush,

You tell me this:

I want to buy a sable

I'm crying in gold!

Commoner (To the mayor):

Hello dear, oh handsome!

A blush shines on the cheeks

Staten how! And growth! And the hands!

And in the eyes - enthusiasm, not boredom!

You, my dear, you see, not greedy

And the man is very nice

I don't have enough gold...

Oh, and there are prices!

If you add me a coin,

I'll leave - no doubt!

Gymnasist (to the Mayor):

What are you, man, do not stand!

Help me young.

I need to get some tea.

I will not leave without a reward!

Young lady:

Well chick! Me first!


It's my turn now!

Gymnasium student:

I asked everyone before!


Can't listen to you anymore!

Well, be quiet! Everyone be silent!

I can tell everyone!

Here, young lady, I will tell you:

I will take you to the merchant.

There are sable and furs,

And the skin is not bad

(To a commoner)

For you this is the answer:

I don't have a red

You go to the merchant and ask

He, you look, and will treat.

(To the schoolgirl)

And you for our tea

I send it there

The merchant will give his answer to everyone

There is a product - the product will sell.

Our merchant is a noble merchant

He invites everyone for tea

Tea good, fragrant

Who drank - that honor!

Episode 2


When guests are in our house

Let's all sit down at the table

Tea, and honey, and milk -

So that you can breathe easily!

Come on in, don't be shy!

What's Covered - Eat!

We are glad to everyone - who is old, who is young

Who is bezus, and who mustachioed!


If you are not joking, then meet!

We, Merchant, come to you for tea.

What do you respect, what do you say?

What product will you show?

Merchant's wife:

Here come our dear guests!

Yes, how remote!

You, Cossack, do not stand in the aisle,

You're not the kind of timid, are you?


Is that him? Yes, where is it!

Maybe it used to be...

And now - a dashing Cossack!

Oh, I do not know peace!

Merchant's daughter

Oh, dashing to my liking ...

Everyone is busy, right!


Who else is visiting me?

Does sable carry bunches for me?

Buryat merchant:

I am to you, merchant, with goods -

I'm giving away almost nothing!

And my wife is with me

Would like to have your tea.

Buryat merchant's wife:

Say bina to you, Merchant

You, I see, well done!

I heard about your teas

But so far I haven't seen it.

Buryat merchant:

You see how the rumor goes.

Tea brings guests to you.

Merchant's Daughter:

And where is the man!

Straight handsome!

Buryat merchant:

It's true!

Merchant's Daughter:

There is only one problem:

busy again

Buryat merchant's wife:

It's true!


Well, I ask guests at the table.

I will serve you tea.


Tea is really what you need!

Every cup is a reward!

I love this hot one

Sweet, strong and invigorating!

Buryat merchant:

We love tea with milk!

Buryat merchant's wife:

In a bowler hat, so that with smoke!

Merchant's Daughter:

I like green tea!

To berries and herbs ...

Merchant's wife:

What can I say, we have tea -

A whole lot of gold!

Ceylon tea! Indian tea!

Chinese tea! Sri Lankan!


Green tea, flower tea!

Herbal! Far Eastern!

In general, there is where to roam.


Yes, and we are all here, to admit,

We love quiet evenings

Pamper yourself with tea.

Merchant's wife: Better tea is to my liking, the one that is in the morning!

Mayor: Tea vkusku, tea tired.

Cossack: With mother-in-law tea, so it was sweet!

Young lady: Tea with chamomile, with cognac! In a bowler hat, so that with smoke!

Commoner: Yes, with raspberries, with sugar!

Gymnasium student: Tea with lemon!

Young lady: Tea with honey, I don’t have tea for the soul, I’m responsible for my recipe!

Merchant's wife: I speak as a hostess - the main thing in tea is tea leaves! Spill! Drink! Don't be sorry for the teas!


In general, gentlemen!


You are tired - no problem!

Are you cold? Bored!

Have you been overcome by sadness?

We know the answer to everything:

There is no better tea!

Have fun, relax

Don't forget about the merchant!

Fair which year

Amuse honest people!

Folklore Ensemble "Verkhneudinskaya Sloboda"

Ensemble "Rainbow"


Yes! This is a mountain feast!

The holiday is golden!


The honest people rejoiced!


Oh, almost started to dance!


But don't relax!


The holiday must go on!


Here we have all seen

And have tried it!


And now I ask for me

We don't pass by!

We'll go where we are again

Someone will surprise!

For to go there

It won't work for us!

Guests enter the hall

From April 20, that is, this Friday, weekend fairs in Moscow are reopening throughout the capital. There will be 96 of them for 2676 trade places. By tradition, most of the bazaars are in the North-Eastern and Southern districts (13 addresses each). Less - in Zelenograd (3 addresses) and New Moscow (4 addresses). Opening hours will remain the same - from Friday to Sunday, from 8.00 to 19.00 every day.

As before, merchants do not have to pay for seats. Therefore, the mayor's office promises that sellers will not raise prices for goods. This year there will be several innovations at the fairs. For the first time, farmers will be given 20 percent of the space usually allocated for the sale of vegetables and fruits. Another feature - a special trading place at each fair will be given to pensioners and the disabled. They will be allowed to sell what they have grown from their country garden.

As usual, Muscovites will be able to buy vegetables, fruits, meat and other products of domestic farmers. The fairs will also sell goods from Armenia , Belarus , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan .

By the way, in some districts of the capital all year round there are also inter-regional fairs. Here, manufacturers from different regions and regions gather at one site. So far, there are five such points, but the Department of Trade and Services of Moscow plans to open several new ones this year.


Comments on the work of weekend fairs are accepted. In the "Weekend Fairs" section, you can leave a complaint on three topics - "Illegal placement", "Violation of the requirements for organizing and holding" and "Sale of prohibited goods". You can attach a photo of the violation to the message. Each complaint must be answered within eight business days.


Where to go for fresh fruits and vegetables



2nd Nikoloshchepovsky per.


Starokirochny Lane, ow. 1/47


Pankratievsky per., ow. 5, pp. 7-9


st. Shchepkina, ow. 47, pp. 1-2


area around st. m. "Street 1905"

st. Krasnaya Presnya, ow. 1

Sitinsky per.


st. School, ow. 36-48

5th Kotelnichesky Lane, ow. 2/6


Komsomolsky Ave, ow. 22


The airport

st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, ow. 36-38


st. 3. and A. Kosmodemyansky, ow. 23


Dmitrovskoe sh., Opposite vl. 13



st. Engineering, ow. 1-3


st. P. Korchagina, ow. 2


Altufevskoe sh., vl. 70


st. Milashenkova, ow. fourteen


st. Botanical, ow. 29, bld. 1

Marina Grove

st. Oktyabrskaya, ow. 42


st. Zander, ow. five


Altufevskoe sh., vl. 30g


st. Agricultural, ow. 10


st. Snezhnaya, ow. eighteen

Northern Medvedkovo

st. Wide, ow. 12 A

Southern Medvedkovo

st. Polyarnaya, ow. 10


Yaroslavskoe sh., vl. 114


East Izmailovo

Izmailovsky pr-t, ow. 91

Lilac Boulevard, ow. 60


st. Ussuriyskaya, ow. 7

st. Khabarovsk, ow. 12/23


st. Molostov, ow. 13, bldg. 1

st. Chelyabinsk, ow. 15


Izmailovskaya sq., vl. 1


st. Novokosinskaya, ow. fourteen


Zeleny Ave, ow. 2

st. Perovskaya, ow. 32


st. 2nd Sokolnicheskaya, ow. 3



st. Aircraft designer Mil, ow. 7

st. Khlobystova, ow. 20-22


st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 52


st. Pererva, ow. 51


st. Shosseynaya, ow. four


st. Academician Scriabin, ow. four

st. Zaraiskaya, ow. 35

textile workers

st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 10


3rd Krutitsky per., ow. 13


Biryulyovo East

st. Mikhnevskaya, ow. 9/1

Biryulyovo West

st. Bulatnikovskaya, ow. nine


st. Brateevskaya, ow. 16, bldg. 1


1st Donskoy pr-d (address to be confirmed)


st. Shipilovskaya, ow. 48-50


st. Kantemirovskaya, ow. fourteen


Electrolitny pr-d, vl. 16a

Nagatinsky backwater

st. New items, ow. 31

Orekhovo-Borisovo South

st. Domodedovskaya, ow. 15


Proletarsky Ave, ow. 24

Chertanovo North

Microdistrict Chertanovo Severnoe, vl. 806

Chertanovo Central

st. Red Lighthouse, ow. 3

Chertanovo South

Varshavskoe sh., vl. 135



st. Shvernik, ow. nineteen



st. Trade union, ow. 102


st. Garibaldi, ow. four


st. Academician Chelomey, ow. 8, bldg. 1

st. Obruchev, ow. eleven

Northern Butovo

b-r Dm. Donskoy, ow. 17

Teply Stan

st. Teply Stan, ow. 10

South Butovo

Vokzalnaya sq.

st. Marshal Savitsky, opposite ow. 12

st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, ow. 50, bldg. four


st. Tarusskaya, ow. fourteen



st. Aeroflotskaya, ow. 8A


st. Yartsevskaya, ow. 21, near the cinema "Brest"


Autumn Boulevard, ow. 3B


st. Novoperedelkinskaya, ow. 14A


st. N. Kovshova, ow. 6-8

Vernadsky avenue

Vernadsky Avenue, ow. 39


st. Mosfilmovskaya, ow. 16, 18, 20

st. Ramenki, ow. 3


st. Vatutina, ow. 18, bldg. 2

st. Oleko Dundicha, opposite ow. 29



st. Dubravnaya, ow. 35


pr-d Stratonavtov, ow. 9, bldg. 2

Northern Tushino

st. Tourist, ow. 16, bldg. 2


st. Marshal Katukov, ow. eighteen


st. Marshal Tukhachevsky, ow. 32-34

st. Salama Adilya, ow. four


st. Aviation, ow. 68

Southern Tushino

st. Tourist, ow. 6



Station square.

The site near Mikhailovsky Ponds, next to vl. 1550




Moscow, ow. 39


Znamya Oktyabrya village


Oktyabrsky avenue, 20


Kommunarka village, st. Alexandra Monakhova, ow. 14A.