Car top tents. Tent on the roof of the car: which one to choose

Autotents can be installed on the roof of any car: not only an SUV, but also a sedan, station wagon, minibus or truck.

Car tents are fastened with special clips to the cross rails or installed on the trunk.

The most famous tents are ORT, James Baroud and Autohome. Recently, IKamper tents have been added to their company. The list of manufacturers is much wider. There are also Russian tents. For example, Alex from Rosavtotourism and Nikita from the Vladimir company ABC-design. I have not seen them personally, competitors assure that it is better not to save.

The main question is, perhaps, what it is for. Personally, I would prefer a tent on the ground. Still, if you need to go out somewhere at night, doing it by going down the stairs in the forest is not very interesting. However, in some cases, these tents compare favorably with the classic ones.

Advantages of rooftop tents:

a) take up no space. It is convenient in campsites, where a fee is charged separately for the car and for the tent.
b) there are no requirements for the earth's surface. You can install on a small patch and not be afraid of swamps.
I often see this option in the illustrations of travels in Iceland.

We studied the variant of the wardrobe trunk at MIAS-2016, where tents from James Baroud were presented. The main plus is that it takes almost no time to unfold it, and the built-in mattress is a handy thing.

Since the principle of tents is the same, I will tell you about two manufacturers that I personally like.

The IKamper founder dreamed of owning his own treehouse as a child and read Jack Kerouac's travel novels. Today, his “home” can be taken to any place that can only be reached by car. IKamper specializes in car top tents.

The park was inspired to create its own tents by Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road. However, unlike his idol, who preferred to travel on foot, Park went on his first trip by car with a trailer. Since 2004, when Sun Park made his way from Boston to Los Angeles, his fascination with camping began. The first model of a tent on the roof of a car went on sale in 2014. Prior to that, Sun Park tried and tested 20 prototypes.

There are two types of tents to choose from. The Hardtop One tent is unique in that it takes 1 minute to set up and 3 minutes to take down. Built-in struts automatically raise the roof of the tent. All that needs to be done for installation is to unfasten and fix the two internal stabilizers. The tent has a solid fiberglass roof, waterproof and breathable wall fabric and an aluminum honeycomb floor. The floor is retractable: with the help of it, an awning and a ladder are installed. Hardtop One can accommodate up to 4 people, its smaller version can accommodate up to 3 people.

The second tent is called Road Trip and is suitable for longer camping in nature. Due to several awnings descending to the ground, it is convenient to have a picnic in such a tent. The U-shape of the assembled structure allows the tent to remain stable in the wind and prevent raindrops from stagnation.

James Baroud

For more than twenty years of his life, James Baroud has devoted himself to the production of the best car roof tent in the world. An experienced autotourist, he was simply not satisfied with the available options for car tents. James understood that most of them were not comfortable enough and poorly equipped. This is how the Evasion Evolution tent was born.

The tent is designed to mount on standard crossbars. Two longitudinal aluminum guides are pressed into the bottom. Clamps are inserted into the rails, which can be moved along the tent. Clamps, with the help of nuts, fix the structure on the crossbars.

And this is the Horizon Vision model:

Your car can be a truly versatile object for getting around, getting maximum comfort on long journeys, and relaxing. We are not talking about sleeping in the car, which has a fairly small enclosed space - in tourist travel, this option will no longer suit you on the second day.

To get the optimal level of comfort, you will need additional devices, which are tents on the roof of the car. Their cost is relatively low, but thanks to them you can get many benefits.

The only remark is that you need to be as careful as possible when choosing a tent so as not to get into an uncomfortable position.

First of all, carefully study the characteristics of your car - this is necessary so as not to damage its power structure. The tent will rest on the roof - therefore, it will be the most loaded part of the car, and you should determine what maximum weight this structural element can take.

Look at the load capacity figures - the roof is able to withstand about 35-40% of this value. Therefore, if the payload of the car cannot exceed 500 kg, then the tent, together with the people in it, should weigh no more than 500 * 0.35 = 175 kg. It will be possible to accommodate together only if both people have a slender complexion.

The exception is models that have additional supports - however, they will be discussed later.

Experts have identified several classes of cars, which correspond to different indicators of the weight of the tent - they should be taken into account when choosing a model for the roof:

However, it’s better not to take risks and find the exact value on the Internet or in the car’s operating manual - it is indicated for all modern cars. The consequences of overloading can be sad - a sagging roof and expensive repairs that can cause significant damage to the family budget.

An important physical characteristic is the overall dimensions that a rooftop tent has. Pay attention to this parameter for the selected model - if the product protrudes beyond the roof of the car, you will have to use special extension cords.

You should also not choose tents that are too high - you are unlikely to want to stand in them, but in the forest they will cling to tree branches, which will lead to an increased risk of damage and the inability to move the car even a couple of meters with the tent open.

What should be paid attention to in a detailed examination?

It is worth remembering that a tent is a rather complex object, which is produced using modern technologies - this applies even to ordinary tourist models.

If we talk about models on the roof of the car, then the approach to production must be even more sophisticated in order to fully satisfy all human needs, without creating additional burden and without increasing excessive cost. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to many parameters that will seem overly detailed to most people.


The simplest tent is pyramidal, the walls of which have a shape close to a triangle. Such models are quite inconvenient, since at a high height they provide minimal internal dimensions and often do not even allow two people to sit. An improved version is a dome, in which the tent looks like half a ball. It is much more spacious, but requires more space and does not always fit on the roof of a car.

The ideal option is a complex structure with vertical walls and a sloping roof that requires a strong frame, but has the best ratio of internal volume to base area or height.

A tent is usually limited to a small structure on the roof of a car - however, such a product is vulnerable to strong winds and other negative external factors.

An improved version is a model with a kind of “skirt” along the sides, which covers the car up to windows or even door handles. An additional strip of fabric protects against wind, and also significantly reduces the likelihood of moisture getting inside and retains heat much better.

The most expensive modifications of tents have walls that are installed next to the car, which allows you to organize sleeping places for the entire crew.

If the dimensions of the car or the permissible load on the roof do not allow the installation of large tents, you can use special extensions. Any tent is placed on mounts for the upper trunk - the so-called railings, and in this case the area covered by them must be significantly increased. You can buy such devices in a tourist shop - it is advisable to choose models made of durable steel that does not deform after 3-4 uses.

To reduce the mass pressing on the roof of the car, you can use external fasteners, similar to construction piles. They rest on the ground, and take on part of the mass of the tent, however, the dimensions of its base must be at least 15-20 cm larger than the dimensions of the car.


The question that always arises when buying a tent is what material it is made of.

The cheapest models presented on the market of tourist goods are created from nylon- a popular synthetic fabric with excellent moisture resistance. The main disadvantage that a nylon tent has is its extremely low rigidity. After each night, it will have to be tightened, as changes in temperature and humidity can lead to some loosening of the fasteners. A similar disadvantage is expressed in low strength.

However, these modifications are widespread due to their ability to fold to a small size and fit in a car seat pocket.

Much better durability for their models polyester- for a tent made of such a synthetic fabric, you will have to pay a round sum, but the costs will be fully justified. Mounted on the roof of a car, it can remain in place for several days without the need for adjustment and additional tension.

In addition, a polyester tent is quite difficult to damage - for this you will have to use a sharp object, and not a branch that accidentally hit the wall. The only negative, in addition to the high cost, is the complexity of unfolding due to the high density of the synthetic material.

Talk about tarpaulin models do not have to - such a tent will be very heavy for a compact car, difficult to use and short-lived.

If you want an exceptionally durable sleeper, pay attention to the modification, covered with an additional protective layer of transparent silicone. It increases strength and rigidity, and also guarantees a dry and draft-free interior. In addition, make sure that all the seams of the tent are carefully glued with sealant or the same silicone - this is also necessary to increase comfort.

Extra options

The best tents consist of two parts - a dense outer awning and an inner "room", which is created from a soft, pleasant to the touch material.

Inspect the selected product for the quality of this coating and feel it with your hands. The ideal option is the presence of an additional layer of thermal insulation, consisting of soft filler and metal foil. This will help not to freeze at night and not to die from the heat during the day. In addition, in the base, which is installed on the roof of the car, in addition to a rigid frame, a soft mattress must also be present - otherwise, sleep will only bring you pain throughout your body instead of normal rest.

A good tent should also have internal pockets - it is convenient to store the most important things, washing supplies and clothes in them. There are also models where a similar pocket can open outward, turning into some kind of dormer window at home.

An alternative option is to expand the interior space by further deploying the tent outside the car. Both of them help to increase psychological comfort and cope with claustrophobia.

If you plan to travel in the off-season, you can not avoid heavy rains, thunderstorms and other troubles. To protect you, the tent should have not only a side skirt, but also a valve through which the entrance will be made.

The design of such a device resembles an airlock - between the outer and inner space there is a small "waiting room" that protects people from bad climatic conditions. It is best if both entrances are closed with a zipper, protected by special strips of waterproof fabric.

“If people knew how pleasant it is to walk on the roofs, they would have stopped walking the streets long ago,” Carlson used to say, but this madman was clearly “in the know”. Most people not only did not walk on the roof, but also did not see the world from the height of the roof ... in their car, although auto travelers certainly looked more than once at the tourist tents open up there.

There are obvious pros and cons to living on a rooftop. Let's start with the installation features. Unfortunately, manufacturers have not yet figured out how to quickly and without unnecessary dancing with a tambourine to set up a tent on the roof. To set up a tent, you will need at least strong crossbars, and preferably a good expeditionary trunk. It will take some time and effort to fix the tent on the roof.

“Why did you lie, that you are 7 years old? You weigh all 8 "...

Do not forget that the crossbars (rails) or the trunk must withstand not only the weight of the tent, but also the weight of its inhabitants, and the tent itself will take up most of the space.

For example, two universal luggage crossbars from an auto parts store are clearly not enough to evenly distribute the load, and with a high probability the tent will collapse with its entire mass onto the roof when fully loaded.

“Well, have you flown? Carlson asked. The kid weighed everything again.
“What if you drop me?” he said anxiously. This proposal did not bother Carlson at all.
- Big trouble! he exclaimed. “There are so many children in the world. One boy more, one less - nothing, a matter of life! ...

Among the disadvantages of operating an above-ground dwelling are the methods of entering the den, and the options for leaving it. Do not forget that the tent is set 1.5-2.5 meters above the ground and just like that, stretching, you won’t be able to get out of it, or it will be accompanied by an acrobatic etude.

“- From the roof, of course, the stars are visible better than from the windows, and therefore one can only be surprised that so few people live on the roofs” ...

In the list of positive moments of life on the roof, in addition to the stars, I will note the relatively constant combat readiness of the dwelling and the soft mattress in it, as well as the comfort of placement on an uneven or water-filled surface. In some cases, it may turn out that putting up an ordinary tent simply will not work and you will have to sleep half-sitting in chairs.

For a separate layer of the population, it will be an important positive factor - excellent protection against crawling, jumping and running intruders from the world of wild animals and insects. Many of them will obviously not be eager to learn how to climb stairs or slippery car surfaces.

“-Well, tell me, please, is it possible to do without a fight at all? Any dispute can be resolved with words!

To decide which of the tent options on the market is better, you need to know what is generally available, but there are not so many available - in total there are only three types of rooftop houses. tent. When folded, the tent is covered with a special awning and during transportation looks like a rectangular object covered with an awning.

It is brought into the working position by tilting half of the floor to the side or back of the car and rests on a standard ladder-stop attached to the edge of the folding half. The roof of such a tent rises automatically, and the "awnings" of windows and entrances are fixed manually using special stops.

In the minuses: less protection from external influences and the inability to close the casing (cover) of the tent with a lock.

2. Tent with a rigid (plastic), fully raised top. When transporting, such a tent is more like a plastic box-trunk. When preparing a bed, the roof is lifted up manually using a special handle. Along with the roof, soft side walls with doorways and windows also rise.

The tent can be equipped with a regular ladder, but it is not convenient to use it on all types of cars and, in most cases, on SUVs and buses it is better to have a stationary (fixed on the car body) ladder to the roof.

The casing (roof) of the tent is attached to the lower part with the help of ties, which can be closed with a small lock, and the plastic case protects the material of the tent relatively reliably from external influences.

3. Tent with a hard (plastic) top of type 2, but with only one lifting part of the roof. In transport condition, it differs little from type 2, but in the working position only one edge is raised, creating a “triangle” side view.

A distinctive feature of this type of tent is a different organization of the internal space, since the lifting part rises higher than that of a tent with a fully raised roof, while the other part remains in place. The higher rise of the roof edge can be useful for ease of dressing, for example.

This type of tent has a high resistance to wind gusts. In the case of setting up a tent in a windy place, the car turns into a hard bevel against the wind, thereby ensuring greater stability of the structure.

To choose the type of tent you need, it is worth considering not only the operating conditions, but also the method of fixing it on the car. For example, on the roof of an ordinary pickup truck (not a North American monster), the plastic body of the tent may not fit and there is nothing left to do but choose the option with a side-folding half. Again, due to the convenience of climbing inside with the help of a standard stop ladder.

“You can have a little break and make me some coffee.
- Make coffee? asked the Kid.
“Yes, please,” Carlson confirmed. “I don't want to bother you too much. All you have to do is light a fire under the taganka, fetch water and make coffee. And I will drink it myself ... "

Separately, it is worth mentioning that tents with a lifting roof are brought to a state of combat readiness in a few seconds - just open the clamps and raise the roof and no other actions are required. With the exception of installing a ladder if it is not on the car.

Such devices are sold literally everywhere - in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, large and small cities of Russia, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Moscow. If you want to buy a tent without leaving your home, then go to the same Avito and look for ads like "I will sell a tent on the roof of a car." Designs are widely available among used ones.

For me personally, renting has become the preferred option. We gathered for a vacation in the wild, combining fishing with this. We went for a few days, and the question arose - where to spend the night. A friend offered to take tents for the car. At first I thought he was talking about ordinary tents that are set up on the ground. But this option did not suit us, because the area is not the warmest to sleep on the ground, and all kinds of insects and living creatures scare my wife.

And so I found out what tents are on the roof of a car. To be honest, I did not dare to buy, but turned to the rental service. The thing is very interesting and useful for lovers of outdoor activities and long trips. If you do not want to simply spend the night in a hotel, but want to immerse yourself in the world of wildlife, I advise you to take such a thing.


Let's start with what the first conclusions I made about these tents for the car. In fact, their installation on or the roof of the car allows you to get much more benefits than sleeping in the car. Therefore, I am not surprised that the sale of such devices is so active and the demand is impressive.

  1. Warm. Even from the photo and video you can see how cozy tents can be. Especially when you have in front of you such segment leaders as Maggiolina, James baroud or Overland. But the main thing is the level of heat. It is cold to sleep in the car, no matter how warm you are or how you insulate the car itself.
  2. Condensate. When a person sleeps, he exhales air with a high moisture content. During the night, condensate accumulates on windows, upholstery, metal parts, and penetrates under the upholstery. For the body, this is bad, because over time, condensate can cause corrosion. Yes, this is not so critical, but with the active use of the salon as an overnight stay, you can run into trouble.
  3. Toilet. If you are not sleeping alone, then you will have to wake everyone up to get out of the car and relieve yourself.
  4. Comfort. The level of comfort in the passenger compartment is high only in large cars. If you do not have a comfortable minibus or a huge SUV with 2-3 rows of seats, but a compact car, then it is hardly worth counting on a comfortable overnight stay. The tent replaces a full-fledged bedroom, as a specially designed box provides a high level of comfort.
  5. Ventilation. Metal does not tend to let air through, so it will be impossible to sleep there during a hot period. By opening the windows, you will let in mosquitoes and other living creatures. The tent is equipped with a mosquito net and is made of breathable materials.
  6. Things. If you want to lie down in the cabin, you will have to put everything in the trunk. And if it is small, then the only way out is to take everything outside, outside the car.

That is, the choice in favor of the tent is obvious. And personally, I advise you not to save a lot, but to choose really worthy designs that can last for many years. As such, based on the analysis, I would also call Skycamp, ikamper, Hawk or Orion. Several others you are already familiar with.

How to make a choice

Yes, you can watch the video, download the drawing for yourself and try to make a tent yourself. But not everyone wants to do it. Buying a box is not so expensive if you expect to use it regularly for an overnight stay in the wild.

How much a tent costs depends on the brand, quality and size. Estimated price - from 20-25 thousand rubles. But models for 50-100 thousand are much better and more durable. For example, I plan to buy myself a tent for 75 thousand. But here everyone decides for himself how much he is ready to invest. After all, there are tents for several thousand dollars from leading brands, and there are cheap analogues from China, which will cost no more than 10-20 thousand rubles.

It's time to understand the main nuances of choice. Do you agree with me? Hope so.

Well, I hope my advice and observations were useful for you. Be sure to share your impressions in the comments, write if you have already spent the night in such tents and what emotions you experienced. Subscribe to updates in the VK group, invite your friends and do not forget that we are working for you.

When it comes to camping, we all go a little overboard. It is believed that traditional outdoor recreation should look like this: bring a tent, a sleeping bag, a camping stove, a lantern, an air mattress. This is one option. The second option is to buy or rent a camper van. The truth is that camping is more of a hassle than fun. Auto camping is very popular in many countries.

You can enjoy this type of recreation with the help of a camping tent, which is mounted on the roof of the car. Such tents are popular due to their mobility, reliability, safety. These tents were originally created for safari in Africa or for a walk in the wilderness in Australia. Roof top tents (RTT’s) are easy to use, compact, tightly and securely attached to the roof of a car.

The main purpose of such tents is to make the rest safe. No more sleeping on damp ground. You won't wake up after a downpour in a huge puddle, snakes won't crawl up to you to warm up, bears won't be able to get to you. When the decision to buy a car - tent is made, it will not be out of place to look at the best camping tents before buying. Below are 5 best camping car roof top tents.

Maggiolina Grand Tour is the best

Pros: easy installation
Cons: Only fits big cars
This camping tent is made in classic style, single person, simple structure. Made from a fabric that is used on marine vessels, the density of the fabric creates a layer that is impervious to dust and moisture. With all the positive qualities, it is also convenient to move. Dralon waterproof acrylic fabric keeps out snow and rain equally well and keeps you warm during long winter journeys. The tent has a 3.5″ closed-cell mattress that will help keep the extra warmth in. The mattress is available in three sizes: for one, two or three people. From above, if desired, you can additionally attach a cabinet or surfboard, which is convenient for long journeys.

Price: 169300 rubles.

Tepui Ayer - entry level

Pros: price
Cons: not very high when unfolded
If you have only $1,000 to purchase a camping tent, then you need to understand that you will have to save on something when choosing. The entire line of these tents is made without flaws, two people can easily accommodate there. The fabric is made with a poly/cotton blend, although it is usually used in more expensive tents. The tent is treated with a special composition to resist UV - fading, mold. Water repellent finish applied. Tents should be enough for active use for 4 seasons. The exterior is made of PVC. When folded, it weighs 95 kg. And it measures 2.1 meters long, 1.2 meters wide, 1 meter high. These are very modest sizes. But for a fan of budget travel, this is the way out.

Price: 47800 rubles.

The Tamarack Constellation - built to last

Pros: durable and lightweight material
Cons: not aerodynamic
If you want to spend money wisely, buy a quality thing for many years, you should pay attention to this tent. It is better to spend a little more money and buy a quality item. It is made with aluminum profiles and is therefore quite light. The poly/cotton fabric is flame retardant coated yet breathable. It has many windows for ventilation and light penetration. It is able to protect from rain and wind. The basis of the fabric is polyester and polyester 420d, which has good waterproofing.

Dimensions: unfolded length - 3 meters, width - 1.4 meters, and height - 1.2 meters. Weight 97 kg. There is enough space in it to put many more necessary things and various equipment. 5 cm foam mattress has a high density, it does not have mind-blowing qualities, but it is quite reliable. It has protection: against frost, rain, snow, mold, fire, ultraviolet. It is possible to order a smaller size Poler Le which is more affordable.

Price: 110300 rubles.

ARB Simpson III - an unexpected twist

Pros: breathable fabric
Cons: difficult to install on the car yourself
Let's face it, sometimes you stop at a campsite where it's hard to turn your tent as you want. This creates additional problems. This camping tent can be installed as you like: right, left, on the back of the car, it all depends on your needs. Poly/cotton fabric is breathable. Able to resist bad weather conditions, as it is treated with polyester. Dimensions: length - 2.4 m, width - 1.4 m and height 1.3 m. The tent is made by Australia's leading accessory manufacturer. You get a lot for this price. Basically it is suitable for use in the summer, as the cotton fabric gives a little light. Therefore, it is not quite suitable for an autumn-winter trip.

Price: 68500 rubles.

CVT Mt. McKinley - big

Pros: additional partition
Cons: heavy
If you have a large family, you cannot live without each other, you like to go camping overnight, you should consider this option. The main spacious sleeping area, 3.3 meters long, 2.2 meters wide, 1.2 meters high. Has two entrances. There is a private wall and a double mattress, which makes it possible to separate children or another couple. The bottom has an additional removable PVC layer. There is additional storage space, which can be transformed into an extra bed if necessary. Is that not enough for you? Then you can combine two departments into one and get a full-fledged large room. Almost like any other tent that is located on the roof of a car, it is made of poly/cotton, water and mold resistant. Not afraid of ultraviolet.