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Great amount people loves to spend their leisure time in the forest, picking mushrooms, but what such an action in a dream can mean is worth figuring out. To do this, try to remember as many details of the plot you saw as possible.

Why dream of mushrooms in the forest?

If you saw large mushrooms, this is a sign of profit that you can count on in the very near future. Seeing edible mushrooms in the forest means you don’t have to worry, because everything goes on as usual and the problems are left behind. A dream in which you had to look for mushrooms in the forest means that the circumstances will force the dreamer to seek help from. Another such plot may prophesy the emergence of new acquaintances.

Why do wormy mushrooms dream?

Such a dream should be taken as a warning that a close friend may soon betray. If the mushrooms were rotten, then it is better to take a closer look at your inner circle, since there are insincere people nearby.

Why dream a lot of mushrooms?

Seeing a large number of mushrooms in a dream is a good sign that predicts the receipt of various opportunities for one's own realization. If a person sees a lot of mushrooms, but does not collect them, it means that he will not be able to use the given chance.

Why dream of picking mushrooms?

A night vision in which you had to pick mushrooms indicates the opportunity to receive an unexpected reward. If a person collected poisonous mushrooms, then it is worth looking for a catch if an unreasonable salary increase or praise was received. A dream where you had to collect in the forest also promises an unexpected turn of events. Cutting mushrooms in a dream is a sign indicating the time has come when you can reap the fruits of your own labors. It may also mean that it's time to reprioritize or rethink plans.

The independent work of our subconscious during the night, deep sleep appears to us in the form of magical fantastic plots, the name of which is dreams, night dreams or dreams. These fantasies should be taken seriously and carefully, try to understand, unravel and comprehend what they want to convey to us, or maybe warn about something, good or bad, unknown, standing on our doorstep? It is in our power to figure it out and find out why a woman dreams of mushrooms? In order to accurately and most reliably decipher the magic clues given to us, first you need to remember all the details of what you dreamed about, preferably to the smallest detail, perhaps even write down what eludes your attention.

The mushroom itself is a mysterious and incomprehensible creature, semi-mystical, appearing in many legends and legends, since ancient times attracted the attention of people with its unusualness. It is an intermediate form between animal and flora, between ground and underground, present and otherworldly, living on both sides of the mirror.

A person sees only a tiny part of the huge branched organism of the mycelium with his own eyes on the surface of the earth and can touch it with his hands. Only the fruits, called mushrooms, we can see, pick and even cook the most delicious dishes from them. But they can also kill a person very quickly, instantly poisoning his body. The main part of this living being is hidden from us in underworld, penetrating vast distances with invisible threads.

Dreams in which mushrooms are present can be found in hundreds and even thousands of different, sometimes conflicting interpretations and meanings. It all depends on the smallest details:

  • what dreamed mushroom;
  • the number of mushrooms;
  • names of mushrooms, whether they are edible or poisonous;
  • actions performed with them: they collected, looked at, ate, accepted or gave away as a gift, or maybe they just trampled on them.

Maybe it was a simple food made from mushrooms, like mushroom soup, or maybe an expensive gourmet dish from restaurant cuisine?

All these endless questions are interpreted by numerous dream books that have been living among the people for thousands of years and compiled by ancient and modern interpreters of dreams.

Most dream books tend to be positive and joyful interpretations of dreams in which various mushrooms appear. They predict a good, prosperous and rich life; close marriage or pregnancy; good luck in household and business affairs; help of true friends and relatives; reward for conscientious work; the absence of big troubles and potholes on the road of life. But there are also negative predictions that carry negative information - serious illnesses, premature aging, portending evil deceit and trouble, a serious risk of getting into an awkward situation and even death, one's own or close and dear people! You need to understand this in more detail and scrupulously in order to prevent negative events in your life, if possible, or at least minimize them.

What dreams predict good for us

Of course, those dreams in which we experience pleasure and peace are bright, colorful, with the participation of people close to us, relatives, friends. When you wake up enchanted by what you see, with a light heart and a good mood!

Certain varieties of dreaming mushrooms have their own meaning:

  1. Honey mushrooms will dream of small money matters, pleasant chores, or they will predict the birth of a long-awaited heir in the family.
  2. Chanterelles will notify you about a pregnancy that will take place outside the box, with complications, or about empty chores that will not change anything in your life and will not bring anything new, fried chanterelles will predict the imminent birth of a daughter who looks like a mother to a young woman.
  3. Russula predict mild and interesting life.
  4. Dreaming of champignons predict the imminent birth of a child, flirting and romance with a wealthy reliable man, an established family life, an unexpected gift or a big profit.

You need to be attentive and notice the smallest details in a dream in order to correctly interpret the dream. .

It all depends on what kind of mushroom you dreamed about. And what actions took place in your dream.

Clean, strong, edible mushrooms in a forest clearing portend a long-awaited gift or an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise. To see one big mushroom - a boletus, means to show extraordinary wisdom in business, to give valuable advice to a relative or friend, to prove oneself a true connoisseur of life.

Why dream of edible mushrooms? Mushrooms with bright red caps, for example, aspen mushrooms, will be harbingers of a bright and ardent, unusually strong passion that will bring new impressions into your life and make you look at many things from a different, previously unknown side.

Finding mushrooms in a dream is a good sign! Perhaps this will destroy your familiar world and force you to take a new path.

A full basket of selected mushrooms dreamed:

  • to wealth and prosperity in your home;
  • to quick cash receipts;
  • to expensive gifts.

For an unmarried girl, the same basket is a sign of an imminent wedding, a meeting with a long-awaited betrothed. For a woman who has been married for a long time - longevity and happiness in family life, a calm old age in the circle of her family.

Picking mushrooms alone in a dream, for a girl means an imminent meeting with a chosen one, for a young woman who has recently married - a possible replenishment in the family, for an older person - veneration in the family and recognition of her merits.

If a woman dreamed that she was picking mushrooms with close relatives, and they help her and put mushrooms, filling her basket, this means that prosperity reigns in the family and relatives will never leave her in trouble, she can always count on their help and support , attention and care. If you dreamed of a beautiful light new house, around which a lot of colorful mushrooms, pleasing to the eye, grow, this means that you are under the reliable protection of relatives and friends who will always be your support in illness and health. And the more mushrooms you see, the more numerous are the ranks of your good friends.

Picking mushrooms, accompanied by a husband or loved one, predicts a pleasant pastime in his campaign, warns of an imminent meeting, and getting a lot of pleasant impressions and troubles from this. But if your bucket or basket is suddenly empty in a dream, then this is a warning - you should not give vent to emotions in reality, you can turn everything into a big scandal and quarrel, say too much in a rush and later regret it. Although this quarrel will serve to strengthen your relationship after a big frank conversation. The main thing is to be sincere and friendly during this conversation and demand the same from your soulmate. In any case, it is better to forgive or give in than to inflate an unnecessary scandal and spoil relations with your loved one.

In general, a full basket of edible selected mushrooms symbolizes joy, good luck, cash receipts, gifts, love of loved ones, care shown towards you. And also everything that a woman's life is valuable:

  • birth of children;
  • marriage;
  • personal and family health;
  • carefree life;
  • cozy house;
  • respect and love for children.

If a woman picks mushrooms from a tree or stump in a dream, then most likely this dream speaks of the wisdom she has finally acquired and that her loved ones will expect sensible and practical things from her. useful tips assistance in family and household matters.

Picking mushrooms in a dream for someone who has been busy with many days of painstaking and exhausting work means that it will be completed soon and the results will be very pleasing, bring new cash receipts and satisfaction from the work done.

Why do you dream of the mushrooms you collected in a dream? Collecting mushrooms for pickling in a dream tells that pleasant family chores are coming, and perhaps a more profitable job offer will be received.

Picking mushrooms can warn of the need to carefully calibrate your life plans, think carefully and weigh everything before making a fateful decision. Be attentive and careful, and then your life will change for the better.

I dreamed of large mushrooms, significantly exceeding your height, a very good sign, which means that your life and wisdom will be appreciated by others, and you will earn universal respect and honor.

Mushrooms are rightly considered a very tasty food, many dishes are prepared from them. Often a person sees in a dream:

  • what he eats himself;
  • treats other people with mushrooms;
  • feed him himself.

If you dream that you are eating salted mushrooms, then everything in your life depends not only on you, but also on your true friends and relatives. They will help you find a way out of a delicate situation, save your good name and reputation, save and protect your honor and dignity, and stop attempts to discredit you. And eating mushrooms in sour cream, in general, is a direct indication not only of longevity, but also of a secure comfortable life and wealth, the prosperity of your family. A festive dinner in the family circle with mushroom dishes on a beautifully laid table promises you abundance in the house, good luck and wealth.

But cooking a dish of red chanterelles is a completely different matter, this is to make an important decision that affects your whole future life and, possibly, your career, to a new and successful appointment, promotion, promotion, eat them - for the upcoming festivities and celebrations .

If in a dream you collect milk mushrooms, strong, juicy, crispy, and then salt them, it means that in reality you will find responsible and difficult work or a task that takes a lot of time and effort. You should show patience and endurance, and you will do everything with honor and will have the opportunity to climb the career ladder, consolidating your great success, leading you to material rewards. And also success in business and work will be predicted by young boletus and saffron mushrooms, if in a dream you carefully and painstakingly fill your large basket to the top with them.

To collect and clean the waves - to a suddenly opened craving for money-grubbing and hoarding, saving money for future use for some vague and illegible goals.

Gather, cut and clean mushrooms, cook dishes from them - to the absence of financial difficulties, material prosperity and financial well-being, to the realization of the most daring fantasies and ideas in life, to a successful investment of money and filling the family budget.

These will be unpleasant dreams, when a person wakes up with a feeling of depression and anxiety, often cannot remember the elusive details, but knows for sure that the dream was bad, unpleasant and even creepy. Roughly these are the dreams:

  • old, rotten, falling apart in the hands of mushrooms;
  • before our eyes, turning into dust and decay, selected, freshly harvested mushrooms;
  • they collected beautiful grebes and fly agarics, or, in general, they ate them.

The meaning of dreams about mushrooms is great and extensive, we still have a lot to learn about them. It is worth spending your time and attention to learn as much as possible about it.

Such dreams portend troubles, failures, difficult life moments, betrayals and losses. It is necessary to understand this in more detail, since here everything also depends on the details and trifles seen, noticed and realized by you.

To dream of a lot of old, wormy mushrooms, and even more so to collect them, means poor health, illness, approaching old age.

Collecting blackened mushrooms means the approach of big troubles from the husband or children, perhaps big changes are coming in your family life and these changes will not be pleasant.

Uprooting mushrooms, trampling them, crushing them instead of picking them up means that a woman is in for very big troubles that she herself will not be able to cope with and she will need someone's help, most likely strangers and distant people. Collecting bright and beautiful fly agarics means that in real life everything will not go as the woman expects and the dream informs her that she has gone astray and changes for the worse will occur in her life. It is worth reviewing your life and behavior in advance in order to avoid major troubles, discuss everything with a close friend and ask for practical and independent advice, ask to evaluate everything, looking from the outside and without prejudice.

It also happens that a woman has a dream in which she eats bad mushrooms - old, wormy, or poisonous toadstools and fly agaric. This is a bad dream.

If a woman sees that she is eating inedible bright mushrooms, this is:

  1. To gossip and gossip behind your back.
  2. To accusations of infidelity and treason.
  3. To scandals in the family and disobedience of children.
  4. To the betrayal of friends.

The same dream for a girl portends an unsuccessful and unhappy marriage, in which she will experience humiliation and insults, loss of her own dignity. And also this dream can talk about the need have a nice rest, mental and physical.

The wormy and old mushrooms that you pick up portend adultery and trouble, the betrayal of your husband, his possible departure from the family. Or the acquisition of a vice that is dangerous for the family - drunkenness, gambling, drug addiction. And dreaming of inedible mushrooms can notify you of a possible evil eye and damage to you.

Try not to give enemies a chance - be careful and careful.

Do not leave unattended and do not scatter your personal items outside the walls of your house, because most of the slander and conspiracies are performed on personal items, and mushrooms are used as a magic potion.

If you dreamed of a mushroom in which you see a worm, then this portends you an imminent serious illness.

Searching for mushrooms in an unusual place for growing mushrooms suggests that in real life you will soon become an attractive object of gossip, evil gossip and offensive rumors.

Dreaming of a large meadow of mushrooms that is emptying before your eyes

Why dream of a meadow of mushrooms? If in a dream the clearing is naked and empty, this means that you were slow and unhurried and missed your chance to change your life for the better. And in the near foreseeable future, you will no longer have such a chance:

All this means that people who are not actually your friends have crept into your environment. .

And if you do not take emergency measures, they will prevent you from realizing your high hopes or spoil the holiday in your home. Imaginary friends will surely mislead you and try to benefit for themselves from your adversity, you will have to refute unfounded rumors and accusations.

If you dreamed that you yourself were a mushroom, it means that in real life you will have to take on a very big responsibility and carry this difficult load through your whole life.

Dried or dried mushrooms strung on a string in a dream are a harbinger of routine and an ascetic life, where every day will be dull and similar to the previous one like two drops of water. Buying or selling such mushrooms portends a happy and successful purchase in reality.

If a wormy mushroom got into a basket of mushrooms in a dream, then, most likely, a very close friend or friend will betray a woman in reality. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings so that the blow is not sudden and painful.

Someone persistently treats you to mushrooms in a dream

Most likely, in life you will have to listen to the accusation of what you have never done. And even in my thoughts I could not allow such a thing.

Why dream of washing and cleaning mushrooms? Carefully cleaning and sorting mushrooms in a dream means fatigue from the fast pace of life and the need for a long rest.

Throwing mushrooms in a dream is also a bad sign. You will most likely have to:

  • rebuild your own life, having gone through adversity and hardship;
  • to lose someone close and dear;
  • lose property.

There are raw mushrooms - in reality, experience unreasonable suspicions of relatives. There are a lot of mushrooms, which means that in reality your big problem is out of your control. You will try with all your might to get the better of the situation, but you should not do this. Everything will be decided by itself, and you will only need to reach out and take a well-deserved prize. Do not waste precious time and energy on something that will be yours after some time.

It is bad to see in a dream how someone brews a potion or some kind of brew from mushrooms. This dream tells the woman that someone from her inner circle is trying to harm her, to defame and slander her in every possible way.

To see mushrooms in someone's hands in a dream, the appearance of someone else's mushroom picker, means the need to be careful. You can voluntarily or unwittingly harm someone close to you. Offend, offend for nothing, humiliate with a word, inflict mental pain, make an enemy for the rest of your life.

Buying mushrooms in a dream is very bad. Most likely, you are waiting for lost profits, unreasonable haste in the desire to increase your capital, an unhealthy desire to get rich at the expense of others and, as a result, possibly a lawsuit.

If in a dream mushrooms grow from personal things, then in real life there will be no changes, everything will go smoothly and measuredly,

Dreams about mushrooms always bring us warnings and clues, you just need to be able to read and understand them correctly. It would also be nice to interpret them in relation to the day of the week on which the dream occurred. To be able to identify dreams that are truly fateful, especially those related to financial situation, financial well-being, suggest ways to resolve disputes and conflicts, reconcile parties, ways out of material problems, predict harmful and favorable consequences with equal probability.

Seeing mushrooms in the forest in a dream, you can count on making a profit, if, of course, they were edible, and you dreamed of picking them, dream books suggest. But the poisonous representatives of the mushroom world, their collection, or the thoughtless destruction of edible mushrooms warn of possible troubles. To find out why a particular plot is dreaming, small details of a dream and some of its nuances will help.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller believes that if you dreamed of a lot of mushrooms in the forest, then this means a painful desire to get a lot of profit, and no matter how: earn, win, profit from investments, sue.

Did you happen to look for large mushrooms in the forest? Such a vision means that you can disgrace yourself in front of everyone. Particular attention to this interpretation of sleep should be given to a young unmarried girl, because it will be very difficult for her to “clear” her name.

Collect edible mushrooms: From sluggishness to activity

Interested in what dreams of picking up forest mushrooms in a place protected from outside encroachment? Medea's dream book assures that this is a sign that the dreamer will have a lot of minor problems that will spoil the mood for a long time.

Freud, in his dream book, claims that picking porcini mushrooms in a forest in a dream is a sign of increased sexual activity.

Do you see that you came to the forest to collect mushrooms, but everywhere you find only cut legs? This speaks of your sluggishness. You should learn self-organization, dream books suggest.

Toadstools as a symbol of trouble

And here is how the interpreters of dreams explain the picking up of poisonous mushrooms in the forest in night dreams: you risk being deceived. See a lot of fly agarics? There is a hypocrite in your environment who can stab in the back.

Find a mushroom clearing in a dream, but, looking closely, understand that all mushrooms are poisonous - a symbol of the fact that you are hoping for some business in vain, you will not be able to realize it, just waste your time.

And if you find that you cut a lot of forest mushrooms, but they all turned out to be inedible, then, according to the dream books, such a vision speaks of your incompetence in some matters.

Unsuccessful "hunt", or Be on the lookout!

Did you see in a night vision that you picked up a full basket of porcini mushrooms in the forest, but they stole them from you? Why dream of such an attack, the Modern Dream Book will tell you: it is likely that a loved one will deceive you. And if the dreamed white fungi turned out to be wormy, then this means that you will suffer bitter disappointment in someone.

To collect a full basket of boletus in a dream and lose it is a signal of the disclosure of personal secrets. The consequences will be especially offensive if the boletus in your dream were large.

But in a dream, collecting a large number of chanterelles in half with grebes or fly agarics is a symbol of a risky event. But if you dreamed that there were most of the chanterelles in the basket, then you can hope for a successful outcome, the interpreter of pastor Loff's dreams pleases.

Seeing mushroom picking in a dream is a positive symbol, portending good luck in business, fulfillment cherished desires, material enrichment and profit. Also, the image seen in night dreams can also have negative meanings: for example, fly agaric dreams of the activity of ill-wishers and the intrigues of competitors. To compile the most accurate interpretation, it is recommended to take into account all the details of sleep: description, appearance, condition and other characteristics of mushrooms, own actions, type of forest, etc. Coniferous dreams of the pleasure of visiting a cultural event, going on a visit. Birch - to the joy and satisfaction that the dreamer will feel after the conscientious performance of the work.

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    Who had a dream?

    The meaning of a dream may vary depending on the gender and marital status of the sleeping person:

    • If a free woman dreamed of picking mushrooms, she is waiting for increased attention from a pleasant young man.
    • married lady such an image promises the care and love that a spouse will show.
    • pregnant mushrooms dream of happiness, joy, pleasant chores with a baby, easy pregnancy.
    • To dream about mushrooms for a man- to good luck in work, affairs, business. The dreamer will be lucky everywhere - even in small things.

    If a girl or a young man dreamed of a soulmate picking mushrooms, you can expect a happy, long, strong and trusting relationship.

    Characteristics of mushrooms

    Initially, you should try to remember which mushrooms you dreamed about, how they looked. Options may be as follows:

    type of mushroom Dream interpretation
    RussulaPleasant household chores are coming, preparation for something; time spent with family members
    White mushroomTo receive a bonus, win, salary increase, financial enrichment
    boletusHelp will come from friends, relatives when a person is in a difficult situation
    ChanterelleTo the hassle, unnecessary actions and acquisitions
    ChampignonGood luck, success in all endeavors
    fly agaricTo hostility, activity of ill-wishers, intrigues of competitors and rivals
    ToadstoolTo gossip, rumors and insults due to envy
    breastEither to unexpected profit, gain, or financial loss
    VolnushkaTo a gradual increase in income, enjoyment and joy from work
    Blackhead (black boletus)It will be possible to find out the real state of affairs, to find out the truth about something
    Krasnogolovik (boletus)A symbol of good mood, joy, fun, happiness and success in all endeavors
    GingerSymbolizes awkwardness, embarrassment, shame
    Butter dishTo be rewarded for your honest work
    honey agaricTo the opening of new prospects, success and luck, active work
    tree fungusTo promises that will be extremely difficult to realize

    It is important to remember the number of dreamed mushrooms. If there were a lot of them, a person will be lucky in business, he will discover new opportunities, prospects for himself. Few (less than ten) - everything will happen exactly as it was intended. One or two mushrooms - to disappointment, empty hopes.

    You should also consider the state of the mushrooms, how they looked:

    Description, characteristics, appearance Dream interpretation
    Beautiful, whole, edibleTo career growth, material prosperity, the absence of big problems, a carefree life, joy, fulfillment of desires
    PoisonousOne of the rivals, ill-wishers conceived something unkind towards a person or his relatives, family, friends
    Rotten, ruinedTo deceit, betrayal, sorrow, disappointment, resentment
    WormySomeone close to you is a liar or a hypocrite
    moldyTo bad luck, unpleasant surprises, lies
    Narcotic containing psilocybinTo sudden discoveries, reflection, reflections on one's own life
    Fresh and aromaticTo pleasant surprises, joy, happiness
    Atypical, unusual color (blue, green, orange, purple, pink, etc.)To the emergence of unexpected opportunities, new acquaintances
    Plastic, toys, decorativeTo illusions, deceit, omissions, lies
    Growing and growing before our eyesThe inner circle considers the dreamer a wise person, listens to his opinion

    I dreamed of a big mushroom (of a huge size) - to make a profit, win, a large amount of money. Small - to an insignificant, but pleasant material benefit.

    Own actions

    The key point in compiling the interpretation of the image is what actions the dreamer performed:

    Actions Dream interpretation
    Find mushrooms in the forest already cooked (boiled, salted, dried, fried, etc.)To great luck, luck, happiness and joy
    eat rawTo the manifestation of impatience, which greatly interferes with business
    Long search but not foundA sign of empty hopes and vain expectations
    Search for a very long time, very tiredIt will be possible to achieve the desired result only in case of hard work
    UprootMan does not appreciate what he has
    Cut carefully with a knifeA man or woman will appreciate what they get as a result of their hard work.
    trample under footThe dreamer will lose good chances and prospects by making a stupid mistake
    Steal from another mushroom picker's basketTo envy, jealousy, or committing a vile, dishonest act in relation to a familiar person
    Give to another mushroom pickerA sign of indulging other people's weaknesses in real life
    Watching someone collectTo joy for a friend or acquaintance
    Collect a whole basket (bucket, basket, etc.)To great luck, justified hopes, happiness
    Collect quite a bit, at the bottom of the basketA person expects more than he gets in the end
    Run around the meadow in search of a crop, accidentally knocking down mushrooms with your feetWaking portends an unreasonable haste, which will become a big obstacle in business, work
    Plant and then pick mushroomsThe conceived business will bring income, investments (both financial and any other) will pay off in full
    Search and consider, but do not take with youTo self-doubt, doubts, impasse
    Walk in the meadow and enjoy natureTo inner harmony, happiness, peace of mind

    It is also important to take into account who else was present in the dream, in addition to the dreamer:

    • Collect mushrooms in a dream yourself (alone)- to success, which can be achieved without the help of friends, relatives, acquaintances.
    • With a lover or lover- to a strong and happy relationship, reciprocity, support for each other in everything.
    • With mom or dad- to have a good time with family, relatives.
    • With the deceased (a familiar person who has already died)- to receive an inheritance or find, obtain valuable information.
    • With a stranger- to communication, meeting with a person with whom common affairs, plans and goals will appear.

    What was the forest like?

    The terrain, the environment, the surrounding space in a dream also play an important role. You need to try to remember what the forest was like:

    • Coniferous- to get pleasure from visiting some event, going to visit.
    • Birch- to the joy and satisfaction received as a result of work.
    • Pine- be able to win in financial disputes.
    • Mixed- to change.

    I had to walk through the dead forest (with rotten, fallen trees) in search of mushrooms - a sign that a girl or a man is setting priorities incorrectly. In pursuit of money, profit, success, the dreamer will lose loved ones. You should think about your behavior, reconsider relationships with friends, family, acquaintances. Otherwise, the sleeper will be left alone.

    When did you have to pick mushrooms?

    The season in night dreams speaks of the internal state of a person in the near future:

    • Looking for mushrooms in winter- to the loss of an opportunity, which you will later have to greatly regret, repent.
    • autumn- to luck and financial enrichment, in which intuition will help.
    • spring- to moral preparation, expectation of something.
    • In summer- to sudden joy, getting pleasure from household trifles, inner harmony.

    I dreamed of harvesting under a mushroom rain - to successfully developing circumstances that would lead to the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

    Interpretations of popular dream books

    There are other interpretations of the image seen in night dreams. Some popular dream books interpret the dream of picking mushrooms in their own way:

    dream interpretation Interpretation
    FreudPicking edible, beautiful mushrooms is a symbol of the absence of problems in intimate life. If they were with mold, worms, rot - to shameful love, the emergence of unhealthy sexual desires
    MillerA sign of impending health problems due to the appearance of some kind of addiction, a bad habit. It can be related to alcohol, food, smoking, as well as anything intangible.
    WangiCollect edible, beautiful mushrooms in the forest - good luck, joy, receiving gifts; rotten - to disappointment in a close friend, betrayal, deceit
    HasseThe dream interpretation portends vain work that will not pay off in full. A person will experience a lot of obstacles, difficulties on his way, which will prevent him from achieving his desired goals.
    TsvetkovaThe plot promises the dreamer or dreamer a happy life until old age, the joy of household chores and warm relationships with relatives
    ModernPicking mushrooms dreams of a comfortable old age, good luck in business, working on oneself, which will favorably affect the future
    Simone KananitaThe dream interpretation portends a material benefit to a woman or a man after a long, tedious, hard and painstaking work.
    21st centuryHarvesting a mushroom crop is a messenger of pleasant household chores, material gain, or the emergence of a highly paid job.
    LoffaEdible mushrooms are a sign of pleasant surprises, news that will bring joy and happiness. Inedible dreams of disappointment, trouble, grief or longing, boredom
    LongoThe business started will go uphill. A person should not worry about future difficulties. If you transfer them with dignity, then in the future the situation will improve, and great luck will accompany your work.
    NostradamusA dream promises a girl or a man danger, deceit, theft, a meeting with scammers or intrigues of ill-wishers
    Dmitry and Nadezhda ZimaMushrooms collected in a dream mean unnecessary acquisitions in real life. The dreamer will have to get rid of some people in the environment, things, thoughts, activities, habits, and the like.

Some people have exceptionally good dreams. And others several times a week talk about their nightmares or very unpleasant dreams. Why is this happening? It can be assumed, that good people good dreams.

It would be fair, but, unfortunately, everything is not so simple. It turns out that the theme of our dreams largely depends on heredity. People whose dreams are pleasant usually boast excellent health and a stable psyche. But rheumatic, hypertensive, diabetic, suffering from heart disease, and in a dream are worried.

Doctors associate terrible dreams with diseases of ancestors, one way or another inherited. Blood diseases, alcoholism, mental illness, cancer - these are the diseases that we can potentially repeat. And yet, this is only a predisposition that can be avoided by leading a healthy lifestyle and observing moral principles.

Dreams about mushrooms are usually positive in content. Although there are times when horrors are associated with them. Often dreams about mushroom picking and cooking come to us during the mushroom season. What is surprising in the fact that a lover of "silent hunting" in a dream wanders through the forest with a basket? Then sleep means only one thing - it's time to get together in nature. But if mushrooms were dreamed of by someone who does not even think about collecting them, it is worth looking into the dream book to deal with an unexpected dream.

  • Collect mushrooms- work will be rewarded.
  • poisonous mushrooms- a happy accident will save you from trouble.
  • Put edible mushrooms in a basket, and after seeing toadstools in him - unpaid work, deceit in business.
  • Find only worm mushrooms- mind your own business, fail.
  • There are cooked strong mushrooms- live to a ripe old age.
  • There are mushrooms in sour cream- a life in abundance.
  • Bite off a mushroom and see a worm- loss of property or money because of a person you trust.
  • If a girl saw such a dream- a certain young man may turn out to be a gigolo.

It happens that dreaming mushrooms symbolize bad inclinations and reprehensible plans for enrichment. When a person in reality starts a case that threatens with litigation, dreaming mushrooms serve as a warning against unseemly acts.

For a woman in love with a married man and planning to destroy someone else's family, this dream also does not portend success.

If you saw in a dream a beautiful forest full of mushrooms, it is quite possible that you need rest and emotional relief. Do something exciting and useful, find yourself a hobby.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Picking mushrooms is a reward; seeing poisonous mushrooms is a lucky chance. If you eat mushrooms in a dream, you will live a long life.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

The mushroom is the symbol of the phallus. If you see a lot of mushrooms and collect them, your life is sexually rich, but you do not care about choosing partners.

Esoteric dream book

Picking mushrooms means a successful marriage, and for family people - improving family relationships. Seeing mushrooms means rapid aging, and eating them means long life and a clear mind.

Miller's dream book

To try mushrooms is to suffer humiliation in love, and if a young woman dreams of this, then the search for dubious pleasures and a careless attitude to property are quite likely.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

Seeing mushrooms in a dream is a sign of unhealthy desires, greed and haste in the pursuit of wealth, which can cause legal trouble. Eating mushrooms in a dream - to humiliation or other feelings, extremely unpleasant and unworthy. A young woman who sees mushrooms in a dream may soon experience pleasures that can be classified as dubious.

Aesop's dream book

Mushrooms are a warning and a call for caution, a sign of suspicion. In fairy tales and beliefs, for example, a fly agaric was used to brew a potion for witchcraft, damage, curses on people. But sometimes mushrooms in a dream symbolize wisdom. Often in the epic, the mushroom is a guard and a good spirit of the forest. Meeting with such a spirit prophesies good luck, prosperity and happy circumstances in everything.

If in a dream you find yourself in a mushroom meadow, then in real life you should be careful in dealing with people whom you consider your friends. They can start something evil against you and try to mislead you.

A basket of mushrooms seen in a dream promises an unpleasant situation soon, when you have to refute accusations and suspicions that have no basis. If in a dream someone was ahead of you in picking mushrooms, leaving you only legs, it means that because of your suspicion, you may miss a happy opportunity to change everything for the better in life. Wormy mushrooms - to illness or trouble. If in a dream you suddenly see yourself as a mushroom, in reality you will become more responsible and you will have new additional responsibilities.

Try mushroom soup in a dream. You will be overcome by unpleasant doubts and suspicions associated with a person close to you. You will suspect him of an unworthy act.

If in a dream you see mushrooms that instantly grow in front of you to huge ones, it means that you will be appreciated by your inner circle, and your wisdom will become a subject of delight for them.

Culinary dream book

Picking mushrooms in a dream is a harbinger of a successful purchase, which will turn into unexpected luck.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Mushrooms seen in a dream warn of an imminent "black streak" in life

Dream Interpretation Food

If in a dream you go to the forest for mushrooms, then soon you will make a very successful purchase.

Lunar dream book

If you dreamed of mushrooms, then they will definitely help you with advice and support you if you seek help.

Correct dream book

Mushrooms in a dream are an unpleasant sign that means the appearance of wrong desires in life, the risk of losing money and the desire to experience dubious pleasure.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing inedible mushrooms in a dream is considered a good sign that promises profit.

If a woman picks mushrooms in a dream - to an addition to the family.

Dreamed of dried mushrooms - a bad sign.

Eat mushrooms - for a long life.

To see mushrooms in a dream is to meet a fool in reality.