Dolmens fulfill cherished desires. A wave of luck or or the keys to the fulfillment of desires in August Dolmen of the fulfillment of desires

The glory of Gelendzhik is not only seaside resorts. Old-timers know many places where cherished dreams come true. To believe in miracles or not - everyone decides for himself, but in any case, a walk along the picturesque paths of legends will become one of the most vivid memories of the holiday season.

What can magic do?

Before appealing to unknown forces, it is worthwhile to understand that no magic will do for us what we are obliged to do for ourselves. If you do not book a hotel room before leaving for the resort, the roof over your head does not materialize from space. So you will have to call hotels in Gelendzhik and solve other everyday problems on your own. Magic is in charge of global matters - fortune, health, nuances of family relationships and the great secret of love.

Where wishes come true: top 5 places of power in Gelendzhik

What does a person need to be happy? Health, prosperity, a strong family and a little bit of luck. If the legends do not lie, then after a vacation in Gelendzhik life will become a full bowl, but for this you need to visit five places of power.

Dolmen Valley in the Kupriyanov gorge in the Olympus park. Five megaliths, created in the image and likeness of ancient religious buildings, are not inferior in strength to the real ones. Each megalith has its own specialization: locals they will show you which dolmen you should address with requests for health, love, luck, fulfillment of desires and awakening of talents. Having entered the megalith, feel free to ask the spirits for help - they almost never refuse anyone.

Stone bowl with "living" waterbusiness card Lake Aya. According to belief, a sip spring water flowing into the bowl, gives longevity. A few steps away, as expected, a key with "dead" water is found. Having bathed in it, you can get healing from chronic diseases.

wish tree at the source of the Bigussky waterfall. To improve financial affairs, you need to tie a red ribbon on a tree branch, and blue or green for good luck.

Fountain of Lovers on the embankment. If you stand on a bronze globe on a par with a sculptural group depicting a young couple, and throw a stone into the sea from there, then soon you will meet love. And if you already have a soulmate, the marriage will be faithful and happy.

And finally, for those who are not afraid to look fate in the eye, it remains to visit the authentic ancient Dolmen in the Safari Park. Having spent the night next to him, you can see your future in a dream or get an answer to an important question.

After mystical passions, you will surely want peace and comfort. Luxury hotel complexes will gladly open their doors to meet a weary traveler. Comfortable 4-star hotels on the city map or on the popular portal regularly publish and update information about availability.

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We have already visited, rode a Ferris wheel and admired the beautiful views of the city and the Gelendzhik Bay ...

But it's time to go down.

Near each dolmen there is a sign with its name. But, unfortunately, there are no instructions on what to do next to each of them. And, in my opinion, it would not hurt - additional entertainment for tourists.

Not far from the Dolmen of Love stands a small stele-totem Many Faces - the good spirit of this place. As you can see, he has many faces. It stands right by a mountain stream and, apparently, protects the Dolmen Valley from flooding.

Stela-totem Many-faced

You can climb mountain paths to the highest Olympus park.

But the children were already tired after a whole day of walking in the park, and we returned to the city.

View from Olympus to the sea

We still need to have time to eat, relax a little and go for a walk on the Gelendzhik embankment to admire.

View from Mount Olympus to Tolstoy Cape

It was a pity to leave, but we will return to Olympus!

However, we were not in too much of a hurry and still walked on top of the bypass road of Gelendzhik and admired the beautiful mountain junction.

Interchange of Gelendzhik bypass road

It is a pleasure to travel on such roads of the world, isn't it?

The road from Olympus to the center of Gelendzhik

Did you like our walk through the Dolmen Valley?

Have you been there? Did you make wishes? And how did something come true?

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Visiting Gelendzhik and not seeing the dolmens is the same as going to Egypt and not seeing the pyramids. After waiting for the end of the downpour, which unexpectedly postponed the trip, I was able to agree with an experienced guide and explorer of these places ... And finally I was able to see the dolmens with my own eyes.

Dogs love the central dolmen...

Dolmens - the place of power of the Zhane River (Gelendzhik)

As I wrote earlier (see material:) I managed to get to the area of ​​the Zhane River in Gelendzhik, a place known by the Anastasievites (many call them a sect) and the presence of many dolmens.
Despite the fact that the day before it had been cold rain, and according to the weather forecast, it had to go for another three days, on the day when we were supposed to be with our guide (Vladimir Vlasovich Kosolapov), the sun shone brightly from the very morning ... As if an unknown force dispersed clouds, despite the opinion of the Roshydrometeorological center ...

Kosolapov Vladimir Vlasovich - famous explorer dolmens

The path to the dolmens lay through the forest and the shallow Zhane River itself.

Also in the village of Vozrozhdenie in this very valley of the Zhane River, in the forest and in the clearings, there are many tent campers hanging out. Among them are Hare Krishnas, Shaivites, Anastasievites, hippies, etc. They live there quite peacefully and amicably ...


And here is the central dolmen "Ecumenical" itself. Our guide did not recommend climbing into the dolmen. Nevertheless, many climbed there with their children.

They say dolmens grant wishes. I don’t know - I didn’t check :) I would like to listen to the people who were there and their life improved significantly.

In general, do you know why it is impossible to climb into dolmens?
I will tell only the basic theory (without burial grounds and other things - otherwise they say the Anastasievites collect (scrape off) the inside of the dolmen and make tea with it ... Will there be much useful in the carrion? after all, people were buried there ...). So, let's imagine that a person is a light bulb - and instead of 220 volts per light bulb they will give more ... What can happen? It will burn ... And a person who is unprepared can go crazy. There is a story - when they say that a young couple climbed into a dolmen and spent the night there. In the morning, the girl spoke in verse, like the guy. Which began to look a little different ...
There is one more story to tell - very similar to the truth, they say that a young couple with a baby came to the dolmens and left the baby (naked, which is interesting) to frolic nearby. Well, both parents (some idiots) climbed inside the dolmen ... When they nevertheless got out of the dolmen, it turned out that the baby was gutted by foxes ... They managed to save the guy - and he now lives in Gelendzhik ...

The dog is crazy... They say they love energy places...

Right dolmen. Harmonies. In energy - one feels the hidden strength and power. A little later, talking with a historian guide, I told him about my feelings.
At the same time, he said that the right and left dolmens were hard in terms of energy, and the central dolmen studied goodness and warmth. And in general, it was nice to be next to him ... Smiling, the guide replied that the side dolmens were of the male type, and the central one was of the female type :) It was clear that he was pleased with the coincidence of sensations coming from the dolmens with historical theory ...

The sun is certainly not the best for filming - but as it is!

Tomorrow I will try to finish the 2nd part about the dolmens of the Zhane River and a little later I will post the 3rd part - an interview with a historian who has been studying dolmens all his life ...

2 part.

Journey to the Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Lazarevskoye

On the evening of December 11, our group of 15 people arrived at the base in the village of Lazarevskoye, Krasnodar Territory. After accommodation in the rooms and evening exercise, having dinner with the hospitable owners of the mini-hotel, everyone went to rest.

In the early morning of December 12, a 20-seater mini-bus arrived for us, the driver, who was Sergey, who met us at the Adler airport and subsequently transported us along the entire route of the trip.

After breakfast and a short gathering, everyone cheerfully plunged into a mini-bus and moved towards the gorge of the village. Soloniki, where the local ranger and local historian Vladimir was waiting for us, who later accompanied us when climbing the mountain along its slopes.

After a rather long steep ascent, the group first went to a picturesque waterfall on a mountain stream, and only then to the first two Dolmens of the dolmen group located on this mountain.

We called the first Dolmen "Old Man", as it is a rather large trough-shaped dolmen with a fallen lid and a pyramidal upper ledge located to the left of the portal. The dolmen is notable for the fact that in the center of the broken and slid down lid there is a hole resembling the shape and size of a dolmen portal. And also the view of the rock itself has a rounded shape from below and a strange scaly surface of the base. The impression is that the whole rock was processed from below instrumentally and delivered from another place.

The whole group noted the fact that being on the dolmen "Old Man", people felt relieved after a long climb. Lost breath. There was a desire to think about the eternal, to admire the beauties of the surrounding gorge. Apparently, the energies passing through the Dolmen have a beneficial effect on a person, which was also noted by Mehdi, being on the surface of the Dolmen. Vladimir told the group members that there were several Dolmens in the area, which disappeared from their places without a trace, which is confirmed by other witnesses of these events. Moreover, they were in hard-to-reach places, for any equipment, and the process of dismantling and export is rather difficult. Which once again reminds of the mysterious forces associated with the Dolmens.

To the right of the Dolmen "Old Man" adjoins a smaller Dolmen, also trough-shaped with a whole, but cracked lid. He was called Dolmen "Grandson".

The energy of that place also turned out to be positive and even healing. Holding hands and forming a circle around the Dolmen, on the advice of Mehdi, closing their eyes, everyone made a wish. Touching the Dolmen in its back part, a warm zone was discovered and several members of the group felt relief of pain in the joints of the legs, this especially helped Radik, as it removed chronic pain. Also, in the area of ​​​​this Dolmen, a member of the group Vlad noticed an ancient burial in the form of a barrow with masonry of identical stones, to which Vladimir said that this, apparently, was not a plundered medieval burial. Here Mehdi felt that the Dolmens, perhaps, are a means of communication for the inhabitants of an ancient antediluvian civilization, their age is from 10 to 15 thousand years. They were used for warning over long distances about enemy raids and warning about events in a specific area. The Dolmen chambers are frequency resonators, the Dolmens themselves stand above the faults. ancient civilization could communicate telepathically and, entering into resonance with the energies of the earth in the resonator chamber of the Dolmens, the thought was transmitted at a distance to that Dolmen, which corresponded to the same frequency characteristics. The inhabitants of that civilization were much larger than people in size, and the construction of Dolmens was not difficult for them. This is just a theory, but it has the right to life and is confirmed by the sensations of the strongest psychic. In any case, the location of the Dolmens above the faults in the earth's crust and the shape of the resonance chamber speak of the energy purpose of the Dolmens. Possibly, these are also accumulators of energy clots, since all of them had massive plugs in the portals or traps for the same plasmoids, born by faults during the movement of the layers of the earth's crust, and the piezo effect produced by this. And there is no doubt that Dolmens are connected with energies and their frequencies. Their secondary use, by more modern inhabitants in the past, is storage, temples, and ritual places of sacrifice to gods and spirits. And a later use is the burial places of the remains of individuals and entire clans and clans of the Circassians and Alans, who lived in these territories in the relatively recent past. Also, under many burial mounds, small dolmens are found, in which there are the remains of the dead and objects corresponding to that era.

So let's get back to our expedition. After the ritual on the Dolmen "Mushroom" we moved to the dolmens of the slope, where we found a huge trough-shaped Dolmen completely covered with soil, but, unfortunately, only the "trough" itself is visible on the surface.

Further, already going down the forest slope, we came to a strange rock, resembling torn powerful explosion walls of a giant building. And even on some stones, a kind of processing was observed, again in the form of a large “scale”. Just below the rock there is an interesting trough-shaped dolmen, leaning (possibly from the impact of this explosion to the side). The uniqueness of this Dolmen is that it has a so-called false portal in the left wall. Convex hemispherical "false" plug. The dolmen was called "False Portal"

Then we went down to an interesting Dolmen with a broken lid plate, it is also trough-shaped, having a ledge on the back wall with a strange ornament in the form of nine identical recesses, similar to some kind of control scheme. The worker dolmen and all those who were nearby felt the impulses of energies emanating near its portal. The dolmen was called "Nine", according to the number of recesses on its step. Mehdi told us that this Dolmen was used as a time machine.

Even lower is the Dolmen with a missing lid, protruding above the slope, also trough-shaped and rather large.

There is also a strange pile of rocks nearby, giving the impression of a broken building. When examining the last Dolmens for today, the rain drizzled and a dense fog descended.

And we still had a long descent from the mountain. But everyone descended safely, loaded into a mini-bus and went to our base in Lazarevskoye to Ilgiz, where a delicious barbecue was waiting for us. The day ended with a delicious dinner with a pleasant tiredness, with conversations about dolmens, about the mysteries that surround us everywhere, with songs and jokes. The next day, December 13th, the rain ended successfully and did not bother us anymore. After breakfast, we got into a mini-bus and went to the famous Volkonsky Dolmen, having gone down to it and having examined and photographed, paying attention to the strange vegetation on the stones, hollows in the surface of the dolmen and the heel stone fused into it, we listened to Mehdi's feelings. Where he said that the Dolmen was used for a long time as a place of sacrifice and therefore has quite a negative energy. This is one of the only surviving completely monolithic Dolmens, the camera of which is made through the portal. The dolmen is carved into a huge sandstone rock and is located between two streams flowing down the gorge, just above the fault of the Volkonsky gorge. And he, for sure, is the most visited by tourists in the area.

But our interest lay a little further than the location of the Volkonsky Dolmen, to the "Two Brothers" rocks, or rather, to their reverse side. These rocks are located a little further along the gorge and rest against each other above the Volkonka river. There is a well-maintained hiking trail, and getting there is quite easy.

So, the rocks have strange round dents scattered over the entire surface. reverse side these rocks. The impression is that the dents were left by some high-temperature object that had a collision with a stone wall. The shape of a more melted rim and the depressed spherical surface of the dents speaks of this.

To which Mehdi said, referring to his feelings, that this may be the impact of some kind of energy weapon of the ancients. Plasma or gun. Perhaps this is a collision of fireballs or plasmoids, born by the fault of this gorge and whose path is blocked by these rocks. By the way, in the Volkonsky Dolmen area, luminous balls and flashes of some energy objects are often observed. Electronic equipment often fails. It was there that Mehdi's phone went completely out of order and cannot be repaired. But why only him? Perhaps the merging of Mehdi's personal energy and local energy led to an overabundance, and what happened was what happened.

After completing the ritual of installing a stone pyramid and making a general photo session, the group went up to the bus. And our path lay later on in the Mamedovo Gorge, where we had to climb to the picturesque waterfalls, which form a whole multi-level cascade. After several ascents and descents, we finally reached the river. Igor and Irina bathed in the icy waters of the Molodist and Love waterfalls, respectively.

Everyone washed up with pleasure and posed for a photo shoot in this picturesque and strong, energetic place. We rested and went on our way back. After lunch at a trout farm and drinking herbal tea, everyone went up the slope to the “Healer” or “Pyramid” Dolmen, a large trough-shaped dolmen in the Mamedov Gorge.

The dolmen, like everyone else, made an impression on the whole group. On this day, the energy from him was felt heavy and negative, which Mehdi also told us about, but at the tree of desires, burned out from a lightning strike from the inside, we all felt a surge of strength and vigor.

And holding hands around, they made their innermost desires, tying ribbons on a tree.

Having gone down to the bus, we cheerfully plunged and went to the sea, to meet and spend the evening sunset. After all, tomorrow already to leave ...

At the sea, everyone wetted their hands and feet, since the winter water is already cold, took pictures and went to the base, where they were waiting for a farewell dinner and an already warmed-up bath. After dinner, Mehdi gathered all of us and here it is - the psychic's opinion about what he saw.

Shocking facts about dolmens from psychic Mehdi:

“During different periods of time, dolmens were used in different ways: someone kept pets there because it was not damp there, someone used them to store food (since the temperature is constantly cool), someone used them as burial places, someone I used it as a place of detention (prison), someone used it as an insulator (for sick people) ... If you imagine all the action in our time, then the dolmens were both like a refrigerator, and like a cage, a grave, a place for sacrifice. Also, these places were used as a refuge from someone (something), sometimes they were used to shelter children. There are a lot of versions and they all have a reason.

And now I will tell you my vision: I am firmly convinced that 7 years ago I said what was confirmed after the trip - dolmens were used to communicate at a distance, in the modern world this is a walkie-talkie. How the mechanism worked: dolmens are often located on coastline on the hill. Some structures have a sealed opening, which means there is no entrance to them. Such dolmens are amplifiers for transmitting information. The initial sound was achieved with the help of a large instrument, which at one end entered the hole of the dolmen and the person “blew” it three times, after which the hole was closed. The resonance reached another dolmen, which was located at a certain point in a certain scheme. And in order to transmit information to distant dolmens (which were very far away), amplifier dolmens (which were sealed) were needed. Near each dolmen there were settlements where people lived. That is, where there was a dolmen, there was also a settlement. Near each dolmen there were those who guarded it, and if the guards saw the approach of the enemy (mainly from the sea), they gave warning signals in the form of 3 sound messages. In today's language, alarms. Thus, information could be distributed along the chain from one locality in another. This distance could be more than 10 km. If the signal was not strong enough, the keepers of the dolmens repeated it. The age of the dolmens is more than 10 thousand years, and everyone who lived in this area after they did not know about the original goals and objectives of the structure, which means they used them in a way that was convenient for them.

It is a pity that today some dolmens are badly destroyed. This cannot be allowed. This is the heritage of our ancestors, which must be protected. According to my visions, I can roughly describe the people who built dolmens. They differed from modern man, were highly developed physically, 10 times stronger than us, they were about 4 meters tall. When I saw a monolithic dolmen, I understood the clue, since dolmens were mostly built in a U-shaped way, the main blocks were turned and a roof was laid on top, which weighed several thousand kg. And who could put such a stone?.. Strong and very strong people. Then about 10 people 4 meters tall will suffice. But when I saw a monolithic dolmen with a hole, I realized that there were people like us at that time. A hole in a monolithic dolmen was carved by a person, using a transparent liquid and a special tool. First, the stone was treated with a liquid that corroded the surface, and then the tool worked. The clear liquid acted like an acid. I would also like to say a few words about the fact that in those distant times these "big people" were very afraid of enemies, but it is difficult to describe who these enemies were. If I write, then for many it may cause laughter, because it is connected with mythical creatures and with the same "big people".

So, the dolmens were intended to transmit signals at a distance, but also on some dolmens I saw certain signs that speak of creating contact between the worlds. In addition to these signs, the depicted constellations were also visible, but they were fuzzy (destroyed by time). I have no more proof, but still, according to my feelings original view dolmenov was different. Now we see only a stone frame. The upper lining of the dolmens was darker and on top of it were depicted drawings and hieroglyphs. Too bad they didn't survive. What we see as images on dolmens now is the work of a person who, just as a keepsake, decided to carve or engrave or depict something on a stone. It even happens that some people take part of the dolmens and transfer them to the territory of their possessions. for sure, then to build a business on this and show a historical find for money. Understand that this is our heritage and it is important to treat it with respect. Modern houses stand for 200-300 years and collapse, and these architectural monuments stand for many centuries, and more specifically, for more than 10,000 years. Have respect for this and for those who built these structures.”

The next morning, everyone said goodbye to the hospitable owners of the mini-hotel, Ilgiz and Sonya, and went by bus to the airport. 100 km of Sochi serpentine. Visited before departure Olympic Village and venues for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Then we said goodbye to our friends from Krasnodar: Vlad and Natasha and flew safely to Moscow. This is how our trip went. The team was very close-knit and friendly. "MehdiTravel" expresses its deep gratitude to everyone who participated in this journey. See you soon!