Collect spring water. Holy spring of the Mother of God, Beloomut village

On the this moment The Moscow State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service controls 36 springs located in 7 administrative districts:

In the South administrative district there are 7 springs.

Spring "Kadochka" in Kolomenskoye, 10 meters from the shore at the confluence with the river. Moscow.

The spring near Borisovskie Ponds is on the right.

A spring at the ZIL hospital.

The spring in the Tsaritsyno park is the Upper Tsaritsyno Pond, 4 meters from the water's edge.

A spring in the park "Tsaritsyno" - the lower floodplain of the Tsaritsyno pond.

A spring in the park "Tsaritsyno" - in a ravine.

All springs, with the exception of those located in the Kolomenskoye reserve, are not landscaped. The sanitary condition of the area around the springs is unsatisfactory - the area is swampy, littered with household waste. In 2001, work was carried out to improve the spring, 10 meters from the bank of the Moskva River in Kolomenskoye. The spring is equipped as a decorative one. The spring in the park "Tsaritsyno", in the floodplain of the Upper Tsaritsyno Pond, 4 meters from the water's edge, entered on a competitive basis for priority development.

North-Eastern District (3 springs).

Under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the North-Eastern Administrative District are 3 unorganized springs located in the floodplains of small rivers. The springs are not equipped in accordance with sanitary requirements. Letters were repeatedly sent to the heads of administrations about the improvement of springs: the Bibirevo spring, in the floodplain of the Yauza River. Spring "Sviblovo", in the floodplain of the Likhoborka River. Spring "Otradnoe", in the floodplain of the river Chermyanka.

Western district (12 springs).

There are 12 springs under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Western Administrative District:

Spring No. 1 in the Fili-Davydkovo park.

Spring "Saint" on the street Krylatsky Hills.

Spring "In the Tatar ravine", on the street Krylatskie Holmy.

A spring in the village of Lukino, in Novo-Peredelkino.

A spring in the village of Sukovo, in Novo-Peredelkino.

A spring in the village of Choboty, on the 2nd Chobotovskaya alley.

Spring "Saint", in the station Peredelkino.

A spring on Prirechnaya Street, in Novo-Peredelkino.

A spring in the natural reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 60 meters below the monument to Herzen and Ogarev.

Spring in the nature reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 250 meters below the church.

A spring in the natural reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 120 meters east of the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt and Kosygina Street.

Spring in Troparevsky park.

In the course of surveys, a satisfactory content of 3 springs was revealed - the "Saint" spring on Krylatskie Holmy street, the "In the Tatar ravine" spring, on Krylatskie Holmy street and the "Saint" spring, Peredelkino station. Letters were sent to the heads of administrations with proposals to install signs near the springs prohibiting the use of spring water for drinking and household needs, on the improvement of springs.

Northwestern district (1 spring).

On control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the North-Western Administrative District is 1 spring - "Swan", located on the territory of the forest park "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo", on the slope of the terrace of the Khimki River, which is a natural monument. The spring is well-maintained. Water for many years meets the requirements of SanPiN and is used by the population as drinking water.

South-Eastern District (1 spring).

On control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the South - Eastern Administrative District is 1 unorganized spring in the Kuzminsky forest park on the banks of the Ponomarka River. The spring is not equipped, the power source and the aquifer have not been established. Letters were sent to the head of the council about the improvement of the spring.

Zelenograd administrative district (2 springs).

There are 2 springs under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Zelenograd administrative district:

A spring in microdistrict No. 5 (MZhK).

A spring in microdistrict No. 16, near the village of Kamenka.

These springs are not landscaped. Letters were repeatedly sent to the Prefecture with proposals to install signs near the springs prohibiting the use of water from the springs for drinking and household needs and on the improvement of the springs.

Southwestern administrative district (10 springs).

There are 10 springs under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the South-Western Administrative District:

Spring "Sergius of Rodonezh", in 1-2 md. Warm Stan.

Spring on Aivazovsky street, house 5.

A spring on Inessa Armand Street, in the Bitsevsky forest park - Yasenevsky springs.

A spring on Cherneva street, house 43, in South Butovo.

Spring on Bald Mountain No. 1, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).

Spring on Bald Mountain No. 2, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).

Spring on Bald Mountain No. 3, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).

Spring "Upper" on Novoyasenevsky pr-those (Yasenevsky springs).

Spring "Nizhny" on Lithuanian Boulevard (Yasenevsky springs).

Spring "Znamenskie Sadki, in Northern Butovo.

All of them are approved for use in cooking and drinking (filtering and boiling). More about the springs of Moscow b23 ru

The city began to restore the springs.

The first in line, as we were told in the capital's department of nature management and environmental protection, are water sources in the Moskvoretsky, Tsaritsyno, Vorobyovy Gory and Teply Stan parks. In total, 18 springs will be improved this year. Experts warn that we are not talking about water purification, they will simply put the surrounding area in order - they will plant trees and shrubs, break lawns, install trash cans, benches, gazebos and information boards with signs: "It is forbidden to drink water."

And "Saint" is not without sin

In total, there are about 50 water sources on the territory of the capital. Of these, only 36 are annually checked by specialists from the Rospotrebnadzor department in Moscow. The rest are simply abandoned (they will be taken up just for them this spring). But the folk trail practically does not overgrow to any one - both during the day and in the evening, on weekdays and holidays, the townspeople rush here with buckets, canisters and cans.

One of the most popular is the "Saint" spring in Krylatskoye. The place is amazing: a deep ravine, a bowl lined with pebbles, above a pipe with babbling water - a wooden cross. Away is a church.

I tried different waters, - says pensioner Olga Petrenko, collecting water in a five-liter canister, - but the best one turned out to be here, in Krylatskoye, near the house. So I combine business with pleasure every day: a walk and drinking water consecrated by the priest. By the way, next to our source, they say, they found an icon.

A few years ago, the spring was indeed consecrated, but, according to the sanitary and epidemiological control, this did not affect the quality of the water. It contained not only the entire periodic table, but also a number of rather dangerous bacteria, even the remains of petroleum products. However, experts are not surprised: all Moscow springs are "perched", that is, rainwater, snow, and sewer emissions easily get into them. And if so, then even a trickle clean at the time of checking can become dirty the next moment.

Nevertheless, pensioner Petrenko convinces, "the water in the" Holy "spring is always good, fresh." She only uses it: she drinks it raw, cooks soups on it, insists teas, applies moistened tampons to a sore spot and even washes her hair.

My peers are all gray, but my hair has not even lost its shine! - the Muscovite boasts. - And you know, everyone who takes water from here looks good. We even have something like a club of lovers of the spring formed.

The springs are really crowded. Some come for water, others to talk, others to earn some money. Right at the life-giving "watering places" empty plastic dishes are sold. The cost of a liter bottle is 10 rubles, disposable cups go for a nickel a piece.

Fairy tale is a lie

It is not difficult to guess where the craving for spring water comes from in our fellow citizens. In Russian folklore, it has always been considered healing, "living" water. Thanks to her, the heroes of fairy tales became heroes, dead warriors came to life, and turtledoves turned into beauties. So people believe that spring water, even city water, is better and healthier than the one that comes to apartments from the water supply. And there are no warnings for them. Moreover, the inhabitants with enviable tenacity remove the shields warning that "It is forbidden to drink water!"

Meanwhile, there are no more safe springs in the capital. The only exception is the spring "Tsarevna Lebed" in the forest park "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo" (North-Western administrative district). According to the latest data of specialists, only it meets the requirements in terms of sanitary and technical condition and landscaping. Its water was declared fit for drinking.

Maybe pipes?

So what to do with Muscovites' ineradicable passion for "natural springs"? For example, is it possible to purify water in them? As explained to "RG" in the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection, this is not an easy task, and besides, it does not guarantee a positive result. After all, almost all springs have an untested source of water supply. It is possible to clean the source, but it is not a fact that the water from it will not become contaminated somewhere along the way. A city is a city, one should not expect a beneficial effect on the environment from it. Yes, they drank water from springs fifty years ago, but then they were in a suburban area, where there were neither factories nor vehicles in such numbers.

There is another way to drive the townspeople away from the sources: for example, roll water into pipes - following the example of the Neglinka River. But experts were also skeptical about this proposal. Firstly, residents will find other springs, and it is not known whether they will be cleaner, and secondly, the city will lose landscape values.

Well, why can't you just walk near the springs and admire them? By the way, this is how springs are treated in many cities of the world - Paris, Tokyo, London. And there you will hardly see the idyll that I observed near the well-known Kadochka spring in Kolomenskoye. There, a mother in a white scarf and a spacious sundress was bathing a brood of her children in the icy spring water. The youngest looked to be no more than six months old. In the neighborhood, in the same water, an untidy-looking man (most likely a bum) washed his coat. To the exclamations of passers-by about the recklessness of such an act, the mother of many children stated that this family tradition: in this spring, at one time, her parents tempered her, and now she teaches her children to "good water".

According to Nikolai Filatov, chief state sanitary doctor for the city of Moscow: "Pah-pah, cases of disease or poisoning with spring water have never been recorded in the capital." However, this fact does not affect the opinion of experts about the dangers of water. To drink or not to drink - everyone chooses for himself. However, if there is an admixture of sewage in the water, then there will be no one to ask - the doctors warned ...


Springs from which you can drink water:

The only one is "Tsarevna-Swan", located on the territory of the forest park "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo" (SZAO), on the slope of the terrace of the Khimki River. The spring has been landscaped, and for many years the water in it has been drinking water according to SanPiNam.

Springs from which it is undesirable to drink water:

in the South Administrative District - 7 springs, of which 3 have been landscaped - all in Kolomenskoye, in a ravine near the Moscow River;

in SVAO - 3 springs, they are located in the floodplains of the Yauza, Likhoborka, Chermyanka rivers. All are well-appointed.

in ZAO - 12 springs, three of them are landscaped: "Saints" in Novo-Peredelkino and Krylatsky, "In the Tatar ravine";

in the SEAD - 1 spring in the Kuzminsky forest park on the banks of the Ponomarka River, not equipped;

in Zelenograd - 2 equipped springs: on the territory of the forestry farm, on the right bank of the Rzhavka stream, near the mouth of the Left Rzhavka, and on the right bank of the Kamenka stream - above the mouth of the Kukuevskaya beam;

in the SWAD - 10 springs, of which five are well-maintained: Kholodny, on Inessa Armand Street (without a name) and three on Bald Mountain.


Sergei Fokin,

Deputy Head of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor for Moscow:

The results of laboratory studies of water from springs showed that the chemical and bacteriological parameters in them are not constant. Excesses of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) for nitrate content, oxidizability, turbidity, and hardness were revealed.

Almost all springs in Moscow contain Escherichia coli, and the appearance of pathogenic microbes that cause dysentery, salmonellosis and even cholera is quite possible. What threatens such water? Banal poisoning, a spoiled digestive tract, an infectious disease ...

Help "RG"

By the end of the year, the capital will equip 18 Moscow springs. Such ennoblement is not new for Moscow. Given the "high landscape value of the springs," the city authorities in 2000 gave them the status of natural monuments of regional significance. A few years later, Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, in order to better preserve unique natural objects, signed an order approving the boundaries of land plots with springs. But all this is done for beauty. Water will not be safer.

On the territory of Russia, the number of springs is incalculable, they differ in the quality and composition of the waters. Spring waters have medicinal properties they are fresh and tasty. But springs, just like artesian wells and wells, are subject to pollution. Nowadays, it is impossible to guarantee the constant quality of spring water, since it depends not only on seasonal circumstances (rainstorms, floods, groundwater), but also on emissions from nearby industrial enterprises.

Much depends on the location of the spring itself. It is hard to imagine a clean spring in the city center, with poor ecology and high gas content. The general sanitary and hygienic characteristic of spring runoff in urban areas is unsuitable for drinking. Therefore, high-quality spring water can only be in a spring located in a forested, forested area, where there are no industrial facilities, no agricultural work is carried out, far from highways and large settlements. Only such spring water is suitable for drinking and good for health.

Even 30-40 years ago, the capital's springs were quite clean and "drinkable". But with the beginning of mass construction in Moscow and the Moscow region, the soil began to become polluted, and water began to become polluted along with it.

In total, there are about 200 small and large springs in Moscow, 50 springs are the most famous. Laboratory control of water quality in Moscow springs is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor specialists twice a year - in spring and autumn. According to the research of spring water, it becomes clear that the chemical and bacteriological indicators in them are not constant. Excesses of maximum allowable concentrations detected during the year were most often noted in terms of nitrate content, permanganate oxidizability, turbidity, hardness, and bacterial content.

Now the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Moscow controls 36 springs located in 7 administrative districts.

Southern Administrative District, 7 springs, which are under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Spring "Kadochka" in Kolomenskoye, 10 meters from the shore at the confluence with the river. Moscow.
The spring near Borisovskie Ponds is on the right.
A spring at the ZIL hospital.
The spring in the Tsaritsyno park is the Upper Tsaritsyno Pond, 4 meters from the water's edge.
A spring in the park "Tsaritsyno" - the lower floodplain of the Tsaritsyno pond.
A spring in the park "Tsaritsyno" - in a ravine.

All springs, with the exception of those located in the Kolomenskoye reserve, are not landscaped. The sanitary condition of the area around the springs is unsatisfactory - the area is swampy, littered with household waste. In 2001, work was carried out to improve the spring, 10 meters from the bank of the Moskva River in Kolomenskoye. The spring is equipped as a decorative one. The spring in the park "Tsaritsyno", in the floodplain of the Upper Tsaritsyno Pond, 4 meters from the water's edge, entered on a competitive basis for priority development.

Northeastern District, 3 springs, which are under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Three unorganized springs are located in the floodplains of small rivers. The springs are not equipped in accordance with sanitary requirements. Letters were repeatedly sent to the heads of administrations about the improvement of springs: the Bibirevo spring, in the floodplain of the Yauza River. Spring "Sviblovo", in the floodplain of the Likhoborka River. Spring "Otradnoe", in the floodplain of the river Chermyanka.

Western District, 12 springs, which are under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Spring No. 1 in the Fili-Davydkovo park.
Spring "Saint" on the street Krylatsky Hills.
Spring "In the Tatar ravine", on the street Krylatskie Holmy.
A spring in the village of Lukino, in Novo-Peredelkino.
A spring in the village of Sukovo, in Novo-Peredelkino.
A spring in the village of Choboty, on the 2nd Chobotovskaya alley.
Spring "Saint", in the station Peredelkino.
A spring on Prirechnaya Street, in Novo-Peredelkino.
A spring in the natural reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 60 meters below the monument to Herzen and Ogarev.
Spring in the nature reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 250 meters below the church.
A spring in the natural reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 120 meters east of the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt and Kosygina Street.
Spring in Troparevsky park.

In the course of surveys, a satisfactory content of 3 springs was revealed - the "Saint" spring on Krylatskie Holmy street, the "In the Tatar ravine" spring, on Krylatskie Holmy street and the "Saint" spring, Peredelkino station. Letters were sent to the heads of administrations with proposals to install signs near the springs prohibiting the use of spring water for drinking and household needs.

Northwestern District

Spring "Tsarevna Swan", located on the territory of the forest park "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo", on the slope of the terrace of the Khimki River, which is a natural monument. The spring is well-maintained. Water for many years meets the requirements of SanPiN and is used by the population as drinking water.

Southeastern District, 1 spring, which is under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

On control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the South-Eastern Administrative District is 1 unorganized spring in the Kuzminsky forest park on the banks of the Ponomarka River. The spring is not equipped, the power source and the aquifer have not been established. Letters were sent to the head of the council about the improvement of the spring.

Southwestern Administrative Okrug, 10 springs, which are under control in the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Spring "Sergius of Rodonezh", in 1-2 md. Warm Stan.
Spring on Aivazovsky street, house 5.
A spring on Inessa Armand Street, in the Bitsevsky forest park - Yasenevsky springs.
A spring on Cherneva street, house 43, in South Butovo.
Spring on Bald Mountain No. 1, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).
Spring on Bald Mountain No. 2, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).
Spring on Bald Mountain No. 3, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).
Spring "Upper" on Novoyasenevsky pr-those (Yasenevsky springs).
Spring "Nizhny" on Lithuanian Boulevard (Yasenevsky springs).
Spring "Znamenskie Sadki, in Northern Butovo.

Eastern District, 1 spring.

Central District, 1 spring.

Zelenograd administrative district, 2 springs, which are under control at the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

A spring in microdistrict No. 5 (MZhK).
A spring in microdistrict No. 16, near the village of Kamenka.

These springs are not landscaped. Letters were repeatedly sent to the Prefecture with proposals to install signs near the springs prohibiting the use of water from the springs for drinking and household needs and on the improvement of the springs.

The main problem of all Moscow springs is that only a small part of them is fed from a great depth - sandy layers of the Quaternary, Cretaceous and Jurassic periods.

Most of the Moscow springs are connected with the so-called "perch water" - the upper technogenic layers of water, and the first aquifer, as a rule, is located at a depth of 10 to 25 meters. Therefore, everything that falls on the soil can easily seep into the water.

Because of this, the quality of spring water within the city of Moscow is practically uncontrollable and especially deteriorates in the spring. Pesticides, phosphates, heavy metals, dioxins are found in such water during laboratory analysis.

The contamination of Moscow springs with nitrates is very high, their concentration is on average 2-10 times higher than the maximum allowable amount for drinking water.

How spring water is polluted is explained by the analysis of the ways of formation of underground runoff that feeds the springs. It turned out that for almost all Moscow springs, the source is atmospheric precipitation, and often water of technogenic origin. With severe pollution, the soil ceases to serve as a filtration barrier. Atmospheric precipitation leaches harmful substances from polluted soil, forming springs containing polluted water.

The springs of Moscow are especially dangerous in the spring, when the snow begins to melt. Spring water may contain gasoline, petroleum products and manganese, which is added to gasoline during production. These substances negatively affect metabolism, the central nervous system and hematopoiesis processes.

Estimated World Organization Health care frequency of water-borne diseases is the highest. The impact of the water factor on the health of the population is constantly confirmed by more than a century of water supply practice.

Poor quality water negatively affects human health. Heavy metals found in water in amounts exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations affect various organs and systems, primarily the central, peripheral, and cardiovascular systems. It also affects the potency, liver, gastrointestinal tract. Mercury poisons the brain. The presence of nickel and chromium in water can cause various forms of deformity in offspring, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, and radionuclides lead to the appearance of malignant tumors.

The quality of water in springs also depends on weather conditions. And if the water in the spring is good today, no one can guarantee that it will continue to be so. At any moment, sewage emissions (the quality of our pipes still leaves much to be desired), dirt from cars, unauthorized discharges from industrial enterprises, etc. can be added.

According to Nikolai Filatov, chief sanitary doctor of Moscow, long-term observations of water quality in Moscow springs have shown that its chemical and bacteriological indicators are not constant and periodically do not meet sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) are most often noted by the content of nitrates, permanganate oxidizability, turbidity, hardness, coli index, etc. This means that all springs, without exception, in the city can only be used as decorative. And this is subject to the improvement of the adjacent territory and the technical equipment of the springs themselves. Under no circumstances should you drink this water. And in some springs, where there is no sanitary protection zone and the mouth is not cleaned and disinfected, you can’t even wash your face.

The consequences of the periodic use of spring water can be different. There is a risk of contracting infectious diseases, spoiling the digestive tract, or even getting poisoned. Practically in all springs of Moscow there is Escherichia coli and the appearance of pathogenic microbes is quite possible - dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid fever and even cholera. So far, not a single case of poisoning has been recorded, but the most terrible diseases arise due to prolonged use of poor-quality contaminated water.

The springs of Moscow are especially dangerous in early spring, when the snow begins to melt. Gasoline, oil products and manganese, which is added to gasoline during production, may appear in spring water. These substances negatively affect metabolism, the central nervous system and hematopoiesis processes.

Moscow land contains a lot of hazardous landfills and industrial and household waste, especially hazardous products of paint and varnish industries, zinc, cadmium and mercury. According to the Metropolitan Department of Natural Resources, the content of lead and zinc in our soil is on average 2.5 times higher than the maximum allowable. So, in the land of Kapotnya, Lublin, Lefortovo, Tekstilshchikov, the content of cadmium and zinc is eight times higher than the maximum norm. And all these metals can get into groundwater, which replenishes Moscow springs. Cadmium is known to impair kidney function and metabolism.

Lead water also causes kidney damage. Bones and teeth suffer from the accumulation of lead in the body. According to scientists, Ivan the Terrible died at the age of 50, shortly after the Italians brought the first lead plumbing to the Kremlin.

Springs located in Moscow forest parks are less dangerous in terms of chemistry. However, they can also contain pathogenic bacteria. After all, leaves and animal remains rot in the parks. In addition, dogs are actively walked in parks, and the soil from their feces can also be contaminated with E. coli.

Bacteriological indicators of Moscow springs may change periodically, especially during the hot summer months. According to the norms of Sanpin, there should be no more than 100 bacteria in a milliliter of spring water, but this norm is not observed in practice for most Moscow springs.

According to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Moscow, almost all Moscow springs have an untested source of water supply and it is impossible to control how certain environmental factors, urban planning and economic activities of people will affect the quality and safety of such natural sources water supply. Considering all sorts of sewer breaks or unauthorized industrial discharges that can enter springs at any time, it is not difficult to imagine the health consequences of drinking such water. Therefore, the water of most natural springs in Moscow is undrinkable.

So, according to the Moscow company "Ecostandard", which examined the water of 15 most popular sources, in the source of the Bitsevsky Forest park (the left bank of the Chertanovka River), one and a half times more than the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of selenium was found. The use of water with a high content of selenium causes brittle nails, hair loss, and liver dysfunction occurs. We also found selenium in the water of a spring in the Tsaritsyno park, near Upper Pond, which is considered holy by the people and serves as a place of real pilgrimage.

In three popular springs - in Yasenevo, the Botanical Garden and Teply Stan - bromine was found, which enhances the processes of inhibition of the nervous system and in large quantities leads to systemic poisoning of the body.

Spring water in the Kolomenskoye park contains a significant excess of MPC for selenium, nitrates, coli-index; spring water in the Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevo, Krylatsky and Neskuchny gardens - excess of MPC for cadmium and selenium. Spring water on Sparrow Hills - excess in cadmium and total hardness. Cadmium is a genetic poison that destroys DNA structures, affects the kidneys and bones. Water from a spring in Peredelkino near Moscow does not meet the regulatory requirements for smell (there is a smell of hydrogen sulfide), cloudy (more than 20 times the standard for turbidity), probably due to the high iron content (11 times the standard). At the same time, the permissible content of manganese was exceeded by about 2 times.

The spring water in the Filevsky Forest Park contains an exorbitant concentration of manganese. In addition, in most Moscow springs, an increased content of iron was found. In the spring of the Botanical Garden (in the estate "Old Sviblovo") the content of iron is more than four times higher than the permissible norm. And this metal disrupts liver function, reduces gastric secretion, worsens digestion.

Also, in most of the surveyed springs, the presence of oil products, nitrogen compounds and other harmful elements in high concentrations exceeding the permissible level, due to which spring water is not only not pure water, but simply unsuitable for drinking.

Examinations of Moscow springs revealed a satisfactory content of only 5 springs. Among them is the spring "Sergius of Rodonezh" in 1-2 md. Teply Stan, a spring on Inessa Armand Street and 3 springs on Bald Mountain. Information about the unsatisfactory quality of water in springs and identified violations of the sanitary condition was sent by the district centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision to the relevant district councils. Signs are placed at the springs with information about the unsuitability of water quality for drinking purposes.

Other long-standing popular springs were closed: in the water of the spring in Troparevsky Park, the MPC for chromium was exceeded, in the Filevsky spring - for aluminum, potassium, magnesium, in the key of the Life-Giving Trinity in Borisov - an excess of iron, in springs in Sviblov (in the floodplain of the Yauza) and " Kadochka" (in Kolomenskoye) exceeded the MPC for heavy metals, and in "Beket" in Donskoy - for cadmium and chromium. The waters of these sources are hazardous to health.

In order to fulfill the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1060 dated October 26, 2000 on the first-priority equipment of five springs in Moscow, specialists from the Moscow State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service conducted a survey of the springs. This is a spring in the territory of natural historical park"Tsaritsyno" (Southern Administrative District), a spring in Yasenev (South-Western Administrative District), a spring on the territory of the Vorobyovy Gory Nature Reserve (Western Administrative District), a spring in the rear seam of the floodplain of the Yauza River (North-Eastern Administrative District). Specialists of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Moscow came to the conclusion about the unsatisfactory content of the listed four springs and the quality of the water in them. The fifth spring to be examined, on the territory of the monument of landscape art "Neskuchny Sad", was not found. Perhaps there was a depletion of the supply sources, or the spring is seasonal and appears during the spring standing of groundwater.

Thus, in Moscow, only three springs meet the state standard for the quality of drinking water - "Saint" in Krylatskoye (hydrocarbonate, magnesium-calcium water), "Sergius of Radonezhsky" in Teply Stan (water chloride-sulfate, magnesium-calcium) and "Tsarevna -Swan" in Pokrovsky-Streshnev (chlorine-hydrocarbonate, sulphate water). The water of the "Tsarevna-Swan" spring, located in the North-Western administrative district of Moscow, has been meeting sanitary standards for several years now - it is not only clean, but also healing. Specialists of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies, having examined the water, came to the conclusion that water can be taken only from these three Moscow springs.

The spring "Tsarevna-Swan" (metro station "Voikovskaya", from it - along the 2nd Voikovsky passage to the Central entrance, then - along the central alley) is named after Queen Elizabeth Petrovna. They say that Elizabeth was able to cure trophic ulcers on her legs in it. It is believed that water from the spring heals wounds and ulcers of various origins, helps with stomach ulcers, and also has a beneficial effect on the skin, so many people wash their faces with it.

The water in the spring "Tsarevna Swan" is actually mineral, chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate. According to its chemical parameters, it corresponds to GOST "Drinking Water". But even there, in the immediate vicinity of it, the construction of residential facilities has begun in recent years and, therefore, the risk of water pollution by waste is high.

Spring "Sergius of Rodonezh", near the metro station "Konkovo", near the 1st microdistrict Tyoply Stan, is also recognized as clean and healing. At one time it was called Sergievsky - pilgrims resting near it, heading to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. It is believed that the water of this spring, if you drink it on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, cleanses the kidneys and liver, helps with headaches.

The most famous spring in Moscow - "Saint in Krylatskoye" - is located in the Tatar ravine of Krylatskoye, next to the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God(metro station "Krylatskoye", Krylatskiye Holmy St., next to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, the territory of the park-reserve). Its water, according to believers, heals from a variety of ailments. The quality of spring water from Krylatskoye, according to the analyzed chemical indicators, meets the requirements established as SanPin “ Hygiene requirements to the quality of non-centralized water supply”, and SanPiN (requirements for drinking water). However, according to one of the bacteriological indicators, the water quality does not meet the standards,” the laboratory concluded. In addition, the concentration of nitrates in the water of this spring attracts attention. Although their content is within the norm (at a rate of 45 mg / l they were found to be 34.5 mg / l), comparison with water from the tap is clearly not in favor of the source.

It is not advisable to use water from other Moscow springs as drinking water, since the state of water in the territory is so big city too dependent on many man-made factors. During the period of snowmelt, for example, or during emissions from industrial enterprises, a number of indicators in most of the springs exceed the maximum allowable. And although at other times the water quality is normal, it is still better not to risk it.

Within Moscow, there are 15 sources, the water of which can only be consumed after boiling and filtering through special filters that get rid of chemical contaminants and bacteria:

1. Park "Bitsevsky Les", 600 meters south-east of the directorate (metro station "Bitsevsky Park", Novoyasenevsky dead end, property 1, building 2, behind the Bitsevsky wholesale market).
2. Park "Tsaritsyno", left-bank floodplain of the Lower Tsaritsynsky Pond, 10 m from the water's edge in the upper reaches of the pond (metro station "Tsaritsyno", further along Tyurina Street).
3. Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, spring "Tsarevna-Swan" (metro station "Voikovskaya", from it - along the 2nd Voikovsky passage to the Central entrance, then - along the central alley).
4. Krylatskoye, Tatarsky ravine, spring "Krylatskoye miracle" (metro station "Krylatskoye", Krylatskie Holmy st., next to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, the territory of the park-reserve).
5. Park "Bitsevsky Forest", a spring on the left bank of the Chertanovka River, 900 meters from the overpass along Sevastopol Avenue.
6. Yasenevo, 150 meters south-west of school No. 693 (metro station Yasenevo, Solovyiny proezd, property 4, building 3).
7. Neskuchny garden, 400 meters to the west from house number 26 along Leninsky Prospekt (metro station "Leninsky Prospekt").
8. Botanical Garden, the estate "Old Sviblovo", a spring 100 meters from the house number 22 along Lazorevoy proezd (metro station "Botanical Garden").
9. Museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye", Golosov ravine, a group of springs "Kadochka", next to the Church of the Ascension of the Lord (metro station "Kolomenskaya").
10. Reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", a spring 60 meters below the monument to Herzen and Ogarev (metro station "Vorobyovy Gory", Vorobyovskaya embankment).
11. Troparevo, a spring 500 meters southwest of the street. Troparevskaya, starting at house number 44 on the street. Academician Anokhin (metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya").
12. Forest park "Kuzminki", a spring 650 meters west of the station. m. "Volzhskaya".
13. Zagorodnoye shosse, 2, a spring near the psychiatric hospital. Alekseeva (metro station "Shabolovskaya").
14. Sparrow Hills, a spring 120 meters from the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt and st. Kosygin, in the middle part of the ravine.
15. Park "Tsaritsyno", the right bank of the Upper Tsaritsyno pond (metro station "Tsaritsyno", further along Tyurina street).

Given the important ecological, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational value, as well as the high landscape value of springs, the Moscow Government, by Decree No. 399 of May 30, 2000, decided to give springs in Moscow the status of natural monuments of regional significance. This means that springs, like any natural monument, can be admired and admired while walking through the reserved corners of Moscow, and nothing more. In the meantime, the territories occupied by springs are in most cases not equipped, the catchment areas are polluted and the quality of water in them, according to specialists from the Moscow State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, who twice a year conduct comprehensive checks of the state of springs, does not meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision twice a year carry out comprehensive checks of the condition of Moscow springs. After that, the district centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision send letters to the relevant district councils with requests to take action, improve the spring or install a sign near it that it is forbidden to drink water. The employees of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision do not install signs themselves. And district councils sometimes do not respond to letters at all. When re-checking, the same problems are revealed, and the mailing of letters goes in a second circle to already familiar addresses.

If you want to drink spring water from Moscow springs, first choose a good proven source without chemical pollution, located in an environmentally friendly area far from industrial and domestic facilities, sewage and emissions, and then boil the water you brought. However, boiled water always loses to raw spring water in terms of taste and organoleptic characteristics. In this case, the water can be filtered. A conventional pitcher-type filter is able to cope with chemical contaminants in water. Some of the filters help to get rid of bacteria.

Many different filters of foreign and domestic production are sold on the Russian market. The principle of operation of most is based on adsorption. Activated carbon, ion-exchange resins, and other substances are used as sorbents. But such designs have one big drawback. At a certain moment, having absorbed pollution, they begin to discard what they have absorbed. In addition, they must be strictly controlled - watch when to replace the cartridge in order to avoid "emergency discharge" of salts, heavy metals, harmful organics and bacteria. All these shortcomings are deprived of a new generation filter - track filters. They use a fundamentally different method of water purification - with the help of a track membrane, first used by specialists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research from Dubna.

A track membrane is a neutral polymer film treated in an accelerator with a flow of krypton ions. Each ion leaves a trace on the polymer, called a track (hence the name of the membrane). From the film, a sieve is obtained, the dimensions of which are so small (from tens and hundreds of nanometers to 3 microns) that they can catch viruses and molecules. The extremely high pore density (up to three million per square centimeter) creates unique filtering properties. It is not without reason that scientists classify such a result as a technology of the 21st century, and track membranes are universally recognized as the standard of water purification efficiency. The track sieve catches not only particles of dust and dirt, but also organic chlorine compounds, which are considered one of the most toxic elements of our plumbing. Detain tracks and bacteria contained in the water, including E. coli, salmonella, as well as a whole group of chemical pollutants, including pesticides. At the same time, all the dissolved mineral substances, useful macro- and microelements necessary for a person, are preserved in the water. But, in addition, water, passing through the membrane, is also structured in a special way. Some see them as the shape of a snowflake - a kind of standard of purity and correctness. Others note the correct life-giving clusters, as in melt water, which are considered to correspond to the environment of living biological objects, and therefore are easily absorbed by the human body.

Unlike adsorption filters, track filters can never give secondary water contamination, when microorganisms, having clogged the filter, are rejected from it. The degree of pollution of the track sieve (and filling with impurities caught from the water) is visible to the naked eye. And to renew the membrane, you only need to regularly rinse it with plain running water. Already during the first flush, you can see how much plaque accumulates on the surface of the membrane - this is a brown layer of dirt, delayed by passing only a few tens of liters of water.

The advantages of track filters over others are that they require neither electricity nor water pressure. A small box is convenient to take with you on any trip; to the country, on a business trip or out of town for a picnic. Through such a device, you can pass water from any open source, even from a puddle. Having poured it into any container, you just need to immerse a box with a membrane there, and pure water will come out of the tube.

Track filters are certified and recommended for use by sanitary and epidemiological services not only in everyday life, but also in children's, preschool and medical institutions. The experience of their use in sanatoriums for children and the elderly shows that problems associated with poor water quality are disappearing. These domestic filters are available to any Russian.

Any consumer should be aware of the signs of undrinkable spring water. This is, firstly, turbidity. Secondly, foaming. Foam can be caused by bacteria, light sand, silt or dirt in the water. Bacteria can be killed by boiling for 5-10 minutes, and solid particles will settle if the water is allowed to stand for several hours. An uncharacteristic musty smell and taste of water indicate a suspicion of the content of chemical impurities in it.

It is better to store spring water in the refrigerator, no more than 3-4 days, since it loses its healing properties during long-term storage. In addition, if you keep water at room temperature, then pathogenic bacteria can develop in it. Therefore, it is best to boil the newly brought water from the spring.

Many collect spring water in plastic bottles, although this is not recommended. Especially if the letters PVC or the number three in a triangle are at the bottom of the bottle. This means that the bottle is made of an environmentally harmful polymer - polyvinyl chloride, and water cannot be stored in it. When heated or exposed to sunlight, vinyl chloride can be released from plastic - an extremely dangerous substance that can destroy the nervous system and cause cancer. Do not use unlabeled bottles either. It is better to collect spring water in clean glass containers, having previously treated them with boiling water.

It should be remembered that the use of spring water is not a panacea. Its quality is practically not subject to control, it can change from season to season, and especially deteriorates during the spring period of snowmelt.

The main danger of Moscow springs is their instability. This means that specialists from the epidemiological center cannot guarantee you good quality water in most Moscow springs.

List of springs in Moscow:

1. A spring in Neskuchny Garden (metro station Oktyabrskaya) near Andreevsky Pond (400 m west of house 26 along Leninsky Prospekt, 5 m from the water line of the pond)


2. Sviblovsky spring, in the floodplain of the Likhoborka River, near the estate of Staroe Sviblovo (m. Sviblovo). 95 meters north from house 22 along Lazorevoy proezd, near the intersection of Lazorevoy pr. and st. Sedova, left bank of the river. Yauza, 5 meters from the water's edge.
3. A spring at the foot of the right-bank slope of the Yauza, next to the Staroe Sviblovo estate, 50 m higher footbridge.
4. Spring "Otrada" in the park "Otrada".
5. Left-bank Leonovsky spring, 15 from the north-eastern shore of the Leonovsky pond.
6. Pravoberezhny Leonovsky spring on the right bank of the Yauza, 30 m downstream from the bridge st. Wilhelm Pick, 8 m from the river.
7. Spring on Budaika railway. 400 m north of the square. Yauza of the Yaroslavl railway, 12-15 m from the right bank of the Budaika.
8. Altufevsky spring. On the northern outskirts of the former Lianozovsky forest nursery, on the left bank of the Samoteka (Altufevskaya river), 50 m from the Moscow Ring Road.
9. Spring of the Lianozovsk forest nursery. On the northern outskirts of the former Lianozovsky forest nursery, opposite the Altufevsky spring, 100 m from the right bank of the Samoteka.

There is evidence that there is a spring in Bibirevo in the floodplain of the Chermyanka River. Couldn't find it. Not far from the river, a consecrated source of fresh drinking water was discovered in the Temple-chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" (Leskova St., 11). This is a well 70 m deep, the pipes and filters in it are old. Drinking this water is not recommended.


10. Bogorodsky spring (1st Belokamenny pr., 1).
11. Spring in Izmailovsky park(m. Izmailovo).
12. A spring in Izmailovsky Park on a dirt road from the Main Alley to the State Farm Pond.
13. Spring in the valley of the Rudnevka River, village Kozhukhovo, st. Kraskovskaya, opposite houses 115 and 117, in the rear seam of the floodplain of the Rudnevka River.
14. Spring in Kosino (Kosinsky spring, spring near the Black Lake), opposite the overpass on the street. Nicholas Starostin.


15. Kuzminsky spring (spring No. 63; spring No. 40) in the Kuzminsky forest park, 60 m from the water's edge on the right bank of the Ponomarka River, below Shibaevsky Pond, 650 m east of the eastern exit of the Volzhskaya metro station.


16. A group of springs "Kadochka" in the Voice ravine in Kolomenskoye, 270 meters from the bank of the river. Moscow. In the Voice ravine, there are many springs bearing the names of saints: George the Victorious, the Twelve Apostles, Nicholas the Pleasant.
17. A spring at the base of the slope of the Moskva River valley below the Church of the Great Ascension in Kolomenskoye, 20 m from the water's edge of the river. Moscow.
18. A spring on the right bank of the Moskva River, 150 m from the water's edge near the Dyakovo ravine, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.
19. A spring near the ZIL hospital.
20. A spring in the Tsaritsyno park, the right bank of the Upper Tsaritsyno pond, in the middle part, 10 meters from the water's edge.
21. A spring in the Tsaritsyno park, 300 m west of the Church of Our Lady of the Life-Giving Spring, the right-bank floodplain of the Upper Tsaritsyno Pond, 4 m from the water's edge.
22. A spring in the Tsaritsyno park, the left-bank floodplain of the Lower Tsaritsyno Pond, 10 m from the water's edge in the upper reaches of the pond.
23. Spring in Tsaritsyno park, 200 m west of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Borisov, south coast Borisovsky pond, 10 m from the water's edge.
24. A spring at the foot of the slope on the southern shore of the Becket Pond, 2 m from the water's edge, near the Psychiatric Clinical Hospital. ON THE. Alekseeva, 100 m to the north-west from house 5 along the Zagorodnoye highway.
25. A spring in the slope of the Moskva River valley in Zyablikovo (Zadonsky pr., Gorodnya river).
26. Spring near the river. Chertanovki next to the KSK "Bitsa".
27. Spring in the valley of the river. Shmelevki.
28. A spring near the Biryulevsky forest park.


29. Zyuzinsky spring. 50 m northeast of house 54 K3 along Bolotnikovskaya street, at the base of the right-bank slope of the Kotlovka river, 15 m from the river. On the border of floodplain broom willow with poplars and a fragment of oak forest with hazel on the slope.
30. Spring "Cold", in 1-2 md. Warm Stan.
31. Spring in the estate "Uzkoye" in natural park"Bitsevsky forest" - N 13 (16) (on Aivazovsky street, house 5).
32. Spring on the street In. Armand, in the Bitsevsky forest park - Yasenevsky springs.
33. Spring on Cherneva street, house 43, in South Butovo.
34. Spring on Bald Mountain No. 1, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).
35. Spring on Bald Mountain No. 2, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).
36. Spring on Bald Mountain No. 3, in Konkovo ​​(Bitsevsky forest park, Yasenevsky springs).
37. Spring "Upper" on Novoyasenevsky avenue (Yasenevsky springs).
38. Spring "Nizhny" on Lithuanian Boulevard (Yasenevsky springs).
39. Yasenevsky spring (Solov'iny pr., property 4).
40. Spring "Znamenskie Sadki", in Northern Butovo.
41. A spring at the head of the Kukrinsky stream in Konkovo, flows into the river. Ochakovka (m. Konkovo) - N 14 (10).
42. A spring in quarter 20 of the Bitsevsky forest - N 15 (22).


43. Park Vorobyovy Gory (metro Vorobyovy Gory).
44. A spring in the Sparrow Hills park.
45. Spring at the Old Rublevsky Bridge (Spring No. 55, Mosfilmovsky Spring). It is located in the natural reserve "Valley of the Setun River", in the former Mosfilmovsky district (now Ramenki), 20 m upstream of the Setun from the abandoned Old Rublevsky bridge, 2 m from the river (right-bank floodplain).
46. ​​Leshin spring (spring No. 56; spring No. 33). It is located in the natural reserve "Valley of the Setun River", 70-80 m north-east of the floodplain pond Pyatachok, in the rear seam of the first floodplain terrace of Setun, 50 m from the river itself.
47. Spring near Setun (undeveloped).
48. The nearest spring of the Volyn forest (Volynsky spring) in the Volyn forest, 90 m from the Setun along its right bank, 60-70 m east of Starovolynskaya street, opposite the entrance to the clinical hospital No. 1.
49. Far spring of the Volyn forest, 150 m from the Near spring.
50. Upper and Lower springs opposite Veernaya street.
51. Two springs near the Moscow Ring Road near the street. Gorbunova, 17K3.
52. Spring No. 1 in the Fili-Dovydkovo park.
53. Spring "Saint" on the street Krylatskiye Holmy.
54. Holy spring in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Rudny" in the "Tatar" ravine, on the street Krylatskiye Holmy. (Krylatskoye, near 6th Krylatskaya Street, in the ravine "Stone Cage", metro station Molodezhnaya.)
55. Springs Kamennaya Kletva and Little in the ravine "Stone Kletva"
56. A spring near the "City of Masters" in Filevsky park, south of the Krylatsky bridge.
57. A spring in the village of Lukino, in Novo-Peredelkino.
58. A spring in the village of Sukovo, in Novo-Peredelkino.
59. A spring in the village of Choboty, on the 2nd Chobotovskaya alley.
60. Spring "Saint", in the station Peredelkino.
61. A spring on Prirechnaya Street, in Novo-Peredelkino.
62. A spring in the natural reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 60 meters below the monument to Herzen and Ogarev.
63. A spring in the Vorobyovy Gory nature reserve, 250 meters below the church.
64. A spring in the natural reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", 120 meters east of the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt and Kosygina Street.
65. Spring in Troparevsky park.
66. A spring in the Samorodinka river valley.
67. A spring near the Mozhayskoye highway, in the valley of the river. Chachenki.


68. Spring "Tsarevna Lebed" ("Swan") and a complex of underlying small springs, located on the territory of the forest park "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo", on the left bank of the Khimka River, 600 m from house 25a on the street. Nikolsky dead end, in the upper reaches of the ravine.
69. A spring in the natural park "Moskvoretsky", Karamyshevsky bank of the Moskva River, 400 m southeast of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Khoroshovo.
70. A spring in the natural park "Moskvoretsky", 200 m downstream of the Moskva River from the Karamyshevsky bridge, 5 m from the water's edge, in the rear seam of the floodplain.
71. A spring in the natural park "Moskvoretsky", 250 m downstream of the Moskva River from the Karamyshevsky bridge, 10 m from the water's edge in the river. (opposite Karamyshevskaya embankment, property 20-24)
72. Eastern spring of the Tushinskaya bowl - a group of springs in the Skhodnensky bucket, 150 m from house 25 along the Donelaitis passage.
73. Northern spring of the Tushinskaya bowl.
74. Spring in the floodplain of the river. Bratovki (Bratsevsky spring).
75. Spring near the river. Bratovki.
76. A spring in the Skhodninsky bucket near the GSK Zvezda. Nearby there is still some kind of “pipe with a stream”.
77. Spring near the street. Svoboda, at the Butakovsky Bay stop.
78. Two springs on the bank of the river. Moscow below the Karamyshevsky bridge (opposite Karamyshevskaya embankment, vl. 20-24).
79. The spring "Mitinsky well" is located at the foot of the right side of the Uvarov ravine, in the water-glacial sands. 250 m south of building 10 on the street. Baryshikha. In the Uvarov ravine, 50 m below (east of) the Mitinsky Well, there is a spring that has not been captured and is not used. In addition, there are numerous non-captured springs and seepages of groundwater.
80. Spring on the street. General Beloborodov.
81. Near Christmas spring.
82. Far Christmas spring.
83. Big Spring on Landysheva Street. (Kurkino).
84. Springs in Kurkino (22 pieces -?) in the floodplain of the river. Gangway.


85. Spring in microdistrict No. 5 (MZhK).
86. A spring on the territory of the Zelenograd forestry park, below Lake Alley on the left bank of the Skhodnya River.
87. A spring below the Angstrem stadium, on the right bank of the Skhodnya River.
88. A spring on the territory of the Zelenograd forestry park, at the source of the Levaya Rzhavka stream.
89. A spring on the territory of the Zelenograd forestry farm, on the left bank of the Levaya Rzhavka stream.
90. A spring on the territory of the Zelenograd forestry farm, on the right bank of the Rzhavka stream near the mouth of the Levaya Rzhavka stream.
91. A spring on the territory of the Zelenograd forestry farm, on the left bank of the Rzhavka stream, near the mouth, near the garages.
92. A spring on the left bank of the Nazarevka stream, vil. Nazarevo.
93. On the left bank of the Goretovka River, at the intersection of the river with the western border of Zelenograd.
94. On the right bank of the Kamena stream, above the mouth of the Kukuevskaya beam. (? 2. A spring in microdistrict No. 16, near the village of Kamenka.)
95. On the left bank of the Malinsky stream, near the village. Horns.

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate one of their most revered holidays - also called Holy Theophany.

Epiphany water, which is brought into the house on the Eve of Epiphany and at Epiphany, is considered special. It does not deteriorate for several years, retaining its structure. This water is used to heal and sprinkle the dwelling with it. Epiphany water also helps in many other cases.

According to the priests, it is considered Epiphany from January 18 to 19. It so happened historically that there are two liturgies, after which the water is blessed. One in the evening, the second in the morning. Therefore, it can be recruited for two days.

When to collect water?

Water drawn on the night of January 18-19, from 0:10 to 1:30 or a little later, has been considered miraculous from time immemorial. At this time, "the sky opens" and a prayer addressed to God will be heard.

Our grandparents used it for healing, cleansing, expelling evil spirits and bad thoughts, splashed in the face of a person or in the corners of the house.

Want to check it out? That's not difficult. Just try to do everything exactly according to the rules carefully stored in people's memory.

After the first star

On Christmas Eve, January 18, you can not eat anything until the first stars appear in the sky. Drink only clean water, try to spend the whole day quietly and calmly, without getting irritated, without entering into conflicts, clean and tidy the house. In the evening, after the first star, you can have dinner. Prepare glassware with lids, such as 3 liter jars or bottles. Sterilize them carefully.

After 0 hours 10 minutes, fill this vessel with water from a well, spring, or other clean source. You can also just from the tap. It is desirable to pass it through a cleaning filter, but this is not a prerequisite. Dial at least 3 liters and close the jars with lids.

It is better to store baptismal water in a dark, cool place. And if in the future, for some reason, you want to pour out this water, then in no case do not pour it into the toilet or into the sink.

Dilute with plain water and even then pour or water the plants (by the way, it has been noticed that undiluted baptismal water affects plants in different ways: some bloom, others, on the contrary, die. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and act prudently).

How to use baptismal water

Those who managed to stock up on the most active Epiphany water, and it doesn’t matter where you got it - from the water supply, from an open source, or brought from the church - scientists remind you that you need to drink it regularly, preferably every day and on an empty stomach.

It perfectly raises the immune system and makes a person resistant to many infections. Epiphany water is a psychotherapeutic tool for relieving increased anxiety, irritability, so after a hard, nervous day, drink half a glass of holy water - and you will feel how the tension goes away, peace and tranquility come. For example, if you regularly drink such water for a child, he will catch cold less often.

It is useful not only to drink baptismal water, but also to wash your face with it in the morning and at night.

It will also not be superfluous to give water to animals and water the plants with Epiphany water.

Epiphany water is used for washing, irrigation and drinking.

How to take a bath?

On this night, douse yourself with baptismal water three times or take a bath. Between 0:10 and 1:30, fill the tub with cold tap water. Cross the water and yourself three times, say a prayer and hit the chest with your right fist three times to cause the body to vibrate in harmony with the vibrations of the water.

Then, without screaming or making noise, sit in the bath and plunge headlong three times, hitting your chest each time.

Silently get out of the bath (if someone else from your household wants to bathe in baptismal water, fill the bath with new water).

Do not dry off immediately, let the water soak into the skin. At this time, do a self-massage or vigorously tap your fingers all over your body from the top of your head to your heels. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, everything is new and already washed and ironed. Drink herbal tea with honey.

Washing and irrigation

Bathing is not a mandatory rule, according to the priests. This is a blessing, but not a must. After all, people are different, someone can swim in icy water in winter, but someone can’t, it’s not useful for someone - the state of health is such that they can’t afford it. The Church does not demand from a person a feat beyond his strength.

In order to get the most bioactive baptismal effect, without leaving home and without swimming in the frost in the hole, you need to wait for half past one in the morning and wash your face in the next half hour, take a shower or bath from the tap water of the Epiphany, drink a little of this unusual water from the tap.

While bathing, read a prayer or simply say these words to yourself: “Water takes away all sorrows and sorrows, my heart and soul are pure.”

The results of biolocation studies show that it immediately affects the body, raises the size of the human biofield by tens and hundreds of times, energizes and has a healing effect.

And it doesn’t matter where you bathed, in the hole or in the bathroom, the grace-filled power of Epiphany water is one. And it depends not on the temperature of the water, not on its quantity and quality, but on the faith of a person.

At this time, the energy charge of water, even ordinary water from any spring or well, is at its maximum.
Holy water (consecrated in the church) is applied to sore spots. Moreover, it is not necessary to pour it abundantly - just crosswise anoint the sore spot with it. The essence of the procedure is not in the duration of exposure, but in the very contact with miraculous water.

In the old days, women collected Epiphany snow from stacks - it was believed that washing with melted Epiphany water bestows beauty and prolongs youth. Rinse your face, chest with it. You do not need to dry yourself with a towel - let the water be absorbed into the skin.

How much water to store?

Epiphany water stored in glassware can be used throughout the year. This is a very strong energy water, so drinking it all the time is not recommended. But to take it as a medicine, if you are unwell, add it to the bath (from one teaspoon to one glass per bath), rinse your mouth, wash your face, sprinkle your face, eyes, the whole body - it is very useful.

No need to wipe. To cleanse the dwelling, they sprinkle baptismal water in the corners of the rooms, and then pour a small part of the water into a glass vessel without closing the lid and leave it in the room.