Our family traditions. Family traditions or how we travel around our homeland Family tradition to travel

The more you travel, the more you accumulate useful experience. You begin to understand the mistakes that you made before, and you can correct them without much effort. This allows you to save money, get rid of unnecessary worries and travel much more conveniently. Get into all these habits so that every trip is enjoyable.

Create a to-do list

If you make a list of everything you need in advance, it will be more convenient for you to pack your suitcase and you will not forget anything. Experienced travelers always make lists - it is convenient to use them to pack before leaving, and to pack things before returning home.

If your friends or relatives have already been to the place you are going, they will be able to suggest where to eat, which museum to visit, and which public transport to use. People close to you know you well, so they will be able to give advice that suits you personally and which is verified by their own experience.

Pack up early

You should make it a habit to get ready at least a day before your trip, ideally even earlier. If you've been slowly packing all week before you leave, you might want to put things in your bag when you think about them. So there is less chance that you will forget something. Do not wait until the last moment, otherwise you will start your journey with stress and you may forget something.

Make multiple copies of important documents

You should carry copies of your ID and insurance with you, and leave the itinerary with relatives or friends. If you lose something, you will be sent the correct copies. The original documents should be kept in a safe at the hotel, and only copies should be carried with you, as it is much more convenient and safer.

Always carry a water bottle with you

Take your water bottle with you wherever you go - you can easily fill it up and drink it during the flight, as well as the entire trip. You never know if you will be able to buy water at any moment, so having a bottle will be very convenient for you.

Constantly charge your devices

Take your adapters and chargers with you wherever you go. If there is an outlet where you are having lunch, be sure to use it. Charge all your devices at night while you sleep, so that in the morning you have a full battery that will last as long as possible. In this case, you will not have to face inconvenience.

Try to get everywhere early

Get to the airport early. Come early to railway station. Don't be late for the restaurant where you have your reservation. If you are in an unfamiliar country, you never know where the problem is, so the best solution is to leave early to anticipate problems. This is especially true for air travel. Avoid being late so you don't run into trouble.

Keep the money out of sight

You should not openly display your money, whether you are in your hometown or on a trip. Keep money with you, but not in plain sight, never put anything of value in your back pocket - this is the place where a thief can easily steal something.

Download maps to use them offline

You can pre-download parts of the map that you will especially need so that you can use them even when you do not have wireless Internet. You will be able to navigate around the city at any time, even if for the first time you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar country.

Take photos of important details

Take a photo with your hotel address, your itinerary, your tickets, parking space, departure confirmation numbers, receipts, hotel number. Don't rely solely on your memory. It is likely that you will be glad that you have these useful photos on your phone.

Remember when your passport will expire

If your documents become invalid soon, you may have a problem. In many countries, you cannot travel if there are three months or six months left before the expiration date of your passport. Be sure to keep an eye on this and update documents on time.

Learn to take a minimum of things

Try not to overload your bags, take a minimum of things - only what you really need. Try to limit yourself to one bag - this way it will be much more convenient for you to move around, and besides, you will not worry about luggage.

Probably anyone, even the most package tourist over time, certain habits are developed that simplify not only such a routine thing as travel fees or booking tickets and hotels, but also behavior in various situations in a new country for you.

So, our 10 useful travel habits:

  1. Make a list of things that are planned to take the road. This will greatly simplify and speed up the collection and will not allow you to forget something really important.
  2. Do not take extra things. If you are not traveling on a package tour, then extra things will be a burden and extra weight during transfers. During, as an experiment, we managed with small 35 liter backpacks.
  3. Download detailed offline maps of the area where you are going to your smartphone in advance. There are many specialized applications for this. We have already written.
  4. Pre-print on paper hotel reservations and tickets. We once had a situation where the mail where the contacts of the next reservation were stored was simply blocked, due, as it seemed to her, to suspicious authorization in another country.
  5. Always take at least 2 bank cards from different banks when traveling and keep them in different places, for example, in different pockets. In our case, these are even 3 cards: Sberbank, Tinkoff and Corn. Also, be sure to have $300-500 in reserve in the form of cash in the third pocket.
  6. Learn the main prohibitions of the country you are going to. Walking in short shorts in non-excursion places in Ankara or disrespecting even the portrait of the king in Thailand can lead to trouble.
  7. Think and analyze more intensively than at home. Think twice before taking a tour in the first place you come across. Do not buy souvenirs where there is a lot of tourists, etc.
  8. Dine in a cafe for locals. Without this, in our opinion, one cannot fully immerse oneself in the atmosphere of the country. Better - just dinner at a local family.
  9. Make it a rule that the main thing is documents and money. Losing all other things is unpleasant, but not so critical. If money can be secured with bank cards, then documents need special control and care.
  10. Charge the batteries of your camera, smartphone and other necessary gadgets in the evening! It will be very disappointing to miss a lot of interesting shots due to a dead battery.

This one is not very big list the basic habits we have developed during our travels. We hope it will be useful to you.

Services that we use in our independent travels:

Search and purchase of air tickets
Aviasales - for us it is No. 1 of all search engines, we use it only, because it is convenient and reliable, without "pitfalls".
One Two Trip! - a surprisingly convenient search engine in which you can find and purchase not only air tickets, but also railway ones. In addition, it is also easy to book a hotel or a hotel there. By clicking on our link, you will additionally receive an additional 500 rubles discount on the purchase of an air ticket!

Finding and booking accommodation

  1. - a world-famous search engine where you can find and book accommodation from guesthouses to luxury villas. Have used many times and highly recommend.
  2. Hotellook is a service for finding and booking accommodation from the creators of Aviasales.
  3. Airbnb - booking and renting apartments, rooms, houses local residents. Tested on myself, everything is honest, we recommend. When booking through our link, you will receive a bonus of 2100 rubles, which you can use when paying for housing. To do this, you will need to create your AirBnB account.
Car rental
- a great alternative to traveling to intercity buses and trains on the territory of Russia. Prices are usually lower public transport and significantly higher comfort.

Service-aggregator for car rental in local rental companies. You choose a car, as it were, at a local rental, but through a service, booking with a bank card, from which only 15% of the cost is charged. MyRentacar is the guarantor. You can choose not only the class of the car, but also a specific car, accurate to the color of the body and the type of radio. But most importantly, the prices on this service are the same as if you yourself came to a local rental company!

Let's discuss with you such an interesting topic as people's habits.

Everyone knows that there are bad habits, but not many people think that they have a lot of good, healthy habits.

Considering various issues related to travel and, we are thinking not only about receiving material values ​​anywhere in the world, but also spiritual ones. One of them is the habit of traveling.

It is no secret that it is travels that maximize the horizons and scale of thinking, making you a completely different person. Traveling enriches you spiritually, as it inspires ideas and opens up new knowledge. By developing a love of movement and search, you improve.

It takes a very long time to develop such a habit. But you can travel now - travel in your thoughts. Develop fantasy, dream: thoughts are material.

The journey begins, oddly enough, in the head. First, an idea appears, we think it over, draw it up. And then you can go!

Why don't people develop the habit of traveling? The answer is simple - everyone is lazy enough on their own, and when it comes to even planning a trip, a person becomes lazy. And if you add different fears - the trip can be buried.

Sergey, an experienced traveler:

“Since childhood, I loved to explore my city, it is quite large, and I was drawn to visit all its parts. Then I was drawn to the regional cities, I went first for a few days, then for weeks to friends. Also, other trips were constantly with relatives. And once I already organized a trip for myself for almost a month, I formed it myself, rented a house with friends and we traveled to different cities and places on the Crimean peninsula.

It's very cool when they don't impose on you where to go and where to live, and you yourself move freely and live the life of another place. Now I'm already planning a trip for a few months and I think it will be cool. It will no longer be one country, but several.”

Habits begin to form with a small step forward, and then they already enter your life.

Traveling to other countries opens up opportunities for new experiences. But before you start expanding your horizons, it's important to be aware of cultural differences between countries, especially if this is your first trip abroad.

The following 20 tips will make it easier for you to experience new cultures and make your trip not only pleasant, but also safe.

1. Don't travel without knowing at least a few words of the language of the country you are going to visit

At the very least, learn how to say "please", "thank you", "sorry" and "sorry". If you have difficulty communicating with the locals, they will certainly appreciate the effort you have made to try to communicate with them in their own language.

2. Read more about the culture and customs of the country

You should definitely know if there are any gestures or statements that are considered impolite in this country, and avoid using them at all costs.

Reading about the experiences of other travelers is very helpful. Reviews can give you information about things you simply shouldn't do or areas to avoid. cheap hotels, good restaurants or attractions that are not in the guide.

4. Don't raise your voice

Traveling can be exciting, but spending time in a crowd of other tourists is not what you would expect from an overseas trip. When you are in in public places, speak as quietly and calmly as possible so as not to designate yourself in the crowd as a tourist. This, most often, attracts thieves and scammers.

5. Don't smile at everyone

In some cultures, a face that is too friendly towards others makes the locals think that you are flirting with them. And this is fraught with misunderstanding or other unpleasant consequences.

6. Be prepared to pay "tourist tax"

Tax on goods and services is, in fact, a fairly common practice abroad. As a tourist, you should expect to pay more than what is written on the price tag. But don't pay too much for something that isn't worth it.

7. Don't expect everything to be like your home.

Don't compare a comfortable vacation in your home country with a vacation abroad. Prepare yourself to stay up until noon, eat your fill, and spend time with your friends. You will have to adjust to a new pace and lifestyle in order to see all the sights and experience a new culture in a short time. Abroad, the concepts of "shop", "club", "restaurant" differ from what we are used to seeing in our native country. So do not build illusions so as not to be disappointed, but just be genuinely surprised at the things around you.

8. Do not prematurely judge the life, values ​​and traditions of other peoples

Even if the streets of the city are full of garbage, and the residents drink water and wash clothes in the same river, instead of judging looks, say: “Isn't this interesting? Tell me more about your life." Respect local traditions, because this is not your country, here you are only a visitor.

9. Travel in style that matches your values, interests and hobbies

Ignore other people's opinions and don't listen to skeptics. If you do not have money for a five-star hotel and want to stay in an inexpensive hostel or couchsurfers, discard other people's stereotypes and prejudices. This is your vacation and only you decide how it will be.

10. Don't be afraid of street food

Street food won't kill you. What's more, there are many reasons other than the low price that you should try it. In Thailand, for example, street food is a culinary art that has far surpassed those from the most expensive restaurants. Also, be sure to try traditional cuisine the country you are going to.

11. Don't be afraid to say "no"

If you are offered to buy a wonderful, but absolutely unnecessary souvenir, or they seek to treat you to a dish that does not make you hungry, do not be afraid to refuse, just do it respectfully.

12. Meet the locals

Locals are not only direct carriers of another culture, but also an invaluable source useful information. They can suggest cheap hotels and cafes, interesting sights that are not in the guidebook, and even shelter for free for the night. In gratitude, be friendly and genuinely interested in their lives.

13. Celebrate local holidays and festivals in the traditional way

Not better way immerse yourself in a new culture than the traditional local celebration, be it an Indian wedding, a chili sauce festival, a tomato battle, or a Venetian masquerade. Thus, you will get more impressions in one day than in a week of sightseeing.

14. Travel longer, but in fewer places

Each individual city or country deserves as much attention as possible. It is impossible to visit five countries in a week and claim that you are well acquainted with the local customs, culture and lifestyle. Visit two countries in a week, and you will remember the locals, cafes, parks and squares for the rest of your life, not the views outside the window tourist bus.

15. Don't make too many plans for the day.

Spend your days enjoying every minute and don't gallop through all the outstanding places.

16. Protect your documents

Take special care of your passport and never give it to the immigration office to renew your visa, because they, somehow, may not return it to you.

17. Buy an insurance policy

Travel insurance seems like a waste of money to many. But it will save you thousands of dollars in the most unforeseen situations.

18. Don't dwell on unpleasant situations

If you suddenly get robbed or other bad things happen, don't dwell on it. As long as you are alive, let go of all negativity and continue to enjoy your vacation.

19. If you don't like your vacation, change direction.

If you take into account the countries of Asia, you can easily move from one country to another, in search of yourself and new experiences. If this is not possible, change the city. In any country you can find something close to your heart.

20. Be Prepared for Culture Shock

When you return home, the trip can change your established perception of life. Try to bring good experiences with you without drawing parallels with your home country. Over time, the shock will pass, and positive emotions and memories will remain for life.

Happy travels!

Going on a trip, you definitely need to take care of a minimum set of knowledge about the country in which you are going to spend your long-awaited vacation.

Indeed, abroad, even a seemingly insignificant trifle can seriously offend a local resident.

Especially a lot in the matter of eating. We will tell you about some foreign traditions that you definitely need to know and remember so as not to offend anyone in a foreign country.

The manners and customs behind the Great Wall of China, as well as the ability to eat with chopsticks, cause admiration for many, mixed with horror and delight at the same time.

Indeed, the ability to eat with chopsticks is worth learning thoroughly. And the first step is to find out what they can not do.

You can’t put chopsticks vertically on a plate of food - this is how food is served only to the dead, and if you don’t want to experience the wrath of otherworldly forces and those around you, then never do this.

Never point your chopsticks at other people, and it does not matter at all whether you hold them in your hands or put them on the table. Of course, it is necessary to recognize the art of laying the chopsticks so that they do not point at any person at the table, but for the reputation of a well-mannered person, it is worth trying.

Still, chopsticks should not be tapped on the cup or used with the reverse side.

If eating with chopsticks is definitely not given to you, try eating ... with a spoon. Keep in mind that in Thailand eating with a fork is considered a rather gross offense.

It is clear that in tourist areas, well-trained personnel are accustomed to look at such a violation of etiquette through their fingers, however, going to visit Thai friends or to a restaurant located outside tourist routes Eat only with chopsticks or a spoon.

If you don’t want to part with the fork, then try the following method: put food in a spoon with a fork, and now we send it to your mouth.

Middle East and

In some countries in this region, eating with the left hand is prohibited. If in Thailand they can just look askance at you for a fork, then in this case the ban is mandatory.

Here it is believed that the right hand is given to a person for saturation and touching the beautiful. Whereas the left hand is intended for hygienic needs and other not very pleasant things.

Honor national traditions abroad so as not to offend anyone. photo zane&inzane

Remember the famous phrase from the movie "Hello, I'm your aunt!". When asked who will pour the tea, Kalyagin replies: "Who, if not me, is the oldest lady present here."

Know that in Korea it is exactly the same: no matter how many people sit at the same table, until the oldest of those present touches the food, no one will eat.

This rule even applies to twins and other people born at the same time. If there is no way to understand who is older by the day, then the count goes to minutes.

The same rule applies to feeding small children in the same family: the oldest child is fed first.

It is very, we emphasize, very impolite to ask a waiter or a person who invited you to visit in Italy to serve grated Parmesan with a fish dish.

Of course, because of this you will not be expelled, but the conclusions will be drawn accordingly.

Alaska, and almost at the North Pole

Where there is snow, cold and permafrost, morals and decency become simpler in direct proportion to the temperature outside the window.

Some indigenous peoples of the northern lands consider the usual ... bunch as a manifestation of gratitude for a good dinner and a romantic meeting. It's so simple and uncomplicated to say thank you for so many things.

It's different in different countries

The same thing does not always have the same meaning in different countries. In India and Japan, for example, it is very important to leave the plate empty so that the owner of the house sees that you are grateful for the food and thereby (empty dishes) say thank you to him. In China, on the contrary, a clean plate will tell the audience that you are a greedy person who can not satiate his stomach. Poverty, illness and the lack of proper education will be attributed to you with great pleasure.

Never finish drinking coffee or tea in a Bedouin village, otherwise you risk drinking it for the rest of your days and getting stomach upset and arrhythmia. A bottomed out drink here means you're asking for a refill. What to do if you don't want to drink anymore? Reach out your hand with the empty cup towards the person with the teapot and shake it lightly. This means “thank you very much, everything was very tasty, but I don’t want more.”

As you can see, all these rules are not so complicated. So, if on a trip abroad you do not want to offend or even anger the natives, then try to remember at least the main local traditions.