Atlantic coast of Spain. Gijón

It is located 30 km from Alicante, best known for the production of the Spanish nougat - turrone, but also charming in its authenticity - you will forget that you are a stone's throw from a popular international resort.

The information below is provided by the tourist center of Gijon (already translated), the original style is preserved (minimum correction), photo - from Facebook page of the tourist center.

Cradle of turron

Gijón - cute, historical, bright

The history of Gijon dates back to the 13th century, to the timesdynasty of the Moorish Almohads, although within it there are archaeological finds from the Bronze Age. The name comes from the Latin Saxum ", which means rock or stone. In terms of area, the city ranks 5th in the province of Alicante. About a third of the territory is covered with forest.

Star The second part of the city arose at the end of the 12th century, protected by a castle and a mountain. Penya Migjorn ", also known to the locals as " Forat de la Penya "("Hole in the stone"). From its top, a stunning view of the mountains and adjacent plains opens up to mediterranean sea. Until the 17th century, Gijon was surrounded by a wall.

Gijon is located at an altitude of 453 meters above sea level and 25 kilometers from Alicante in the direction of " L'Alacanti ”, the geography here is defined by mountains, in most cases by a chain of mountains“ Carasqueta » - a natural connection between the cities of Alicante and Alcoy. The landscape is dominated by Spanish oak and fragrant plants whose fragrance spreads on terraces where almond, olive and carob trees are grown.

Amazing place for new discoveries

Monuments of architecture:

    Franciscan Monastery

    Carreró de L'Aula (School Alley)

    Hermitage of Saint Seb astiana

    Ravala Bakery

    Soapmaker's house

    Torre Blai (Tower of Blai)

    Church of St. Mary

    Archpriest Church

    City hall


    Factory Primitivo Rovira

    Workers Club

    Family house Monerris Planelles

    Family house Rovira

    Family house Aracil

Other points of interest

    Cultural Center

    Cinema Dalt

    Manger of the Christ Child

Wide horizons, natural places.

Walking route Gijón - Vivens - Gijón - 16.5 kilometers

The route starts in the park Barrac de la Font ” and continues towards “ Al e cua ". He rises to Llibreria " (Mining Education "Library") and " El Salt del Moro " (Waterfalls of the Moors - now dry) and from there to " Costera d’ Ibi” (mountain range Ibi ) all the way down to the picnic and rest area" Font de Vivens" (Source Vivens ). Then the path goes to AltdelaMartina" (top of Martina ) and then descends along " BarrancodeCastalla" (Castalla gorge ) to the intersection with the route that leads us back to Gijón.

Walking route Gijón - Peña Migjorn - Gijón - 15 kilometers

Starting in the park BarracdelaFont ”, the path goes around the western side of the castle and rushes to the farm Gacimal and home Pineta . Then it continues to the west, passing through the ravine " Cova dels Corrals ” and returns back to the starting point through “ Segona Carena".

Walking route Gijón - Pou del Surdo - Gijón - 11 kilometers

The route starts in the same place as the previous two. It then crosses the city in the direction of St. Anthony's Hermitage and runs along old road from Gijon to Alcoy, then along the valley Bugaia ', going up to ' Pou del Surdo "and the hotel" Pou de la Neu ". Passing by the television antenna, the road returns to its original route.

outdoor activities

The countryside around the city offers a huge range of outdoor activities and sports adventures such as hiking, climbing, cycling and so on, and is perfect place for sporting events.

Natural spaces and parks

For those who love walking, there are three marked trails, a network of parks and beautiful natural spaces suitable for pleasant walks.

Els Plantades » is an urban nature reserve crossed by mountains, with valleys of great ecological importance and natural beauty.

Other green recreation areas in the city itself, which are also worth a visit:

    St. Anthony's Park

    El Cuarnero Park

    Barrac de la Font Park

    El Salt (waterfall)

    Trail along the river Cosc o

    Park Les Piletes

    La Font der Moratell (source Moratell)

Mountains over 1000 meters high and valleys covered with Mediterranean flora

Homeland of ice cream

It is said that in Gijón the production of ice cream began to flourish like a craft in the snow. The snow was stored in special pits and in the summer, turned into ice, transported and sold. Traditionally, many families in Gijón produce ice cream, horchatas » and cold drinks ( glanizados).

When summer comes, families move to other cities in Spain in order to produce their product in accordance with tradition, and the Xixona chain of ice cream parlors is spread throughout Spain.

"Snow Springs"

These are structures built to store snow. The best surviving specimen near X ichones - « PoudelSurdo ". It is located on the mountain Carrasqueta at an altitude of 1100 meters. From this place opens great amount panoramic views of an area full of natural contrasts, from the tops of the mountains down to the sea. Near the source, or cave, there is a small suburban hotel - " Pou de la Neu ”, which was built on the site of the original house of workers who monitored the snow.

Rich culinary

Turron is a dessert of Arabic origin, which is made from sugar, honey and almonds. It quickly spread and won love around the world. Turron is a typical Christmas treat, but it is consumed throughout the year and in a variety of ways.

Gijon is synonymous with turron. However, in the gastronomy of the city there is a wide variety of other dishes, the roots of which also lie in this area. Among these traditional recipes can be distinguished " giraboix", "llegum and rice with a rabbit.

The confectionery factory of Gijon is rich in juicy pieces, which are made by hand, traditionally in ovens. You can't miss les iguales "made from almonds, flour and cinnamon," les doblades ”, made with toasted almonds, sugar, butter and anise. You should also try " les tortades ”, made from sugar, almonds and cinnamon.

Thanks to its main economic activity, Gijon has become home to the Governing Council for the protection of the trade mark of the real Turrón of Gijon and Alicante ( Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin Jijona and Alicante Turrón ), as well as for the National Association of Producers of Traditional Ice Cream, as well as sellers of ice cream and horchata ( National Association of Traditional Ice - Cream Makers , Ice - Cream and Horchata Sellers ).

turron trail

Throughout the year, guests can learn about variousprocesses used in the production of turron, and the characteristics of the ingredients used. They can also enjoy the opportunity to try and buy turrone and other sweet treats such as marzipan," polvorones" and so on.
Turron Museum.
In the photo below - almonds, the basis for the production of turron.

Festivals, music and fun

Festival of Moors and Christians

With over 200 years of history, Gijon's main festival, the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, is one of the oldest in the Valencian community. The festival is held at the end of August for 3 very busy days, when the whole city takes part in the celebration and fun. Historic battles between Moors and Christians are remembered and presented with music, gunpowder, eye-catching costumes and parades.

The festival begins on July 24, Signal Day ( la Senyal ), an official act in which all groups of the festival take part. Every Saturday closer to the main festival, los sopares (small dinners/communions) are celebrated with informal parades in the streets of Gijón. It features the music of local bands, the sounds of instruments and traditional dances.

winter festival

This festival is celebrated on the third Saturday of February. The festival was created so that families who spent their summers outside of Gijon making and selling ice cream in other cities across Spain would also have the opportunity to spend the holiday together. One of the outstanding and colorful features of the festival is the flower market, during which all participants of the festival dress up in typical costumes of the places where their ice cream shops are located.

Traditions steeped in history

The Christmas market revives the tradition of Gijon, forgotten more than 200 years ago. In early December, thousands of tourists come to enjoy the market under open sky where they can get their Christmas shopping and choose from an abundance of turron, marzipan, polovorones ” and a long list of delicacies that no table can do without during these holidays.

Another tradition that has stood the test of timecovers both holidays at once - Christmas and New Year. These days the streets are filled with magic and light from the fire" aixames , a kind of cane torch that is hung around while children beg for their Christmas gifts.

Tourists who want to explore the "cradle of turron" better cannot miss either the spectacular procession of the "Kings of the East" (Three Wise Men) or " Porrates ” (traditional feast) of St. Sebastian, nor “ Candelaria » (The Triumph of the Purification of the Virgin Mary). The first holiday is celebrated in the second half of January, while " Candelaria takes place on the first weekend of February.

Spain is not only Madrid or Valencia. This is a lot of interesting cities with rich history. One of the most beautiful places in Spain is Gijón, located in the north of the country. He is famous for his picturesque beaches, bays, rocky mountains and steep coasts.

Gijón will appeal to nature lovers as it has many parks, such as Providence Park with rolling hills overlooking the sea and the city. Historic churches and palaces convey the unique atmosphere of the city, and the historical district of Cimadevilla will introduce you to the history of the pearl of Austria.

The aquarium in Gijon is one of the best aquariums in Spain. Aquarium volume 2 thousand cubic meters of water contains a wide range of flora and fauna from all over the world.

Both children and adults can have a great time here: children are delighted with the diversity and color of fish, and adults can be surprised by unusual representatives of the marine world, for example, three-meter sharks. The oceanarium is equipped with touch panels, thanks to which you can touch small fish and starfish. In the souvenir shop you can buy souvenirs and educational games for children.

Location: Playa de Poniente.

The 15th century church is located at the end of the popular long Via San Lorenzo - about 6 km long. - along which they are located famous beaches with white sand. The church is located on the coast, which makes it a great place for picturesque photographs, and also attracts lovers for wedding ceremonies.

A mixture of different architectural styles (Gothic, neoclassical and pre-Romanesque) gives the church a special charm, and borrowed Florentine motifs endow it with grace.

Location: Transito Campo Valdes - 1.

Palace Valdes

The palace is located near the popular promenade of San Lorenzo and the church of San Pedro, which is necessary for visiting. Built in the 16th century, the Valdes Palace is one of the most striking historical buildings, made in the classical style, and in combination is a cultural heritage of Spain.

The beaches of Gijón

The beaches and promenades of the city are popular places to visit in both summer and winter. In summer, on the beach of San Lorenzo, whose length is more than three kilometers, as well as soft sandy beaches Poniente and Arbeial can soak up the sun with a view of the city's attractions - churches and palaces, which are located at the end of the promenades. In autumn and winter, the beaches attract surfers.

Another famous palace of Gijon, but made in a completely different style and with all its appearance shows that it was built specifically for protection against attacks. It connects the oldest district of Gijón, Cimadeville and the rest of the city.

The castle is conveniently located and can be an intermediate sightseeing point between the historic district and more modern city. The castle was built in the 17th century. Now there is a museum of modern art.

Location: Plaza del Marques - 2.

It is the tallest building complex in Spain and one of the most beautiful university buildings. The central tower, which you can climb up and look at the city from a height higher than London's Big Ben.

The square in front of the building periodically hosts concerts and other public events. The monumental complex outwardly resembles the famous El Escorial and partly the complex of buildings of Moscow State University. Best of all it's unique architectural structure visit with a tour guide, which will allow you to get to the church and the theater.

The Mother of the Emigrant is one of the most visited attractions in Gijón. The sculpture is located on the coast with excellent sea views.

The professionalism with which the monument is made makes tourists linger near the sculpture, which conveys a sad story. civil war Austria and raises the questions of war and peace in the mind. The deep mournful expression of the "Mother of the Emigrant" plunges into a peaceful atmosphere; a must to visit.

The sculpture is located in the historic district of Gijón, Cimadevilla, on the hill of Santa Catalina. Climbing the hill, you can not only get acquainted with the famous sculpture, but also listen to the sound of the surf and breathe in the fresh sea air, take a break from the bustle of the city. The romantic hill is located at the end of the park just a few minutes from the city center. The author of the concrete sculpture is Eduardo Chillida.

Roman ruins and a romantic semi-dark atmosphere will not leave anyone indifferent. The museum is small and does not take much time. On average, you can get around it in 30 minutes.

Free admission on Sundays and affordable admission prices on other days make this place especially attractive for tourists. The museum has leaflets on English language, and many illustrations reduce the language barrier.

Providence Park (Mirador parque de La Providencia)

Park and wildlife lovers should visit Providence Park. The park has rocky hills and many lawns where you can have a picnic.

From the hills of the park, from which you can enjoy all the colors of the Spanish sunset, you have a view of the city and the seascape. Laid along the park tourist route along the sea 4 km long. There are many pavilions in the park where you can rest during the journey.

This is the main central square of the city. The square is small in size, but it has an obligatory attribute of Spanish squares - the city hall building with a balcony and a clock on the facade. There are several restaurants and coffee houses on the square, where you can taste traditional Austrian cider. Fairs and dance performances are held on the square.

The port city of Gijon, which is located on the coast of the Bay of Biscal in Austria, will introduce you to unusual northern Spain and allow you to relax while admiring seascapes on white sand beaches.

With today's photo report, we open a large series of stories about travels in the Spanish province of Asturias. We came to this beautiful green land by invitation travel company PrivetSpain, which organizes individual recreation and travel in the north of Spain for tourists from Russia.

To meet our first sunrise in Asturias, we went with the PrivetSpain staff to the beach near Gijon. Despite the beginning of autumn, the early hour and the official holiday in honor of the day of Asturias, this beach was cleaned with might and main and cleaned by janitors on tractors.

And local fishermen, meanwhile, were already engaged in their craft, catching seafood, which the whole north of Spain and, in particular, Asturias are so famous for.

The beach has a great view of everything. Mountain peaks Picos de Europa, including Mount Fito (Fito), famous for the international motor racing held on its mountain serpentines.

This cozy beach is located in the beautiful fishing village of Lluanco, 10 km from Gijon.

It is practically unknown to Russian tourists that Asturias is famous all over the world for its wide sandy beaches. Beaches with blue flag(the highest insignia) in Asturias, there are more than a dozen.

But besides the sandy shores, Asturias is also famous for its waves - ideal for surfing.

At this early hour, we met about a dozen surfers on the beach trying to ride the wave.

After a short morning walk along the coast, we returned back to Gijón, where we were already met by the bright sun.

All guests arriving in Gijón for the first time are sure to be shown its magnificent promenade and the beach of San Lorenzo (Playa de San Lorenzo), from where a wonderful view of the old city opens in the morning.

The weather in Asturias can change several times during the day, especially in autumn. Our first morning in Gijon was sunny and warm. And, of course, enjoy the good weather locals. Someone is swimming...

… someone jogging or just walking along the beach.

In addition to the historical part - the old town and the embankment - there are also modern "sights" in Gijon.
The new symbol of Gijón is the giant letters installed on the embankment in 2011. There are always a lot of tourists in this central place, and it is very difficult to photograph the letters without people passing in front of them :)

Another of Gijón's brand new iconic sights is this green Christmas tree…

... made up of 3200 empty glass bottles from the famous Asturian cider. The installation was erected with the idea of ​​caring for the environment, and there is a large glass receiver nearby.

It should be noted that apart from the waterfront and the old town in Gijón, there is practically nothing to see and take pictures of, with a few exceptions. So, after a visit to the embankment, we went to see the Laboral, the largest building in Spain (with an area of ​​270,000 m²), which was built during the Franco era in 1946-56.

The size of the complex is impressive. Despite the fact that this building currently houses a university, a theater and many government organizations, the area still looks deserted.
The main tourist attraction here is the Laboral tower. This is the tallest building in Asturias. You can take a modern elevator to the very top of the tower for 1.6 euros, which we did not fail to take advantage of.

From the observation deck, which is 117 meters high, offers a panoramic view of the landscape of the green city under your feet, nearby buildings and the whole of Gijón.

Next to Laboral is, in a sense, the "silicon valley" of Asturias. All major high-tech companies in the region have offices here, and in total about 13,000 people work here.

This is how Gijon opened up to us from a height of 117 meters.

It must be admitted that we were little acquainted with Asturias before this trip. The typical tourist is usually only aware of national park in the mountains "Picos de Europa", the monastery of Covadonga, intoxicated cider and the famous Cabrales cheese. So when we saw our weekly itinerary provided by our friends at PrivetSpain, we couldn't believe our eyes! It turns out that in this region there are many interesting, amazing and amazing things.

We were taken from Gijon to look at one of these highlights, about which little is written in ordinary tourist guides.

Bufones (Bufones) are karst caves in the form of chimneys or deep wells up to a hundred (!) Meters deep, which are located on rocky coasts near the sea.

The buffons go straight to the water with their base, and during strong tides you can see giant fountains spouting up to 40 meters in height.

Unfortunately, the tide was low when we arrived, and we could only hear the sinister breathing of these natural chimneys, which in itself causes delight and awe.

And this is how craftsmen in Asturias fish from a height of 50-70 meters :)

After the buffons we drove to another hidden gem of Asturias.

A beach with a funny almost Finnish name Gulpiyuri (Playa Gulpiyuri). This unique beach is located in a lowland between the cities of Ribadesella and Llanes.
Despite its small size and complete isolation, this is a real sea beach with salt water and sand, located right in the middle of the farmer's fields. Sea water enters through a system of caves and underground tunnels.

On the little Gulpiyuri, everything is like the sea: there are ebb and flow here, and local romantics come to the clean sandy shore to sunbathe.

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Today Gijon is in the constellation largest cities on the Cantabrian coast. beautiful curve coastline allows you to admire the unique picture created by rocky cliffs and huge boulders, between which comfortable bays with cozy beaches nestled. Rough steep banks are the main attraction of the area in which Gijón is located.

Samo geographical position the city of Gijón contributes to the development of tourism. Only half an hour of driving on an amazing highway separates it from Ranon Airport. The central part of Gijon looks like a huge amphitheater. A couple of steps from the center of Gijón, there is an amazing beach with fine sand San Lorenzo. For those who do not want to rest on central beach, offer their services the beaches of La Cagonera y La Nora, Serin, Penarrubia, El Rinconin, the restored El Arbeyal and Poniente, as well as small beaches hidden in the rocks.

However, the city offers not only the opportunity to sunbathe beautifully. Here is the most beautiful bagpipe museum, the art center in the Revillagigedo Palace, Barjola (museum of modern art). Unforgettable impressions will be left by the pedestrian street allocated for trade, Corrida. Copyright

The city has an interesting Railway Museum, it was opened in one of the most beautiful historical buildings. It was built in 1874 and was previously railway station, next to it, several old railway tracks have been preserved. The opening of the museum took place relatively recently, in 1998. The basis of its exposition is 140 old cars, locomotives and rail trains. In total, the museum has collected about a thousand exhibits, one way or another connected with the history of the development of the railway.

With a variety of inhabitants underwater world Guests of Gijon are introduced to the local aquarium, which was opened in 2006. The aquarium is a large educational center, in addition to the oceanarium itself, there are several educational rooms and museums within its walls. The center managed to recreate 60 unique aquatic ecosystems; it acquaints visitors with the characteristics of the inhabitants of various rivers and seas of the world. The center regularly holds interesting educational events, which will be interesting to visit not only for children, but also for adults.

The city has the only botanical garden in northern Spain, founded in 2003. Today the garden covers an area of ​​about 16 hectares, it is available for visiting all year round. Thanks to the presence of special covered pavilions, visitors to the garden, even in winter, can admire the variety of rare plants and flowers, and also take part in various recreational activities. IN botanical garden regularly hold concerts, thematic conferences and various master classes.

On the territory of the city, you can see several unique ancient sights. The ruins of ancient Roman baths have been preserved here. The ancient complex miraculously managed to survive after more than 1,800 years. Today, visitors to the thermal baths can admire the skillful old mosaics, and also see the heating system developed by ancient engineers.

Spain is not only Madrid or Valencia. This is a lot of interesting cities with a rich history. One of the most beautiful places in Spain is Gijón, located in the north of the country. It is famous for its picturesque beaches, coves, rocky mountains and steep coasts.

Gijón will appeal to nature lovers as it has many parks, such as Providence Park with rolling hills overlooking the sea and the city. Historic churches and palaces convey the unique atmosphere of the city, and the historical district of Cimadevilla will introduce you to the history of the pearl of Austria.

The aquarium in Gijon is one of the best aquariums in Spain. Aquarium volume 2 thousand cubic meters of water contains a wide range of flora and fauna from all over the world.

Both children and adults can have a great time here: children are delighted with the diversity and color of fish, and adults can be surprised by unusual representatives of the marine world, for example, three-meter sharks. The oceanarium is equipped with touch panels, thanks to which you can touch small fish and starfish. In the souvenir shop you can buy souvenirs and educational games for children.

The 15th century church is at the end of the popular long Via San Lorenzo - about 6 km long. - along which the famous beaches with white sand are located. The church is located on the coast, which makes it a great place for picturesque photographs, and also attracts lovers for wedding ceremonies.

A mixture of different architectural styles (Gothic, neoclassical and pre-Romanesque) gives the church a special charm, and borrowed Florentine motifs endow it with grace.

Palace Valdes

The palace is located near the popular promenade of San Lorenzo and the church of San Pedro, which is necessary for visiting. Built in the 16th century, the Valdes Palace is one of the most striking historical buildings, made in the classical style, and in combination is a cultural heritage of Spain.

The beaches of Gijón

The beaches and promenades of the city are popular places to visit in both summer and winter. In summer, on the beach of San Lorenzo, which is more than three kilometers long, as well as the soft sandy beaches of Poniente and Arbeial, you can soak up the sun with a view of the city's attractions - churches and palaces, which are located at the end of the promenades. In autumn and winter, the beaches attract surfers.

Another famous palace of Gijon, but made in a completely different style and with all its appearance shows that it was built specifically to protect against attacks. It connects the oldest district of Gijón, Cimadeville and the rest of the city.

It is the tallest building complex in Spain and one of the most beautiful university buildings. The central tower, which you can climb up and look at the city from a height higher than London's Big Ben.

The square in front of the building periodically hosts concerts and other public events. The monumental complex outwardly resembles the famous El Escorial and partly the complex of buildings of Moscow State University. It is best to visit this unique architectural structure with an excursion guide, which will allow you to get to the church and the theater.

The Mother of the Emigrant is one of the most visited attractions in Gijón. The sculpture is located on the coast with excellent sea views.

The professionalism with which the monument is made makes tourists linger near the sculpture, which conveys the sad story of the Austrian civil war and raises questions of war and peace in the minds. The deep mournful expression of the "Mother of the Emigrant" plunges into a peaceful atmosphere; a must to visit.

The sculpture is located in the historic district of Gijón, Cimadevilla, on the hill of Santa Catalina. Climbing the hill, you can not only get acquainted with the famous sculpture, but also listen to the sound of the surf and breathe in the fresh sea air, take a break from the bustle of the city. The romantic hill is located at the end of the park just a few minutes from the city center. The author of the concrete sculpture is Eduardo Chillida.

Roman ruins and a romantic semi-dark atmosphere will not leave anyone indifferent. The museum is small and doesn't take much time. On average, you can get around it in 30 minutes.

Free admission on Sundays and affordable admission prices on other days make this place especially attractive for tourists. The museum also has leaflets in English, and many illustrations reduce the language barrier.

Providence Park (Mirador parque de La Providencia)

Park and wildlife lovers should visit Providence Park. The park has rocky hills and many lawns where you can have a picnic.

This is the main central square of the city. The square is small in size, but it has an obligatory attribute of Spanish squares - the city hall building with a balcony and a clock on the facade. There are several restaurants and coffee houses on the square, where you can taste traditional Austrian cider. Fairs and dance performances are held on the square.

The port city of Gijon, which is located on the shores of the Bay of Biscal in Austria, will introduce you to unusual northern Spain and allow you to relax while admiring the seascapes on white sand beaches.

The city of Gijon in Spain is located on the coast Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the autonomy of Asturias. For a long time Gijón was an industrial and shopping center countries with a well-developed metallurgical industry and large reserves of natural resources. By the end of the last century, tourism began to actively develop in Gijon, which significantly replenishes the city budget.

On the land where the city is today, the first settlement appeared in the VI century BC. In the 1st century BC e. it was conquered by the Romans. The influence of Roman culture is still clearly visible in the architecture of the city, especially in the mansions between San Lorenzo and the marina.

Whether or not the Madonna appeared, in 722 Pelayo's army defeated the Arabs at Covadonga. This event was the beginning of the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Christians. In 1395, a terrible fire almost wiped out Gijón in Spain from the face of the earth. However, it was restored rather quickly.

Climatic conditions

beach holiday

However, "San Lorenzo" is more suitable for lovers of extreme recreation. There are quite strong currents and large differences in depths. Fans of noisy entertainment are better off choosing Poniente Beach. The purest sand was brought here from the Sahara desert. The San Juan Festival is celebrated annually on this beach: bonfires are lit all night and thousands of vacationers and townspeople have fun. It also hosts a fun cider festival.

Gijon in Spain: sights of the city

Historic City Center - Cimadevilla District

In Cimadevilla you can visit the clock tower, which today houses the historical archive. In addition, Roman baths located in the old part of the city are popular among tourists.

One of the most interesting cultural centers in Gijon (Spain) is the Museum of the People of Asturias, which introduces guests to the culture and lifestyle of the local population. This ethnographical museum began work in 1968 and during this time has earned recognition not only from the townspeople, but also from numerous tourists.

House Museum of Jovellanos

Isabelle Park


Khikhon Workers' University

Today it houses the Faculty of the University of Oviedo, the Center for Industrial Creativity, the Higher Stage School and the Conservatory. Height main tower building is 130 meters. On the high bell tower is observation deck with stunning views of the city and surroundings.

Gijon in Spain is able to amaze even sophisticated connoisseurs historical monuments. The construction of baths belongs to the I-II centuries of our era. In the 6th century they were still used as living quarters, and in the Middle Ages a necropolis was organized here.

El Molinon Stadium

Today the stadium can accommodate thirty thousand people. It is the home arena for the famous football club "Sporting" (Gijon, Spain). But besides football matches, concerts of Spanish and foreign artists are often held here. At various times, the stadium has applauded the Rolling Stones and Tina Turner, Bon Jovi and Sting, Paul McCarthy and Bruce Springsteen.

Most of the tourists who chose Gijon from the many Spanish resorts did not regret it at all. On the contrary, they were pleased with the opportunity not only to relax on the magnificent beaches, but also to visit many interesting places with which Gijon is rich.