Rest on the Issyk-Kul lake how to get there. The best ways to get to Issyk-Kul

By car - from 33 hours, by bus - 19 hours 20 minutes + 2 days 26 minutes, by train - 1 day 23 hours 21 minutes, by plane - from 4 hours. 50 min.

How to get to the picturesque lake Issyk-Kul from Orenburg by plane, train, car or bus? Comparison of estimated costs, distance and travel time for each mode of transport.

By car - 43–45 hours, by bus - at least 48 hours, by train - from 60 hours, by plane - 3-4 hours.

The Kazan Issyk-Kul route is used by tourists who want to relax on the lake, famous for its picturesque landscapes, clean air and health resorts. To do this, they usually choose a personal car, plane or train. Not very convenient, but you can still use the bus for this trip.

Issyk-Kulperfect place for those who want to relax, admire the picturesque landscapes, discover a lot of new things in oriental culture. And, most importantly, improve your health, as the lake is considered a world-famous resort. Make the way Voronezh Issyk-Kul, in a straight line about 2800 km, it is possible by plane, by train, and even by private car. Not the easiest and fastest, but also affordable way - a bus ride.

Route Volgograd - Issyk-Kul allows Russian tourist perform multiple tasks at once. Firstly, it's great to relax in picturesque place with clean air and clear water. Secondly, improve your health with the help of local sanatoriums and healing springs. And finally, visit dozens of the most interesting sights. And you can get to Issyk-Kul both by air and by railway, and even on a regular track, overcoming from 2400 to 3600 km.

By car - at least 40 hours, by bus - more than 70 hours, by train - 77 hours, by plane - 17-40 hours.

Drive Nizhny Novgorod– Issyk-Kul will require significant costs - both financial and time. However, they all pay off - thanks to the picturesque lake landscapes, the healthy atmosphere and the many interesting sights that cannot be found anywhere else. The time spent in Issyk-Kul will be remembered by both adult tourists and their children, thanks to which the trip can be truly called family vacation. And you can get here by plane, private car, train or bus, breaking from 2800 to 3700 km.

Get to the lake Issyk-Kul from Moscow not so difficult: they are separated by 3800 km, so the trip there and back can take several hours or days, depending on the chosen mode of transport. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of various modes of transport that can be reached by Issyk-Kul from Moscow.

Travel Novosibirsk Issyk-Kul is a unique opportunity to visit one of the largest lakes in the world. sunny days in a year there are more than on the Black Sea. There are many sanatoriums in the district, where everyone can take mineral baths, mud therapy procedures. A favorable climate will help to quickly restore lost strength and health.

Get to the lake Issyk-Kul from Yekaterinburg is not difficult, in a straight line the distance is 1964 km. To do this, you can use several modes of transport: plane, train, bus and car. Choosing how to get to Issyk-Kul from Yekaterinburg it is necessary to pay attention to several determining factors: price, travel time, availability of transfers, comfort during the trip.

Benefits set: here and relative cheapness, and less crowded than on popular resorts, beaches, and favorable climate, beautiful nature, the opportunity to heal and gain strength for the whole year. Perm is separated from Issyk-Kul by a huge distance: 2035 km in a straight line and more than 2500 km if you get there ground transport. Therefore, going on the road, you need to think about how exactly you plan to get to Issyk-Kul.

How to get the route rightSt. Petersburg-Issyk-Kul? It is worth saying that in any case, tourists should first get to the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. This can be done in several ways. You can fly a direct flight by plane, you can even buy tickets online, there is a St. Petersburg-Bishkek train.

Get to the lakeIssyk-Kul from Omskquite simply, since in a straight line the distance to it is some 1430 km, which is not a distance on the scale of our country. For travel toIssyk-Kul from Omskyou can use personal vehicles or get there by plane, train, bus. It is not easy to choose from this variety, each method has its strengths and weak sides. However, there are parameters that, based on pragmatic considerations when choosing a way to travel onIssyk-Kul from Omskcan become decisive.

Get to the resort Issyk-Kul from Novokuznetsk possible on several modes of transport. Get to Issyk-Kul from Novokuznetsk no more difficult than in any region of Russia or prestigious overseas resort. And the distance to it is "ridiculous" by Russian standards - 1405 km. But for each travel option on Issyk-Kul from Novokuznetsk There are some nuances that need to be considered when choosing a mode of transport.

Get to the lake Issyk-Kul from Kemerovo can be done in many ways: by plane, bus, rail or private car. Direct distance to the lake Issyk-Kul from Kemerovo equals - 1589 km. By road, depending on the chosen route and the end point on the lake, the path to Issyk-Kul from Kemerovo will be about 2350 km.

Get on Issyk-Kul from Tyumen possible in several ways. Each of them has its strengths and weaknesses. Which one to choose, given that the distance to the lake Issyk-Kul from Tyumen is about 1836 km (in a straight line).

Get to Issyk-Kul from Barnaul won't be too difficult. You just have to choose optimal view transport and route to Issyk-Kul from Barnaul. Moreover, the distance to here in a straight line is only 1309 km. Airplane, bus, train and car can be considered as the main modes of transport. To select the parameters of each method are summarized in a table, focusing on which you can decide how to go to Issyk-Kul from Barnaul.

Get on Issyk-Kul from Krasnoyarsk possible in different ways. From him Mountain Lake located at a distance of 1881 km. To travel in the direction of Issyk-Kul from Krasnoyarsk, you can use both land and air transport. The final choice of method depends on the desired combination of comfort and cost on a trip to Issyk-Kul Lake from Krasnoyarsk. For ease of selection, they are all listed in the table.

Get to Issyk-Kul from Chelyabinsk can be done in various ways, using ground and air transport. To do this, in a straight line, you need to overcome 1793 km. Costs and time to travel to Issyk-Kul from Chelyabinsk can vary significantly depending on the type of transport chosen: car, train, plane, bus. What is the best choice when planning a trip to Issyk-Kul from Chelyabinsk can be understood based on the information below.

Get to Issyk-Kul from Tomsk it is possible by various modes of transport, including land, since the lake is located at a distance from it 1640 km. Choosing the type of travel to Issyk-Kul from Tomsk, you need to focus on such parameters as travel time, expenses, number of transfers. It is on them that the comfort on the road to Issyk-Kul from Tomsk depends to a greater extent. It should be understood that not always the high cost of tickets will provide maximum comfort. Options for possible ways trips are summarized in a comparative table.

From Khanty-Mansiysk, you can get to it by various means of transport, the cheapest of which is a bus.

Distance from Khanty-Mansiysk to Issyk-Kul– 2057.5 km, can be overcome with the help of airlines, railway transport, bus and car.

The distance from Samara to Issyk-Kul directly is 2700 km, by road - 2897 km. There are 4 ways to overcome it: by train, by plane, by car, by bus.

  • How to get from the cities of Kazakhstan

    Most popular route from Almaty to Issyk-Kul, this is a route through the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. At the bottom google map routeAlmaty- Bishkek. As you can see, according to Google, the distance from Almaty to Bishkek is 269 km, according to other sources, 238 km. Further from Bishkek to the main resort town of Issyk-Kul Cholpon-Ata is 260 km. In total distance fromAlmaty to Issyk-Kul approximately 500 km.

    Distance Astana-Issyk-Kul is 1450 km. You can overcome it by your own car, train, bus, plane. Of course, the journey by train or bus will not seem as fast and comfortable as traveling through the sky, but it will save your travel budget.

    Plane to Bishkek 953 km, 150 $, per air ticket 2 hours in flight,
    Train to Bishkek 1391 + 183 km, about $90, 36 +5 h.
    Bus to Issyk-Kul 1908 km, 30 + 4 $, 22.5 + 5 h.
    Car to Issyk-Kul 1908 km, $45–130, for all passengers, 20–24 h.

    Distance from the city of Petropavlovsk to famous lake Issyk-Kul is about 1500 km in a straight line. There are four ways to get to the local resorts that are leading in the ratings of both Kazakhstan and several neighboring countries. The fastest and most expensive option is a flight. Therefore, if you want to save money and have extra time, you can get to the lake both by train and by bus. And, going on vacation with the whole family, you can even choose a personal car.

    Resting in the mountain resort of Chimbulak, located near Almaty, you can spend a couple of days on another type of recreation - a trip to Issyk-Kul Lake. Moreover, the distance in a straight line from sports bases to lake boarding houses does not exceed 40 kilometers. However, tourists will not be able to get a short way through the mountains - both because of the difficult route and due to the need to cross the border between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Therefore, all roads to Issyk-Kul lie through Almaty - both when traveling by car, and when choosing a train, plane or bus.

    There are many reasons to choose a trip from Karaganda to Issyk-Kul. Those who wish to improve their health, admire unique nature to visit the most interesting sights. However, before traveling, you should choose the method by which it will be more convenient, faster or more profitable to get to the lake. There are three options that tourists can use - according to highway, by air or by rail.

  • Every year, going on vacation, you need to. In addition to accommodation, and a list of places worth visiting in the resort, it is also important to think about the road.

    To make it easier for you to navigate, the editorial journalist website spoke to the press office railway station, taxi services, motorists, cycling and motorcycle communities and found out how much time and money it would take from Bishkek to Issyk-Kul different types transport. Please note: we calculated the route from Bishkek to Balykchy.


    Yes, yes, there are people who go to Issyk-Kul on this eco-friendly mode of transport.

    Of course, this will take the most time. The average speed of a cyclist moving in mountainous areas is 25 km/h. So the journey from Bishkek to Balykchy will take 8 hours. Although the cyclist does not need to spend money on gas, he will have to eat at least once and stock up on water in 8 hours. According to members of the cycling community, on average, the road there costs them 800 soms.


    The train ride is also quite long: the journey from the railway station in Bishkek to the railway station in Balykchy takes 5 hours. But this is the most economical way to get to Issyk-Kul - a train ticket costs only 69 soms.


    The minibus will drive from Bishkek to Balykchy in about 3 hours. Minibuses, as a rule, stop for passengers (and the driver himself) to eat in a cafe. The fare for one person is 200-250 soms.


    The fastest way to get from Bishkek to Balykchy is by car or taxi. , subject to traffic rules, will take about 2.5 hours.

    If you decide to make a trip from Bishkek to Balykchy in your car, you will have to spend on average about 1,000 soms on gasoline. Taxi drivers charge 350 soms per person for a seat in the car.

    It is also known from ancient written sources. It is here that the famous Issyk-Ata hot hydrogen sulfide springs, the ancient Buddha image and many other attractions are located. In the 12th-14th centuries, the gorge was the cradle of Buddhism in the region, thanks to which Issyk-Ata is now not just a unique monument of nature, but also a place with its own amazing history.
    The resort in Issyk-Ata is the oldest resort Chui valley and has been operating since 1895. This place has been known for its geothermal activity since ancient times, in Soviet times it became one of the most famous resorts Kyrgyzstan. Hydrogen sulfide water is an excellent remedy for treating a wide range of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract and many others. The resort has hot swimming pools. mineral water, open all year round. Visiting the pools is paid, prices from 100 soms per person.
    There are many natural attractions in the gorge. In the lower part of the gorge there is an interesting branch: the Issyk-Ata Tuyuk, about which there is a separate article. Just 1.5 kilometers from the resort is a ten-meter Marble waterfall, one of the most visited places in Issyk-Ata. Also in the gorge are the Bala-Partak and Dzhary-Tash waterfalls. The impregnable mountain Botvey (Byty) is also remarkable, at the foot of which the gorge is divided into two parts - Byty and Ayak-Kel.
    There are many lakes in Issyk-Ata. On the right side of the gorge, called Ayak-Kel, there are 3 small lakes in succession, the largest of which is Orto-Kel.

    How to get to the Issyk Ata gorge?

    The Issyk-Ata Gorge is located 40 kilometers east of Bishkek. The resort can be reached by public transport: 316 minibus runs daily from Bishkek Eastern Bus Station. The cost of the minibus is 50 soms. You can also get there by taxi or private car. Highway in the gorge good quality. Entrance to the territory of the gorge is free. There is a car park.
    Several roads lead to the gorge: lower and upper. The lower one passes through the Chui valley through the village of Ivanovka, while the upper one passes through mountain valley, along the villages of Gornaya Mayevka and Toguz-Bulak. The upper road is less busy with traffic and very comfortable for cycling.

    Tourists from Russia are well aware of such a wonderful place to relax as Issyk-Kul. As a significant tourist lake, thousands of Russians visit it every year.

    Why do many choose Issyk-Kul? The answer is probably obvious - relatively affordable price and the indescribable beauty of the reservoir.

    Since Issyk-Kul does not freeze throughout the year, recreation can be organized at any time of the year. This opportunity will please those who do not have a vacation in the summer.

    How to get from Moscow

    There are several ways to get to the lake. So, you can get to Bishkek by plane. Departures are carried out daily by companies " Ural Airlines”, “Air Bishkek”, “Kyrgyzstan Air”, “Aeroflot”, as well as “Avia Traffic Company”. Departure is carried out from Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports. Flight time takes 4 hours.

    If you prefer land transportation, you can take the train. Unlike the plane, such a trip will take three days.

    What awaits you at the lake

    There is a certain list of things that you must do when you arrive at the wonderful lake.

    1. Take to the skies in a hang glider for a bird's eye view of the pond. You will be in awe of the scenery! The water is so amazingly clean and transparent that you can even see the bottom.
    2. Be sure to visit the Santash Pass, around which a legend has been made: some tribes lived on the shore of the lake, who wanted to subjugate Tamerlane. Once, in one of the campaigns, he ordered the soldiers to take one stone each and lay out the mountain. The survivors did the same on the opposite side. This is how the mounds of Santas were formed.
    3. Armed with a telescope, one night to pay attention to the stars that seem to be as close as possible to you in Cholpan-Ata. You can only see such beauty here.
    4. Spend one day diving. Diving into the depths of the lake, you will be able to see the ruins of ancient cities and settlements with your own eyes. It's unforgettable!

    Thus, Issyk-Kul will become not just a vacation, but a real adventure! You will swim with plenty of scuba diving, take pictures against the backdrop beautiful landscapes, get acquainted with the local culture and traditions, visit the sights of Bishket!

    Lake Issyk-Kul is called the Kyrgyz Baikal, and this is the second most popular lake where tourists like to relax. Residents of Russia do not need a visa to travel to Kyrgyzstan, so for a holiday in Issyk-Kul you will not need to issue extra documents.

    Fly to Issyk-Kul you can through the 3 nearest airports: Issyk-Kul, Manas and Almaty.

    Issyk-Kul International Airport receives in the summer (from June to September) international regular flights from the cities of Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata and Tashkent. Therefore, you can fly to Issyk-Kul from Novosibirsk by direct flight (travel time: 2 hours 45 minutes). From other cities, you will have to get to this airport with a transfer in the same Novosibirsk.

    From Issyk-Kul Airport it is convenient to travel to the following resorts

    • In the village Tamchy, located 5 km from the airport (the main attraction is petroglyphs, which date back to 1 thousand BC, as well as a large number mineral springs with warm water, sanatoriums and clinics).
    • In Cholpon-Ata, located 35 km (famous for its healing mountain air, diving, trekking, clean beaches and mineral springs).

    Manas International Airport is located in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. It is separated from Lake Issyk-Kul by about 240 km. It serves regular flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Kazan, Belgorod, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Surgut, Grozny ... It is most convenient to fly to Issyk-Kul from these cities through the airport in Bishkek.

    From Bishkek to Issyk-Kul can be reached

    • by bus or minibus. They leave from the Western Bus Station, which is located on Zhibek Zholy Street. Many different flights depart from here both to the northern (for example, to Karakol, Cholpon-Ata, Balykchy) and to the southern, wilder coast of the lake. Travel time is 4-5 hours.
    • by train. This option of getting to Issyk-Kul is possible only in summer. Unfortunately, the train schedule is changeable and it does not run every day. Travel time from Bishkek to Balykchy is about 5 hours.

    Almaty International Airport, located in Kazakhstan, is located about 100 km from the lake in a straight line. Russians do not need a visa to travel around Kazakhstan, so there will be no additional difficulties. Almaty airport serves regular flights from different cities Russia. Through this airport, you can fly to Issyk-Kul from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Perm, Krasnoyarsk and other cities. Travel time will depend on the number of transfers and their duration.

    From Alma-Ata to Issyk-Kul The easiest way to get there is by bus or minibus. They depart from the Sairan bus station and go to the city of Cholpon-Ata. Travel time is about 10 hours, taking into account the border crossing (this is due to the fact that only serious off-road vehicles can drive along a straight road to the lake, while buses go around the mountains and overcome almost 500 km in one direction). Buses depart from the bus station in the evening so that travelers can be on the lake in the early morning.