Where is Russe. Staraya Russa resort town

The city in the Novgorod region of Staraya Russa is located at the intersection of roads connecting two Russian capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. The city is located between the Polist and Porusya rivers.

The question of when the city was founded is still open. A birch-bark document discovered in 1975 in Novgorod confirms the existence of Rusa already in the middle of the 11th century. But in the annals Staraya Russa is mentioned only under the year 1167. Trusting birch bark, in 2015 the townspeople celebrated the 1000-year history of the city.

The Polist River divides the city into almost two equal parts. Let's start our acquaintance with the city from its shores.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (Monastyrskaya Square, 1) - the oldest of all historical monuments cities. The monastery was erected on the right bank of the Polist River in 1192.

During the years of its existence, the monastery was repeatedly attacked and devastated, rebuilt several times. At present, four stone churches have survived from the monastery ensemble - three temples: the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, the Nativity of Jesus Christ, the Presentation of the Lord and the bell tower-temple of an unknown dedication. The fifth temple - the Cathedral of the Old Russian Icon of the Mother of God was rebuilt beyond recognition into a sports school.

In the 1960s, the monastery buildings, which were seriously damaged during the war, were restored. Since 1973, it has housed a museum of local lore and an art gallery displaying works by artists born in Staraya Russa or its environs.

Another temple of the city is located on the banks of the Polist River - the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Resurrection Cathedral) (Vozrozhdeniye Street, 1). To be precise, the temple stands on a cape at the confluence of two rivers - Polist and Porusya.

Once on a steep hill in this place there were high city walls with strong gates, there were earthen ramparts all around. There was also a wooden Trinity Church. At the end of the 17th century, a stone church was erected instead of a wooden church. There was also a two-story bell tower at the cathedral. Repeatedly, both the cathedral and the bell tower were rebuilt. In 1828-1833, the Resurrection Cathedral was rebuilt once again - according to the project of the outstanding architect Vasily Petrovich Stasov.

At the same time, the bell tower was built on.

From the walls of the Resurrection Cathedral you can clearly see what a sharp turn the Polist River makes at the confluence with Porus.

The Church of the Holy Trinity (Timura Frunze St., 12-A) is located south of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, in the city park (next to the Polist Hotel).

At first, the church was wooden; the exact date of its construction is unknown. In 1625, the first inventory of the city was carried out in Staraya Russa, in which the Trinity Church was listed as burned since 1607. For another 70 years, the place where the temple once stood was empty. Only at the end of the 17th century did the restoration of the church begin. The temple burned, in the 19th century it was seriously damaged by a storm that hit the city. The restoration and rebuilding of the Trinity Church after the disaster was carried out under the guidance of the architect Konstantin Ton.

The date of construction of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (Georgievskaya St., 26) is considered to be 1410. In 1740 the temple was rebuilt keeping the old foundations. Located nearby and once independent, the Church of the Annunciation in the course of perestroika becomes the chapel of St. George's Church.

At the end of 2009, ceramic tiles made by the Moscow architect Anna Smirnova were installed in the wall niches. The tiles are made in the traditions characteristic of the 17th century; they depict scenes from the life of St. George the Victorious.

In St. George's Church, the main shrine of Staraya Russa is kept - a list of the icon of the Mother of God "Starorusskaya".

At the intersection of Georgievskaya Street and Pisatelsky Lane there is the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Mina (Georgievskaya St., 44). Due to the lack of annalistic dating, the exact date of the temple is unknown, the information is very different - the dates are given in the period from the 11th to the 15th century. A legend is connected with the church of Mina from the time of the Swedish attack on Rusa by the Delagardi warriors. They say that the Swedish soldiers who rode horses into the temple immediately became blind. Delagardie, amazed by this event, sent the blinded soldiers to Sweden to prove the miracles that take place in the Orthodox churches of Russia.

Another church building in the right-bank part of the city is the Church in the name of St. Nicholas of Mirlikiy the Wonderworker (Krasnykh Komandurov St., 8).

According to chronicle sources, in 1371, during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy, "to revive trade" near Trade area temple was built. It was a stone church, they called it "Nikolas in the city" or "Nikolas at the market", as it was dedicated to the patron saint of trade, Nicholas of Myra. In 1710, the church was rebuilt on the old basis, repeating the plan of the ancient building. At the same time, the ancient masonry of the walls was preserved to a height of up to 2-2.5 meters. In 1810, a bell tower was added to the temple, which has survived to this day.

In 2001, a monument to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was erected in the park near the St. Nicholas Church (crossroads of Svarog St. and Krasnykh Komandirov St.).

The monument (architect - Vyacheslav Klykov) was created with donations from residents of the Novgorod region on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of the writer's birth. Next to the sculpture there is a square - benches, flower beds. You can take a short break after walking along Staraya Russa and sit next to Fedor Mikhailovich.

The house-museum of the writer (42/2, Dostoevsky embankment) is not far from the monument to Dostoevsky.

The house-museum of F.M.Dostoevsky opened its doors in 1981. Six rooms on the second residential floor of the house have been restored in the form in which they were under Dostoevsky. Along with exhibits from the Dostoevsky era, the exposition presents authentic items, books, documents of the writer and members of his family. You can walk through the exposition of the museum.

If you can feel the era of the XIX century in the Dostoevsky Museum, then (Svarog St., 44) allows visitors to plunge into the atmosphere of the old Russian city. Walk through the medieval estate of Rushanin, i.e. a resident of Rus, makes it possible to visit the mansions and get acquainted with the way of life of that time. In addition, the museum allows you to find out what a brewhouse and a cooling tower are, and see their principle of operation.

Museum "Rushanina's Estate" is located in close proximity to the central gate of the resort "Staraya Russa" (Mineralnaya street, 62).

The opening year of the resort is 1828. This year, the construction of the first building on the shore of the salt lake begins.

The first patients of the new resort were initially soldiers in need of treatment after illness or injury. In the first decades of its existence, the resort belonged to the military department. Only thirty years later, the Starorussky balneo-mud resort began to attract the attention of representatives of the Russian aristocracy. In 1854, the institution moved from a military department to a specific department. And famous artists, writers, public figures reached out to Staraya Russa to heal their bodies mineral water and "calm the nerves" with beneficial air.

The symbol and decoration of the resort park is the most powerful self-flowing mineral fountain in Europe - Muravyovsky.

The source got its name in honor of Count M.N. Muravyov-Vilensky, Minister of Appanages and State Property. By his order, it was dug in 1859. At the end of the 19th century, a metal openwork pavilion with glazing was erected over the fountain. The tents over the fountain changed, the last one was dismantled in 1996. Now the fountain is open, a recreation area has been created around it. A model of the fountain pavilion can be seen in the resort's drinking gallery.

The resort park is huge. On its territory there are three salt lakes - Upper, Middle, Lower. Walking paths are laid around them. upper lake was chosen by waterfowl, vacationers arranged a "bird" dining room here.

There is a beach area on the Middle Lake - here you can swim, take sunbaths.

Therapeutic mud and water of the Lower Lake are used for their intended purpose - it is from here that the ingredients useful for the body enter the treatment rooms of the resort.

The resort territory is equipped, various "thematic" corners are arranged in its different parts. Rock garden.

A small corner with animals will please both children and adults.

Walking area with a fabulous slope.

Comfortable benches are installed throughout the park area. You can walk, relax, and most importantly - heal your nerves and lungs, inhaling the beneficial healing air of Staraya Russa.

Each traveler, arriving in a new place, is looking for his local "zest". The city of Staraya Russa, like an Easter cake, is flavored with raisins from the heart. Everyone who comes here will be able to find their "Old Russian landmarks".

According to one version, Staraya Russa is called that because it is considered one of the ancient cities our country. I was lured here not only by this legend, but also by the diary of Fyodor Dostoevsky's wife, Anna, who mentioned that their family had rented a house here for several years and had a rest.

As it turned out, there is a museum of the famous Russian writer in Staraya Russa and there are a number of other attractions, which I will tell you about.

How to get there

You can come to Staraya Russa by car, bus or train. Air and river communication with other settlements is not established here. The Pskov Kresty airport is located 218 kilometers from the city, but getting to it is inconvenient and unprofitable.

By plane

By train

From Moscow

Two trains run from the capital to Staraya Russa:

  • in summer, on odd days, you can use the Sukhum - train. From Moscow, he leaves from the Kursk railway station. A ticket for a seated car costs 933 RUB, a reserved seat ticket costs 1,056 RUB, a compartment ticket costs 2,614 RUB, and a SV ticket costs 7,069 RUB. You will spend 11 hours on the way;
  • the rest of the city to Staraya Russa from the capital can only be reached branded train"Pskov", which departs from the Leningradsky railway station and gets to a small Novgorod town in about 8 hours. The cost of a ticket for a seated car is 933 RUB, for a seated car - 1,056 RUB, for a compartment - 2,614 RUB, for an SV - 7,069 RUB.

From other cities

Trains from St. Petersburg to Staraya Russa, as well as to, do not run.

In Staraya Russa, trains arrive at the station located at: Zheleznodorozhnaya street, 12.

You can get to the center from here only on foot, following Vosstaniya Street to the bridge over the Polist River.

By bus

From St. Petersburg

FROM bus station No. 2 of St. Petersburg every day two flights are made to Staraya Russa. Buses leave at 07:55 and 13:45, spend about 5 hours on the way, and one ticket for them costs 650 RUB. Transportation is carried out by SKSauto LLC and FABUS LLC.

There is another option: to get to the Moskovskaya metro station, from where fixed-route taxis depart every day at 16:00, 18:00 and 20:20.

From Moscow

To my regret, it is impossible to get from Moscow to Staraya Russa by this type of transport.

From Veliky Novgorod

Buses from the regional center - Veliky Novgorod - to Staraya Russa depart from the city bus station every hour and a half, starting from 07:00. I got here in this way: the ticket cost 200 RUB, and we arrived in no more than 2 hours.

How to get from the station to the center

Buses arrive at the unnamed old Russian bus station, located a stone's throw from the railway station.

Therefore, you can get from here to the center of Staraya Russa along the route described above.

By car

From Moscow

The distance between Moscow and Staraya Russa is 570 kilometers, it can be covered by car in about 7 hours if there are no traffic jams in the capital.

There are no toll roads here.

From St. Petersburg

You can drive from St. Petersburg to Staraya Russa in about 3 hours: the distance between them along the E105 / M-10 roads is 301 kilometers, along the E95 / R-23 highways - 328 kilometers.

There are no toll roads on the route.

From Veliky Novgorod

To get here from Veliky Novgorod, you need to go around Lake Ilmen from any direction.

The shortest path is 97.6 kilometers, which can be covered in a little over an hour with good road conditions. Toll roads do not come across on the way.

By ferry

It is impossible to get to Staraya Russa by ferry. Previously, from Veliky Novgorod, high-speed ships sailed here on hydrofoils along the Polist River and Lake Ilmen in an hour and a half. In 1995 this water route ceased to exist.


Staraya Russa - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Yekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season. When is the best time to go

In my opinion, the best time to travel to Staraya Russa is July-August. During these months, the water in the local mineral lake swimming in which is good for health.

As for the rest of the months, the Novgorod region is a very, very humid place, so rainy spring and autumn are guaranteed here.

Winter is too mild, I will talk about it in more detail below, it is not comfortable to be in Staraya Russa at this time.

Staraya Russa in summer

In summer, the weather is optimal for walking in Staraya Russa. On average, the air temperature in June-August here does not exceed +25 °C.

The only drawback this time of year is very big number tourists, because of what to find cheap hotel almost impossible.

Staraya Russa in autumn

Autumn in Staraya Russa is rainy and quite cool: already in September, the thermometer rarely rises to +15 °С. Nevertheless, it is convenient to come here in September-October, because the tourist flow is significantly reduced.

In November, it is not very pleasant to visit the city: the air temperature stays at zero, there is high humidity.

Staraya Russa in spring

Springs in Staraya Russa are rather cold: even in May average temperature air is +15 °С.

If you are coming here in the spring, then it is better to choose, of course, its last month: by this moment the mud dries up here, and the city becomes “green”.

Staraya Russa in winter

I do not recommend coming to Staraya Russa in winter. Short periods of cold are interspersed with constant slush and thaw. As a result, the ice is covered with a layer of water, which almost 100% ensures the fall of any person, even the Olympic champion in figure skating.


Staraya Russa - monthly weather

Districts. Where is the best place to live

Staraya Russa is a small town, so it is not divided into districts.

From my own experience, I advise you to choose housing in the center, on St. Petersburg, Voskresenskaya, Mineralnaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Gostinodvorskaya streets.

This microdistrict contains the main sights of the city and many shops, there are good transport interchanges.

What are the prices for holidays

  • Housing. You can spend the night in a hostel in Staraya Russa for 700 RUB, in a hotel - for 1,700–3,000 RUB. I advise you to look for and book a hotel on, and if you have already found an option to your liking, then, for example, you can compare prices for accommodation from different sites. There is one guest house in the city, which can also be rented for 1025 RUB, this can be done.
  • Movement. There are several taxi services in the city that operate around the clock, the cost of a trip is 150–400 RUB.
  • Nutrition. You can have lunch in a cafe for 200–700 RUB, food in stores is also inexpensive.
  • Cultural program. In Staraya Russa, several excursions are held dedicated to the history of the city, local attractions and the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Their cost varies from 250 RUB per person to 1,300 RUB for a group of six people.

Main attractions. What to watch

Staraya Russa is, first of all, museums: local history, Fyodor Dostoevsky's dacha, Museum of the North-Western Front.

Of particular interest is the local mineralogical resort, whose history spans more than one century. In addition, before going to the city, I recommend re-reading the novel The Brothers Karamazov and going here on a tour of the places described in the book. It is very interesting!

Top 5

Beaches. Which is better

On the territory of the resort "Staraya Russa" there is a beach with a canopy, where sunbeds are rented free of charge.

In addition, there are toilets, cafes and showers. Vacationers of the resort can visit this beach for free, tickets are sold for the rest. The right to use the beach for two days in a row costs 350 RUB, two weeks - 1,700 RUB, a month - 2,500 RUB. Children under four years old are admitted free of charge, those aged 5–14 years old are given a 20 percent discount.

They also said that the townspeople bathe in Polisti in the summer near the boat station and the Living Bridge.

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

Museums. Which are worth a visit


Victory Park

In the center of Staraya Russa is Victory Park, founded in 1958 on three hectares. It is located at the crossroads of Mineralnaya, Krestetskaya and Gostinodvorskaya streets.

One of the attractions of the park is the Monument of Glory, opened in 1964 according to the project of Leningrad architects and sculptor. In 2015, the Alley of Heroes was opened here - Staraya Russa is one of the Cities of Military Glory. In Victory Park you can relax on a bench and take a walk, there are no attractions here. You can get here on foot from the city center, the main attractions are within walking distance.

resort park

This park, located on a rather large territory, is also popular among citizens and visitors. There are several buildings here: administrative buildings, a drinking gallery, a building with physiotherapy and a swimming pool. In the Kurortny Park there is a fountain, mineral, mud and salt lake, where only holders of sanitary books are allowed. In the park, you can draw water from the sources of medicinal waters No. 11 and 12 for free.

Entrance to the park is free: it's great that you don't have to pay for walking along the paths with ducks! And there are also simulators and a small zoo, so loved by children. The park is located on the territory of the resort "Staraya Russa" in the city center.

tourist streets

It is difficult to call some streets of Staraya Russa tourist. Unfortunately, there are no pedestrian streets in this city yet.

Most of the sights are located, of course, in the city center - on the Dostoevsky embankment, Vozrozhdeniye, Alexandrovskaya streets.

What to see in 1 day

A visit to the main attractions of Staraya Russa fits perfectly into one daylight hours. I have compiled for you an approximate itinerary for visiting this city:

  • 10:00 - we arrive in Staraya Russa at the bus or railway station and immediately go to the Dostoevsky embankment.
  • 10:30–12:00 - visit the Dostoevsky house-museum, listen to an exciting tour and buy a book of memoirs of the writer's wife Anna.
  • 12:00–13:00 - walk along the streets of Vozrozhdeniye, Svarog, Cathedral Square with a sightseeing tour.
  • 13:00–13:30 - lunch at a cafe in the city center.
  • 13:30–15:00 - visit to the Museum of the North-Western Front.
  • 15:00–16:00 - visit to the Old Russian Museum of Local Lore and inspection of the buildings of the Transfiguration Monastery.
  • 16:00–17:00 - walk along the central streets of Staraya Russa to the bus or railway station, farewell to the city.

What to see in the surroundings

Lake Ilmen

The main attraction of the Starorussky district, in my opinion, of course, is Lake Ilmen. Now it is quiet and calm, but once its depth reached 30 meters, and one can only guess how many brave travelers perished in its depths. Ilmen belongs to the Baltic Sea basin and was once part of the famous trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks."

Unfortunately, the lake is slowly disappearing - its bed is covered with river sediments, but it will still be enough for our age.

How to get there: Ilmen is located approximately 28 kilometers from Staraya Russa, you can only get there by your own car (highway 49K-15).


In the village of Kosino you can visit the Nikolaev-Rozhdestvensky Monastery. It is located on an island washed by the Polist and Snezhnaya rivers. This monastery, along with Optina Hermitage, became the prototype of the monastery from the novel The Brothers Karamazov: visiting these places, Dostoevsky often saw the local churches.

The history of the monastery goes back eight centuries; it was founded in a dense forest by St. Constantine and Blessed Cosmas. Now the monastery is inhabited by several nuns involved in its revival.

How to get there: you can get here only by car along the highway 49K-17, breaking 7 kilometers.

Food. What to try

Unfortunately, you cannot try any unique dishes according to the old recipes of the ancient Slavs in Staraya Russa.

There are many grocery stores in Staraya Russa: chain stores and regular ones. Food prices here are the same as in inexpensive grocery stores in both capitals.

The cafes of Staraya Russa offer pretty standard food, and not always tasty. I myself dined at the Friends cafe near Victory Park, which cost me 300 kopecks. It can be recommended, it serves European cuisine.


  1. Cafe "Friends"
  2. Cafe "Princess"
  3. pancake "Orange",
  4. Cafe "Rushan"

Intermediate level

  1. Cafe-bar "Tower",
  2. restaurant "Polist"
  3. cafe "Sadko"
  4. Cafe "Aura"


  1. Cafe "Visavi",
  2. restaurant "Evening Russia",
  3. restaurant "Graf Muravyov"


Festivals dedicated to F. M. Dostoevsky

In Staraya Russa, Fyodor Mikhailovich is treated with great trepidation, which is understandable:

  • In the spring (May 20) every year there are International Readings "Dostoevsky and Modernity".
  • In autumn (end of October-beginning of November), Staraya Russa takes International festival of chamber performances based on the works of F. M. Dostoevsky.

Other celebrations

In 2015, a start was made Festival "Princely Bratchina". Historical reenactment clubs and folklore groups perform within its framework. The festivities are held in mid-August.

Every year in May Staraya Russa hosts Aeronautics Festival named after Mikhail Pomortsev. It is attended by representatives of Veliky Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Tula and other Russian cities, Latvia, Belarus. As part of the holiday, a concert, a competition kites on Cathedral Square and flights on hot air balloons.

Also during the festival, airship rides, a light show "Night glow of balloons" are organized.

Security. What to watch out for

The main danger in Staraya Russa is the poor condition of sidewalks and roads: when walking, you need to be especially careful and look under your feet. In the evening, unlit streets should be avoided. I can't remember any other dangers during my stay in Staraya Russa.

Things to do

In your free time from visiting churches and museums, you can go to a movie at the Rossiya cinema, which is located in the very center of the city. Sometimes various events are held in the old Russian cultural center "Rusich".

I already wrote that in Staraya Russa there is a resort of the same name, where people from all over the country come to be treated. And, if you need a direction for recovery, you can visit the aqua center completely freely - by purchasing an entrance ticket. It is closed only on Monday, on Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday it is open until 00:00, on Friday and Saturday - until 03:00.

Shopping and shops

In the center of Staraya Russa there are a large number of shops, among which there are also highly specialized ones.

Large shopping center in the city alone - "Alloy" on Alexandrovskaya street. Here you can buy women's, children's, men's clothing, as well as accessories. There are no local brands in Staraya Russa, as well as sales. Prices for clothes and other goods are the same as in shopping malls and in the markets of St. Petersburg.

Bars. Where to go

Old Russian bars are, in fact, just cafes that call themselves bars because a large number of beer lovers gather in them. I will highlight:

  • "Tower",
  • "Burmania"
  • Black Cat Lounge.

There is no live music here, and the last bar specializes in karaoke.

Establishments are open from 12:00 to 00:00, on average, you will spend 300–600 RUB there. Local youth and holidaymakers rest here.

Clubs and nightlife

There are clubs in Staraya Russa "Shop" And "Baltika" where discos and parties are held. I haven't been there myself, so I can't recommend it. There is no face control and dress code here, admission is free. Drinks cost 100–300 RUB.

extreme sports

Practice Opportunities extreme views There is no sports in Staraya Russa, except for participation in the annual aeronautics festival, which I wrote about above.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

In the museums and shops of the city you can buy standard souvenirs - magnets, mugs, badges depicting local attractions.

In Staraya Russa, they sell salt, gingerbread and honey made according to old recipes, as well as Ivan tea, the components for which were collected in the vicinity. It is better to buy souvenirs in the shops of local history museums.

I managed with a magnet with a picture of the city and a few books. I saw that other tourists were buying souvenirs related to Fedor Mikhailovich - postcards and calendars. Souvenirs cost from 50 to 400 RUB.

How to move around the city

Public transport in Staraya Russa is represented only by buses. You can also travel around the city by taxi.

Taxi. What features exist

There are several taxi services in Staraya Russa, for example, Troika, Respect. It is more convenient to call a car by phone than to slow down a ride on the road.

Payment in a taxi is made according to the meter or according to a pre-agreed rate. A trip around the city will cost you 100-300 RUB, depending on the distance.


The tram line operated in Staraya Russa in 1922-1941: the cars traveled from the resort to the station. During the Great Patriotic War, it was completely destroyed and has not been restored since then.


Old Russian buses run on 14 routes. They connect the villages of Dubovitsy, Bolshaya Kozona, Derevkovo, Mednikovo, Susolovo, microdistricts of agricultural trade, brick factory, SSK, PMK-2, Novgorodenergo, Somrovaya grove, Gorodok, Ozernaya, Molodyozhnaya streets.

Fare in public transport is 14 RUB. The fare must be paid to the driver.

Staraya Russa - holidays with children

It seems to me that children are unlikely to be interested in the museum of local lore or Dostoevsky's house. But there is one place that is exclusively for children.

"Volcano of Fun"

In Staraya Russa you can go to Entertainment Center"Volcano Fun"» near the central stadium. There is a children's cafe, slot machines and several attractions, as well as an inflatable trampoline. In the "Volcano of Fun" they often hold holidays for children, in particular, birthdays.

Municipal area Old Russian urban settlement city ​​of Staraya Russa Head of urban settlement
Mayor of Staraya Russa Dzhumaeva Alexandra Sergeevna History and geography First mention 1167 Former names Rusa
Staraya Rusa Area 18.54 km² Center height 25 m Timezone UTC+3 Population Population ↘ 29,019 people (2017) Density 1565.21 people/km² Names of residents rushane, rushanin, rushanka Digital IDs Telephone code +7 81652 Postal codes 175200…175207 OKATO code 49 413 OKTMO code 49 639 101 001 Other Awards admrussa.ru

Staraya Russa

living bridge

On June 9-10, 2015, the Head of the Russian Imperial House Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna visited the city as part of the 1000th anniversary of the city.


Climate of Staraya Russa (norm 1981-2010)
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 10,2 10,9 18,3 26,4 32,6 34,0 35,4 36,4 31,2 24,0 13,6 10,5 36,4
Average temperature, °C −5,9 −6,4 −1,2 5,9 12,3 16,1 18,4 16,3 11,0 5,8 −0,5 −4,5 5,6
Absolute minimum, °C −41,5 −40,1 −31,1 −26,5 −5,6 −1,8 3,9 −0,3 −6 −13,1 −27,5 −40,6 −41,5
Precipitation rate, mm 43 32 34 32 53 75 76 75 62 60 52 47 641
A source:


1856 1897 1913 1926 1931 1939 1959 1967 1970 1979 1989
8000 ↗ 15 200 ↗ 17 000 ↗ 21 511 ↘ 18 400 ↗ 37 258 ↘ 25 409 ↗ 32 000 ↗ 34 577 ↗ 40 439 ↗ 41 538
1992 1996 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↗ 41 600 ↘ 41 200 ↘ 41 100 ↘ 40 900 → 40 900 ↘ 35 511 ↘ 35 500 ↘ 34 700 ↘ 34 435 ↘ 34 175 ↘ 33 694
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
↘ 33 335 ↘ 32 795 ↘ 31 809 ↘ 31 800 ↘ 30 901 ↘ 30 371 ↘ 29 979 ↘ 29 728 ↘ 29 489 ↘ 29 019

As of January 1, 2018, in terms of population, the city was in 524th place out of 1113 cities Russian Federation.

According to the results of the All-Union Census of the USSR in 1959, 11,197 men and 14,212 women. In total - 25,409 people;



Sales of products in 2009 (million rubles):

  • JSC "123 Aircraft Repair Plant" - 1007.6
  • OOO Plant Khimmash - 213.1 (until 2012 - Federal State Unitary Enterprise Plant Khimmash RAS)
  • OJSC "Staroruspribor" - 273.0
  • Delta-Stix LLC - 235.5
  • Fortuna LLC (canned meat and fruits and vegetables) - 43.0
  • Starorussky Meat Yard LLC - 467.7
  • Starorusskoe raipo (sausages, bakery and confectionery products) - 41.7
  • JSC MIZ "Krasnogvardeets" - 13.5.
  • LLC "Lakto-Novgorod" shipped goods of its own production for 229.2 million rubles, and in September-December 2009 the cost of processed tolling raw materials amounted to only 75.1 million rubles.
  • ZAO Resort Staraya Russa
  • MUP MTS "Starorusskaya"
  • OJSC Starorussky ArZ and RKTM ST CJSC RKTM SPb (for the production of cold rolled metal and various construction profiles) (located on the territory of the Novoselsky rural settlement, outside the territory of Staraya Russa)
  • OOO "Rus"
  • JSC "Starorussky bread"
  • JSC "KPP "Starorussky"
  • branch "Teploenergo of Staraya Russa and Starorussky district" (power industry)
  • MUE "Starorusskaya Printing House"
  • ZMK "Starorussky"

In 2009, goods were produced and services were provided for a total of 2.96 billion rubles. (newspaper "Staraya Russa", 03/27/2010).


Railway station in 1916

Oktyabrskaya railway station railway, on the line () - Bologoe-Moskovskoye - - Staraya Russa - Dno-1 - .

From 1922 to 1941, a tram line operated in the city from the station to the resort. During the war, it was completely destroyed. In addition, during the war, the Staraya Russa - Shimsk railway line was completely destroyed (it has not been restored to date).

There is a bus station in Staraya Russa, located in close proximity to railway station. From the bus station there are several flights a day to Veliky Novgorod and St. Petersburg, as well as other settlements Novgorod region, both departing from Staraya Russa and transit.

Until 1995, there was a water route Staraya Russa - Velikiy Novgorod across the Polist River and Lake Ilmen by high-speed hydrofoils (journey time 1.5 hours).

city ​​architecture

church architecture

Before the revolution in Staraya Russa there were 21 Orthodox church, 2 synagogues, 1 Lutheran church, church.

  • Church of the Miraculous Icon of the Old Russian Mother of God (1889)
  • Spiritual Church

civil architecture

  • House Grushenka (50-60 years of the XIX century)

Monuments of history and culture

  • Cultural layer of Staraya Russa (Monument code: 5310129000) XI-XV centuries. the territory bounded by the rivers Pererytitsa and Polist, Aleksandrovskaya and Mineralnaya streets and Komsomolsky lane.
  • Ensemble of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (XII century)
  • St. George's Church (XV century)
  • Trinity Church (XVII century)
  • Resurrection Cathedral (XVII century)
  • House-Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky
  • Monument to Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • health resort
  • Monument to the "Valiant Wilmanstrands" ("Eagle")
  • Church of the Great Martyr Mina (XIV century)

Staraya Russa is in second place (after Novgorod) in terms of the number of birch bark letters found - 48.

The resolution of the II All-Russian Conference "Preservation and Revival of Small Historical Towns" (Novgorod Region, Staraya Russa, September 30 - October 1, 2010) included the following:

15. To support the initiative of the administration of the municipal formation "City of Staraya Russa" to establish a monument to Rus, the epic ancestor of the Russian people and the founder of the city, in Staraya Russa and to recommend to the administration of the municipality "City of Staraya Russa" to organize an all-Russian competition for the creation of a monument.

Conferences, festivals and congresses held in Staraya Russa

  • II All-Russian conference "Preservation and revival of small historical towns" (Novgorod region, Staraya Russa, September 30 - October 1, 2010);
  • I International Festival of Russian Music in Staraya Russa (September 19 - October 1, 2011);
  • III (XIX) All-Russian Archaeological Congress (October 24 - 29, 2011);
  • Every spring in Staraya Russa the International Readings "Dostoevsky and Modernity" are held, and in the fall - the International Festival of Chamber Performances based on the works of F. M. Dostoevsky;
  • Balloon Festival. Mikhail Pomortsev (May 17 - 19, 2013).
  • Since 2015, the city has been hosting the Princes Bratchina festival, which includes performances by folk groups and historical reconstruction clubs.

A photo

Notable people associated with the city

  • Alekhin (Maslovsky) Gleb Viktorovich (1907-1987) - writer.
  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881) - Russian writer. Owner of the house of Colonel A. Gribbe since 1876
  • Dubrovin, Vladimir Dmitrievich (1857-1879) - revolutionary populist. Ensign of the 86th Wilmanstrand Regiment stationed in Staraya Russa.
  • Medvedev, Alexander Filippovich (1916 - 1984) - archaeologist, specialist in medieval weapons. In 1966, under the leadership of A.F. Medvedev, large-scale excavations began in Staraya Russa, which he conducted until 1978.
  • Merpert, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1922-2012) - Soviet and Russian archaeologist. In 1941 he took part in the battles near Staraya Russa.
  • Mironova, Valentina Grigorievna (1943-2002) - archaeologist. In the 1960s she was a member of the Staraya Russian Archaeological Expedition, which from 1985 to 1997. led.
  • Pylaev, Vladimir Alexandrovich (1888-1937) - archpriest of the Dukhovskaya and St. George churches, local historian.
  • Tomsky, Nikolai Vasilyevich (Grishin) (1900-1984) - Soviet muralist, author of many famous monuments of the Soviet era, full member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1949; president from 1968 to 1983), full member of the Academy of Arts of the GDR, Hero of Socialist Labor ( 1970), Rector of the Academy of Arts (1964-1970).
  • Schultz, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1919-2006) - Russian Soviet physical chemist, full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS), Hero of Socialist Labor (1991).
  • Lukyanova, Marina Mikhailovna (born 1960) - Soviet and Russian portrait painter.

Born in Staraya Russa

  • Arefiev, Pyotr Alekseevich (1913-1950) - Hero of the Soviet Union, squadron commander.
  • Blinnikov, Sergei Alexandrovich (1907-1985) - Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the 107th separate battalion of the Perekop Red Banner Brigade.
  • Brodyuk, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1920-1946) - Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of a reconnaissance platoon of the 12th Red Banner Marine Brigade of the Northern Fleet.
  • Varlamov, Evgeny Viktorovich (1976-) - Russian hockey player, champion of Russia.
  • Vilinbakhov, Vadim Borisovich - a well-known anti-Normanist historian; Father Vilinbakhov GV - Chairman of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Vyazinin, Ivan Nikolaevich (1923-2005) - historian and local historian, author of books about Staraya Russa. Honorary citizen (2000).
  • Glinka, Vladislav Mikhailovich (1903-1983) - writer and scientist.
  • Egorov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1903-1988) - Soviet military figure, major general (1943).
  • Marchenko, Vyacheslav Ivanovich (1930-1996) - Soviet writer.
  • Melnikov, Alexei Nikolaevich (1905-1964) - People's Hero of Yugoslavia, Major General
  • Naumova, Maryana Aleksandrovna (born 1999), powerlifting athlete - bench press. Master of Sports of Russia of international class. Honored Master of Sports of the Donetsk People's Republic.
  • Svarog, Vasily Semyonovich (1883-1946) - Soviet artist.
  • Yakovlev, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1898-1972) - Marshal of Artillery.
  • Yaremenko, Ivan Ivanovich (1907-1945) - Soviet military leader,.
  • Krasovsky, Leonid Viktorovich (1922-) - participant in the Second World War, finished his military service in 1986 as an inspector general of missile forces and artillery. Participant in the 1995 Victory Parade. He was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees, three orders of the Red Star, the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree, many medals, including two medals "For Military Merit".
  • Zakharov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (born 1990) - famous traveler, one of the residents of the Novgorod Geographical Society, is known for his work on stone labyrinths Kola Peninsula.
  • Cherkasov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1834-1895) - writer, mayor from 1886 to 1894, mayor from 1894 to 1895.

The dead (or buried) in Staraya Russa

  • Kamorny, Yuri Yurievich (1944-1981) - famous Soviet film actor.
  • Kashevarova-Rudneva, Varvara Alexandrovna (1843-1899) - the first Russian female doctor who received a higher education.
  • Kurdakov, Evgeny Vasilievich (1940-2002) - poet, researcher, winner of the Pushkin Prize in 1997 and 1999, academician of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences. Buried in Staraya Russa.
  • Fyodor Karlovich von Fricken (1780-1849) - Russian general, participant in the Napoleonic Wars. In 1811, with the rank of major, he was the commander of the Starorusskaya reserve brigade, and after sending it to the army, he formed a reserve battalion of the grenadier Count Arakcheev regiment. One of the organizers of military settlements in Staraya Russa. He was buried on the territory of the Old Russian Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (the grave was lost during the fighting in the Great Patriotic War).
  • Togon Sanzhievich Sanzhiev(1904 - June 26, 1942) - Soviet sniper, Buryat by nationality, participant in the Great Patriotic War, sergeant.

Honorary citizens of the city

  • Ivan Ilyich Missan - Soviet military leader, participant in the defense of the city during the Great Patriotic War. Honorary citizen since 1942.
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Tomsky is a famous Soviet sculptor, president of the USSR Academy of Arts. Honorary citizen since 1967.

twin cities

  • : Loimaa,
  • : Bad Kreuznach
  • : Valga
  • : Canandagua
  • : Kirovsk

see also

  • Old Russian Icon of the Mother of God
  • Wilmanstrand 86th Infantry Regiment
  • Counterattack near Staraya Russa
  • Staraya Russian operation
  • Coat of arms of Staraya Russa
  • Town on Mayat
  • List of monuments cultural heritage Staraya Russa on Wikipedia.


  1. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2017 (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2017. Archived from the original on July 31, 2017.
  2. THE USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the union republics on January 1, 1980 / Comp. V. A. Dudarev, N. A. Evseeva. - M. : Izvestia, 1980. - 702 p.- S. 180.

    see also

  3. Decree of April 8, 2008 No. 121 "On the Register of the administrative-territorial structure of the region"
  4. Our Novgorod land / Orlov S. N., Deich G. M., Andreeva V. A. and others - L .: Lenizdat, 1981. - 112 p.
  5. Vyazinin, 1994, p. 3.
  6. The State of the Environment of the Novgorod Region in 2006: Review / Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Novgorod Region; resp. for issue N. A. Krasilnikov. - Veliky Novgorod, 2008. - 267 p.- S. 39.
  7. The mayor of the city of Staraya Russa will work on a voluntary basis for the first time
  8. Ageeva, Vasiliev, Gorbanevsky, 2002.
  9. Chroniclers of the last quarter of the 17th century.// Complete collection of Russian chronicles. - 1st ed. - Nauka, 1968. - T. 31. - 263 p.
  10. Annex to the Act of the Institute's Research Expertise Russian history RAS "On the time of the founding of the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region" dated 11.01.2007
  11. Toropova E. V., Samoilov K. G., Toropov S. E. Archaeological research in Staraya Russa // Vestnik RGNF. - 2011. - No. 1. - pp. 155-166.
  12. In summer 6675 ... // Novgorod First Chronicle of the Senior and Junior Editions. - M.-L., 1950. - S. 26-36.
  13. Tikhomirov M. N. Ancient Russian cities. 2nd ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1956. - S. 387.
  14. Ancient Russian birch bark letters. Diploma No. 526
  15. Diploma Art. R. 13
  16. Toropova E. V., Toropov S. E., Samoilov K. G. ancient history Staraya Russa according to archaeological data // Novgorod Historical Collection. Issue. 16 (26). Veliky Novgorod, 2016, pp. 33-58.
  17. Pavel Kolosnitsyn. 11th-century artifact found on Cathedral Square in Staraya Russa
  18. 1000th anniversary of the history of Staraya Russa - in 2015?
  19. In 2015, Staraya Russa will celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the history of the city or Vesti.ru: The All-Russian Archaeological Congress has ended in Staraya Russa. But in the final decisions of the congress, the above petition is absent. Congress decisions
  20. Letter from the Governor of the Novgorod Region S. G. Mitin to the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Yu. S. Osipov “On the celebration of the millennium of the city of Staraya Russa in 2015”
  21. Solovyov S. M. History of Russia since ancient times. Book III. 1463-1584. - M.: AST; Folio, 2001. - 389 p. - ISBN 5-900605-08-6.
  22. Administrative-territorial…, 2009, p. 13-14.
  23. History of Staraya Russa
  24. Ushakov A.F. Cholera riot in Staraya Russa. 1831. (An eyewitness account) Russian antiquity 1874. - V. 9 - No. 1
  25. Cast iron, which is not / Vasilkov A. M. -3rd ed. revised and add., St. Petersburg: Renome, 2008. ISBN 978-5-904045-13-5
  26. City of ten centuries
  27. Administrative-territorial…, 2009, p. 39, 85, 87.
  28. Administrative-territorial…, 2009, p. 137.
  29. Administrative-territorial…, 2009, p. 138.
  30. Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. M. M. Kozlov. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1985. - 832 p.- S. 687.
  31. Liberation of cities. THE USSR. P-S
  32. Administrative-territorial…, 2009, p. 93.
  33. Vyazinin, 1994, p. 240-241.
  34. The Empress visited Staraya Russa | Newspaper "MONARCHIST"
  35. FGBU "VNIIGMI-MTsD". Average monthly temperatures air and precipitation.
  36. Directory "Climate of Russia". Absolute maximums and minimums of temperature.
  37. People's encyclopedia "My city". Old Russa. Retrieved June 17, 2014. Archived from the original on June 17, 2014.
  38. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements). Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived from the original on November 16, 2013.
  39. The Great Patriotic War. Anniversary statistical collection. 2015. Retrieved April 23, 2015. Archived from the original on April 23, 2015.
  40. All-Union population census of 1959. The number of urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived from the original on April 28, 2013.
  41. All-Union population census of 1970 Number of urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by sex. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived from the original on April 28, 2013.
  42. All-Union population census of 1979 Number of urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by sex. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived from the original on April 28, 2013.
  43. All-Union population census of 1989. Urban population. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  44. All-Russian population census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - district centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more. Archived from the original on February 3, 2012.
  45. The number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009. Retrieved January 2, 2014. Archived from the original on January 2, 2014.
  46. All-Russian population census 2010. 12. Population of municipal districts, settlements, urban and rural settlements of the Novgorod region. Retrieved February 2, 2014. Archived from the original February 2, 2014.
  47. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012. Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived from the original on May 31, 2014.
  48. Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014. Retrieved August 2, 2014. Archived from the original on August 2, 2014.
  49. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015. Retrieved August 6, 2015. Archived from the original on August 6, 2015.
  50. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  51. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  52. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018. Table “21. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2018” (RAR-archive (1.0 Mb)). Federal State Statistics Service.
  53. Population censuses of the USSR, 1959\\webgeo.ru Archived on August 23, 2011.
  54. Catalog "Objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in the section "Information and reference resources of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation"
  55. Linguists have found a new Slavic name in the old Russian birch bark, September 01, 2017
  56. Ancient birch-bark letter and amulet found in Staraya Russa
  57. Resolution of the II All-Russian Conference "Preservation and Revival of Small Historical Towns"
  58. I International Festival of Russian Music in Staraya Russa
  59. III (XIX) All-Russian Archaeological Congress
  60. International Readings "Dostoevsky and Modernity"
  61. International festival of chamber performances based on the works of F. M. Dostoevsky
  62. Yuri Kamorny at rusactors.ru


  • Ageeva R. A., Vasiliev V. L., Gorbanevsky M. V. Old Russa. Secrets of the name ancient city(broken link). - M. : Melgir, 2002. - 128 p. - ISBN 5-8137-0067-6.
  • Administrative-territorial division Novgorod province and regions 1727 - 1995 Handbook / Ed. S. D. Trifonova, T. B. Chuikova, L. V. Fedina, A. E. Dubonosova. - St. Petersburg. : Committee of culture, tourism and archives of the Novgorod region; State archive of the Novgorod region, 2009. - 272 p.
  • Vyazinin I. N. Old Russa. 3rd ed. - L. : Lenizdat, 1980. - 144 p. - (Cities of the Novgorod region). - 75,000 copies.
  • Vyazinin I. N. Staraya Russa in the history of Russia. - Novgorod: Cyrillic, 1994. - 320 p. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-900605-08-6.
  • Gorbanevsky M. V., Emelyanova M. I. Streets of Staraya Russa. History in titles. - M.: Medea, 2004. - 384 p. - ISBN 5-7254-005-15.
  • Laptev A. Yu., Yashkichev V. I. Staraya Russa of Apostle Andrew. - M. : Agar, 2007. - 96 p. - ISBN 5-89218-170-7.


  • Official website of the City Administration
  • JSC "123 Aircraft Repair Plant"
  • Staraya Russa on YouTube
  • City of Staraya Russa
  • House-Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky
  • Station Staraya Russa
  • Laptev A. Yu. About Prince Rus
  • Laptev A. Yu. Staraya Russa - the small homeland of the Kiev prince Askold!
  • Nesin M. A. The battle near Rusa on February 3, 1456: the place of the battle and the tactics of the Moscow troops [Electronic resource] // History of military affairs: research and sources. - 2014. - T. V. - S. 96-113. (18.06.2014)
  • The site of the festival "Prince's Brotherhood"

1) It is time to talk in a concentrated manner about the city itself, about its streets, to show general city sketches in the snowy winter season. Having walked a lot, I sat for about an hour in one courtyard surrounded by five-story buildings, peering into the evening windows illuminated by light and thinking about the general daily life of the inhabitants of one of the panel houses. I also thought about myself, which I can’t sit still in one place, and I just want to leave for a couple of hundred kilometers for a week and wander through the snowdrifts of some county town in another region or even in another federal district. I thought that as the years go by, time will only shrink when you realize that you are chronically unable to keep up somewhere, and time management does not complain. Just the wheel of samsara at the beginning of the working day at school turns into the next work until the evening before the start of the program "Good night, kids." and in the evening I want to sleep.

2) I imagined a city, if it were in Germany with the same population as it could look like. It must be admitted that the general architectural background of Staraya Russa is largely dictated by the spirit of the bygone past, which continues to smolder, and a new paradigm in the evolution of the urban structure has not yet been created to replace it. Imagining a German town with buildings made of glass and iron (someone will call it high-tech), gingerbread houses, pubs where local workers or families come to relax, you understand that for the time being the reality in Staraya Russa is the spirit of loneliness, the feeling of economic depression that has not yet been overcome in the old stencil inscriptions in the diner that reminded me of the realities of early 2000-2002. in my hometown Klintsy.

This is a whale swimming :))

3) Staraya Russa is the third largest city in the Novgorod region (after Veliky Novgorod with 220,000 inhabitants and Borovichi with 52,000 people). The maximum population of the city was 41,000 people in 1989, since then the number of inhabitants has been rapidly declining due to the fact that the city has not overcome the economic "bottom" of the 90s, now, at the time of 2014, 29,979 people live there, that is, a decrease in the number of 30% over 25 years.

4) from 1922-1944 in Staraya Russa there was a tram line from the station to the mineral resort, whose tram fleet was evacuated from the Latvian city of Kemeri (until 1958 a separate city, now it is a separate district of Jurmala) during World War I in 1915 during the general German offensive on the eastern front .
During the Great Patriotic War, the entire system was destroyed (2.5 km long) and has not been restored. I think that the tram, in combination with the Rushansky embankments, the passage of the line through the Revolution Square past the water tower, the Resurrection Cathedral, approached the city. But for now, the city needs to satisfy the earlier rungs of Abraham Maslow's pyramid of needs.

5) Staraya Russa is located in the South Priilmenye, 96 km from Novgorod, if you go by road, and only 60 km if you go straight across Lake Ilmen. The city stands at the confluence of the Porusya River (sometimes called Pererytitsa) into the Polist comparable in size, which, in turn, is a tributary of the larger Lovat, flowing 15 km to the east. The inhabitants of the city are called Rushans.

6) The emergence of Staraya Russa is surrounded by numerous legends. According to one of them, the princes Sloven and Rus founded the cities of Slovensk (future Novgorod) and Rus in the vicinity of Lake Ilmen. According to another legend, there was no Slovene, and instead of him, Czech and Lech, the founders of the Czech Republic and Poland, joined Rusu's company.
The photo shows such a peculiar reference to this legend, carved in stone directly opposite the Resurrection Cathedral and the Arrows of the Porusya and Polisti rivers.

7) Scientific versions of the legends associate the name "Staraya Russa" (until the 16th century - simply "Rus") with the tribe of Rus, which either lived in Priilmenye before the arrival of the Varangians, or was itself the Varangians who came to the still non-existent and nameless "Rus" - Rurik's team.

8) There is also a version of the origin of the name of the city (until the 16th century the settlement was called Rusa) from the hydronym of the river Porusya (which was called Rusa in ancient times). The modern name has been recorded in written sources since the 16th century, and since the 19th century it has been firmly fixed after the emergence of other settlements, which received the names "Novaya Russa" because of their salt-making centers that developed there.

9) The studies of the philologist and linguist M.V. Gorbanevsky, professor of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, a member of the Russian Geographical Society, who wrote the monograph "Streets of Staraya Russa. History in names" with an emphasis on toponymy.

10) The Slovak linguist and ethnographer Pavel Šafarik noted in his writings that in the Proto-Slavic language the river was called "rusa" (rusa). he wrote: "This root Slavic word, as a common noun, has already remained in use only among Russians in the word channel (denoting a hollow, a riverbed); but as a proper name for rivers, cities, villages, it is used by almost all Slavs. "

11) Before the first mention in the annals in 1167, Staraya Russa can be judged from archaeological data. according to excavations, Rusa had in the XI-XII centuries. constantly updated pavements. In the Middle Ages, Staraya Russa was the most important and the only center of salt production in North-Western Russia, and therefore by the middle of the 12th century it could well become a full-fledged city with active trade on the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, which passed along the Lovat River.

12) In 1192, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery was founded in the city, and in 1198, the first stone structure, Church of the Savior.
in 1234, the city was raided by the Lithuanians, but the combined forces of the townspeople, merchants, gridi (combatants) and firemen (the position guarding the princely property) repulsed the attack.

13) 1456 - the battle of Rusa. As a result of a campaign against Novgorod, Moscow troops capture the city and defeat the Novgorod army.
in 1478 the city was included in the Moscow principality.

14) in 1565, Ivan the Terrible singled out Staraya Russa as part of the oprichnina, which saved it from the oprichnina terror that befell the rest of the out-of-pocket territory - the zemshchina.

15) J. Fletcher, who visited Russia in 1588 in his essay "On the Russian State", called Rusa one of the main cities in terms of income for the Courtyard Order and the Order of the Grand Parish. "The city of Moscow pays annual duties of 12,000 rubles, Smolensk - 8,000, Pskov - 12,000, Rusa with salt 18,000.

16) From the moment of its foundation, Staraya Russa was under the influence of Novgorod, which is reminiscent of birch bark letters - more than forty of them were found here. From the end of the 15th century, the city fell under the rule of Moscow, remaining one of the most important centers of salt production and trade. At the turn of the XVI and XVII centuries. Staraya Russa was badly damaged during the Livonian War, and then during the Time of Troubles, when the city was occupied by the Swedes for ten years. The fire of 1763 destroyed all wooden buildings, after which Staraya Russa was built up with stone houses according to a typical rectangular plan.


18) Now in a more concentrated way, let's learn about the key attractions of the urban fabric.

Museum of the North-Western Front (opened in 1975) on Volodarsky Street. the first museum in Russia, which tells about the history and actions of the whole front during the Great Patriotic War.
The peculiarity of this museum collection is the presentation of the military theme from a general humanist position, the materials reflect the war on both sides of the trenches.
The exposition is based on weapons of various types, maps, documents on the work of Soviet tribunals, on special cases from the life of soldiers of the Red Army, as well as the history of the Staraya Russian underground and the partisan region.
The photo on the left shows a T-26 tank found in the Lovat River and two artillery pieces.

19) The war years brought great destruction to Staraya Russa: regular and unsuccessful counter-offensive operations took place in these parts for two years in a row. The city was destroyed almost to the ground, but some buildings were later restored.
in 1941, the Red Army tried to deliver a counterattack to the German army, which ended in vain. in January 1944, a German group was encircled here, which after 3 months managed to get out of the encirclement. Staraya Russa remained under German occupation until February 1944, although Soviet troops in 1942-1943. also tried to storm the city. All this has affected the current appearance of the city. Something restored, something abandoned.

20) You think it's a wreck. But far from it.
The house was built in 1936, the only wooden house out of 4 that survived after the liberation of Staraya Russa from the Wehrmacht. At the end of the 40s. the house was inhabited by a few indigenous Rushans who returned to the city and restored it: the families of the Abramovs, Burtsevs, Petrovs and Savelyevs. In the early 60s. during preparations for the opening of the museum of local lore in the complex of the former Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the Honorary Citizen of the city, the founder of the house-museum of F. M. Dostoevsky, G. I. Smirnov, lived here.
Nearby was the Execution Ground, where in the 2nd half of the 17th century Ivan the Terrible executed the rebellious Novgorod boyars.
Near the house there is a sign with information that the last overhaul was carried out in 1963, and now it is planned to repair and open a free museum of the house and Pushkinskaya (Yerzovskaya) street with private funds. Well, creative class, can we help?

21) Karl Marx Street with stalinkas perfectly inscribed in the fabric of the historical center of Staraya Russa.

22) A piece of the Soviet embankment

23) Revolution Square with a water tower built in 1909.
Over the next 90 years, Dobrolyubov, Gorky, the sons of Alexander II managed to visit the resort.

28) Monument "Eagle" in honor of the Finnish Vilmanstrad regiment stationed in Staraya Russa and killed during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.
The monument was erected opposite the former barracks where this regiment was stationed. The author of the monument is Vladimir Martynov. The construction was carried out in 1913-1914. with the assistance of Emperor Nicholas II. The cemetery foreman I. Witenberg completed the work after V. Martynov was sent to the front of World War I.

29) Crossroads of Mineralnaya and Volodarsky streets.

30) Leningradskaya street

31) Nice house.

32) in 1878, railway traffic was opened through Staraya Russa. At this station I was to spend several hours waiting for a train to Moscow.

33) and finally. in general, in these 5 parts, I showed you a multifaceted city, yes, with a bygone history, yes, an indefinite present (I think this can be seen in the pictures), but with a certain hope of just at least a private museum complex with the recreation of one of the bygone traditions salt making. the heritage is rich, it remains only to "reboot" the city.