Traveling by car in the Urals. Choosing a tourist route

The article provides an overview of 1-4-week hikes in the Urals and Siberia, gives recommendations on choosing trips, tells how to use sources when developing routes on your own, provides a “hit parade” and route threads. Some of the described hikes are in.

Once, on a hike along the Katunsky ridge to (Altai), I met a group of schoolchildren from Kurgan and got into a conversation with their leader. We asked each other where we had been. It turned out that we have approximately the same list of completed trips. This led me to the idea of ​​compiling my "hit parade" of travel routes in the Urals and Siberia, to bring places that you definitely need to visit. And although the routes that have not yet been passed will last for ten years, I already have something to recommend from the twenty expeditions I have passed.

Why the Urals and Siberia? Let's imagine that you are a tourist with the experience of 2-4 day trips with an overnight trip in the classical sense - you like to travel with a backpack, live in a tent, cook food on a fire. You already understand that such a vacation brings the greatest satisfaction. The Earth is full of beautiful places where you can take a bus or fly by helicopter, climb to the top by cable car. And the views will be no less beautiful than if you go up there on foot. Why is there no such satisfaction? Because people have been traveling on foot or on horseback for thousands of years. And we still have the need to sometimes be in the role of a “primitive man”, a pioneer, relying only on the strength of our muscles and true friends. It is the Urals and Siberia with their wild boundless expanses that can give us these feelings. There are also beautiful mountains - the Caucasus and the Tien Shan. But, traveling through them, we understand that we are guests there. That these are the lands of other peoples and you need to know the specifics of relationships with local residents. Traveling in the Urals and Siberia, we get acquainted with ours. Does it make sense to “visit” when we are not yet fully familiar with “our apartment”? That is why in the summer I travel around the Urals, Siberia, and around Lake Baikal. These mountains are what I want to talk about.

There are three incorrect stereotypes about Siberia among the inhabitants of European Russia, and among the Urals too.
1) "Siberia is an endless plain swamp." But if we look at the map, we will see that at least a quarter of the area is occupied by mountains.
2) “There are a lot of blood-sucking insects in summer.” But only two of my 20 trips required a mosquito net. We were severely seized in July in the Northern Urals. After my lecture on Siberian old-timer dialects, the participants from the tent in the morning asked how it was outside - vile or mosquito? In Altai, there are no mosquitoes at all (the larvae do not mature due to sub-zero night temperatures), and there are flies only on horseback routes.
3) "There may not be summer in the Urals and Siberia." As in a joke: a Uralian or a Siberian who came to the Black Sea is asked: “Why are you so white? Didn't you have summer?" - "Why, it was, only I worked that day." Summer in Siberia is short, but real: sunny and hot. If you go on a long enough hike (for three weeks), then you will surely find it. I had only one completely rainy three-week trip - to the Celestial Teeth. The summer travel season lasts from mid-June to the end of August (in the Subpolar Urals and in the north of Baikal - from mid-July, south of Baikal the best time is August, before that it is rainy, monsoon winds blow from Lake Baikal).

In this article, I will focus exclusively on summer hiking and mountain travel, although some hikes are best done in winter. For example, it is easier to get to Munka-Sardyk (Eastern Sayan) in winter on skis along frozen rivers than in summer to wade through windbreak and elm. And Baikal is interesting winter travel on skates.

Travel types. First, let's define the terms used. Traveling in mountainous terrain on foot unless climbing and ice climbing equipment is used. Mountain travel, if ropes are used, including for organizing river crossings. Mountain tourism differs from mountaineering in Altai and Siberia in its goals. A mountain tourist, as a rule, travels through several valleys, passing between them through passes and climbing some peaks along the simplest routes. The climber, on the other hand, “throws” along one valley to the base camp in the simplest way possible (for example, on horseback), then makes acclimatization walks and climbs to the peaks. Moreover, the path of ascent is important for him. He can climb the same peak several times over increasingly difficult routes. Climbing and descent can take up to 24 hours, but the climber will definitely go down to spend the night in the base camp. A mountain tourist, on the other hand, observes the regime of the day more. He will spend the night where it is safe to put up a tent, for example, on a small area on the pass. For a climber, the main thing is the view from the top; for a mountain tourist, lakes, waterfalls, and canyons are also attractions. In general, a climber is more of an athlete, and mountain hiker more a researcher, he learns to live in the territory through which he walks.

Recently, another term has appeared - trekking. This is a hiking trip along mountain paths, although there may be individual obstacles in the form of a kurum (a Ural-Siberian word meaning scree) and even a simple glacier. As a rule, trekking routes pass through villages and camp sites, so there is no need to carry food and tents. I enjoy traveling as a trekker in the Himalayas, but I hope that in Siberia all this infrastructure will not be developed for a long time. There must be a place left for us where we can rely only on ourselves and our team in order to feel the fullness of life.

So, let's focus on summer autonomous hiking or mountain travel, that is, hiking with a complete separation from civilization. What is the duration of the hike? The classic option is two weeks, which include entering the first valley of the river, setting up the camp, radial trips (light walks) to the sights, a day trip, crossing the pass to the second valley, radial trips in the second valley, spare day, exit. Radials can also represent ascents to peaks. I prefer three-week trips (on average, I get to visit as many valleys as there are weeks on the trip). In three weeks, it is better to get used to the area and thoroughly go around the entire ridge, while in two weeks you can only see the main sights. I consider easy trips lasting two weeks without the use of mountain (rock-climbing or ice-climbing) equipment. A moderate journey lasts two weeks with special equipment or three weeks without special equipment. The hard journey lasts four weeks or three weeks with special equipment. With the current level of technology, only constantly training athletes will be able to carry a lot of weight. Therefore, it is better to break routes for a long time into two or three “rings” with a “bookmark” device, that is, to hide products on the next “rings”. In fact, we are talking about several trips that overlap in terms of time.

Most tourists can only afford one trip per summer. If you are a professional traveler, then it is quite possible to make 2-4. We must not forget about the rest. At least once a week you need to arrange a day, because this is the usual mode of life of a working person. Some leaders recommend doing a day on the fourth day, because the first three days beginners go on enthusiasm, and then the strength ends, and further advancement is the result of calculated forces. If we are talking about "joining" trips, then I advise you to take a rest between parts in as many days as there are parts in a hike. For example, if you combine two ten-day trips together, then rest two days between them, and if three ten-day trips, then rest for three days. If we are talking about several trips over the summer to different areas, then, from my point of view, it is most harmonious after the trip to rest for as many days as the trip lasted. I also traveled in this mode for five years: I made a two-week hike in Altai in the last week of June - the first week of July, then rested for two weeks and spent a three-week hike further across Siberia.

What sources to use when developing a route? We will not consider "aerobatics" when it is necessary to lay new route, perhaps with first ascents, and when the source is only a map and images from the space of the Google Earth program. We will assume that descriptions can be found on the Internet.

Technical reports about sports trips. They most objectively describe the geography, route route, timing and obstacles passed. If you are going to make a sports "career" in tourism, then such reports are the main source of information. If for you, as for me, certificates, titles and regalia are not the main thing, and you are primarily interested in sights and in order for the trip as a whole to be interesting, then you need to know the following about technical reports:

1) Most likely, reports on hikes of 1-3 categories of difficulty will suit you, hikes of 4 and 5 categories of difficulty will be too difficult. Pay attention to the main obstacles. Passes of the first category of difficulty mean that you can pass them in one day without the use of special equipment (pass 1b means that you may need to hang one rope), passes of the second category will require the use of special equipment and training of participants in the necessary skills, even more difficult obstacles - systematic workouts. There is a method for calculating the category of complexity of the trip as a whole. If we make a rough estimate of travel in the Urals and Siberia, then a hike at a normal pace (20-30 km in the Urals, 15-20 km in Siberia, 10-15 km per day in Altai) and with the passage of passes of the first category will have such a category as the hike lasts for weeks.

2) Reports can be scammed. For example, if the mileage of 40-50 km is given on the last or first day, then you need to think about whether the group really walked or was given a lift. If photos of participants on the passes are shown, but there are no photos on some pass (it says that the weather was bad and the photo did not turn out) and this pass is located away from the main route (that is, its passage is not necessary and does not affect the passage of the entire trip ), then you should think, did the group really pass this pass?

3) Sometimes the route contains excessive "winding" of passes to increase the difficulty category of the hike, for example, the route goes around the mountain with the passage of three passes. You need to consider whether you should go through this ring with backpacks for three days, are there really interesting sights around the mountain, or maybe you should set up a camp and do two radials?

Commercial route programs. As a rule, they pass on really beautiful places and described in terms of the beauty of the sights. A well-designed commercial itinerary is designed for people with an average level of experience and is likely to work for you. It should be compared to a sports run report in order to think about how to complete the route in a shorter time than described in the commercial program. As a rule, commercial trips are limited in time to two weeks, so they may not include attractions that are worth seeing. Therefore, you need to carefully look at the sights near the route and think about increasing the duration. For example, the most famous hike in Altai "Kucherla - Karatyurek Pass - Akkem" in commercial programs may include 1-2 radials in the Kucherla valley, although it is worth doing at least 4 radials there. It is not uncommon for commercial firms to offer an unrealistic hike to some “branded” peak, knowing in advance that the group members will abandon the hike when they see what they have to go on the spot. For example, we saw how groups going to the highest peak of Altai and all of Siberia - Belukha, turned around and left even before the Delaunay Pass. Therefore, if a commercial program claims a technical ascent or a pass of a high difficulty category, it is worth considering whether the program itself is realistic.

informal descriptions. These are descriptions of the impressions of the hike made by its participants, usually with photographs. From them you can get information about what is worth seeing on the route. When reading the description, you need to pay attention to whether the group is similar to yours. And keep in mind that the narrator's opinion about the area can be very subjective. For example, in the descriptions I read about the terrible swamps near Manaraga, if you go to its foot along the classical route from the Kar-kar pass. In my opinion, these swamps do not represent a serious obstacle. In any case, our speed was at least 4 km/h.

When reading the reports, one should pay attention to the dates of travel and river crossings. Focusing on the peaks and passes, tourists often do not pay attention to the rivers, although in mountain tourism most accidents happen just at the crossings. And if in sports trip tourists crossed the river knee-deep, this is not a guarantee that you will not plunge waist-deep. Commercial routes are good because they simply will not go through risky crossings. Although there are no guarantees either. So, in Altai, from Kucherla, one of the most common radials to Lake Darashkol. Everyone crosses the Kucherlu ford. In 2010, for several days I could not decide to go to Darashkol because of the high water in Kucherla, replacing this walk with other radials. When there was no time left, we made a horse crossing. And they weren't wrong. A tourist who was fording the river died in our presence (he was knocked down and dragged under a blockage of logs).

Hiking geography and strategies for making a long schedule for several years.

The Ural stretches from north to south and in a broad sense includes the mountains of Novaya Zemlya, Pai-Khoi, Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle and Southern Urals and Mugodzhary (Kazakh Urals).

The mountainous section of Siberia, interesting from the point of view of travel, begins with Altai (besides the Russian Altai, there is also the Kazakh, Mongolian and Gobi Altai). To the north of Altai - Kuznetsk Alatau, to the east - first the Western Sayan, then the Eastern Sayan. South of the Sayan Mountains of Tuva.

To the east of the Sayan there are mountains around Lake Baikal. To the west and north-west of Bakal is the Baikal Range, to the south is Khamar-daban, on the eastern coast is the Barguzinsky Range. Further to the northeast is the Stanovoye Upland.

Siberia includes still hard-to-reach areas of the Putorana Plateau and the mountains of Yakutia, the number of which is equal to all the previous ones. I think that over the next ten years we will see an increase in tourist interest in these areas. For now, let's focus on the mountains to Transbaikalia for one more reason. The transfer to Yakutia is long and, perhaps, the journey there will be more expensive than, for example, to Iceland.

So, before us is a huge mountainous country. Where to go first, what to leave for later? I suggest three strategies:

1) One 2-3 week expedition per summer
2) Two trips over the summer: two weeks in Altai and three weeks in Siberia
3) 2-4 interconnected trips during the summer.

I will describe the details of travel in the third strategy. When describing the first two, I will only list the ranges.

Strategy #1. Suppose you want to spend 2-3 weeks of summer vacation on one trip to the Urals and Siberia, visiting a different mountain region every year. This strategy is suitable for most tourists.

I offer five "hit" trips, from the category of "must-see":
1) Subpolar Urals. Nature Park Yugyd-va. Mountain Narodnaya, Manaraga
2) Kuznetsk Alatau. Ridge Tigirtish (Celestial Teeth)
3) Altai. Katun Ridge. Rivers Kucherla, Akkem, pass Kara-Turek
4) Western Sayan. Ergaki Ridge
5) Baikal Range. Rivers Kurkula, Molokon, Ptitsa Peak

These hikes introduce you to key areas of different mountain systems. The order for the inhabitants of European Russia is precisely this, since it is associated with a gradual advance to the east. For residents of the Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk), it is easier to get to Altai and Kuznetsk Alatau than to the Subpolar Urals. It is easier for Siberians to start hiking from places that are closer to them, as shown in the following table:

Table of mountain systems, cities and stations

RegionMiddle mountain system Railway station or major locality
European RussiaSubpolar UralsInta
Chelyabinsk region, Bashkiria, Orenburg regionMountains of the Southern UralsZlatoust, Yuryuzan, Beloretsk, Magnitogorsk
Perm and Sverdlovsk regionsNorthern UralIvdel, Severouralsk, Krasnoturinsk, Serov
Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk region, Altai regionAltaiBiysk
Kemerovo regionKuznetsk AlatauNovokuznetsk
Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk TerritoryWestern Sayan, Western Tofalaria (Eastern Sayan)Abakan, Minusinsk
TuvaMountains of TuvaAbakan, then by bus to Kyzyl
Irkutsk region, west of BuryatiaEastern Sayan:
Tunkinsky bald mountains and Khamar-Daban

BuryatiaBaikal region
Barguzin, BAM stations

You can limit yourself to these trips if you think that the Earth is big, and our country is also big. And you still need to definitely visit the Crimea, the Caucasus, Kola Peninsula, Tien Shan, Yakutia, Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Another argument in favor of these places is that they need to be visited before they finally go crazy. We, accustomed to the wild expanses of our Motherland, are unlikely to want to see equipped trails, cafes, cable cars, hotels and motels on our route.

Each hike in the vicinity of Lake Baikal can end with a rest on the shore of Lake Baikal. In particular, those traveling by train to Irkutsk or Slyudyanka can arrange a week-long vacation on Olkhon Island.

For residents of European Russia, there may be another beginning of long hikes:

0A) Southern Urals. Taganay Natural Park, Lake Turgoyak or Zyuratkul Natural Park, Nurgush and Iremel.
The Southern Urals is close, accessible, there are many cities at the foot of the ridges - perfect place to start tourism. It makes no sense for the inhabitants of the Urals to spend their holidays on these places, where you can go for a weekend on several routes. But before moving on to Siberia, they should make the following trips before this:

0B) Northern Urals. The main Ural ridge.
And a trip to Manpupuner, which opens the second cycle of travel:

6) Northern Urals. Manpupuner.

I have a travel encyclopedia with photographs of Paris, Easter Island, Kamchatka volcanoes and Manpupuner rocks on the cover. It is very clear where it is worth visiting from the calculation of trips around the Earth.

7) Altai. Ridges Iolgo and Uymensky, Lake Teletskoye. 77 Altai mountain-taiga route. This is the very beginning of Altai with accessible mountains, but sharp peaks with snowfields will beckon you on the horizon, and you will dream of further hikes in Altai.
8) Tuva. Mongun-Taiga. A feature of hiking in Tuva: you need to take into account the criminogenic situation.
9) Eastern Sayan. Tunkinsky goltsy

Third travel cycle:
10) Subpolar Urals. Ridge Saber
11) Altai. North Chuysky ridge. Shavlinsky lakes.
12) Western Sayan. Ridge Aradan.
13) Eastern Sayan. Tofalaria.
14) Transbaikalia. Barguzinsky ridge.

Fourth travel cycle.
15) Altai. South Chuisky ridge.
17) Tuva. Shapshalsky ridge.
18) Eastern Sayan. Valley extinct volcanoes. Topographers Peak
19) Southern coast of Bakal. Khamar-Daban.

Fifth travel cycle.
20) Altai. Plateau Ukok, Mount Tavan-Bogdo-Ula
21) Western Sayan. Abakan Ridge.
22) Transbaikalia. Kodar.
23) Transbaikalia. Severo-Muisky ridge.

Sixth travel cycle.
24) Altai. Katun Ridge. Multinskie lakes
25) Eastern Sayan. Tofalaria. West Side
26) Transbaikalia. South Muya Range.
27) Altai. Terektinsky ridge.

It turns out that it takes 27 years to bypass interesting ridges to Transbaikalia, and then, probably, the same amount to bypass Yakutia and the Far East? If you fell in love with the Urals and Siberia, the second strategy will suit you.

Strategy #2

Go on two trips during the summer: one - two weeks in June-July in Altai, the second - three weeks in July-August in Siberia and the Urals. I can say that Altai enchants everyone who has visited it. Many tourists consider Altai the most beautiful mountains. I was told that it is more beautiful than the Tien Shan and the Himalayas. I tend to agree with this. Altai is very diverse. During a hiking day, you can change several climatic zones and see many sights. I know tourists who go to Altai every year and they don't need anything else. According to this strategy, the trip plan looks like this:

YearExpedition 1Expedition 2
1 77 Altai mountain-taiga route (3 weeks)Northern Ural. Manpupuner (2 weeks)
2 Kuznetsk Alatau. Celestial TeethAltai. Katun Ridge. Kucherla-Akkem
3 Altai. North Chuysky ridge. Shavlinsky lakes, Maashey
4 Western Sayan. ErgakiSubpolar Urals. Folk and Manaraga
5 Altai. Yuzhno-Chuysky RidgeEastern Sayan. Tunkinsky goltsy
6 Altai. Ukok, Tavan-Bogdo-UlaTransbaikalia. Barguzinsky ridge
7 Western Sayan. AradanEastern Sayan. Tofalaria
8 Altai. Katun Ridge. Multinskie lakesSubpolar Urals. Saber
9 Altai. Terektinsky ridgeEastern Sayan. Valley of extinct volcanoes
10 Western Sayan. Abakan RidgeTuva. Mongun-Taiga
11 Altai. The source of the KatunSouthern coast of Baikal. Khamar-Daban
12 Altai. Katun Ridge. Iedygem, SuluairyTransbaikalia. Kodar
13 Tuva. Shapshalsky RidgeTransbaikalia. North Muya Range
14 Transbaikalia. South Muya Ridge

Strategy #3 designed for those who are professionally engaged in tourism or are so passionate about tourism that they are ready to travel all summer. This strategy is suitable for tourist clubs, which can organize three or four trips in nearby areas so that tourists after the end of one expedition can move on to the next. As for the New Nomads tourist club, I can say that we have a lot of tourists who are ready to go on three trips in a row. And if you think about it, this is not fanaticism, but quite. In full accordance with the name of our tourist club (“New Nomads”), some of our tourists go hiking with the onset of summer and return home when it is winter in the mountains. This method of planning requires strategic thinking from the club management and the coordinated work of the hike leaders.

Great trip to the South Urals

The peculiarity of the hike is that there are settlements on the route, so there is no need to carry all the products. The trip includes the following hikes:

1) Taganay Natural Park (1 week). Start in Karabash, finish in Zlatoust.
2) Urenga (3 days). Start in Zlatoust, finish in the village of Zyuratkul.
3) Zyuratkul Natural Park (1 week). Ridges Zyuratkul, Uvan, Nurgush. Start in the village of Zyuratkul, finish in Tyulyuk.
4) Zigalga (4 days). Start in Tyulyuk, finish in Aleksandrovka, return to Tyulyuk.
5) Iremel, Avalyak (4 days). Start in Tyulyuk, finish in Nikolaevka, transition to Verkhnearshinsky.
6) Kumardak, Inzerskiye Zubchatki, Yalangas (1 week). Start in VerkhneArshinsk, finish in Beloretsk.

Great trip to the Northern Urals

The difference from the Southern Urals is that the forest border is much lower, so the mountains seem more impressive at the same height. In July there are a lot of blood-sucking insects. The climate is much cooler. Includes the routes of the most popular hikes in the Northern Urals:

1) Mountains near Konzhakovsky Stone (1 week): Serebryansky, Konzhakovsky, Tylaisky, Kosvinsky Stones, Three Hillocks, Seven Humans, Sukhogorsky (Kazansky) Stones.
2) Main Ural Ridge, Kvarkush ridge with Zhigalan waterfalls (1 week).
3) To the rocks of Manpupuner and Torreporreiz (3 weeks, if without Torreporreiz, then 2 weeks). Dyatlov Pass - Kholatsyakhl - Otorten with Lake Lunthusaptur and Poritaysori waterfalls - Motevchahl - Yanygkhachechahl - Yanyvondersyakhl - Pecheryatalakhchahl (source of the Pechora) - Manpupuner - Torreporreiz.

Great trip to the Subpolar Urals

This is the very heart of the Urals. Despite the fact that I have been to Baikal, Altai, Sayans, the Himalayas, Kamchatka, the view from the highest peak of the Urals, Mount Narodnaya, I consider the best view in my life. Traditionally, tourists go to the Subpolar Urals for a week from the Zhelannaya geological base with an ascent to Narodnaya and Manaraga (some then raft from Manaraga along the Kosyu River).

I led the group on a three-week hike, which was a ring: Zhelannaya - the foot of Narodnaya, climbing Narodnaya - the Kar-kar pass - the foot of Manaraga, climbing the Small Tooth of Manaraga - the foot of the Bell Tower, climbing the Bell Tower - the Reindeer Breeders Plateau, climbing the Protection and Peak Komsomol - Olenevodov pass - Khobe-western pass - pass Blue Lakes– ascent to Karpinsky Peak – Zhelannaya base. Planned ascents to Blucher, Mansiner and Ugra did not take place due to bad weather. I believe that the trip was successful, as we visited five peaks in good weather, which is often rainy in the Subpolar Urals. Since there are white nights in July, it is possible to “catch” good weather during the day and start the journey at least at 2 am.

The great trip I propose to the Subpolar Urals consists of the following parts:

1) Auxiliary part - the transfer of products from the Zhelannaya base through the Kar-Kar pass to the Manaraga river valley. In good weather - climbing Narodnaya.

2) The ring around the mountains Narodnaya, Blucher, Yugra, Mansiner, Protection with entry to the Parnuk plateau to collect amethysts. If you do not spend the auxiliary part, then return to the Desired base for groceries for the next part. Will take about 2 weeks.

3) Crossing the Kar-kar to the Manaraga valley. Climbing Narodnaya and Manaraga, going to the Belfry and climbing it. Transition to Saber and ascent to Saber, exit. Duration - 3 weeks.

A great journey through the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Western Sayan

Sayan is an endless sea of ​​taiga with round caps of loaches rising above it. There are also ridges in the west of Siberia that rise above the taiga with pointed peaks. And they have the appropriate names: Tigirtish (Heavenly teeth) and Ergaki (fingers) with the Aradan ridge adjacent to it, which is included (together with Ergaki) in the natural park of the same name. Mountain rivers flow into blue lakes (there are especially many of them in the Golden Valley of the Celestial Teeth). There are graceful waterfalls. There are small glaciers on the Kuznetsk Alatau.

The hike consists of three parts:

1) Aradan (two weeks). Nistaforovka river - Rovny stream - Valley of nine lakes - radially to the Minusinsk tourists pass and Aradansky peak - Prokhodnoy pass - Emerald guitar lake - Vodopadny stream - radially to Politekhnichesky pass - Unexpected pass - Grebnevoy pass - Mirror lake - lake 1627 - Maralii stream - river Lower Small Kazyr-Sug - Osypnoy pass - Aradan lakes - Bear pass - Lake plateau - Prapor Yunosti pass - Red lake - Baklanikha pass - Podnebesnoye lake - Tushkanchik camp site. This most common route runs along the eastern part of the Aradan Range. The ridge itself is much longer and includes the still little visited central and western parts with the same sharp peaks and lakes.

2) Ergaki (two weeks). Ring through Ergak passes with radials. Camp site "Jerboa" - Marble Lake - Western Cadets Pass - Artists Lake, radial to Mountain Spirits Lake and Star Pass - Malachite Bath Lake - Arrow camp, radial to Tsvetnye Lakes and Pikantny Pass, radial to Ice Lake - Taigishonok River - Lake Eight - Misty-1 pass - Skazka lake, radial to Bogatyr and Gratsiya waterfalls, radial to Stone Castle - Skazka pass - Lazurnoye lake, radial to Mat Sayan peak - Taigish-1 pass - Maloye Buibinskoe lake - Tarmazakovskiy bridge. From the arrow you can go to Lake Bolshoye Buibinskoye and climb the Metugul-Taiga ridge. Also of interest are the lakes south of Ergak: Big and Small Bezrybnoe, Zolotarnoe and Svetloye. In this case, it takes 3 weeks to complete the route.

3) Kuznetsk Alatau (two weeks). The route "The Big Ring along the Celestial Teeth": Luzhba - Glukhariny shelter - Amzas - Marukh pass (900m) - Podnebesny stream, viewing waterfalls, swimming in a radon "bath", Radialka to Graduates Lake, climbing the Big Tooth (2046m) - Belsu sources - Khodovoy pass (1110m) - Turalyg river valley - Goat Gate pass (1806m) - Haratas lake. From the pass, walk lightly to the mountains of the Old Fortress (2211m) and the Upper Tooth (2178m). A light walk along the Golden Valley, sightseeing of lakes and waterfalls, climbing Silver Peak (2063m). lake Kharatas - lake. Hunuhuzuh (Golden Valley) - trans. Karatash - r. Small Kazyr - the mouth of the Vysokogorny stream. Radial to the valley of Vysokogorny and Vodopadny streams. Climbing #2 Big Tooth or Small Tooth. Kupriyanovskaya glade - lane. Kazyrsky - Algui - Amzas - Luzhba. From Belsu Sources, you can make an optional week-long hike through the Rocky Mountains.

Big trip around Tuva

The journey through Tuva is a continuation of the journey through the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Western Sayan and can be completed with it in one year. Unfortunately, the criminogenic situation greatly limits the tourist opportunities of this beautiful land. Recently, ecotourism has begun to develop in Tuva. It is worth visiting yurts with ethnic concerts (throat singing) and the only shamanic clinic in the world in Kyzyl.

Hiking routes in Tuva:

1) Shapshalsky Ridge (two-week trip). Bai-Tal - r. Khemchik - the mouth of Chinge-Khem - r. Chinge-Khem - the mouth of the river from Ak-Oyuk - Mt. Ak-Oyuk (3613 m. radially) - a pass to the Chon-Khem valley - Wild Lakes, per. Rocky (radially) - Pyramid (3477 m.) - r. Ak-Oyuk - the confluence of Ak-Oyuk and Shuya - lane. Shapshal, city 3349 m. (radial) - r. Shui - pos. Shui.

2) Mongun-Taiga - the highest peak of Tuva (3976m.) - a two-week trip. Climbing to the summit is easy, but as the summit is covered by a glacier, climbing requires walking in ropes and crampons. During the trip, you can visit the valleys of the Tolaity River with waterfalls, Uzun-Khol and Khindiktig-Khol lakes.

Great Altai Journey

Altai is probably the most colorful mountain system. From almost any glade on the route, you can admire all the colors of nature: a green forest, a blue lake or a waterfall, multi-colored scree, white snowfields and glaciers. This is one of the reasons why you can visit Altai every year.

Hiking in Altai:

1) Fragments of the legendary route 77: Lake Teletskoye, Iolgo ridge and Karakol lakes, Uymensky ridge (2-3 weeks). This is the northern part of the Russian Altai. Here the mountains are low and accessible for climbing, but from the tops you already have a view of the pointed snow-capped peaks.

2) Katunsky ridge, valleys of the Kucherla and Akkem rivers, Kara-Turek pass, possibly climbing Belukha (2-3 weeks). Start and finish in Tungur and Kucherla. This is the very heart of Altai. The highest peak of Altai - Belukha - is climbed by commercial firms, but it must be borne in mind that the mountain is treacherous, due to weather conditions, half of the ascents are canceled. Climbing requires endurance and climbing skills. But from the Kara-Turek pass, a fabulous view of Belukha and other Altai mountains opens up.

3) North-Chuysky ridge (2-3 weeks). Start and finish in front of Chibit. Valleys of the rivers Shavla, Maashey, Aktru. Nizhneshavlinsky pass. Shavlinsky lakes, surrounded by walls with snow-white peaks, are one of the best views in Altai.

4) South Chuisky ridge (2-3 weeks). Start and finish in Beltir village. Valleys of the rivers Elangash, Karaoyuk, Taldura. Rublevsky, Udachny, Leningradsky passes. Climbing the highest peak - Irbistu Peak (3967m, 2A) - requires mountaineering training. This is an unusual ridge, on which there is little forest, but peaks are visible from everywhere. Local residents breed yaks, which can be found in almost any part of the range, and camels near Lake Karakol.

5) Ukok Plateau (2 weeks). Start and finish in Jazator. This is the southernmost part of the Russian Altai. Steppe with Scythian mounds and lakes and pointed peaks. Climbing the sacred mountain Tavan-Bogdo-Ula requires the use of climbing equipment.

6) Terektinsky ridge (2 weeks). Rarely visited, but promising from the point of view of tourism, the ridge. Commercial firms offer there for the most part horse trips.

Journey along the Katunsky ridge in Altai

I singled out the trip along the Katunsky ridge as an expedition separate from the Great Altai trip, because if you visit all the valleys of this ridge, it will take almost the entire summer season and there may not be enough time for other ridges of Altai. And the Katun Ridge really deserves to be walked all summer long! Diverse valleys with lakes and waterfalls on tributary streams and sparkling snow-capped peaks will not leave anyone indifferent. Among esotericists, at the suggestion of Roerich, this place is considered Shambhala. A typical two-week route looks like entry along one river, parking on the lake, radials, crossing the pass of the 1st category of complexity into the second valley, radials from there, going down the river to the village. If you combine three valleys or more, then it is logical to throw food on horseback into the valleys in the middle of the hike. I cite only the rivers flowing from the northern slopes of the ridge, with the exception of the Katun. There is also the Kazakh river Berel and the southern rivers flowing on the Ukok plateau (it is logical to combine trips there with trips to Ukok).

1) The source of the Katun. Tikhoe and Talmen lakes. Start and finish in the village of Kaytanak. Through the Krepkiy pass to the Multinsky lakes, through Khazinikhinsky - to the Kuragan valley.

2) Multi. Cast from the Multinsky maral. Radials along the Travel Mult, Krepkaya, Mult, Kuyguk. Through the Kuiguk pass you can go to the Akchan valley and climb the sacred mountain Kolban, which has steep slopes and does not require special equipment. Routes include visiting the most beautiful lakes. Through the Strong Pass you can go to the Tikhaya River, and from there to Talmen Lake and to the sources of the Katun. From Akchan - transition to Lake Kyrgyz and to the valley of Kuragan.

3) Kuragan, Yoldo. Transfer from the village of Katanda ( ferry crossing through Katun). Through Lake Kyrgyz, access to the Kuyguk valley, then to the Multinsky lakes, through the Khazinikhinsky pass - access to Lake Talmen and the sources of the Katun.

4) Kucherla. Start in the villages of Tungur and Kucherla. Radials to Tsvetnoe lakes, Kuldur-Oyuk, Darashkol, Mushtuairy, Konyairy. In my opinion, this is the central Altai lake, where you can safely stand for a week and do radials that do not bother you. Camps on other Altai lakes are limited to 2-3 radial camps. Through Darashkol and the passes of Ioldoairy West and Ioldo we pass to the valley of Kuragan. Through the Kara-Turek pass to the Akkema valley.

5) Akkem. Start in the villages of Tungur and Kucherla. Radials to the valleys of Ak-oyuk, Yarlu, to the lake of Spirits, Tomsk sites on the Rodzevich (Akkem) glacier. From the Tomsk sites, the route of climbing to the highest peak of Altai and all of Siberia - Belukha (requires the use of climbing equipment) begins. Through the Kara-Turek pass, exit to the Kucherly valley, through the Sarybel pass to the Tekel valley, then through the Tekel pass to the Suluaira valley.

6) Valleys of the Suluairy, Mensu, Yedygem, Kulagash rivers. Exit to the village of Jazator on the Ukok plateau. These valleys are mainly horseback tours.

Great trip to the Eastern Sayan

The Eastern Sayan is less familiar to tourists than the Western Sayan or the mountains around Lake Baikal. However, there is something to see. This high mountains, including extinct volcanoes, wild mountain lakes, hot and mineral springs, deep gorges.

Hiking in the Eastern Sayan:

1) Tunkinsky loaches. Best time for travel - August, at this time the least amount of precipitation. The routes require two weeks to pass, but it is better to allocate three weeks to stand at the Shumak mineral springs for a week and do radials. Among esotericists, this area is another candidate for the role of Shambhala. There are warm radon baths and about 150 exits. mineral water from a variety of diseases. In the Tunkinskaya valley at the foot of the Tunkinskiye bald mountains there are resort villages with mineral springs - Nilova Pustyn and Arshan. There are three popular routes on Shumak:

1a) Nilova Pustyn village - Shumak pass - Shumak valley - Kitoy river - Arshansky pass - Arshan village. This is the easiest route to take in case of bad weather.

1b) Nilova Pustyn village - Shumak pass - Shumak valley - Narin-gol river - Yaman-gol river - Ara-Khubyty river - Khubytinsky pass - Nilova Pustyn village. I recommend this route in case of stable good weather and low water in the rivers. It includes the passage of the gorges of the Narin-gol and Yaman-gol rivers, on which it is required to make about 40 crossings and in some places go straight along the river. This is a unique place in Siberia where you can admire the sheer cliffs of gorges and waterfalls. The hike is compatible with a trip to Khamar-Daban, since you need to get to the same station - Slyudyanka.

1c) Nilova Pustyn village - Shumak pass - Shumak valley - Windy pass - Bilyuty river - Bepkan pass - Dinosaur pass - Arshan village. The route is recommended when high water makes option 1b impassable, but precipitation does not lead to the formation of snow cover on the passes.

2) Valley of extinct volcanoes, Topographers peak (climbing requires experience and ice equipment), hot springs of Khoyto-gol and mineral springs of Zholgan (3 weeks). The route introduces the participants to the various forms of relief of the Eastern Sayan. The nearest settlement is Orlik, it requires off-road vehicles.

3) Tofalaria. A mountainous country with wild nature in the Eastern Sayan is the country of tofs. It is quite possible to make three trips lasting 2-3 weeks along it: from the west from Krasnoyarsk Territory to Grandiose Peak, from the northeast from the lakes Agulskoye and Medvezhye to Grandiose Peak, from the east to the peaks of Triangulators, Zaoblachnoye and Podnebesny.

Big trip to Baikal

Baikal is a unique place for active rest. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, it allows you to combine hiking in the mountains with relaxing on the sea (as everyone calls Baikal locals), visit the birthplace of shamanism - the island of Olkhon. There are also hot springs on Lake Baikal - Khakusy and springs on the Goryachaya River.

Hiking around Lake Baikal:

1) The Baikal Range (2 weeks) is located on the western shore of Lake Baikal. You need to get to Severobaikalsk. Visiting the valleys of the Kurkula and Molokon rivers, viewing the waterfalls on Molokon, the glacier at the foot of Mount Chersky, climbing the Bird Peak (The bird is a spur of the largest peak of the ridge - Mount Chersky. Climbing Chersky requires the use of climbing equipment).

2) Khamar-Daban (3 weeks). The best time to travel is August, when the clouds from Baikal almost do not come. Smooth mesas in the west give way to sharp peaks in the east. The hike is long, designed for hardy tourists (about 20 km per day with a total climb of 1200 m). Start in Slyudyanka, finish in Vydrino. Route: Slyudyanka - Chersky Peak (climbing, viewing Chertova Lake and Heart Lake and waterfalls on Podkomarnaya) - Bosan - Margasanskaya Sopka - Margasan - Tumbusun Dulga - Utulikskaya Horseshoe - Perevalnoe, Patovoe, Galichie - Khan-Ula - Nukhen-Daban and Langutai Gates - Taltsinsky Peak - Tepliye Lakes - Sobolinoye Lake - Vydrino. Shortening the route will require mounted crossings over turbulent rivers. An alternative form of hiking is to enter from any railway station, radials, then moving to another station, etc.

3) The Barguzinsky Ridge is the most powerful of the ranges surrounding Baikal with many sharp peaks and alpine lakes. On it it is quite possible to organize several trips lasting 2-4 weeks. Routes can start from the Barguzin valley (the eastern foot of the ridge) and go through the passes to the eastern shore of Baikal or start and end on the shore of Baikal at the mouth of different rivers. Often routes pass through the hot springs of Khakusy, lakes Frolikha and Ukoinda and in the upper reaches of the Thompuda River.

4) Olkhon Island. It is logical to finish the trip around Baikal with a rest on the island. You can stop in the largest village of the island - Khuzhir, from where it is easy to order transport for trips around the island, a boat, or in the Nyurgan Bay - a bay with sandy beach in a larch forest (from there it is convenient to make hiking on the northern part of the island). A week's rest on the island is enough to visit all its sights: the birthplace of shamanism - Shamanka rock, the northern tip of the island - Cape Khoboy and the Uzura valley, bays east coast Hatkhu, Idiba and Tashkinei, lake with healing mud Shara-Nur, the highest peak of the island - Zhima, south-eastern bays and lakes Khonkhoi, Muku-Nur, Nurskoe, archaeological monument - Kurykan wall.

4b) An alternative to the camp on Olkhon can be a camp on the Svyatoy Nos peninsula with a visit to the Khakusy hot springs and a boat trip to the Ushkany Islands.

Great trip to Transbaikalia

I have separated these hikes into a journey separate from Great trip on Baikal, because one summer does not have time to carry out all these trips. Various combinations of trips from a trip to Baikal and Transbaikal are possible, ending with a rest on Baikal.

I have not yet been on hikes in Transbaikalia and have not worked out these routes, so I will make descriptions of these hikes in the future:

1) Kodar with the Chara Sands desert
2) North Muya Range
3) South Muya Range
4) Upper Angara Range


In a review article on the routes of the Urals and Siberia, I wanted to say that we have a huge mountainous country, which is quite enough for summer holiday for many years. Commercial tours can be found along many routes, but they only allow you to look inside these ridges. A full-fledged trip is possible in a well-coordinated and developing team of hiking friends. Systematic, from year to year, bypassing the ridges of Siberia requires the organization of a tourist club. And this is quite justified: you will grow up together with your hiking friends, your team will develop, and the Urals and Siberia will give you ever new beautiful views, becoming your homeland. In the tourist club "New Nomads" there is a project "

Rock Falcon Stone, which is located in Sverdlovsk region between two settlements - Krasnoyar and Zyuzelsky, is not as visited by tourists as other natural attractions of the Urals. Oh, in vain travel here can be unforgettable. It is also quite often confused with Falcon Stone near Severka. But it has nothing to do with this stone.

Journey through Russia: rock Sokoliy stone

Deciding to start a trip to Russia and find yourself in the Urals, you should take the time to visit the Sokoliy stone rock. This rock received such a poetic name, most likely, because of the large number of falcons that lived in these places. And the toponymist Matveev A.K. suggested that she was so named because of her beauty, and she was personified with a falcon.

Indeed, the rock itself is very beautiful and picturesque. Its height is 514 meters. It has rocky outcrops that can be well displayed even via satellite. They are located at a distance of about 500 meters from each other, and the height of each such ledge is on average 20 meters.

Falcon stone and interesting places around it

The views that open on the Sokolye stone are breathtaking. There is very good visibility here. Moreover, near this rock there are very interesting places Russia, which, by the way, are not far from it. So you can visit them too. From the top you can see Mount Shunut, and on the other side you can see the peaks of Mount Azov. The beautiful rock White Stone is located a little further along the way.

A mixed forest of young trees grows on the rock, there are clearings left over from clearing. The places are picturesque. It is especially beautiful here at the end of summer, autumn holidays in these places are like a fairy tale, when the leaves change their color. There are practically no signs of a person here, so you feel the freedom of being away from civilization. The Kuzikha River flows next to the rock, which is a tributary of the Revda River.

How to get to Falcon Stone

The Sokoliy stone rocks are located between the villages of Zyuzelsky and Krasnoyar. The road to this place is quite difficult, so be sure to use a map or navigator. Otherwise, you may not go there. Usually the route starts from Krasnoyar. To get to this village, you need to take a bus from Yekaterinburg to Revda, and from there to Krasnoyar.

From this village you will need to overcome 12 kilometers to the destination. First you need to go to the Revda River, then cross the bridge (do not cross the river!) And keep to the left road at the fork. Soon the Falcon Stone will appear, from which it is very close to the White Stone and the Azov Mountain, and after that you can go to the village of Zyuzelsky.

If you decide to spend your vacation in the Urals - great! It remains to decide what exactly and where you want to do, because the Urals are big, very big! Extends as far as 2,500 km from the North Arctic Ocean in the north and to the steppes of Kazakhstan in the south. So the choice is yours. Let's start the review from the south (where it's warmer).

Southern Urals

The southernmost and widest part Ural mountains. Of all the opportunities to actively spend your holidays in the Southern Urals, I highly recommend going rafting on the Sakmara River - this is the most beautiful river in Bashkiria and the largest tributary of the Urals. One of the most popular routes in Sakmara, captivating the most scenic spots, this is a route of the 2nd category of complexity, starting from c. Yuldybaevo. The nearest large settlement is the city of Magnitogorsk, a little further Orenburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk. The easiest way is to hire a car or "Gazelle", depending on the size of the group, which will take you directly to the river. It's great to raft along the relatively calm rivers of Bashkiria on catamarans.

River Ai, Southern Urals © Andrey Mikryukov

This allows you to enjoy your vacation to the fullest: from a catamaran it is convenient to fish, sunbathe, dive into the water, and finally just sleep! After all, anything happens at night: a fire, friends, a guitar - what a dream it is. And on the other hand, it’s fun on the rapids, because a catamaran is a fairly stable, stable vessel that allows you to overcome water obstacles safely and with pleasure (carefully! even a catamaran can be turned over if handled ineptly, rapids above the 3rd category of complexity require proper training of participants and equipment). But since there are no comrades for the taste and color, so that kayak lovers do not take offense at me, this route will suit them just as well.

What to look for: it’s very easy to burn out on the water, even if it seems to you that there is almost no sun, a cool breeze is blowing, and the month of May is outside - still smear your face with sunscreen. Water (like snow) reflects the sun's rays well, and the breeze cools the skin, so you will not have time to feel how toast. Don't forget to bring both mosquito and tick repellant. On the water, neither one nor the other will overcome you, but if you sleep on the shore, you will not escape the fate of being eaten! Alas, this applies to almost all travels in the Urals, especially in the period May-July, when insect activity is greatest.

I can't help but write. There is one place in the Southern Urals where you can go at least every year, both in winter and summer, I love it very much - this national park Taganay. It is located just north of the old Ural city Chrysostom. There are a lot of opportunities for recreation there: for lovers of trekking and rock climbing, for pensioners, for children and lovers of eating wild raspberries. You can choose a route of any duration - from 1-2 days to weekly hiking (and skiing in winter) trips. Throughout the park there are 5-6 shelters or cordons where you can stay for the night, cook food, sleep comfortably and even go to the bathhouse! This is very convenient for those who do not like to carry a tent with them, and also opens up unique opportunities for radial outings for families with children.

Big Stone River. Taganay Park, South Urals ©

Taganay is convenient because all its peaks and sights are very compactly located in it: Dvuhlovaya Sopka, Otkliknoy Ridge (routes up to 3a in winter!), Kruglitsa ( highest point 1,178 m), the world's largest Great Stone River (an accumulation of huge boulders weighing 9-10 tons, 6 km long and up to 200 meters wide). Do not forget to get permission to visit the park by paying a fee of 100 rubles per adult, children are free. You can get to Zlatoust by train, bus or car (distance from Chelyabinsk - 140 km, from Yekaterinburg - 270 km).

Middle Ural

This is the lowest part of the Ural Mountains, bounded in the north by the peak of Konzhakovsky stone and in the south by Mount Yurma. For the same reason, it is also the most developed part of the ridge. It was here that the first paths of the explorers of Siberia lay and the first settlements arose: the cities of Verkhoturye, Turinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Irbit. And although the mountains here are the lowest, you definitely won’t be bored.

It is difficult to single out any specific routes. The Middle Urals are attractive for their accessibility, compactness and great variety opportunities to spend your day off. Absolutely all of the options listed below are easily accessible by car, and many of them even by train and bus. You can catch some of the "joys of life" even after work. I love, for example, the surroundings of Yekaterinburg for this! You live for yourself, one might say, in a metropolis, and in the evening after work you jump into the car and after half an hour or an hour you sit near the fire under the rocks and choose which route to climb before dinner.

The Middle Urals is a real Mecca for climbers! The quantity and variety will surprise even the most sophisticated. I will not go into details, there is a lot of information and resources on this topic. I’ll just list some of the most favorite places for climbers: Aramashevo, about 120 km from Yekaterinburg (routes up to 8c), Arakulsky shikhan (up to 7c+) about 130 km from Yekaterinburg, the Kourovka area (a whole climbing area that combines St. , Sloboda stone, Tolstik) - about 90 km from Yekaterinburg by car.

Lovers of water recreation will also be satisfied. Chusovaya river already a legend in itself, entire books have been written about it, and this does not stop it from being one of the most impressive rivers, even outside the Urals. Chusovaya stretches for more than 700 km, but the "middle" of the river is very popular, it is there that the most picturesque landscapes open, stunningly beautiful rocky banks. You can choose, based on your capabilities and desires, rafting from 1 day to a 2-week hike lasting more than 200 km.

Deer Streams Park, Middle Urals © Andrey Mikryukov

There is another place that is visited annually by more than 50 thousand people. This "Deer Streams" - the most popular natural park in the Sverdlovsk region. It attracts tourists with its accessibility (only 115 km from Yekaterinburg) and diversity. Numerous picturesque rocks, grottoes, caves (Druzhba, Arakaevskaya, Big failure), clean river Serga, which is great for 2-3 days of rafting.

Northern Ural

One of the most amazing and mysterious places on the planet and one of the Seven Wonders of Russia, is located in a remote and inaccessible corner of the Northern Urals. As soon as they don’t call this place: Man-Pupu-Ner (translated from the Mansi language it means “Small mountain of idols”), Pillars of weathering, Bolvano-Iz, Mansi boobies, and tourists shortened the name to a simple "Navel". There are seven of these pillars, six lined up exactly in a row, and one - a little to the side. Their height is from 30 to 42 meters. It is hard to believe, but they were formed by the destruction (weathering) of rocks. This place is considered sacred by the Mansi peoples, and many legends are associated with it. The virgin beauty of this region has been preserved largely due to its remoteness.

Pillars of Man-Pupu-Ner, Northern Urals © Dmitry Uspensky

How to get there?

Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers there are no settlements and, logically, there are no roads either. Previously, it was possible to drop by helicopter, but there is information that helicopter landings are temporarily prohibited due to the lack of a landing site. There are two options for backpackers, I’ll tell you more about them.

The first option from the Komi Republic: first you need to get to the regional center Troitse-Pechorsk (there is a train from Syktyvkar to it), then by car to the village of Yaksha, where you can arrange a transfer to motor boat up the Ilych almost 200 km, and then another 38 km on foot.

The second option from the Sverdlovsk region is even longer and more difficult: you get to the city of Ivdel by bus or train, and then theoretically it is possible to agree on the basis of the Ministry of Emergencies about an all-terrain transfer to the Auspiya River (an expensive pleasure), and then on foot through the infamous pass Dyatlov.

It is important to know that Man-Pupu-Ner is located on the territory of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve, and a permit is required to visit them!

Tundra, Northern Urals © Dmitry Uspensky

Of course, in the Northern Urals there are not so difficult to achieve beauty! If you do not have a lot of time, energy and money, then it's time to go to the Konzhakovsky stone - the highest point of the Sverdlovsk region (1,569 m). Every year, hundreds of athletes come here to test their strength in the mountain marathon "Konzhak", which is held near the city of Karpinsk on the first Saturday of July. This is the most massive (up to two thousand participants) of all 60 marathons in Russia (information taken from the official website of the marathon). In 2013, he received the status of the All-Russian sports competition in mountaineering (skyrunning). For those who do not like crowds and want to conquer the Konzhakovsky stone alone, it is worth coming here at any other time, and then you will enjoy the silence and solitude. It is not difficult to get here, there are roads: by car from Yekaterinburg about 460 km (via Krasnoturinsk and Karpinsk) or by train to Krasnoturinsk, then a bus to Karpinsk, then transfer to a bus to the village of Kytlym.

There are a lot of magnetic deposits in the Northern Urals, the compass is starting to go crazy (the needle is spinning around), so it will be useful to learn how to navigate in some other way or take a navigator with you. Magnets are not a hindrance to satellites.

Subpolar Urals

Mount Manaraga, Subpolar Urals © Dmitry Uspensky

We invite you to escape from the world of civilization and immerse yourself in wildlife the largest and smallest national park Russia and Europe. "Yugydva" in the Komi language means "clean water". The area of ​​the park is 18.941 km², which is approximately equal to the area of ​​Slovenia. Its territory is included in the World natural heritage UNESCO. The national park is located on the border of Europe and Asia, on the western slopes of the Northern and Subpolar Urals. The most beautiful and famous peaks of this area are Beauty Manaraga (translated from the Nenets language as “bear's paw”) and the highest point of the Ural Mountains - Mount Narodnaya (1,895 m). They are located in the central part of the Subpolar Urals not far from each other, so you can safely plan to climb both peaks at once. They are worth it!

Rafting, Subpolar Urals © Dmitry Uspensky

Both in winter and in summer, there is something to do in the Subpolar Urals. Winter is primarily skiing, it can be either an autonomous ski trip or radial ski tours with accommodation at a comfortable Zhelannoye base. The most pleasant winter time is the end of March - the beginning of April: daylight hours are already quite large, the weather is noticeably warmer than in winter, there will be no more terrible frosts, but the snow cover is still stable (and even very pleasant packed snow, on which it is a pleasure to roll ). In summer, it will be interesting to raft down the Kosyu River with climbing Manaraga or just take a hike.

How to get there?

The Subpolar Urals differs from the Southern Middle Urals in a rather difficult transport accessibility - and this is a huge plus! beautiful nature, pristine and untouched, has been preserved here precisely because of this. The easiest and cheapest way to get to the central part of the Pripolyarny is the railway to the Inta station, but then there is only an all-terrain vehicle. It is necessary to overcome 130 km to the Zhelannoye base (the base of the Kozhimsky exploration and production enterprise). It is easy to find their website on the Web, where, in addition to booking, you can still book accommodation at the base in a comfortable hotel.

It is obligatory to issue a pass to the park, it is better to take care of this in advance. It is also advisable for groups planning climbs to have a burner with a supply of fuel, since in some valleys, such as Balaban-Yu, the border of the forest area is far from the watershed ridges, and problems with firewood are obvious. An essential item during summer trips to the Pripolyarny is a mosquito net or mosquito net, as well as repellents in large quantities. Usually June-July is the month of mosquitoes, and in August the mosquitoes disappear and midges appear! It's good to have a choice. :)))

It is worth noting separately weather in this region. It often rains here, which can go simultaneously with fog, wind or snow. In the mountains, snowfall is possible in any month of the summer. Consider this when choosing equipment, and your trip will not be a difficult test!

The Subpolar Urals is harsh and beautiful at the same time!

Polar Ural

Well, here we are at the end of the earth! Most of the territory of Polyarny is completely uninhabited, poorly studied and rarely visited by tourists. Settlements are located mainly along railway and its branches. The climate here is very severe, especially in the northern part of the Polyarny, in December-February, on the foothill plains, frosts cross the mark of -50°C. But in the short polar summer temperatures can reach +30°C! In combination with the polar night, this provides excellent opportunities to travel with virtually no risk of freezing (even in Africa there is snow in the mountains, what then to say about the ends of the earth).

Remember that even in summer, high in the mountains, snowstorms are possible! For a summer trip, it is worth choosing the time in July or the first half of August, since the first frosts already begin at the end of August, and in June there are still snowfields in the mountains. I advise you to take into account one more thing. July is the height of the insect season, and there are a rare and dirty set of them here: mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, gadflies, biting midges (this is the smallest species of blood-sucking insects that penetrates not only under clothes, but even into boots!). I don’t know how anyone, but for me it’s better to freeze a little and get under the first snow than to be eaten alive, and slowly and painfully.

If you have read this article to the end, then there are chances that you will still spend one of your long-awaited holidays somewhere in the Urals!

The Southern Urals is rich in its tourism opportunities. You can raft along the South Ural rivers, visit caves, ride bicycles between the lakes of the Chelyabinsk region, or you can walk with a backpack in the mountains, spending the night in tents. Eight years ago, I set myself the goal of visiting all the ranges of the Southern Urals. It’s not that I have already achieved this goal (larger ones took my time), but I can say that when they call me some peak of the Southern Urals, it turns out that I have either already visited it, or stood on a neighboring ridge and admired this peak. This article summarizes my experience and is an overview of hiking routes with an overnight stay in the Southern Urals.

If we imagine a typical South Ural mountain, then we will see at its foot a spruce taiga with an admixture of deciduous trees and shrubs, which will become smaller as we climb. Steeper slopes will be heaps of granite blocks ranging in size from a ball to a one-story house (in the Urals and Siberia they are called by the Turkic word kurum). The tongues of these placers also descend into the valley in the form of a stone river (it is not clear why trees do not grow on it). Even higher, the trees become dwarfed and turn into shrubs that grow up to 1000 meters above sea level in the north of the Southern Urals and up to 1200 meters in the south. Between the peaks of the ridge stretched alpine meadows, tundra and raised bogs. The peaks themselves are kurum domes with remnant rocks at the top. Only the easternmost ranges differ from this description, where there is no kurum and the forest is rare. This is the place where the Ural Mountains give way to the Great Steppe. On the northern slopes in hollows, snow often remains until the end of June. Mountains are accessible for climbing from almost any direction. This is a typical middle ground.

Residents of Yekaterinburg are in a unique position. Yekaterinburg is located in the lowest part of the Middle Urals. You can live in Yekaterinburg and not feel that we live in a mountainous region (only the green ridge of Uktus with lifts reminds us of the mountains if the windows face south). But we are separated from the real mountains by 6-12 hours by car to the south. That is how much time we need to get to the settlements from which hikes in the Southern Urals begin (cities from Zlatoust to Beloretsk).

Hiking in the Southern Urals begins in mid-May and ends at the end of October. Early May and early November are off-season. At this time, you can feel summer or winter, depending on the weather. The time from December to April is the season for skiing, although it is possible to walk on snowmobile trails that pass through the most popular routes. Even in summer, you have to prepare for the weather from hot summer to late autumn. And in mid-June, you can get under the snowfall. The Urals delay the clouds that go from European Russia to Siberia. Standing at the top, I repeatedly saw how heavy clouds hung over all the ridges of the Southern Urals, and the sun shone over the West Siberian Plain, and the light green plain emphasized the dark blue color of numerous lakes. The main blow of the elements is taken by the western ranges - Nara, Zigalga, Suuk (the latter is translated as cold, windy). Clouds usually hang up to the Uraltau watershed ridge, along which the border between Europe and Asia passes. Uraltau passes east of the highest ranges and stretches from north to south for 500 km. Sunny weather is more frequent over the ridges east of Uraltau - Nurali, Irendyk, Kryktytau.

On a clear day, a panorama of more than 50 km opens from the peaks. If you are very lucky, then you can see the entire Southern Urals in five trips, climbing the Taganay, Nurgush, Iremel, Kumardak, Shatak ridges. In reality, you will need to do about 15 hikes, after which, standing on the next peak, you can proudly show beginners to neighboring ridges and name their peaks, mentally flying from one to another and remembering the hikes you have already completed. This is all yours, with which you met not with the help of guidebooks and the Internet, but for real - with the help of your legs.

The names of the Southern Urals testify to the various peoples who lived in this territory. There are Turkic names ending in tau (mountain), kul (lake) and elga (river). For example, Kryktytau, Zyuratkul. There are also more ancient - Aryan names ending in dak (almost throughout Eurasia there are ranges that end in dag - witnesses of the migrations of the Indo-Europeans), for example, Kumardak. Particularly interesting are the names that combine the roots of different languages. For example, the Karaganka River (“kara” in Turkic is black, but the ganka is the Ganges, the river). And even now the Southern Urals, as it should be for a mountainous region, is an interweaving of different peoples. Bashkirs of different families, Russians, Cossacks, Tatars, Mishars, Nagaybaks, Maris, Chuvashs live here.

Yekaterinburg residents can visit almost any peak in 2-3 days, for example, leaving on the night from Friday to Saturday, walking Saturday, Sunday, and possibly Monday, and returning home at night. The same applies to residents of Ufa and Chelyabinsk, only they need to leave their cities early in the morning. And only the most remote ridges will require 5-6 days. It is logical to start from the north (the most interesting and beautiful Taganay ridge is located there) and each time go south until you go around all the ridges. Do not be embarrassed that at the very beginning you will visit the most interesting, according to most tourists, ridge - Taganay. As you move south, you will become a connoisseur of the Southern Urals, finding unique beauty in every mountain.

In this review, I would like to describe 31 routes in the Southern Urals and place a kmz map for the gps navigator for each area and " Google Planet Earth". Almost all routes last from 2 to 4 days, that is, they do not require a vacation. The purpose of each trip is to get acquainted with one, maximum two, ridges of the Southern Urals (with the exception of trips along Zyuratkul and the surroundings of Beloretsk). In a fanatical mode, if If you go to the Southern Urals almost every weekend from May to mid-October, then you can go through these routes in two years.In a more relaxed mode of six trips a year, they will be enough for five years.In ours, we definitely have a hike in the Southern Urals.

The major centers from which routes in the Southern Urals begin are Zlatoust, Zyuratkul with Sibirka, Tyulyuk and Beloretsk with the surrounding villages.

Neighborhoods of Zlatoust, natural park Taganay

People usually go to the Taganay Natural Park from the city of Zlatoust. You can also get there by train. This is the most concentrated place in the Southern Urals in terms of the number of various mountains. Here is the longest kurum river made of white (quartz) boulders, a two-headed hill with a kurum and rocks on top, a rocky Otklyuchnaya ridge, a valley of dwarf firs - the Valley of Fairy Tales, a round dome of Kruglitsa - a mountain that, being swept by snow, looks like a five-thousander, mountain tundra Far Taganay, the relic spruce forest of Mount Itsyl and others. Peculiarity natural park because it has shelters. Therefore, if you wish, you can go hiking without tents. You can go hiking on Taganay along the following routes:

1.1. Mount Yurma (2 days) - it is more logical to start from it, since it is the northernmost thousand-hill of the Southern Urals. It is a forested mountain with rocks on top. Start from the dirtiest city in the world - Karabash. In it you will see rivers of poisonous color and a bald mountain with a bow cross and the inscription "Save and save" (vegetation was burned by acid rain). The more contrast will be the feeling when you find yourself in virgin nature. The third day can be spent relaxing on Lake Uvildy. The name of the mountain makes you wonder if it is worth doing tourism at all - it translates as "Don't go."

1.2. The route, which is considered the most beautiful and popular in the Southern Urals: the upper trail: Dvukhlavaya Sopka, Otkliknoy ridge, Valley of Fairy Tales (1 day), Kruglitsa, lower trail, Stone River (2 day).

1.3. The lower path to the Kialim cordon (1 day). Far Taganay, Itsyl (2nd day), the lower path to Zlatoust.

1.4. Mont Blanc (from this small rocky peak you can look from the side at the tops of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge), Small Taganay (1 day). Small Ural Ridge and Aleksandrovskaya Sopka (Day 2).

1.5. From Zlatoust you can go to another ridge that is not part of the Taganay natural park - Urenga (south of Zlatoust). In 1 day you can climb the First and Second hills and the third peak - Two Brothers. On Urenga, you can feel how the climate changes as you climb up and see the expanses of the Urals from the top. Two brothers have graceful marble rocks at the top. On the second day, you can go to the next natural park of the Southern Urals - Zyuratkul.

You can finish hiking on Lake Turgoyak. This clear lake among the forested peaks, which is called the younger brother of Baikal. Indeed, they have something in common. On Turgoyak there is the Island of Vera with archaeological sites from different eras.

It is logical for residents of other regions of our country to take a week of vacation with adjacent days off and go to Taganay and the surroundings of Zlatoust for 9 days.

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Natural Park Zyuratkul

If Taganay is a ridge stretching from north to south, then I can compare the location of the ridges of the Zyuratkul Natural Park with a blossoming bud with a drop of dew - Lake Zyuratkul, located at an altitude of 724m above sea level. Here is the highest peak of the Chelyabinsk region - the Nurgush ridge with the largest tundra in the Southern Urals, the Zyuratkul ridge accessible to novice tourists, Mount Uvan with the Uvan fountain - a well from which water flows 5 meters (in winter it is a large icicle from which water flows) , the rocky ridge Suuk (Suka), which is translated into Russian as cold, windy (this is the western thousand-meter ridge that takes on cyclones from European Russia). In the natural park there is a geoglyph Elk (a scale image of the contour of an elk, visible from a height).

Routes can start from the villages of Zyuratkul - resort place with camp sites and a zoo, Sibirki is the place closest to all the ridges of the natural park, the village of Katavka. Options for hiking in Zyuratkul:

2.1. Zyuratkul village, Zyuratkul ridge, west coast Lake Zyuratkul (1 day). Moskal Ridge (2nd day).

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2.2. Sibirka, climbing Kalagaza, Uvan fountain, climbing Uvan (1 day). Pass through the Suuk ridge, ascent to the nearest peak, exit to Katavka (2nd day). You can also go for three days, spending the second day on a long walk light on the southern part of the Suuk Range. Uvan is the central peak of the natural park. It offers a majestic panorama of the neighboring ranges.

2.3. Sibirka, Olympia cordon, pass between Middle and Big Nurgush (1 day). Walk light on the Middle Nurgush (2 day, optional). Traverse of the Bolshoy Nurgush peak (crossing the peak with a backpack), descent to the southern tip of Zyuratkul Lake (3rd day). Climbing Moskal, exit to the village Zyuratkul (day 4).

2.4. Southern part of Urenga. Zyuratkul village, western shore of Zyuratkul lake, climbing Moskal, at the foot of Lukash mountain (1 day). Light ascent to Mount Lukash, transition to the foot of Urenga (2nd day). Walk along the rocky peaks of the southern part of Urenga (3rd day). Crossing the Ai, exit to the village of Plotinka (day 4). In case of difficulty with the crossing, you can return along the same route as the entry (5-day route), or to the pass between Sredny and Bolshoi Nurgush (4 day), climb Sredny and Bolshoy Nurgushi (5 day), exit to Siberia (6 days).

2.5. Traverse of the Bolshoy Nurgush Ridge (hiking with a backpack through all the peaks of Nurgush) from the village of Zyuratkul to the village of Tyulyuk - a place from where hikes are made in the next part of the Southern Urals. Duration from 4 to 5 days.

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Let's conditionally refer to the same region the Nurali ridge, located at the same latitude as the Zyuratkul natural park. This is the most unusual ridge on which there is no forest. It is located east of the ridge The Uraltau and all precipitation are successively taken by the ridges: Suuk, Uvan, Nurgush, Urenga, Uraltau. Nurali gets practically nothing. The ridge is winding and has deep couloirs. It is the source of the Miass River.

2.6. The village of Yalchigulovo, Uchalinsky district, the source of the Miass, climbing the southern part of the Nurali ridge (1 day). Climbing the northern part of the ridge, visiting the lakes at the foot, returning to Yalchigulovo, climbing Mount Aushtau (at the top - the grave of the saint), Lake Aushkul, departure (2 day).

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Neighborhood Tyulyuk. Natural park Iremel.

Tyulyuk - resort village with several turrets. This is where the line starts interesting routes in the South Urals. Here is the sacred mountain Iremel - the second highest in the Southern Urals. It is a horseshoe of the mountains Zherebchik, Big Iremel and three peaks of Small Iremel. Here is the plateau of the Big Iremel - tundra with light forests of dwarf spruce, Mount Suktash with a string of rocks descending from the top. The horseshoe is surrounded by swampy tundra and kurum rivers of the Tygyn river valley and the Avalyak ridge. To the north of Tyulyuk are the South Nurgush ridges (part of the Zyuratkul natural park) and Yagodny with a picturesque lake - the source of the Tyulyuk River. To the south is the village of Alexandrovka, turned into an eco-village by the Anastasian movement (admirers of the work of Vladimir Megre). From Tyulyuk to Aleksandrovka, you can only drive a cross-country vehicle. Routes start from it to the forested Bakty ridge with picturesque rocks on the peaks and Mount Zigalga - a powerful ridge with rocky peaks and the largest raised bog in the Southern Urals. On Zigalga there are moraines - traces of an ancient glacier, through which the river Evlakta flows among the rocky peaks with a lake and a waterfall. The source of Evlakta is lost among the huge kurum river, which goes to the top of the Cross (stretched not along, but across the ridge). I like to train on this kurum river, and go down from the Cross River through the “park forest” next to the kurum river. The southern part of Zigalga is a kurum dome of various shapes - Shelomy. According to legend, only boys are born to those who have visited Shelomah. This part of the ridge is forbidden to visit, as it is located in the South Ural Reserve. Hiking routes in the vicinity of Tyulyuk:

3.1. Tyulyuk is the horseshoe of the Great Iremel. Climbing light on Big Iremel (1 day). Light ascent to Small Iremel, return to Tyulyuk (day 2).

3.2. Southern Nurgush (2 days).

3.3. Lake at the head of Tyulyuk, Yagodny Ridge (2 days).

3.4. Tyulyuk - the pass between the Big and Small Iremel (1 day). Climbing light on Big and Small Iremel (2 day). Trekking along the valley of the Tygyn River, climbing lightly to the peaks of the Avalyak Ridge (3rd day). Descent to the village of Nikolaevka (day 4).

3.5. The Yuryuzan River, before reaching Tyulyuk at the northern tip of the Zigalga Ridge. Crossing the Yuryuzan (in high water - on a catamaran). Trek along the Evlakta River to the lake and waterfall and to the beginning of the Kurum River (1 day). Climbing the Cross (2 day). Return to the starting point (3rd day).

3.6. Aleksandrovka village – pass through Zigalga (1 day). Walking light along the middle part of Zigalga, Frozen Rock Mountain (2nd day). If it were not for the reserve, one could go light to Shelomy (3 days). Descent from the pass to the village of Upper Katav.

The traverse of the entire Zigalga Ridge would take 5 days.

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In the village of Upper Katav, you can finish another three-day route - along the Dry Mountains ridge. Compared to the neighboring Nara and Zigalga ridges, this is a thousand-meter ridge, from which magnificent views of the Cross, Shelomy and the peaks of the Nara ridge open. The tops of the Dry Mountains are a fabulous light forest of dwarf firs.

3.7. Start in the village of Nilsky, transition with a backpack to the pass through the Dry Mountains (1 day). Walk to the southern part of the ridge (2 day). Trekking with a backpack through the northern part of the ridge to the village of Upper Katav (3rd day).

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3.8. Ridge Bakty from Tyulyuk to the village of Verkhnearshinsky. It must be borne in mind that where the ridge ends, there is the South Ural Reserve (3 days).

Neighborhood of Beloretsk

The peculiarity of the area is that there are both elongated ridges, for example, Kumardak, and many short thousand-meter ridges. Each ridge is somewhat unique, so you can visit many different peaks in one trip. Kumardak is a string of thousand-meter peaks with spurs: Small Kumardak and Bear. I like the stone river descending from Kumardak with numerous "tributaries" separated by spruce groves. Routes:

4.1. Kumardak ridge: Tirlyansky village, Miselya farm, Inzerskiye Zubchatki, foot of Kumardak (1 day). Pass between Medvezhya and Kumardak, light ascent of Medvezhya, descent from the pass, sightseeing stone river, light ascent to Big Kumardak (day 2). Climbing lightly to Small Kumardak, exit to the village of Verkhnearshinsky (3rd day).

4.2. Ridge Mashak, located west of Kumardak, unfortunately, is located in the reserve. Kumardak and Mashak merge from the south with Mount Corner Mashak and are separated by the valley of the Yuryuzan River (its source is located there). This is one of the most remote places in the Southern Urals. If it could be visited, it would take a trek of 5-6 days.

4.3. Mount Yamantau, the highest peak of the Southern Urals, is located in the South Ural Reserve. Climbing it is strictly prohibited (3 days).

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4.4. Tirlyansky village, Inzerskie Zubchatki, Crane swamp (1 day). Mount Yalangas, Nura village (2nd day). From Mount Yalangas you can look at the majestic ranges of the Southern Urals a little from the side.

4.5. Surroundings of the village of Nura. Several short ridges can be visited depending on the number of days. Raspberry and Kirel mountains (1 day). Trek to the foot of Aursyak (Salavattau) and Mayardak (2nd day). Climbing Mayardak and Aursyak, crossing to the foot of Yalangas (3rd day). Climbing Yalangas, return to Nura (day 4).

4.6. Many mountains are located to the west of the Big Inzer - Kapkalka, Yeriktash, Karatash, Yusha, Shiktash. All of them are included in the South Ural Reserve. The crossing through Bolshoi Inzer is difficult (4-5 days).

4.7. Mount Small Yamantau is open to the public. Leads to its summit ecological trail from the village of Revet (near the Inzer railway station).

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southern ranges

These are the ridges on which the border of the forest passes at an altitude of 1200 m - that is, at the very peaks. There is practically no kurum on the ridges. Above - steppes with sharp rocky peaks. Consider three ridges: Kryktytau, Kraka and Shatak. The peaks south of these ridges are already completely hidden by forest.

This is a long range to the west of the Uraltau, so it is characterized by gently sloping peaks with sharp rocks, the absence of a kurum, and deep rocky gorges with waterfalls. At the foot of Kryktytau are the ski resort Abzakovo and Bannoe. Near Bannoy is located mountain gorge– a place for climbers to train. You can make three three-day trips along Kryktytau - in the northern, middle and southern parts. This favorite place recreation for residents of Magnitogorsk

5.1. Northern part of Kryktytau. The three-day itinerary starts and ends at ski resort Abzakovo. You can go deep into the ridge, the next day take a light walk on the peaks and on the third day return to Abzakovo.

5.2. Bannoye, Pioneer camp, Mountain gorge, light ascent to Yamankaya (the mountain offers a magnificent view of the Great Steppe and many lakes), ascent to the peaks of the Salavatov Mountains (Shershiltau) (1 day). Trekking with a backpack down Mount Kusimov, setting up a camp, hiking lightly to Mount Kushay (2nd day). Down the Vodopadnoye stream to Bannoye lake.

5.3. Southern part of Kryktytau. Forested ridge with rocky peaks rising above the forest. The highest peak is Karatash near the village of Kuzhanovo. You can finish in Askarovo (route for 3 days).

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Winding ridge with deep valleys of streams. The valleys are overgrown with forest, while the ridge itself is bald in places.

5.4. The route starts and ends in Shigaevo. In three days you can visit the ridges of Big and Small Kraka.


This is the southernmost range in the Southern Urals, the peaks of which rise above the level of the forest. To the south of it there are also thousand-meter peaks, but they are already completely hidden by the forest. On the top of Shatak there is a steppe, where you can meet wild horses, and rocky peaks.

5.5. The three-day route along Shatak begins and ends in the village of Ismakaevo. On the first day we climb the ridge as long as there is water. On the second day we go light on the steppe along the ring route, examining the southern peaks of Shatak and the Maly Shatak ridge. On the third day we rise to the very high peak- Big Shatak and return to Ismakaevo.

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Routes other than the Southern Urals?

When planning 2-4 day trips with an overnight trip, it is logical to pay attention to the north. In the Northern Urals, the mountains are similar in appearance to the mountains of the Southern Urals, only the forest boundary is much lower - at a level of 800m and instead of spruce forests - cedars (Siberian pine) and the climate is more severe. The transfer is difficult - almost everywhere except for the massif of Konzhakovsky Stone and Kachkanar, off-road vehicles are required.

The logical development of tourist life after overnight trips in the Urals is trips from 1 to 3 weeks in Altai and Siberia. These hikes in the tourist club "New Nomads" are held within the framework of the project "".

Map "Southern Ural - stitched 5-kilometer"

Night hikes in the Urals (see also):

The ancient settlement of Arkaim is a truly unique archaeological and cultural monument. It is located in the Bredinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, on a high cape formed by the confluence of the Bolshaya Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers, and, according to scientists, belongs to the Middle Bronze Age at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. It keeps a lot of mysteries and secrets. Surprising is not only The emergence of the city of Ukhta is associated with the development of an oil field. The first attempts to extract and refine local oil were made in the middle of the 18th century by F. Pryadunov, but little success was achieved: the entrepreneur went bankrupt, and the small plant built on the Ukhta River ceased to operate. In 1914, an oil field arose on the site of the present city. Culture of the Bashkirs of the 9th-10th centuries. fully represented by the rich materials of mounds. Fortified settlements are also known. Many of them undoubtedly existed in the rank of medieval cities and some of them were known to Mdrisi and his predecessors. Future research will clarify this still unclear question. Geographically, all these monuments cover the entire Southern Urals (Bashkortostan) The history of the city of Nevyansk is extremely interesting. It was founded back in 1701, that is, 2 years before St. Petersburg or Lipetsk, and became the first in the world, as we would say now, monotown In fact, at first a metallurgical plant was founded and the city gradually grew around it.Peter transferred the city to Nikita Antufiev (better known by the name Demidov), Ufa is a city of Russia, the capital of Bashkortostan. Ufa is located in the Cis-Urals, in the valley of the Belaya River (a tributary of the Kama River), at the confluence of the Ufa and Dema rivers, 1519 km east of Moscow. The population of the city is about 1,023,001 people within the boundaries municipality. This is one of twelve largest cities RF The Urals is a unique geographical region, along which the border of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia - passes. Several dozens of monuments and commemorative signs have been erected on this border for more than two thousand kilometers. The region is based on the Ural mountain system. The Ural Mountains stretch for more than 2500 km - from the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean to the deserts of Kazakhstan

Mount Narodnaya (emphasis on the first syllable) is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. A mountain almost two thousand meters above sea level is located in a remote area in the Subpolar Urals.The history of the origin of the name of this key Ural attraction is not an easy one. Arkaim- one of the settlements of the "Country of Cities", a fragment ancient civilizations humanity, discovered in the south of the Chelyabinsk region quite recently - in 1987. Such discoveries of world significance happen very rarely, once in a century. During the excavations, a settlement was discovered, consisting of Chusovaya - the most beautiful river in the Urals amazing story and hundreds of attractions. With its beauty and uniqueness, it is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Every year, the beauties of Chusovaya are admired by many thousands of lovers of the Ural nature. This is the only river in the world The Sylva River is the largest tributary of the Chusovaya River. Sylva is good for transport accessibility, clean water and the absence of any dangers for beginners and unprepared tourists.The name of the river comes from the Komi-Permyak words "syl" - melted The Sosva River is one of the longest rivers in the Sverdlovsk region (the sixth longest), in the upper reaches it is very beautiful. There are many magnificent rocks along the banks of the Sosva.Sosva flows in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, near the cities of Severouralsk and Serov The Serga is a popular rafting river among tourists. The length of the river is small - 113 kilometers. It flows through the territory of the Nizhneserginsky district, and after Mikhailovsky it flows into the Ufa River The Inzer River flows in the Republic of Bashkortostan, originates from the confluence of the Big and Small Inzer rivers near the village of the same name Inzer. The length of the river is 307 kilometers. Inzer is a tributary of the Sim River. The river flows through a beautiful mountainous area, overgrown with forest.Beauty and easy accessibility make the river very Verkhoturye is called the spiritual capital of the Urals. Indeed, such a density of churches and monasteries per thousand inhabitants is nowhere else in our region. And only 7.5 thousand people live here. This is a favorite pilgrimage route. Verkhoturye arose The Ural Heavy Engineering Plant (UZTM), better known as Uralmash, was built in 1929-33. It was called the "plant of factories" - rolling mills, bloomings, hydraulic presses, blast furnaces, mine bodies were made here. The capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (or, as it is commonly called, Yugra) is famous for its numerous sights, excellent infrastructure and excellent ecology.Khanty-Mansiysk has become more like It does not matter whether you are going on a business trip, visiting relatives or just traveling, the sights of Nizhnevartovsk, when planning a visit to this city, should be studied by you so that you can see them. Despite the fact that the mentioned locality is At the 40th km we turn right. In our direction, where we will go, the road is off-road: rocky, swampy, kaleyisty, kaldobistoe. As if being rolled up, we immediately hear the smell of sour in the car. So something was spilled in the car. I stop to watch Sol-Iletsk is 71 km away. from Orenburg. Minibuses run from the railway station and from central market(stop opposite the city hospital - the beginning of Tereshkova Street) every half hour - forty minutes. The journey takes about an hour to an hour and twenty The virgin forest of Komi is located in the north of the Ural Mountains. Its area is 32,800 square kilometers, it is the largest forest in Europe, untouched by human activities, retaining its primeval There are shamans. People come to them with their problems and illnesses. And only those Nenets who often communicate with Russians, with Zyryans, have icons. They also told me that Baptists come to the tundra and convert. This story, “chilling blood with horror and raising hair on the head,” took place in the vicinity of the Taganay mountain range, the most popular region of the Southern Urals. Taganay, like many other places frequently visited by tourists, is “overgrown” with legends, fairy tales, riddles, fictional and not so fictional stories. In each of the blockheads, you can find many human-like profiles, as if they absorbed the images of all the people who climbed the plateau. The stone city evokes calmer emotions. There you feel like behind a stone wall that protects you from the wind that always blows here. Now it’s a pilgrimage to the national park, for people and cars there are solid amenities: a cleaned road and a clearing around the fountain, gazebos, sheds. And five years ago, four brave travelers tracked a ski track through untouched snowdrifts, making their way to their cherished goal - a giant icicle-fountain. It was launched in 1910 and is currently considered the oldest hydroelectric power plant in Russia, operating continuously. Previously, a ferroalloy plant operated in Porogi, for the needs of which people go to Taganay at any time of the year in crowds and alone, families and couples. Eyewitnesses (often, however, prone to great exaggerations) swear that at the height of the season on the trails of Taganay it is about the same as at rush hour on Nevsky - there is no crowding. We went there in June (on the eve of the popular Ilmensky festival in these parts), probably

Weathering pillars are the bizarre result of thousands of years of wind, rain and snow. These giant stone idols are located on Mount Manpupuner, on the territory of the Troitsko-Pechersky district of the Komi Republic. About 200 million years ago there were here. In mountainous Bashkiria, now there is only one city - Beloretsk (68 thousand inhabitants), standing 4-5 hours from Ufa and 1.5-2 from Magnitogorsk. It is closer to the latter in spirit: the main enterprise of the city is a metallurgical plant. Actually, Beloretsk is such a branch
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