Where they plunge into baptism. The best places for winter swimming

In Moscow, 60 places have been identified for Epiphany bathing - 62 lanes and 10 fonts. All places will be illuminated, equipped with locker rooms, tents with tea, observation posts for rescuers and ambulance entrances.

Epiphany bathing takes place on the night of January 18-19 and during the day in special baths (Jordan), which are made in the shape of a cross and consecrated. Rescuers are asking citizens to follow the rules of winter swimming.

In order not to risk health, swimmers are not recommended to swim and limit themselves to a minute stay in the water. After bathing, you need to rub the body with a terry towel, put on dry clothes and drink hot tea.

About 120,000 people are expected to take part in Epiphany bathing this year. The number of bathing participants varies annually. So, in 2016, 105.3 thousand people plunged into the water, and in 2015 - 112.1 thousand people.

List of places in Moscow where Epiphany bathing will be organized in 2017

An object

The address

ice hole


Revolution square

Big Garden Pond

B. Academic, st. 47

Coastal passage, 1-7

Water area of ​​the Khimki reservoir

Leningradskoe shosse, 47-49

Palace Pond

Between st. Academician Korolyov and 1st Ostankinskaya

Lake "Holy"

st. Orangery, 18

Lake "White"

st. Zaozernaya, d.2-6

Recreation area "Terletskaya oak forest", Alder pond

Svobodny Ave, 9

red pond

Izmailovsky Forest Park, Main Alley

Font "Vernissage in Izmailovo"

Izmailovskoe sh., 73Zh

Babaevsky Pond

st. Kurganskaya, d.5-9

Lower May Pond

Sokolniki Park

Upper Kuzminsky Pond

st. Kuzminskaya 10

Shibaevsky pond

st. District property 14

Lower Lublin Pond

st. Shkuleva 2 b

Tsaritsyno Pond

st. Dolskaya, 1

Pond Becket

Zagorodnoye highway, 2

Borisov Ponds

st. Borisovskiye Prudy, 2g

Vorontsovsky pond

st. Ak. Pilyugina, 1

Pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe"

st. Profsoyuznaya 123B

Troparevsky pond

st. Academician Vinogradova d.7

Pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt

Nakhimovsky prospect, 8

Chernevsky Pond (decorative pond No. 1)

st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 62

Pond on the Temple grounds

St. Nikolay Sirotkina, 28 "a"

Lake Meshchersky

st. Voskresenskaya d.3a

Moskva river

Rublevo, st. V. Botyleva d.41

Moskva river

st. B. Filevskaya, 40 a

Moskva river

Filevsky Boulevard, d.21

landscape park

st. Baryshikha ow. 4

Pond in the village Rozhdestveno

Pond in the village Rozhdestveno (behind the Church of the Nativity), Mitino district

Kirov floodplain

st. Isakovsky ow. 2

Lake Bezdonnoe

st. Tamanskaya, 91

Moskva river

Karamyshevskaya emb., 13-15

PIK "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo"

Natural and historical park "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo" Chernushka №4

PKiO "Northern Tushino"

st. Freedom d. 56

Stroginskaya floodplain, Moscow river

st. Tvardovsky ow. 16 bldg. 3

Derivative channel (left bank)

st. Boat ow. 19

Derivative channel (right bank)

st. Malaya Embankment, 3, building 1

Embankment of the Moscow River (left bank)

st. Picturesque d. 50

Lake "School"

10 microdistrict, Filaretovskaya street, next to the beach area

Lake "Black"

6 microdistrict, alley Lesnye prudy near building 621 A, font on the western side

Holy spring and chapel-font in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

Moscow, Vnukovskoye settlement DSK "Michurinets", st. Arseny Tarkovsky, next to the river. Setun


Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God

Moscow settlement Voronovskoye with. Pokrovskoe

Trinity Church d / o Resurrection

Moscow, Voskresenskoye village, pos. Resurrection, d / o "Resurrection"

Font at the source near the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino

Moscow, Desenovskoye settlement, Evseevo-Kuvekino village

Equipped font, river Pechenka village Tovarishchevo Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Moscow, pos. Klenovskoye, the village of Tovarishchevo

Equipped place for Epiphany bathing in the village of Tovarishchevo

Moscow, pos. Klenovskoe, Chernetskoe village

Epiphany font

p. Krasnopakhorskoe with. Bylovo, a pond near the Archangel Michael Church

village Marushkino folk park"Brook"

Moscow, p. Marushkinskoe, village Marushkino, people's park "Rucheyek"

Bolshoye Pigrye near the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands

Moscow, pos. Marushkinskoye, village Bolshoe Svinorye, near the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands

Church of the New Martyrs of Podolsky in Shishkin Les

Moscow, Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe, Shishkin Les, 43

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

settlement d / o Pleskovo, on the territory of LLC "New construction"

Moskovsky settlement, settlement of Ulyanovsk forest park, quarter 30, Gloria LLC

p. Moskovsky,

Settlement of the Ulyanovsk Forest Park, LLC "Gloria" Temple-chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color"

The middle pond of the cascade "Troitskoye Estates"

Moscow, settlement Mosrentgen near the house number 39

Pervomaiskoye settlement,

Puchkovo village, Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Moscow, Pervomayskoye village, Puchkovo village

d.Vasyunino, Church of the Holy Trinity

Trinity Church d.Vasyunino

R. "Desna" within the boundaries of the city of Troitsk Recreation area "District"

Pond in the village of Knutovo

Moscow, Filimonkovskoye village, Knutovo village

Font in the village of Oznobishino

Moscow, Shchapovskoye village, Oznobishino village, near the Church of the Holy Trinity

temple complex icons of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" and the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth in Shcherbinka

Moscow, Shcherbinka, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, house 15


Safe swimming in the hole for Epiphany

Before you decide to swim, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for bathing at Epiphany. It is not recommended to dive into the hole for more than 2 minutes. Before the ice-hole it is necessary to walk in shoes, as the feet begin to freeze first.

It is better to undress before bathing gradually: first remove outer clothing, after a few minutes shoes, only then to the swimsuit. After bathing, you must first rub yourself well with a towel, then get dressed and drink something hot.

Immersion in cold water is especially dangerous for people with bronchopulmonary diseases, with a weak heart, and pressure problems. If it is high, then a person may experience vasospasm or a microstroke, and if it is low, convulsions.

Believers are preparing to meet another important church holiday - the Baptism of the Lord, which will be celebrated on January 19, 2018. This holiday is always accompanied by swimming in ice jordan fonts - they are opened the day before in many cities and villages. It is believed that at Epiphany the water becomes holy, it washes away all the bad and gives rise to good.

On the evening of January 18 - on Epiphany Christmas Eve - a festive liturgy will be held in all churches, after which the blessing of water in churches and fonts will take place so that those who wish can plunge into them. Festive services will be held from the morning of January 19. It will be possible to perform the rite of immersion in water starting from 18:00 on January 18 and until the evening of January 19.

History and traditions of the holiday

Baptism for the Orthodox is a symbol of the beginning of the emergence of the Christian religion, the moment from which the worship of God began, which ceased to be unknown. After all, it was on the very day when Jesus was baptized that people learned the great mystery of worship, having witnessed the appearance of the Holy Trinity: the Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Spirit, who appeared in the form of a dove.

The literal meaning of Baptism is "immersion in water". The miraculous properties of water - its ability to wash away all the bad and give rise to all the good - is said in the Old Testament. In pre-Christian times, ablutions were used for moral cleansing, but now baptism with water brings deliverance from sins and contributes to the emergence of spiritual life.

How the Epiphany of the Lord 2018 is celebrated

Before the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Orthodox Christians observe a strict one-day fast. January 18 - on Epiphany Christmas Eve, you can eat only lean cakes in hemp oil, popularly referred to as sochen, and kutya. Housewives before the holiday do a general cleaning and prepare a festive table. It should have a lot of meat dishes, honey and cereals. The main treats of the Epiphany table are cookies in the form of crosses, which are baked from sweet dough, pancakes and a baked pig. in the old days, the meal was built strictly in order: first, cross-shaped cookies and consecrated water, then pancakes, and then everything else. The believers were sure that the heavens open at Baptism, and therefore all sincere prayers will be heard, and wishes will come true.

The main event of Epiphany is the blessing of water. This rite is performed in all temples. Epiphany water is used to treat diseases, cleanse the home, protect against troubles and evil forces. Holy water retains its miraculous properties for exactly one year.

Another tradition of the holiday is swimming in open reservoirs, on which ice-holes-Jordans are built. Bathing makes it possible to wash away sins. According to tradition, you need to plunge into the water three times.

How to swim in the hole for Epiphany

So that the rite of bathing in the hole at Baptism does not lead to undesirable consequences, you must follow a few simple rules.

No need to plunge into the water abruptly - go knee-deep, wash yourself, and then plunge (for this there is no need to go into the hole completely). The maximum time spent in cold will is 15 seconds.

You need to take off your clothes just before you are going to take a dip. The longer you stand in the cold without clothes, the more likely you are to get sick after swimming.

After bathing, you need to quickly dry yourself with a towel and put on warm clothes. Then go to the room and drink hot tea. Remember that alcohol should not be consumed after bathing.

Where you can swim at Epiphany in St. Petersburg

Main baptismal font in northern capital will be open to perform the rite at the walls Peter and Paul Fortress- the consecration of water will be performed by Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofy on January 19 at 13:00. Every year, more than 10,000 people plunge into the font near Petropavlovka, over 25,000 citizens come to the celebrations. It is known that the font in 2018 will have a rotunda and a dome. Lifeguards will closely monitor the bathing, and warm tents for changing clothes will be set up near the Jordan. There will also be hot tea and cakes. In total, according to the Petersburg Diary, 26 fonts are being equipped in St. Petersburg ( full list can be found on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for St. Petersburg).

The publication notes that the district administrations, together with relevant departments, will ensure safety in places of mass bathing. In total, it is planned to involve more than 400 rescuers.

Where you can take a dip in the fonts in Moscow

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that in 2018 the authorities prepared 59 places for Epiphany bathing, which will be equipped with safe approaches, descents to the water and lighting without fail. Heated locker rooms and toilets will be placed next to the fonts, parking lots and places where everyone can warm up and drink tea will be equipped. In the North-Eastern Administrative District and the Central Administrative District - 1 font each, Zelenograd - 2, the SAO, the South Administrative District and the South-Eastern Administrative District - 3 fonts each, the ZAO - 4, the South-West Administrative District - 6, the Eastern Administrative District - 7, the North-West Administrative District - 10, the TiNAO - 19. Since winter this year in Since the central part of Russia is warm and the ice cover has not yet been formed, it will not be possible to see ice-holes in the form of crosses everywhere. But this will not become an obstacle for the clergy to the blessing of water. By the way, in those areas where there are no open reservoirs, fonts will be placed - special barrels of water, which will also be consecrated before the ritual.

A complete list of addresses of places where Epiphany bathing will be held can be found on the website of the Moscow government.

Epiphany 2019 will come very soon, this holiday is one of the 12 main church holidays. Its date is non-transferable and is always celebrated on January 19th.

The evening before the holiday, January 18, is also considered sacred, because it is at this time that the water gains healing miraculous properties and is considered sacred.

Read about where you can swim in Moscow on the night of January 18-19, 2019 and the whole next day, a complete list of fonts and holes specially equipped for swimming, in our article. As well as how to properly plunge into the hole and the basic safety rules when you are on the territory of open water.

One of the main traditions of the holy feast of Epiphany is mass bathing in ponds or fonts. A huge cross is carved into the ice, and the clergy consecrate these fonts. On this page you will find a complete list of places in Moscow where you can swim on Epiphany.

About 60 bathing fonts will open in Moscow. It will be possible to plunge into the hole from 18:00 on January 18 to 18:00 on January 19. This was announced by Deputy Mayor for Housing and Communal Services and Improvement Pyotr Biryukov at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

Places of Epiphany bathing are equipped with floorings with anti-slip coatings. Locker rooms, heating points and mobile toilets will be installed here. Each site will be lit, and parking will be organized nearby. In addition, teams will be assigned to each bathing area for timely cleaning.

Police officers will ensure security both in the territories of temples and in bathing places. Also, ambulance crews will be on duty at each bathing area, hot food and temporary trade points will open.

Where to swim at Epiphany in Moscow

All swimming places are familiar to Muscovites, as the addresses practically do not change from year to year. In this case, the intervention of sanitary doctors should be taken into account. They checked the quality of the water in all the reservoirs where bathing at Epiphany was planned, and some of them were declared unsuitable due to poor water quality.

This year, such traditional places in the center of Moscow as ponds in Ekaterininsky Park, Pioneer Ponds, Novospassky Pond and others are closed for swimming.

It is important that you can swim only in those holes that are approved by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

How to bathe in Epiphany

Nevertheless, if you decide to swim in the Epiphany hole, consider 10 safety rules

  1. Test your body for medical contraindications.
    Doctors categorically object to bathing in the hole at Epiphany if they have the following health problems:
    - inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, accessory cavities of the nose, otitis media;
    - cardiovascular diseases;
    - epilepsy, trauma of the skull; sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
    - neuritis, polyneuritis;
    - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
    - glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
    - pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, emphysema;
    - nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland;
    - gastric ulcer, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis;
    - venereal diseases.

2. For swimming in the hole at Epiphany, you need to choose the right place.

The ideal hole for swimming in the hole for Epiphany is:

  • checked place. Preferably organized, not a rural pond at midnight.
  • the depth of the font should not exceed 1.8 m.
  • the font must be fenced to prevent accidental falling into the water.

3. Don't forget about uniforms!

Take some shoes with you so as not to walk barefoot on the ice - this is far from being possible for everyone. But keep in mind that slippers should not be on rubber soles - it slips. You can take thick woolen socks, walk to the hole in them, and swim in them.

After bathing, you need to change into dry clothes.

4. Before bathing, warm up a little, but not to a sweat. Undressing, swing your arms, do a few squats, tilts. The body should be hot, but not sweaty.

5. The Orthodox tradition implies three dipping into the hole with the head. But keep in mind that swimming in the ice hole is on

Baptism is not a canon, but a tradition. That is, it will not be a sin if you take care of your head, knowing that with wet hair in the cold - not a great gift! Especially if on the other side of the city by public transport.

6. Watch out for euphoria! Many people, having plunged into the water, experience a surge of irrepressible joy, which provokes them to stay in the water for five minutes. Keep in mind that this attack of joy is not the grace of God, but the result of the most complex chemical reactions that occur in the body under the influence of cold. Lingering in the water under the influence of endorphins, you risk your health.

7. Warm up after swimming! Rub yourself with a towel, get dressed quickly. And drink something hot: tea stored in advance, for example.

8. No alcohol before swimming! And the maximum that you can afford after is a little church Cahors. It is widely believed that alcohol warms the body. But this is only in the first half hour after taking! Then comes the opposite effect, fraught with serious colds.

9. Trust your body! And, if looking at cold water terrifies you, think again - is it worth it?

10. Do not enter the water without prayer. Let it be short (“Our Father”, for example), let it be in your own words, but turn to God on this day with words coming from the very heart.

What you need for swimming in the hole

  • towel and bathrobe, a set of dry clothes;
  • swimming trunks or swimsuit (underwear, shirt);
  • slippers so as not to hurt your feet, just so that they do not slip on the ice,
  • rubber cap.

A complete list of places for swimming in Moscow and Moscow Region in 2019

No. p / p An object The address Number of holes Number of hot tubs
1 Temple on Pure Vrazhek per. 1st Truzhennikov, 8 - 1
1 Big Garden Pond B. Academic, st. 47 1 -
2 Coastal passage, 1-7 1 -
3 Water area of ​​the Khimki reservoir Leningradskoe shosse, 47-49 1 -
1 Palace Pond Between st. Academician Korolyov and 1st Ostankinskaya 1 -
1 Lake "Holy" st. Orangery, 18 3 -
2 Lake "White" l. Zaozernaya, d.2-6 2 -
3 Recreation area "Terletskaya oak forest", Alder pond Svobodny Ave, 9 2 -
4 red pond Izmailovsky Forest Park, Main Alley 1 -
5 Font "Vernisazhv Izmailovo" Izmailovskoe sh., 73Zh - 1
6 Babaevsky Pond st. Kurganskaya, d.5-9 1 -
7 deer pond Sokolniki Park 2 -
1 Shibaevsky pond st. District property 14 1 -
1 Tsaritsyno Pond st. Dolskaya, 1 2 -
2 Pond Becket Zagorodnoye highway, 2 1 -
3 Borisov Ponds st. Borisovskiye Prudy, 2g 2 -
1 Vorontsovsky pond st. Ak. Pilyugina, 1 1 -
2 Pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe" st. Profsoyuznaya 123B 1 -
3 Troparevsky pond st. Academician Vinogradova d.7 1 -
4 Pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt Nakhimovsky prospect, 8 2 -
5 Chernevsky Pond (decorative pond No. 1) st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 62 1 -
6 Pond on the Temple grounds St. Nikolay Sirotkina, 28 "a" 1 -
1 Meshchersky Pond st. Voskresenskaya d.3a 1 -
2 Moskva river Pos. Rublevo, st. V. Botyleva d.41 1 -
3 Moskva river st. B. Filevskaya, 40 a 1 -
4 Moskva river Filevsky Boulevard, 21 1 -
1 landscape park st. Baryshikha ow. 4 1 -
2 Pond in the village Rozhdestveno Pond in the village Rozhdestveno

(behind the Church of the Nativity), Mitino district

1 -
3 Kirov floodplain st. Isakovsky ow. 2 1 -
4 Lake Bezdonnoe st. Tamanskaya, 91 1 -
5 Moskva river Karamyshevskaya emb., 13-15 1 -
6 PIK "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo" Natural and Historical Park "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo" Pond No. 4 on the Chernushka River 1 -
7 PKiO "Northern Tushino" st. Freedom d. 56 1 -
8 Stroginskaya floodplain, Moscow river st. Tvardovsky ow. 16 bldg. 3 3 -
9 Derivative channel (left bank) st. Boat ow. 19 1 -
10 Derivative channel (right bank) st. Malaya Embankment, 3, building 1 1 -
11 Embankment of the Moscow River (left bank) st. Picturesque d. 50 1 -
1 Lake "School" 10 microdistrict, Filaretovskaya street, next to the beach area 1 -
2 Lake "Black" 6 microdistrict, Lesnyye Prudy alley near building 621 A, font on the western side 1 -
1 Holy spring and chapel-font in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan Settlement Vnukovskoe village. DSK "Michurinets", st. Arseny Tarkovsky, next to the river. Setun - 1
2 Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God Settlement Voronovskoe with. Pokrovskoe 1 -
3 Trinity Church d / o Resurrection Settlement Voskresenskoye, pos. Resurrection, d / o "Resurrection" 1 -
4 Font at the source near the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino Settlement Desenovskoye, d. Evseevo-Kuvekino - 1
5 village Tovarishchevo, Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Settlement Klenovskoye, village Tovarishchevo - 1
6 Pond on the river Treshnya Settlement Klenovskoe, village Chernetskoe 1 -
7 Epiphany font Settlement Krasnopakhorskoe, with. Bylovo, a pond near the Archangel Michael Church 1 -
8 d. Marushkino people's park "Brook" Settlement Marushkinskoye, d. Marushkino, People's Park "Rucheyok" 1 -
9 Bolshoye Svinoryeu Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands Settlement Marushkinskoye, d. Big Pig, near the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands 1 -
10 Church of the New Martyrs of Podolsk in Shishkin Forest Settlement Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye, Shishkin Les, 43 - 1
11 Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh Pos. d / o Pleskovo, on the territory of LLC "New Construction" - 1
12 Settlement Moskovsky, settlement of Ulyanovsk forest park, block 30, LLC "Gloria" settlement Moscow, settlement of the Ulyanovsk forest park,

quarter 30, LLC "Gloria"

Temple-chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color"

1 -
13 The middle pond of the Troitskoye Estate cascade settlement Mosrentgen, near house number 39 1 -
14 n. Pervomaivskoe, der. Puchkovo, Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Settlement Pervomayskoe, village Puchkovo - 1
15 d.Vasyunino, Church of the Holy Trinity Trinity Church d.Vasyunino - 1
16 R. "Desna" within the boundaries of the city of Troitsk Recreation area "Zarechye" G.o. Troitsk, Recreation area "Zarechye" 2 -
17 Pond in the village of Knutovo Settlement Filimonkovskoe, d. Knutovo 1 -
18 Font in the village of Oznobishino Schapovskoye settlement, Oznobishino village, near the Church of the Holy Trinity 1
19 Temple Complex of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" and the Holy Monk Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth in Shcherbinka Shcherbinka, Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 15 - 1
20 Pond in the village Epiphany settlement Voronovskoye, Church of the Epiphany, p. Epiphany 1 -

Video: how to swim in the hole for Epiphany - advice from rescuers

Where to swim in Epiphany in Moscow? This question is of interest to more and more residents of the metropolitan metropolis every year. There is nothing to be surprised here: over the past decades, a huge part of Russians have turned to religion, and many have begun to recall Orthodox holidays and traditions.

The question of where to swim in Epiphany in Moscow has become relevant also because there is a giving: one who plunges into the hole on the day of the Holy Epiphany will not get sick for a whole year. Residents of the metropolitan metropolis believe that Epiphany water can heal not only the body, but also the soul. However, you need to remember that not every person is recommended to swim on the night of January 18-19. And even more so, the inhabitants of Belokamennaya should know where to swim in Epiphany in Moscow.

Epiphany is a revered holiday among Russians

Surely no one will dispute the fact that Epiphany is a significant holiday for the Orthodox, and the tradition of swimming in icy water on the night of January 18-19 did not appear yesterday. Despite this, few residents of the metropolitan metropolis know exactly when and where to swim in Epiphany in Moscow.

Representatives of the Orthodox Church declare that it is possible to wash the body in the hole at any time of the holiday. However, do not forget that the liturgy falls on the morning of January 19: it is at this time that the fonts are consecrated, after which you can heal the body and soul.

The unique properties of healing water

Even doctors of science and academicians agree that Epiphany water has unusual properties. The clergy, in turn, declare that on the day of the Holy Theophany, the water has a pristine state. In other words, it becomes what the Almighty created it.

Features of bathing in Epiphany

Epiphany should not be regarded as a kind of water festival. It is very important to attend the liturgy on this day. After this procedure, representatives of the clergy begin to bless the water, which then does not lose its unique properties throughout the year.

On this day, it is customary to swim in the hole. And in this regard, a huge number of residents of the capital are interested not only in the question of where to swim at Epiphany in Moscow, but also in whether this ritual is acceptable to everyone. Of course, any person, if desired, has the right to swim in the icy water on the night of January 18-19. However, here you need to make a reservation: if there are contraindications for health, then you should refuse to swim in the hole. It is very important to consult with your doctor about this. And, sadly, the list of contraindications is quite large. First of all, we are talking about cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system and respiratory tract. Pregnant women are also not allowed to swim in the hole.

For those who are haunted by the question of where to swim at Epiphany in Moscow, it would be useful to warn: in the process of swimming in ice water, even a healthy person is not immune from death, since hypothermia can cause vasospasm and cardiac arrest.

What to remember first

In no case do not jump sharply into the cold water. Go into it slowly so that the body has time to adapt to the new environment. After bathing, you should also not quickly leave the font to minimize the risk of a sharp temperature drop.

What else do you need to know about for all those who are interested in where to swim at Epiphany in Moscow? It is forbidden to dive into the hole alone. This must be done in special places where lifeguards are on duty. If you still can not wait to dive headlong into the icy water, swim in the presence of friends who can insure you in the event of a banal cramp.

Bathing places

It should be noted that the list of places for Baptism is very impressive. This year, more than fifty fonts were provided, and all the conditions for comfortable diving were created for people: there is a place to undress, rub yourself and drink warming tea after water procedures. In particular, residents of the capital living in the Vykhino metro area can use the recreation area near White Lake. Muscovites who own apartments in the Schelkovskaya metro area can go to Babaevsky Pond. In the metro area "Konkovo" it will be possible to swim in the park " Teply Stan". For those who live near the Strogino metro station, we recommend visiting the park in the village of Rublevo. In the area of ​​​​the Novogireevo metro station, the Raduga ponds operate. On the territory of Novokosino on the night of January 18-19, it will be possible to swim in Here's where to swim at Epiphany in Moscow! The list of places goes on and on.

Now consider the bathing areas, based on the principle of administrative-territorial division.


In the central part of the Russian capital, two areas for swimming in the hole are equipped: Ekaterininsky Park and Revolution Square. The first is equipped with wooden decks. The site has additional lighting and places for changing clothes. There are also tents where you can warm yourself with tea. The swimmers will be monitored by employees of law enforcement agencies: the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Department of Internal Affairs - in the event of emergency situations, they will be ready to help.

Russians always celebrate Epiphany in a special way. Where to swim in Moscow on the night of January 18-19, few people know.

The second popular bathing place is this year. Two wooden fonts were installed here this year, changing cabins were equipped, and after water procedures, those who wished were offered water.

In case of force majeure situations, the victims will immediately receive a qualified medical care because ambulances are on duty at the site.


Certainly, in view of huge amount, it is impossible to list all the places where you can swim in Moscow. Epiphany is a revered holiday among Russians, many of whom without fail go to the ice-hole on this day.

Three fonts are known in the north of the capital, where you can heal the soul and body on the night of January 18-19. Firstly, this is the Khimki reservoir, located at the address: Coastal passage, 1-7. Secondly, we are talking about the Big Garden Pond, which is located on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, 47. And thirdly, we should mention the water area of ​​the Khimki reservoir near the water reservoir, which is located along Leningradskoye Highway, 47-49. This year, residents of the SAO could see the procession, which began from the Church of St. George the Victorious and ended at the Timiryazevsky Ponds.


Undoubtedly, the great holiday is Epiphany. Where to swim in the hole in Moscow for residents of the North-Eastern Administrative District?

It should be noted that a font is being organized for them at the Palace Pond, which is located at the address: Pervaya Ostankinskaya, 7A. The procession also takes place here. Those who wish to attend the liturgy can go to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Ostankino, which is located on 1st Ostankinskaya Street, 7. A locker room was equipped near the font, and representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance workers monitor safety on the water.


What other baptismal fonts can be noted in Moscow? Where to swim, in particular, for those who live in the east of the metropolitan metropolis? Here are a few places to recommend. First of all, we are talking about Lake Beloye, which is located at the address: Bolshaya Kosinskaya, 46. Secondly, you can go for a swim at located on the street. Oranzhereinaya, 18. Also, residents of the East Administrative District prefer to take water procedures on the night of January 18-19, which are located on Svobodny Prospekt, 9. In addition, you should go to the Red Pond, located in the Izmailovsky Forest Park. You can also plunge into the icy water at Epiphany at the Babaevsky Pond, which is located at: st. Kurganskaya, 5-9. The above baths are equipped with handrails, flooring, so getting into and out of the water will not be difficult. Also, food points will operate near the bathing places, so those who wish can refresh themselves and drink tea. In addition, the organizers took care of placing temporary pavilions to warm people.


Many are interested in the question of where Muscovites can swim in Epiphany in the southeast of the capital? We can recommend fonts at Shibaevsky (Zarechya St., 14), Lower Lublinsky (Shkuleva St., 26), Upper Kuzminsky (Kuzminskaya St., 10) ponds. In the above places, descents and bridges have been built, as well as locker rooms.


And where to swim for baptism in Moscow residents of the South Administrative District? It should be noted Borisovskiye Prudy (Borisovskie Prudy St., 2G), Becket Pond (Zagorodnoye Shosse, 2), and, of course, the Upper Tsaritsynsky Pond (Dolskaya St., 1). This year, more than twenty thousand people swam in the south of the capital on the night of January 18-19. Warm tents and food stations were also set up here.


In the southwestern administrative district there are also several places where you can go to swim in the hole on Epiphany night. Let's list a few well-known fonts. You can go to the pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe" (Profsoyuznaya st., 123 B), a pond in cottage village, which is located at the intersection of Pontryagin and Ostafyevskaya streets. Muscovites also like to dive into the ice-hole of the Vorontsovsky (Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in and Chernevsky (South Butovskaya St., 61) ponds. According to the established tradition, Epiphany bathing takes place on the territory of the prefecture at two churches after the liturgy.


In the west of the metropolitan metropolis, there are four points where you can swim in the icy water for Epiphany. First of all, we are talking about the floodplain of the Moscow River (the village of Rublevo) and the above-mentioned river (Bolshaya Filevskaya St., 40 A). You can go to Lake Meshcherskoe, which is located on the street. Resurrection, 3 A. It is noteworthy that the above-mentioned fonts are located near bus stops public transport so they are easy to get to. In addition, each bathing place is fenced with a special net that prevents the current from carrying a person to the bottom. It is also very convenient to go to the water here due to the gently sloping shore. Lifeguard teams carefully monitor safety on the water. Bathers after the procedures can drink tea, coffee and taste delicious muffins.


In this part of the city, the following places for swimming in the hole can be recommended: Small Bottomless Lake, which is located at: st. Tamanskaya, 91. This aquatic ecosystem is considered the first font on the scale of not only the district, but also the capital. Many go for a swim in the icy water in the park area. silver Forest”, which covers an area of ​​​​about 100 square meters. Some prefer the Stroganovskaya floodplain (Tvardovsky St., 16), as well as a pond located in the village of Rozhdestveno (Simferopol highway). All fonts have conditions for comfortable bathing, and ladders for descending into the water. Ambulance teams are ready to provide medical assistance at any moment if necessary.


Zelenograd residents can swim in the hole on Epiphany night in two places: on the School Lake, which is located in the Silino region, and on the Black Lake, which is located on the Lesnye Prudy Alley in the 6th microdistrict.

New Moscow

Residents of the Trinity and Novomoskovsky districts of the capital can swim on the night of January 18-19 in the following places: a pond near the Archangel Michael Church in Bylovo, a pond in Pokrovsky, a pond in Knutovo.

List of fonts in the Moscow region equipped for Epiphany bathing


Number of organized bathing places (district, settlement, water body)

Volokolamsky municipal area

SE Volokolamsk (Gorodnya River)

SP Teryaevskoe (Monastyr)

SP Teryaevskoe (v. Spirovo)

Voskresensky municipal district

from. Ashitkovo, Nerskaya river

from. Nevsky, pond with. Nevsky

settlement them. Tsyurupy, Nerskaya river

village Beloozersky, nameless stream near the temple

Voskresensk, Lake Svetloe

Khorlovo village, Parkovy pond

Dmitrovsky municipal district

Church of the Nativity of St. Ilinskoe

Church of the Intercession
from. Zhestylelevo,

Lake Vedenskoe, village Ochevo

Church of the Intercession
from. Orudyevo

Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God Podcherkovo, pond

The pond near the Aliriko hotel in Kuzyaevo

from. Ilinskoye recreation center "X-LAND" pond
Church of the Nativity

Reservoir on the river. Yakot near the village Zhestylelevo

from. Ignatovo shooting complex "Fox hole", a pond

Yakhroma, st. Konyarova, 12
Font on the territory of the Trinity Cathedral

P. Gorki-25, dam

The Sestra River near Lugovoi

Temple of the Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky)
Bishop of Dmitrovsky village. Iksha, st. Komsomolskaya 18

from. Kulikovo st. School

The territory of the Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery, the village of Lugovoi

A font on the lake Krugloye
Nikolsky temple. from. Ozeretskoe

village Kamenka, pond

Leninsky municipal district

Bogdanikha village, pond

State farm them. Lenin font in the temple

Pugovichino village, pond

Kalinovka village, pond

The village of Izmailovo, a font on the territory of the temple

Aparinki village, pond

Sukhanovo village, pond

The village of Conversations, a pond

Volodarsky village, Pakhra river

Ostrov village, pond

Butovo village (Butovo landfill), pond

Gorki Leninskie village, pond

Lotoshinsky municipal district

Lake Sokolovskoye, village Chapaevo

Church of Michael the Archangel Mikulino (font)

Mozhaysky municipal district

Mozhaisk, Nikolsky Cathedral, pond

Isavitsa village, font, Holy well of St. Ferapont

village Sivkovo, pond

Goretovo village, Mozhaisk reservoir

d. Novye Sychiki, Blue Lake

v. Pavlishchevo, pond

d. Conception, source

Noginsk municipal district

Noginsk, st. Rabochaya, d. 16-a Territory of the Epiphany Cathedral, stationary font

Noginsk, st. Klyueva, d. 4 Assumption temple, equipped jordan on the pond

Temple of the Matrona of Moscow, a stationary font on the territory of the temple Noginsk, st. Klimov

Staraya Kupavna, st. Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 3 m pond

Elektrougli Kamensky Pond

from. Bogoslovo, Noginsk district tourist center "Borovoe" Lake Borovoe

from. Ivashevo, Noginsk district Temple Ivashevo, Stationary font on the territory of the temple

from. Kudinovo, st. Lenin, Noginsky district pond

from. Resurrection, Noginsk district Ascension Church, jordan on the pond

g.o. Chernogolovka, s. Ivanovo Church of John the Baptist, Pruzhenka River

g.o. Chernogolovka, s. Ivanovskoye St. Nicholas Church, Pruzhenka River

Naro-Fominsky urban district

TU Kalininets,
near the village of Selyatino Pionersky pond

TU Naro-Fominsk
Naro-Fominsk, st. Peshekhonova, b. Nara

TU Tashirovskoye village Tashirovo, Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, font

TU Tashirovskoye village Slepushkino, Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, pond

Vereya, st. 1st Embankment opposite 12 Protva River

Vereya, per. Komsomol "Holy Spring" of the Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah

TU Volchenki d. Smolino,
font Smolinsky

TU Veselevo
Near the village of Embankment Sloboda, font-chapel

Odintsovo municipal district

g.p. Lesnoy Gorodok, st. Fasadnaya, 10 (font on the territory of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist)

Kubinka, Mozhayskoye shosse, 89a Pond on the territory of the Church of the Archangel Michael of the Russian Orthodox Church in the urban settlement of Kubinka

Kubinka Pond near the house number 15 on the street. Army

G.p. Novoivanovskoye, Skolkovo village, pond

S.p. Uspenskoye, Gorki-10 village near the Temple of Seraphim of Sarvo

s.p. Nikolskoye, Pronskoye village, bank of the Mashchenko River;
font equipment at the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh the Wonderworker

Orekhovo-Zuevsky Municipal District

Gora parish spring of the Church of the Nativity

Stary Pokrov parish spring of the Intercession Church of the Akhtyrskaya Mother of God

Pushkinsky municipal district

Pushkinsky district, Pushkino, r. teaching

Pushkinsky district, with. Tarasovka, r. Klyazma

Ramensky municipal district

sp Ganusovskoe, with. Saltykovo, river Nishchenko

sp Gzhelskoe, with. Gzhel, spring
Holy spring of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God

sp Kuznetsovskoye, with. Malyshevo, st. Garden dead end, pond (near the hockey box "Malyshevo")

sp Nikonovskoe, with. Zavorovo, pond

sp Sofiinskoye, upper pond in the village of Sinkovo, pond

sp Chulkovskoe, with. Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, Lake Gorodnoye

Ruzsky urban district

Rural settlement Staroruzskoe, Moscow river

G. Ruza, the river Ruza

Sergiev Posad municipal district

settlement Bogorodskoye, Church
Mother of God (pond)

Peresvet, Makarkin Pond

d. Vzglyadnevo, "Gremyachiy Key"

Serpukhov Municipal District

Serpukhov district, Drakino village, Drakinsky quarry "Drakino Island"

Solnechnogorsk municipal district

g.p. Solnechnogorsk city beach area

g.p. Solnechnogorsk p. Timonovo st. Podmoskovnaya

town of Povarovo - a pond in the village Povarovo st. Dzerzhinsky near the Temple

g.p. Mendeleevo - d. Lyalovo font on the territory of the church

s.p. Peshkovskoye - village Peshki pond next to the House of Culture

s.p. Peshkovskoye - village Maidarovo pond at the entrance to the village

s.p. Peshkovskoye - Radumlya village, MOEZ-1 microdistrict pond at the entrance on the right

s.p. Peshkovskoe - d. Lozhki font on the square near the House of Culture

s.p. Smirnovskoe - d. Tolstyakovo, quarry

s.p. Smirnovskoye - d. Sergeevka Epiphany font

village Smirnovskoye - village Golovkovo pond on the stream

s.p. Kutuzovskoye - d. Serednyakovo, a closed font on the territory of the church of Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow

v. Lunevskoye - v. Poyarkovo Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary equipped font "Jordan"

v. Lunevskoye - v. Chashnikovo Church of the Holy Trinity equipped spring and a font near the temple

s.p.Sokolovskoye - d.New font "Jordan"

s.p.Sokolovskoye - d.Isakovo font near the temple

City district of Stupino

Stupino, Belopesotsky monastery (pit)

Taldomsky municipal district

Taldom Lake in Victory Park

d.Ulyantsevo, quarry

p. Severny, a pond behind the recreation center "Severny"

Zaprudnya village, a reservoir in the area of ​​​​SK Antey

Shchelkovsky municipal district

Shchelkovo, Shchelkovo city beach on the territory of the MU GPSH "Shchelkovo City Park of Culture and Leisure", Klyazma River (font)

village Oboldino, st. Forest, pond

Work settlement Monino, st. Alksnisa, backwater of the Bezymyanny stream near houses No. 44 and 46

Fryanovo village, Kilenka river between st. Nagornaya and st. victories

Fryanovo village, a font near the Church of the Holy Trinity with. Ryazans

settlement Sverdlovsky, "Suvorov Ponds"

from. Dushonovo
Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
R. Pruzhonka 50 m from the road on the left at the entrance to the village. Dushonovo

from. Petrovskoye Parish of the Spassky Church a pond near the house number 18

village Bear Lakes, big lake Bear lakes on the territory of the recreation center "Bear Lakes"

Grebnevo village, "Barskiye Ponds"

v. Zdekhovo, r. Buckwheat, near the temple

Balashikha urban district

right bank of the Pekhorka River, on the territory adjacent to the water rescue station No. 2 of the Balashikha Territorial Administration of Forces and Means of the State Institution of the Ministry of Defense "Mosoblpozhspas"

Church of the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in New Miletus

Lake in the microdistrict. Dawn

City district of Bronnitsy

One city of Bronnitsy, st. Central, pond "Sovkhoz"

Urban settlement of Vlasikha

g.o. Vlasikha, Moscow Region, on the upper channel cascade pond

City district Dzerzhinsky

Dzerzhinsky, st. Ugreshskaya 19, on the water in the area ski complex LLC "Freestyle"

Dzerzhinsky, st. Dzerzhinskaya 21, Gremyachevsky spring, stop spring

City district Dolgoprudny

st. Parkovaya, 1 Kotovsky Bay of the Klyazmensky Reservoir. (near the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands)

Dolgoprudny, microdistrict Paveltsevo st. Gagarina, d. 22 Channel them. Moscow (near the Church of the Savior)

Domodedovo city district

Domodedovo, White Stolby microdistrict, st. Geologists, for D / S No. 15, building 2 (Deep Pond).

Nikitskoye village, 32, Rozhayka river

Bityagovo village, 57, Rozhayka river 300

s.Konstantinovo, pond

from. Velyaminovo Church Pond in front of the Temple

from. Yam bank of the Pakhra River (chapel)

v. Lukino, a pond with a fence

Bunyakovo village (Gnilusha river) 100

v. Zhitnevo (chapel with fonts)

Dubna city district

the Dubna River near the Church of the Praise of the Mother of God, located on the street. Ratmino

lake in the park family vacation, located at the address: Bogolyubova Ave., 26a

Egorievsk urban district

Egorievsk (Knyazhensky Pond)

Gridino village (Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, font)

from. Nikolo-Krutiny (Temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, font)

village Sazonovo, font

village Ryzhovo, font

the village of Leonovo (a body of water on the Belavinka river)

Gora village, Twins village (Studenets forest, spring)

from. Pochinki (paniki forest, spring)

Spas-Leonovshchina village (pond)

d. Low (church, font)

v. Vasilievka (dam)

from. Radovitsy (Nikolo-Radovitsky monastery, pond)

Zaraysk city district

Holy Spring "White Well", Zaraysk Kupel

Bathhouse next to the Kazan Chapel in the village of Kuvshinovo, Karinsky Territorial Administration, Zaraysk Kupel

City district Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky city district, Ionno-Predtechensky temple, Glushina district, Jordan on the Moscow River

Urban settlement of Zvenigorod

g.p. Zvenigorod, a font on the territory of the "Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery"

Istra city district

Istra River (Font of the New Jerusalem Monastery)

LLC "Ecotel Snigerek" p. Snigeri st. Oktyabrskaya d.41 (Artificial pool)

Istra reservoir farm Lamishino

pond d. Kournikovo

Kupel r. Maglusha in the village of Glebovo

lake p.Ognikovo

dam from Darna

dam d.Holmy

font of Troitsky village

Font PJSC "Gazprom" boarding house "Soyuz" village Khvolovo

dam d.Ustinovo

r.Istra with. Pavlovskaya Sloboda footbridge

Urban District of Kashira

Kashira-1, Kolodezny lane Pavilion above the spring

Kashira - 1, st. Yamskoy proezd, Pavilion over the spring near the Church of Flora and Laurus

Kolomna urban district

right bank of the Oka River, near Trinity Church

pond with Nepetsino

City district of Korolev

Hotel "Noble Nest", g.о. Korolev, microdistrict. Textile worker,
st. Kaliningradskaya, 35 (hole)

Trinity Temple, r. Korolev, st. Gorky, d.77 (font)

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, r. Korolev,
st. Kaliningradskaya, 1 (bath)

City district of Krasnoarmeysk

g.o. Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region

Urban settlement Krasnoznamensk

g.p. Krasnoznamensk, city pond, Krasnoznamensk, st. Molodezhnaya d.6

Krasnogorsky urban district

Krasnogorsk, r. bathhouse

from. Ilinskoe, r. Moscow

Krasnogorsk, a pond on the territory of the Church of St. Elizabeth

r.p. Nakhabino (Nakhabino-1), a pond on the territory of the branch of the Main UpDK under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia MZK "MOSCOW COUNTRY CLUB"

from. Dmitrovskoye, bank of the river. Istra

Klin city district

Klin, us. Demyanovo, "Church" pond

Klin, Sovetskaya sq., 18, building 1, Ascension Church, swimming pool

Lobnya urban district

city ​​of Lobnya
Microdistrict "Lugovaya"
within the territory of
LLC "Irbis" - a pond

Lyubertsy city district

Natasha Ponds

g.p. Kraskovo
Korenevsky quarry

g.p. Malakhovka
Malakhovskoe lake

Lukhovitsky urban district

from. Gorodna,
Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker,

settlement of Beloomut,
Holy spring
lake Pine

from. Podlesnaya Sloboda,
Holy spring
Paraskeva Fridays

City district of Mytishchi

from. Trinity, Trinity Church, Klyazma reservoir

v. Povedniki, Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Klyazma Reservoir

village of Sorokino, Mikhailovo-Arkhangelsk temple, Klyazma reservoir

Vitinevo village, Assumption Church, Pyalovskoe reservoir

from. Drachevo, Trinity Church, Canal. Moscow

settlement Nikolo-Prozorovo, St. Nicholas Church, font of the chapel


g.o. Lakes with. Mountains, st. Zarechnaya, St. source of St. Sergius of Radonezh

g.o. Lakes with. Mountains, st. Zarechnaya, St. source of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple of bathing in an open reservoir near the source

g.o. Lakes, s. Senitsy-2, pond

g.o. Lakes with. Mountains, st. Zarechnaya, St. source of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos

g.o. Lakes, s. Komarevo, St. a source

g.o. Lakes, with. Sosnovka, st. Sovetskaya, 136, St. a source

g.o. Lakes, s. B. Kolodezi, St. sources

Orekhovo-Zuevo urban district

city ​​district Orekhovo-Zuyevo Lake Amazon

city ​​district Orekhovo-Zuyevo, st. Lenin's pond in the city park

city ​​district Orekhovo-Zuyevo st. Volodarskogo d. 20/1 pond in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God

Pavlovo-Posad urban district

temple of the village of Zaozerye
s.p. Kuznetsovskoe

Church of the Trinity-Chizhi
s.p. Averkievsky,
d. Chapel

Ascension Church in Pavlovsky Posad, a font on the territory of the temple

Urban Okrug Podolsk

MUK "City Park of Culture and Leisure named after. V. Talalikhin, font

Roshal urban district

Lake Yubileynoe, Roshal

Church "Joy of All Who Sorrow", Roshal

City district Protvino

Font of the Church of All Saints, in the Russian land shone

City district Serebryanyye Prudy

the village of Nizhnyaya Purlovka, the bank of the river. Kudesna (Kupel)

from. Petrovo font at the Holy Spring "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

Serpukhov city district

pond in microdistrict Them. Nogina

pond on st. Pioneer

Shatura urban district

Shatura beach LTD "SOB "Lynx"

lake Silma, territorial administration of Radovitsky

Fryazino urban district

lake Bolshoye MO Fryazino, Ozernaya st.

Church of the Nativity of Christ Moscow Region, Fryazino, Moskovskaya St., 9

City district of Khimki

Embankment of the canal. Moscow stadium Arena Khimki Khimki st. Kirova vl.24

Zone of the Training and Experimental Complex of the AGZ EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, md. Novogorsk

Recreation area "Trout farm" md. Podrezkovo

City district Chernogolovka

Ivanovskoye village, Church of John the Baptist, Pruzhenka river

Ivanovskoye village, St. Nicholas Church, Pruzhenka river

Chekhov city district

from. Talezh Compound of the Voznesenskaya Davydova Desert

John the Baptist Church in Chekhov

Trinity Church with. Vaulovo

Church of the Martyr John the Warrior Chernetskoe

Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk temple with. Khlevino

Church of the Savior Prokhorovo

Shakhovskaya urban district

g / o Shakhovskaya, Ramenye village, central pond

c / o Shakhovskaya, village of Murikovo, font (holy spring)

City district Elektrogorsk

City district Elektrostal

Pond "Western"