People's Park in Vienna. Parks and gardens in the center of Vienna

Hello, friends! I have already talked about the tour of the historical center of the capital of Austria. And the sights mentioned repeatedly. Now the next step is the Volksgarten - a park in Vienna, which is located next to the Hofburg. The name of the park is translated as the People's Garden, which fully corresponds to its purpose. Any resident and guest of Vienna can have a rest in this city park.

All conditions for recreation are created in the People's Garden. A large territory, bright flower beds, a rose garden around the entire perimeter of the park, beautiful fountain in the center:

And all this beauty is complemented by many benches, where there is enough space for everyone. And the favorable location of the park is a good reason to organize a holiday in Vienna, tired of walking tours in the Volksgarten park.

In this article:

  1. Where is the Volksgarten located?
  2. Corner of Empress Elizabeth in the People's Garden
  3. Views of the park
  4. Austrian Parliament

Why do I mention parliament in this article as well? Because the parliament building is literally a step away from the Volksgarten park. They are separated only by a narrow carriageway. And being very close, it is interesting to look at the parliament building.

Where is the Volksgarten located?

The People's Garden occupies a spacious area between the Burgtheater and almost approaches the town hall. The park was laid out in 1819-23 in the place where the old bastion of the Hofburg used to be.

At first it was supposed to use the park as part of the palace territory, which would be intended exclusively for the ducal families. But by 1823 the government came to the decision to open the park to the people, making it the first public park in Vienna.

One of convenient ways to be in the People's Garden - turn left during the transition from to the Hofburg gate. There is an extensive Heroes' Parade with two eminent bronze horsemen. To get to the People's Garden, you need to go towards the sculpture of Archduke Karl and further to the Triton and Nymph fountain:

From this fountain begins the People's Garden. The composition of Triton and the Nymph sitting on his shoulder was created by Viktor Tilgner, and in 1880 the sculpture was installed as a fountain.

This composition will become our guide for entering the garden. And to understand how close it is to the Hofburg, look back and you will see the whole new wing palace ensemble. And nearby, already above the plantings, a dome will peep out from Maria Theresa Square. Like in this photo:

The alleys will lead to the central part of the Volksgarten park - to paths, benches and a fountain. In the northern part of the park, closer to, there is one of the very first buildings of the park, the Temple of Theseus - a small copy of the Athenian monument.

Corner of Empress Elizabeth in the People's Garden

Quiet, calm and not crowded is the part of the park where the monument to Elisabeth of Austria is erected. Empress Sissi, being the wife of Franz Joseph I, did not leave such a significant mark on the activities of the state as Maria Theresa. But the descendants of Sissy remembered as an extraordinary person and a very beautiful woman.

A sculptural composition in honor of Elisabeth of Austria was installed in the Volksgarten park next to the Temple of Theseus in 1907. The figure of white marble against the background of emerald green is visible from afar:

The alley leading to the Sissi monument is well-groomed and beautiful. We were in Vienna in October, however, the People's Garden was fragrant with flowers, pleasing to the eye with both greenery and bright yellowed leaves.

The statue of Empress Elizabeth sitting on a bench is set in the center of the composition. The author of the sculpture is Hans Bitterlich. The sculpture seems quite small, but its height reaches 2.5 meters:

Here we are all posing together in this photo - Sissy, two ducks and me)) Ducks, by the way, that day became the main characters of the park))

Views of the park

Since we came to the People's Garden to take a break from intense excursion program, then we decided to sit on one of the many benches and just admire the surrounding beauty:

Pay attention to the flowering shrubs that grow in front of the trees that frame the park. These are rose bushes. Therefore, many people remember the Volksgarten as a park with roses. Gorgeous tall still blooming rose bushes. Against the background of foliage painted in autumn, the flowers look especially impressive:

Behind the central alleys, musicians settled down and entertained visitors with world-famous melodies, including Kalinka:

We even suspected that our compatriots were touring in the park, but, listening to the conversation of the musicians, we definitely heard German speech.

The folk garden is practically surrounded on all sides by beautiful architecture. On the north side of the park, statues set on the pediment of the theater turn white above the vegetation. It's very close. And then the openwork Gothic towers of the Votivkirche votive church rise:

The towers of the church are quite high and are perfectly visible, although the church is located at a distance from the park. But after we examined the 137-meter-high one, the rest of the buildings and spiers of Vienna did not cling to us with their size.

If we move our eyes in a counter-clockwise direction, we will see the highest of the five towers of the town hall:

In the foreground is main fountain Volksgarten park. It appeared in the park in 1866 thanks to the sculptor Anton Dominik Fernkorn. A large bowl of the fountain is installed on a solid leg in the center of the reservoir - the fountain is shown in full in the first photo. Ducks swim in the pond - they love the People's Garden. But look where the most resolute of the birds has climbed))) She is located in the bowl and bathes right in the spray of the fountain!

On the eastern side of the park, there are more interesting architectural elements and a high support with a coat of arms:

These are the symbols of the Austrian Parliament. The Parliament building is across the street from the People's Garden, and we are going to see this architectural object.

Austrian Parliament

The Parliament building was designed by the Danish architect Theophil Hansen in 1874-1883. And until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, the building housed the Chamber of Deputies. And now there are two parliamentary chambers: the Federal Council and the National Council.

The solemn parliament building stands on a hill. Its central part is similar to ancient Greek architectural monuments:

Behind the luxurious facade there are more than 100 offices and halls. The protruding central body is complemented by a Corinthian portico and side wings. And on each side are those chariots that attracted our attention in the park:

The Parliament building is perfectly complemented by a fountain with a sculpture of Pallas Athena. The sculptural composition appeared as a result of a creative union of sculptors led by Karl Kudmann and was installed in front of the entrance in 1902:

The snow-white sculpture of Athena, decorated with gold, and the parliament building made of white stone look excellent. And the fact that we visited all these sights on a perfect sunny autumn day allowed us to see them at their best.

If you walk a little in one direction from the parliament, the next object will be a no less magnificent building. If you go in the opposite direction, you will find yourself on Maria Theresa Square. All these objects are located in the center of Vienna.

And you can sit in the People's Park and admire all the snow-white towers from afar, which are so high that they are quite visible from the park. There are many sights in Vienna, but you also need to arrange a vacation for yourself, pushing all sorts of inspections for a while. If the weather permits, then just such a holiday surrounded by roses in the Volksgarten park will be just right. You can't review everything.)

Your euro guide Tatiana

Volksgarten park

Between the Ring boulevard and the Hofburg palace complex in Vienna, there is one of the most beautiful and oldest parks in the city - the Volksgarten, which means the People's Park.

People's park with rose bushes

Shady alleys, trimmed even lawns (on which, unlike Russian ones, you can not only walk, but also lie down to relax, or do morning exercises), flower beds with rose bushes and ducks peacefully bathing in the fountain - all this creates a great mood for those who are tired of long walks through Vienna tourists. Along the way, there are beautifully designed benches everywhere, with wooden seats and backs. Wonderfully shaped green spaces and flower beds create a unique atmosphere. Rose bushes are truly amazing - the rose garden of various shapes and colors is located right in the center of the park. It has hundreds of different varieties of roses that are beautifully planted and neatly trimmed. Under each variety there is a small plate with a Latin name. The tranquility and beauty of the garden smiles at people and gives them the opportunity to admire magnificent views in order to fully enjoy their vacation.

Monument to Empress Elizabeth of Bavaria

The central place in the garden of the park is given to the monument to the favorite of the Austrians - the wife of Franz Joseph I, Elisabeth of Bavaria, better known as Empress Sisi. The Memorial of Empress Elisabeth, by Hans Bitterlich, is a white marble sculpture that stands out against the background of greenery and flowers. The monument was erected in 1907 in memory of tragic death Elizabeth. The empress, who was burdened by the court and social events, traveled extensively in Europe and in 1898 was killed on the shores of Lake Geneva by an Italian anarchist.

Fountain "Triton and Nymph"

A little closer to Heroes' Square is the fountain "Triton and Nymph" by architect Anton Dominik von Fernkorn. The fountain depicts a beautiful girl escaping from the hands of a demon.

The eye-catching building in the garden is the Temple of Theseus by the architect Pieter von Nobil, which appeared in the park in 1819-1823. Once upon a time, a sculpture of Theseus by Antonio Canova was installed here, but then it was transferred to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. In 2008-2010, a reconstruction was carried out and the temple was painted in snow-white and white. Now it is a popular place for exhibitions of contemporary artists.

The Temple of Theseus in the Volksgarten park is a small copy of the ancient temple of Hephaestus in Athens.

Temple of Theseus in the park

Favorite vacation spot

The park is surrounded on all sides by historical buildings, which makes it look like a large pearl in a gold frame. Here you can hide from the noise of the city and relax on a bench, breathing in the scent of roses. The Volksgarten is one of the most beautiful parks in Vienna, which fills every visitor with its energy and joy. The park is open daily until 10 pm, you can only get into it on foot, bicycles are prohibited here, two-wheeled vehicles will have to be left in the parking lot at the entrance. After relaxing in the silence of the park, you can continue your journey around the city, going to the old Hofburg or Ring Boulevard to the City Hall, the Vienna Parliament and the People's Theater.

Looking for perfect place, to take a photo for memory? You will find it in Vienna's Stadtpark, at the foot of the golden monument Johann Strauss, pertaining to the most photographed monuments in the world. In addition, in the City Park there are monuments to Franz Schubert, Franz Lehar and Robert Stolz, a marble statue of the artist Hans Makart, a bronze bust of the composer Anton Bruckner, Vienna mayor Andreas Zelinka, under whose leadership the City Park was created, and many others. Thus, the City Park is the park with the largest number of monuments and sculptures in Vienna. Glades, flower beds, exotic trees and big pond make the City Park a real green oasis in the city center. The park was opened in 1862 after the demolition of the old city wall and the construction of the Ringstrasse and became Vienna's first public park.

Did you know that before 1956, visitors to the City Park had to pay to relax in the chairs installed here?

Volksgarten and Burggarten

If you are a fan of Empress Sisi, then you need to visit Sisi monument in the Volksgarten garden. Mozart Admirers worth making a pilgrimage to statue composer of genius Burggarten garden. The Burggarten garden, created in the English style, was personal garden of Emperor Franz Joseph I, consort of Empress Sisi. In 1919, three years after the death of the monarch, the Burggarten was opened to the public. Today it contains the only monument to the emperor, which was built only in 1957 thanks to a private initiative. Burggarten is also located in the garden palm pavilion, being one of the most beautiful buildings in the Art Nouveau style, which was designed by the architect Friedrich Ohmann. This tropical oasis includes Butterfly Pavilion, where hundreds of exotic butterflies live, as well as cafe Restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere.

Did you know that the People's Park (Volksgarten) and palace park(Burggarten) are recognized as objects of the world cultural heritage?

Town Hall Park

After visiting the Parliament and the Burgtheater, you should definitely go to the park of the Vienna City Hall. The park complex is located symmetrically and is located between university and parliament. Both halves of the park are divided Town Hall Square where various events take place almost all year round. The most famous are by far the Vienna Ice Dream" in winter and Summer Music Film Festival.

Parks of Sigmund Freud and Bruno Kreisky

Sigmund Freud Park is located between the University of Vienna and the Votive Church and among the parks of the central part of Vienna it is especially popular as a place where you can lie down.
Bonus during the summer months: Every morning, 100 comfortable sunbeds are brought here (and they are picked up around 21.00), which are provided for free use. You can also really relax in Park Bruno Kreisky in the 5th district: hanging hammocks from May to October invite visitors to relax and "hang out".

Shady alleys, smooth cut lawns, flower beds with roses, ducks bathing in the fountain - all this creates positive emotions for tourists tired of long walks around Vienna. The Volksgarten is one of the most beautiful parks in the city.

The Volksgarten is one of the most beautiful parks in Vienna, photo by Bruno Pereira

Volksgarten (Volksgarten), which means People's Park, is one of the most beautiful parks in the capital of Austria. It is located in the historical center - on the territory adjacent to, opposite.

People's Garden - past and present

This picturesque landscape garden is almost two centuries old. The Volksgarten park was laid out on the site of the old fortification ramparts, destroyed by Bonaparte's army in 1809. Since 1817, a small French garden has been arranged nearby for the rest of the family and close associates of the Archduke. At the suggestion of the city authorities, the private garden was transformed into a public park.

The planning of the first public park in Vienna was carried out by the garden architect Ludwig Remy. The People's Garden opened on March 1, 1823. At first, only aristocrats visited it, there was even a closed paid zone in the park - Aristokraten-Eck. Over time, the Volksgarten has become a truly popular holiday destination, accessible to everyone. Now the entrance to the People's Park is free, the Volksgarten is open daily.

Rose garden

rose garden

The park pleases the eye with an abundance of greenery, a variety of bright flower beds, a picturesque appearance of reservoirs overgrown with water lilies and reeds. Amazing roses bloom here - magnificent regal flowers of various varieties and colors. Rose bushes are provided with nameplates.

Temple of Theseus, photo by Bruno Pereira

In the center of the park stands the neoclassical creation of the architect Peter von Nobile - the temple of Theseus, built in 1819-1823. This is a miniature copy of the real Theseion temple in Athens. Now there are exhibitions of contemporary art. The sculptural group “Theseus killing the Minotaur” by the sculptor was placed in the temple Canova, which is now installed on the stairs. In front of the temple, since 1921, there has been a statue of a teenager athlete.

Fountain “People's Park”

There are two fountains from the 19th century in the Volksgarten: Triton and Nymphs, 1880 and People's Garden, 1866, decorated with bronze sculptural compositions.

Monument to Empress Elizabeth

In a remote corner of the park, since 1904, a memorial to the Empress made of snow-white marble has been erected. The beautiful and lonely Elisabeth of Bavaria sits on a pedestal bench. The monument to the Empress is separated from the walking public by a large flower garden and a rectangular pool - it is impossible to approach the marble Sissi.

Monuments in the park

There are other monuments in the park: an antique-style memorial dedicated to the poet and playwright Franz Grillpratzer (1889); monument to Chancellor Julius Raab (1967).

Nightclub Volksgarten

Music by Johann Strauss and Josef Lanner once sounded in the coffee house of the Volksgarten. The musical traditions of the People's Park are still alive today. Popular works here night club Volksgarten - one of the most famous dance floors in Vienna - a disco with electronic and live music. Club website

How to get to the Volksgarten?

Take the subway U2, U3 to Volkstheater or U3 to Herrengasse;
tram D, 1, 2, 71 to Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring or Parliament;
tram 1, 71, D or bus N25, N38, N60, N66 to Rathausplatz/Burgtheater;
tram 46,49 or bus 48А, №46, N25, N38, N60, N66 to Ring/Volkstheater U.

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