Venice airport how to get to the city. How to get to Venice by plane, train, bus, car

The cost of a transfer to Venice Marco Polo Airport starts from 8€. From the airport to the city can be reached by bus and boat, as well as by water taxi.

The most frequent transport from Venice or Mestre to Venice Airport are buses, but in Venice itself they have only one stop at Piazzale Roma. If you need to get to another area, then the best choice would be a water transfer from the airport.

There are two buses that connect Venice and the Airport directly: ACTV line 5 and ATVO line 35. Travel time up to 30 minutes. In Venice, buses arrive at Piazzale Roma (Piazzale Roma).

Bus ATVO 35


  • Tickets you can buy or, a ticket without a specific time and is valid all day, which is very convenient in case of a flight delay.

Travel time: from the airport 5:20-0:50, from Venice 4:20-23:30. Departure every 40 minutes. Travel time 20 minutes. Current timetable on ATVO.

Bus ACTV 5

Price directions:

Schedule: Accurate timetable. Travel time from 23 minutes.

On the way, the bus makes several stops in Mestre, but does not stop at Mesre Central Station.

Bus ACTV 4

In addition to the buses listed above, in the evenings, there are several bus routes in transit through Venice Airport and Mestre.

Bus Mestre - Airport

Bus ATVO 35B

Fare:€8 one way, €15 round trip.

  • Tickets you can buy online or, a ticket without a specific time and is valid all day, which is very convenient in case of a flight delay.

Travel time: from the airport 6:06-0:50, from Venice 5:20-21:15. Departure every 35-60 minutes. Travel time 17 minutes. Current timetable on ATVO.

Bus ACTV 15

The final bus station in Mestre is the bus station near the railway station.

Price directions:€8 one way, €15 round trip. When buying a ticket for public transport in Venice for 1,2,3 or 7 days, you can pay an extra 12€ and a round-trip transfer will be included in the ticket.

blue line - Linea Blue

  • Stops: Airport - o.Murano - o.Lido - Terminal Crociere (Venice) and additional intermediate stops.
  • Fare to the nearest island of Murano - 8 €, to other stops, including the final Terminal Crociere - 15 €.
  • Time on the way up to 1.5 hours.

Orange line - Linea Arancio

  • Stops: Airport - Grand Canal (with intermediate stops, final S. Maria del Giglio).
  • Fare — 15€.
  • Time on the way up to 1.5 hours.

Red line - Linea Rossa

  • Stops: Airport - Murano Island - Lido Island - San Marco - Giudecca Island and additional intermediate stops.
  • Fare to the nearest island of Murano - 8 €, to other stops - 15 €.
  • Time on the way up to 1.5 hours.

Transfer from Venice Airport

The best option for those traveling with a large company or with bulky luggage, as well as for those who love comfort and want to get from the airport to the hotel as quickly as possible. When ordering

Does not lose its popularity all year round. In winter, people come here for vivid impressions of the carnival, in summer - for leisurely walks along the numerous narrow canals on gondolas and along the old streets on foot. Venice always evokes strong emotions. It is different from the others, a rather compact city, which, nevertheless, makes you want to return every year. How to get to Venice? The main thing is the desire, and we will tell you about the possible routes!

At the disposal of tourists are: aircraft; train; automobile; bus; cruise ship or small ferry.

Fly in 3.5 hours

3 hours 30 minutes of flight - that's how much it separates from Venice - one of the most beautiful Italian cities, which Russians are increasingly choosing as a place for their own holidays. There is a direct flight from Moscow to Venice, and this is good news. Tickets cost around 10,000, which is bad news. Direct flights are operated daily by Aeroflot. Passengers can choose a morning or evening flight. You can also get to Venice with one or more transfers in European cities:, and some others. Travel time is increased by at least an hour and a half. Austrian Airlines planes fly through Vienna to Venice, Air Moldova and Fly One transports fly through Chisinau. Connection in Zurich is possible if the passenger prefers to fly with Aeroflot and SWISS.

In the summertime, charter flights also connect Moscow with Italy (Rimini, Treviso). The easiest way to get to Venice is from the airport, which is located in a small Italian town north of Venice.

How to get to Venice from Marco Polo International Airport, which is located in a suburb called Tessera? The journey will take about 15-25 minutes if the tourist prefers:

  • a bus that will take all travelers to Piazzale Roma. From there, it's already a stone's throw to the most famous sights of Venice;
  • taxi, which is preferred by travelers who save their time. It should be remembered that cars are not allowed to enter the territory of Venice. Tourists will be taken, at best, to the same Piazalle Roma, from where they will have to go to the hotel with suitcases across the Constitution Bridge, which connects the two banks of the Grand Canal.

Some marinas can be reached by vaporetto - a water bus, which the Venetians use daily, just like we use minibuses or buses.

How to get to Venice by train

Traveling from Moscow to Venice by train is an opportunity to see several countries at once from the train window. True, the journey will take about three days. And tickets will cost a decent amount, which is only slightly inferior to the cost of air travel. But still there are people who want to go to Italy by train. Usually you have to go through some major European city, where you have to change trains.

Another good option to get to Venice is to get to some Italian city (Rome, etc.) and transfer to the train there. Most trains arrive at the Venice Santa Lucia railway station, for the rest the final station is Mestre, from where you can get to Venice by train.


Tourists who are not looking for easy ways can tell you how to get to Venice from the bus. Approximately two days will have to spend on the road. Buses arrive at the Tronchetto terminal, from where you can catch a ferry on the Grand Canal.

Venice can also be reached by car, for which you will need to cross several countries. If you like this kind of journey with stops in unfamiliar cities, then this way of traveling to Venice is just for you!

This review is dedicated to Venice public transport in all its manifestations - vaporetto, buses, traghetto, water taxi, gondolas; several ways are also considered. How to get from Marco Polo airport to the center of Venice.

How to get from Venice airport to city center

Venice Marco Polo Airport is located on the shores of the lagoon, 8 km from the city. There are several ways to get to Venice from there:

Venice, from the airport to the city center, the first way: on the yellow city bus 5 of the ACTV network (this abbreviation stands for the public transport of Venice, including vaporetto water trams and buses plying on the island of Lido and on the mainland of Venice - Mestre) which goes to the bus station in Piazzale Roma, located near the railway station Santa Lucia (to the south, on the opposite bank of the canal) - this is the last point that can be reached by wheeled transport, then only by boat or on foot. The exception in this case is wheeled taxis (point 4), which can go a little further than Piazzale Roma - up to the San Basilio Vaporetto stop. Travel time is about half an hour, it will cost a few euros. At the same time as buying a bus ticket, it makes sense to buy a ticket for a vaporetto - if you plan to travel further on it (for example, to your hotel on the Lido) - there can be an impressive queue for these tickets in Piazzale Roma. By the way, it may be worth buying a vaporetto pass for 24 or 72 hours right away. When buying a single ticket for the vaporetto, you do not have to pay the fare on the bus.

Venice, from the airport to the city center, the second way: The blue express bus Venezia Diretto, which also goes to Piazzale Roma, travel time is about 20 minutes. He goes once every half an hour; the same bus can take you to Mestre.

Venice, from the airport to the city center, the third way: The Alilaguna boat departs twice an hour and takes 50 minutes to Piazza or the Zattere promenade. A ticket for this type of transport cannot be combined with a single ticket for a vaporetto.

Venice, from the airport to the city center, the fourth way: Water taxi (I didn’t use it myself, because it’s expensive and unsportsmanlike, but I’ll mention it anyway). This type of transport for insane money (about a hundred euros) will carry from one to four people anywhere within the Venetian lagoon. If you are more than four people, then this is also not a problem - it will just be even more expensive. At the same point, you can also note the usual wheeled taxi, which for about 40 euros will take anyone who wants to the same place as the bus - in Piazzale Roma. The option with a wheeled taxi makes sense if you arrived late at night (flights of all low-cost airlines usually arrive at such a time), when the buses no longer run. If you are traveling with a company and you, for example, have a long connection at the Venice airport - that is, there is a desire to see the city, but time is extremely limited - it makes sense to take a water taxi, this is really the fastest way to get to. If there is enough time, but not much money, then I would recommend first taking the bus, and then sailing on the vaporetto.

How to get to the center of Venice from Santa Lucia train station

The railway station of Santa Lucia is located in the northwestern part of the city, right on the banks of the Grand Canal. From here, the most reasonable way to get to your hotel is by vaporetto. After exiting the station building, on the left hand side there will be a vaporetto ticket office, N82, N3, N4, as well as a taxi. On the right - vaporetto N1, going along the Grand Canal with all the stops (this is almost an excursion), as well as N41, N42, N51, N52. A water taxi from Piazzale Roma or the railway station to the hotel in /San Polo/Santa Croce will cost about 50 euros during the day. Personally, I always get to the hotel like this: upon arrival from other cities in Italy by train to the Santa Lucia railway station, I buy a single ticket for the vaporetto for 72 hours and then sail on the N1 vaporetto to my hotel on the Lido. Swimming takes about an hour, during which time the ship crosses almost all of Venice - you can take such a walk as a ritual greeting to the city.

How to get to the center of Venice from the bus station

All intercity buses arrive in Venice on piazzale Roma. Upon arrival, you should find a building with the inscription "Generali" on the roof - there is a ticket office, a left-luggage office and access to the piers. Next, you should buy a vaporetto ticket and get on it to any point of interest in Venice.

Public transport in Venice

Venice Public Transport: Vaporetto

The public transport network is called ACTV and includes vaporettos and buses to the Lido and Mestre. In my opinion, if your hotel is located in Venice itself (not on the islands) and the main goal is a thoughtful and leisurely inspection of the Venetian masterpieces, then with proper planning of the route, you can quite do without using a vaporetto (except for trips to the islands of Giudecca, Lido and other islands of the Venetian lagoons) - in Venice, in almost all cases, it is faster to move on foot.

Vaporetto routes often change, so it is undesirable to use old maps - only the "excursion" route N1 remains unchanged. Timetables posted at stops can be trusted (if there are deviations, it is usually at night).

Venice public transport: buses
In Venice itself, this type of transport is not available, but it can be useful if you settled on the Lido away from the pier - buses are very convenient to get to the beaches there. Vaporetto passes for 24 and 72 hours are also valid for the city bus; Tickets are not sold on the buses themselves.

Venice public transport: gondolas
Once they were the main means of transportation around the city, but now they are used only as a tourist attraction.

The price, although guaranteed by some kind of “gondolier cooperative”, in practice directly depends on the impudence of the gondolier and your ability to bargain (although, in Venice, spoiled by tourists, this skill is practically useless) - in any case, the price must be clearly negotiated before starting the walk. In addition, prices rise sharply after eight in the evening.

The gondola seats six passengers, the price is per gondola, not per person. It is also worth bearing in mind that you choose the route of the trip, and not the gondolier - he is only a driver / guide / singer of Venetian barcarolles. That is, if you want to inspect some small channels from the water where other watercraft do not swim, the gondola will be the only option, albeit not cheap. In all other cases, its use is financially unjustified (the exception is the case when you need to impress a girl).

Venice Public Transport: Traghetto
If you don’t have extra money for gondola rides, then you still have a chance to ride it for a very reasonable price. Crossings (traghetti) are arranged in eight places along the Grand Canal - usually their pier is indicated by a large green sign, and their locations are marked on the maps of the city with a dotted line. Traghetto is a very practical and inexpensive (about one euro) vehicle, but it also has a minus: it functions only in the warm season.

Traghetto is, in principle, the same gondola, and according to tradition, during the crossing, one should stand in it, but if the passengers are sitting, tourists can be unmistakably identified in them.

Venice Public Transport: Water Taxi
Also, oddly enough, practical and inexpensive Venetian transport (especially if the fee is divided by two or more passengers). But in order to save money, you should follow some rules: insist on a trip on the counter and not be "led" by the proposals of all sorts of muddy personalities to "ride with the breeze."

You can get into a water taxi either at one of the parking lots in front of or Rialto, or take it after the previous passengers disembarked, or order by phone. Taxis are not allowed to dock at vaporetto stops, so when ordering, you will need to give the exact address where to swim: the name of the hotel or restaurant.

For a trip within the city center, you can focus on the amount of 30-35 euros, at night a little more expensive.

In addition, water taxis have fixed rates for trips to the islands of the Laguna or to the airport, in some cases (large company, many suitcases) their use makes sense.

Well, at the end of the article, I cannot fail to mention such a way of arriving in Venice as simply driving into it by car (own or rented). In my opinion, this method is akin to outright madness: in principle, you won’t need a car in the city itself, so it’s best to leave your car in the parking lot back in Mestre, and from there get to Venice in 15 minutes by bus or train. If for some reason you still happened to be in Venice with your car, there are several options left: either leave it in the parking lot at Piazzale Roma (much more expensive than in Mestre) or take a ferry across (line 17) from the neighboring island Tronchetto to Lido and either leave the car there or use it to move further to Chioggia, Ferrara and Ravenna.

Life hack: how I save on hotels and insurance

In addition to traditional and well-known tools such as Booking or Hotellook, new online services have recently appeared that make life much easier for the traveler and pleasantly protect the thickness of his wallet. One of them - roomguru I use it all the time and recommend it to all my friends and family. This service compares prices for an object in 30 booking systems at once, and offers you the most interesting options. In addition, it tracks discounts and special offers.

As for a good working travel insurance, it was not easy to find it before, but now it has become even more difficult due to the constant fluctuations of the ruble against world currencies. For the past few years, I have been taking out insurance for my travels through an online service - here you can compare the products of different insurers and choose what is best for you:

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Enjoy your stay in Venice!
Your Roman Mironenko

Venice Marco Polo International Airport (Marco Polo) is one of the largest airports in Italy. The airport is located in the suburbs of Venice in the town of Tessera, 13 km from Venice.

A modern passenger terminal of three floors, currently loaded at almost the maximum level, accepts all regular and charter flights. The main airport of Venice serves on average about 9 million passengers a year, in terms of scale, this airport ranks fourth in Italy. Its close proximity to major transportation hubs such as Venice, Mestre and Padova only adds to its popularity. From these cities you can continue your journey to any city in Italy without any difficulty.

How to get from the airport to Venice

By water transport

Venice Airport is not on an island, but on the mainland. Leaving the mainland, you will no longer see "wheeled" vehicles. All buses to Venice arrive at Roma Square (Piazzale Roma), where all motor transport links with Venice end.
Here the main transport is water. That is why getting to Venice by water on a boat is one of the most common and convenient options.

You can get to Venice on the Alilaguna steamboat. Or, as the Italians call it, the Vaporetto. Line "A" goes directly to Venice, line "B" goes through the island of Murano, which offers stunning views of the city. Such boats depart from the airport every half an hour, and their travel time is an hour and a half (ticket price is about 8 €).

Boat scheme

You can buy tickets at the ticket office in the arrivals area of ​​“Public Transport” or at the pier where boats arrive. If you did not have time to buy a ticket, you can buy it on the boat itself, but it will cost a little more.

The first Vaporetto on line B (blue line) leaves the airport at 06:10, the last at 00:15. Travel time - from 40 minutes (to the F.te Nove stop). The frequency of movement during the day is 30 minutes. In the morning and in the evening - about 1 time per hour.

The first Vaporetto line A (orange line) from Venice Airport leaves at 8 am, the last at 23:45. Travel time to'Orto stop is 30 minutes.

The fare for the Vaporetto from Marco Polo Airport to Venice is 15 € or 27 € in both directions. To the island of Murano, a trip from the airport will cost 8 € and 15 €, respectively.

By bus to Venice

This is the most budget option. All buses to Venice come only to Piazza Roma (Piazzale Roma).

Route numbers:

ATVO Air Terminal, blue, will take you for 8€ to Piazzale Roma. The interval of movement is 15 minutes. Travel time is 25-30 minutes. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver. You can see the bus schedule

ACTV No. 5, orange, also travels to Venice. They run regularly with an interval of 10-15 minutes, the travel time is 25-30 minutes. The cost is 3-5€.

– In the evening you can get there by a passing city bus ACTV No. 4. The final one is Piazzale Roma. The fare is the same ACTV No. 5.

You can buy tickets at the ticket office in the arrivals area of ​​“Public Transport”, or at newsstands. Don't forget to validate your tickets at the yellow machines located at the bus stop.

To Santa Lucia train station you can walk from the bus station to Piazzale Roma by crossing just one Calatrava Bridge, also known as the Constitution Bridge. It is difficult to miss it - it is modern, unlike the rest.

It is the bridge that connects the bus station and the railway station.

By water taxi

In Venice, there is even a water taxi - this is the most expensive and comfortable travel option. Taxi can take you anywhere in Venice unlike Vaportetto. If your hotel is located in the center of Venice, then it is worth considering. The trip will cost you about 150€, the travel time is one hour. If you are traveling with a company and can share the costs, then the trip will not cost a pretty penny.

You can order such a taxi at a special office in the arrivals area.

By taxi

If you are in a hurry, you can take a taxi. The cost of the trip from Marco Polo Airport to Piazzale Roma will be 40€, for each piece of luggage an additional 1€. You will have to walk to the hotel or take the Vaporetto boat.

You can order a taxi in advance using the form below. You will be met by a driver with a sign at the exit in the arrivals area.

How to get therefrom Venice airportto Mestre

You can get to Mestre train station from Marco Polo Airport by the following buses:

ACTV along the route № 15 and № 45. Schedule

AUTO FLY BUS. Ticket price 8€. You can see the bus schedule

Mestre railway station is indicated as Mestre FS. The routes go further south from the railway station.

Buses run regularly with an interval of 10-15 minutes, travel time is 25-30 minutes. In addition to this option, you can use the services of a taxi.

Traveling by Train from Venice Marco Polo Airport

it not the most convenient way. First, you will have to get to the Mestre train station on the ATVO bus from the harbor (see above for how to do this). The trip will take about 20 minutes and will cost about 3-8€ . Buses are comfortable, with large compartments for luggage storage and comfortable seats. Then you will have to transfer to the train, which will take you about 10 minutes to Santa Lucia train station. This path is most likely suitable for those travelers who are going to transfer further to trains to other cities in Italy.

All trains going to (from) Venice to Santa Lucia station must stop at Mestre station. Trains from other parts of the northeast of Italy also pass through Mestre, so sometimes it is cheaper to leave Venice by rail from this station.

Find cheap flights

If you have not yet purchased tickets to Venice, then right now you can use the convenient search form. All you need to do is enter your departure and destination and estimated travel dates, and then click "Find Flights". The air ticket search engine will select the best route for you and show the lowest price among airlines and air ticket agencies.


A standard ticket for one trip will cost 7.5 euros. It is valid for all routes (except 16, 19 and Alilaguna) for 75 minutes after activation (pass). During this period, you can make transfers, return back, etc.

If your plans are to stay in Venice longer, it is better to immediately purchase the so-called tourist transport cards, in other words, travel cards for several days. Then staying on the islands and moving around them will be much cheaper. The card can be purchased for 1, 2, 3 days or a week; it costs 20, 30, 40 and 60 euros, respectively, and includes travel not only on river trams, but also on ordinary buses.

  • Important: the daily ticket is valid exactly 24 hours from the moment of its first composting. For example, you punched a ticket on September 10 at 09:00, which means you can use the vaporetto until 9 am on September 11 without restrictions.

The most attractive option for the price is a 3-day ticket for 28 euros, but it is only available to children and youth from 6 to 29 years old. A prerequisite for buying such a ticket is the presence of a Rolling Venice card. It, in turn, costs 6 euros, but additional discounts are available for it in shopping centers and museums in Venice.

Children under 6 use the vaporetto free of charge. Travel is also free for wheelchair users and accompanying persons. You will have to pay 1.5 euros for the stroller itself.

Important: the above is true for all routes except 16, 19 and Alilaguna. The last boat runs in and out of it. Route 16 links directly Fusina (Fusina, camping in, on the mainland of Venice) and the Zattere promenade pier (Fondamenta delle Zattere), along route 19 ships go from San Marco to the island of Chioggia (Chioggia).

  • We recommend reading:

How and where to buy

Tickets are sold at the piers, at ACTV vending machines and ticket offices, as well as at tobacco and newsstands. A ticket can also be purchased on board (including if there is no ticket office or machine on the pier) - but only a one-time ticket, for one trip. In most cases, you can pay, not only in cash, but also by credit card.

  • To save time, we advise you to plan your stay in Venice by ordering a ticket in advance online.

After booking, you will be sent a QR and PNR code, immediately upon arrival at the Santa Maria Lucia station, you do not go to the ticket office, but to the machine on the pier, here is the point on the map. Enter your code there and get a ticket. The ticket can be activated any day. Luggage is included in the price.

Children under 6 travel free of charge.

For example, you bought a 48-hour ticket in advance and activated it on October 10 at 11:00 - it will be valid until October 12, 10:59. The overpayment for such a booking and saving time is only 3 euros.

By the way, the residents of Venice themselves pay much less for the use of river trams, but you can buy tickets at reduced prices only by presenting an appropriate document.

It is mandatory to purchase tickets. Their presence is checked regularly, the fines are very high: you will have to pay not only travel, but also an administrative penalty in the amount of 60 euros. It is allowed to carry a folded baby stroller, one piece of baggage of standard dimensions (no more than 150 cm in the sum of measurements), as well as hand luggage in the amount of two pieces (no longer than 120 cm). Anything above is paid extra.

The purchased ticket must be activated by attaching it to the validator and holding until the beep. This must be done at each berth; If you do not activate your ticket when boarding, you may be fined. You must keep your ticket until the end of the trip. It is not necessary to show the ticket to the sailor at the entrance to the ship.

Boarding is carried out only after the exit of all passengers; up to this point, access to the landing zone is strictly prohibited. You must strictly follow the instructions of the sailor. For passengers with limited mobility, special retractable platforms are provided, with which you can get on board.

The best vantage points are at the bow or stern. There are few of them, so it is better to take the river tram at the original stops, so you will have a better chance of getting the desired seat. Do not forget that only the seats in the cabin are completely closed from the wind and rain on the vaporetto. If you sit in open places, only the roof protects you from the weather, and then not always.

Toilets are not available on all vaporettos; they can be equipped with ships that go along long routes.

Vaporetto is not a tourist water bus, but a regular form of public transport, so during peak hours it is filled to the maximum with sitting and standing passengers. Keep this in mind and prepare for the exit in advance so as not to pass the desired stop.

Smoking is prohibited not only on the vaporetto, but also on the landing stage.

Keep a close eye on what is happening around, do not keep valuables and money in plain sight and in easily accessible places: in Venice, as in any popular tourist city, there are pickpockets.