Yerevan-Tbilisi: train, bus, minibus, taxi. How to get there with your car? How to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi: route features and recommendations How to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi

Detailed instructions on how to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi and vice versa by train, taxi, bus, plane. Ticket prices, travel schedules, driving routes, useful websites.

You can get from Yerevan to Tbilisi (and vice versa) by plane (from 5400 rubles), by train (from 860 rubles), by bus (1690 rubles), by minibus (877 rubles) or by transfer and taxi (from 6000 rubles).

Briefly about the route:

  • Distance between Tbilisi and Yerevan: 280 kilometers.
  • Travel time: from 30 minutes.
  • Cost: from 7000 Armenian drams (860 rubles).


What is the fastest way to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi? Of course, by plane. This method is the most expensive, but also the most comfortable.

Flights between cities are operated by the Georgian airline Georgian Airways. Flights operate daily except Thursday.

Departure time depends on the day of the week (either around 7-8 am or around 17-18 pm). Travel time is 30 minutes.

The cost of a Yerevan-Tbilisi ticket is about 5,600 rubles for a one-way flight and about 10,700 rubles for a round-trip flight.

To find cheap tickets between Armenia and Georgia, use Skyscanner and Aviasales search engines - they compare prices from all agencies and display them on one page.

The train is convenient because it goes through the night - that is, it leaves in the evening, arrives in the morning. There is wi-fi on the premises. On the way, the train stops in Gyumri, Vanadzor and other cities.

Train schedule Yerevan - Tbilisi from October:

Price of tickets for the train Yerevan - Tbilisi:

  • reserved seat: 7160 drams (860 rubles), children's ticket (5-10 years old) - 4970 drams (600 rubles);
  • compartment: 11300 drams (1350 rubles), for children - 7640 drams (915 rubles)
  • in NE: 20210 drams (2400 rubles), children's ticket - 12840 drams (1540 rubles).

You can buy a train ticket at the box office of the station 40 days before the train's departure. Ticket offices at the railway station in Yerevan are open from 10 am to 6 pm. In theory, a ticket can also be bought on the website of the South Caucasus Railway, but it does not always work correctly and many will experience difficulties in buying tickets online.

In the summer (usually from June to September), this train is replaced by train No. 202 "Armenia", which runs along the route "Yerevan - Batumi". Departure from Yerevan - at 15:30, arrival in Tbilisi - 00:12. Travel time is about 10.5 hours.


An alternative option is to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi by bus. Communication between the cities is carried out by the companies "Ass Bass" and "Arius-Tour".

At the same time, direct communication is most often carried out by minibuses. If you want to get to Tbilisi or Yerevan on a big bus, you need to buy tickets for routes like "Yerevan - Krasnodar" or "Yerevan - Rostov-on-Don".

Departure in Yerevan - from the station on Arshakunyats Avenue, 34/13. In Tbilisi, the bus arrives either at the Ortachala bus station or at the Avlabari metro station.

Buses run from 08:30 to 19:00 with an interval of 2-2.5 hours. Travel time: 5.5-6 hours. Ticket price - 1140-1470 rubles (depending on the time of departure)

Buses from Tbilisi depart at 09:20 and arrive in Yerevan at 16:20. Tickets cost from 1224 rubles.

View exact bus timetable Yerevan – Tbilisi and you can buy a ticket in advance on the website that collects offers from different bus companies. You must have a printed ticket and passport with you.

Photo: © Nelson Fernando Sotelo Castro /


By minibus you can get from Yerevan to Tbilisi and back cheaper, but with less comfort.

Minibuses depart from the central bus station of Yerevan daily from 07:00 to 14:00. At the same time, minibuses leave for Tbilisi only when the cabin is completely filled with passengers, so sometimes you have to wait a long time for departure.

Travel time is about 6 hours. The fare costs 7000 drams (830 rubles).

Transfer and taxi Yerevan – Tbilisi

A comfortable way to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi by land is from one city to another. This can be done, for example, through a trusted Russian company.

The transfer is more expensive than other types of land transport, but it has a number of advantages:

  • You will be picked up directly from your hotel and taken to your desired location in Tbilisi - no need to get to the airport or train station on your own.
  • Travel time - about 4 hours (may be longer due to the queue at the border)
  • With a lot of luggage, it is more convenient to travel by car than by public transport.
  • This is the only way to get from Tbilisi to Yerevan (or vice versa) if you need to leave late in the evening or at night.

Yerevan – Tbilisi transfer prices start from 6100 rubles per car for 4 people (you can also order transport for 7-19 passengers).

Thus, it is better to order a transfer if you are traveling to Georgia with a company or traveling with children - per person, the cost will be slightly higher than a bus or train.

If you wish, you can also use taxi services (they can be found near the train station or bus stations), but the price will be about the same, and the transfer will still be more reliable.

Photo: Yerevan taxi © MY2200 /

Car rental

If you are traveling on your own, you can rent a car and get to Tbilisi or Yerevan on your own.

It is convenient to compare rental prices on the site - it finds the offers of all companies and displays them on one page, allowing you to choose the appropriate option. In Georgia, you can rent a car through a service that receives good reviews from tourists (it does not work in Armenia yet).

The cost of renting a car in Armenia and Georgia starts from 1140 rubles per day (the longer the rental period, the cheaper). Before booking, be sure to check that the rental conditions allow crossing the border - this is not allowed by all rental companies.

In order to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi, we decided to use the most convenient, in my opinion, way - the Yerevan-Tbilisi train. Why is it the most convenient? Let me explain, firstly, we saved on accommodation, and secondly, we got to our destination in comfort.

Where is. The railway station is located on David Sasunsky Square.

Fare: A ticket for one adult in a reserved seat costs 8600 drams, a child ticket costs a little more than half the cost of a full ticket, I can’t say for sure, the ticket has not been preserved. Bedding is included in the ticket price. In tickets, everything is duplicated in Russian, which is very convenient.

Schedule and departure time: The Yerevan-Tbilisi train runs only on even days, departs at 21:30 in the evening and arrives at 07:50, the journey takes 10 hours.

I want to note that the railway station in Yerevan is very beautiful from the outside and deserted inside. There is a hall with a domed ceiling, there is even an echo 🙂

And on the forecourt there is a monument to the hero of the national epic David of Sasun. This hero personifies the defender of the Armenian people. It was created in 1959, the height of the monument is 12 meters. Looks very impressive.

The train is the same as our trains, although the bedding leaves much to be desired. It is clean, don’t think anything of the sort, but it is so washed out that you can see everything through it, in short, it’s time to send it to rags. The second point, the toilet at the beginning of the car, the conductors kept closed all the way, for themselves, they had to use only one, at the end of the car. And the third point, one of the conductors allowed himself to smoke on the train.

As for crossing the Armenian-Georgian border by train, there are no problems here. First, the train stopped at the Armenian border, Armenian border guards walked through all the carriages, collected our passports, stamped them and issued a departure from Armenia right on the train (the border guard was with a special laptop). Then the train stopped at the Georgian border, where the Georgian border guards collected all the passports and took them somewhere, then the Georgian customs officers went and asked to show things, to open the bags. In their opinion, people who were completely suspicious were searched in full, all things were pulled out of their bags. After the inspection, the border guards returned and returned the passports with stamps. In principle, nothing extraordinary, the only inconvenience, crossing the border with all the checks and other things, falls between 2-4 am.

Arriving in Tbilisi from the platform, you find yourself in the station building, which consists of several floors and inside looks like some kind of shopping center, and outside it is not particularly memorable. And all because inside on the first floor there are shops of famous and unknown brands. On the other floors, there are also some offices or something like that. When you enter the city, you immediately stumble upon a cloud of taxi drivers, the general impression of hustle and bustle. In general, there is no station in our understanding as such.

Ridiculously, in such a huge building they didn’t even have a place for storage rooms, they are located on the platform not far from the main building. True, storage chambers, this, the language does not dare to call it. Some kind of barn-type tiny room divided into 2 parts. In one room, the handed-over things are stored, and in the other, an uncle sits, who accepts them for storage. In the same room he eats, watches TV, in short, lives. The general impression is that at least repairs should be made, everything should be washed, cleaned and a more presentable-looking worker should be seated.

If we compare the Yerevan and Tbilisi railway stations, then we liked the Yerevan railway station more.

Services that we use in our independent travels:

Search and purchase of air tickets
Aviasales - for us it is No. 1 of all search engines, we use it only because it is convenient and reliable, without "pitfalls".
One Two Trip! - a surprisingly convenient search engine in which you can find and purchase not only air tickets, but also railway ones. In addition, it is also easy to book a hotel or a hotel there. By clicking on our link, you will additionally receive an additional 500 rubles discount on the purchase of an air ticket!

Finding and booking accommodation

  1. - a world-famous search engine where you can find and book accommodation from guesthouses to luxury villas. Have used many times and highly recommend.
  2. Hotellook is a service for finding and booking accommodation from the creators of Aviasales.
  3. Airbnb - booking and renting apartments, rooms, houses from local residents. Tested on myself, everything is honest, we recommend. When booking through our link, you will receive a bonus of 2100 rubles, which you can use when paying for housing. To do this, you will need to create your AirBnB account.
Car rental
- a great alternative to traveling by intercity buses and trains across Russia. Prices are often lower than public transport, and comfort is much higher.

Service-aggregator for car rental in local rental companies. You choose a car, as it were, at a local rental, but through a service, booking with a bank card, from which only 15% of the cost is charged. MyRentacar is the guarantor. You can choose not only the class of the car, but also a specific car, accurate to the color of the body and the type of radio. But most importantly, the prices on this service are the same as if you yourself came to a local rental company!

Good afternoon! Another article is waiting for its readers. Recently, many Russians (even among my friends and acquaintances) tend to visit Georgia and Armenia. Perhaps, among my readers there are many who want to visit these beautiful countries on their own. Especially for you, I have prepared an article-route with a full description of our movements, costs and places that we looked at.

Separately for Georgia, there is already a fresh guide with prices and other usefulness:

There is also a complete guide to Armenia:

Therefore, in this article, I will only mention the important points for these two countries.

General holiday budget in Georgia and Armenia

This trip used an air flight to Tbilisi. If you check the popular search engines Aviasales or SkyScanner (), you will find that the average cost of air travel (from Moscow) is 10,000 rubles. I usually do not like to plan a specific country for a specific time, so I often fly on a promotion to wherever I can. So in this case, it turned out that one airline laid out very “tasty” tickets for 6,000 rubles. Add to this the railway crossing from Kirov to Moscow in both directions (3500 rubles). Thus, the entire trip per person came out no more than 15,000 rubles. Yes, this is an absolutely real figure for traveling during the velvet season (in September) in countries such as Georgia and Armenia. Of course, the journey was not without gifts of fate, but more on all this below.

Current flights to Armenia

Current flights to Georgia

In Georgia, I traveled on trains in cars of different classes, more often these were night trips for the sake of economy. You can buy a ticket online on the official website of Georgian RealWay. In my opinion, the site is still lame in terms of convenience, and it’s not so easy to grab a ticket to current destinations, but everything is developing.

Hitch-hiking. It was from these two countries that I started using hitchhiking when traveling. And I really like to move around the Caucasus (and not only) mainly in this way. Because this is the only way to have more chances and opportunities to communicate with sincere Georgians and Armenians. I fell in love with these two countries almost immediately, the local people sink into the soul and stay there for a long time. If you don't believe, you can check for yourself. And it is logical to assume that hitchhiking here is simply gorgeous. Literally 1-2 cars, and you are already being taken in the right direction. Sometimes hitchhiking is much faster than a minibus, and the drivers are so hospitable that they can treat you, if not food, then at least a trip to some unplanned attraction.


What I absolutely advise you to try in Yerevan is “Adjarian khachapuri” (despite the fact that this is Georgian cuisine). Visually, it looks like this. Cheese inside and egg on top. Only Armenians know how to make it incredibly tasty and very large in size (less than 2.5 times in the picture :)). Even Georgians are forced to admit this (I learned it personally :)).

In addition, in Armenia, ice cream is very tasty and cheap, whatever you take, it seems as if from the Soviet past. I do not recommend in Georgia. In Georgia and Armenia, in general, you need to try everything! From meat to fruits.

As a fruit lover, I was very lucky, not only in the market. There are a lot of trees with fruits throughout Armenia and Georgia, the main thing is to get in season. You want grapes, you want plums, apples, pears. At the market, I bought only peaches and cheese (cheese, to be exact). Speaking of the market. I thought that they would overweight and increase prices, like Russian tourists, it turned out to be quite the opposite. It’s nice to bargain with the locals, yes, in principle, you don’t have to bargain with them, the prices are already ridiculous, and you can often get something in addition, such as a gift.

Water here is also completely free, there is a fountain at almost every intersection, from where water runs, which ranks second in the world in terms of its purity, so don't be shy, drink as much as you like :). In hot weather, only she was saved.

With cheap "taverns" only tight. Still, this is not Russia, there are no canteens here: D. But we, for example, were pleasantly surprised by the average prices even in a good cafe.


The population is about 3 million in Armenia, and 4.5 million in Georgia.

In almost all articles on these countries, I mentioned what an indelible impression the locals made on me. Forgive me if I seem too arrogant in this matter, but I was really shocked. I'm probably still in it. All my myths that I hear every day on the radio, TV or from my friends, read on the Internet or in the newspaper, see in the market or shops, just shattered to pieces after the first meeting with Armenians and Georgians.

I am sad to admit that I have not seen such an attitude towards my own kind in Russia for a long time, which I saw in Armenia and Georgia. I do not want to repeat myself, they are judged not by words, but by deeds. Therefore, you can read my articles, and you will understand everything yourself, and even better if you have the opportunity to communicate with them personally.

I noticed one thing that when one or two people treat you well, then the rest begin to act in the same light. That is, I automatically began to be saturated with some kind of trust in all the people. There is something to think about.


There are no special restrictions. They wear the same as in Russia. And in temples and churches according to the standard: a scarf, a long skirt or pants for women, and the absence of a headdress for men.


At this point, I will have to be brief, since we were purely “lucky” with a hotel in Armenia, if at all our accommodation could be called a hotel. The name is impressive "hotel-sauna-djakuzy". No, it's not what you thought. There, indeed, the room was small, but cozy and cost 8000 AMD per night. A very good Armenian and his friend found it for us, for which many thanks. It was at night and we were simply unloaded there like sleepy flies, but these are already details that you can read about in your “adventures” in Armenia.

In Georgia, we only stayed in the resort town of Ureki, rented a room for 10 GEL for two. The rest of the time we slept on trains between countries.

If you like to plan everything in advance, for this purpose I advise you to use the service, which compares prices in all major booking systems (Booking, Agoda, etc.) and finds the best one!

And for relaxing at home - a popular service for renting private housing. Often this option is cheaper (especially if you go with a company or family). In addition, by registering on the site this link, you will get a great $20 bonus on your first booking!


Armenia has a temperate continental, arid climate. Summers are hot and dry (average temperature +24…+26 °C), winters are mild and with little snow (-2…-6 °C). In January-February, the average temperature in Georgia is 5 °C, and in July-August - +24 °C.

And we continue to provide you with useful information! Today I will tell you about how to get from Yerevan to Tbilisi or vice versa by train, bus, minibus, your car and taxi.

There are three border crossings between Armenia and Georgia in total

  • Bagratashen-Sadakhlo is the main one through which all buses, minibuses and taxis go from Yerevan to Tbilisi and vice versa.
  • Tashir-Guguti.
  • Bavra-Zhdanovi - between the Armenian city of Gyumri and the Georgian Ninotsminda.

The distance from Yerevan to Tbilisi is 280-300 km, depending on which road to take.

Train Yerevan - Tbilisi

Train number 371/372 connects Yerevan and Tbilisi, the two capitals of neighboring states. The branch goes through Armavir, Gyumri, Spitak, Vanadzor - that is, around, so it takes quite a long time to go: 10 hours. But this train is conveniently at night, so in the evening we sat down in one capital - slept - in the morning we left for another. Plus savings on the hotel. This train runs every other day: to Tbilisi on even, to Yerevan on odd.

In the summer, there is a daily train Yerevan - Batumi, departure at 15:30, and arrival at 07:10 the next morning, respectively, it arrives in Tbilisi inconveniently at night.

Train Yerevan-Tbilisi timetable from October 2016

Arrival Departure Station Arrival Departure
21:30 Yerevan 06:55
00:10 00:25 Gyumri 03:50 04:10
01:48 01:53 Vanadzor 02:20 02:25
07:50 Tbilisi 20:20

The fare in a reserved seat is 8500-9500 drams (upper-lower seat), in a compartment 13000-14000 drams, in a suite 18000 drams. 45% discount for children.

Minibus/bus Yerevan – Tbilisi

A minibus from Yerevan to Tbilisi leaves from the central bus station of Kilikia, on Isakov Street. There are about seven of them a day with departure from 7 am to 2 pm, they leave when they are full. The cost is 7000 AMD, and the travel time is about 6 hours.

Back from Tbilisi to Yerevan, minibuses depart from the Ortachala bus station (from 8 am to lunch, every hour) and from the railway station (at 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 hours). The fare is 30 GEL, and the travel time is 6 hours.

I don’t know buses specifically between the two cities, but there are buses passing from Yerevan to Krasnodar, Sochi, Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, you can try to leave on them, but it will be easier by minibus.

Read also:

Route by car

The distance Yerevan-Tbilisi by car depends on which road to take - you can choose from two options. In any case, you will have to go through the Bagratashen-Sadakhlo border checkpoint. The once popular route along the border with Azerbaijan is now closed due to the Karabakh conflict (the borders between the two countries are locked), and for some reason Google maps show it as the main one. Don't believe!

1 . Yerevan - Sevan - Dilijan - Vanadzor - Alaverdi - border - Tbilisi (300 km).

At the beginning, head towards Sevan to the northeast along the M-4 highway, drive a little along the lake shore and climb to the Semenov pass. There will be a tunnel built by Russian soldiers in the 19th century, and you will emerge from it already in “little Switzerland”. Bald mountains are abruptly replaced by dense forest and rich green.

Next comes the most beautiful section, for which it is worth choosing this road - a wide valley and the Russian Molokan villages located in it. Molokans are Russian Old Believers who were once exiled to these places and formed the villages of Fioletovo, Lermontovo ...

After Vanadzor, it is also very nice, although the landscape changes dramatically - a narrow gorge, cliffs and a raging river below. The ancient monasteries of Sanahin and Haghpat (and some others) are also there, and in Alaverdi there is a mountain mine and post-apocalyptic landscapes.

Landscapes in Alaverdi

The quality of the road on the Armenian side is not very good (especially after Vanadzor), but on the Georgian side it is good. With the surrounding landscapes, everything is exactly the opposite - from the border to Tbilisi there is a steppe, and all the way to Yerevan you go with your mouth open ;-)

2 . Yerevan - Ashtarak - Spitak - Vanadzor - Alaverdi - border - Tbilisi (280 km).

I can’t say anything specific about this route, we were driving along a different road. Friends, if you went here, please share in the comments, it will be interesting to everyone!

Taxi Yerevan Tbilisi

So-called shared taxis run between Yerevan and Tbilisi, when the driver picks up more passengers besides you. This is a fairly common phenomenon in the Caucasus, and it must be said that it is a convenient and relatively inexpensive way to travel.

Taxi in Tbilisi leaves from the main bus station in Yerevan. Taxi drivers charge 40-60 thousand drams for the whole car, so if you travel with four people, it will turn out quickly and not so expensive.

In the opposite direction, a shared taxi will cost from 40 to 50 Dari per person. They depart from Ortachala station to Tbilisi.

If you like maximum comfort or you need to travel at night / late in the evening / early in the morning, then you can order an individual taxi online in advance at. The cost is from 60 thousand AMD or $130 for the whole car.

Here is everything I know about getting from Yerevan to Tbilisi and vice versa. Good luck and fast border crossing!

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The distance between the capitals of Armenia and Georgia is 300 km. Very close, so no one flies on planes from Yerevan to Tbilisi (it will take more time to travel from and to the airport and check in for a flight than to travel by land). Although Yerevan-Tbilisi planes exist - Georgian Airways flies, travel time is 30 minutes, such a ticket costs about 5500 rubles ($ 89 or 43,000 AMD). Does anyone fly on them? What for?

Usually all tourists who want to get from Armenia to Georgia use one of three options:

  1. Night train Yerevan-Tbilisi
  2. Taxi
  3. Minibus

Personally, we used the option of a fixed-route taxi, and we will tell about our experience in detail in the last paragraph. But first, let's consider other possible options on how to get to Tbilisi from Yerevan.

Note! If Russian citizens can enter Armenia with a Russian passport (only through airports), then Russian citizens definitely need to enter Georgia! Therefore, if you arrived on a Russian passport and do not have a foreign passport with you, you will not be able to travel to Georgia.

You can get from Yerevan to Tbilisi by train. On even days, from the capital of Armenia to the capital of Georgia, train number 372. Departure from Yerevan - 21:30, arrival in Tbilisi - 07:50 the next day.

The distance between Yerevan and Tbilisi is 287 km. Yerevan-Tbilisi road on the map:

Ticket price for the Yerevan-Tbilisi train:

Train schedule:

To be honest, I don’t understand why we spend so much time (a whole night!) on such a move - we’ll go along the road in only 6 hours. In addition, the price of a ticket for a train is higher than for a minibus. But, perhaps, it is fundamentally important for someone to travel by train, and not along serpentine roads.

Train Yerevan-Batumi

In the summer season, there is also a train from Yerevan to Batumi - that is, you can get directly from the capital of Armenia to the Georgian Black Sea coast. A lot of Armenian families spend their weekends and holidays in Batumi: after all, little Armenia has no access to the sea, and often Batumi is the only coast that Armenians see in their lives (salaries in Armenia are very low, and you can afford a vacation in some Greece few can afford). And they go there, of course, on this train.

Yerevan-Batumi train, Armenian Railways

The train from Yerevan to Batumi takes only 15 hours, the distance between cities is 600 km:

Price of tickets for the Yerevan-Batumi train:

By taxi

If you do not sit in a cramped minibus or shake the train all night, you can use the services of private cabs. It is private, because official taxis (with checkers and yellow numbers) travel from Armenia to Georgia across the border is prohibited. The cost of a trip from Yerevan to Tbilisi by car with a driver will be a lock AMD 30,000 ($65).

We heard about cases when tourists negotiated Yerevan-Tbilisi transfer with an official taxi (with yellow numbers), taxi drivers agreed (not to mention that they cannot pass the border), and when they were forbidden to cross the border with Georgia, they were surprised eyes and swore that they did not know such a rule. They did not take the full agreed amount of money, but to be honest, how much a taxi from Yerevan to the border with Georgia would cost - about 30 thousand AMD. It still turns out to be profitable for them, but it is inconvenient for tourists - they have to spend a lot of time looking for a taxi from the border of Georgia and Armenia to Tbilisi.

Border point between Armenia and Georgia

You can find a private cab driver on your own (if you know where to look), or come to the Yerevan bus station and ask about the dispatcher service. At the bus station there are such drivers with cars (not taxis), they will call them, and you will be provided with transport.

After we lived in the capital of Armenia for a week, examined and noted, on January 2 we decided to go to the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. We decided to go by minibus: for us, this option turned out to be the most profitable in terms of both money and travel time. To be precise, not quite minibuses go from Yerevan to Tbilisi, in the usual sense, but a 7-seater minivan.

Our minivan, in which we survived the 6 hour journey from Yerevan to Tbilisi

To get on a minibus (for convenience, this car will be called that), you need to come to the Kilikia bus station, which is located near the famous Ararat brandy factory.

Kilikia bus station on the map:

Kilikia bus station outside:

Quite Soviet

Bus station inside:

Inside the bus station - emptiness

There are several travel agencies at the Kilikia bus station that organize trips from Yerevan to Ukraine, Moscow, Pyatigorsk, Vladikavkaz, Minvody, Krasnodar, Armavir, Samara (hello, motherland!), Saratov, Rostov and other cities (note: on the leftmost plate there are buses even to Syzran! I didn’t think that they knew about it outside the Samara region):

At the bus station, you need to find a window with a dispatcher and say that you want to leave for Tbilisi. It will show you the schedule of minibuses:

Schedule of minibuses Yerevan-Tbilisi

You just have to choose the right time. We did not find any large buses going from Yerevan to Tbilisi.

The fare in a minivan for 7 passengers on the Yerevan-Tbilisi route is 7000 AMD ($14.5) from a person.

How is the way from Yerevan to Tbilisi

The minibus for a 6-hour journey makes one stop for a toilet-snack. We left Yerevan, where there was not a drop of snow, drove into the mountains, and ended up in a real winter fairy tale:

Stopover on the way from Yerevan to Tbilisi

Shop-cafe where you can drink coffee, have a snack and warm up

Inside the shop-cafe: right next to the cash desk there is a real tandoor oven, in which cakes are baked for sale. Ordinary Armenian life.

For the first time I see such a machine where you have to get not only soft toys, but also phone covers. They generally can be picked up by this piece of iron?

The Yerevan-Tbilisi road is quite difficult, as it passes through a mountain serpentine. We usually don’t get sick (if Vanya is not with us, and we went on a trip to Armenia and Georgia together), but for those who have a problem with the vestibular apparatus, it’s probably really better to take the train. What the Yerevan-Tbilisi road looks like on the map:

Approximately 4 hours after departure, we arrived at the border of Armenia and Georgia - at the Bagratashen-Sadakhlo customs checkpoint .

The minivan dropped off all the passengers, the suitcases had to be picked up too. We went on foot inside the first building - the Armenian border checkpoint, received a stamp on leaving Armenia. Then, again on foot and with suitcases, we reached the second building - the Georgian side, received entry stamps in our passports and went to look for our minibus.

The border point between Armenia and Georgia is Bagratashen-Sadakhlo. Georgian side.

Passing both borders took about 20 minutes. We passed the borders longer than the rest of the fellow travelers from our minivan, since all the rest were citizens of Armenia or Georgia, and for them at the border there are simplified access rules.

After the border, we had another 2 hours of travel, which flew by very quickly. Well, that's all, hello Tbilisi!