Where can I get water in the shishkin forest. Why are not all springs intended for drinking? The history of Epiphany water

The fact that after the rains the springs in Moscow became better, thicker and healthier - I was told by a familiar cosmetologist Nadya. In appearance, she is an educated woman, but she believes in the healing power of Gotino sticks, face fitness and Moscow springs.

The jet has become so powerful, it’s a feast for the eyes, - the beautician testified, - it helps a lot with acne, I recommend it.

And she giggled stupidly.

Nadya lives near the Bitsevsky forest and uses a local spring. But I decided to check Nagy's statement with the help of the laboratory of Moscow State University and by comparison with other life-giving sources. While comparing, I realized that the spring is not only a place for collecting water, but also a center of cultural attraction for Muscovites.


I decided to start the spring detour from the famous spring Tsarevna Swan, which is in Pokrovsky Streshnevo. The spring is famous for its purest reputation and the fact that Elizaveta Petrovna (who was the Empress) was healed of varicose veins.

Everything is scientifically based. No mysticism. It flows from the hill and the water is naturally purified there, - said Olimpiada Petrovna, a parishioner of the spring with forty years of experience.

The source was pleasantly surprised by the level of cultivation. No dirt or debris. Greenery, benches, tame animals. A true branch of paradise. Water flows from several pipes located at different distances from each other, but people line up at one, the very right. From it, according to the locals, the least sand comes out. Standing in line, people feed the animals and testify of miracles.

The man said that he was already 38 years old, but nothing hurts him, because he drinks this water every day. Two elderly friends said that they were told in turn by a biology teacher that this water can be stored for ten years and it is still fresh.

The woman said that she was scratched by a cat here and here "so I put my hand under the stream - it healed right before my eyes, there was no trace left."

Olimpiada Ivanna goes to the spring to treat varicose veins. "I, like Elizaveta Petrovna, put my feet up and get cured of trophic ulcers."

A young couple goes to the spring for children. A sweet granny in colorful said that she comes to the spring not for water, but to communicate with wildlife. She has walnuts in her purse for the squirrels, seeds for the titmouse and - attention - bread for the rats. Grandmother feeds all pets by hand. Cheerful pensioner Gennady Archelkov said that spring water saves him from loneliness and immediately offered me his hand and heart.

Bitsevsky park

In Bitsevsky Park in the morning there is a line of people with bags on wheels. True, eyewitnesses say that earlier the queue was longer, because the stream flowed thinner and gained more slowly. There are no tame squirrels, but there are many timid naked ones.

Naked people douse themselves with water and dive into a dirty pond opposite the spring. They say that this is not dirt, but silver. It is useful. Spectators gather to enjoy the spectacle. Benches have been installed for convenience.

The grandfather in glasses persuaded me to join the divers. "There is nothing to be ashamed of in a naked body, undress. I can't see well anyway."

Hit with a bottle.

The spring itself is located in a cute hut with hooks nailed inside so that you can hang bags.

It's very good water, my kidneys can only withstand it, - said Lirina Uspenskaya, a young woman with blue eyes, leading an active lifestyle. According to Lirina, the water from the spring is alive because it did not travel through twisted pipes. “Be sure to drink if you want to cleanse the body or, for example, make your eyes brighter. The blacker the eyes, the more sins you have,” Lirina said mysteriously and disappeared into the bushes.

Source in Peredelkino

The Peredelkino source received very little journalistic attention. And in vain. A spring in a secluded forest near Pasternak's house must surely be useful, healing and awakening writer's talents. And I'm not the only one who thought so. As the employees of the Pasternak house-museum testified, almost all the inhabitants of the writers' village buy their goods in the spring, and the especially cunning come specially from Moscow.

The view of the spring, it must be said, is not very presentable and clearly loses in terms of surroundings to other Moscow sources. Galvanized fence, not too clean territory, but there is a little blue glass, carefully planted on a twig.

Every now and then writers' women came down the steps to the life-giving moisture and praised the water. Like, there is no scale, and the hair is obedient and silky after washing, and the water itself is tasty, healthy and charged with something very blissful.

Yielding to persuasion, she drank some water from a blue glass and was convinced of its miracle work. There was a desire to run to Moscow ahead of the train from Peredelkino.

Looking ahead, I note that water tests confirmed my tasting conclusions.

Cold spring in Konkovo

A popular source of free water near the nursing home was surrounded by benches with male pensioners resting on them and for some reason topless. The pensioners willingly told that the spring was either dug by Ivan the Terrible himself, or he scored after Sergius of Radonezh hit him with a staff. But what those present were sure of was that it cured migraines and had a positive effect on the kidneys. A dressed local resident said that she comes to the spring to rest, but does not drink water, but only waters the flowers. From local water, cacti bloom often and in many colors.

Historian Mikhail Korobko, who lives nearby, said that the fans of the spring are all lying and the spring existed long before Ivan the Terrible, since the graves of the Vyatichi people survived in the forest, who, apparently, drank from this source before they died.

What struck me the most was that the spring was chosen not only by pensioners, but also by cyclists with dogs. While the dog was raising its paw, the cyclist was filling a bottle of water. Frankly, when I tried to drink water, it seemed that it smelled. But she chalked it up to hallucinations.

Long-awaited analyzes

Everything collected in plastic bottles was personally taken to the laboratory of Moscow State University for analysis on the same day. Entrance through the folk trail through a hole in the fence. Out of economy, I ordered the simplest basic tests. But the result is shocking. Moscow State University specialists have authoritatively stated that writers are in danger. The worst water from the harvest I collected was recorded in Peredelkino. It turned out to be not only tough, but also rich in nitrates.

In the championship for the title of the worst water, the source of Ivan the Terrible in Konkovo ​​competes with Peredelkinskaya. Experts have confirmed that the water stinks and, in addition, is also hard. So not only can you not cure kidneys from such a source, but you can buy stones. Well, household appliances are also not iron.

The water in Bitsevsky Park also turned out to be smelly and did not pass the pH indicator. He was lower than expected. Not critical6 of course, but given that we chose the most minimal set of indicators for analysis, what else is there - God knows. In general, experts from Moscow State University said in unison, "do not drink this water." And if you really want to - boil and filter.

As for the water from the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo spring, here the experts were pleasantly surprised and, surprised, even made an extended examination. The result showed that the water is beautiful, has no smell, has a minimal content of nitrates and competes in quality with the popular water from a plastic bottle, which I bought for a pile and also passed for analysis.

Springs are superficial, ground and artesian, pressure and descending. In addition, they are divided into those that hit constantly and those that appear only in certain time of the year. Springs also differ in water temperature: from cold to boiling. In the Moscow region, only cold springs are represented. Many are considered healing or even miraculous - it is customary to not only collect water for drinking, but also to wash or even completely dip. For this, baths are often built, where water accumulates in an amount sufficient for an adult to enter.

Since the places of such sources are often Orthodox shrines, bathing in them is carried out according to a certain ritual. They enter the water, as a rule, in clothes - long shirts or simple dresses. Having said a prayer aloud or to oneself, it is necessary to plunge three times, accompanying this with the sign of the cross. On the eve of bathing in the holy spring, it is recommended not to drink alcohol and not to be zealous in food.

There are several healing springs in the Moscow region. As a rule, they are located on the territories of monasteries or close to them. One of the “strongest” sources is located in the Chekhov region, in David’s Hermitage, where two fonts were built for pilgrims. Another, "Gremyachy", like a real waterfall, breaks out of a crevice ten kilometers from Sergiev Posad. According to popular beliefs, this spring cures both heart and female diseases. From eye ailments, the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa spring, located in the Shchelkovsky district, outside the village of Kostyshi, helps.

But if the exact facts about miracles and healings are not so easy to verify, then the objective benefit spring water quite obvious. Passing through sand and gravel, the waters are purified, and as a result do not require additional treatment, while maintaining beneficial features. Each source has its own composition, determined by the nature of the groundwater in a particular area. Some are interesting in that they are completely free of bacterial contamination (while even tap water according to GOST may contain a small amount of bacteria). Such, for example, is the holy spring of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, or, as it is also called, the “Bar Well”. In addition, the water in it has a high biological activity, that is, the same healing properties.

There are quite a lot of springs in the Moscow region - about several hundred, and, as a rule, they are located not in the widest accessible places- in ravines and on the slopes of hills, where it is not easy to drive a car or even just walk. If the source is located in close proximity to a residential area, then this is a reason to think: will the water from it really be useful? It should be borne in mind that the springs can be quite easily polluted, and the sewerage systems lying in the immediate vicinity, as well as car entrances and garbage left by local residents, do not greatly contribute to their safety. Although, if the source is close to the cottage village, marketers do not forget to note this. As, for example, is happening with the village of Leshkovo.

The sanitary and hygienic condition of the springs is under the control of the SES, however, the results of the examinations rarely get into the media, so it is best to take care of your well-being on your own. And if there is a desire to draw clean water, then it is better to find a source that will be located in the forest, away from residential buildings.

List of holy springs of the Moscow region



Interesting Facts

Villages nearby

Source "Talezh"

Holy Ascension Davidova Hermitage, Chekhovsky District

The holy spring is open to pilgrims all week except Mondays. The sacraments of baptism and weddings are performed here.

Villages Talezh, Popovo

Source "Erinskiy"

Near the sanatorium "Erino" in the Podolsky district

Medicinal table water treats diseases of the digestive system. On its basis, bottled mineral water is prepared for sale.

A brick chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was erected above the spring with a font.

The village of Erino, Dubovitsy

Source of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

Near the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village. Desna Leninsky district

Next to the spring there are wooden buildings of modern Arkhangelsk masters of wooden architecture: a temple and a school.

Source "Ilyinsky"

The ravine next to the Church of the Nativity in the village. Conversations. Leninsky district

A chapel was erected over the source in honor of Elijah the Prophet

The villages of Besedy and Novoe Milkovo

Saint David's Spring

Monastery of the Ascension Davidova Hermitage, Simferopol highway, Chekhovsky district

One of the most healing holy springs, two fonts were built for pilgrims

The villages of Novy Byt, Golygino, the cottage settlement "Eskino", "Sosnovy Bereg", "Golygino"

Source of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

Near the Church of the Nativity in the village. Ilyinskoye, Dmitrovsky district

The source appeared during earthworks on the day of the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvin". We are talking about cases of healing from psoriasis, diseases of the legs, eyes and others. A chapel was erected over the spring.

Spring of Hieromartyr Kharlampy

Located near the Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the village. Karpovo, Dmitrovsky district

It is named after Harlampy of Nicomedia, the chapel of which existed in the church.

Villages Karpovo, Yuryevo, Autopolygon, Luchinskoye

Source "Gribanovo"

Gribanovo village, Pushkinsky district

The spring is the source of the Talitsa River. There are other sources in the district - presumably, powerful underground rivers flow in these places.

Above the spring is the chapel of Peter and Paul.

Villages Gribanovo, Papertniki, Muranovskiye Sady Cottage Village

Spring "Muranovo" ("Barsky well")

Museum-estate of the Tyutchevs, Pushkinsky district

The famous spring, which was guarded by the Tyutchev family. When clearing it, it was found that water breaks through in 12 places. Various shrines are kept in the temple-chapel, including the relics of the Confessor Paraskeva (Matieshina)

Source "Sofrino"

Health complex "Sofrino", the former estate of the princes Gagarin, near the temple of John the Warrior.

The Sofrino complex is located on 45 hectares, most of which is a park with centuries-old oaks, linden alleys and lakes.

Villages Mogiltsy, Leonidovka, cottage settlements Nastya, Waldorf, Wiesendorf, Comme il faut

Source of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God of Kolotskaya

Near the Assumption Monastery near the village. Kolotskoye. Mozhaysky district

The monastery was founded in 1413 by the appanage prince Andrei, the son of Dmitry Donskoy, at the place where the miraculous icon was found. After the construction of the monastery, a spring began to spring up.

The villages of Kolotskoye, Akinshino

Spring of St. Ferapont

In front of the Luzhetsky Monastery in Mozhaisk, on the "Brykina Hill".

According to legend, the spring was dug by the Monk Therapont himself about 600 years ago. He is mentioned in manuscript collections about the miracles of the saint.

Holy spring of John the Baptist

Near St. John the Theologian Church in the village of Slotino. Sergiev Posad district

Already at the beginning of the XVII century. in the village there was a church in the name of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. In 1822, instead of a wooden church, a stone church with two aisles was erected.

Slotino village

Holy spring of Nicholas the Wonderworker

A hundred meters from the Nicholas Church, the village of Malinniki, Sergiev Posad district

The former name of the village is Stogovo. It was on a haystack that, according to legend, a miraculous icon appeared to the peasant.

Village Malinniki

Holy Spring of Savva Storozhevsky

150 m from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

It is believed that the spring was called from the earth by the prayer of Savva, one of the first disciples of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Sergiev Posad

Holy spring of St. Sergius of Radonezh "Gremyachiy"

Near the village of Vzglyadnevo in the Sergiev Posad district

The name arose due to the fact that the water falls with noise from a height of 25 meters, resembling a waterfall. Each of the streams has its own name: Faith, Hope, Love.

Vzglyadnevo village, Voronino village

Holy spring "Radonezh"

On the bank of the Page River next to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The village of Radonezh, Sergiev Posad district.

According to legend, the parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh lived on the mountain from which the spring flows.

Holy spring of the Chernihiv skete.

Chernihiv Skete of Gethsemane, Sergiev Posad district

A holy spring spouts from the earth at the site of the cell of Elder Barnabas, in the underground church of Michael the Archangel.

Sergiev Posad

Holy Spring of the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God

Ramensky district, with. Upper Myachkovo

The spring complex includes a decorative ball made of artificial and natural stone. Water accumulates in wells, after which it enters the ball tray through pipes.

Holy Spring of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

Located behind the village of Kostyshi, on the road to Fryanovo. Schelkovsky district

According to local residents helps to heal eye diseases.

Kostyshi village

Four springs in Moscow and the Moscow region, where you can enjoy clean drinking water, a mysterious atmosphere sacred places as well as just relaxing while exploring the sights.

The only source of really clean water in Moscow. It is located on the territory of a large forest park near the Khimki River. According to legend, the crystal clear water from this spring can work wonders - thanks to this spring, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna cured her trophic ulcers (hence the "Princess" in the name).

Infrastructure: well developed, as it is part of a large Moscow park. The spring is landscaped: there are various information boards, benches, a chapel.

Pokrovskoye-Stershnevo park (one of the largest in Moscow) with numerous ponds, sprawling woodland and an old manor.

Where is: Moscow, Voikovsky 5th pr., 2A

from the metro station Planernaya, Tushinskaya, Sokol - bus 88; from the Aeroport metro station - trolleybuses 6, 12, 43, 70, 82; from the Skhodnenskaya or Sokol metro station - tram number 6, from the Voykovskaya metro station - 10-15 minutes on foot.

Spring "Gremyachiy Klyuch"

One of the most beautiful and popular in the Moscow region. The spring springs from a crevice from a height of 25 meters, thanks to which many call it the proud word "waterfall". According to legend, the spring appeared at this place more than 600 years ago, when St. Sergius of Radonezh stopped to rest and pray for the unification of the Russian people (and liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke, of course). Folk legends speak of the healing properties of this water: it helps in case of cardiovascular and female diseases.

Infrastructure: fairly well developed. There are sheds, benches, fonts and parking. The only negative is the lack of a good road (in bad weather it is possible to drive only on an SUV).

Local Attractions: first of all, of course, the spring itself and beautiful nature around - endless forests, fields, rare villages. As well as the wooden chapel of Sergius of Radonezh.

Where is: near the village of Vzglyadnevo, 67th kilometer along the Yaroslavl highway.

How to get to public transport: from the bus station of the city of Sergiev Posad by bus No. 37 "Sharapovo" to the village of Shiltsy (then walk about 5 km through the village of Lyapino) or by bus No. 120 "Zhuklino" to the Malinniki stop (then walk about 4 km through the village of Vzglyadnevo).

Spring "Barsky well" in Muranovo

A cozy spring with the purest water is located next to the museum-estate "Muranovo" them. F.I. Tyutchev. According to legend, the source got its name because all the inhabitants of the estate for many generations drank water exclusively from it. Since the construction of the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the spring has acquired special significance - religious processions were made to it. They say that the Tyutchev family was very kind to the spring: they kept, equipped and protected it.

Infrastructure: well developed. The source is connected to the font, there are benches and a large parking lot.

Local Attractions: museum-estate "Muranovo", the chapel of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, a small park and a monument to the victims of the Beslan tragedy.

Where is: near the village of Muranovo, 44th kilometer of the Yaroslavl Highway.

Holy spring of St. David in the village of Talezh

At 30 km from the famous monastery is one of the most beautiful places Moscow region is a holy source of the name of St. David. Its territory adjoins the village of Talezh and leaves few people indifferent: small chapels, a cozy and very elegant gazebo, a belfry, neat paths among the trees. From the place emanates calmness, the water is clean and fresh. An additional bonus is the opportunity to conduct a baptism or wedding ceremony (for this you need to agree with the priest in advance).

Infrastructure: very good. The source is landscaped: a temple-chapel. gazebo, two baths, the territory is fenced and guarded. More detailed information can be found on a special website: http://talezh.ru/istochnik-prepodobnogo-davida/.

Local Attractions: Temple of the Nativity Holy Mother of God, which is located in the eastern part of the village of Talezh; the ancient male monastery of the Holy Ascension Davidov Hermitage (near the village of Novyi Byt) and the estate of A.P. Chekhov (the village of Melikhovo).

Where is: Chekhov district of the Moscow region, the village of Talezh, the Compound of David's desert.

How to get there by public transport: from the Kursk railway station by train to the station "Chekhov", then from the Chekhov bus station by bus number 25 to the stop "Talezh".

Epiphany water, which is brought into the house on the Eve of Epiphany and at Epiphany, is considered special. It does not deteriorate for several years, retaining its structure. This water is used to heal and sprinkle the dwelling with it. Epiphany water also helps in many other cases. Baptism in 2019 will be soon, on the night of January 18-19. Let's find out in more detail what needs to be done for Baptism, where and how to draw water and how much it can be stored. And on this night.

The history of Epiphany water

Baptism is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on January 19 and is considered one of the great church holidays established in memory of the day when Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River to John the Baptist to be baptized by him. A special feature of the holiday are two great blessings of water. One is performed on Christmas Eve (the evening before Epiphany) in the church.

Another is held on the day of the holiday in the open air, if possible - at the source of water (rivers, lakes, springs, springs). At the same time, if the water is frozen, an ice hole is hollowed out in advance. According to the church charter, this rite is accompanied by the reading of prayers and the threefold immersion of the cross in the consecrated water, after which it is endowed with a special healing power. The word "I baptize" or "I baptize" from the Greek "baptiso" means "immerse".

This great Christian holiday has a double name, the Baptism of the Lord is also called Epiphany. Because at the Baptism of the Lord, the main event was the appearance of the Holy Trinity. God the Father testifies from heaven: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

God the Son is baptized according to His human nature; The Holy Spirit descends on Him in the form of a dove. This affirms faith in the Divine Trinity and faith in the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

Epiphany Christmas Eve - traditions and rituals

So, in the villages before Epiphany, old women and girls collected snow from haystacks.
Old women - in order to bleach the canvas, it was believed that only this snow could make it snow-white.

And girls - in order to whiten the skin and become more beautiful. It was believed that, having washed herself with this snow, the girl becomes very attractive. In addition, according to legend, Epiphany snow could even store water in dry wells for the whole year.

The snow collected on the Epiphany evening was considered healing, they were treated for various ailments.

A bowl of water was placed on the table to see the Baptism of the Lord. At the same time, they said: “at night the water itself sways”, - this was a sign. If at midnight the water in the bowl really swayed, they ran to watch the “open skies” - about which open sky pray, it will come true.

Until the 5th century, it was customary to remember the birth and baptism of the Son of God on the same day - January 6, and this holiday was called Theophany - Epiphany, which spoke of the incarnation of Christ into the world and the appearance of the Trinity in the waters of the Jordan. The feast of the Nativity of Christ was moved to December 25 (according to the Julian calendar, or old style) was already later, in the 5th century.

Thus was the beginning of a new church phenomenon - Christmas time, ending with the eve, or Christmas Eve of the feast of Epiphany.

The word eve means the eve of a church celebration, and the second name - Christmas Eve (or Sochevnik) is associated with the tradition on this day to cook wheat broth with honey and raisins - sochivo.

Epiphany Christmas Eve is an evening-preparation before the great Orthodox holiday, which is called the Theophany of the Lord's Baptism. This holiday of the Orthodox Church is one of the Twelve. On this day, the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist (the Baptist) in the Jordan River is remembered.

In view of the importance of the event that took place on the coming day in the life of Jesus Christ, the Church established a fast. It was from here that the tradition of brewing sochivo came, which is not mandatory, but is so convenient that it has become a tradition everywhere.

Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity these days, but it is still necessary to observe fasting: “Because we nourish us with God’s Grace, we will be freed from covetousness,” the Typikon tells us. Covetousness is understood to mean everything that is eaten in excess of need, and let everyone's conscience be the measure here.

Believers determine the measure of fasting individually, according to the strength and blessing of the confessor. On this day, as on Christmas Eve, they do not eat food until the candle is taken out after the Liturgy in the morning and the first communion of Epiphany water.

Properties of baptismal water and how to drink it

She eats on an empty stomach, a spoonful, a little bit. A man got up, crossed himself, asked for a blessing from the Lord for the day that had begun, washed himself, prayed and took a great hagiasma. If the medicine is prescribed on an empty stomach, then first they take holy water, and then the medicine.

And then breakfast and stuff. Ascetics of Christian piety call blessed water the best medicine for all spiritual and bodily ailments. Often confessors "prescribe" baptismal water to their sick children - a spoonful every hour, with faith, of course, but without faith, drink at least half a canister. She can wash the patient and sprinkle the bed. True, women are not blessed to take baptismal water on critical days.

But this is if the woman is otherwise healthy. And if she is sick, then even this circumstance does not play a role. Epiphany water will help her!

There is a pious tradition to sprinkle one's dwelling with Epiphany water on this day while singing the troparion of the Epiphany. Epiphany water is consumed all year on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora "so that we can receive power that strengthens health, heals diseases, drives away demons and averts all enemy slander, we could receive from God."

At the same time, a prayer is read:

“Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your infinite mercy through prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen".

In case of ailments or attacks by evil forces, you can and should drink water without hesitation at any time.

Is it necessary to add baptismal water to the bath in which babies are bathed so that they do not get sick

This is also one of the superstitions. Every person can get sick. And the great saints suffered from physical illnesses. For example, the Monk Seraphim of Sarov could not straighten his back due to an injury. Robbers attacked him and severely beat him.

Saint Matrona of Moscow was blind from birth to the end of her days. No one forbids giving holy baptismal water to babies (it is still better to drink holy water), including during illness. But once again, it must be recalled that the use of a shrine is not a mechanism, but an action that requires faith and hope.

How to take a bath for baptism

On this night, douse yourself with baptismal water three times or take a bath. Between 0:10 and 1:30, fill the tub with cold tap water. Cross the water and yourself three times, say a prayer and hit the chest with your right fist three times to cause the body to vibrate in harmony with the vibrations of the water.

Then, without screaming or making noise, sit in the bath and plunge headlong three times, hitting your chest each time.
Silently get out of the bath (if someone else from your household wants to bathe in baptismal water, fill the bath with new water).

Do not dry off immediately, let the water soak into the skin. At this time, do a self-massage or vigorously tap your fingers all over your body from the top of your head to your heels. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, everything is new and already washed and ironed. Drink herbal tea with honey.

Is it possible to dilute baptismal water

A special property of holy water is that, added even in a small amount to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water.

It is believed that holy water does not spoil, so it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator. The Orthodox keep it in the Red Corner, next to the icons. In addition, a drop of shrine sanctifies the sea. You can take ordinary, not consecrated water and add a drop of baptismal water there, and it will all be consecrated.

It is strictly forbidden, taking holy water or taking it, to quarrel, swear, and allow unpious deeds or thoughts. From this, holy water loses its holiness, and often simply spills.

We must not forget that blessed water is a church shrine with which the grace of God has come into contact, and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself. With a reverent attitude, holy water does not deteriorate for many years. It should be kept in a separate place better near with home iconostasis.

When to collect baptismal water

You can take water in the temple after the service, you can also bring your own water for consecration, but remember that it should be ordinary clean water, and not mineral or carbonated.

If you decide to just draw water from the tap, then you need to do this in the time interval from 00.10. until 01.30. on the night of January 18th to 19th. You can harvest water later, but this time is considered the best.

Unfortunately, most of our people have a purely superstitious attitude towards baptismal water. They collect water as a medicine and then try to be treated with it.

  • Firstly, it is better to collect water not thoughtlessly, but after you take part in a church service.
  • Secondly, you need to pour it into dishes without any markings. Better - in a special jug or flask, bought in a church shop. And certainly not in a beer bottle!

It is believed that baptismal water has healing properties. It can be drunk with an illness on an empty stomach and washed to be healthy.

True, you need to use holy water with prayer, asking the Almighty for spiritual and physical health. And it is not at all necessary to take it in reserve, in canisters. There should not be much water, but faith.

Where to get Epiphany water

It is believed that water collected at Epiphany midnight from any source (even from the tap) has healing properties. In modern terms, Epiphany water is structured. If such water is stored away from human eyes and empty conversations - in a quiet and dark place - (believers keep it at the home iconostasis), then it retains its healing properties all year round.

Researchers believe that every year, starting from fifteen minutes past midnight on January 19, a person can draw water from the tap at any time during the day for subsequent storage and use as bioactive throughout the year.

How long is baptismal water stored

Epiphany water stored in glassware can be used throughout the year and even. This is a very strong energy water, so drinking it all the time is not recommended. But to take it as a medicine, if you are unwell, add it to the bath (from one teaspoon to one glass per bath), rinse your mouth, wash your face, sprinkle your face, eyes, the whole body - it is very useful.

Reminder: no need to wipe. To cleanse the dwelling, they sprinkle baptismal water in the corners of the rooms, and then pour a small part of the water into a glass vessel without closing the lid and leave it in the room.

Do not leave shoes outside the threshold on Epiphany night, otherwise you will get sick.

If there are problems in the house, draw water at night, leave it open at the threshold, and in the morning wipe the shoes of each family member with this water. Then pour water into the latrine with the words:
« Evil spirit underground, kind to the earth.

Epiphany water - scientific facts

Studies have shown that the optical density of Epiphany water is higher than water from the same sources on ordinary days. Moreover, it is close to the optical density of water from the Jordan River. Some scientists explain the healing properties of Epiphany water by the peculiarities of the Earth's magnetic field. On this day, it deviates from the norm and all the water on the planet is magnetized. What causes these changes is not yet fully understood.

Professor Anton Belsky, a Russian experimental physicist, once, on the night of January 19, took water samples in plastic bottles from a nearby pond. They stood in his laboratory for many years. The water in them remained clear, odorless and sediment. At one of the scientific conferences, he told about this experiment to a familiar professor from the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University, who was engaged in the study of neutron fluxes from space and from the Earth.

He promised to look at his experimental data in recent years. Soon A. Belsky received very interesting information by e-mail. According to him, before January 19, for a number of years, intense bursts of neutron flux were recorded, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times. There was no hard binding to January 19: the highs fell on both the 18th and 17th, but sometimes exactly on the 19th.

Unique studies of Epiphany water taken from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, conducted several years ago at the Moscow Institute of Information and Wave Technologies, showed that the frequency spectrum of the radiation of Epiphany water is similar to the electromagnetic radiation of healthy human organs. That is, it turned out that in the baptismal church water there is a certain information program in the form of an ordered set of healthy frequencies of the human body.

If the healing properties of baptismal water in the church are known to everyone, then few people know that ordinary tap water on Epiphany night can also become bioactive and then retain its special qualities not only for a whole year, but much longer.

It turns out that tap water annually on January 19 changes its structure many times over a day and a half.

Conducted studies included measurements of the water biofield, acid-base balance, hydrogen potential, specific electrical conductivity, as well as the result of its impact on a person during internal and external use (by gas discharge visualization, dowsing, laboratory studies).

To do this, starting from the evening of January 18, samples of the water flowing from the tap were taken at short intervals and measurements were taken. For control, the samples were stored for a long time.

Specialists of the laboratory of drinking water supply of the Institute. Sysina also conducted a serious scientific study. As Candidate of Technical Sciences Anatoly STEKHIN said, the main task was to fix the phase of the transition of water to an unusual state, for this they began to observe the water from January 15th. The water collected from the tap was defended and the amount of radical ions in it was measured.

During the study, the number of radical ions in the water has been creeping up since January 17th. Along with this, the water became softer, its hydrogen index (pH level) increased, which made the liquid less acidic. The water reached its peak of activity on January 18, in the evening. Due to the large number of radical ions, its electrical conductivity was really like that of an artificially created catholyte (water saturated with electrons). At the same time, the pH of water jumped over neutral (7 pH) by 1.5 points.

The degree of structuredness of Epiphany water was also studied. The researchers froze several samples - from the tap, from a church source, from the Moscow River.

So, even tap water, which is usually far from ideal, when frozen, was a harmonious spectacle under the microscope. The curve of the electromagnetic activity of water began to decline already in the morning of January 19 and by the 20th took its usual form.

Scientists believe that the reason for such a sharp increase in the electromagnetic activity of water in Epiphany was a large accumulation of radical ions in the Earth's lithosphere. On ordinary days, the amount of energy in the water varies depending on the time of day.

From 7 pm to 9 am, the water is most active (but not to the same extent as Epiphany). Exactly this good time in order to wash and make supplies for household needs. When the sun rises, a large number of radical ions “fly away” from the water to the upper atmosphere.

Such channels through which energy “escapes” from us are all vortex processes in the atmosphere. It is not for nothing that during the activity of cyclones, many people feel worse. We simply do not have enough water electromagnetic energy. But the most extreme phenomenon that literally devastates the Earth energetically is an earthquake.

As for the three Epiphany days, this, according to Stekhin, is an “anomalous” period when an anticyclone always dominates the Earth. And the electrons, obeying some kind of cosmic influence, quietly “sit” in the lithosphere and water and saturate us healing powers. The only explanation for this can be a special redistribution of the poles of the magnetic field that exists between the Sun and the Earth. It is the cosmic forces that hold the energy on Earth during Baptism.

Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University Vladimir VOEIKOV believes that all kinds of magnetic and neutron storms affect water. In particular, scientists have proven that the properties of water are greatly changed by a solar eclipse.

And everywhere, regardless of the degree of blackout in a particular part of the globe. As for the processes that affect the water in Baptism, they have not yet been fully studied. It is possible that during this period the restructuring of interplanetary magnetic fields really takes place and the electrons of water are somehow “magnetized” to the Earth. But this is just a hypothesis.

The phenomenon of the Epiphany water has not been fully studied, and researchers, it seems, will not soon be able to unravel its secret. Epiphany water has not undergone scientific research, which is subjected to medicines, and there are no medical conclusions about the properties of Epiphany water yet. But there is centuries of experience huge amount of people. And, probably, it is not so important what heals - water or a person’s firm belief that it will help him