Where are the lavender fields in the Crimea. Crimean lavender fields

Publication date: 08.09.2016

If you are going to go to the Crimea in June-July, be sure to include in your holiday program a visit to the lavender fields that bloom during this period. Best Places for photography - at the foot of the Northern Demerzhdi mountain near Alushta and near Bakhchisarai.

Lavender - a low plant with small purple flowers, intoxicates your head with its aroma no worse than Crimean wine.

Wherever you find yourself, in the eternally young Koktebel or on the deserted Tarkhankut, in the Crimea, perhaps, there is no place where its unforgettable smell does not reach.

On the Crimean peninsula, lavender blooms from June to August. And if at this time you will be in the Crimea, plan a hike or a trip to the lavender fields - you will be guaranteed unforgettable emotions and impressions.

but best time for photo sessions on lavender plantations - the period from June to July. Later, it burns out, fades, becomes too dry, although it does not lose its aroma, which becomes even more spicy.

plant history

On the territory of the Crimean peninsula, real or narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is grown. It is drought tolerant and undemanding to weather conditions, can even grow on rocky soil.

This plant is native to the Spanish and French coasts. mediterranean sea, in the Crimea, the first lavender fields were sown about 200 years ago in Nikitsky botanical garden.

Since 1928, lavender has been grown on an industrial scale and used to produce essential oil, which is used in medicine and perfumery. The flowers of the plant contain up to 2% fragrant oil.

The area of ​​lavender fields in the Crimea thirty years ago was about 2.5 thousand hectares, and even French perfumers bought the extracted essential oil. At present, many fields are abandoned, and the areas occupied by industrial plantations have shrunk.

There is not much wild lavender on the peninsula; you can find it near Gurzuf, on Chatyrdag and in the foothills of Krasnolesye.

Where are the lavender fields in Crimea

Many areas of the Crimean region have lavender fields. If you settled in Gurzuf, Sevastopol or some cozy place in Alushta, you can get to them on foot, public transport or by car.

True, it is not easy to find a blooming purple field on your own - the plant has not yet become such a popular brand as in French Provence. To sign up for thematic tour, as well as meeting pointers to lavender places, today it is very difficult. We bring to your attention a list of the best lavender fields in the Crimea, however, some of them are in an abandoned state, their appearance it only gets worse from year to year.

The best places to take colorful photographs are near Bakhchisaray. The largest and well-groomed lavender field is located on the outskirts of the village of Turgenevka. Residents of Turgenevka even hold a festival there in June, which attracts hundreds of people. From the speakers of a powerful stereo system, the once popular hit of Sofia Rotaru “Lavender” is heard, the people dance and sing along. However, this festival can still be described only as an event of local importance.

There are also lavender fields near Bakhchisaray near the villages of Shelkovichnoe and Kudrino, in the mountains near the villages of Cherished and Growing.

Beautiful and rather large lavender fields can be found near the village of Lavender (along the highway Simferopol - Alushta). In Simferopol, you need to take a trolleybus, get off at a stop in the village of Lavender and head towards Severnaya Demerdzhi through the village of Radiant. The walk takes about an hour. Do you want to relax in the Crimea and do not know how to book a hotel room? Go to .

Many lavender fields are spread on both sides of the Simferopol-Sudak highway. They begin in the area of ​​the village of Crimean Rose, which is 40 km from Simferopol.

Heading to Nikolaevka from Simferopol, the purple glow of the fields can be seen near the villages of Medicinal and Vodnoe.

Around the villages of Opushki and Mazanka near Simferopol are huge unkempt lavender fields. The same fields in the Belgorod region are located near the villages of Tsvetochnoe and Aromatnoe.

There are small fields of lavender in Sevastopol near the territory of the boarding house named after Mokrousov, as well as on the Mekenziev mountains, near the post office in Uchkuevka and Andreevka.

In the immediate vicinity of the village of Olenevka, on Cape Tarkhankut, there is a small picturesque lavender field.

We are often asked where lavender fields are located in Crimea. Many people want to visit them during the flowering period. It became difficult for everyone to answer, and I decided to write this article so that everyone could lay their own route, taking into account visiting at least one lavender field :)

Let's start with the fact that we denote the timing of flowering. Lavender does not bloom all year round, but only a couple of months a year, from mid-June to mid-August, but you better come to the field before mid-July to have time to look at all the lavender splendor BEFORE harvesting lavender.

There are also wild abandoned fields in Crimea, which no one cleans industrially, they can be visited in August. However, now there are so many who, without planting lavender themselves, use it for commercial purposes, that even wild fields you may not find blooming. Lavender is harvested on an industrial scale: it has become very profitable due to the growth in demand and the open borders of Crimea.

So, You can meet lavender in Crimea in several places: near Sevastopol, in Simferopol, Belogorsk, Sudak and Bakhchisaray regions and near Alushta.

Bakhchisarai region. One of the most beautiful and largest fields is located near the village of Turgenevka, it is located 7 km from Bakhchisarai. You can get there by car and on your own.

If you are traveling by car, then it is most convenient to get along the Sevastopol - Simferopol highway to the village of Zheleznodorozhnoye, and, having crossed the railway crossing, continue moving in the direction of the lilac fields. Bakhchisaray will remain on the left side. Upon reaching Turgenevka, turn left before the stop and go around the village around the edge.

If there is no car, then you can get to Turgenevka by regular bus, departing almost every hour from the Bakhchisaray bus station along the Bakhchisaray - Belokamennoye route. You have to walk a little to get to the village.

also in Bakhchisarai region there are lavender fields near the villages Growing, Cherished, Kudrino and Shelkovichnoye (behind the reservoir).

Simferopol region. Here lavender can be found in the villages of Opushki and Mazanka, the fields are abandoned and overgrown with weeds. More well-groomed fields are located in the villages of Medicinal and Harvest. And the most beautiful are the fragrant fields of the Lavender state farm on the road from Radiant to Northern Demerdzhi. You can get to them from Simferopol or Alushta by trolley bus. You need to get off at the bus stop near the village of Lavender. And from here to the fields about an hour on foot along the road leading towards Mount Demerdzhi.

Many lavender fields are located on both sides of the track Simferopol-Sudak. The fields begin 40 km from Simferopol near the village of Crimean Rose.

Sevastopol region. Here, small lavender fields have been preserved not far from the boarding house. Mokrousov (Uchkuevka) and in Uchkuevka itself near the post office and the beach, as well as on Mekenzian mountains and in Andreevka, although in the latter after the fire, they say, there was a very small area with lavender.

IN Belogorsky district lavender can be foundnear the villages of Fragrant and Flower.

But what about mountain lavender? You ask.

We answer: you can admire the lavender fields while traveling along the mountain road leading from Yalta to the Uchan-Su waterfall.

Here is our guide.

If you want to collect lavender and take it home with you. Remember that you will not bring it fresh. One option is to dry. In order for your lavender to stand for a long time and please you when you return home, it must be properly dried. To do this, collect the lavender in a small bunch, clasp the stems with your thumb and forefinger - this is a sufficient amount of the bunch, no more is needed. Tie the bundle with string and hang the flowers down in a shady and well-ventilated area. Flowers must be completely dry before shipping.

As for the purchase of dry and fresh bunches in markets, train stations and so on. Many locals earn extra money by selling lavender in bunches. But no one will give you a guarantee that they know how to pick and dry flowers. It may happen that purchased bundles fall off along the way. Well, even if they crumble, make yourself a sachet;)

In the markets of Crimea, you can also find lavender essential oil. Trust only factory production, artisanal oil production can be of poor quality.

I won’t talk about teas with lavender in particular. They are sold in bulk. There is a home-made from local residents, there are packed, it seems, as if in production. But you will not be able to check their quality, the sellers most likely will not have documents. To trust the quality of this product or not is a purely personal matter. Look, smell, taste.

With lavender honey, things are even more complicated. It will be offered often. But to know for sure whether it is lavender or not, it will not work: inside the jar there may be ordinary flower honey. The only way to somehow protect yourself from falsification is to ask the seller where the honey is collected, where are its apiaries? Above you see a list of places where lavender grows in Crimea. And if beekeepers sell honey from other places, then most likely you are being deceived. To collect lavender honey, you need very large plantations of lavender flowers.

In general, wherever you go - a pleasant stay! And take care of yourself.

I hope that this material will be useful to you;)

Project Creator LAVANDA shop

Anastasia Danilova

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The article uses photos of Sergei Anashkevich

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Many summer Crimea is associated primarily with the warm gentle sea and various beaches, but we want to show a slightly different Crimea, something similar to french provence. Crimea blooming lavender fields.

You can visit the Crimean "Provence" from about mid-June to mid-July. And, although lavender in Crimea blooms all summer, the main collection is made in the month of July. home of lavender mountainous areas Mediterranean. This essential oil plant first appeared in 1813 on the territory of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. And in 1928, the first plantations began to be laid for the production of lavender oil, used in perfumery and medicine.

If you drive along the Sevastopol - Simferopol highway, then, passing the village of Zheleznodorozhnoye, on the right side (if you move from Sevastopol) on the slope of the Inner Ridge Crimean mountains you can see several purple rectangles. These are lavender fields near the village of Turgenevka, one of the largest in Crimea today.

We visited there on the last day of June. Words and photos are difficult to convey the feeling of what he saw. You seemed to be in another world. Even rows of spherical lilac-purple bushes almost half a meter high go into the distance, the air is filled with an intoxicating aroma and literally trembles from a large number of bees and butterflies, because lavender is a wonderful honey plant. And even the sky seems to have turned into lilac tones that are unnatural for him. Lavender flowers have a very unusual color that changes throughout the day. Perhaps that is why everyone sees lavender in their own way. At dawn, lavender can appear blue, in the middle of the day - lilac, pink shades are added at sunset.

Lavender fields attract dozens of tourists and photographers who want to see the Crimean Provence. This is one of the favorite places for wedding photo shoots and love stories. A truly magical place.

Crimean "Provence"

Getting to the lavender fields near the village of Turgenevka is easy. You can take a regular bus departing almost every hour from the Bakhchisaray bus station along the Bakhchisaray - Belokamennoye route to Turgenevka and walk a little. If you are traveling by car, it is most convenient to get along the Sevastopol-Simferopol highway to the village of Zheleznodorozhnoye, and after moving through the railway crossing, continue moving towards the lilac fields, Bakhchisaray, while remaining on the left side. Having reached Turgenevka, before stopping, you need to turn left and go around the village along the edge.

Of course, these are not the only lavender fields in the Crimea. So, if you see an amazing lilac sea on your way, do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting Provence.

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Crimea is covered with lilac-blue carpets from the second half of June to August, depending on the weather, which the lady is very capricious. Those in the know say that the best time for photo sessions in the lavender fields is usually from June 25 to July 10. Later, lavender can also be found, but it may already be dried and not so picturesque, but somewhere it may already be removed.

When lavender blooms in Crimea

We got to the lavender fields near Alushta on July 5th. JSC Alushta Essential Oil State Farm-Plant operates in Alushta, which produces cosmetics based on natural oils, Crimean herbs, clay and healing mud, algae, as well as herbal teas, jams and syrups. During the flowering period of the rose - usually from May 25 until mid-June - and lavender - from June 25 until the harvest - the company organizes excursions to its fields.

Mountain lavender near Alushta. Crimea.#lavender #crimea #lavanda #crimea

Posted by Nina and Natasha, travelers (@shagauru) Jul 6, 2017 at 2:51 PDT

Excursion to the lavender and rose fields by bus

From Alushta there are offers for organized groups, as well as for individuals. It is necessary to leave a request on the page of the official website https://aemsz.ru/ekskursii.html or call by phone, in early July there were two group tours for individuals. The group is taken on a vintage bus to the mountains, treated to Crimean tea, wreath weaving workshops are held, and they are also allowed to collect lavender for themselves within reasonable limits.

The plant's pink and lavender fields are around here.

Excursion to the lavender fields by jeep

The second option to visit the lavender field with a tour of the fields of the state farm is to order a jeep ride from the Jeeping Tour company (+7 978 760 32 25, +7 978 760 32 30, website http://jeeping-tour.ru/) , we have chosen it.

An individual excursion for two cost 5,000 rubles. in 3.5 hours. In addition to the lavender field, we visited observation decks, which offer a view of Alushta and Mount Demerdzhi, in a century-old beech forest, in which they collected the purest mountain water from a spring, drove along the royal road and saw the bridge of the times of Catherine II, and simply breathed the grassy-mountainous Crimean air.

In early July, Crimea is buzzing and blooming, walking along the slopes of the mountains is the best aromatherapy.

At the points of sale of excursions in Alushta, you can buy a similar excursion in the form of a horse ride.

Photo shoots in lavender and rose fields, in wheat

Like it or not, flowering plantations are more exotic than frog legs and oysters for most of us. Guaranteed beautiful pictures can be obtained by ordering a photo shoot. As it turned out, not all lavender fields in Crimea look like postcard views of blooming Provence. Photographers know the best of them, in addition, they understand the most beautiful angles, the best time of day with beautiful light.

You can order a photo session, for example, from Natalia Palenichka (http://palenichka.ru/).

Where in Crimea are Lavender fields besides Alushta

Lavender did not appear in Crimea on its own, it began to be bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden on the southern coast of Crimea. In Soviet times, the cultivation of lavender acquired an industrial scale, the Union was proud of the quality of its flowers, we were told that their quality for cosmetic products exceeded Provencal, so France actively bought our lavender. The collapse of the country also affected the lavender-pink theme, many fields were abandoned.

Until now, riding in the mountains, you can see wild lavender, which is densely surrounded by weeds. In one place I saw pink fields that turned into wild - thickets of wild roses. Now many fields have been given to private hands, so they look more well-groomed. Often the distance between the bushes is much less than in Provence, so the photos are less spectacular if you take French pictures as a standard. For me, the Crimean fields have their own charm, what could be more beautiful than the mountain lavender that Sofia Rotaru sang about?

The landscapes closest to the fields of Provence can be found in the Bakhchisaray district, namely in the village of Turgenevka (locals will help you find it).

Where to look for lavender fields in Crimea (map)

From Simferopol, look for the villages: Vodnoe, Mazanki, Medicinal, Crimean Rose, between Fragrant and Flower. If you are traveling with south coast Crimea, you can visit these fields, and at the same time visit the unique Taigan lion park, which is located in the Belogorsk district.

From Alushta, Yalta, Gaspra: Lavender.

From Sevastopol: Uchkuevka, Andreevka, Mekenzie mountains.

Bakhchisaray district: Turgenevka, Tarasovka, Cherished, Kudrino, Shelkovichnoe, Growing.

Special thanks for the photo to the Crimean photographer Palenichka Natalia