Interior design in the Provence style - how to create the comfort of the French province. What is Provence

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States in the territory:
Roman state 26px 2nd century BC e.
-395 CE e.
Western Roman Empire 26px 395 - 476
Kingdom of Odoacer 36px 476 - 493
... ... 493 - 510
Kingdom of the Ostrogoths 20px 510 - 536
Kingdom of the Franks
(in -751 part of the Frankish Burgundy)
20px 536 - 843
middle kingdom 26px 843 - 855
Kingdom of Provence ... 855 - 863
Kingdom of Italy ... 863 - 875
West Frankish kingdom ... 875 - 879
Kingdom of Provence
(Lower Burgundy)
... 879 - 933
(part of the coast)
888 - 972
Kingdom of Burgundy
... 933 - 1032-34
Holy Roman Empire 38px 1032-34 - ...
County of Provence 28px ... - 1246
... ... ...

In the east, the region is bounded by the Alps, in the west by the Rhone, in the south by the Mediterranean Sea.

Caesar in the Gallic War says go out Provincia in Narbonnensis at the time of crossing the Rhone, which explains, perhaps, the fact that only that part of the old Narbonne Gaul, which is located east of the Rhone, later became known as Provence.


In ancient times, on the territory of present-day Provence, there were settlements of the Phoenicians, Greeks, then, in the 2nd century BC. e. where the Romans settled. As a result, Provence became one of the most Romanized provinces of Gaul. Christianity spread here in the 3rd century. After the decline of the Roman Empire, the province was overwhelmed by invasions of Germanic barbarians - Visigoths and Franks. The Arab invasion followed in the 8th century. In the years 855-863, there was the kingdom of Provence (King - Charles of Provence), which included, in addition to Provence proper, also most of Burgundy. From 1032 to 1246 Provence was part of the Holy Roman Empire, then it became part of the French kingdom.

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An excerpt characterizing Provence

- So explain more! I interrupted him abruptly. - Explain to me how you can sit quietly with folded arms when human lives go out one after another through your own fault ?! Explain how such scum as Caraffa can exist, and no one has a desire to even try to destroy it ?! Explain how you can live when this happens next to you? ..
Bitter resentment bubbled in me, trying to splash out. I almost screamed, trying to reach his soul, but I felt that I was losing. There was no way back. I didn't know if I would ever get there again, and I had to use every opportunity before leaving.
“Look, Sever! All over Europe your brothers and sisters are burning like living torches! Can you really sleep soundly hearing their cries??? And how can you not have bloody nightmares?!
His calm face was twisted into a grimace of pain.
“Don’t say that, Isidora! I already explained to you - we should not interfere, we are not given such a right ... We are the guardians. We only protect KNOWLEDGE.
- Don't you think that if you wait some more, there will be no one to save your knowledge for? I exclaimed sadly.
“The earth is not ready, Isidora. I already told you this...
- Well, perhaps it will never be ready ... And someday, in some thousand years, when you look at it from your "tops", you will see only an empty field, perhaps even overgrown with beautiful flowers, because that there will no longer be people on Earth at that time, and there will be no one to pluck these flowers ... Think, Sever, is this the future you wished for the Earth?! ..
But the North was protected by a blank wall of faith in what he said ... Apparently, they all ironically believed that they were right. Or someone once instilled this faith in their souls so firmly that they carried it through the centuries, not opening up and not allowing anyone into their hearts ... And I could not break through it, no matter how hard I tried.
“We are few, Isidora. And if we intervene, it is possible that we will also die ... And then it will be easier than ever for a weak person, not to mention one like Karaffa, to use everything that we store. And someone will have power over all living things in their hands. This has happened before... A very long time ago. The world almost died then. Therefore, forgive me, but we will not interfere, Isidora, we do not have the right to do so... Our Great Ancestors bequeathed us to protect the ancient KNOWLEDGE. And that's what we're here for. What do we live for? We didn't even save Christ once... Although we could. But we all loved him very much.
– You want to say that some of you knew Christ?!.. But it was so long ago!.. Even you cannot live that long!
- Why - for a long time, Isidora? - Sever was sincerely surprised. “That was only a few hundred years ago!” And we live much longer, you know. How could you live if you wanted to...
– A few hundred?! North nodded. - But what about the legend?! .. After all, one and a half thousand years have passed since his death?! ..
- That's why she is a "legend" ... - Sever shrugged his shoulders, - After all, if she were the Truth, she would not need custom-made "fantasies" of Paul, Matthew, Peter and the like? .. With all that, that these “holy” people had never even seen the living Christ! And he never taught them. History repeats itself, Isidora... So it was, and so it will always be, until people finally begin to think for themselves. In the meantime, Dark minds think for them - only struggle will always rule on Earth...
The North fell silent, as if deciding whether to continue. But after a little thought, nevertheless, he spoke again ...
– “Thinking Dark Ones”, from time to time give humanity a new God, choosing him always from the best, the brightest and purest, but precisely those who are definitely no longer in the Circle of the Living. Since, you see, it is much easier to “dress” the false “history of his Life” on the dead and let it into the world so that it would bring to humanity only what was “approved” by the “Thinking Dark Ones”, forcing people to plunge even deeper into the ignorance of the Mind swaddling their Souls more and more in fear of inevitable death, and putting the same shackles on their free and proud Life...
– Who are the Thinking Dark, Sever? - I could not stand it.
- This is the Dark Circle, which includes the "gray" Magi, "black" magicians, money geniuses (their own for each new period of time), and much more. Simply put, this is the Earthly (and not only) association of "dark" forces.
“And you don’t fight them?!!” You talk about it so calmly, as if it doesn't concern you!.. But you also live on Earth, Sever!
There was a deadly longing in his eyes, as if I had accidentally touched something deeply sad and unbearably sick.
- Oh, we fought, Isidora! .. How we fought! It was a long time ago ... I, like you now, was too naive and thought that if people just show where the truth is and where the lie is, they will immediately rush to the attack for a “just cause”. These are just “dreams about the future”, Isidora... Man, you see, is an easily vulnerable creature... Too easily succumbing to flattery and greed. Yes, and various other "human vices" ... People first of all think about their needs and benefits, and only then - about the "other" living people. Those who are stronger - crave Power. Well, the weak are looking for strong defenders, not at all interested in their "cleanliness". And this has been going on for centuries. That is why in any war the brightest and the best die first. And the rest of the "remaining" join the "winner" ... And so it goes in a circle. The earth is not ready to think, Isidora. I know you do not agree, because you yourself are too pure and bright. But one person is not able to overthrow the common EVIL, even such a strong one as you. Earthly Evil is too big and free. We tried once... and lost the best. That is why we will wait until the right time comes. There are too few of us, Isidora.
“But then why don’t you try to fight differently?” In a war that does not require your lives? You have such a weapon! And why do you allow people like Jesus to be desecrated? Why don't you tell people the truth?

provence(fr. provence, provencal. Provenca, lit. "province" historical area in southeastern France, now part of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. Currently, Provence includes the departments of Var, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhone, as well as parts of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Alpes-Maritimes.

In the east, the region is bounded by the Alps, in the west by the Rhone, in the south by the Mediterranean Sea. The generous climate of Provence and its fertile lands give a surprisingly rich harvest of fragrant plants that have unique properties. The climate is generally Mediterranean (hot and dry), moderated by terrain features and sea breezes.

The capital of Provence is Marseille, one of the oldest French cities. It was founded by the Greeks around 600 BC. Today it is the largest port in France and the largest industrial center.

In ancient times, on the territory of present-day Provence, there were settlements of the Phoenicians, Greeks, then, in the 2nd century BC, the Romans settled here. As a result, Provence became one of the most Romanized provinces of Gaul. Christianity spread here in the 3rd century. After the decline of the Roman Empire, the province was overwhelmed by the invasions of the German barbarians - the Visigoths and the Franks. In the VIII century, the invasion of the Arabs followed.

In the years 855-863 there was a kingdom of Provence (King - Charles of Provence), which included, in addition to Provence proper, also most of Burgundy.

From 1032 to 1246, Provence was part of the Holy Roman Empire, then it became part of the French kingdom. Besides French, in Provence they speak a special Occitan (Provençal) language.

Provence - French wine region, perhaps the oldest in the country. The area of ​​vineyards is about 24 thousand hectares. The isolation and remoteness of the region from Paris moved Provence away from the elite of winemaking for a long time. Only the development of tourism and the revival of a serious attitude to wine at the end of the 20th century. brought this region out of oblivion.

The varietal composition of the cultivated grapes (Carignan, Cinsault, Grenache, Syrah and Mourvèdre) unites Provence with Southern Rhone and Languedoc, but over the past 20 years, winemakers in the region have managed to give their wines a distinct terroir character. Today there are wines not only "for tourists", but also for the most demanding connoisseurs - from light and fragrant roses to full-bodied reds and expressive whites. Their aroma is rich with shades of sun-scorched herbs, heated stones and resinous pines soaked in sea iodine.

Provence produces almost the same amount of rosé and red wines (together more than 1 million hl); whites are made much less - about 45 thousand ch. Regional wines go under AOC Cötes de Provence; wines are listed slightly higher AOC Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provance(d'Aix-en-Provence) and Baux de Provence (Beau de Provence), which have also shown significant progress in recent years. The best wines of the region come from the Bandol region. Red bandoli have tannin power and aromatic brightness, they reach full development by the age of 10. By law, Bandol wines must contain at least 50% Mourvèdre, but many of the the best manufacturers only this variety is used, since it is it that gives the wine excellent minerality.

Provence is diverse: the endless vineyards of Gigonde, the silvery hills of the Nyon olive groves, the lavender valleys stretching from Valréa to Vaison-la-Romaine. Huge cliffs in Les Baux, cypresses and cedars under the scorching azure skies of Arles - all this makes Provence a unique place to relax.

Mount Mont Ventoux (Mont Ventoux)- one of the most beautiful scenery Provence. At its foot is one of the largest natural springs in the world (fifth largest) - Fontaine de Vaucluse (Fontaine de Vaucluse). Provencal roads are very picturesque - especially noteworthy are the roads through mountain range Luberon and travel to Arles, Saint-Remy and Avignon.

A lover of antiquity has to make a difficult choice between the numerous sights of the region: it is almost impossible to visit everything even in a month. 2000-year-old Roman amphitheater in Arles, the medieval monastery of Saint-Trophime, the Maison Carré castle in Nimes, preserved from the time of Emperor Augustus, ruins of the 6th century BC. near Saint-Remy-de-Provence, the papal palace in Avignon… Avignon is the most romantic city in Provence, the quintessence of the south of France. The massive papal palace, the fortress walls of the 14th century, the Rocher-de-Dome gardens overlooking the Rhone, the Avignon Pont Saint-Brezenet, sung by poets, are the main attractions of the city.

From Avignon you can drive to Orange. The road there passes through endless lavender fields, embraces the desire to plunge into this intoxicating smell blooming lavender. In Orange there is a triumphal arch built in honor of the victories of Julius Caesar, a theater of the Augustan era, which has been perfectly preserved from those ancient times, and is considered the best monument of the Augustan era in the world. Nearby, in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, there is also a Roman mausoleum, another triumphal arch.

Driving along the famous Provencal triangle - from Beaucaire and Tarascon to Arles, you can look at the Roman amphitheater located in the center of Arles, which was built in 46 BC. Not far from the Church of St. Trofim is the coronation site of Frederick Barbarossa. here you can walk in the footsteps of Van Gogh and look at landscapes that have changed little since the time of his paintings (cedars near the ruins).

In Marseille, the tourist is impressed by the panoramic view of the bay from the mountain, where the Church of the Virgin of Marseille is located. (Vierge-la-Garde), an island from legendary novel Dumas with the castle of Yves, boat trips along the coast with the famous rocks, which the French call "calanque". Restaurants serve signature fish soup bouillabaisse (bouillabaisse).

In Provence is the Côte d'Azur (fr. Côte d'Azur) - southeast coast mediterranean sea east of the city of Toulon, to the border with Italy. The Principality of Monaco is also located on the Cote d'Azur. Another name is the French Riviera.

In addition to the noted attractive sides of Provence, there is another one - a large number of cultural events and festivals, especially in the summer. Opera, music and jazz, dance and theater festivals take place almost everywhere - from a small village lost in the Alps to such a cultural giant as Aix-en-Provence.

There are a huge number of trends in interior design that can bring comfort to the house. The Provence style in the interior is considered to be the lightest and most airy among them. In this article, we will tell you how to create a French oasis in your own nest, how to choose finishing materials, what shades and colors will add purity and sophistication to your home, what furniture is used in the design. Elegant simplicity is the true concept of this style.

History of origin

The Provencal style got its name thanks to the picturesque French province with the same name. This enchanting corner is known for its purple carpets of lavender fields with a rich intoxicating aroma, picturesque landscapes, endless skies with blue tints, crystal smooth Cote d'Azur, as well as excellent traditional dishes with the addition of juicy greens, as well as sweet and tart spices.

It was this tandem of factors that attracted, and still attracts artists to the French province, thanks to which the Provencal style of design has gained wide popularity in the European expanses.
What are the houses of the Provencal village? These are cozy dwellings, through the windows of which daylight seeps through. The aromas of homemade pastries, the fabulous energy of hospitality and warmth, intertwined with the surrounding landscapes…

Many people believe that Provence is a simple, unpretentious style, but "all the salt" is in the details. To recreate the atmosphere of Provence, you must have an impeccable refined taste.

Provencal colors

Designers pay special attention to creating a color scheme for the interior. After all, this aspect is the most important for creating the atmosphere of Provencal houses. To decorate rooms, you can use light pastel colors to create the effect of “burnt out” surfaces. Do not forget that the southern part of France, where Provence is located, is caressed by playful sun rays almost all year round.

Ecological colors enjoy great love among the owners of French houses: delicate green, blue, earthen, sand. Provence-style interiors are also characterized by white color, but you need to be very careful with its use. Otherwise, the bright hospitable will evoke thoughts of a hospital ward. It is also appropriate to use mustard and saffron, lavender and cornflower blue shades, which embody the beauty of Provencal meadows.

An important note: a Provence-style interior, by definition, will not tolerate too contrasting combinations. It is characterized by a pastel color scheme with small splashes of bright colors. It is very important to feel this edge so that a scattering of “spots” in the form of decorative elements does not become one catchy “spot”.

Decoration Materials

If desired, plastered walls can be decorated with wallpaper with floral ornaments. But most often, lovers of Provence decorate the rooms of their house or apartment with the help of plaster - classic or decorative. It must be deliberately applied with roughness, irregularities. Walls can be white or wood paneled. The latter needs to be given a somewhat shabby look. But for the kitchen, you can use mosaic or ceramic tiles.

Ivory walls are perfect for small rooms. Light colors visually expand the space.

The Provence-style ceiling can be white and inlaid with dark ceiling beams. A win-win option is an ensemble with masonry elements. Also, to recreate the beauty of French houses, you can use stucco molding, which will add elegance to your home.

For a Provence-style room, there is nothing better than a natural wooden floor from an unfinished board. To decorate the floors in the bathroom, as well as the kitchen, you can use plain tiles in muted colors.

Let's say a word about Provencal furniture

For French Provence characterized by furniture with open hanging shelves, sideboards and with a rough texture. Often, designers design milky-colored furniture with an unobtrusive floral motif for this style.

To create a French oasis at home, natural wood furniture is used. Especially popular are such types of wood as: light walnut, chestnut or oak. Thanks to the patination technique, you can give your old furniture new life. After all, the Provence interior style just means painted facades with scuffs.

Provencal style and lighting

Chandeliers and lamps for the kitchen or living room should maintain the same concept of naturalness and natural materials. You can choose light sources from metal, porcelain or wood. Their key task is not to take away attention from pieces of furniture or pastel-colored finishes.

Also pay attention to the colors of the chandelier. They should not be too colorful, two tones are enough - white and some pastel. For example, "burnt out" yellow, purple or pale pink. Such color schemes are ideal for a bedroom or living room, but for the kitchen, you can take cream or muted turquoise shades. Do not forget that retro lamps should be combined with each other. Forged lamps with floral ornaments will also look original in the Provencal style of the interior.

Floral interior motifs

It is known that Provence combines sophistication multiplied by simplicity. The main element is a floral ornament, which can be seen in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, curtains and decorative pillows.

Door and hallway furniture in a similar color scheme in a country house

An obligatory accent is flowers - rose and lavender, which personify the beauty of the Provencal village. They can be traced not only in decorative elements, but also in interior decoration. For example, wallpaper with delicate flowers or a floral pattern on ceramic tiles.
Since the French province is famous for the beauty of nature, this style implies an abundance of living plants in artificially aged planters placed around the house. You can decorate the living room with cute bouquets of wild flowers, dried flowers. Ivy branches hanging from the walls look very interesting. From indoor plants, give preference to bluebells, violets and hydrangeas.

Provencal style and decor

The key task is not to overdo it with decorative elements. The interior of French rural houses is characterized by aged vases, vintage frames and candlesticks, figurines and antique table sets. It also needs to be said about the great love of Provence admirers for wicker baskets. They can be used to store children's toys, books and clothes. As you can see, even decor items can become original and functional helpers.

Many supporters of this style attribute excessive asceticism to it. It really has smooth lines and a certain minimalism. But you can always decorate the walls with neat or family photos. Speaking of painting, please note that landscapes and are appropriate in the Provence style. Modern modular paintings and abstractions have no place in a measured and smooth stylistic direction.

Creating a special atmosphere in a private house

Due to its elegance and simplicity, Provence in the interior has become popular among owners of country houses. In addition to general recommendations, they should pay attention to a very important element of decor - a fireplace. Without it, it is difficult to imagine a French cozy house, the atmosphere of which Europeans are trying to recreate at home.

The fireplace must be made from organic materials. The most popular combination is natural stone and wood. An important detail is forged gratings or screens, which, in combination with wooden surfaces, will look great.
It is also worth considering a very interesting two-tone staining. As a base, you can use a delicate blue color, and apply white on top. It is recommended to go over the corners and protruding elements with sandpaper after the fireplace has dried.

Interesting options for decorating a fireplace for a summer residence

The interior in Provence style is characterized by scuffs and aging. We offer you several techniques that will help you change your fireplace beyond recognition, thereby giving it the appropriate look.
1. Coloring with patina effect. With the help of special paint, you can create a very interesting pattern on forged elements of the fireplace and other decor items.

2. Give the fireplace a cracked look will help craquelure. To do this, you can use the appropriate types of varnishes or even thin-layer plaster.

But what about the residents of multi-storey "blocks"? For them, the best option would be made in the style of Provence. There are very realistic models with charred logs that imitate the crackling sound of firewood. To decorate a wall with a fireplace, you can use live or.

Interior of rooms and kitchen in Provence style

Most often, the bedchamber looks most impressive. There are neat translucent curtains on the large windows, and in the center of the room there is a bed with metal forging. Light walls are harmoniously combined with the floral textiles of the bedroom, and neat lamps add calmness to the boudoir and create an atmosphere of tranquility. What else do you need for a quality holiday?

In the interior of the living room, it is necessary to use upholstered furniture with rounded lines, aged vintage cabinets, and in the center of the hall there is a fireplace with metal forging. For decoration, you can also use floor lamps with muted soft light.

Usually a Provence-style kitchen is filled with light-colored furniture with open shelves. On them are bright hand-painted plates. The dining area is necessarily a large wooden table with antique chairs or stools. Their colors can be contrasting: marsh, terracotta or dark blue.

Distinctive features of the Provence style in interior design:

  • Its key components are simplicity and conciseness. And this is manifested in all aspects - from the color scheme to the selection of furniture and surface design. When creating an atmosphere in the spirit of Provencal houses, try to save as much free space as possible. Half-empty rooms flooded with streams of sunlight - this is a classic Provence. Pomp and redundancy are alien to him.
  • There are no clear instructions for creating Provencal color palettes. But in its interior it is necessary to use a boiling white color, its derivatives with a warm undertone. You can fill a gloomy living room with earthy tones. For the base color, choose ash or pale pink, delicate blue or lilac. And if you decide to add deep, rich "spots", use muted blues, dark browns, purples.
  • Furniture inside Provencal houses can be light or dark. Don't be afraid to combine wood with metal. Wooden facades of kitchen cabinets, decorated with forged handles or gratings, look appropriate. Such decor options do not lose their relevance either in 2000 or in 2018.

Key differences between Provence and country

Many people who like the farmhouse style confuse the two. But the difference is significant:

  • The first style is characterized by an abundance of floral motifs, which, most often, are focused on the textile components of the interior. In addition to berry, floral ornaments, country style is characterized by strict geometric patterns: a cage, a strip or peas. But in the Provencal style, the cage is not used.
  • The country color scheme is dominated by warm tones, but the shades of French meadows - cornflower blue and lavender - are never used. Yes, and white has no place in a country house, decorated in country style. The Provencal interior is filled with cool tones dictated by Mother Nature herself.
  • dominated by natural wood. Most often these are stained, and unpainted wooden surfaces. Decorative beams, like furniture, look like “tortured” wood. But the Provence style is also a tree, but, most often, painted in several layers (pastel, white tones, ivory is also very popular).

As you can see, the Provence style in the interior requires attention to detail. Thanks to the combination of ecological materials with airy pastel shades, you can create a truly charming hospitable atmosphere in your home with your own hands. Provence combines nobility and tranquility. Decorating a house or apartment in this style is ideal for people who are tired of living in concrete "fetters". Therefore, if you strive to merge with nature, silence, then create a French oasis right in the middle of the metropolis - in your own home. Moreover, this year the popularity of Provence will not fade.

The distance between the capital of France and Provence is quite large. So it is better to use the services of airlines. Airports are located in cities such as Avignon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nice, Toulon. TGV trains also go to these cities. IN major cities Provence has a railway connection with small towns.

The best way to travel around Provence and see all the sights and beauty of the region is to rent a car.


Provence has a mediterranean climate which provides plenty of sunny days, hot summers, mild winters and rare precipitation (April, October). average temperature in summer it reaches 35°C, and in winter it is not lower than 10°C.
In the mountainous areas, precipitation is more regular and the temperature drops by about 5°C with every thousand meters.
During the winter months, the region is influenced by north wind mistral. This cold piercing wind can literally knock you off your feet. But thanks to him, there are no prolonged rains in Provence.

by the most best time for a trip to this beautiful region, you can call the end of May - June. During this period, comfortable air temperature (24°C - 28°C), cloudless skies, lack of rain, and lavender blooms turn Provence into a true paradise.
Also, the region attracts tourists in the autumn months - the time of the grape harvest.


Provence cuisine is very tasty and healthy. Light meals are mostly steamed or grilled. Fish dishes are superior to meat dishes in many ways, a huge selection of seafood is present on every menu. And also, olives, eggplant, anchovies, artichokes, garlic, olive oil and many herbs that are part of the main local dishes. The most common spice in the region is basil. The Mediterranean Sea and the proximity to Italy have left a big imprint on the traditional cuisine of Provence.

Popular dishes:
- Nicoise salad (salade nigoise);
- mesclun lettuce;
- traditional Marseille fish soup bouillabaisse;
- mashed salted cod and potatoes (brandade de morue);
- ratatouille (ratatouille);
- Beef stew Befan dob (bœufendaube).


The sights of Provence are scattered throughout the cities of the region. In the north of Provence are the Southern Alps. In this part of the region you can visit National parks and reserves. In the valley of the Durance River is national park Mercantour.

The town of Auron is ski resort where a large number of vacationers gather in winter.
In the town of Sospel, you can walk along the old streets with Gothic architecture, as well as visit the Saint-Michel chapel and Fort Saint-Roch, where the Museum of the Resistance is located.

The Rhone Valley is famous for its vineyards (villages: Gigondas, Beaumes de Venise, Sablet, Seguret, Vacqueyras, Rasteau).

A few kilometers from Lyon, you can visit the green hills of Mont du Layonnaise.
The small town of Saint-Pierre la Palud is home to the Mining Museum, and in the neighboring village of Perouges, you can experience Provencal life in all its glory.

Worth visiting:
- Shoe Museum (Romans-sur-Isere city);
- the old town of Valence;
- Museum of Miniatures, Ademar Castle (city of Montelimar);

South of the Rhone Valley, the Mediterranean region already begins.

The village of Chateauneuf du Pape attracts tourists with the ruins of the Pope's palace. And also, having visited the village, it is worth visiting the Wine Museum, and of course tasting it.

The town of Vaison la Romaine is interesting with a dilapidated medieval castle, a Roman bridge and an old cathedral.
And in the village of Le Crestet (Le Crestet) is the famous art center of the Cross, which contains exhibits of famous masters.

Mont Ventoux offers the best view of Southern Provence. At the foot of the mountain is a beautiful village.

The city of Vaucluse has one of the natural springs, which is the fifth largest in the world. The gorge forms many streams and waterfalls. This beauty of nature is worth it to come here. Also, in the villages you can visit the museums of Petrarch, Goufre, Senton, World War II or a paper mill.
The neighboring village of Gordes is famous for its stone houses and the 16th century castle, which now houses the Paul Mara Museum.
In the city of Apt (Apt) you can visit a confectionery factory, the Luberon Natural Park, the Museum of Paleontology.

Avignon is the most romantic city in Provence. The main attractions of the city are the Papal Palace (Palais des Papes), the gardens of Rocher des Doms and the St. Bezenet.
From Avignon there is a road to the neighboring city of Orange. The town is famous for its great music festival, the triumphal arch, which is located immediately at the entrance to the city, and the ancient theater of the Augustan era.
Arles also has a Roman amphitheater, where gladiatorial fights were held in the past.

Continuing your journey to Aix en Provence, stop at the small village of Les Baux. There is a fortress of the XI century, which is well preserved to this day. From the walls of the fortress offers a stunning view of the valley.
Aix-en-Provence has a great historical and cultural heritage. The city has a large number of fountains that gather around them a lot of people during the summer heat. Ancient streets, baroque palaces, mansions with openwork balconies, the Gothic-style town hall will be of interest to many tourists.

The main southern port city of Provence and the whole country - Marseilles(Marseille). Most tourists gather in the Old Port, where it opens beautiful view on the sea and the legendary island with the castle of If.

except huge amount architectural monuments of the Roman era and the Middle Ages, the region has fabulous natural scenery. The richness of nature and landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent.


Throughout the year, Provence will be of interest to tourists. Each season gives residents and guests of the region an unforgettable experience.

January: St. Clair fair, truffle festivals, Barjols festival, seafood festival.
February: mimosa festival, carnivals.
March: Music festival in Marseille, bullfighting in Arles, antique fairs, almond blossoms, cherries.
April: ceramic fairs, asparagus festival, festival of the Middle Ages.
May: lily of the valley festival, shepherds festival, gypsy festival, poppy blossom.
June: Taraxon festival, music festival, fairs in Marseille, beginning of lavender blossom.
July: Marseille Jazz Festival, Avignon Theater Festival, Aix-en-Provence Lyrical Art Festival.
August: photography festival in Arles, antique fairs in Ile sur la Sorgue, lavender festivals.
September: olive festival in Mouries, electronic music festival in Marseille, rice festival in Arles.
October: pumpkin fairs, Marseille music festival, young wine festivals.
November: Christmas markets start, Avignon wine fair, truffle markets.
December: Christmas markets, olive oil festival, santon fairs.


Almost all shops in Provence are open daily from 9 am to 7 pm, except Sunday. Large shopping centers open until 9pm.
Small shops and shops close for lunch from 12:00 to 14:00.
Be sure to visit the antique markets, where you can find a lot of interesting things for a small fee.

What to bring from a trip to Provence?

Olive oil is one of the main souvenirs brought from Provence. It can be purchased everywhere, but it is best to go to a special farm where the oil is produced. There you can also buy a jar of tapenade (thick olive paste).

Also, in every souvenir shop you can see olive wood products (spoons, bowls, mortars, planks).

Provencal herbs(herbes de Provence). By purchasing a few bags with a mixture of perfumed herbs, you can enjoy their aroma in your kitchen.

A box of calisson (calisson) - local sweets in the form of diamonds. The main factory for the production of these sweets is located in Aix en Provence. But a souvenir box can be bought at any store.

Clay figurines Santons handmade.

Textile products with a Provencal pattern (tablecloths, napkins, towels, curtains, bed linen).

Wine. calling card Provence can be called rosé wine Cotes de Provence. But also, there is a large selection of red and white wines for every taste.

And, of course, lavender. She is everywhere here: perfumes, cute, creams, sprays, jams, honey, sweets. Choose what is closer to you. But, do not forget to buy a small bouquet of lavender as a memento of your stay in this amazing region.

Amazing mountainous landscapes deep gorge, endless lavender fields, almond groves, olive valleys, numerous vineyards, delicious cuisine - worth a visit to Provence.