Ski resort Bormio in Italy: slopes, thermal baths, hotels, photos and videos. Ski resort Bormio in Italy: skiing, shopping and entertainment Bormio ski

Excellent ski slopes, healing thermal springs, architectural and historical monuments, excellent hotels, restaurants, bars: all this is Bormio in Italy - a resort town located in the Alps at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. Vacationers come here throughout the year: skiing - in winter, mountain biking - in summer, being treated at thermal spas - all year round.

The history of the resort has more than one hundred years: the settlement was founded by the Romans, who were attracted by the local thermal springs. But how the Bormio ski resort began to position itself only in the middle of the twentieth century - people began to come here not only to be treated, but also to ride.

Bormio is located in the Alps at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level.

A serious impetus to the development of the infrastructure of the city was the Alpine Skiing World Championship - in 1985, Bormio was chosen as the venue. In preparation for such a grand event, the tracks were updated and improved, new cable cars were equipped, comfortable hotels, shops, as well as restaurants, bars, clubs and other entertainment venues were built, thanks to which the city turned into a rather fashionable resort.

Ski resort Bormio

Today Bormio is about 120 kilometers of excellent slopes of various difficulty levels, of which approximately 20% are especially difficult black slopes, 55% are red for intermediate skiers and 25% are relatively gentle blue. Here, both beginners who ski for the first time and high-class professionals feel quite comfortable here.

The north-facing black runs Cima Bianca and Le Motte-Oga are for experienced skiers. These are, for the most part, virgin slopes with a small amount of vegetation, suitable for off-piste skiing. Since the snow there is very hard, safety nets are installed along the tracks for safety reasons.

More gentle red runs are located between Cima Bianca and Cimino station, as well as between Cimino and Bormio 2000 - they are distinguished by the almost complete absence of direct stages, so you should go down them carefully and carefully. Sufficiently wide and well-groomed blue trails for "dummies" are located on the northern slope - their slope angle does not exceed 25%.

Winter in the resort is moderately mild

For runners, the resort is equipped with 12 kilometers of cross-country trails, in addition, there are excellent opportunities for freeriding - quite dangerous, but incredibly exciting. There is also a snow park with a half-pipe for virtuoso skiers.

The elevation difference in Bormio is the largest in the Italian part of the Alps - 1792 meters, the maximum skiing height is 3017 meters, the minimum, respectively, is slightly more than 1200. Two funiculars and more than 20 lifts of various types help to overcome these heights.

Like other ski resorts, there is a ski pass system that gives access to all ski areas. The cost of a ski pass depends on the season (in the low season the price is an order of magnitude lower), as well as the validity period - two, four, six days. It should be noted that a six-day ski pass is preferable, because it gives you the opportunity to ski not only in Bormio, but for one day go to the Swiss ski slopes located in the Engadine region.

The resort has ski schools for adults and children with different levels of training, which are staffed by experienced instructors who can put on skis even the most clumsy and unsportsmanlike.

Climate and weather

The climate in Bormio is typical for Alpine resorts - winters are moderately mild, the average temperature ranges from -3 to + 7C. January is considered the coldest month - the thermometer can drop to -8C. Humidity is moderate, so frosts are tolerated very easily.

In Bormio, there are treatment centers built on the site of ancient Roman baths.

Despite the fact that the first snow falls already in November, the skiing season begins in December and lasts for five whole months - until April. On the mountain peaks, where the negative temperature lasts throughout the year, the snow caps never melt.

How to get to Bormio

The closest international airports to Bormio are in and Milan. In winter, at the height of the tourist season, a special MT Bus shuttle runs between Milan and the ski resort - the trip takes about three hours.

The resort offers about a hundred comfortable hotels

If you use the services of a taxi or a rented car, you will get to the place much faster. Order a taxi from the airport online.

To rent a car, in order to avoid overpayments, it is better to use the popular European car rental price comparison service.

You can also get from Milan to Bormio by train - first to the Tirano railway station, located 30 kilometers from the resort, and then by bus going straight to the city.

In addition, you can get to the ski resort of Bormio from Switzerland or Austria by overcoming mountain passes by car, but this option is not always acceptable due to snowfalls, during which some roads are closed.


Beautiful place, thermal springs, the border of three countries - Bormio: ski resort in Italy

Italy: the country of pizza, spaghetti, five seas and beautiful mountains. And in the mountains, ski resorts are comfortably located, which annually receive millions of tourists on their slopes. Bormio is a ski resort in Italy, which all lovers of snowboarding and alpine skiing know about. This is a fairly large resort and the total length of the slopes is about 106 kilometers! There are trails for beginners, for amateurs and professionals. Experienced instructors will teach you how to ski confidently and ski down the slope without any problems. Want to know more about this fabulous place? Stay with us and read all the way to the end.

A little about the resort

Bormio is the name of a city located at the foot of the mountains. The city was mastered a very long time ago, already in the days of the Roman Empire, it existed. Here at one time there were famous personalities, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and others. Of course, they came here not for skiing, but for art and their work. Artists, writers, poets - they all liked these places and this atmosphere.
According to the latest data, just over 4,000 people live in the city on a permanent basis. Almost all of them are related to the tourism and health business. After all, in addition to ski resorts, there are excellent health-improving thermal springs, and no less tourists come to them than to the mountains.

Bormio piste scheme: characteristics of the slopes

Those who first decided to go to the Bormio ski resort first study the route map. This is correct, so you can understand whether these mountains are suitable for you, and whether it is worth visiting this place.
And so, at the bottom of the mountain, from where tourists climb to the top of the mountain, there are 30 lifts. They can take you to a height of 1200 to 3000 meters. The trails here are quite long and many have a length of more than 1500 meters.
To better understand the intricate tracks, look at two maps:

Reviews of the ski resort Bormio

Tourists who have been here share their impressions and leave reviews. Here are some of them.


“Bormio is a great place to relax in winter. There are many slopes and they are suitable for all groups of tourists. There are even separate children's tracks. In winter, there are no problems with weather and snow. And the city is very beautiful and cozy. Only at the peak of the season prices are too high, but this is the case everywhere.


"This is a beautiful place! Climbing the highest mountain you can see three countries at once: Italy, Austria and Switzerland. As for the resort itself, it's great. Lots of trails, lots of fun. Thermal springs are another reason to choose this particular place for recreation. So I recommend it to everyone, and I ride here myself. ”

Ski resort Bormio on the map

Inexperienced tourists are unlikely to have an idea where the Bormio resort is located. We will show a point on the map, and you will immediately understand: this place is simply magical!

Bormio: official site

When going to this resort, first visit its official website:

there you will find all the accurate and necessary information and you will be able to see once again what a beautiful place it is!

How to get to Bormio

The town and the resort are located in the mountains, so there are no airports. The closest airport is in Milan. From there, the resort can be reached by car and the trip will take about 3.5 hours.
You can also get to Bormio by rail. Again, you will have to leave Milan. But the train will arrive in the village of Tirano at the station of the same name. Travel time is about three hours. Then get back in the car and in about half an hour you will be in the right place.

The resort is located at an altitude of 1225 meters. The highest point of the slopes is about 3012 meters. It is high enough and not all amateurs will be able to ski down from such a peak.
There are two things that make this place special, the first one:
The resort is located on a mountain where the borders of Italy, Switzerland and Austria pass. And if you have a Schengen visa, you can ride in any of these countries.

There are natural thermal springs. They are in the open air and tourists enjoy sitting in warm water in the middle of snow and winter. Local spa salons offer a variety of treatment procedures. People come here to recover from severe injuries and illnesses.
There are 85 hotels near the resort. In the season they are almost all busy, so you need to book a room in advance. Not all hotels are open all year round, most of them only in winter. But even in summer there are tourists who come for the sake of springs and spa salons.

Bormio is a ski resort in Italy, known since ancient times.

The city as a tourist center was first actively discussed in the 20th century.

However, Leonardo da Vinci himself visited these places at the end of the 16th century for the purpose of healing.

In contact with

Where is located

The resort itself is located in the northern part of Italy in the province of Sondria (this is the Lombardi region). The foot of four mountain passes seems to hide the ancient city from prying eyes.

The nature of the national reserve, which surrounds the city of Bormio, makes this place not only fabulously beautiful, but also untouched.

The city is popular with tourists not only in winter. In summer, the beauty of the old Italian streets attract tourists no less.

How to get from Milan to Bormio

Most believe that Bormio is a remote village, which is quite difficult to get to. However, everything here is provided for the convenience of tourists. You can fly to Moscow from Moscow, and from the metropolis there are several ways to the ski resort. One of them is on the train. By the way, this is one of the most convenient ways during a snowfall.

The train tracks stretch along the beauty of Lake Como, so you will spend these 3.5 hours enjoying nature. From Lombardy (here is the final station of the train) you can get to Bormio itself by a local bus, which follows from a stop located on the opposite side of the railway station.

The distance from Milan to Bormio in a straight line is 144 km. You can use a car. In time, the journey should take no more than 3 hours, however, during the “season”, a large flow of tourists creates traffic jams on the roads, so such a move can become long and tiring.

We must pay tribute to the organizers of the resort, because on the official website of the Bormio resort ( you can find all the necessary information for those wishing to visit the resort.

Weather in Bormio

Italy in winter offers for a comfortable stay. The air temperature in cold weather does not fall below 15 degrees, most often here during the day it is -3-6 degrees.

Snow on the mountain peaks can be seen at any time of the year, but from mid-November it covers all the slopes completely. The ski season at the resort begins in December and ends in April - this time is enough to enjoy the wonderful places to your heart's content. Experienced travelers say that in March the weather is perfect for skiing and snowboarding: the air temperature rarely drops below -3 degrees during the day.

Trails, slopes, lifts

The total length of the slopes for skiing is more than 50 km, and one of the longest "highways" for skiing is about 8 km. There are red, and blue, and black tracks. For lovers of night skiing, resort instructors offer to try this pleasure 1-2 times a week.

For those who are good at skiing, the Cima Bianca slope is to their liking. Some trails descend from here directly to the city, the rest are located near it. From each ski branch, you can return to the starting point by bus or lift (children love them very much).

The highlight of the resort is the Stelvio track, where the World Cup was held. Almost all experienced tourists want to try their hand at the championship path.

For those who are not particularly strong in skiing, but firmly on their feet, the slopes between Cima Bianca and Bormio-2000 are suitable. The Le Motte slope is considered not very steep and difficult for tourists, from where a beautiful landscape of the city opens.

If your trip is family, then for children Bolmio offers children's trails, as well as a very bewitching belt lift. This is probably the most exciting part of skiing for young amateurs. It is important not to leave children without an instructor or their own supervision, all slopes are a potential threat for inexperienced skiers.

In order for children to feel more confident on the snow, you can visit several classes at one of the ski schools. There are seven of them at the resort, and they teach kids from the age of four.

Note: at the resort you can try some more extreme sports, besides skiing.

For example, for only 6 euros per day, you can rent snowshoes and admire the beauties of the surroundings. And for families or large companies, the organizers offer curling as a morning game.

Sledge riding, which is offered to tourists here, is not only a pleasant pastime with the "four-legged", but also quite an active sport. Fans of skating or cycling are also waiting for such an opportunity at the resort. Hiking and golf are actively promoted by local residents.

Bormio piste map

Scheme of the slopes of the resort of Bormio (click to enlarge)

Bormio trails are interesting because some of them pass through the forest.

That is why even self-confident skiers sometimes find such descents very exciting.

Mostly in the resort, tourists use the slopes in the Bormio-2000 area.

All slopes are gentle, conducive to dynamic skiing.

The circuit itself is somewhat reminiscent of a bunch of grapes: the main cluster of starts in the Bormio-200 area, the slopes descending down end at the slope near the city.

Holiday prices in Bormio

Most vacationers know that Bormio has a ski-pass payment system that allows the owner to use all the slopes and lifts. It is very convenient and allows you to comfortably spend your winter holidays.

At the height of the ski season, a ski pass for an adult will cost 75 euros, and for a child 60 euros. If you purchase a subscription for 6 days, then the price will be somewhat cheaper: 197 and 137 euros for an adult and a child, respectively.

If you decide to visit Bormio in the off-season, then the ski pass will cost 55 euros for a child, and 68 euros for an adult per day, and a subscription - 167 and 118 euros.

Attractions Bormio

The most important attraction of the resort without hesitation can be called the city of Bormio itself. It is so saturated with the spirit of ancient history that it seems as if time has stopped here. A walk through the quiet streets of the town will be unforgettable for you.

For lovers of history, the Bormio City Museum will open its doors. Here is a wide collection of wartime artifacts and many other historical values.

But the natural museum of minerals is a truly bewitching sight. You will not be able to see such a number of breeds anywhere else. The museum is also located in the heart of the city.

Tourists vacationing at the resort in October will have a chance to visit the local holiday - Bormiadi. This is a kind of copy of the Olympic Games, only the participants are residents of the city. All games are accompanied by magnificent festivities.

Pasquale is another serious holiday for the locals. In our opinion, this is Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

At this time, the people of Bormio from all over decorate biblical-style carts and gather in the main square. All townspeople put on traditional dresses, children distribute flowers - the atmosphere of love, kindness and celebration reigns all around.

The thermal springs of Bormio

Some tourists specifically visit Bormio as a medical resort. Today, every tourist must visit the thermal mountain springs. Their exclusivity in water temperature - it is 38-41 degrees.

Spa lovers can enjoy the springs in two indoor pools or in an open one located inside the rock. The medical and health complex itself is a huge building, in which there are restaurants, bars and even shops. All kinds of procedures are performed on the basis of mineral cosmetics, which are made by local craftsmen.

Advantages and disadvantages of the resort

An interesting fact is that one of the disadvantages of the resort (according to the locals themselves) is the lack of air links directly with the city. However, most tourists believe that this makes Bormio even more attractive, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of vacationers in the Italian ski resort.

Mountain clean air, untouched nature, many ski slopes for the whole family at a reasonable price - all these are the positive aspects of a holiday in the famous Italian resort. Don't forget the shopping and cultural opportunities in this wonderful city. Well, of course, recovery is an equally important side of the holiday in Bormio.

Skilled chefs serve delicious Italian cuisine at local restaurants. Even the most demanding gourmet will be satisfied. There is something to do in Bormio and young people. Clubs, bars and discos open their doors to anyone over 18 years of age.

At any time of the year, every traveler will find rest for body and soul in this small cozy town. To have an idea about the Bormio ski resort in Italy, we suggest you look at interesting photos.

Bormio is one of the most well-equipped Italian resorts, the resort is located in the Alta Valtellina ski area. The resort has one of the largest elevation differences in Italy - 1792 m. Moreover, all this difference can be passed "without transfers" from top to bottom and with virtually no empty gentle runs. Bormio is one of the most prestigious Alpine resorts, where competitions of the highest rank are held.

The city is located at an altitude of 1225 m. Most of the ski resort is located on the territory of the Stelvio National Park. Bormio has retained the charm of a medieval city with a historic center, cobbled pedestrian streets and squares, old houses and cathedrals.

Bormio is one of the largest thermal centers in northern Italy. Thermal complex Bormio Terme was completely rebuilt for the 2004–2005 season. Open every day. It offers visitors a thermal pool, sauna, contrast showers, Turkish bath, hydromassage, gym, mud bath, inhalation room, beauty salon. We offer therapeutic water procedures and various types of massage (therapeutic, lymphatic drainage, anti-stress, improving the circulatory system).

We also recommend visiting thermal complexes Bagni Vecchi and Bagni Nuovo located 10 minutes drive from Bormio towards Valdidentro. Bagni Vecchi has been known since Roman times. It is carved into the rock and divided into three parts: Roman (antique) - old baths in narrow dark caves, medieval - warm baths with hydromassage, Austrian - relaxation rooms, mud baths. An impressive outdoor swimming pool, located on the mountain, offers a magnificent view of Bormio. A little lower, the no less beautiful Bagni Nuovo complex was built, also with outdoor and indoor thermal pools, grottoes, and cascades.

Ski tours 2018/2019

Offers and prices ski tours in Bormio

Resort stats:

    The minimum height is 1203 m.

    Maximum height - 3017 m

    Elevation difference - 1792 m

    Beginning of the season - December

    End of season - April


  • 19 drag lifts
  • 7 chairlifts
  • 2 telecabins
  • 1 funicular


    Total number of tracks 100 km

    At the top of Cima Bianca there are many opportunities for off-piste skiing

    "Blue" - 35 km

    Reds - 61 km

    "Black" - 24 km

    The longest is 14 km.

Trail characteristics.:

Beginner skiers feel very good in Bormio. There is a place where children can learn the basics of skiing: a special “paddling pool” with an escalator lift is equipped for them. Advanced skiers will also be pleased. The complexity of some routes will be satisfied and aces.

But basically Bormio is the perfect place for intermediate skiers.

  • For professionals: we recommend trails in the area of ​​Cima Bianca (3000 m). The descent here is very interesting, but quite dangerous because of the hard snow, so be careful. It is no coincidence that there are safety nets along the tracks.At the top of Cima Bianca, there are many opportunities for off-piste skiing. An excellent area for snow skiing can be the slopes of Le Motte - Oga. There are quite a few sparse patches of forest. The slopes are flat and well prepared by nature itself, which makes skiing on fresh snow a real pleasure.
  • For intermediate skiers here is a real treat. We advise them to ride the slopes that start from the top of Cima Bianca and lead to Bormio 2000. These slopes, due to their relief, are laid without runs and do not allow you to relax until the very finish. Their upper part (from the top of Cima Bianca and just below the Cimino station (Cimino)) passes outside the forest zone. The terrain of the tracks is very interesting and conducive to dynamic skiing.The most attractive line of trails, which allows you to go down from Cima Bianca to Bormio in about 20 minutes (a difference of about 1800 m), is located on the right (top-down) part of the slope. On the corresponding (according to the height of the start) parts of this route from the Cimino station, the Alpine Skiing World Cup stages (women's and men's downhill and giant slalom) are held. ABOUTWe especially note the wide, rather steep direct descent to the Bormio-2000 station and the lower part of the route leading directly to the town of Bormio.We also advise you to try your hand at the slopes of Le Motte. This ski area is 15 minutes from the center of Bormio, and there are many different slopes passing through the forest.
  • For beginners:we advise them to pay attention to the tracks in the Bormio-2000 area. Note that these routes sometimes contain difficult, but interesting sections. The easiest sections are located to the right of the new high-speed 4-seater lift, on the north side of the slope. Most of the trails pass through a very picturesque forest. We advise beginners to go down to the town on the lift, because. the trails leading down will be quite difficult for them.We also recommend skiing on the Le Motte slope. There are many short, easy trails and good snow quality.

Apres-Ski and evening life.

It is possible to undergo first-class treatment in the thermal complex. Since time immemorial, the town has been famous for its thermal springs, which were first mentioned in Roman chronicles. Immersed in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, you can taste the culinary delights of local trattorias or look into souvenir shops. Every week, on the old square in the center of Bormio, there is a holiday presentation of the resort: a film about Bormio and the region, dance performances, hot wine and local sweets. For fans of figure skating and skaters, there is an excellent indoor skating rink. Numerous bars are open in the evening. Until late at night there is fun in the discos. Opportunity to go shopping on Via Roma there are a number of good shops offering clothes of famous brands.

The resort offers excursions to Milan, Bergamo, Lake Como, Livigno duty-free zone, where you can buy alcohol, perfumes and cigarettes at very low prices. For shopping, you can also go to the cities of Tirano and Sondrio located near Bormio.

Detailed information on ski tours in Bormio,
check dates and prices with our managers:
(495) 775 89 75 m/channel.
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Former northern outpost of the Roman Empire, founded approximately in the 1st century BC. n. e., the town of Bormio (Bormio) is located in the Rhaetian Alps in the very northeast of Alta Valtellina, on the border with the Stelvio National Park. Lying at the foot of Cima Bianca (3017 m), at an altitude of about 1225 meters above sea level, Bormio has a very mild climate and is surrounded on all sides by wooded slopes with hundreds of thermal springs, therefore it is considered one of the best mountain climatic and thermal resorts Italy - the first baths were built here by the Romans. However, world-wide fame was brought to him by ski slopes, the total length of which exceeds 65 km with a vertical drop of 1792 meters. And the legendary Stelvio Cup track stretches for more than 4 km. The ski area is serviced by about 30 lifts (2 gondolas, 2 cabin lifts, 7 chairlifts and 19 tow lifts).

Professionals can immediately climb to the top of Cima Bianca - the descent from it is interesting, but dangerous (protective nets are stretched along the route). Off the slopes - excellent snow skiing, especially on the slopes of Le Motte - Oga. The best difficult pistes include the "black" Betule, Valbella, Adler, Genziano and Bucaneve, as well as the "red" Bambi al Sole, Dosacchio, Cevedale and Del Alpe (more than 5 km long). Several trails allow you to cross the entire ski area completely, without making stops on gentle runs. Therefore, it is not surprising that nowhere else in Italy there are so many international competitions of the highest rank. However, there are many more simple slopes, a large fitness center, a children's ski center, a sports center, more than 15 km of slopes for flat skiing, an indoor skating rink, and a snowboard park.

In the city of Bormio itself, there are many cultural and historical monuments, including the Cathedral of Saint Vitale (XII century), Alberti Tower (XV century), chimes (XV-XVII centuries), De Simoni Palace (XVIII century), the Baths of Bagni Vecchi and more "younger" facilities, as well as the nearby Alpine Botanical Garden of Rezia.

In the resort area there are several hotels of different levels (there is one five-star hotel Bagni di Bormio spa resort), as well as many hostels, rented apartments and apartments. Tourists are provided with extensive apres-ski opportunities - a huge number of cafes and restaurants, several discos, bars and nightclubs, a wide variety of shops. In addition, thermal and mud complexes are open in the city, where you can relax, take spa treatments and improve your health.

A small charming town is located 40 minutes from Bormio Grosio, known for its most interesting historical monuments, including Neolithic rock paintings, the ruins of a medieval castle, a church crypt with the remains of plague victims (XIV century), a city cathedral with the famous marble iconostasis and the Visconti Villa (XVI century) with a first-class enoteca.

Bormio is a rather expensive resort, but you can save on accommodation if you settle in Valdidentro (5 minutes by car or a few stops on the ski bus). You can find out the prices at the resort, as well as the prices for the Alta Valtellina ski pass, on the website