What do you do when you arrive at the airport? First time at the airport

Publication date: 2013-05-17

The information in the article is periodically updated, now it is relevant as of August 2016

In this article, the TySamSebeGid.ru resource talks about important points and nuances that are associated with the first flight on an airplane, and also gives a number of recommendations to novice tourists. About what you can and should do at the airport, and what you should not do, so that the trip starts with a pleasant and comfortable departure, read on.

Arrive at the appropriate airport terminal 3 hours before departure- this is how long the check-in for the flight begins (it ends 40 minutes before departure). It is important to learn a simple fact: the duration of passing all types of control (due to queues) is absolutely unpredictable. At times, half an hour may be enough, and sometimes two hours will not be enough. At the same time, all airport employees strictly adhere to the established regulations - no one will make exceptions for you. Late for check-in, the passenger is automatically late for the plane (even if there is a decent amount of time before departure). According to statistics, the number of passengers who are late for their flight is 1-2%. Do you want to exchange your first flight for an instructive lesson, an unpleasant aftertaste from which will remain for a long time?

At the airport, all departing passengers go through the following stages:

  • flight check-in and baggage check-in;
  • customs control;
  • passport control;
  • security control, duty free shops and boarding.

Flight check-in and baggage check-in

Once in the airport terminal building, the first thing you need to do is find your flight on the electronic scoreboard and look at the numbers of the counters where they check in for it.

check-in(check-in) starts 3 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. If this is your first flight on an airplane, then use the standard check-in procedure at a special counter, as in this case you can ask all your questions to an airline employee. The main thing - do not hesitate to clarify the details or ask again if you do not understand what you should do at the airport after check-in.

It should be noted that this is not the only option for checking in for a flight. There are two more: online check-in on the airline's website and automated check-in using an electronic self-service terminal in the airport building. Of course, it is more convenient for most people to register with their help (much more time is allotted, there is no queue). However, if this is your first flight on an airplane, then for reliability it is better to stay on the standard procedure.

When checking in for a flight, baggage check-in into the cargo hold of the aircraft. Each passenger is entitled to one piece of baggage, one bag weighing from 20 to 25 kg (depending on the rules of the airline). After checking in the baggage, the passenger receives baggage tag(baggage tag), which is usually glued to the spine of the boarding pass. Never check valuables and essentials in your luggage - they can be transported as hand luggage (a bag that is allowed to be taken on board the aircraft). Restrictions on the size and weight of hand luggage are set by each airline individually.

After registration, the passenger receives boarding pass(boarding pass) - a document confirming the right to board an aircraft. The boarding pass contains full information about the upcoming flight.

Customs control at the airport

customs control(customs control) - a set of measures to control compliance with customs rules and regulations. If a passenger is carrying a weapon, a large amount of money, antiques or other items that are subject to mandatory duty, he must include them in the customs declaration.

To simplify customs control, two special zones are provided -. If the departing passenger does not have with him things and items that are mandatory for declaring, he can follow the "green" corridor. Typically, this applies to 95% of all passengers. If you are transporting something that is subject to customs duty, then you need to go through the "red" corridor. If this is your first flight on an airplane, then most likely you have not yet had the experience of preparing the relevant documents and “fast” processing of a customs declaration, so we advise you to ask in advance about the rules for transporting duty-bearing things and items.

Passport control at the airport

Passport control(passport control) - checking the identity document of the passenger. The presence of an entry visa is not controlled, although in rare cases, which by and large are a violation of the rights of the passenger, they may be required to show it.

Security control, Duty Free and boarding

(security control) - screening of the passenger, personal belongings and hand luggage. It is during this procedure that firearms, explosive and flammable objects are searched for, which, once on board the aircraft, can become instruments of violence in the hands of terrorists. Every year the security rules are becoming more stringent, and the screening is more thorough.

The security control is as follows: the passenger passes through the metal detector frame, and his personal belongings, previously folded into a special container, are X-rayed. Such things include:

  • hand luggage, outerwear and headgear;
  • shoes (everyone has to take them off for a while; boot covers are given instead);
  • telephones, audio and video players, laptops and other electrical equipment;
  • metal-containing items from pockets or clothing left on the passenger (keys, belt).

If a passenger refuses to take off their outer clothing or shoes, they can undergo a screening by scanning using an X-ray control system (recall that such a procedure can be hazardous to health). As a rule, for respectable citizens, security control is remembered only by surprises that relate to the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage (water, creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, colognes, gels, toothpaste, shaving foam, deodorants, etc.). Passengers transporting flowers must pass a special phytocontrol, and tourists with animals - a veterinary one.

When all procedures are completed, the passenger is directed to a special area in no man's land to wait landings(boarding) on ​​the plane. From a legal point of view, he has already left the country of departure, so in this area, in addition to the waiting room and cafes, there are also shops duty free. Their number and size directly depend on the significance of the airport. When you find yourself among relatively cheap goods, do not forget that you need to carefully follow the announcements on the loudspeaker so as not to miss the start of boarding your flight. As soon as it starts, go to one of the special gates (GATE), the number of which is indicated on your boarding pass. From there, passengers are taken on board the aircraft via a telescopic ladder. If there is no such innovation at the airport, then those departing are brought to the aircraft ladder in the old fashioned way - by bus.

Why being late for check-in leads to a late flight?

Many passengers, having been late for check-in by literally 5-10 minutes, are perplexed: why the airline cannot make an exception to let them on board, because "the plane is still on the ground." The fact is that there is a time frame for aircraft maintenance. Their violation leads to a departure delay, which, in turn, is fraught with the loss of the take-off queue and a long wait for a new free “window”. In conditions where some passengers have to transfer, while others have already scheduled important business and meetings, such an expectation can turn into serious problems.

Useful resources for tourists

roomguru.ru and hotellook.ru - hotel search engines, search through different booking systems and compare results, helping to find the best deal

aviasales.ru and skyscanner.ru - air ticket search engines, free from the need to view the site of each airline separately

tripadvisor.ru - a resource with the largest number of useful and up-to-date reviews about tourist sites

booking.com is a world leader in hotel booking, distinguished by high quality of services, transparent prices and prompt support service

Comparison of prices for tourist tours

To an inexperienced traveler, going through the procedures prior to boarding an aircraft can seem like nine circles of hell. But this is only at first glance: there are far fewer than nine control steps, and there is nothing frightening in them - you will understand this already during the second flight. In the meantime, to make your first flight experience easier, English For Life publishes a step-by-step guide to airport operations.

Before the road to the airport

Make sure you have all the required documents: a civil passport if you are traveling in Russia, a foreign passport if you are traveling abroad, a printout of the itinerary receipt (most airlines only require a passport to check in for a flight, but just in case it is better to have an itinerary receipt with you, at least on a smartphone), as well as documents, which may be required by the rules of entry into the country of destination: hotel reservations, return tickets, money in foreign currency to pay for a visa, etc. If you are traveling with children in Russia, you need to take a birth certificate and a passport (if any). To travel abroad, the child will need a birth certificate, a passport, as well as a notarized consent to leave if the child travels without parents (with a nanny, grandmother, etc.) Specify the rules for entering the country of destination for minors: even if the child travels accompanied by one parent, the border guard may require a notarized consent from the second parent. Documents that you will need at checks before and after the flight should always be with you, so put them in your hand luggage (and not in your checked-in suitcase).

If necessary, check in online for your flight. For example, this is mandatory for all Ryanair passengers, otherwise a fine will be charged at the airport. A notification about the need for pre-registration on flights with Ryanair and other low-cost carriers will definitely come to you after purchasing a ticket.

Check the baggage weight. Please make sure your baggage is within the weight limit for your flight. The maximum allowable baggage weight is specified in the itinerary receipt. Finding out the weight of your luggage at home is easy: stand on a regular scale first without a suitcase, and then with it.

Make sure your belongings comply with the baggage and carry-on regulations. For example, all liquids that you take with you on board an aircraft must be in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml and not exceed 1 liter in total. Read more about so that for the first time at the airport you are not seized with expensive perfume or your favorite Swiss knife.

Plan ahead to get to the airport. If you use a car, consider the possibility of traffic jams. If possible, give preference to trains and metros, which are much more reliable than cars and run on schedule, which gives you the opportunity to calculate the time of arrival as accurately as possible. Pay attention to the terminal from which you are flying: at large airports, the terminals are often located in different buildings, the distance between which must be covered by transport. For example, one of the Heathrow terminals in England is located an hour's drive from the main airport area. The name of the terminal must appear on your ticket or itinerary in a format like "A12". The departure terminal may change, so it is more prudent to check it in the list of flights on the airport website on the day of departure.

Prepare to pack your luggage if you feel like it. Today, at airports, there is a service for wrapping luggage, which is wrapped with a special film. This is done for two purposes: 1. to protect the suitcase from damage and dirt during transportation; 2. protect the contents of the luggage from the curiosity of unscrupulous airport employees. Experienced travelers know that it is easier to buy ordinary cling film and wrap luggage yourself than to overpay for packaging. For example, in Domodedovo this service will cost you 600 rubles. Even more experienced travelers wrap luggage with pre-purchased film already at the airport just before checking in for a flight: there is always a risk that the security service will ask you to open your suitcase at the airport entrance, and then your work and meters of film will go down the drain. However, to pack luggage or not is a personal matter for everyone.

What time do you need to arrive at the airport so as not to miss your flight

It is important not to be late not only for the flight itself, but for checking in for it: passengers who have not had time to check in and check in their luggage are not allowed to fly. As a rule, check-in starts 2-3 hours and ends 40-60 minutes before the departure time. Therefore, the optimal time of arrival at the airport is 2 hours before departure: this way you will cover the risks of unforeseen circumstances and be in time for the start of check-in, which will save you from having to stand in lines. If you are flying for the first time, arrive at the airport 3 hours before the flight: extra time will help you navigate the place without haste and nerves.

Please note that departures and arrivals are in local time.

Checking visitors at the entrance to the airport

The security system at the entrance is approximately the same at airports around the world: visitors are asked to put their luggage and bags on the X-ray scanner conveyor and go through a metal detector. If security officials notice anything suspicious, they may ask you to open the suitcase to make sure its contents are safe, as well as conduct a body search.

Flight check-in and baggage check-in

Upon arrival at the airport, the first step is to find out where the check-in for your flight takes place. The schedule of flights and check-ins is displayed on the electronic board of departures (Departures). Find the line of your flight on it. Next, pay attention to the numbers in the "Reception Desk" column (Check-in, Counter, Desk). If the field is empty, don't be alarmed: most likely, the counters have not yet been determined and check-in for the flight has not yet begun. Just keep an eye on the scoreboard and listen to the announcements over the speakerphone. If the registration desks are already indicated, go to them. Even if you are flying for the first time, you will easily understand where to go: at the airports there are signs literally at every step, so you will quickly find your way around.

To check in for a flight, present your civil or foreign passport (depending on the country of destination). If you are flying with friends and do not want to be separated, tell the airport employee about this, and he will try to find seats nearby for you. You can also express your other wishes, for example, a window seat. Tall people are advised to sit near the emergency exit: the absence of a row of seats in front provides additional space and a comfortable position for the legs.

At the same stage, you check in your luggage. It is weighed, and if it does not exceed the norm, it is checked in for a flight. The maximum allowed baggage weight is shown on your itinerary receipt. If the weight of your luggage exceeds the norm, you will have to shift some of the things into your hand luggage or pay for the excess.

Upon completion of check-in, you will be handed a boarding pass - this is your plane ticket. It will indicate the flight number (Flight), your seat in the cabin (Seat), the exit number for the flight (Gate), the boarding time (Boarding time) or its end time (Gate closes). The baggage receipt will also be attached to the boarding pass. Put the ticket in your passport and keep it handy until boarding.

Customs control (on international flights)

On all international flights, passengers pass through the customs zone control (Customszonecontrol). It consists of two corridors or channels: green and red.

Above the green corridor, as a rule, there is a sign “Nothing to declare” (Nothing to declare). It is intended for the majority of passengers who do not have property subject to declaration.

Above the red corridor is usually written "Goods subject to mandatory written declaration" (Goods to declare). You need to go there if you have goods that are subject to customs duty or for some other reason need to be declared in writing, for example, cash or traveler's checks with a total amount of more than 10,000 US dollars, alcohol with a volume of more than 3 liters, etc. . You can get acquainted with the list of things that need to be declared on the website of the Federal Customs Service.

Border control (on international flights)

Border, or passport control (Passport control, Border) is the stage at which the border officer checks the legality of your departure from your homeland (no debts to the bank or the state, criminal record or other problems with the law) and puts an exit stamp in your passport from the country.

There are two types of counters at passport control: for citizens of the country of destination (for example, UK Passports) and for everyone who has another citizenship (All other passports). Stand in line at the counter where the passports of foreign citizens are checked.

The check is carried out by one person, the children pass the control together with their parents. The border guard will need your passport and boarding pass. You may be asked about the purpose of your trip or if this is your first visit to the country of destination. As a rule, the procedure takes no more than a minute, after which the border guard returns you a passport with a stamp that contains the date and airport of departure.

pre-flight screening

Pre-flight screening (Security control, Security check) - a procedure for detailed screening of passengers and hand luggage in order to ensure the safety of the flight. them in a special container. Hand luggage should also be placed there, if any. When it's your turn to go through the screening, put the container with things on the scanner tape, and you yourself go through the metal detector frame. Make sure in advance that the things you want to take with you on board the aircraft do not violate the rules for carrying hand luggage in the cabin of the aircraft.

After passing through the pre-flight inspection, you find yourself in the departure area: here you can have a bite to eat, drink coffee and visit Duty Free shops.

Boarding a flight

If this is your first time at the airport, do not rush to go shopping. Even if the boarding has not yet begun, first find the exit you need, or the gate (Gate). His number is on your boarding pass. There you will also find the Boarding time, or Gate closes. In the event of a delay, you will also be able to follow the landing on the scoreboard or by listening to announcements over the speakerphone.

When boarding, you will need your passport and boarding pass. The long part of the ticket will be torn off, and the short part, with the baggage tag, will be returned to you. Put them in your passport and keep them until you collect your luggage.

At the airport of arrival

Upon arrival, you will need to go through all the same procedures as after checking in for a flight, only in reverse order and without pre-flight inspection.

At passport control your passport will be checked for a visa (if needed) and stamped upon arrival. Do not be alarmed if the border guard asks you a couple of questions on duty - this is a simple formality. They can ask, for example, about the length of stay in the country of destination. In addition, they may be asked to provide additional documents, such as hotel reservations for the period of stay or return tickets. Check in advance the rules for entering the country of destination and put all the necessary papers in your hand luggage.

Baggage Claim usually doesn't take long. You only need to find the baggage claim area (Baggage hall) and the conveyor, above which there will be a board with your flight.

customs control pass by analogy with departure control: if there is nothing to declare - through the green corridor, if there are goods to be declared - through the red one.

So, summarizing the above, we list the main actions that must be performed before departure, upon arrival, and also before going to the airport:

Before going to the airport:

  • take in hand luggage all the necessary documents (including documents of children and those that may be needed to enter the country of destination)
  • check if online registration is required and go through it if necessary
  • print or download your itinerary receipt (just in case)
  • make sure your luggage passes by weight
  • read the baggage and carry-on baggage rules
  • determine the time of arrival at the airport (2-3 hours before departure)
  • plan your way to the airport

At the airport of departure:

  • find your flight and check-in counters on the board
  • check in, check in your luggage and get a boarding pass with a baggage check
  • go through customs control
  • go through passport control
  • go through pre-flight inspection
  • find the gate you need and wait for boarding the flight

At the airport of arrival:

  • go through passport control
  • pick up your luggage
  • go through customs control

Of course, now the procedures for preparing for the flight seem even more complicated than before reading this article. But, even when you are at the airport for the first time, you will quickly understand the principle and sequence of control stages. Look for the signs you need, listen carefully to the announcements, if necessary, ask staff or other passengers for help. We wish you flying weather!

For the first time I'm flying (going) abroad, I'm afraid. I am flying for the first time, what should I do, what should I know? What you need to know, those who fly abroad for the first time? What to do at the airport, how not to be late for the plane, how to go through registration, customs and passport control at the airport?

Are you going abroad, abroad on vacation or on a business trip for the first time? In this article, the whole path, the algorithm, from buying a tour to collecting the necessary things for a trip, what to do if you are traveling with children, arriving at the airport, passing check-in for a flight, customs and passport control, arrival, transfer, check-in at a hotel and etc. before leaving the hotel. Have a comfortable trip abroad!

We buy a tour

The very first thing to do is to choose a good tour. The travel agent will help you with this. They will select and book rooms in a suitable hotel. As a rule, booking takes from several minutes to several hours. After the contract is signed.

If you have chosen a tour to a country with which an agreement with visa-free entry has been concluded, then you do not need to prepare additional documents.

If you need a visa, you must give the travel agency employees: passport, 3x4 photo, medical certificates, income statements, as well as money to pay for a visa.

Keep in mind that if you travel to a “visa” state, you may be denied entry into the country even if the ticket has already been purchased. Therefore, purchase "insurance against non-departure", in this case, in an unforeseen situation, you will return your money.

The contract with the travel agency must contain the following information:

  • country of visit;
  • how many people the tour is designed for;
  • the price includes meals (breakfasts, breakfasts and dinners, all inclusive) or not;
  • detailed information about the hotel;
  • length of stay;
  • possibly other data.

After the conclusion of the contract, the travel agency employee must provide you with information about the time of departure, the flight number. As a rule, all the necessary documents will be given a few days or a few hours before departure - it all depends on the accepted practice of the company.

Of course, if it is agreed that the documents will be issued a few hours before departure, natural fears arise. What if the employee doesn't show up? Is there something wrong with the document? Don't worry! This is a well-established practice, the company carefully checks everything and makes sure that you receive the documents in a timely manner - any overlays are excluded. All documents are waiting at the operator's desk at the airport three hours before departure. You just have to pick up.

If children are traveling with you, who have not yet reached the age of 18, each child must have issued for himself. If the child travels with only one parent or with an accompanying non-parent, it is necessary to have a notarized permission to export the minor.

After receiving, it does not matter, at the office of a travel company, or at the airport, be sure to check the documents.

The package must contain for each traveler:

  • a set of air tickets (to and fro, as well as for intermediate flights, if provided). The ticket may be provided electronically on plain paper;
  • voucher (three copies) granting the right to stay at the hotel;
  • individual medical insurance with detailed conditions.

Be sure to learn about the traditions adopted in the country, religious rites, history, important monuments and shrines. Check out some of the laws that may apply to you. For example, whether it is forbidden to drink alcohol or smoke in public places and so on. Not bad if you can learn a few phrases that will help in the future.

Be sure to make copies of all documents you take with you on your trip. Also make sure to make and keep an electronic copy of your passport in your mailbox. In an unforeseen situation, you can print documents anywhere in the world.

Upon arrival at the hotel, immediately resolve the issue with the safe. All documents, jewelry, bank cards should be kept only in a safe. Take copies with you, as well as money and cards that you are going to use.

Stock up on a first aid kit, which should contain a set of the most commonly used medicines:

  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs used for food poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • preparations to avoid burns and minimize their consequences;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • medicines that you have to take constantly, as well as allergy medications.

Remember, some drugs may be prohibited from being imported into a particular country. Therefore, it is imperative to have a prescription certified by the seal of a doctor.

Separately, write down, preferably in several places, all the phone numbers that you may need: bank, tour operator, embassy, ​​numbers of relatives and close friends. So you save a lot of nerves and time in case of unforeseen circumstances.

When leaving the hotel, do not take all the money at once, but only a certain amount and only one card that you plan to use.

Before the trip, check the expiration date of payment cards, write down the PIN codes separately. It would be useful to clarify the conditions for using bank cards abroad. Perhaps your card is valid only within the country or a commission will be deducted in other states.

If there are restrictions, get another card with favorable conditions.

When calculating the travel budget, proceed from the fact that you need to spend 50 dollars or euros per day. So you will avoid trouble and be able to have a normal rest, visit tours and buy memorable souvenirs.

In many countries, for example, in Egypt, Turkey, merchants can accept both local currency and dollars, euros. Often they offer their own course, which is much worse than the official one, and the purchase price will increase. It is better to change the currency at one of the points, for example, at a hotel, airport or directly in Kazakhstan. Do not use special exchange machines - they usually overestimate the exchange rate.

When paying for a purchase, try to minimize the use of a bank card, it is better to pay in cash. Just in case, it does not hurt to have "money in plastic" with you.

When planning a trip, remember that the total baggage per person should not exceed 20 kg (for economy class) or 30 kg (for first and business class). You will have to pay extra for overweight. The weight of each individual bag may exceed 30 kg.

To protect your luggage from possible damage, and first of all from theft, wrap the bag with stretch film, wrapping it many times. You can find out more about the rules for carrying hand luggage at the airport.

Do not take parcels, packages, bags from strangers or even acquaintances for transfer to their friends, relatives, etc. meeting in a foreign country, there are international delivery services for this. If something forbidden is hidden inside the package, you will sit down.

How to fit a lot of things in one suitcase? How to properly pack a suitcase on the road? In general, if you do not want to know how to put all things in a suitcase so that everything fits, watch the video "How to pack 100 things in one suitcase".

If we are traveling with a child. Minimizing the risk of disease

A week before the tour, minimize all contact with other children. Consult with a pediatrician, it may not hurt to prescribe drugs that strengthen the immune system for the baby.

If you go to a place where there are a lot of children, the risk of catching an infection increases dramatically. It is better to plan a vacation for June, September, or in winter (excluding the winter holidays). If not, then it is better to pay attention to tourist destinations with less popularity among vacationers.

In the first aid kit, always keep means to reduce the temperature, drugs for food poisoning and allergies.


So, after you have received the documents, check them for completeness. Must be:

  • round trip airfare. Please note that seats are indicated on tickets directly at check-in before departure;
  • a voucher granting the right to check into a hotel. Check the hotel, length of stay, whether food is included in the price;
  • passports must have visas (in the form of a seal or a pasted hologram). Usually they are placed on any free page of the passport, not necessarily in a row, for example, in the middle of the document. After you have received and checked the documents, you will have to: - go through customs, check in your luggage, check in for a flight and go through passport control.

If you are at the airport for the first time, you can join one of the passengers of your flight and follow him, going through all the necessary procedures.

Below you will learn in detail about the passage of each stage prior to boarding the aircraft.

customs control

At this stage, customs officers check whether you are carrying items prohibited for export or import: antiques, etc. It is mandatory to declare an amount in any currency equivalent to 10,000 US dollars or more.

Customs has two zones:

  • "Green corridor" Passengers usually pass who do not carry prohibited items, such as tourists;
  • "Red channel designed for passengers who need to make a declaration.

Remember, customs officers after passing through control can selectively inspect the luggage of any of the passengers. Usually pay attention to those who are in a hurry or nervous. Therefore, do not try to hide anything in order to avoid serious problems.

After passing through customs control, it is no longer possible to return to the hall.


It is recommended to arrive at the airport no later than two hours before departure. The flight number is indicated on the ticket. Upon arrival, look for information on the desired flight on special boards. On the screen you will see the numbers of counters (up to five counters can be selected), where check-in is underway for the flight you need.

At check-in, you can politely ask for the most convenient seats, for example, by the window or vice versa, closer to the aisle if you are flying with a small child.

At the check-in counter you check in your luggage, get boarding passes (they will act as a pass when you enter the plane), which will contain very important information for you, namely the exit number, in English “Gate”, the flight number and departure time .
For example, GATE 11 means the 11th exit - there you will need to look for your plane. 40 minutes before departure, they will announce on the speakerphone that boarding for your flight is starting, the exit number is such and such - come on.

At the check-in counter you also check in your luggage, leaving your hand luggage with you(marked with a special sticker, and a similar sticker is issued to you), an airport employee marks the hand luggage with a sticker - "In the cockpit".

After passing through a special corridor, you get into the plane. Here, flight attendants will help you sit in your seats, and during the flight they will deliver drinks and food. If you are traveling with children, bring food to the airport and on the plane.

Passport control

You need to go through passport control one at a time. Minors are accompanied by their parents or an accompanying person.

Present your passport and boarding pass to the airport employee- he will make a note in the passport about crossing the state border. From now on, you are in neutral territory.

If you are going to fly abroad with a large company, then it is better to immediately distribute passports to everyone and put a boarding pass in them to speed up the process.

In the process of passport control, you need to go through a metal detector, hand luggage is checked separately. Don't worry, this is standard procedure to ensure your safety and flight safety.

After completing all the procedures, you find yourself in the waiting room. Here you can buy souvenirs, alcoholic drinks, clothes and other goods in the duty free zone. You can pay for the goods in tenge, US dollars or euros.

In the waiting room, carefully follow the information on the screens. The start of a drawdown on your flight (usually 30-40 minutes before departure) will be announced by loudspeaker. To get on the desired plane, proceed to the exit (Gate) indicated in the boarding pass.

Before boarding, you may be checked again with a metal detector. To get on the plane, present your ticket and passport to the airport employee.

Upon arrival at the airport of destination

Upon arrival at your destination at the airport, you go through all the procedures, but in reverse order. The exception is personal inspection. You won't have to go through it again.

To go through passport control upon arrival, prepare the following documents:

  • international passport;
  • immigration card. You need to enter personal information in it: name, surname, citizenship, arrival flight number, the period for which you arrived in the country, the name of the hotel where the rooms are booked. If you have children on the tour, you need to enter information about them. When filling out the card, do not hesitate to seek help from passengers who can read and write in English.
  • in countries such as Egypt, Thailand, Türkiye and in other countries with a facilitated visa regime for Kazakhstan, a visa can be obtained directly at the airport. It is presented in the form of a sticker-stamp with a hologram. You only need to purchase one sticker per passport. If your children are included in the passport, you do not need to separately purchase a visa for them.

An employee of the border service in the passport puts the appropriate stamp on entry into the country. He may also ask to present a voucher confirming the hotel reservation.

When you get to the airport, don't be alarmed, it just seems like a big and inhospitable labyrinth. Follow the crowd, joining the general flow. There is nowhere else to go, no matter what country you are in. In fact, everything is very simple, you just stick your nose first at passport control, from there to the baggage belt. Next, look for a representative of the tour operator among the crowd of people meeting. You can recognize it by a special plate or T-shirt with an inscription. Here you check in, the representative will show you which bus to go to.

We receive luggage

To collect your luggage, find the transport belt corresponding to the flight. Here you can pick up your luggage. Do not confuse your luggage with someone else's. To make sure that the bag is yours without opening it, compare the number of the pasted sticker and the one on hand.

Then hand over your luggage to the bus driver and take one of the empty seats.

If you could not find your luggage, contact the baggage tracing service, providing the sticker you have on hand. If you do not speak other languages, look for the tour operator's representative on the sign to meet you and explain your situation.


A transfer is a transfer from the airport to the hotel. Do not be afraid to miss the bus, the guides will not send it until they have collected the whole group. But don't make others wait.

During the transfer, you will be able to ask the guide for the most important information: features of the country, the most profitable and closest currency exchange points, he will also indicate where you can meet another guide who will oversee your stay in the country throughout the entire period.

If for some reason you have to stay late, you can also get to the hotel by taxi. Just show the driver your voucher containing your hotel information and he will take you to your desired location. Remember, you pay for this trip at your own expense.


After arriving at the hotel, you can leave your luggage in a special place. Do not be afraid to contact the staff, they will help you with everything. Now you need to contact the administrator at the reception, provide a voucher and passport. To check in, fill out a special form (one per room).

Abroad, it is common practice to ask visitors for a deposit- this is a certain amount (usually 100 US dollars) that you leave for using the phone, internet, bar in the room. Don't worry. If you do not use the paid services, the money will be returned in full or in part, minus the payment for the services provided.

Unfortunately, it is often impossible to get the keys before two in the afternoon local time. Therefore, if you arrived earlier, you can relax in a specially designated place or familiarize yourself with the infrastructure of the hotel.

After checking into the room, examine it. Check if everything works (TV, air conditioning, hot water shower, if the lights are on). Wait for the evening. Perhaps the music is playing too loudly from the window, making it difficult to sleep. If something does not suit you, ask for another number, arguing with the identified problems.

All documents, money, jewelry must be kept in a safe. In some hotels, this service is provided for a surcharge.

Leaving the hotel

Check-out from the hotel in most countries of the world is carried out before 12 noon local time. By this time, you must collect all your belongings and hand over the keys to the administrator at the Reception. If the departure is in the evening, luggage can be checked into the luggage room.

Porters will help carry heavy luggage (Laggage boy)- call Reception to call them. Before transfer to the airport, you can freely use the hotel infrastructure (in some hotels only a paid part of the services), luggage is stored free of charge.

Upon arrival at the airport, you need to go through the already familiar procedures.

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Detailed step by step instructions with pictures for those wondering what to do at the airport, what information to look for, which signs to follow and what they mean. Included in the instructions photo and translation into Russian of English inscriptions,signs and scoreboards, which are often found at airports.

Understanding the logic of airports is very easy, since they are arranged according to the same principle. It is enough to follow two rules:

  1. follow the signs
  2. check with the airport staff the direction in case of doubt.

Even if you don't speak English, a printed ticket and boarding pass for the plane will tell you everything you need, and you will always be shown the right direction in international sign language.

Step-by-step instructions "What to do at the airport":

Prepare documents and luggage for the trip

Check your tickets carefully, namely, the date and time of departure of the aircraft. The time on the ticket 01:20 (or 01:20 AM) means that the plane takes off at night at one-twenty, and 13:20 (or 01:20 PM) is a daytime departure. Time 00:15 (or 12:15 AM) is a departure almost at midnight, namely, at 15 minutes of the first night.

Print your round-trip tickets. In some countries, at security checks and at passport control, you may be required to show tickets back. At the moment, all air tickets are electronic, they are sent by e-mail and contain the necessary information about passengers and the flight.

Separate your belongings into luggage and hand luggage. Tickets indicate the maximum weight, quantity and size allowed by the airline. It is better not to exceed the limits so as not to pay extra money for overweight or not to repack your bags at the airport. If this information is not on the ticket, find the baggage rules on the airline's website. Be sure to familiarize yourself with what you can not take on a plane: in luggage and hand luggage.

Free up space in your luggage - take e-books on your trip.

Check that you have all the required documents(passports, tickets, travel vouchers or hotel reservations), mobile phones and money. A swimsuit forgotten at home is nothing compared to a forgotten passport or money.

Schedule your departure to the airport taking into account that you need to be at the airport two hours (and in some countries 3 hours!) before departure. Residents of megacities should also be aware of traffic congestion and plan their departure time accordingly. You can book a transfer to the airport on the Kiwi Taxi and Intui Travel websites.

Please be aware that many airlines have the option to advance self-register via the Internet (online). This is very convenient - it will allow you to choose a seat in the cabin and save you from long queues for check-in at the airport (especially if you are traveling without luggage).

Arrive at the correct airport and terminal

Arrive at the correct airport and terminal. There may be two, or even three, airports in a city. At major airports, there are several terminals and it is important to immediately look at the ticket and drive to the correct terminal. Please note that the terminals can be located at a considerable distance from each other, so it is better to immediately drive to the correct one.

At the airport you need "Departure" zone. On the electronic board labeled "Departures", find your flight and the number of the check-in desk for your flight (which is usually listed in the check-in column).

The flight ("Flight") is indicated on the ticket as a combination of Latin letters with numbers. For example: SU 232 or PG 0277.

Departure board indicating the numbers of check-in desks for the flight

Check in for a flight

Going to the registration desk indicated on the scoreboard, check in for a flight: check in your luggage and get a boarding pass (for more details, see the article - What does a boarding pass look like on an airplane.). It is here that they determine where you will sit on the plane. If there is a desire to sit near the window (porthole), then you need to voice your desire to the employee conducting the registration.

At the check-in desk, you can check your passport and ask if you have a visa and necessary documents to enter the country.

If you have already checked in for your flight online (via the Internet) or using self-service machines at the airport, then at the check-in counter you will only need to check in your luggage and receive a baggage tag.

Check-in counters for flights

Pass control (passport and customs control, air security)

With boarding pass and passport follow the signs for "International Departure" to passport control ("Pasport control" or "Immigration") and customs control ("Custom control").

At passport control ("Passport control" or "Immigration") you will need to present your passport and boarding pass for the plane. In some countries, they may also be asked to show permission for the child to travel abroad from the second parent or any other document in accordance with applicable law.

If you are a tourist and you are not carrying any valuables, then it will go unnoticed for you. The list of what you need to declare varies in different countries and the rules are written on the websites of the respective airports. As a rule, personal jewelry worn by a traveler is not subject to declaration, as well as a personal camera, laptop and other equipment with signs of used.

Pointers to domestic and international departures with passport control

Moving in the flow of other passengers, pass an air security check. Here you will be asked, at a minimum, to remove metal objects from your pockets, put your laptop in a separate tray, remove your belt (sometimes shoes). And all this is drawn in pictures before the control. Everything forbidden will be taken away from you or forced to return to the check-in desk and check in your luggage.

Take a walk in the departure area and shopping duty-free

Hooray! Shops and shopping!... But control yourself. If you are flying with a transfer, be careful! When you transfer, you will most likely be again checked for air security and selected all liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml ... including a purchased bottle of whiskey (cognac, vodka, gin, etc.). There were recorded cases of draining a bottle of cognac by the whole team, as it was a pity to throw it away.

Also remember that almost all countries have customs regulations that limit the amount of imported alcohol and cigarettes (for example, strong alcoholic beverages with a volume of more than 1 liter per adult cannot be imported into Singapore).

"Duty-free" (duty-free) means duty-free. Usually in such stores the prices for certain groups of goods (alcohol, cigarettes, appliances) are lower than in ordinary stores.

Duty free shopping area at the airport

Arrive on time to board the plane

Check the board in the departure area- check the time of departure and the number of the gate ("GATE") - the exit where boarding will be carried out (this is a combination of beech and numbers, for example: B15, F22, or only numbers).

Some airports are so huge that it takes 20-30 minutes to walk to remote gates. It is recommended to check how far is your gate ("GATE"), and only then enjoy the benefits of duty free shops.

It is important to remember that the plane can fly away without passengers lost in the shops. And it can cost a decent amount of money and lost vacation days.

Scoreboard in the departure area

Follow the scoreboard and arrive on time for boarding at the correct gate. Sometimes the numbers change, so the scoreboard, and not the numbers in the boarding pass, is the most reliable information.

Translation into Russian of the inscriptions on the scoreboard in the airport departure area:

  • "Open" and "Boarding" - the exit is open and the plane is boarding;
  • "Last Call" - the last call (the names of latecomers can be announced over the speakerphone, but this is not necessary);
  • "Gate Closing" - the exit is closed;
  • "Gate Closed" - landing is completed and the exit is closed.

Boarding gate (Gate)

Navigate the plane and find your seat

Before boarding, airline employees tear off part of the boarding pass and you are left with a small stub with your seat number in the cabin: for example, 22A or 5B. The number is the row, and the letter is the designation of the seat in the row (22A means row 22, seat A).

In the cabin of the aircraft, the seat numbers are indicated at the top - above the seats.

The number is the number of the row, the letter means the place in the row. In the photo: 30 row, place A at the window, C - at the aisle.

Enjoy the flight

Before takeoff, the aircraft crew will conduct a safety briefing and announce that all phones must be turned off throughout the flight (smartphones need only be switched to "air" or "flight" mode).

Smoking on board (including in the toilets) is strictly prohibited.

It is forbidden to use electronic devices during takeoff and landing. Therefore, players, e-books, laptops will have to be put aside until the plane gains altitude.

To avoid stuffy ears during takeoff and landing, you can:

  • dissolve lollipop,
  • drink water or another drink,
  • or yawn heartily, opening your mouth wide.

If there is a transfer, change the plane

If you have a transfer in a third country (for example, you are flying to Singapore via Dubai), then after getting off the plane, follow the signs "Transfer" or "Flight connections".

If you do not have a boarding pass for your next flight, there are airline counters in the transit area or one "Transfers" counter where you will be given a boarding pass and checked that your baggage is traveling with you on the same plane (the baggage tag with your baggage number is attached to boarding pass or passport and must be kept until the end of the trip!).

Complete all procedures in the country of destination

Often issued on the plane migration card form(for example, on flights to Thailand). If you are not a citizen of the country of destination, the card must be completed. To fill it out, in addition to the pen, you will need the data of your international passport, the flight number (of the aircraft on which you arrive in the country), the address of residence during the vacation (the city and the name of the first hotel are enough) and the date of departure from the country.

Pointer at the airport to the arrivals and baggage claim area

Getting off the plane follow the sign "Arrival" (arrival). Further along the route of the flow of arriving passengers, signs "Immigration" or "Visa on arrival" will appear for those countries where a visa is issued on arrival (for example: visa on arrival in Sri Lanka).

Go through "Immigration" (sometimes called "Passport control"), where they will put an arrival stamp in your passport and give you a part of the migration card. It must be kept until departure from the country (put it in your passport).

Board and signs in the baggage claim area

In accordance with the signs with the image of a suitcase or the inscription "Baggage" pass to the baggage claim area. The board will show the number of the tape ("Belt"), on which suitcases from your flight will appear.

After receiving the suitcases, all passengers move to the exit ("Exit") passing through customs control ("Custom control"). Even before the trip, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the customs rules of the country where you are going - what categories of goods are prohibited from being imported into the country.

If you are sure that there is nothing to declare, feel free to go through the "green" corridor (it is really marked with green stickers on the floor). If in doubt, ask a customs officer (sometimes it is better to hand over a prohibited item than pay a $500 fine).

Getting from the airport to the hotel

After passing customs control, you will be taken to arrival area ("Arrival hall"), where you can be met by the guide of the host company, taxis or friends ... it's already like who planned it.

Travel comfortably - order a transfer from the airport to the hotel.

One of the best ways to get to know a new city or resort is excursions with locals who speak Russian.

17.09.2018, 16:50

Airplane, registration, metal detectors, long queues - everything is so complicated. Where to go? What to do? Let's figure it out and simply put it on the shelves, what and when you need to do when you go on a flight for the first time.

To begin with, we will clearly define the mandatory procedures at the airport for ourselves:

  • Registration;
  • Customs control;
  • Passport control;
  • Security control;
  • Boarding a plane.


Information table

The first thing to do at the airport is to find the information board. As a rule, it is visible at the entrance to the terminal task. Find your flight number on this board. The destination of several flights may coincide, the departure time may be changed, so we are looking strictly by the flight number. Read more about how to navigate and what information can be found on the online scoreboard at the airport, read here.

You need to check in only after the inscription appears opposite your flight number check-in. If there is an inscription on-time, then the flight departs on schedule and there are no changes. The start time of registration is also written next to it. If the flight is delayed, the message appears delayed and until the inscription lights up check-in registration is not possible.

Check-in starts 3 hours before departure and ends 30-45 minutes, so if you are going to fly for the first time and do not know what and how, come early! After the sign appeared check-in reception number will be assigned.


We check again the flight number, which check-in desk number and go to the place where the line is smaller. At the reception we provide a ticket and your own passport. If the ticket was purchased electronically, you only need to show your passport. You can also register online. For more information on the procedure for registering for an aircraft, .

At the front desk, you can choose a seat in the cabin. If you are not afraid of heights, choose a seat by the window, if you are afraid to look through the clouds - in the aisle. If you are tall, choose an emergency exit seat for more legroom.

We weigh luggage and hand luggage near the rack on the scales. After weighing, a tag with a barcode is attached to the luggage. These tags will be used to collect your luggage upon arrival. After you have been given a boarding pass and tags from your luggage, check-in is completed.

customs control

If you have an international flight, you need to go through either the green corridor or the red one. The fact is that there are things that are taxed. A list of items falling into this category can be found in advance.

Green corridor, indicated by a green sign with the inscription nothing to declare. Go there if you don't have items subject to duty.
Red corridor for those who have items subject to duty. We go through and fill out the customs declaration. There are many nuances, so it is better to prepare for filling in advance.

Passport control

This step takes a couple of minutes, you need to provide a passport if the flight is within the country, and a passport if the flight is international.

Security control

This is an extreme check, which reveals the presence of prohibited items using metal detectors, scanners and visual inspection. To pass this stage of verification, you need to lay out all your metal objects and electronic devices. Outerwear, hats and shoes are also checked. Shoe covers are given instead of shoes. Then the passenger passes through a metal detector, and if no violations are found, all things are returned to him.

boarding the plane

That's all, the checks are passed, and we find ourselves in the landing zone. After the announcement of boarding the plane, you should go to the exit gate. This number is on your boarding pass. After checking the boarding pass, you will be left with a spine indicating the seat. The row number and letter are written on the spine. Seat markings can be found above the seats. If you have any questions, you can always contact the flight attendants.

Here you know what to do and where to go at the airport. As in any other unfamiliar place, communication will always help. If in doubt, ask a neighbor on the right or left. As the saying goes: “Language will bring you to Kyiv!” Also, Ticket Aero has prepared a memo for its travelers: how to navigate at the airport if you do not speak the language. She might be your assistant.

Happy travels and fair winds!