History of Barcelona: three thousand years of struggle for independence and prosperity. What country is barcelona in barcelona name history

As true patriots, Barcelona residents tend to slightly embellish the history of their native city. For example, here they quite seriously believe that the Catalan capital was founded by Hercules himself. On the other hand, it is very difficult to reproach the locals with excessive exaggeration, since the first written mention of a settlement in this part of the Iberian Peninsula appeared only by 236 BC. e.

Initially, Barcelona was called Barcino: in honor of the Carthaginian commander Hamilcar Barca who settled in these places. In 133 BC. e. The city was visited by the Romans, leaving in it a characteristic layout of the city streets (Gothic Quarter) and the remains of military fortifications as a memory of their presence.

In the Middle Ages, Catalonia became a tasty morsel for militant tribes. As a result, Barcelona was first occupied by the Visigoths, later losing it to the Arabs. True, in 801, Louis the Pious managed to recapture the city and found the capital of the Spanish brand in it, while it was not possible to achieve complete independence.

A serious test for Barcelona was participation in the War of the Spanish Succession, as a result of which it was under siege for a long time, after which it was taken by attack and partially destroyed (by that time the city had managed to be part of the Catalan-Aragonese Confederation, as well as the Catalan Republic).

By the 19th century, the capital of Catalonia had grown significantly, having gone beyond the walls of the fortress, but in the literal sense, the city began to flourish and develop only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Districts of the city

In administrative terms, Barcelona is divided into 10 districts, while, from a tourist point of view, only three of them remain the most prominent.

The Old Town is the historical heart of the Catalan capital, containing the most ancient and, accordingly, the most valuable architectural monuments. It is the Old Town that owns the colorful heritage of the gloomy Middle Ages - the Gothic Quarter, stretching from Plaza Catalunya to Via Laetana Avenue. For your information, 99% of all introductory tourist tours start from Plaza Catalunya, which acts as a link between the old part of Barcelona and the new one.

Barcelona hosted the 1992 Summer Olympics, as well as several matches of the 1982 FIFA World Cup. Barcelona has two 5-star stadiums: Camp Nou and the Olympic Stadium (Estadi Olimpíc Lluís Companys), which hosted the 1992 Olympics year, and now stands Espanyol, until the new club stadium is completed.

Montmelo near Barcelona hosts the traditional Spanish Grand Prix in Formula 1 racing, as well as motorcycle racing. Previously, the Formula 1 track was held in the Pedralbes area.

5 things to do in Barcelona

  • Enjoy the amazing water extravaganza, complemented by a spectacular light show, which is played every evening for all visitors to the singing fountains at the foot of the Montjuic hill.
  • Walk through the quiet streets of the elite Pedralbes quarter and see that the passion for demonstrating their financial superiority is not limited to Russian oligarchs.
  • Take a picture with a real Barcelona mime, don't forget to give the street performer a couple of banknotes.
  • Try all varieties of sangria and take home at least one recipe for this amazing cocktail.
  • Climb Mount Tibidabo and see another Barcelona from a height of 512 m.

How to get there

, Paris , Amsterdam , Brussels and Cologne . In addition, you can sail to Barcelona on one of the many cruise ships that periodically look into the local port. In particular, it can be reached by sea from Algiers, Rome, Livorno and Genoa. But the option of driving your own car should be considered only if you are not afraid of the prospect of additional costs: most of the highways leading to Barcelona are paid.

The history of the origin and formation of Barcelona. Development and historical events in Barcelona.

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Barcelona is a very ancient city, with a history rich in heroic events. Various peoples fought for dominance over him for several thousand years, and he often only benefited from this.

According to legend, Hamilcar Barca, the father of the legendary commander Hannibal, is considered the founder of Barcelona. Although archaeologists believe that there was already a settlement on this site before, and Barca could only restore it, another legend confirms this, according to which the legendary Hercules built his city on this site.

Probably, Borsina (namely, this is how this city was originally called) would have remained a small village if the Romans had not conquered the territory of modern Spain. It was the Roman rulers who contributed to the development of the city, during their reign the city wall was built, and the city streets were laid out in a rather original way - they stretch perpendicularly from the sea to the mountains, from which the city plan is very reminiscent of a chess board. The Romans turned Barcelona into a fairly lively port, which led to the rapid growth of the city's wealth. In general, they significantly expanded the city boundaries.

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With the advent of the German tribe of the Visigoths to the lands of the Iberian Peninsula in the 530s of ours, Borsina was renamed Barcelona in their fashion and even became the capital - however, only for a couple of decades. Then the city was captured by the Arabs, practically destroying it. Their dominance lasted for almost a hundred years, but in the end they could not resist the army of Louis the Pious.

According to legend (recognized by historians as completely untenable, which, however, does not spoil it at all), it was then that the flag of Catalonia appeared - four scarlet stripes on a yellow background. Louis the Pious came to the tent of Wilfred the Hairy, who fought bravely and was seriously wounded in battle, and, seeing his shield, gilded and without a coat of arms, dipped his fingers into Wilfred's blood and ran them over it.

By 878, the city finally gains freedom. It was during this period that Barcelona expanded the boundaries of its possession to the maximum and experienced the times of the greatest dawn, being one of the most significant counties in the entire Old World. It was then that Barcelona became the capital of Catalonia.

For a long time, the royal residence was located here, and the poor but brave navigator Columbus came here to ask the queen for sponsorship to equip his expedition, and here, in Barcelona, ​​the traveler got the opportunity to make his legendary voyage to America. But in this way, Columbus, one might say, indirectly led to the decline of a powerful city, because he opened a new sea route, as a result of which maritime trade moved from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. Catalonia (and Barcelona in particular) was squeezed out of world trade, and the future Spanish capital, on the contrary, began to develop and flourish at an accelerated pace.

Barcelona was able to regain its former power and glory only at the beginning of the last century, and the holding of the XXV Olympic Games in this city contributed to its significant transformation.

History of the Sagrada Familia

Barcelona from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Barcelona.

  • Tours for May to Spain
  • Hot tours to Spain

Proud, narcissistic, explosive, full of geniuses and mediocrity, falling in love and in love, tiring and tired ... all this is about Barcelona - one of the most beautiful cities not only in Europe, but in the whole world. When Muscovites are asked what the capital lacks, 9 out of 10 answer - the sea! So, Barcelona is Moscow with the sea, Dali's crazy energy, Gaudí's freaky architecture, stunning outfits of the LGBT community, active cycling traffic, awesome parties and endless sangria. It would be madness to start listing at least some of its attractions in the introduction to the Catalan capital: they are found here literally at every step, the ancient Roman port breathes history, every stone is ready to tell its legend, and all modern monuments are worthy of at least a hymn or an ode. In short, Barcelona is a city of art. Arriving here gray, boring, tired and devastated, you leave the city of love with such a charge of creative energy, sun, strength and good mood that the border guards at the airport squint apprehensively. The sparkle of Barcelona will remain with you for a long time, illuminating the cozy Russian evenings with a Mediterranean flair.


Both around and in Barcelona itself there are excellent sandy and equipped beaches with showers, toilets, bars and restaurants. In general, the beach area of ​​the city stretches for more than 4 km and consists of 4 main zones. The most popular is the beach of the Barceloneta area, which is practically in the center of Barcelona, ​​​​where both locals and visitors like to spend hours. Renting sunbeds will cost 10 EUR per person, an umbrella - 6 EUR (regardless of the number of people who fit under it). A little north of Barceloneta (10-15 minutes walk along the promenade) there are even entire beach clubs, where for an additional 2.30 EUR you can stake out a locker room and a luggage room.

Almost all summer until late autumn, Barceloneta is packed with vacationers, merchants and Filipino masseurs, so, for all its developed infrastructure, this beach is not the best place for meditative relaxation.

The next one is Ikaria Beach, which Barceloneta turns into right behind Frank Gehry's Art Nouveau sculpture Fish. Then comes the Mar Bella beach, which is unofficially considered nudist - although not only fans of naturism are free to relax here. And, finally, the most remote is Sitges beach, it is already outside the city, and you can get here from Barcelona in half an hour by train from Sants station. Around Barcelona there are many resorts with beautiful beaches.

Shopping in Barcelona

In Barcelona, ​​you can buy clothes, shoes and accessories very well. One of the most literally grandiose places for this is the famous El Corte Ingles on several floors of several buildings in different parts of the city. In fact, this department store sells everything from food to weapons, so lovers of boutiques and fashion brands should prefer Gracia Boulevard.

As for souvenirs, the practice that has long been proven and worked out by most tourists is to bring home from Spain not magnets and postcards, but edible gifts. Jamon and turrone lead the list, followed by wine and olive oil.

Souvenir shops in the Gothic Quarter and the Ramblas are typical tourist traps: as a rule, they do not have a single product made in Catalonia and not in China.

But the city's most famous shopping spot has nothing to do with fashion. This is the Boqueria food market, famous for half the world, in the Old Town, approximately in the middle of the Rambla. Here you can buy the freshest vegetables and fruits, and the choice of meat and seafood here is also the largest.

What to try

Absolutely incredible seafood will be found in Barcelona restaurants in abundance. More often than other species, cod, anchovies, whiting, flounder and monkfish will come across. In addition to seafood delicacies, the Catalans have great respect for meat, especially grilled meat and especially pork. As in Valencia, in Catalonia rice is highly respected: rice with herbs, rice with meat, rice with fish or shellfish. The most famous local rice dish does not come from Catalonia at all - we are, of course, talking about paella. But “black rice” with cuttlefish ink is a Catalan dish.

Tapas can be found everywhere in Barcelona, ​​although this is not a local, but an Andalusian invention (the Catalan analogue of tapas is called pintxos). But it’s easier to buy such popular delicacies among tourists as dried jamon ham, spicy sausages with red pepper chorizo ​​or homemade pork sausage Fuet with noble white mold in the store. Authentic Catalan cuisine consists of simple, even coarse dishes that are heavy on the stomach. If this does not scare you, try the traditional village sausage "butifarra" with beans.

Along with ice cream in the street stalls of Barcelona, ​​​​the traditional soft drink “horchata” from the “chufa” plant is sold - a plant analogue of milk that is rather specific in taste.

Cafes and restaurants in Barcelona

The number of restaurants, bars, pubs and cafes in Barcelona is overwhelming. Moreover, there are more than 20 Michelin-starred establishments in the city. It is best to choose establishments following two simple rules: 1) what we want to eat (national, European or Asian cuisine) and 2) based on the number of people.

The queue to the restaurant is the main sign that the institution deserves your attention.

And in this case, the rule “the more the better” works perfectly. Take the time to stand in line, if there is one - such an institution is definitely popular. In addition, we can advise you to pay attention to all kinds of small stickers on the doors with dates: Check Gourmet 2011 or Trip Adviser 2009 indicate that this place has received at least good reviews from tourists.

On average, a full breakfast in Barcelona (as they call it "English breakfast") will cost 8-10 EUR. It includes bacon or fried sausages, a couple of eggs, toast, beans or mushrooms, coffee, and sometimes freshly squeezed juice. For those who are not used to filling their stomachs with beans and mushrooms in the morning, a traditional breakfast of coffee, juice and a croissant is suitable - 5–8 EUR. For lunch, you can advise using the menu del dia - the Spanish version of a business lunch. They begin to offer it from 12:00 to 16:00, the cost is from 12 to 20 EUR. It usually includes salad, carpaccio or soup (cold tomato gazpacho, for example), then a hot dish, dessert and a drink - beer, a bottle of wine, coffee or juice.

Dinner time in Barcelona comes when establishments start to open after the siesta - usually from 8 o'clock in the evening. A traditional Catalan dinner consists of three courses - an appetizer, hot and dessert. However, there has been a growing trend in Barcelona lately to treat dinner as an extended version of tapas and moderate drinking.

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Guides in Barcelona

Entertainment and attractions

Barcelona is an architectural marvel of Spain, whose sights attract a huge number of tourists throughout the year. This is an open-air museum, where Gothic masterpieces of the Middle Ages, experimental Art Nouveau buildings and modern trends in art, such as high-tech, are wonderfully harmoniously combined.

The main attractions of Barcelona are concentrated in three areas: the Old Town, Eixample and Montjuic.

Views of charming Barcelona

Old Town and Gothic Quarter

Any list of the best attractions in Barcelona will include the oldest quarter of the Old Town with the telling name Gothic. Most of the buildings here date from the 14th and 15th centuries. In addition, here you can find buildings from the time of the ancient Romans. The main attraction is the Cathedral, or the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and St. Eulalia, which is considered one of the most beautiful not only in Barcelona, ​​but throughout Spain. It was built from the end of the 13th century to the middle of the 15th century, and today it is he, and not the Sagrada Familia, that serves as the residence of the archbishop.

White geese live in the chapel of the cathedral. Their color symbolizes the purity of the Holy Martyr Eulalia, in whose honor the temple was built.

Within the area are the Real Mayor Palace, the Ayuntament, the Santa Agata Chapel and the Historical Museum on Rey Square, right next to the walls of which archaeological excavations are being conducted. On Sant Just Square, the gothic fountain, the Moisho Palace and the Santos Just y Pastor Church attract the constant attention of tourists. It is worth paying attention to the Centelles Palace, the Jewish quarter of Cal, museums and theaters in Barcelona.

The most visited museum in Barcelona and one of the best in Spain is the Picasso Museum on Montcada Street in the Old Town. The exposition occupies 5 Gothic buildings and includes many works of the great artist. In particular, those that belong to the "blue period" in his work.

10 things to do in Barcelona

  1. On the first day, climb up to the observation deck at the Sagrada Familia and take an inquisitive look around the surroundings.
  2. Take a sip of water from the fountain in Plaza Catalunya, so you will definitely come to magical Barcelona again.
  3. Watch the mimes on the streets, not forgetting the rewards.
  4. Try young Spanish wine (2-3 EUR per bottle) and be pleasantly surprised.
  5. Visit the best aquarium in Europe (yes, it is located in Barcelona!)
  6. A day to lie on the fine sand of the beach near the El Maresme-Forum metro station - there are fewer people than on Barceloneta, and the sea is magical.
  7. To make a cultural run around museums: to leave Barcelona without visiting the Picasso Museum is a crime.
  8. Look at the Camp Nou stadium - it will impress even those who are far from football.
  9. Slowly walk along Montjuic mountain.
  10. And finally - to admire the performance of magical fountains in the Plaza de España.

Maps of Barcelona


The Eixample district was designed in the 19th century when it became clear that the city needed to be expanded. Straight-line planning had never been used in Barcelona up to this point, and thanks to it, the architects were able to achieve not only convenience, but also external effects. Now in Eixample there are a large number of unique buildings, among which the buildings of Gaudí gained fame. Its famous Sagrada Familia, 170 meters high, is one of the symbols of the city.

Sagrada Familia and Gaudí

The multi-tower Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) Cathedral Antonio Gaudi began to build in 1883, but the construction of the temple has not yet been completed, which does not prevent him from remaining the most famous architectural structure in the city. Gaudi himself is rightly considered the most famous and truly outstanding architect of Spain, being also a prominent representative of the Catalan Art Nouveau. The unique buildings he created are one of the most colorful faces of Barcelona. Such creations of the great Gaudí as the Palau Güell on Carrer Nou de la Rambla and the park of the same name, the Sagrada Familia, Casa Vicenç, Casa Batllo on Passeig de Gracia and Casa Mila, nicknamed the Quarry, are under the protection of UNESCO and a must visit for everyone who comes to Barcelona. Among other things, the Calvet mansion and the graceful lanterns on the Plaza Real stand out.

Walks in Barcelona


Montjuic is not only the name of the area, but also the name of the mountain, the slopes of which withstood the 1929 World's Fair and the Summer Olympics. The fortress, the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, the Museum of the artist Joan Miro and the Magic Fountain are a must-see minimum.

A considerable number of tourists go in orderly rows to boutique villages in order to update their wardrobe for a sane price.

Barcelona cinema tours

The City Tourist Office invites everyone to join the unusual Barcelona cinema tours in Spanish and English, which start every Saturday at 17:00 from the Columbus Monument in Portal de la Pau. In the assortment: a walk "together" with Pedro Almodovar, Woody Allen or Manuel Huerga through the most cinematic places in the city, entertaining stories about the filming of such films as "Perfume" by Tom Tykwer, "Salvador" by Manuel Huerga, "Spanish Inn" ("Spanish Woman ”) by Cedric Klapisch, Vicky Cristina Barcelona by Woody Allen and All About My Mother by Pedro Almodovar.

Tour duration: 2.5 hours. Cost - 14.50 EUR, children under 8 years old - free of charge. A ticket can be booked on the website or simply purchased at the meeting point of the group no later than 15 minutes before the start of the tour.

Barcelona for children

There are many playgrounds in Barcelona, ​​there are several pleasant parks, and it is quite normal for Barcelona residents to bring children to restaurants, cafes and even bars. In addition, not far from Barcelona is the well-known amusement park Port Aventura, one of the best in Europe. You can get there by first taking the train to Salou in less than 2 hours, and then reaching the park itself by bus in 10-15 minutes.

The greatest concentration of interesting places in Barcelona for children is observed near the port. Firstly, this is an aquarium where there is a tunnel for watching sharks. Secondly, there is a zoo where dolphin shows are held. Third - the Chocolate Museum and the Maritime Museum. Another equally busy place is northern Barcelona: the amusement park on Mount Tibidabo and the entertaining science museum CosmoCaixa. In principle, Park Güell also falls into the category of suitable places for children, if you do not go too far into it.



The best time to travel to Barcelona is more of a matter of taste. The swimming season begins in mid-May - early June and lasts until the end of September. The most pleasant time is May and September. The end of July and the first half of August is the time when there are more foreigners on the streets of the city than residents of Barcelona.

It is a beautiful, unusual and one of the most popular tourist cities in the world. It occupies part of the Mediterranean coast. The capital of Catalonia is located in the southern part of Spain and has geographical coordinates of 2°11′00″ east longitude and 41°23′00″ north latitude.

Location of Barcelona on the map

On the map of the European continent, the city is located in its southwestern part. France is located 120 km from Barcelona.

On the map of Spain, the capital of Catalonia occupies the southern part. Malaga is located 990 km from it, - 623 km, and - 351 km.

urban areas

The city administratively consists of 10 districts, of which the most visited by tourists are three - Montjuic with the hill of the same name, Eixample with the main architectural masterpieces of Gaudi and the historical center of Barcelona - the Old Town with the Gothic Quarter.

Interactive city map

An interactive map of the city has civic and tourist objects printed on it - cafes, restaurants, attractions, museums, hotels, squares, streets, etc. It can increase and decrease.

City map with attractions

The capital of Catalonia is filled with amazing historical and architectural sites - the Gothic Quarter, the houses of Mila and Batllo with bizarre shapes, the Picasso and Miro museums, the Montjuic tower and fortress on the mountain of the same name, the art museum, singing fountains, the unusual Sagrada Familia, the famous Park Güell and many others. . The site barcelona.city-tour.com has a map with all the most famous sights of the city. There you can also book a bus tour of Barcelona.

Subway map

You can walk for many hours in the capital of Catalonia, but to see all its sights you need the subway, which is inexpensive, fast and convenient public transport. Many famous sights of the city are located near metro stations. On Monday-Thursday it operates from five in the morning until midnight, on Fridays - until two in the morning, and on Saturdays - until Sunday morning. On holidays, the subway may operate differently. The schedule in this case must be specified separately. Ticket for 45 min. metro rides cost 2.15 euros. It can also be used for travel on any other public transport in Barcelona. The metro map of the Catalan capital can be carefully studied on its official website www.tmb.cat.


Barcelona has 3 airports. Reus is 105 kilometers away, Girona is 95 kilometers away and El Prat is 15 kilometers away. The latter is the largest and busiest Catalan airport. It receives 20 million passengers annually. The airport is equipped with two terminals - T1 serves domestic and international flights, and T2 - low-cost airlines. A map of El Prat can be viewed on the portal www.barcelona-airport.com.

Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, one of the best and most popular tourist resorts in the whole and. In addition, it is a significant Mediterranean seaport, a large commercial and industrial center of the EU.

Barcelona is the capital of the Mediterranean Union, which includes more than four dozen states. This city hosted the Summer Olympics-92, various sports competitions of the European and world level were held here.


Barcelona is located in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula on the Mediterranean coast. The Pyrenees are located more than 100 km north of the capital of Catalonia. Nearby are the mountains of Colseropa, which are the boundaries of the city.

Barcelona lies on a hilly area, each hill gave its names to its quarters: Carmel, Monterolls, Puchet, Rovira, Peyra, etc. All of them have their own cultural, historical and architectural attractions.


Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate. There is a dry winter, similar to our Indian summer, and a mild warm summer with warm rains. The coldest time here is in January and February - about +10C. The warmest time of the year is the second half of summer - around +25C.

Most of the rain falls in the city in October, and the least - in July. This climate is ideal for a tourist holiday, there is never sweltering heat or frost.


Regarding the origin of Barcelona, ​​there are two main legends. The first says that the city was founded by the famous hero of ancient Greek myths Hercules in the 11th century BC, and then it was rebuilt in the 3rd century BC. Carthaginian Barca, father of Hannibal.

The second legend excludes Hercules from the founders of Barcelona and says that it was the Carthaginian Barca who was the first founder of this city and named it Barcino in honor of his own family.

By the beginning of our era, Barcelona became a Roman colony, gradually grew rich due to its harbor, minted its own coin and settled down. Beautiful Roman buildings have been preserved here to this day.

In the 5th century, the city was conquered by the Visigoths and became the capital of their kingdom. After a short time, Barcelona was conquered by other barbarians - the Ostrogoths. And two centuries later, in the 7th century, the Moors came here.

And in the 9th century, Barcelona was recaptured by the son of the King of the Franks, Charlemagne, and appointed his count here, who proclaimed the independence of Catalonia. Then the confederation of Catalonia and Aragon was formed, and in the XVII century - the Catalan Republic.

In the XVIII century, the battle of Spain for Catalonia began. Philip V captured Barcelona, ​​destroyed most of the city and banned the Catalan language. Then Catalonia was annexed to France, and after the fall of Napoleon returned to Spain.

In the 20th century, during the Spanish Civil War, the Catalan language was again banned in Catalonia. Protests in the seventies of the XX century led to the revival of the language and the permission to use it in everyday life. Today there are 7 universities in Barcelona.


A few kilometers from Barcelona there is an international airport, it is the second largest in Spain and the largest in the Mediterranean. The airport is connected to Barcelona by metro, rail and highway.

The seaport of Barcelona has a history of 2,000 years. It is engaged in maritime transport of passengers and cargo, is growing rapidly, and in the near future its area should double.

Barcelona is the most important railway center in Spain. There are several major railway stations here. There are high-speed railways in the country, incl. passing through Barcelona.

Public transport in Barcelona is represented by the underground with 11 lines (city and private). Subway lines connect the city with its suburbs, they are located underground and on its surface.

Networks of city buses, trams belong to private companies. All urban transport is adapted for the disabled. Taxi drivers in Barcelona are mostly privately licensed. There is a practice of renting a car.


Sant Sebastia beach

This is the most popular beach in Barcelona, ​​where tourists and locals love to relax, although it is quite far from the city center. The beach is located in a cozy and clean bay and has all the necessary beach equipment, incl. for invalids.

Sant Miguel beach

Once there was a church with the same name, and today there is a small but very comfortable beach. It is located almost in the center of Barcelona, ​​so it continues to gain popularity.

Bogatell Beach

And this beach is located further from the center, so it is not so noisy on it. But there is a very clean and well-groomed territory, free showers and access to the beach, cafes and restaurants with excellent Catalan cuisine, etc.

Levant beach

This is the farthest beach from the city center. It opened just a few years ago, but already has all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable stay. It has excellent service and relatively few visitors.

Mar Bella beach

This beach was opened for the Olympics-92 and tourists and residents of Barcelona almost immediately liked it. Sports fans will find entertainment here. Nearby is the well-known yacht club in the city. There are nudists nearby.

Barceloneta beach

This is the oldest beach in the city. However, age has not affected its quality in any way, so the beach is extremely popular. It has recently been completely renovated, so it is now considered the cleanest and safest in the city.


Gothic Quarter

In this part of Barcelona, ​​most of the monuments of history and architecture, built here during the time of Ancient Rome, as well as Gothic buildings erected in the Middle Ages and Modern times, have been preserved. Great place for excursions.

Olimpic village

A modern landmark of the city, built for the Olympics-92. Here you can visit the Olympic Port, sail around the harbor on a yacht, visit two skyscrapers where the athletes lived, etc.

Plaza Catalunya

This is the beginning of the New City in Barcelona, ​​built during the time of Queen Isabella II. The square is located on the border with the Gothic quarter, and further from it are quarters built along straight and perpendicular lines, with outgoing highways.

The aquarium is the world's longest glass tunnel, passing through which you can observe the life of fish, animals and other inhabitants of the sea. It is also the largest European aquarium.

Sagrada Familia

This Catholic Cathedral was designed by the great Antoni Gaudí. The temple is supported only by donations from private individuals. One of the most popular architectural monuments in the world.

The Rambla

The famous boulevard of Barcelona, ​​where tourists and residents of Barcelona walk in the evenings. There are many street cafes, souvenir shops, you can watch performances of street artists, etc.

House Mila

Another great landmark of the city created by Gaudí. This house is considered a symbol of Barcelona, ​​its hallmark. Ordinary people live on the lower floors of the house, and there is a museum upstairs.

Casa Batlló

Gaudí houses in Barcelona

Another work of Antonio Gaudi, a real masterpiece of a brilliant architect. In fact, this is the beginning of his independent path, the first unique creation, the ideas of which Gaudi later applied in other projects.

spanish village

This is a large open-air museum, which contains reconstructions of dwellings from Catalonia, Andalusia, Galicia, Aragon and other Spanish regions, in which the Spaniards lived during the Middle Ages.

This famous monument with an observation deck at the top is set on the Las Ramblas. It was in the old port of Barcelona that Columbus arrived after his famous campaign, which ended with the discovery of America.


Barcelona has a very vibrant nightlife, which you should definitely get to know, first with a guide, and then on your own. It is best to avoid the beaten paths of tourists and wander in the back streets of the Old Town and the Gothic Quarter.

Here you can find old pubs with their own unique history, bohemian bars where Picasso and Dali visited, drinking establishments serving great craft beer, and other "evil" places.


In Barcelona, ​​there are hundreds of famous excursions from professional guides that will help you:

  • get a general idea of ​​the city;
  • learn more about its history and architecture;
  • enjoy Catalan museums and art;
  • taste local cuisine, etc.

Who is this resort for?

Of course, Barcelona, ​​as a resort, is intended for people of the European middle class and more affluent segments of the population. The prices here are quite high, because. this is one of the best resorts in Europe.

Video about Barcelona

Helpful information

The Russian Embassy in Spain is located at:

Madrid, st. Velasquez, 155.

Tel.: +34 915622264 or +34 914110807,

24/7 phone: +34 670848773.

Consulate General of Russia in Barcelona:

Tel.: +34 932805432 or +34 932800220,

24/7 phone: +34 609306346.

Emergency Phones:

091 - national police,

092 - local police,

061 - ambulance,

080 - emergency assistance in case of fires.

Choose a hotel at a bargain price