Kabardinka museum old park. Old park in Kabardinka

In the resort city of Gelendzhik, an amazing park has spread, in which architectural marvels from around the world. It is located on a plot of more than a hectare, which has become a home for thematic architectural creations from different cultural eras.


The creator of the Old Park is Alexander Alekseev. Initially, engaged only in journalistic and literary activities, he dramatically changed his life, starting to study architecture and sculpture. Initially, he created a simple bust of Walter, then Homer and Dante, after which he came up with a brilliant idea to create a gallery that includes the architecture of various civilizations and times. The essence of his concept is simple - to recreate in a relatively small area something that would contradict historically and culturally. For example, ancient Egypt and Classical Europe, Western civilization and Eastern civilization.

This person does not have a specialized architectural education, but he does have an artistic vision and philosophical thought that can be combined with sculpture or building. Such a symbiosis of thought and creation has created a unique park that can safely be called one of the best creations in the vastness of Russia.

Architectural compositions of the park

The park contains more than 20 buildings and the same number of territories, determined by the type and theme.

  • Classicism - on the very first site, the place was given to an ancient temple. This site boasts a sense of calm and harmony. There is also a gazebo-rotunda, which serves as a symbol and a key figure in many public areas.
  • Gothic - a zone of complex structures, lancet arches, rib vaults, and buttresses protruding outwards. One feels mysticism in all manifestations, which is covered with mystery and darkness. There is a Gothic park, as well as a sculptural group consisting of images of saints: Paul, George, Peter and Mephistopheles.
  • Egypt - part given away Egyptian theme. Reduced copies of the sphinxes, the pyramids of Cheops, as well as various symbols of ancient Egypt. The central entrance to the park is also made in massive columns and arches-pylons of the Egyptian style.
  • An aqueduct is an arched structure used by the Romans as a drainage channel.
  • Gallery of modern art - made in the Art Nouveau style. It hosts a permanent exhibition of 6 Russian artists who paint their paintings in different styles and with different messages.
  • House of the Caucasus - unique architectural structure, which tells about many historical moments of the Caucasian people.
  • Middle Ages - a pond and a gazebo for two in the middle were formed in this zone.
  • Antiquity - here is the ancient pavilion, which was erected by the Greek civilization for their gods. It houses Greek portraits on stone, statues of the gods, and a bust of Homer.
  • Japan - in this Japanese corner there is a lily pond, a Shinto shrine and a sculpture of the god Ebisa.
  • Architect's house tall buildings with two open areas, in which the currents of classicism, modernity and gothic elements can be traced.
  • The House of the East is a classical mosque with white stone minarets. Similar architecture is common in Islamic countries.
  • The Orthodox Chapel is a Russian Orthodox chapel demonstrating the Byzantine technique of execution and construction of buildings.

Ticket prices to Old Park Kabardinka 2020

Entrance fees:

  • Adults - 500 rubles,
  • Children from 6 to 13 years old - 200 rubles,
  • Children under 6 years old - free of charge.

Tours are free of charge.

Picture gallery: for adults - 50 rubles, for children - 30 rubles.

House of the Caucasus: for adults - 50 rubles, for children - 30 rubles.

Free admission for VO participants.

Opening hours of the Old Park in Kabardinka

The cultural center "Old Park" is open to visitors daily, opening hours - according to the seasonal schedule.

From June to September, the park is available for guided tours from 8:00 to 22:00.

Opening hours in the low season, from October to May: from 9:00 to 18:00.

How to get to the Old Park in Kabardinka from Gelendzhik

The distance from the center of Gelendzhik to the Old Park is about 16 km. The trip by car will take approximately 25-30 minutes, you can drive along Lunacharskogo Street, then along the M4-Don. Address of the Old Park: st. Chernomorskaya, 55 (near the Olimp stadium in Kabardinka).

Ride on public transport is also possible: buses No. 32, 103, 199 run from the bus station on Lenina to Kabardinka and back, fixed-route taxi No. 31. Taking into account all stops, the journey will take approximately 50 minutes. From the Kabardinka bus station on foot to the Old Park - about 1 km: along Mira Street, after the Olimp stadium, turn onto Abrikosovaya, then along Chernomorskaya straight to the park.

Taxi - YandexTaxi, Uber, Gett.

Entrance to the Old Park in Kabardinka - Google Maps panorama

Virtual walk through the Old Park of Kabardinka

Video, overview of the park area

The cultural center "Old Park" is the first Black Sea coast Russian themed architectural park in Kabardinka, created by local resident at your own expense. "Old Park" in Kabardinka is an open-air museum. "Old Park" is registered at the address: Kabardinka, Chernomorskaya street, 55. "Old Park" is stylized as images of different cultures of Civilization on a horizontal plane of half a hectare.

The cultural center "Old Park" more than 15 years ago was created by an extraordinary architect and sculptor Alexander Ivanovich Alekseev with his own hands, on a plot of land belonging to his family according to his project. With his talent, Alexander Alekseev in Kabardinka abolished borders and time!

The Stone of Eternity, the unhewn watchtowers of the Middle Ages, the lacy cobweb of the Eastern palaces, the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids, the rhythms of the Caucasus - everything coexists in one park area among the summer greenery. IN Orthodox temple ah "Old Park" I want to raise my thoughts to heaven, and the Caucasian chapel will give the way to purification. In the "Old Park" gray waterfalls flow onto the rocky wet bottom near the grottoes.

"Old Park" in is not just architectural copies, each of them carries the author's thought. "Old Park" embodies two main ideas: educational and cultural.

The central summer gates of the park represent a common ensemble with the administrative building and are impeccably executed in the Art Nouveau style. The winter entrance is designed in the Egyptian style with a pylon arch on majestic columns, in which two sphinxes are frozen - the vigilant guardians of this magical world. The central entrance of the "Old Park" in Kabardinka is decorated with the "House of the Architect" with Art Nouveau and Gothic elements, but the bulk of the facade is occupied by the classicism style with two open viewing areas. A spectacular Gothic fountain forms a single composition with it, into the rectangular bowl of which water flows from the mouths of gargoyles. The Gothic fountain is spiers soaring upwards, graceful sculptural compositions of the Saints, lancet arches on protruding columns. The Gothic fountain embodies the "Source of Life" in the park.

The territory of the "Old Park" is divided into several thematic zones. At the Central entrance on the left is the Antiquity zone. In the "Temple of Zeus" tourists are greeted by the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology, Zeus, seated on a throne, as on the top of Mount Olympus.

To the left of the "Temple of Zeus" part of the "Old Park" of Kabardinka belongs to the Egyptian civilization with a copy of the Pyramid of Cheops, the Obelisk, the Sphinx, the Arbor-Rotonda, the Colonnade and the Classical Fountain.

The house of the covered Art Gallery stands apart and complements this part of the "Old Park".

The middle part of the "Old Park" is the images of the Old Town of Medieval European architecture. A moat-pond with a stone-paved bridge and a Watchtower for the protection of fortress-cities are the dominants of this style. The middle of the pond is decorated with the Palace gazebo of mortal sins. Tourists get to the top of the Watchtower through the masonry of the spiral staircase and can view the entire panorama of the "Old Park" from its height.

From the Central entrance to the right, the Alley of Civilizations leads tourists to the theme of the East. Here the idea of ​​the "Old Park" in some way intersects with the idea of ​​the Temple of All Religions in Kazan. The lower part of the "Old Park" surprises with the Japanese Corner, the House of the East, the House of the Caucasus, the Orthodox Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Indian fountain and the Aqueduct.

Let's look into the "House of the East" with its Arabic script, Moorish, Turkish, Indian, Islamic, Persian motifs and images. Let's admire its interior, ornaments and decorative items! The House of the East is the main building in which the Palace, the Mosque and the Mausoleum were combined architecturally.

The facade of the building is made in the form of a Palace with columns at the entrance, openwork elements of front arches and rows of intertwined scallops along the perimeter of the roof. The skeleton of the House of the East is a stylization of the high towers of the minarets of an Islamic mosque. The tower with a golden central dome represents the architectural idea of ​​a mausoleum.

Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - the architecture of the cathedrals of the Russian Orthodox Church. Its five domes-domes symbolize Jesus Christ and 4 apostles-evangelists: Matthew, Luke, Mark, John.

The main fountain of the "Old Park" is a composition of elephants that hold the flat Earth on their mighty backs. The Indian fountain in the summer heat gives travelers moisture next to the House of the East.

The House of the Caucasus is a museum that tells in exhibits about the history of the peoples of the Caucasus, life, weapons and Caucasian culture.

The aqueduct completes the Park's Eastern theme with a spectacular waterfall, stairs and underwater lighting in the pool. "Old Park" is a Kabardian miracle. There is even a corner with exhibits from the era of the USSR, which makes the hearts of our contemporaries beat faster.

The writer and journalist Alekseev, with his yet another talent as an architect, at the turn of the century created a unique landmark in Kabardinka - the "Old Park". In the "Old Park" there are many philosophical sayings left on the stones. The most important inscription: "Love people!" The park is decorated with plants and information signs to them. The creator has invested labor, an idea and boundless love for art into every centimeter of the park area. Alekseev invented and patented a special brand of concrete mix, which is used in park architectural masterpieces. Today, a whole team of like-minded people is already working in his architectural workshop. The thematic "Old Park" in Kabardinka develops the main philosophical idea: "Humanity has one nature, and culture appears in all its diversity as a single Human community." "Old Park" in Kabardinka is a park, an exhibition of architectural objects and a good playground. Tourists make a complete photo-report about their "Round the World Journey".

Old Park is a unique theme park on the Black Sea. Having been in Kabardinka, it is impossible not to visit the "Old Park". The park with an area of ​​half a hectare, representing one large green space, includes objects from different eras: ancient greece, Ancient Egypt, Middle Ages and Renaissance. The cultures of the peoples of the Caucasus, Orthodox and Eastern cultures were also embodied here. A kind of gallery of civilizations contains the concept of placing what has always contradicted each other in history: East and West, Ancient Egypt and Classical Antiquity.

Stone inscription:

If every person
on your piece of land
did everything he could
how beautiful
was our land...

A. Chekhov

The central entrance is made in the Egyptian style. Ancient Egypt in the Old Park is also personified by a reduced copy of the Pyramid of Cheops and two Sphinxes. A stylized temple of Zeus, a sculpture of Aphrodite and Galatea, relief panels with an illustration of Homer's Iliad take you to the world of antiquity and the heyday of Greek civilization.

A pond decorated with wild stone with a bridge and a colorful watchtower in the wooded part of the park represent medieval civilization. The path around this pond, which is 70 meters along the perimeter, half consists of juniper and cypress. This alley is a luxurious attribute of the green part of the park. In the style of the Middle Ages, the Palace Pavilion is also made, in which there are sculptures of mortal sins, which were talked about so much during the gloomy Middle Ages.

In the Old Park there is also an art gallery of modern painting, built in the style of classical modern of the late 19th - early 20th century. Here you can enjoy viewing the paintings of contemporary Russian artists of different trends. The Gothic style of the 12th century has also taken its place in this park. An eye-catching fountain in this style has found its place in front of the main entrance. Here is a whole sculptural group of images of St. Paul, St. George, St. Peter and Mephistopheles.

Of particular interest is the House of the Architect, which is made in various styles: classicism, modern, and there are also elements of the Gothic. In the lower park, you can get into the atmosphere of various civilizations, such as Asia, Europe, India and Japan. The Japanese Corner has a Shinto shrine and a statue of the god Ebisu. A source of pure water flows from the Tai fish held by Ebis. The fountain with four elephants represents Indian civilization.

A special place in the Old Park is occupied by the House of the Caucasus, which combines spiritual, civil and military architecture. There are two millstones on the way to the building. In the millstones of the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Persian, British and Russian history the character of the Caucasian peoples was forged. Therefore, a fragment of a millstone is imprinted as a symbol in the pediment of the House of the Caucasus.

The poetic lines of Valery Bryusov are appropriate here: "Centuries have passed. And how from the greedy mouth we pulled the past out of the earth." They best describe
selflessness of a rare enthusiast Alexander Alekseev, who, sparing no effort, creates man-made miracle depicting human history.
The author of the project is architect Alexandra Alekseev, a resident of the village of Kabardinka.

There is one of the most interesting sights of the region, which is definitely worth a visit - the "Old Park". Architect Alexander Alekseev, on a small plot of land, created a theme park that amazes with beauty and fabulousness. Every piece of land here has turned into a real work of art. Without exaggeration, the founder of the park and his assistants have worked and continue to work on every centimeter of land.

The village of Kabardinka is located 11 kilometers from the city of Gelendzhik. Less than 10 thousand people live here, and in the summer season the population increases several times due to tourists. Kabardinka, like Novorossiysk, is located on the shores of the Tsemesskaya Bay in a picturesque valley. From the southwest, the village is protected from winds and storms by Cape Doob with a low Tuaphat ridge, and from the northeast by the spurs of the Markotkhsky ridge.

How to get to Kabardinka

Kabardinka is located on the M4 Don highway between Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk. The village can be reached by taxi or public transport:

  • taxi from 500 rubles from Gelendzhik and from 600 rubles from Novorossiysk,
  • bus number 103 from 25 rubles from Gelendzhik,
  • intercity bus from Novorossiysk from 50 rubles,
  • excursion from Gelendzhik or Novorossiysk from 500 rubles.

Address, ticket price and opening hours of the "Old Park"

  • "Old Park" is located on Chernomorskaya street, 55.
  • Working hours - daily
  • in the summer season June / September from 8-00 to 22-00,
  • in the winter season October / May from 9-00 to 18-00.
  • Entrance to the "Old Park" is paid:
  • adult - 500 rubles,
  • children - 200 rubles (children under 6 years old stay free of charge).

What is interesting in the "Old Park"

Crossing the threshold of the "Old Park" you find yourself in another reality. The "Old Park" is divided into thematic zones, which every visitor to the park can easily guess. And from the threshold we find ourselves in the “Antiquity” zone, where Zeus meets us on the throne in the temple. To the left of the temple, located Egyptian pyramid, here is a rotunda and a beautiful fountain.

Behind the fountain there is a small corner of the Soviet era, from which every adult visitor will have their own memories.
Unlimited attention has been paid to the detailing of the park, and in addition to exotic plants that grow on its territory, there are funny little figurines, forged creatures and stone sculptures both under the bush and on the branch.

There is also a thematic zone "Middle Ages" in the park, where the visitor is waiting for a real gothic castle with a tower and a moat, though without crocodiles, but with turtles. A spiral staircase leads to the top of the tower, overlooking the surroundings of the park. Separately, we can note the work of a blacksmith, without whose forged sculptures the castle would not have looked so medieval.

There is also an Orthodox chapel in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the "Old Park".

There is also a "House of the East", similar to the Indian Taj Mahal. The House of the East houses a permanent exhibition of valuable items donated to the museum by private collectors. Its pearl is the most beautiful carpet woven of gold, which, thanks to the light pouring through the hole in the ceiling, shimmers in the sun with all colors.

To the right of the "House of the East" on the central alley of the park there is a large fountain with elephants holding a bowl on their mighty backs.

The "House of the Caucasus" also fits in the park. Inside there is an exposition, for which you will have to pay extra: an adult ticket - 50 rubles, a children's ticket - 30 rubles. Here are collected household items and weapons, jewelry and creations of painters.

At the end of the central alley of the park there is a beautiful aqueduct, the architecture of which mixed Celtic, Slavic, Germanic and other motifs of the peoples who worshiped the God of Light. The aqueduct is equipped with a spectacular waterfall and beautiful underwater lighting.

The "Old Park" in Kabardinka is a very popular place among tourists in Gelendzhik. If there is fatigue from beach holiday and I wanted new experiences, and climb the hills in search of beautiful view or a waterfall is hard, then you can go to the "Old Park". Located 11 kilometers from Gelendzhik, the theme park, along with the Kabardinka embankment, will make an enviable duet for a must-see.

Video: Old park in Kabardinka

Video from a visit to a small private park called the Old Park, it is located in Kabardinka, not far from Gelendzhik.

Good afternoon site readers. I continue the theme of the Old Park in the village of Kabardinka. There are many impressions, information and photos too. Therefore, I divided the posts into several parts for ease of reading and viewing photos. In the first article about the Old Park in Kabardinka, I described my impressions. It can be said that she made her own review of the park. Here I want to tell you more about the architectural part of the Old Park.

The Old Park is probably one of the first and so far the only architectural theme park on the Black Sea coast. The area of ​​the park is about half a hectare. And here, it would seem, on a small territory, the world epochs of Culture and Aesthetics are located: Greece, Ancient Egypt, the epochs of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Orthodox and Eastern culture. Here Museum "House of the Caucasus" is located.More detailed information You can read about the Old Park here.

Such a unity of the compositions of time has been created in the park. In one place you can see a pyramid, an ancient temple, the Greek god Zeus, a medieval bridge, a watchtower, a house for two Eloise and Abelard, an Orthodox church, a stone of time, a Japanese chapel. Of course, you can’t list everything, but it’s not necessary. Whoever here knows how close different times and different cultures are. For those of you who haven't been here before, be sure to come!

Near the main entrance to the Old Park, you can see a Gothic fountain. It became, as it were, one with the architect's house, which is located behind the fountain. He immediately draws attention to himself. The reason for this is not the usual architecture, which makes you think. Medieval Europeans symbolized such a font as the Source of Life.

On the Gothic fountain are images of saints: St. Paul, St. George, St. Peter, St. Mephistopheles. These sculptures are endowed with emotions: Paul - pacifying, Peter - keeping, George - smashing, Mephistopheles - omnipresent. Each sculpture is created according to a special plan. The main idea of ​​this plan is that one should never relax, since the Devil can live in each of us. And you always have to be ready to resist temptation.

Having created such attractive effects here as a jet of clear water, which beats from the mouths of gargoyles, falling down into the bowl. The effect is amazing, probably due to the straight lines and fragile structures.

As soon as you enter the Old Park, your eyes immediately fall on the Temple of Zeus. Built according to ancient canons, which creates the image of classical Greece. The temple is not large in size, with a high ceiling and large wooden doors. When the doors are open, entering the park you can immediately see the majestic Zeus, who sits peacefully, watching everyone entering.

Sculptures of Aphrodite and Galatea greet everyone entering the temple of Zeus

Classical antiquity is not only ancient Greece, but ancient Rome.

Coins are left at the feet of Zeus

In the temple of Zeus, these are decorated with drawings ancient greece panel

The phrase said by Homer: "You, the almighty, the almighty father, everything flows out of you."

Fountain "Classic"

Seeing the Pyramid and the Sphinx guarding it, you are immediately transported to Ancient Egypt. Although the Pyramid was proportionally reduced and the dimensions differ from the real one, it is still the atmosphere of a great and mighty ancient civilization does not leave. If we look at the reliefs, we can see many incomprehensible signs. As they say, the uninitiated do not understand. Ancient Egypt will forever remain a mystery of antiquity, which a person will never be able to fully understand.

Obelisk("small skewer") - a monument tapering to the top, in most cases square in cross section. An important element of architecture ancient egypt where obelisks were symbols of the Sun. In ancient Rome, obelisks were used as sundial gnomons or turning signs in circuses. Egyptian obelisks are monolithic, carved from a homogeneous block of stone (as a rule, Aswan red granite). They were installed in pairs on the sides of the entrance to the temple. Read more here.

Entrance to the Pyramid

Drawings inside the Pyramid

Sphinx at the entrance to the park

Copper weather vane on the building of the Architect's house

On the main tower building of the art gallery sits a guardian angel who carefully inspects the park and guarding it from no platoon. The angel can be seen from anywhere in the Old Park.

This place is special, it combines the harmony of nature, fairy tales and the classicism of enlightenment. A strange combination, but it is collected uniquely. Such an element of landscape design, where the colonnade neatly fit. And at the foot there is a picturesque fairy tale of small figurines.

The idea of ​​building this colonnade was to write two phrases on it. First: “The moment the word was carved in stone, history began.” And the second: “Even the gods cannot change the past… But history repeats itself.”

What else you pay attention to is the gazebo, which is located almost in the center of the first part of the park.

Angry and strict faces on the stone of time, which do not say anything, but only by their appearance make you think about your meaning of your life, about your goals. And remember that life is not eternal and you need to fill it with good moments and not waste time in vain. Forever is only culture, art and history.

Human sins are located on the palace arbor, as a reminder that the devil is always there. There are only seven sins: Anger, Greed, Pride, Gluttony, Fornication, Despondency and Envy. But there are eight figures on the gazebo - maybe this is a sign that there is always a chance to realize.

It is a symbol of luxury in medieval times.

Arbor with a small fountain

Openwork ceiling of the gazebo

The chapel of the Old Park is dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Inside the chapel are collected unique ancient icons. Here, the pleasant smell of lavender and wax, the burning of candles and silence, creates peace and tranquility. It reminds me of a monastery in Gorny with peace and quiet. The chapel was lit on February 20, 2011.

Shinto is the traditional religion of Japan that deifies nature. It is believed that everything on earth is animated. Every thing has a soul. This chapel is dedicated to one of the seven gods - Ebisu. This is the god of happiness and good luck, labor and trade, family and children.

God Ebis - in his hands is a Tai fish.

This building combined three types of architecture: spiritual, military and civil. Near the "House of the Caucasus" are household items and tools from the past.

Many peoples perceived the stone as a symbol of eternity and firmness. Perhaps that is why the main oaths were made on stones.