What sport is popular in Australia. Australia

Sport in Australia

A lot of Australians think you shouldn't worry too much about life.

But some things in life are really important, and to many Australian men, one of these things is sport. It's something they don't joke about. Sport Matters. In pubs, clubs and even at work you"ll often find men who can talk about only one thing - sport.

Australians are lucky. They have a perfect climate, and an endless amount of land. They have wonderful waves for surfers on their beaches. They also have a strong wish to win. Put these together and you get a lot of good sportsmen and sportswomen. In fact, Australia has a very high number of world champions, in all kinds of sports, for a country of only 16 million people.

Around the country you"ll find plenty of opportunities for golf, squash, tennis, trail riding (horse or motorcycle), fishing and so on. Surfing is almost a religion for many Australians who follow the waves around the country and there are a number important surfing contests.

You "ll find football of assorted types including the unique Australian Rules Football. Then, there"s motor racing and motorcycle racing, horse racing, yacht racing, cricket matches and lots more.

The best thing, of course, is to play sport yourself. But if you can "t, or you don" t want to, then you can watch other people doing it. Every year, more than 100,000 people go to the final of Australian Rules Football. Crowds of more than 90,000 watch the big cricket matches against India, Pakistan, New Zealand and England.

There are sport happenings and holidays in Australia year round. Here are some of them.

In February there's Regatta Day with boat races and other water activities.

In June in Darwin the Beer Can Regatta takes place when there are boat races for boats constructed entirely out of beer cans - there are plenty of those in the world's beer drinking capital.

In August in the Northern Territory camel racing is on in Alice Springs, and then the Apex Rodeo is held, one of the biggest rodeo in Australia - the town fills up with cowboys.

Meanwhile in Sydney, Australian biggest race takes place with 25,000 competitors running the 14 km from Hyde Park to Bondi Beach in the city race.

In September attention is attached to Melbourne where Australian Football Cup takes place. Australian Football is played in Australia only. This is a game where two teams of 18 players. The players are-allowed to play with their legs and arms. The participation in the game demands great physical strength and very often injured players are carried away from the field or are replaced by other players. Grand Australian Football Cup is the biggest sports competition of the year.

On the first Tuesday of November the greatest horse race for the Melbourne Cup is held. It is a public holiday in Victoria but the whole country shuts down for the three minutes or so which the race takes.

In December the Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race starts on the 26th, a fantastic sight as the yachts stream out of the harbor and head south.

Sports in Australia

Many Australians believe that there is no need to worry too much in life.
But some aspects of life are really important. And for many Australians one of them is sport. This is something they never joke about. Sports are of particular importance. In pubs, clubs, even at work, you will often meet people who can only talk about one thing - sports.

Australians are happy people. They have a wonderful climate and an infinitely large land. They have great waves.
for surfing on the beaches. They also have a strong desire to win. Putting it all together, you get a lot of good athletes and sportswomen. Indeed, Australia, a country of 16 million people, has quite a large number of world champions in all sports.

The country has plenty of opportunities for golf, squash, tennis, racing sports (horse racing and motorcycle racing), fishing and so on. Surfing is almost a religion for many Australians who follow the waves all over the country. A number of important surfing competitions are held.

You will find different types of football here, including the unique Australian football. Then there are car races, motorcycle races, horse races, sailing competitions, cricket matches and many other kinds of competitions.

The best thing, of course, is to exercise yourself. If you can't or don't want to, you can watch others do it. Each year, over 100,000 people go to the Australian Football Final. Crowds of people, over 90,000, watch big cricket matches with India, Pakistan, New Zealand and England.

Throughout the year, Australia hosts sporting events and festivals. Here are some of them.

There is Regatta Day in February, when boat races and other water events are held.

In June, Darwin hosts the Beer Can Regatta, where athletes compete in boats built entirely from beer cans, which are plentiful in the beer capital of the world.

In August, the Northern Territory hosts the Alice Springs camel races and then the Apex Rodeo, one of the biggest rodeos in Australia, the town fills with cowboys.

Meanwhile, Sydney is hosting the world's biggest running event, with 25,000 athletes running the fourteen-kilometer course from Hyde Park to Bondi Beach in the city of Cerf.

In September, attention shifts to Melbourne, where the Australian Football Final is held. Australian football is only played in Australia. It is a fast paced game with 18 players per side. Players are allowed to kick the ball with their feet and hands. This is a game that requires a lot of physical effort, and often injured players are carried out of the stadium and replaced by other participants. The Grand Final is the biggest sporting event in Australia.

Horse racing is held on the first Tuesday of November, and the Melbourne Cup is held for the Australian championship. It's a national holiday in Victoria, but the whole country shuts down for three minutes when the races are running.

On December 26, the Sydney-Hobart yacht competition begins. It is an enchanting sight as the yachts leave the harbor and head south.


1. What do a lot of Australians think?
2. Why are Australians lucky?
3. What is surfing for many Australians?
4. Where do more that 100,000 people go every year?
5. What takes place in June in Darwin?
6. When does Alice Springs fill up with cowboys?
7. When does sporting attention turn to Melbourne?
8. Where is Australian Rules Football played?


to worry - to worry
to joke - to joke
beach - beach
contest - competition
to take place - pass
to hit - hit
to shut down - stop working
to stream out - swim out
to head south - keep heading south

, motor sports, rugby league, cricket, rugby union and football. According to a survey conducted in 2006-2007. in Australia's largest cities, the "greatest interest" among adults is cricket, swimming, tennis, Aussie football, football and rugby league. Residents themselves are most often involved in aerobics, swimming, playing golf, tennis, football or Australian football. Netball is popular among women. Cricket has become the de facto national sport.

Team sports

Australian football

Australian football (simply referred to as "football") is played throughout the country. The Australian Football League (AFL) is the largest sports federation in the country with 615,549 athletes in 2007, with a 42% increase in numbers over the four-year period from 2001 to 2005. Each state has its own teams, there are also junior, amateur and women's leagues.


Cricket has been in Australia for over 200 years. It is played by both amateurs and professionals from all states. The Australian national cricket team is currently the world leader in the sport and has won every World Cup match since 1999.


see also

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  1. (English) . gov.au. Retrieved April 9, 2009.
  2. (English) . Australian Bureau of Statistics (25 January 2007). Retrieved April 9, 2009. .
  3. (English) (unavailable link - ). Retrieved April 9, 2009. .
  4. (English) . Australian Bureau of Statistics (14 February 2007). Retrieved April 9, 2009. .
  5. (English) . ANZ Stadium. Retrieved April 9, 2009. .
  6. Niall, Jake.(English) . Real Footy (June 20, 2007). Retrieved April 9, 2009. .
  7. (English) (unavailable link - ). gov.au. Retrieved April 9, 2009. .
  8. (English) . web.archive.org (site archive dated February 10, 2005). Retrieved April 12, 2009.
  9. Rivera, Larry.(English) . about.com. Retrieved April 9, 2009. .


  • Wikimedia Commons Logo Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sports in Australia

An excerpt characterizing Sports in Australia

I remember how at one time (during the reign of Andropov), when I was already a young woman, it was strictly forbidden for men to wear long hair, which was considered a “capitalist provocation” and (however wild it may sound today!) The police got the right to detain right on the street and forcibly cut people wearing long hair. This happened after one young guy (his name was Kalanta) set himself on fire in the central square of Kaunas, the second largest city in Lithuania (this is where my parents were already working). It was his protest against the suppression of individual freedom, which then frightened the communist leadership, and it took "increased measures" to combat "terrorism", among which were the most stupid "measures" that only increased the discontent of the normal people living in the Republic of Lithuania at that time of people...
My dad, as a freelance artist, which, having changed his profession several times during this time, he then appeared, came to party meetings with long hair (which, to be fair, he had just gorgeous!), which infuriated his party bosses, and for the third time he was thrown out of the party, into which, after some time, again, against his will, he “hit” back ... I myself witnessed this, and when I asked dad why he constantly “runs into trouble," he calmly replied:
This is my life and it belongs to me. And only I am responsible for how I want to live it. And no one on this earth has the right to forcibly impose on me beliefs that I do not believe and do not want to believe, because I consider them a lie.
This is how I remember my father. And it was precisely this conviction of his in his full right to his own life that helped me survive thousands of times in the most difficult life circumstances for me. He madly, somehow even manic, loved life! And, nevertheless, he would never have agreed to do meanness, even if his very life would depend on it.
So, on the one hand, fighting for their “freedom”, and on the other hand, writing beautiful poems and dreaming of “exploits” (until his death, my dad was an incorrigible romantic in his soul!), the days of young Vasily Seregin passed in Lithuania .. who still had no idea who he really was, and, apart from the "biting" actions on the part of the local "authorities", was an almost completely happy young man. He didn’t have a “lady of the heart” yet, which, probably, could be explained by fully loaded days with work or the absence of that “only and real” that dad has not yet been able to find ...
But finally, fate apparently decided that it was enough for him to “bachelor” and turned the wheel of his life in the direction of “feminine charm”, which turned out to be the “real and only one” that dad so stubbornly waited for.

Her name was Anna (or in Lithuanian - She), and she turned out to be the sister of my father's best friend at that time, Jonas (in Russian - Ivan) Zhukauskas, to whom on that "fatal" day my father was invited to Easter breakfast. Dad visited his friend several times, but, by a strange whim of fate, he has not yet crossed paths with his sister. And he certainly did not expect that on this spring Easter morning there would be such a stunning surprise waiting for him ...
The door was opened to him by a brown-eyed, black-haired girl who, in that one short moment, managed to win daddy's romantic heart for the rest of his life...

Snow and cold where I was born
Blue lakes, in the land where you grew up ...
I fell in love with an asterisk as a boy,
Light as early dew.
Maybe in the days of grief-bad weather,
Telling her girlish dreams
Like your one-year-old girlfriend
Loved the star and you? ..
Was it raining, was there a blizzard in the field,
Late evenings with you
Knowing nothing about each other
We love our star.
She was the best in heaven
Brighter than all, brighter and clearer...
Whatever I do, wherever I am,
Never forgot about her.
Everywhere her light is radiant
Warmed my blood with hope.
Young, pristine and pure
I gave you all my love...
The star sang songs about you,
Day and night, she called me into the distance ...
And on a spring evening, in April,
Brought to your window.
I gently took you by the shoulders
And he said, without hiding a smile:
“So I didn’t wait for this meeting in vain,
My beloved star...

Mom was completely subdued by dad's poems ... And he wrote a lot of them to her and brought them to her work every day along with huge posters drawn by his own hand (dad drew superbly), which he unfolded right on her desktop, and on which , among all kinds of painted flowers, it was written in large letters: “Annushka, my little star, I love you!”. Naturally, what woman could endure this for a long time and not give up? .. They no longer parted ... Using every free minute to spend it together, as if someone could take it away from them. Together they went to the cinema, to dances (which they both loved very much), walked in the charming Alytus city park, until one fine day they decided that enough dates were enough and that it was time to take a look at life a little more seriously. They soon got married. But only my father's friend (my mother's younger brother) Jonas knew about this, since neither from my mother's side, nor from my father's relatives, this union did not cause much enthusiasm ... Mom's parents predicted for her a rich neighbor-teacher, who they really liked and, according to their concept, my mother “suited” perfectly, and in my father’s family at that time there was no time for marriage, since grandfather was put in prison at that time, as an “accomplice of the noble” (which, for sure, they tried to “break” the stubbornly resisting dad), and my grandmother went to the hospital from a nervous shock and was very sick. Dad was left with his little brother in his arms and now had to manage the entire household alone, which was very difficult, since the Seryogins at that time lived in a large two-story house (in which I later lived), with a huge old garden around. And, of course, such an economy required good care ...


  • 1 Team sports
    • 1.1 Australian football
    • 1.2 Cricket
    • 1.3 Baseball
  • 2 Olympic Games
  • Notes


Beach cricket in Perth.

Sports in Australia, especially team and water sports, is popular among the population and is common in all regions. The government invests significant amounts in its development, in addition, the economic condition of the country and the climate contribute to the popularization of this area. Australian teams compete in the Olympics, Commonwealth Games and other international competitions.

Sport plays such an important role in the life of the country that it is called the "folk religion". The most popular are Australian football, horse racing, motor sports, rugby league, cricket, rugby union and football. According to a survey conducted in 2006-2007. in Australia's largest cities, cricket, swimming, tennis, Aussie football, football and rugby league are the "greatest interest" among adults. The residents themselves most often go in for aerobics, swimming, play golf, tennis, football or Australian football. Netball is popular among women. Cricket has become the de facto national sport.

1. Team sports

1.1. Australian football

Match at Telstra Dome, one of the largest stadiums in Melbourne.

Australian football (simply referred to as "football") is played throughout the country. The Australian Football League (AFL) is the largest sports federation in the country, with 615,549 athletes in 2007, with a 42% increase in numbers over the four-year period from 2001 to 2005. Each state has its own teams, there are also junior, amateur and women's leagues.

1.2. Cricket

Cricket has been in Australia for over 200 years. It is played by both amateurs and professionals from all states. The Australian national cricket team is currently the world leader in the sport and has won every World Cup match since 1999.

1.3. Baseball

Baseball became popular in the early 1990s when the Australian Baseball League was formed. With its collapse in 1999, baseball's popularity declined, but the sport is still played by residents of many states. As of 2003, approximately 57,000 Australians play baseball on 5,000 teams. Some successful players (Brad Harman of the Philadelphia Phillies, Justin Guber of the San Diego Padres) go to play in the US or Japan.

2. Olympic Games

Australia is among the countries that sent their athletes to the Summer Olympics every time. They have been held twice in Australia: the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. Swimming, athletics and cycling brought the country the most medals. Swimmer Ian Thorpe became a five-time Olympic champion, Betty Cuthbert, Murray Rose and Dawn Frazier won four gold medals each.


  1. About Australia: Sporting Excellence - www.dfat.gov.au/facts/sporting_excellence.html. gov.au.
  2. 4174.0 - Sports Attendance, Australia, 2005-06 - www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/ [email protected]/DetailsPage/4174.02005-06?OpenDocument (English) . Australian Bureau of Statistics (25 January 2007).
  3. Sweeney Sports, "1. Cricket captures ‘most interest’ cap 2. Swimming slips to second place 3. Tennis rebounds 4. AFL continues to fend soccer" - www.sweeneyresearch.com.au/newsPDF/news_pdf_16.pdf.
  4. 4177.0 - Participation in Sports and Physical Recreation, Australia, 2005-06 - abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/ [email protected]/Latestproducts/4177.0Main Features22005-06?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=4177.0&issue=2005-06&num=&view= . Australian Bureau of Statistics (14 February 2007).
  5. ANZ Stadium Home Teams - www.anzstadium.com.au/Events/HomeTeams.aspx . ANZ Stadium.
  6. Niall, Jake. More chase Sherrin than before - www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/we-love-aussie-rules/2007/06/19/1182019117471.html . Real Footy (June 20, 2007).
  7. Participation in Exercise, Recreation and Sport Survey 2005 Annual Report - www.ausport.gov.au/scorsresearch/ERASS2005/ERASS2005_findings.pdf . gov.au.
  8. Australian Baseball Federation - web.archive.org/web/20050210044557/http://www.baseball.ch/2003/f/mc/mcAUS.html (English) . web.archive.org (site archive dated February 10, 2005).
  9. Rivera, Larry. Ian Thorpe - Australia's Most Successful Olympian Has Retired from Swimming - goaustralia.about.com/od/knowthepeople/a/ianthorpe.htm (English) about.com.
This abstract is based on

Answer from Boris![guru]
swimming and tennis big Australians love sports - both to play them and to watch them. The most popular sport among spectators in the country is Australian football (Australian Rules Football). Melbourne's suburbs of Carlton, Collingwood, Hawthorn, North Melbourne, Footscray, Essendon, Richmond and St Kilda each have their own elite Australian Football League (AFL) team. At one time, the league only included teams from the state of Victoria, but after 1982, teams from other states also joined it: the Swans team from Sydney; Fremantle Dockers and West Coast Eagles from Perth; Port Adelaide and Adelaide Crows from Adelaide and Lions from Brisbane. It is the duty of any Australian (especially a Melbourne) to be present at AFL matches, even if he is not too fond of sports. There is also the National Rugby League (NRL). The main event of the season is the annual State of Origin matches (country of origin). Australians who play rugby union dream of playing for the national team, the Wallabies. The Wallabies were the world's leading rugby team until 2003 when England won the World Cup. In addition to the World Cup, the Bledisloe Cup games with New Zealand are very popular, which are part of the Three Nations tournament, which also includes South Africa. Surrounded by the seas, Australia is a country of swimmers. In all corners of the country there are a lot of public pools and magnificent beaches. Surfing is a hugely popular sport and pastime, as evidenced by major events such as the Bells Beach Surf Classic. In summer, the popular beaches are patrolled by lifeguard teams. Patrolled territories are marked with special flags. But despite this, ocean beaches can be dangerous for people who are not used to swimming in such conditions. The main problem is undercurrents. Also, every year a lot of people hit the sandbanks while diving into the waves in shallow water, so check the depth before jumping in. Until recently, when England won The Ashes again, the Australian cricket team was the leader in test cricket", and in "one-day cricket" and held the first place in the world for almost ten years. Cricket stars include Shane Warne, Ricky Ponting, Glenn McGrath and Adam Gilchrist. For more information about cricket and the local clubs where you can play it, visit the Cricket in Australia website. The Australian Open is one of four tennis Grand Slam tournaments. It draws more people to Australia than any other sporting event. Lleyton Hewitt is a famous Australian tennis star, Wimbledon and US Open champion. The Australian Tennis website has a good mechanism for finding local clubs in different parts of Australia. Recently, the dreams of Australian football fans came true when the Socceroos team defeated the Uruguayan team in the World Cup in Germany in 2006. In terms of participants and spectators, football in Australia is in the process of development and there are high hopes for the new A-League. For many years, local football has suffered from a lack of players who prefer to play this sport in Europe, where competition is higher and contracts are more profitable. There are 1.2 million netball players in the country, so netball is the most massive sport in Australia. Women's basketball is also popular, and most Australians believe that Lauren Jackson is the best basketball player in the world. The stars of men's basketball are McKinnon and Bogut. Also popular and loved here are sports such as hockey, horse racing, sailing, auto racing, golf and cycling. All of these sports are available to anyone - both as a participant and as a spectator. Australia has over 120 national sports organizations and thousands of state and regional clubs and institutions, so chances are you'll find something you're interested in close to where you live. At universities and municipal councils (as well as on the above websites

Australia can rightly be called one of the most sporting countries in the world. The fact is that sport is developed here not only at a professional level, but is also an integral part of the daily life of almost every Australian.

Residents of the Green Continent welcome jogging, team games, surfing and other sports. And when international competitions are held in this country, every Australian considers it his duty to keep abreast of sporting events states and attend matches with the whole family. If you are interested in which sport is more popular in Australia than others, then this information is for you.

Sport in Australia is so important that it called here "folk religion".

If we talk about which sports are most popular in Australia, then definitely worth saying that horse racing, Australian football, tennis, motor sports, cricket, rugby union and rugby league are in demand in this country.

Physical education for Australians is an important moment in personal development. That is why educational institutions great attention is paid to sports.

Australian schoolchildren and students under the guidance of experienced coaches at least five hours a week doing physical training. In some states of the country, children are actively involved in gymnastics in schools, while in other regions boxing, swimming and rugby are popular.

In terms of adult audiences, according to the results of a survey among the Australian population, which was conducted in 2007, Australians love the most play cricket, swim, and watch the world-famous tennis tournaments take place.

Also residents of the Green Continent love to do aerobics and play golf. Among the female population of Australia, netball is popular.

National sport mainland in fact is cricket. Separately, it is worth noting the attitude of the Australian authorities, who strongly support the development of sports in the country.

The government is investing heavily that Australian teams participate in the Commonwealth Games, the Olympic Games and other international competitions.

Since Australia has all the conditions for swimming, it is in this sport that Australian athletes have achieved, are achieving and will achieve good results. Swimming in Australia is very popular. He is engaged in about 150 thousand people.

Olympic Games and New Sports in Australia

Sport in Australia is a phenomenon that is evolving and, of course, depends on the population. So, in recent years in the country winter sports become popular.

Over 200 thousand Australians today they attend specialized ski schools and clubs. As a rule, training in such institutions is carried out by European and American specialists.

It is important to know! Skiing in Australia is carried out exclusively by people with above-average incomes, as this pleasure is quite expensive.

Today in Australia more than 150 ski resorts open. They are mainly concentrated in the states of New South Wales and Victoria. It has also recently become popular to play water polo in Australia.

Never before has Australia missed this important sporting event. Besides, The Australian Olympic Games have been held twice. The first time was the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne. Second time in 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics

Interesting to know! The mascots of the 2000 Sydney Olympics were Ollie the kookaburra, Sid the platypus and Millie the echidna. These animals are found only in Australia. Together they symbolize Olympic friendship and the will to win.

Arrived in Sydney 10651 athletes from 199 countries, 300 sets of medals were played in 28 sports. Generally speaking, Australian athletes won the most medals in swimming, cycling and athletics.

Tennis and cricket in Australia

The Australian Open tennis championship is important sporting event of the world and the country, as well as one of the four Grand Slam tournaments.

Today Australian Open Tennis Championships is held in the courts of the complex "Melbourne Park".

The first tennis tournament in Australia was held in Melbourne in 1905. Then it was called "Championship of Australasia" and seventeen tennis players participated in it.

In 1927 this sporting event was renamed the "Australian Championship", and in 1969 it was opened to professionals. In over a century of history, the Australian Tennis Championship has been held 54 times in Melbourne, 17 times in Sydney, 14 times in Adelaide, seven times in Brisbane and three times in Perth.

Cricket is most popular sport in Australia. This old English sport is liked by both schoolchildren and the adult population of Australia. There are special cricket grounds both in large cities of the Green Continent and in small towns.

I wonder what Australians play cricket for over 200 years, and the Australian national cricket team is now the world leader, having won every World Cup match since 1999.

baseball and golf

Australian football is a sport that is loved in every state of Australia. The Australian Football League is the largest sports federation in the country.

It counts more than 600 thousand football players. Each state has its own junior, amateur, and women's leagues.

This sport has become popular in Australia. in the 90s of the last century. Then the Australian Baseball League was formed in the country, and when it broke up in 1999, the popularity of baseball fell sharply.

But, despite this, Australians still play baseball and arrange amateur matches. About 57 thousand Australians play in five thousand teams, many of which then play for world clubs.

In addition to the above sports popular and surfing in Australia, which you can do plenty of here, because the coasts of the Green Continent seem to be created in order to conquer the waves.

Interesting to know! Australia is a recognized center of golf along with the USA and Japan. On the mainland there are a number of professional golf courses that are available to Australians with any income.

Also Australians gravitate towards extreme sports and attend rallies, as well as make breathtaking parachute jumps, kayaking down mountain rivers and water skiing.

Now you know which popular sports in Australia are a priority for the inhabitants of the mainland. We can say that Australians do not stop at one thing and are happy to try themselves in a variety of sports.