Morocco: between sea and ocean. Where is morocco morocco what is washed by

Useful data for tourists about Morocco, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, the currency of Morocco, the cuisine, the features of visa and customs restrictions in Morocco.

Geography of Morocco

It is washed in the north by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and in the west by the Atlantic Ocean. The Strait of Gibraltar separates Morocco from mainland Europe. It borders with Algiers. The southeastern border in the Sahara desert is not exactly defined. On the northern coast of Morocco are the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla.

In the center of Morocco there is a group of mountains: the Middle Atlas and the High Atlas. The highest point is the snow-capped Jebel Tub-Kal Peak (4165 m). The main rivers of the country are the Muluya, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea, and the Cebu, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean.


State structure

A constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the king. Legislative power in the country is exercised by the king and a bicameral parliament (the House of Representatives and the House of Councils). The King also appoints all ministers and presides over the Council of Ministers.


Official language: Arabic

In mountainous regions, local dialects are used. French is the most commonly used second language. Followed by Spanish and English. Spanish is especially spoken in the Fes area.


Islam is the state religion. Sunni Muslims - 99%, Christians - 0.8%, Jews - 0.2%.


International name: M.A.D.

The Moroccan dirham is equal to 100 centimes. In circulation are banknotes of 200, 100, 50 and 20 dirhams, as well as coins of 5, 1 dirham and 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes. In the southern regions and in some places in the highland villages of the Atlas, the currency unit rial (1/20 dirham) is still in use.

The dirham is not convertible, the export of currency is prohibited, so it is not recommended to exchange large amounts at once. You can exchange currency at banks, large hotels and some large restaurants, as well as at specialized exchange offices at airports. Currency exchange on the street and in unlicensed exchange offices is prohibited. The exchange rate is quite stable, it is the same throughout the country and is set by the state. ATMs are quite common and are located mainly near large retail outlets and banks.

Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, in almost all hotels and in most large stores, private merchants are extremely reluctant to work with them. Traveler's checks "American Express" are accepted almost everywhere, checks of other systems are cashed less willingly.

History of Morocco

The history of the region is built mainly on the relationship between the Berbers, who inhabited it since ancient times, and various conquerors. The first foreign conquerors were the Phoenicians, who founded in the XII century BC. several colonies on the Mediterranean coast. Later, these colonies passed to the Carthaginians, and from the II century BC, after the conquest of Carthage by the Romans, Roman rule began in North Africa.

In 429, the territory of modern Morocco (the Roman province of Mauritania Tingitana) was captured by the Vandals, and a hundred years later, by the Byzantines.

In 682, the Arab conquest of North Africa began. The Arab state reached its greatest prosperity during the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties in the 11th-13th centuries.

Under the Almohads, Morocco was the center of a vast empire that occupied the territories of modern Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and the vast territories of Spain and Portugal. However, with the fall of the Almohad dynasty, the empire also collapsed.

The revival of Morocco - in the XVI-XVII centuries, especially under Sultan Ahmed al-Mansur al-Dhahabi, whose rule is called the "golden age" of the country. From the beginning of the 15th century, several port cities were under the control of the Portuguese and Spaniards, but by the 17th century most of the cities were again under the control of the Moroccan sultan.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Morocco was considered a pirate state, since in many cities the actual power was in the hands of sea pirates.

In 1859-1860, Spain captured Morocco, but France also claimed the country, which in 1904 received part of the country's territory, and in 1912 France received most of the territory of Morocco.

In March 1956, France recognized the independence of Morocco, and in April, Spanish Morocco also gained independence, although several cities remained with the Spaniards.

Morocco is a member of the UN, ILO, IMF, WHO, Organization of African Unity, Arab League.

The history of the region is built mainly on the relationship between the Berbers, who inhabited it since ancient times, and various conquerors. The first foreign conquerors were the Phoenicians, who founded in the XII century BC. several colonies on the Mediterranean coast. Later, these colonies passed to the Carthaginians, and from the II century BC, after the conquest of Carthage by the Romans, Roman rule began in North Africa ....

Popular Attractions

Morocco Tourism

Where to stay

Morocco is a multifaceted country offering tourists a varied holiday: from the sunny beaches of the Atlantic coast to the ski resorts of the Atlas. Morocco hotels are also presented for every taste and budget - from small private hotels to representative offices of international hotel chains.

Classification of hotels - standard European. Most often, hotels are built and decorated in Arabic style and are located on the coast. Two- and three-star hotels are within one kilometer of the coastline. Four- and five-star hotels are most often not far away, or directly in the beach area. Also, these hotels have heated pools with sea water, their own fitness centers and thalassotherapy centers. Most often, hotels offer half board, but sometimes the all-inclusive system works. Business class hotels are located mainly in all major cities of the country - Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat, Fez. They are distinguished by a high level of service, similar to Western Europe, but significantly lower in price.

Two- and three-star hotels, according to local classification, are divided into riad - a small city guest house, auberge - a small inn, gîtes d'étape - a roadside inn. The former are most often located in cities rich in historical sights, and for the most part they are old beautiful houses converted into a hotel with several rooms, some even have a swimming pool. Auberges are provincial inns, made in the traditional kasbah style, mostly cozy family hotels. Gîtes d'étape - roadside hotels for extreme travelers. In the mountains - these are small hotels with everything you need. In the desert - small tent cities or campsites with showers, electricity and a field kitchen.

Most of the country's hotels, with the exception of the business class, quite often experience problems with hot water supply. Some economy class hotels may not have hot water at all, or they charge an additional fee for it.

Only a few kilometers separate African Morocco from European Spain, but despite some similarities in culinary traditions, the contrast between the cuisines of the two continents is still unusually great. The Moors (the modern name for the people of Morocco) have influenced the cuisine of Southern Europe a lot with the use of exotic fruits, culinary techniques and architecture. In turn, the cuisine of Morocco has been influenced by many cultures, including Arabic, Jewish and French....


It is customary to give small tips, but often. In restaurants and hotels, even if tips are included in the bill, it is customary to pay extra 10% of the bill. Tipping is given personally to the person who served you.


Office Hours

Banks are open on weekdays from 8.30 to 11.15 and from 14.15 to 16. Saturday and Sunday are days off. During Ramadan, banks are open from 8.30 am to 2 pm. Opening hours may vary depending on the internal policy of the bank.

The opening hours of shops are changeable, many owners set it at their own discretion. The main trade takes place in the markets, which are usually open all daylight hours.


As in other eastern countries, it is customary to bargain in Morocco. Therefore, do not hesitate to go to the oriental bazaar for souvenirs and bargain until you are exhausted. Each city in Morocco has its own favorite crafts that the locals do.

In Essaouira, it is better to buy souvenirs (paintings, leather lamps), national clothes and thuja products. In large salons, the quality is higher, but the price is appropriate. In Medina, everything is 30-50% cheaper in shops, but the quality is lower. In Casablanca, European things from famous fashion houses are sold for half the price. Smuggled watches of famous brands - from 10 to 50 USD. In Fez - souvenirs, gold. In Rabat - souvenirs, carpets, leather. In Marrakech, prices are higher, there are many European goods.


Tourists often bring traditional oriental shoes with curved toes made of soft leather, as well as leather bags, wallets and belts. You can also buy traditional Moroccan carpets, openwork gold and silver jewelry in the Spanish-Moorish style.


You can not drink water from the tap or offered by water carriers on the streets - only bottled. In many modern hotels, tap water is quite safe, but it has an unusual composition of microelements for the European stomach, which can cause indigestion.


There are a lot of pickpockets in Morocco, so you should take the usual security measures - do not carry your wallet in easily accessible pockets from the outside, cameras and handbags - only on your belt, do not leave anything in the car or park cars only in guarded parking lots specially serviced by security guards (must have uniform tokens).

In no case is it recommended to enter into any negotiations or business relations with persons pursuing tourists. You should not follow the advice, suggestions and "friendly" recommendations of the local population. You should not believe assurances about the absence of a bus, about cheaper souvenirs in a single shop, about running out of tickets, and so on.

Emergency Phones

Ambulance - 15
Police - 19
Fire Department - 15
Gendarmerie and roadside assistance - 177

National features of Morocco. Traditions

During Ramadan (December to February), it is forbidden to drink and eat before sunset, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol (even for tourists), shops work with a reduced working day or do not work at all during the day.

It is customary to eat with your hands, with 3 fingers of your right hand, folded into a pinch. One should not touch food with the left hand, which is considered "unclean". At the beginning of the meal, a bowl of hot "rose" water is often served to wash the hands. Bread, as a symbol of prosperity, should be consumed sparingly and with dignity.

Questions and opinions about Morocco

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Morocco on Africa map
(all images are clickable)

In terms of geography, this is the most “European” state from the entire list of African countries. Only 15 km of the water surface of the Strait of Gibraltar separate the Kingdom of Morocco from Spain. Nature did not stint, endowing the country with magnificent ocean and sea coasts, beautiful mountain landscapes and a favorable climate.

Morocco, so to speak, is a country with a difficult “character”. It is the only one of all African states that has not joined the African Union, opposing the membership of Western Sahara, which it recognizes as its territory. But it is a member of several important international associations: the IMF, WHO, UN, the Arab League, etc. The Kingdom has the status of the main ally of the United States (non-NATO) and has trade agreements with them and the EU.

Geographical position

On the northwestern tip of North Africa, near the narrow Strait of Gibraltar, which connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, this beautiful country is located. A convenient geographical position at the junction of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean played a significant role in the history of the state.

From the west, Morocco is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the length of the border is almost 3,000 km. This flat area is occupied by a wide strip of excellent sandy beaches. The northern border of the country is also sea (500 km). But the shores of the Mediterranean Sea are rocky and steep.

To the east and southeast, Morocco's neighbor is Algiers. The southeastern section of this border, running through a desert area, is not clearly defined.

The southern state borders run along the Free Zone of Western Sahara. But the Kingdom of Morocco does not recognize this border, since it actually controls most of the democratic republic.

There is also a small land border with Spain (about 16 km). In the north are two Spanish exclaves (sovereign territories of another country) - Melilla and Ceuta.

The Atlas mountain system stretches across the country from the southwest to the northeast. The basin of the Taza separates them from the high massif of Er-Rif, stretching along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The slopes of the Atlas, facing inland, gradually turn into a desert.

Morocco is located in the zone of the subtropical climatic zone, but, due to certain features of the geographical location and relief, several zones are distinguished on its territory, which differ significantly from each other in terms of climatic indicators.

  • The north of the Kingdom is endowed with a favorable subtropical Mediterranean climate. It has warm mild winters and hot summers.
  • The northwestern part of the country, adjacent to the Atlantic coast, falls under the influence of humid and cool oceanic air masses. The climate here is much cooler, close to temperate.
  • The south and southeast of Morocco is in the zone of a tropical desert climate with its characteristic heat, extreme lack of moisture and large amplitudes of daily temperatures.
  • In the mountainous regions of the Atlas, the effect of altitudinal zonation is manifested, when the climate depends on the height of the territory above sea level.

There is a great contrast between the rainfall in the western Atlas Mountains and the inland desert regions of Morocco. On the leeward mountain slopes, they fall up to 2000 mm, floods even occur on local rivers. And in the desert southeast, there are years when the earth does not receive a single drop of rain.

Flora and fauna

Hard-leaved evergreen forests, which were once the main type of vegetation in Morocco, now occupy only 13% of the territory. They were either completely exterminated by man, or replaced by other plants.

Olives, pistachios, and dwarf palms grow on the coastal slopes of mountains and hills. Cedar forests remained in the higher humid regions. In dry desert regions, wormwood and alpha grass dominate.

Human activity has also had a detrimental effect on the animal world. Lions and many species of antelopes have completely disappeared. In the mountains you can still meet panthers, hyenas, monkeys from the genus of macaques. Morocco has a lot of wild boars, jackals, hares. Of the amphibians, snakes and turtles are common. A huge number of harmful insects - locusts and Moroccan filly.

Valuable trout is found in mountain rivers, the coastal marine area is rich in valuable commercial fish (sardines, tuna).

State structure

Morocco map

Morocco is a constitutional monarchy. But the power of the king in the state is practically unlimited, all the levers of power are in the hands of the royal family. The title of monarch is inherited only through the male line - from father to eldest son. The king rules for life or until he abdicates. Morocco has been ruled by King Mohammed VI since 1999.

The king appoints the prime minister, who leads the government, which is the executive branch of the country. Legislative power is exercised by a bicameral parliament. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is also the King of Morocco.

The official capital is the city of Rabat. Casablanca is considered the largest city in the country and its economic capital.


Indigenous people Morocco are Berbers and Arabs. Together they make up over 99% of the country's population. The remaining percentage are French, Jews and Spaniards. Arabic is the official language, French and Spanish are spoken on the north coast, and English is often heard in tourist centers.

99% of the inhabitants profess Sunni Islam.

The population of the country according to the latest data is 33 million 758 thousand people.


The main economic activities in Morocco are:

  • mining industry (phosphates, iron ore, manganese and lead-zinc ores);
  • food industry;
  • light industry (textile and leather);
  • construction;
  • tourism.

Agriculture brings a good income to the country. Here they grow barley, wheat, olives, citrus fruits, and vegetables.

Some sectors of the economy have in recent years moved from government to private ownership.

The emergence of Morocco on the world map dates back to the 8th century. In those days, the Berbers and Arabs conquered part of the Iberian Peninsula and created a single state. In the next century, it broke up into smaller possessions.

The "Golden Age" of the country, the flourishing of its culture, science, agriculture, the expansion of economic ties is the period from the 10th to the 15th century. Then a series of wars against the invaders begins. The Spaniards and the Portuguese conquer part of the coast, in 1844 France attacked a rich African country. By 1912, most of the territory was under the rule of the French, the rest was ruled by the Spaniards.

Only in 1956 the country becomes independent. In 1975, Morocco and Mauritania received from Spain its possessions in Western Sahara. Mauritania soon renounced its share and all former Spanish lands became part of the Kingdom of Morocco.


The rich cultural heritage of the country attracts many tourists. Particularly interesting are the cities that were once the capitals of the Kingdom. The most interesting architectural monuments have been preserved here. In the current capital of Rabat, there are many museums, the famous Andalusian gardens, the mausoleum of Muhammad V, the ancient fortress of Kasbah Udaya.

The city of Marrakech is famous for its stunning beauty of palaces and mosques. The incomparable Fez is one of the most beautiful ancient cities in the world. It has over 800 mosques, a mausoleum and a former royal residence.

The Kingdom of Morocco is one of the most interesting African states with unique climatic conditions and recreational resources. With magnificent resorts and a developing economy, the country can take a leading position on its continent.

Morocco photo

Morocco is a favorite destination for tourists, and this is not surprising. The state attracts with its African and Arabian exoticism, endless deserts and beautiful beaches. Where is Morocco located? It is the largest country in North Africa. To put it bluntly, Morocco is a kingdom. It is impossible to call this country bright and contrasting, rather harmonious. In its own way, a unique place where it is almost impossible to distinguish the house of a rich man from the dwelling of a poor man.

Here, no one flaunts countless treasures and riches. In this kingdom, all traditions and laws are still sacredly honored, and they pay tribute to history. The local population is quite hospitable, but tourists should not behave provocatively in order to avoid rejection. Where is the country of Morocco located? What is the climate like there? What can you see in the kingdom? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Geographical position

First, let's determine the location of the country on the world map. Many people do not know that the described state is a state as such. Therefore, questions arise: "Where is Morocco, in which country?" There is no answer to it, because the question is incorrect. Morocco is a country located on the African continent. It borders Spain by sea and Algeria by land.

The kingdom is located in relative proximity to Europe, they are separated only by the Strait of Gibraltar. The location is quite favorable, it is to him that Morocco owes the development of the economy and trade. The territory is quite fertile, so since ancient times it has been of interest to both Europeans and Arabs.

Climate and weather conditions

In a nutshell, it can be noted that due to the location, the climate in Morocco is subtropical, mild. However, if you travel around the kingdom, you can feel a significant difference in weather conditions. In summer, in most of the country, the temperature is about +25 degrees Celsius, in winter - +15. In the mountains, the air temperature drops to -15.

Where is Morocco located? A description of the area cannot do without a story about the beaches that occupy a vast territory. Tourists come from all over the world to relax on Moroccan beaches. The water is quite comfortable for swimming, due to the cold current of the Atlantic, the temperature is around 23 degrees.

The summer season in the country begins in May and lasts until October. At this time, all locals and tourists spend time on the beach, enjoying their holidays in a beautiful kingdom.

City Tour

Let's start with the capital of the state - Rabat. The city is a cluster of all architectural and cultural attractions. There are many parks, alleys, walking along which you can have a great time. The residence of the royal family is located in Rabat. Here you will find the most beautiful mosques and museums.

Speaking about the key cities of the country, one cannot fail to mention Fes, Marrakech and Meknes. The first is called the African Athens, and it received this nickname due to the large number of medieval quarters. They are not reconstructed to preserve the spirit of that time.

Marrakesh is the center of entertainment and attractions. At every step there are souvenir merchants, acrobats, spellcasters, etc. You definitely won’t get bored in this city. If you are an aesthete and want to enjoy natural beauty, welcome to Medina. There are not only magnificent gardens and parks, it is also a sacred place for Muslims. Meknes will also not leave tourists indifferent. Local mausoleums and palaces are full of noble grandeur.

Sometimes there is a question about where the city of Morocco is located. Such a city does not exist. The above settlements are part of the state called Morocco.

Let's remember history

Like any other country, Morocco has its own history. In the seventh century, the Arabs conquered all of North Africa and established a large state. Where is Morocco located? History says that it is in this part of the continent. The leader of the Arab state was called Idris ibn Abdallah. For eight centuries, there was a period of formation of the country and the settlement of external and internal issues.

The Arab state was very powerful, new territories were gradually conquered. The composition included the current Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, as well as part of Spain and Portugal. Now on the map it is easy to show where Morocco is located, because the country does not occupy such a large territory as in those days.

In the fifteenth century, the heyday of the state ended, because the ruling dynasty fell. For a century, Morocco lost part of its territory. However, already in the seventeenth century, Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur became the ruler, who managed to return to greatness. Many agree that this time is the golden age in the history of the state.

By the middle of the seventeenth century, the Khozeni dynasty was in power, which still rules today. Morocco is one of the most developed African states today.

Customs issues

We know where the country of Morocco is. Despite this location, Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa to visit the kingdom, provided that the trip lasts less than three months. However, it is recommended to take out health insurance. Tourists take note! When you go to any other country, it's better not to save on insurance, this thing can be very useful.

You can take foreign currency with you, but you cannot pay with such money in Morocco. You need to change all your money to dirhams. If you still have unspent banknotes of the Moroccan currency, you must convert them back into dollars or euros and then leave the country. It is allowed to import 1 bottle of spirits, 1 bottle of wine per adult, up to 200 cigarettes.

As for hunting equipment or professional photographic equipment, these things must be declared. Otherwise, import is not possible. Sometimes, even with all the necessary documents, official permission is required. Your goods are strictly checked at customs, and it is better not to take anything prohibited with you, it may end badly.


Most people, both locals and tourists, travel by bus. This is the most popular transport in the country. The fact is that the fare is inexpensive, and the cars themselves are very comfortable, almost all are equipped with air conditioning. Buying a ticket is sometimes difficult due to the wild popularity of this type of transport.

For trips between cities, so-called large taxis are often used. They are minibuses accommodating 6 people, which depart as soon as the car is full. The fare is cheap, the whole amount is divided by the number of passengers, and they pay for the trip upon arrival.

Also in the kingdom there is a small network of railways that connects the main cities with each other. You can quickly move from one locality to another, because prices are reasonable, and security is at the highest level.


Despite the fact that the country is located in Africa, there is a European hotel system. The hotels themselves are made in most cases in the Arabic style. The lion's share of hotels is located on the coast, and this is not surprising. After all, tourists come to the state in the summer to visit the beaches of stunning beauty. Hotels marked with two or three stars are located about five hundred meters from the coast. Elite hotels with four or five stars are often located two hundred meters from the beach. If you try, you can find an all-inclusive system, but often only meals are provided.

The European service has also spread to Africa, where Morocco is located. Reviews about the quality of service are the most positive. The hotel staff is quite helpful and clean. If you are lucky enough to stay in a five-star hotel, the service will be top notch. Some hotels have heated pools, fitness clubs and thalassotherapy centers.

What is the country of Morocco famous for? Where is the horror gas station located?

The famous gas station of horrors is located just in the kingdom we are considering. By the way, when you see it, you get the impression that the gas station is in the United States, everything is painfully similar to Hollywood films. The fact is that at this gas station, a lot of films in the horror genre were indeed filmed. One of the most famous works is the film The Hills Have Eyes. Of course, this is not the only motion picture.

Over the past decades, this gas station has been used at least ten times as a location for filming scenes for such films. Hollywood directors quickly figured out that it would be much cheaper to build an American city around such a gas station than it would be to find a similar one in the United States. Abandoned gas station is truly scary. However, at present, filming does not take place there; you can only meet animals and curious tourists near it.

Despite this, the gas station of horror is still one of the most famous places in Morocco. This gas station had a significant impact on the success of the films, as the area is truly unique.

Note to the tourist

Where is Morocco located? In what part of the world? The answer to this question, unfortunately, does not imply that tourists are always warmly welcomed here. Of course, Africa cannot be called inhospitable, but you should always be on the alert and not provoke the locals. The population of Morocco is quite friendly to Russian tourists, people are unobtrusive. But it is worth remembering that this is still not a European country, its own customs reign here.

Crime in the country is not very developed. A distinctive feature of the locals is that they have great respect for the police. At any time, you can turn to law enforcement agencies for help, they will always help and prompt. This is really strange, especially against the backdrop of where Morocco is located. As you know, in Africa, the crime rate goes off scale due to poverty, but this country, fortunately, has bypassed this.

Before you do anything, think carefully. All traditions are honored in the kingdom, so before traveling it is better to familiarize yourself with at least the main ones, and at the same time with the rules of conduct and safety.

You do not need to have any vaccinations to fly to Morocco. According to the World Health Association, the country is quite healthy in terms of health, and the risk of catching the disease is minimal.

Cuisine of Morocco

Not to say that the country is famous for its restaurants and cuisine, but some interesting features can be distinguished. Local chefs widely use vegetables, meat and spices in their dishes. Couscous is the most popular cereal in all of North Africa, where Morocco is located. It is served with a stew of meat and vegetables with spices.

There are several national dishes that represent the cuisine: tagine (stewed vegetables with lamb, lamb or chicken), harira (thick soup) and pastilla (layer cake). Among the drinks, sweet mint tea and coffee, hot and strong, are especially widespread.

Various bazaars are quite common in Africa, where Morocco is located. A photo of one of these places is presented below.

You can find the cheapest food there, but eating at such bazaars is not entirely safe. In large cities, there are both fast food restaurants like McDonald's and elite establishments with signature dishes from the chef.

Attractions and entertainment

The beauty of the sights of Morocco is that they are mysterious and monumental. Walking through beautiful places will take you centuries earlier and you will feel the spirit of history. Tourists usually start their journey from Casablanca airport. First stop - "city of white houses". Every city has its own beautiful places, and you want to see them all. However, it is unlikely that a tourist will be able to visit all the sights at once. Then you need to choose depending on the tastes and desires of the traveler.

We have already made a brief overview of the cities of the country, where, in principle, we have identified the main attractions. As for natural values, the kingdom does not occupy them. What is worth only the Sahara desert, the largest of its kind. Now there are excursions that allow you to feel like a wanderer and go to the desert. Believe me, there you will find unforgettable sensations, which will only be reinforced by a series of insanely beautiful landscapes.

In this article, we have considered all the issues related to the state: where is Morocco located, which cities will be of more interest to tourists than others? How to make sure that there are no problems with local residents? Morocco beckons with its grandeur, and every traveler is simply obliged to visit this country.

“The Kingdom of Morocco is a state in North Africa,” Wikipedia says. What do you know about this country? Ripe tangerines, endless dunes and herds of camels... In fact, the landscape of the country fully reflects its character - diverse and contrasting. The Maghreb (as the locals say about their homeland) is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Mediterranean Sea - in the north. The ridge of the Atlas Mountains stretches almost across the entire country, and only in the extreme south can one touch the sands of the Sahara. What else can surprise us this distant African country?

In Morocco (read - Africa), snow is a common thing

It snows in Morocco in winter. Some places even have ski resorts.

In the homeland of the most delicious tangerines in the foothills in winter, you will not surprise anyone with snow. The locals make snowmen no worse than ours. And in the north-west of the state, 75 km from the sultry (in summer) Marrakech, there is even a Ukaimden ski station where you can go down the snowy slopes not only on skis, but also on sleds and snowboards. Further north, entire cities are covered with snow. Due to the powdered snow roofs and its distinctive architectural style in the winter season, the Moroccan city of Ifrane looks like a Swiss foothill town.

This is a modern country

Neighborhood of the city of Tetouan, in northern Morocco

"Africa = poverty and underdevelopment" is a myth. Morocco has excellent roads, including an ever-expanding network of toll motorways (two lanes in each direction and a speed limit of 120 km/h).

Banks and mobile communication centers actively use the function of electronic queues, and utility bills for electricity and water based on meter readings are generated automatically and sent to addresses without bothering residents with calculations and registration.

Due to the lack of gas and oil fields, the government is actively developing alternative energy sources. Last year, King Mohammed VI ceremonially launched the first fragment of a solar energy concentrator in the Sahara. It is planned that by 2020, when all three parts of this installation will work, the kingdom will be able to provide up to half of its electricity needs from such a natural energy source. This high-tech structure of 500,000 12-meter mirrors is clearly visible even from space and will become the largest solar station in the world in the coming years.

Most of the country's inhabitants are Berbers, not Arabs, and they now have the year 2967

Most Berbers today live in the mountains

Although Morocco belongs to the Arab countries, according to various sources, about 60% of the Moroccan population are Berbers. The word "Berbers" in relation to the North African ethnic groups has been used in Europe since the 17th century. The Berbers are a very heterogeneous ethnic group. Only in Morocco you can meet Rifians, Tamazikhs and Slohs. They have their own culture and language. It is believed that the Berber script existed for more than 2000 years ago, so it is not surprising that according to the calendar, the Berbers now have 2967 outside the window (although the kingdom itself officially lives according to the common chronology for the entire planet). Since 2011, in Morocco, Tamazikh (Berber) has become the official language along with Arabic.

Morocco is closer to Europe than we think

Ceuta is located on the northern coast of Morocco, directly opposite Gibraltar.

The narrow 14-kilometer strip of Gibraltar separates Africa and Europe. Standing on the African coast of Morocco, you can easily watch the movement of cars in European Spain. And two Spanish enclaves (the cities of Ceuta and Melilla) are located on the territory of the kingdom itself. So you can get to Europe with a Schengen visa without leaving Morocco.

The oldest university in the world is located here

Al-Qarawiyyin University is one of the spiritual and educational centers of the Islamic world

Since 859, a university has been operating in Fez, founded by the daughter of a Tunisian merchant, Fatima. This oldest institution of higher education in the world bears the name of her family - Al-Karaouine. Diplomas in the traditional European sense began to be issued here only in 1947, but such famous philosophers and scientists as Ibn Khaldun, Maimonides, Al-Idrisi, Leo Africanus received knowledge within the walls of Al-Karawiyn at different times. Presumably, Pope Sylvester II studied mathematics here.

Argan oil is produced only in Morocco

Argan oil production

Argan oil (or liquid gold, as it is often called) is produced from the seeds of the prickly argan tree exclusively in Morocco, but has already gained connoisseurs around the world. Today, even major cosmetic brands have launched special lines for hair and skin care based on argan oil, and its popularity is not surprising. By its properties and even production technology, which has not yet been automated, it is unique. To obtain 1 liter of argan oil, it is necessary to process about 50 kg of fruits (from about seven trees). First, the argan fruits collected from the tree are dried in the sun, then they are cleaned of fibers, after which, breaking the shells of the fruit seeds with a stone, they extract the same argan seeds, from which argan oil is obtained using a mechanical press (it is worth noting that only the process of obtaining nucleoli from the seeds of the argan fruit requires about 12 hours of hard physical labor).

In addition to cosmetic products, argan oil is added to food. Ground almond paste with the addition of argan oil in Morocco is served during tea parties.

Moroccan Sultan Ismail is considered the most large father in the world

The legendary Sultan Moulay Ismail

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the legendary Sultan Moulay Ismail, who ruled Morocco from 1672 to 1727, is recognized as the largest father in history. The energetic ruler, who had a harem of half a thousand concubines, is credited with a record number of heirs - 888 (700 of which are boys). At the same time, the French diplomat Dominique Busno, who arrived on a visit to the Sultanate in 1704, claimed that the ruler at that time had 1,171 children.

First travel blogger - Moroccan

Ibn Battuta

Few people know that the first travel blogger was born in the distant 14th century in Morocco. The northern city of Tangier became the cradle of the author of the works “A gift to those who contemplate the wonders of cities and wonderful wanderings” Ibn Battuta. Battuta began his lifelong travels at the age of 22. And for 28 years he visited North and West Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, India and China, Andalusia, Turkey, Iraq and Iran, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. “Traveling leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a better storyteller,” said Ibn Battuta. The name of the famous fellow countryman in Tangier is named after the airport.

There are good salaries and reasonable prices.

The price level here is lower than in neighboring Spain

A doctor in the Kingdom of Morocco is perhaps one of the most respected and prestigious professions. And this is expressed not only in relation to the population, but also in the corresponding material remuneration for the work of the followers of Hippocrates. So, the salary of a young doctor in state medical institutions is not less than €800. According to 2016 data, the average salary in the public sector per month is about €750.

At the same time, a liter of gasoline in Morocco fluctuates within €1, for electricity they pay about €1 per 10 kWh, water is estimated at €3.5 per 10 m³. (For comparison: in neighboring Spain, gasoline - €1.2, €1.5 - for 10 kWh, water supply - €10 for 10 m³). A liter of milk can be bought in Morocco for €0.8, a liter bottle of olive oil for €5, a dozen eggs for €1.2, and a kilogram of chicken or ground beef will cost €4.4 and €8, respectively. Real estate is expensive in Morocco, but there is also the so-called "social housing" (a small apartment with two bedrooms and a living room can be purchased for €28,000 - 30,000).

A huge number of popular films and series are filmed in Morocco

Favorable climatic conditions and the beauty of local landscapes made venerable directors look towards the Maghreb. Starting with the legendary film of the 60s "Lawrence of Arabia", hundreds of films come to life here every year. And created in 1983 in the vicinity of the city of Ouarzazate, the Atlas film studio with an area of ​​​​20 hectares is by far the largest in the world. It was here that the films "Gladiator", "Alexander", "Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra", "007: Spectrum" and even the third season of the cult TV series "Game of Thrones" were filmed.

Morocco has attracted Europeans for centuries. Once upon a time, people sought to conquer and conquer, to get their share of the fabulous treasures of the mysterious and dangerous Africa. Today, people come to the country for the sake of the wonderful beaches of the Atlantic coast, the frightening and at the same time attracting the Sahara desert and the opportunity to plunge into the exotic life of a foreign continent. Morocco offers a lot - the ancient streets of old Fes, a comfortable stay in Agadir or the equally beautiful Essaouira, the colorful colors and noise of oriental bazaars, unusually delicious traditional cuisine and a lot of other positive aspects.

Holidays in Morocco

There are few countries left where you can enjoy the Arabian exoticism, preserved from the Middle Ages and earlier eras, and at the same time the usual comfort without much risk to yourself. Many hotels have their own SPA centers, and thalassotherapy will help you feel better. Here you can see the typical life of the Berber tribes in the village of Imuzzer, preserved high in the mountains, or enjoy leisurely walks through the cedar and orange groves in the foothills of the Atlass. And such attractive aspects of Moroccan life as surfing, silk fabrics and carpets deserve a more detailed story, about them a little later.
Although the country is Muslim and continues to live according to traditional rules and laws, this does not complicate the stay in it for those who hold different views and does not interfere with relaxing in comfort. An exception may be remote mountain villages in remote corners, where the population is not too willing to make contact with strangers.
Moroccans are hospitable and sociable, but at the same time unobtrusive, unlike the Egyptians.
Another plus is reasonable prices with good quality of services. Lunch at a local small restaurant will cost between 5-6 euros - 50 dirhams. Prices for ordinary hotels are quite democratic.


In this part of Africa, it is relatively mild, but the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean and the differences in relief make their differences in the climate of different regions of the country. On the Mediterranean coast, the climate is typical for the subtropics - summer heat with temperatures up to + 35 ° C and cool winters in the range of + 15 + 20 ° C. A cool breeze from the ocean softens even the most intense heat. Water warms up to an average of +21°C. It is much cooler in the mountains, on the peaks and mountain slopes the snow does not melt for five to six months.
Cloudy skies are rare here, sun lovers will appreciate this feature. Agadir, Fez, Marrakesh can enjoy eight or nine hours of sunshine daily. Although the climate of Morocco allows you to relax in the country all year round, the best time for swimming is May-October.

How to get there

There are three direct flights a week from Moscow (Sheremetyevo Airport) to Casablanca by Royal Air Maroc aircraft. The flight lasts six hours.
Regular flights with mandatory landings in European cities with several foreign airlines:
- via Germany (Frankfurt) - "Lufthansa";
- with transfers in France (to the cities: Rabat, Marrakech, Casablanca) - Air France. The flight time depends on the flight connection time in Paris.
- Royal Air Maroc offers charters from May to the end of November on the route Moscow - Agadir. Six hour flight. Flights are not more than 1 time in 10 days.
There are no direct flights from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. There will definitely be a connection in Europe. You can fly with Turkish Airlines (via Istanbul).


In most parts of the country, the population prefers intercity buses. Low ticket prices, comfortable air-conditioned lounges are the main reasons for this. Minus - there may not always be tickets for popular destinations.
There are few intracity routes and an interval of 20-30 minutes is the norm here. Therefore, there are many taxis in cities. Small cars are painted in bright colors and equipped with special flags. There are no taximeters, so you can bargain. Six-seater "big taxis" operate on suburban and intercity routes. The car will leave only after typing a "full set" of passengers. There are no fixed fares, the cost is agreed on the spot with the driver and the amount is divided among everyone.
In Rabat you can use the tram. The line was launched relatively recently - in 2011.
You can travel by rail between the biggest cities: Marrakesh, Meknes, Fes, Rabat, Casablanca. It's safe, comfortable, inexpensive. There are air conditioners in any train, buffets, a bar in almost all.
Car rent
In Morocco, the service is in demand and there are many rental companies. It is possible to rent a car with a driver. To get a car, it is enough: a driver's license (only international standard), a credit card. The contract is concluded with people over 21 years old.
In major cities there are representative offices of international rental companies. Insurance, car mileage, tax and transport costs will have to be paid separately. They depend on the class of the car. The price of a rental day is approximately 400 MDH. In popular resorts, it is advisable to reserve a car in advance. Before signing the contract, it is necessary to carefully inspect the car for hidden minor defects - they can then be billed when receiving the car.
Inscriptions on road signs in Arabic and French, markings of international standard. The use of seat belts is mandatory.


Their choice in Morocco is large, you can stay in one of the hotels belonging to international hotel chains, a guest house, a private boarding house with several rooms. The choice is limited only by financial possibilities.
Here they adhere to the traditional classification: a modest one star, which guarantees simplicity and a minimum of comfort, and five stars, providing luxurious apartments.
But there are also local features - one and two stars are also different. These are "Auberge" - small inns in suburban areas of small towns and large villages. The buildings are built in the national "kasbah" style with wood-fired hearths, covered terraces and common living rooms. Usually they feel the comfort of a family atmosphere, and the owners are very hospitable and helpful. Modest environment, but breakfast and sometimes dinner are usually included in the price of the room. Their rural roadside version is "gîtes d" étape ". Fans of exotic and extreme sports stop in them on their trips to the mountains or the desert. In the mountains, tourists are waiting for small hotels with modest amenities and breakfast, for the desert" gîtes d "étape" in the form of tents towns with field kitchens and hot showers.
There is also a "riad" - a guest house within the boundaries of a large city. They are located in old houses that once belonged to rich merchants in the old quarters or in the Medina. Regardless of their size, they were built according to the same plan - a courtyard surrounded by buildings along the perimeter. Blind walls overlook the street, all windows and terraces face the courtyard. They usually have small well-kept gardens. Guest houses usually have no more than 5-7 rooms, small in size, but cozy and clean. Guests are offered to dine outdoors - in the garden and on the terraces. There are riads with swimming pools.
In resort areas and big cities, there are traditional accommodation options for every budget. Hostels and small hotels with one or two stars remain the most budgetary. In some, you can not rent a room, but only a bed on the roof terrace. Pluses - inexpensive prices and location in historical quarters. Cons - there may be no hot water or you will have to pay extra for it.
Modern hotels are located in new areas of cities. There are many of them, it is possible to pre-book rooms on the Internet. In hotels on the coast, the number of stars indicates proximity to the sea - if there are two or three stars, then this is about 600m, "four" and "five" no further than 200 or 300. The first line is more expensive.
"All inclusive" is less common than half board. Many 4* and 5* hotels have tassotherapy centers, spas and fitness centers. There are swimming pools with heated sea water. Young people can get acquainted with the conditions of living in "Youth Hostels" - a good youth option.

Cities and resorts of Morocco

The tourist season in the capital has no break - winter is a wonderful time for excursions and sightseeing. The average temperature during the winter months is +18°C. From July to September the air temperature rises to +30 +32°C, water 22°C. The best time for a holiday in ski resorts is January and February.
Founded in the III century BC, modern Rabat has a population of about 1.5 million. man remains the cultural center of the country. Usually tourists try to see the historical buildings and sights of the medina (the old part of the city), visit the ruins of the Shellah necropolis, destroyed by the earthquake of 1755. Excursions are conducted to the Kasbah Udaya fortress of the XII century and to the royal residence, the mausoleum of the founder of Marrakesh, Yusuf ibn Tashfin. This is not all the historical monuments of the wonderful old city.
The capital of the ancient state is just as beautiful today, combining the features of a modern metropolis with perfectly preserved traditions of antiquity. Its Djemaa el-Fna square is included in the UNESCO cultural heritage lists. Here it seems that time has returned several centuries ago and the voices of singers and storytellers still sound, blocking the noise of the crowd, snakes sway rhythmically to the pipe of the caster and women in national clothes deftly apply a complex henna pattern to the hands of clients. The old part of the city resembles an intricate labyrinth, but tourists find their way to the tombs of the Saadids, the El Badi Palace and the seventy-seven-meter minaret of the Koutoubia mosque.
You can stay in Marrakesh and go on day trips to its surroundings. Visit Ukaimeden - a famous mountain resort, visit the Ouzoud waterfalls and caves with huge stalactites. You can make a trip to the old mountain fortress of Teluet. From it there were damaged walls made of red clay and huge forged gates. You can go inside and see the rooms of the former harem, lined with colored tiles. The road there goes through the Tizi-n'Tishka mountain pass.
The most popular Moroccan resort on the ocean coast. The mountain ranges do not let the hot winds from the desert pass to it, so even in summer there is less heat than in other cities, and the winter temperature is not lower than +15 ° C. Many prefer Agadir because of its truly oriental atmosphere with hotels decorated in the style of ancient Moroccan palaces or riad guest houses, colorful "antique" shops with souvenirs and restaurants. And walking through the old markets in the city squares is a small journey into the past centuries. At the same time, Muslim traditions in it seem to be the most loyal towards foreigners.
Just 173 km from Agadir in a westerly direction will lead to the ancient city, once visited by corsair ships. Today, surfers come here, appreciating the high waves in the vicinity of the resort and the constancy of a light breeze. This also makes local beaches not very convenient for swimming.
In Essaouira, you can visit the Museum of Sidi Mohammed bin Abdullah, the former residence of the Pasha. The expositions present all directions and styles of Moroccan art. If you go to Sighain Street, you can see artisans at work and buy original souvenirs. The old slave market is well preserved. There are short sea excursions to the uninhabited island of Mogador.
The city where most of the business life is concentrated and at the same time the most modern and popular resort. It has an unusual architectural complex of huge shopping and entertainment centers, high-rise buildings and mosques and palaces traditional for the East. Bright colors do not tire the eyes, they seem to be one of the components of the amazing and unique atmosphere of Casablanca. Airport them. Mohammed V is the largest in the country.
Among the sights, the most popular are the Medina with its narrow, crooked streets and markets, and the Hassan II Mosque, designed by M. Pinso, the second largest in the world. It is interesting to visit the bazaars of the Hubbus quarter. Nightlife also thrives here.
This city has long been famous for the variety of goods produced in local workshops. Especially high-quality leather and leather products. It will be interesting to get acquainted with the history of traditional crafts and the development of arts in the halls of the Dar Bata Museum. A walk along two city medinas, a view of the ancient gates of Bu-Dzhelud and the Bu-Inannia madrasah decorated with fancy ornaments of fine work leave a lot of impressions. The beautiful frescoes of Fez are considered to be among the oldest in this part of the country. Fes el Bali is called the most confusing medina in the world - 6 thousand streets with fourteen gates and almost two hundred mosques.
Several thermal springs are located nearby. They created several luxurious spa centers.
Another port city near the Strait of Gibraltar. Areas of old houses, painted in blue and white, over which the domes and minarets of ancient mosques rise, turn into quarters of modern high-rise buildings and La Montagne, which looks like a luxurious decoration. The city has a developed tourism sector, and the beaches stretching for 50 km are compared with the luxury of the French Riviera. In addition to numerous bazaars with numerous shops, you can visit the Kasbah fortress and the Dar el-Makzen palace. The snow-white miracle, built in the 17th century, has become a museum of Moroccan art and archeology. The expositions showcase real treasures created many centuries ago and works by contemporary artists and jewelers. Take a walk through the gardens of Mendoubia, which are not inferior in luxury to the Sultan's palace. Near the palace there is another interesting museum - the American Legation. The exposition contains originals of important historical documents, a collection of paintings made on fabric. Among them is a portrait painted by an artist from Scotland, called the "Moroccan Mona Lisa". The collection of antique mirrors, the Paul Bowles Hall will not yield to them.
To visit the famous Pillars of Hercules, you will have to drive less than twenty kilometers. Usually tourists are offered to visit the caves located nearby.
A good location, beautiful nature around, a “set” of sights, usual for Moroccan cities, and a vast underground labyrinth, in the narrow passages of which the residents themselves do not always navigate.
A small cozy city on the Atlantic coast is chosen by lovers of a relaxing beach holiday and water sports. It does not have any famous sights, but picturesque surroundings, warm water of numerous lagoons, convenient beaches and comfortable hotels will make your stay in Oualidia pleasant. Tourists are offered boat trips and fishing. Japanese oysters are bred here, you can try them in local restaurants.
El Jadida
Port city 76 km from Oualidia and about 90 from Casablanca. As a resort, it is more popular among Moroccans than among European tourists. It has many well-preserved buildings from the 17th century. The architectural style was formed from a combination of elements typical of Arab and European cultures. Luxurious beaches near the city.
A small ski resort where snow cover persists from early December to April. In terms of comfort and service, it is somewhat inferior to the famous European ones, but the tracks with varying degrees of difficulty are well equipped. The length of the descent is from 600 to 1000m.
A small town with a fishing port, comfortable beaches and an ancient Medina, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Some of the Medina's houses have been preserved since the 12th century, the latter were built already in the 19th century. The walls surrounding the Old City and the seven gates have been standing since the 15th century. Fans of fishing and swimming come to Martila Beach. Nearby are equally convenient beaches.
Located in the southern regions of Morocco, next to the Sahara desert. Known for the well-preserved fortress of the XVI century. Part of the city is located outside the fortress walls. Orange and pomegranate groves are a great place for walking.
Suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday in a quiet place. A small port and kilometers of beaches, transparent waves of the Atlantic Ocean and ocean wind softening the hot summer days, its own Medina, an ancient fortress and rows of a fish market where local fishermen sell their fresh catch. It is advisable to take care of booking hotel rooms - there are few hotels in the city and there may not be free places in the season. Some prefer to find accommodation in Casablanca located 25 km from the city and come to Mohammedia.


Few African countries have managed to preserve as much material evidence of their history as Morocco. In every city there are ancient quarters, fortresses or palaces. So in Casablanca you can see the Hassan II Mosque, in Marrakech the Majorelle Gardens. You should definitely visit the old town of Chefchaouen, take a walk along the alleys of the Menara gardens, walk along the narrow streets of the Medina of Fes. Lovers of outdoor activities and natural beauties are waiting for the majestic Todra Gorge and beautiful views of the Ouzoud waterfall. The mysterious desert of Erg Chebbi and the Atlas Mountains have their own charm.

National Moroccan cuisine

To prepare traditional dishes, local chefs use meat, fish, fresh seafood, vegetables, fruits and a large number of spices. A special place in the menu is occupied by couscous with vegetables, meat or chicken and various seasonings. "Tajine" is no less popular in different areas; it is prepared according to its own recipes. The ingredients are also different. Lamb or lamb meat, chicken or fish are stewed in chopped vegetables. Fish dishes are worth trying on the coast.
To tea with the addition of fresh mint, it is customary to serve a variety of sweets. Each region prepares its own delicacies. The second favorite drink is coffee. Coffee is brewed very strong, often adding cardamom and sugar. Locals rarely add milk.
Morocco is the producer of the best wines in northern Africa. Equally good are whites ("Bassro" sparkling, "Valpierre", the famous "Schud-Sotel") and reds ("Pierre Antoine", "Ait Suala", "Cabernet President", "Maghrib", "Ostale", etc.).
Any hotel has its own restaurant or a small cafe; you can try Moroccan cuisine in city establishments. Buying food from peddlers on the streets can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Shopping and souvenirs

Here, shops do not have a specific opening hours, with the exception of large supermarkets - they are open 24 hours, and state ones, most often working from 9 to 18 hours. Market vendors roll up merchandise at dusk.
For souvenirs, it is better to go to the shops in the Medinas. Everything is there: from traditional clothes and shoes, jewelry made of gold and silver, to ceramics, porcelain and metal utensils, handmade carpets, various lamps, leather goods and paintings. Prices in the markets are lower than in large stores by 30-60 percent. Moroccan leather is considered the best in all of Africa, so you should take a closer look at this category of goods. Often tourists buy leather shoes with long curved toes - grandmothers. They seem to be taken from the fairy tales of "a thousand and one nights" - soft leather is embroidered with patterns of multi-colored silk threads, gold and silver.
Each city produces something of its own, continuing the traditions of local crafts. Fes - carpets, ceramics and all leather. Essaouira - paintings and decorations, Meknes - grandmothers. Marrakesh is famous for its antique shops. To visit chain stores of European companies, you need to go to Casablanca and Rabat.
There are no problems with buying alcohol, wine and stronger alcohol can be purchased in stores until 20:00.
It is simply necessary to bargain in shops, small shops and markets - the love for this process in the East is indestructible. Gambling is an obligatory part of any purchase, a kind of ritual that brings pleasure to both parties. And also the opportunity to buy the thing you like is not overpaying a lot.

The situation in Morocco is quite stable, in tourist areas you can take night walks. But you should not leave things unattended, and in the crowd and in the markets you can become a victim of a clever pickpocket.
English is hardly used, the locals speak Arabic and French.
Visiting mosques for non-Muslims is possible only as part of excursion groups.
It is not customary here to hug on the streets and show your feelings in public places.
Morocco does not have such a strict dress code as in Saudi Arabia, but the norms of decency of a Muslim country should be observed - for women, walking around the city in very short and heavily decollete clothes is not desirable, although shorts and minis are not surprising here.
You should only drink bottled water, it is advisable to refuse tap water and street water carriers.
Money - 1 (MAD or Dh) Moroccan dirham is equal to one hundred centimes. To exchange money, it is safer to contact banks (working hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-16:30, break 11:30-14:15), specialized points. The latter can be recognized by the "golden" inscription. At any airport, such "exchangers" are arranged. When exchanging, you need to get a certificate.
Cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Eurocard) are accepted in many city shops, restaurants and almost all hotels.
The Tax free system is not very common, more often in chain and large stores.
If the stay in Morocco lasts less than 90 days, then Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa. But the validity of the passport must exceed 6 months from the date of entry into the country.
Customs regulations:
- it is forbidden to export the national currency;
- for the export of items of artistic, historical value, a special permit is required;
- it is obligatory to declare the imported professional photo and video equipment, sometimes official permission may be required;
- import of printed, as well as photo and video products that are contrary to the norms of Islam and contain elements of pornography.
For auto travelers
If you wish, you can stay in campsites or tent cities, they are in almost any city. There is running water, electricity and you can eat in a cafe. In the absence of sites and organized parking, you can negotiate and obtain permission for your camp from local residents.

For domestic tourists, Morocco is a relatively new destination. But a country where you can so successfully combine the pleasures of interesting excursion programs, relaxation on the luxurious beaches of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic, a decent level of comfort and service with a wonderful atmosphere of the fabulous East, is worthy of attention.