Holidays in Sochi: when and where to go, what to see and where to stay? What is the sea in Sochi - the temperature of the water, when it blooms, where are the clean beaches and good fishing? Sochi Sea.

The main and most popular resort in Russia is located on the northeastern coast of the Black Sea. The places where Sochi is located attract thousands of tourists with their mild subtropical climate, proximity to the ridges of the Greater Caucasus and clean, long beaches.

The mountainous terrain has led to the predominance of a pebbly coastal strip along the entire indented coastline, which is more than 150 kilometers long.

This is what provides the sea in Sochi with incredible purity and transparency, which no sandy beach can boast of. But at the resorts in Sochi there are quite a few hotels, especially among those located directly on the seashore, equipping magnificent coastal areas with snow-white sand for their guests.

What is the sea in Sochi - features

  • The best time for a holiday in Sochi are the months from July to September, which are characterized by low rainfall and comfortable sea water temperature. Its average temperature during these months is 23.2 - 25ºС. Despite the rather high air temperature in Sochi in May-June, as well as in October, sea bathing at this time will cause discomfort. No matter how high the ambient temperature is, the sea rarely warms up to more than 17-19ºС. An interesting feature of the sea water in Sochi is its intense glow on August nights, which is caused by a large accumulation of nyuktilyuk - plankton, phosphorescent in the coastal waters of warm seas;

  • The underwater world of the Black Sea is incredibly rich and diverse. It is home to more than 2,500 species of living beings, of which 200 are mollusks, 160 species of fish and 500 are crustaceans. Anyone can, under the guidance of an experienced instructor, dive into the depths of the sea in the Sochi region with scuba gear and see all this diversity with their own eyes. Those who come to Sochi on vacation with children are recommended to visit the oceanarium "Secrets of the Ocean", which in terms of the richness of the exposition can compete with the best aquariums in the world;

  • The salinity of the Black Sea is low and amounts to 17-18 grams of salt per liter of water. Its waters are significantly diluted by many large and small rivers flowing into it, such as the Dnieper, Dniester, Danube, Psou and others. Coastal currents in the Sochi region are weak, their speed, as a rule, does not exceed 0.5 m per second. A distinctive feature of the Black Sea waters is swell - small waves that can form on the surface of the sea even in the absence of wind.

Why go on vacation abroad, if there are so many places in Russia where you can spend your vacation. Very beautiful, warm and hospitable city of Sochi! This is the pearl of Russia. There are many different entertainment and amenities for tourists. There is only one drawback that can slightly spoil the long-awaited vacation, we will learn about it later in the article.

"Deuce" in geography

Sochi is one of the longest cities in the world, which is located on the Black Sea coast. He is very unique. Here you can swim in the gentle sea (season April - November), then sunbathe, and after an hour or two skiing and throwing snowballs on the famous mountain Krasnaya Polyana. And how many cypresses and palm trees are in the city! Blooming oleander with magnolia - just a miracle. It is not bad to spend time in the gorge near the mountain river, to breathe in the marvelous air of the mountains. And in 40-50 minutes go down back to the sea.

Actually, it is to this blue surface that many people come here. And what happens? People hoped to lie in Sochi on the yellow and warm sand in order to return home with a beautiful skin color. But in fact, they were only exhausted, their legs were skinned on sharp stones. It was especially difficult to get out of the water on the pebbles.

Yes, apparently they had a “deuce” in geography at school. Due to the peculiarities of the mountainous terrain, the city does not have its own natural sand. All beaches are covered with pebbles. So when asked where there is a sandy beach in Sochi, they will answer you that it does not exist, there are only small such areas.

Walking on the stones

To begin with, let's take a walk along Maybe on our own, yet a sandy beach in Sochi. Here is Primorsky (near the Central Embankment). It is pebbly and rocky. Maybe on the "Riviera" we will find what we are looking for? The coast here is spacious, roomy, but also covered with small pebbles, in some places - with sand. The question of where the sandy beach is in Sochi remains open.

"Swallow" (microdistrict "Mamayka") is all strewn with small pebbles. "Azure" is always ready to meet tourists in the summer. There are comfortable sun loungers and deck chairs, otherwise visitors will have to lie on hard pebbles under the well-baked southern sun. This is also not the place where there is a sandy beach in Sochi.

"Seagull" pleases with clear sea water and an amazing view of the mountain peaks, a convenient beach. It is the largest within the city limits (located in the Adler region). Its area is 30 thousand sq.m. There is everything you need for the best rest, even a rescue post and a medical center. And the beach is pebbly. True, wooden floorings are carefully placed everywhere so that people do not walk on hot stones and burning sand.

Are you traveling with small children? Go to the "Mayak", where the pebbles are quite small and there are sand and pebble areas.

All coastal areas in the city do not have continuous sand. So a positive answer to the question, where is the sandy beach in Sochi, can hardly be obtained. What to do? I have an idea!

Outside the city

You have to drive off a bit and see where the sandy beaches are. Here, for example, that for 18 km. It boasts clean seas and spacious beaches. But they are also sandy and pebbly. And if someone did not have time to take a place in the sand in the morning, then you will toil on the pebbles. The village of Vardane is 30 kilometers away. This is a great resort with excellent conditions and service. But the shore is again made of stones.

To find out where the sandy beaches and clear sea are in the Sochi region, let's go to Golovinka - this is in the Lazarevsky district. Here the water area of ​​the Black Sea is considered the most unpolluted.

Curious story

Where did these smooth, sharp, small and large pebbles on the beaches of Sochi come from? And these mountain rivers and rivulets have undermined the Caucasus Mountains for centuries and carried various fragments, boulders, and tiles to the Black Sea. The sea continued to grind and polish them. 70 million years. They grew and formed during the eruption of lava. After all, the local mountains are volcanoes, already extinct. Pumice is solidified magma filled with air, and therefore light. There are also tuffs, basalts, which simply froze at the exit from the vent. They are heavier than pumice, but, of course, lighter than granite. By the way, it can also be found on the beaches.

Souvenir for memory

Granite pebbles are beautiful in a special way. Take a few of these stones as a keepsake. Basalts can also be found underfoot. There are just decorative stones, and even semi-precious ones. Add flint-chalcedony here. Healers are now talking with might and main about its healing properties.

And on the coast and the same beaches you can see stones with holes, sometimes with through ones. This means that the sea mollusk, the stone grinder, has already worked. They say that finding such a stone is fortunate. Therefore, do not be too upset that you did not manage to lie on the beach the way you wanted.

On the golden sand

But everything flows, everything changes. Quite recently, a completely new beach was opened in the area of ​​the Imeretinskaya lowland. Its area is like three football fields. Nearly a thousand people can sunbathe at the same time. Here you will receive the long-awaited answer to your question, where are the sandy beaches in Sochi. The photos selected for the article will confirm this.

The beach began to build recently - in April 2015. We carried out all kinds of necessary work and finished with landscape design and landscaping. The fact is that this beach is artificial, bulk. Since their own sand is not mined in Sochi due to the peculiarities of the rocky terrain, no less than 11 thousand tons of special gold were brought here. He was chosen from 15 samples that were searched both in Russia and abroad. In particular, in Africa, as the beach workers themselves said. This unusual cargo was carried to the Black Sea by rail in 160 wagons. Each contained 70 tons.

Of course, it is better to rest on a sandy surface, although there is a minus: vacationers will still have to go into the sea on pebbles.

Two levels of fun

The new beach consists of two sites: coastal and main. The first one can accommodate 200 people and is located right by the sea. The second - 30 m from the seashore. On the lower terrace there is an entrance area, sports and dance floors, a town for kids. On the top - a cafe plus terraces (for 700 sun loungers). There is also a territory of special, increased service: additional services and services, there is a jacuzzi.

We are no longer talking about showers and toilets - these are trifles, as well as a medical center with a rescue service.

Here you can spend the whole day with the whole family or in the company of friends - no one will be rushed. Residents of the district pay 200 rubles / day for this luxury, visitors - 400 rubles.

Many people have already been here. Rumors about this amazing structure are constantly growing. Now you can explain to everyone who is interested where sandy beaches and clear sea are in Sochi.

Many dreamed of visiting Sochi, swimming, sunbathing, but not on rocks, of course, but on soft sand. From now on, all this is quite real for them.

Sochi has no analogues. This unique resort is changing every day, gradually becoming the center of world tourism. The heritage of the Winter Olympics, combined with a stunning geographical location, continues a new era in the history of an amazing city. The appearance of a modern metropolis does not interfere with wonderful landscapes. Mountain ranges with snow-white peaks serenely look at the expanses of the sea. Palm trees and banana trees have settled near the legendary sports facilities. Winter starts five years ago entered the annals of the "white games" not only thanks to the success of our national team, but also with the help of the venue itself. Southern flora and subtropical climate rarely accompany such forums. It would seem that a fantastic adventure eventually turned into an outstanding triumph (and not only for the winners, but also for the organizers). It is as if the newly created city is still reaping the fruits of the recent past. Arenas are functioning, and hotel complexes, as before, are filled with a diverse audience. In a word, today this brilliant ensemble impresses its guests with a rich program and the pristine beauty of the landscape.

I'll take you, I'll take you to Sochi

The status of an international resort has been won, including with the help of a developed infrastructure in the field of transport. And bus, and rail, as well as air communication is at the highest level here. The airport in Adler is one of the main "arteries" of the region, and trains run through all parts of the city, up to the legendary ski resorts.

Airport. Adler

Some tourists assume that Adler Airport is far from civilization, and in order to get to Sochi, you need to spend a considerable amount of time. In fact, the place with a sonorous name is part of the famous resort town.

  • It will take about an hour by taxi to the center of Sochi from the airport (cost from 500 to 1000 rubles)
  • The airport is located five minutes walk from the beach
  • There are public transport stops near the airport building.


The railway, as we have already said, is laid through the whole city. It passes through all the famous resort areas. Long-distance trains and high-speed "swallows" will allow you to be at the right station.

  • The cost of a ticket for a "swallow" from Krasnodar will be no more than 600 rubles
  • Long-distance trains stop not only at the Sochi station, but also in almost all famous resorts of the city
  • From some stations to the sea, the path will be no more than 7 minutes, and to the ski slopes no more than 15.

bus and car

The availability of high-quality roads in Sochi allows you to travel from anywhere in the country. The track of the European level, of course, has a positive effect on the desire of tourists to visit the "famous health resort" in a personal car or other vehicles.

  • Intercity buses end their journey at the Sochi station (near the railway platform of the same name)
  • Many go to Sochi by car
  • The quality of the track allows you to ride even on a motorcycle

Good weather? Yes! This is Sochi!

The combination of climatic elements freed Sochi from the seasonal framework. The evergreen city has now turned into a winter resort. The temperature is not low. Consequently, pirouettes on the ski slopes are accompanied by the sun. What to say about the summer period?

  • The swimming season in Sochi begins in early May
  • Ski slopes are open without a break for summer holidays
  • In winter, temperatures can reach 20 degrees, and in summer 35

Is it a suite?

The rather wide location of Sochi guarantees an incredible range of prices. In addition, a lot depends on the intentions of the visitor. Someone wants to indulge in resort vaudeville (the city has become the capital of nightlife), someone wants to be closer to the coast, and someone wants to go to the foot of the mountains. Abundance leads to a polarized view of the cost of living. However, do not be afraid of the grandiose price list.

  • The cost of budget apartments near the coast ranges from 1500 to 2500 rubles per day per person
  • In the private sector, prices start at 800 rubles
  • Tourist lodges in ski resorts offer prices from 1800 per day

Resort for everyone

As described above, Sochi is methodically moving away from the concept of a high season. In the sense that the legendary resort attracts tourists at any time of the year. However, the existence of hype in a certain period should not be denied. Holidays and holidays cannot be cancelled. Naturally, a trip to the Black Sea is generally preferred not during the January celebrations, and a trip to the ski slopes is unlikely to be adequately perceived in July.

  • The most popular beaches in Sochi are Adler and Lazarevskoye.
  • Sochi beaches have a combined surface with the advantage of pebbles
  • The famous ski resort "Krasnaya Polyana" is suitable for both professionals and amateurs. The best time to travel here is January

It's something

Looking for any attractions in the city is a rather strange undertaking. Sochi, in itself, can be called a masterpiece of urban planning. The feeling of a European resort and the fantastic pictures that amaze the viewer around the entire perimeter of the region make this particular alliance a real relic. The natural monolith and the architecture of modern times have transformed the main health resort of the Krasnodar Territory. Of course, the Olympic capital blossomed like an ugly duckling. Although, even before the grand construction, it looked very dignified. Memories of the old species are still alive, but they are becoming less and less. Nowadays, guests of the "southern metropolis" prefer to make pilgrimages to the buildings of the current era.

  • The heritage of 2014, in the form of the Olympic Park, is the main place for sightseeing walks
  • Loo offers tourists a grand water park
  • A cable car trip to the possessions of Krasnaya Polyana also does not depend on the season

Popular places in Sochi:

The city is known as a resort pearl of Russia, thousands of tourists come here every year who do not want to leave the country for any reason and at the same time count on a high-level vacation. The population of the city is 390 00 people. The tourist infrastructure of Sochi is probably the most developed in Russia, because it has everything that tourists with the highest requirements need:

  • landscaped beaches,
  • luxury hotels with modern rooms,
  • restaurants and bars,
  • theme parties in nightclubs,
  • Plenty of options for spending time with children.

Moreover, most tourist facilities appeared here on the eve of the Olympics. Here you can always spend that favorite “lazy” vacation on the beach under an umbrella with a glass of your favorite cocktail. Outdoor enthusiasts can play beach football, volleyball, ride water rides, rent scuba equipment, go on a boat trip, but that's not all. Do not forget that Sochi, among other things, is also the center of skiing, so here you can spend your time in completely different ways.

On the territory of Greater Sochi, there are many resorts, in addition to Sochi itself, each of which is special in its own way:

  • Adler is a full-fledged resort, on the territory of which there are all kinds of entertainment, there are also resources for climate treatment and balneological procedures;
  • Kudepsta is a resort that is perfect for both relaxation and recovery due to the presence of mineral springs.
  • Metsesta is the main health resort of the region;
  • Dagomys - the center of mountain tourism;
  • Krasnaya Polyana - the center of skiing, the so-called "Russian Switzerland";
  • Loo is a great place for a quality holiday at attractive prices;
  • Lazarevskoe - beach recreation area;
  • Verdane is a resort designed for a relaxing family vacation.

The unique nature and favorable climate have created the necessary conditions for recovery, so when you go to Sochi, you can not only relax, but also improve your health. The pride of Greater Sochi is Krasnaya Polyana, dolmens, mineral springs, White Nights and, of course, the 2017 Olympics, thanks to which this city was known all over the world.

Internet service VashHotel.RU allows you to organize cultural holidays in Sochi of any level. The program is always at your service, as well as the places of recreation in Sochi, which will be appreciated both by those who visited the city for the first time, and by experienced tourists who are already difficult to surprise with anything. Please note that the cost of a holiday in Sochi directly depends on your preferences, but we, in turn, will offer favorable prices for hotels in the best places. Tourism from VashOtel.RU is chosen by all those who are used to relaxing in comfort, try it yourself!

Holiday season in Sochi

The answer to the question “when is it better to go to Sochi” is purely individual, it all depends on who you eat with and what you want to do. Rest in Sochi is good in its own way in every season. Summers in Sochi are hot and humid, winters are mild and damp. The average annual air temperature is +14°C. The coolest region is Adler, the warmest is Khosta, and if you want to get to the sunniest place, go to the Central District.

Holidays in Sochi in the summer

If you want to spend the hottest days here and you are not embarrassed by the “peak” of the season and the huge influx of tourists, go on vacation in the summer or during the “velvet season”, which occurs from August to September. At the same time, keep in mind that the cost of accommodation during this period will be somewhere 45% higher than in the low season. By mid-June, the water temperature in the Black Sea reaches +21, in July - +23, and in August - +25 ° С. The air temperature warms up to +30 °C and above.

Holidays in Sochi in spring and autumn

For those who prefer to enjoy the nature and sights of the resort in autumn or spring, there are many entertainments here, and there will be many times fewer vacationers, you can enjoy the fresh sea air and unique nature. There is no objectively “low” season in the resort, since the beach season smoothly flows into the ski season, but it is in spring and autumn that accommodation is the most budgetary.

The beach season here begins at the end of May, when the water temperature reaches 17-18°C, despite the fact that swimming under such conditions is not so comfortable, sunbathing is in great demand. If we consider the spring period, the most favorable period is late spring, since March is a rainy month, although warm.

Holidays in Sochi in winter

At this time of the year, you will get the maximum of new experiences, because you are waiting for numerous cable cars, snow-covered mountain slopes, trails of various levels of difficulty, which are suitable for lovers of skiing, snowboarding and other winter sports. Winter in Sochi is quite mild, as evidenced by the average daily temperature of +11°C. It is noteworthy that in winter it rains quite often, as a result, icy conditions form on the roads.

10 things to do in Sochi

  • Climb to the observation deck of Mount Big Akhun to see Sochi, the Caucasus and, of course, the clearest sea and bird's eye view.
  • Buy fragrant spices in the Sochi market.
  • Visit the largest arboretum in Russia.
  • Visit "Russian Switzerland" by visiting the rapidly developing resort called Krasnaya Polyana.
  • See with your own eyes the legendary 33 waterfalls.
  • Visit one of the world's largest Sochi Oceanarium.
  • Taste the famous khinkali, shish kebab and chebureks, which are prepared according to traditional Caucasian recipes.
  • Visit numerous Olympic venues.
  • Throw a coin into a huge light and music fountain located on the square of the Olympic Park.
  • Cope with mountain rivers.

Where to stay – hotels in Sochi

Internet service VashHotel.RU offers you a list of the best Sochi hotels for families or friends. The modern and comfortable Sochi hotels presented in our database are a worthy choice for all tourists, regardless of the purpose of the trip.

For those who are going to Sochi and are thinking about choosing accommodation, it is useful to know what the different areas of this city are like and in which area of ​​​​Sochi it is better to relax. First of all, it is worth noting that the phrase Big Sochi (or even just Sochi) refers to a narrow strip along the sea, about 100 km long. This is almost the entire coastline, from Abkhazia and almost to Tuapse. The mountains do not allow the agglomeration to grow inland, from the sea, so it grows in length. At the same time, the settlements related to Sochi are known by their own names, but still administratively belong to Sochi. Like, for example, Adler, which is also part of Sochi. Moreover, this is a large and practically independent area, which includes the village of Krasnaya Polyana.

Officially, there are four districts in Greater Sochi: Lazarevsky, Central, Khostinsky and Adlersky. The city of Sochi is usually called the Central District. This is the smallest area, but the most populated and developed area in terms of tourism infrastructure.

Sochi Airport is located in Adler, from where it is about 30 km to the center of Sochi, and only 7 km to the border with Abkhazia. Sochi Central Station is connected to the airport by Aeroexpress, which also stops at the Adler railway station. Trains and buses run to Krasnaya Polyana from Adler.

District descriptions

central District- This is the historical part of Greater Sochi, that is, the city of Sochi itself. Not all microdistricts of the city are equally good for recreation. For example, only the microdistricts Mamayka, Novy Sochi, Tsentralny, Svetlana, Jan Fabritsius go to the sea. Donskaya, Areda, Zavokzalny, Sobolevka, Maly Ruchey do not border the sea. And even further from the coast are the microdistricts KSM, Hospital Town, Makarenko and Vishnevka.

Well-known Sochi sights are located on the territory of the Central District: the Winter Theatre, the Seaport, the railway station, the Art Museum, and the Bocharov Ruchey residence (in the New Sochi microdistrict).

In the Central District of Sochi, the relief is flat and everything you need for life and recreation is located in close proximity, including the sea. Therefore, we can say that this is the best area for a holiday with a child. My list of cheap and well located hotels and youth hostels in Central Sochi.

Khostinsky district considered a balneological resort. There are more resorts here than hotels for a beach holiday. Matsesta waters and silt mud are the main attractions of this place. The Khostinsky district includes microdistricts (from west to east) Bytkha, Matsesta, Maly Akhun, Khosta, Kudepsta.

Adler district- it includes the microdistricts Kurortny Gorodok, Golubye Dali, Central Adler, Cheryomushki, Nizhneimetinskaya Bukhta (Imeretinsky) and Krasnopolyansky settlement district (Krasnaya Polyana). It was on the territory of the Adler region that buildings were erected for the 2014 Olympics, including the mountainous part (Krasnaya Polyana) and the coastal (). The airport is also located here. The Imeretinsky district is now gaining popularity, reviews about it are mostly good, since the entire infrastructure is new and modern, comfortable for recreation. For holidays with children, youth recreation, the area is perfect, because a large beach club with golden sand has recently opened here, there is a beautiful promenade, convenient for walking, the Sochi Park amusement park, an aquarium, water parks and much more. It is also beneficial to stay in Adler for those who come to go skiing, since housing here is cheaper than in Krasnaya Polyana, and you can get to the slopes by bus or train Lastochka. From many hotels in Adler there are also regular shuttles to the ski slopes and Krasnaya Polyana. About good and inexpensive housing in the Adler region.

Greater Sochi Map

Neighborhoods of the Central District of Sochi

In simple terms, these are just different areas, in fact, the city of Sochi. There are quite a few of them, but not all of them are of interest from the point of view of a tourist. In summer, the most popular areas for guests of Sochi are those adjacent to the sea and bordering them. This, for example, is the area of ​​Donskaya Street, Zavokzalny District, where the Sochi railway station is located, as well as the districts of Makarenko, Zarechny, Mamaika, New Sochi, Central, Svetlana and the microdistrict of Jan Fabricius. Personally, according to the totality of factors in terms of recreation, I like Central, Zarechny and Svetlana the most.


The microdistrict is adjacent to New Sochi, but is further from the sea, rising up from the valley. The main street is Donskaya. Along the Donskoy, the terrain is flat, but as soon as you move a few houses away from it, the slope of the mountain begins. The area is well-maintained and quite developed in terms of infrastructure. There are many shops, a market, small cafes. The largest in the city mall Moremall and the Yubileiny cinema are also located here. A good option for families with children, because the area is quiet. Sochi city center is 5 to 8 minutes away by car, the sea is about 15 minutes away. The beach is also easily accessible by shuttle bus. Public transport runs on schedule and quite often. In this microdistrict there are inexpensive and with a good rating and.


If the distance from the sea is not very critical for you, this is a very convenient area for living in Sochi. There is an excellent infrastructure - there is everything you need. The sea is actually also close - a few stops on public transport. You can also walk if you wish. In general, the area is quiet and calm, sleeping. The city center is also within walking distance. The building density is low, from here you can get to any part of the city without traffic jams. In the Zavokzalny district, on the very border with the Central, there is Sochi, popular with tourists.


This area is good because there are quite a few people here, compared to Central or Zarechny. It was built up in the 70-80s, some of the buildings still look relatively fresh, the technical condition is good. The sea and the Center are far away on foot - 20-30 minutes walk, so for families with children this is not the best option. In addition, Maccareno is located mainly on the mountain. Locals prefer to get to the beach by public transport. The infrastructure in the microdistrict is well developed and housing here is inexpensive. Near Makarenko, but in other areas, there are two highly rated hotels: (as the name implies, the hotel belongs more to the Vishnevka microdistrict) and in the Hospital Town.


The main streets of this area are Gagarina and Krasnoarmeyskaya. There is good infrastructure, relatively close to the sea (much closer than from the same Donskaya), Riviera Park (attractions, retail outlets, cafes) and the free beach of the same name. The entire area is permeated by a colored boulevard, perfect for walking, and there is also a river embankment nearby, along which you can also walk. The area is not mountainous, flat. The building is quite old, a lot of Khrushchev. But mostly quiet, green, close to shops, cafes, the central market and public transport. A good choice for both short and long term rentals. If you choose the best area for a holiday with a child, then this is just one of the options, because here, among other things, there is a large playground.


Beaches, a well-developed resort infrastructure, Magnit hypermarket, relative proximity to the center, where Vinogradnaya Street goes, a new bypass road and an alternative to Kurortny Prospekt - all this makes the area very popular both for tourism and for long-term residence. From Mamayka to the center of Sochi is about 10 minutes drive. If you are on a private vehicle, then staying in this area would be a good choice. The best rated hotel in the area is .

New Sochi

New Sochi has both the private sector and new buildings. But housing in the latter is not of the highest quality and the infrastructure is still quite poorly developed. The sea is nearby, but it is difficult to get to it, because the terrain is hilly. If you are with small children and a stroller, then moving around may not be very comfortable. In this area, it is better to choose accommodation closer to the Riviera Park. Some distant places in the area can only be reached by car, there are many construction sites. But there are also quiet corners, with a good view of the sea. There is a good free beach "Albatross" and many parks. Not far from the center of New Sochi. In general, this is a fairly popular area with vacationers. Closer to the sea and the Riviera there are expensive hotels with a large territory, similar to foreign beach resorts. But in general there are quite a lot of hotels in this area and most of them are new. One of the most rated - with a pool and meals included (half board).


The very center of the city, with a developed tourist infrastructure, attractions, cafes, restaurants and more. The commercial port of Sochi is located here, Navatinskaya Street is a green pedestrian zone where it is pleasant to take a walk. The sea, of course, is not as clean as on the outskirts, but the very center of life, there are many large expensive multi-star hotels and fairly democratic housing. Minus - a lot of people in the season. The terrain is flat, one of the few flat areas in Sochi. Good transport accessibility to the railway station. This is perhaps the best area for youth recreation. There are a lot of hotels in this area. One of the best according to guest reviews is an international network.

Svetlana (Vereshchaginskaya side)

A microdistrict popular with tourists with a developed infrastructure, located close to the city center, in fact, also a center. There are many inexpensive and good cafes for every taste, canteens, public transport stops, shops, including Magnit and Perekrestok. Nearby there are theaters, Arboretum. Close to the sea. True, the nearby beaches are small and belong to different resorts, so many go to the Riviera beach. From the railway station to Svetlana on foot about 40 minutes. This is one of the best areas where it is pleasant and comfortable to relax. In this area, three minutes from the sea, is located with studios, where there is a kitchenette and a washing machine. Convenient for a holiday with a child.

Microdistrict of Jan Fabricius

This is a convenient, green and quiet neighborhood located behind the Arboretum. Sochi city center is a 2-3 minute drive from here, the sea is also close. The beaches and the sea are cleaner here than in the center. There are many boarding houses, still Soviet, there are also good expensive hotels with a high level of service. There are not as many cafes and shops as in more central areas, but it is green, there are many gardens, new business-class houses have been built recently. Of the hotels in this microdistrict, it is located by the sea and has the highest rating.

We made a map of Sochi microdistricts to make it easier to navigate where and what, it is especially important when housing is offered, you can immediately assess how far it is to the sea and the center. Otherwise, they can write 15 minutes on foot to the sea to go, but in fact the area is much far away and you need to run to meet this time. The map is based on ©