Embankment of the Admiralty Canal 2 4. For visitors with disabilities

Walk along the Moika embankment from the center. The island is visible from afar - high brick walls, plywood windows, thickets near the water. The entrance to New Holland is only on one side. Be prepared for the fact that the guards will ask you to see the contents of the bags, and drinks and food will be left waiting for you in special cells. Feet stepping on the territory of the art space usually direct their owners first to the photo booth, then to the exhibition space, then to trendy cafes, and finally they ask to lie down on the green grass if it’s summer, or put on skates and go to the ice rink in winter.

A short digression: rumor ascribes to the island a camp-prisoner purpose, while history claims that ships of the Soviet fleet were designed and tested here. There was still a prison. For its shape, it received the name "bottle". This is where the expression "don't go in the bottle" came from. However, it is only certain that for a long time the buildings, which were badly destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, were not used, were not restored and were empty.

Now the territory of the island has really changed significantly. "New Holland" has become a huge art object in the center of St. Petersburg. And next to it - houses with the same St. Petersburg roofs that are shown in films.

Events held on the island gather, perhaps, the most diverse audience. Either a concert, to which lovers of dancing come, or Library Day, where bookworms flock, or a lecture for young parents, or Astronomy Day, or a performance of modern ballet. There are evenings without events. On such days, they play badminton or tennis on the island, lie on the grass, sit with laptops (free Wi-Fi everywhere), read books. By the way, you can work in a specially equipped area for this - ecoworking. It operates on the principle of a regular co-working, but in the open air.

"New Holland" was closed for reconstruction and promised to be returned to residents in 2018, but they managed much earlier: the partially renovated park opened in August 2016. The first changes affected the "bottle". It has restaurants and cafes, book store, Museum of Modern Art, antique shops and halls for yoga and ballet classes.

They decided not to build new buildings in New Holland. Instead, several hundred trees were purchased from European nurseries. Already now you can walk along the linden alley and even take care of the trees on your own - under the guidance of specialists. The park will also feature sculptures, installations and art objects by artists from all over the world.

New Holland is a new art space in Saint Petersburg. New Holland in St. Petersburg was opened in August 2016 with a bang. Thousands of people rushed to the island of New Holland, and how not to go and see, advertising about the opening of the island was placed on the most popular sites. And now in St. Petersburg a promising New Holland park has appeared. To date, 2018, the park on the island is not fully open, but most of it. A visit to the park will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children.

  • New Holland opening hours
  • New Holland boat frigate for children photo
  • What to do in the winter in the park

New Holland in St. Petersburg how to get

New Holland in St. Petersburg how to get where to be? This question is often asked and not by chance. Since the park is positioned as a new vacation spot for great circle residents and guests of the city of St. Petersburg and this large number of people wanted to learn about it as much as possible and visit. And so the New Holland Park in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg address

St. Petersburg embankment of the Admiralteisky Canal 2

This address became known to many citizens and guests of St. Petersburg. However, it is impossible to get to New Holland Island by metro, they have not yet been built, but public transport runs in sufficient quantities:

you need to go to the stop "Ploshchad Truda"

Buses: 3, 6, 22, 27, 70, 71, 100
Trolleybuses: 5, 22
Route taxis: K-6, K-62, K-124, K-186, K-187, K-306,

to the stop "Pisareva Street"

Route taxis: K-124, K-186

Although it is worth noting that there is a lot of transport, but stops public transport are located not very close to the entrance to the park and therefore you will have to walk at least 5-15 minutes, depending on which stop you arrived at.

New Holland Island on the map and how to get there

New Holland, today has one entrance. It is located across the bridge from the Admiralteisky Canal Embankment Street.

Entrance to the island through the bridge

Getting there by car is more convenient, since it is still no more than 5 minutes to walk from the free parking on the roadway (parking on the map No. 1, No. 2). However, if you arrived by car, then park correctly, otherwise there may be problems with the evacuation of your car. A lot of tow trucks were seen and they were taken away by auto transport. So we park along the embankment of the Moika River, but we have to walk 200-300 meters, but the car will definitely not be taken away. Safe parking places located not far from the entrance to New Holland Island are marked with green signs on the map.

Parking along the road on the embankment of the Moika River

You can, with some luck, stand on Pisarev Street, but it is usually occupied by local residents. Be careful, they closed the free parking lot along the Moika River embankment after the intersection with Pisareva Street (parking on the map No. 4).

Parking on Pisareva street

New Holland opening hours

new holland opening hours opening hours

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 09:00 - 22:00
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 23:00

New Holland entrance is free, but visitors are screened at the entrance. At the entrance to the park on the island immediately behind the bridge, metal detectors are installed and guards are nearby who inspect large bags and backpacks.

Inspection at the entrance to New Holland Island

What was noticeable was that drinks were confiscated in any container. In principle, the left drink can be picked up on the way back, if you determine that it is your drink in this stack on the shelf. However, in June 2017, the guards also searched large backpacks and bags, but did not stop visitors with drinks. With the exception of alcoholic beverages, they are not allowed according to local regulations.

Leftover drinks

New Holland art space St. Petersburg

New Holland is a new art space in St. Petersburg. But the reconstruction is in full swing and the end is scheduled for 2025. Today the first line is open. It includes several buildings, so far without the opportunity to visit these buildings, and an area with temporary pavilions. The first thing that meets at the entrance to the island is the building, or rather the house of the Commandant.

Commandant's House

The Commandant's House is the latest historical building on the island, and until recently it was not listed among the architectural monuments and ensemble of New Holland. Previously, the family of the commandant of the island really lived here. In the future, I plan to use it as office space for various services of the park.

New Holland Petersburg information center

Near information center You can park your bike in New Holland, but you can’t ride a bike around the territory, and there’s no need to.

Bicycle parking at the information center

As it should be for modern recreational areas, park administrators come up with various creative features for visitors. For example, this year you can play the piano outside.

open air piano

It should be noted that a lot of people played from children to adults and some got applause, so go ahead and you will get a standing ovation!

Cafes and shops New Holland building Butylka St. Petersburg

Opposite is the Bottle building. The building of the former prison was erected by the architect Staubert in the 19th century. It has a characteristic round shape and resembles the neck of a bottle. According to legend, this is where the expression "don't go into the bottle" came from. There was a progressive system for imprisoned sailors: while serving their sentence, they mastered new profession and received a salary, which was issued before the release.

Jail building Bottle New Holland

If you go through the main entrance of the Bottle building, you will find yourself in a round courtyard, in which a stage is equipped, and in a circle there are small canopies of cafes.

Former prison building Bottle courtyard

And this is not surprising, since the first floor is given over to various cafes. There are many of them, they are located in small rooms, which creates privacy and comfort. The restorers of the former bottle prison building left the red brick wall decoration, which turned out to be cool, stylish and leaving a reminder of the original look.

First floor corridor

But if you climb the stairs to the second floor, and the stairs turned out to be also very beautiful and wide,

Staircase and staircase hall on the second floor in the Bottle building

then the interiors of the corridors change to a more modern look.

The second floor is dedicated to shops. Shops for various women's and men's clothing, an exclusive photography gallery or, for example, a comic book store.

Comic shop second floor
comic book store original display rack

The third floor is dedicated to beauty and health. Having familiarized ourselves with the Bottle, we leave the building and continue to get acquainted with the territory of the island.

Moving along a well-groomed alley, we pass by the original structure - the toilet. Not badly decorated, the only thing that will not be convenient to use, for some segments of the population, is its depth of 3 floors down and you need to go down the stairs,

underground toilet

but do not be upset, there were toilets in Bottles and there is in the Forge, where cafes are located and there it is on the ground floor. We approach the temporary pavilion, which hosts exhibitions prepared by the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.

Photo of the temporary pavilion

Before entering the pavilion there was not a long line, which moved well, but during this time you have time to read the information about the exhibition.

Exhibition announcement

Inside, it is simple and concise, like the work itself. The tour will take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on your interest.

Inside the exhibition pavilion

And the largest space is occupied by open space. This open space is planted with grass and is divided into zones only by paths. This open area of ​​New Holland hosts various events under open sky. To protect against possible rain, they pull an awning.

Open space
Rain tent

The herb garden hosts many activities that you can join or just sit on the grass. You can do body exercises.

Many activities, such as gymnastics

The kids have several entertainment centers. One is located in the Festival Alley next to the Forge building, where you can learn a lot of interesting things and feel in quizzes and get a prize.

Also very popular was an interactive installation in which vegetables and fruits sound their own sound. Thus, you can play the music of vegetables and fruits if you touch them with your hand.

New Holland boat frigate for children St. Petersburg

But of course, most of the kids were at the ship, boat, or rather at the frigate.

New Holland Petersburg photo frigate

This frigate is made on a scale of 80% of a real frigate made by Peter the Great at the local shipyards. Children can climb all over the ship.

Frigate inside
boat inside

Well, then slide down the hill back to your parents.

Frigate one of the exits

But before you start your child on a frigate boat, read the safety instructions.

Frigate instruction

And while the children are climbing the boat in New Holland Park, you can sit in the shade not far away.

Boat place for parents

The largest number of people doing nothing are located near the main stage. On a sunny day, you can just lie down on the grass and listen to music, but if you get to the time of the concert, then the concert.

Well, the second place where people like to gather is on an artificial peninsula in the center of the park, as the pontoon is sometimes called. So this year, the administration of the park allowed sunbathing on this pontoon. I poured sand and put sun loungers for 40 people. But this is not for everyone, and even in St. Petersburg there is not so much sunny days, but pink flamingos that swim in the pond, as if they lift the mood in cloudy weather.

Swimming in the pond and flamingos is prohibited, but you can admire.

Eating at New Holland Park

Eating in New Holland Park since the summer of 2017 can be said to have become normal, in the sense that before there were only kiosks on the street, but now a cafe and a restaurant have opened in Kuzna. The park has two pavilions selling hot meals. They are open, there are no tables for a leisurely lunch, but in general, if you get hungry, then there is something to eat. On a clear day, when there were many visitors, there was a line in front of the cafe.

Lined up in a cafe in the park

The price tag for products, as it should be for such events, is not low, but it would also be untrue to call it high. So the price list of one of the cafes, though it turned out to be a photo from the English version of the price list, I’ll quote further for a general acquaintance. The price of another cafe is about the same, only the assortment is slightly different.

Price of one of the cafes in the park

Eating in a more comfortable environment is offered by two establishments, the Volkonsky DELI cafe and the Kuznya House club and restaurant, which are open in the Forge building. The rooms are interestingly decorated, the price tag is the same as everywhere else in recreation areas.

Cafe Volkonsky Deli entrance

At the entrance to the cafe Volkonsky Deli (Deli, or cooking) there will be a hall in which there are tables for eating, and to the right is the entrance to the toilet rooms, and to the left to the shopping area of ​​​​the cafe.

Counters with offered pastries

The snack was a success, it was delicious. Next time we will visit the Kuznya House restaurant, and then there will be photos.

Upon completion of the visit to the island of the New Holland Park in St. Petersburg, you can take photos in the photo area near the Forge building. To better display your mood, you can choose plates with different expressions instead of emoticons.

Choose a plate in the photo zone
Nice photo about the park in memory

Undoubtedly, the island park in St. Petersburg is necessary for the city. Considering that the park is only open for one third of its capacity, visitors went to it, and what will happen when it opens completely. Today in St. Petersburg there is a site on a much smaller scale on Ligovsky Prospekt, which also enjoys well-deserved popularity.

To keep abreast of ongoing events, go to

official website of New Holland Island http://www.newhollandsp.ru

All for a good mood on the New Holland Island Park and photos for their albums. And for you, dear readers, the question is: what to do in the open area, until the buildings are opened, in the cold season? If there is information, drop a couple of lines, but I will definitely visit again in November - December to add new impressions of New Holland.

What to do in the winter in the park

What to do in the winter in the park? There will be a separate post in more detail about winter, and if it’s fast now, then it’s the same as in summer, only you need to dress warmer. There are fewer people in winter than in summer, and this is noticeable right at the entrance.

Main entrance to New Holland Island Park in winter

The most important entertainment is a skating rink, for skating (pun turned out, but now there are skating rinks for other sports). Entrance to the ice is paid, there is a rental of skates and their sharpening, the same is paid. But the changing places are made in the pavilion and therefore warm and quite comfortable.

New Holland ice rink

The entire area in front of the stage, where you can lie down on the grass in warm weather, is occupied by a large ice rink, which operates on schedule. Ice is cleared between sessions. According to the administration, the area of ​​​​the rink is more than 2,000 m2 and 300 visitors can ride on it, so there is enough space for everyone.

Schedule and prices for the skating rink

Winter New Holland is less interesting, but the opening of the other buildings will allow you to spend your time more varied. So the opening of the Volkonsky DELI cafe and the Kuznya House club and restaurant in the Kuzny building, there were fewer problems with a snack, but only being outside and in bad weather it was very uncomfortable, but now all the amenities.

In December 2017, a historical park. Historical, representing the entire history of our country from ancient times to the present day. Recommended.

Behind the fence is a real construction site. We ourselves sometimes want to walk around the warehouses, but safety is more important. There are many interesting things in the public part of the Island- look around.

People in uniform walk around the Island: they provide peace and security. You can turn to them for help, and they sometimes make requests to those who are seriously dispersed.

In any strange situation contact administrators Islands. They can always be found in the Info Center. There is also a blue mailbox for letters, confessions and wishes.

On the lawns you can, walk, lie down, read, run kites- the main thing is not to disturb other visitors. On the playgrounds it will be possible to have fun and play while observing the safety rules written on the stands.

To not be bad

We are happy when you have picnics in the park, but please do not bring drinks in glass bottles and alcohol, as well as grills and barbecues to the territory of the island: it is forbidden to make fire in the park.

We try to make sure that in the summer on the Island you can safely stretch out on the grass. You will help us a lot if you throw everything that looks like garbage into the bins.

There is a picturesque and interesting construction going on along the perimeter of the Island. The channels are nice to look at. It is important to remember that kids are interested in everything, and especially those places where adults are not allowed. Keep an eye on the kids.

In the sunniest and holidays there may be a queue at the entrance, because we have to inspect everyone, and for now we can not accept more than 5000 people at the same time.

If you are lucky and have a yacht or a jet ski, moor them in a convenient place outside the Island - canals and pond are closed for cleaning.

You can smoke and use electronic cigarettes in special places. There are no children and those who do not like tobacco smoke and steam. There you can hide from the harsh views of fighters for a healthy lifestyle. Look for familiar icons.

Please take photos and videos for yourself. But any commercial, artistic and other professional shootings need to be discussed with the administration. We don't want New Holland to be the backdrop for projects we don't like.

Walking through the park. Bicycles, scooters, hoverboards and other vehicles, we ask leave it in the bike rack. Babies under 6 years old are allowed not to follow this rule, but only under the supervision of their parents.

Benches and ping pong tables do not need to be moved, they stand in their places, you can't imagine better.

If you are lucky and you less than 14 years old, then the Island will need come with an adult.

We love pets, but please do not use New Holland to walk them. Leave dogs and cats outside the Island.

New Holland Island is a historical site. Imagine that you are in the Hermitage, sitting next to a microscopic caretaker in a cap. Make sure that your refined speech didn't wake her up.

Art and creativity - in the Pavilion and the Mayak school: historical buildings and wooden buildings on the Island are not intended for self-expression.