angkor temples in cambodia map. Angkor Wat in Cambodia is a national treasure of the Khmers

Are you very hard to surprise? You have visited all corners of the planet and think that you have seen everything? Then I propose to dispel your skepticism with the next tour, which includes a visit to one of the most striking monuments of the ancient Khmer religion. Today we are going far away South East Asia, in the jungle of which no less secrets and artifacts are hidden than in South America with its famous Maya and Inca settlements. The ultimate goal of our tourist trip is the majestic temple of Angkor Wat, whose history goes back about 900 years.

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According to official sources, the construction of the temple began in the 12th century. It is believed that Angkor Wat was part of the once huge Khmer Empire, around which even today there is a lot of controversy.

Angkor is the name of the city, which was considered the center of the empire. Its size is amazing. Initially, it was believed that the city occupied an area of ​​200 square kilometers, and now this figure has grown tenfold. Scientists say that at the very dawn of the empire, at least 500 thousand Khmers lived here. Myself temple complex was dedicated to the god Vishnu and was considered the most prominent representative of the Hindu religion. It is the architecture of the buildings that reminds of the religion that has been preached in this area for many centuries.

The construction was completed during the reign of King Suryavarman II. It was during this period that Ankor experienced the peak of its development, was a metropolis and had a population of several hundred inhabitants. In total, huge areas with villages and other settlements, in which at least 80 thousand peasants lived, were assigned to the temple. A little later, Ankor Wat became not only the center for the worship of Vishnu, but also the Buddha.

Already in those distant years, the temple struck the imagination with its majesty. Huge ditches (about 200 m) filled with water were dug around its entire perimeter. Height main tower temple is a record 42 meters for that time, and the most high point located 65 meters above the ground.

All the most interesting information and an overview of the most stunning sights of Cambodia in our guide.

Location of the religious center

A unique building of its kind, which amazes with its ingenious architecture, size and rich decoration, is located just 5 km north of the city of Siem Reap. It is interesting that almost no one remembered such a structure for several centuries in a row, starting from the 15th century. This led to the fact that the temple fell into some decline. The jungle reliably hid the grandiose structure from prying eyes, and the huge roots of tropical trees caused irreparable damage to the religious complex, which for many years successfully combined the center of two religions - Hinduism and Buddhism.

It is worth paying tribute to the local activists and authorities, who caught on in time and began to ennoble the territory of the majestic temple. And today we all have a unique opportunity to enjoy monumental building to the fullest, take rare pictures and mark with a red pencil one more place on the map, which is worth visiting more than once.

A program of large-scale restoration of the huge complex has been launched, for which the world organization UNESCO. The scale of the temple and the volume of necessary work require serious investment in the restoration of the temple. Since 1992, the temple complex has been included in the list of cultural heritage and is under protection. Despite this, the years cause irreparable damage to the structure, which was based on brittle sandstone. Therefore, if you want to see the grandiose building of the 12th century with your own eyes, you should not put off the issue of ordering a ticket on the back burner. Hurry up to see the temple with your own eyes and touch the ancient history with your hands!

There is a version that the famous writer Rudyard Kipling came up with the idea of ​​​​writing the work "The Jungle Book" precisely after visiting this grandiose complex structures. Who knows, maybe a muse or inspiration will visit you to create some kind of masterpiece ...

What is unique?

As mentioned earlier, the temple has an impressive size and rich architecture, even individual elements of which cannot be called excess. In addition, the uniqueness of the building is due to the rare combination of two religions at once, which coexisted peacefully within the walls of the temple. You won't find this anywhere else.

But there is one more feature. Despite its size and importance for the Khmer Empire, the temple was not open to everyone. Only the elite - representatives of the nobility and kings - could get outside its walls to perform prayers. Here they found the last refuge of the souls of the deceased rulers, and their bodies forever occupied the designated places in the tomb. This is due to one feature of the local religion of that time. The Khmers believed that the gods lived in the temple, so only selected representatives of the spiritual and secular nobility could communicate with them and see them. Here, every detail has its own meaning and plays a certain role. Three huge towers are shaped like lotus buds, and their design is complemented by special sculptures and a unique bas-relief.

The total area of ​​the temple complex, which has the shape of a rectangle, is nearly 200 hectares! And without exception, all buildings were erected in an original way - from top to bottom. Archaeologists and scientists have not seen such technology anywhere on the planet.

It is believed that appearance and the structure of the complex was ultimately to match the legendary sacred Mount Mere. The buildings seem to repeat all its outlines: the towers are its peak, the outer walls are rocky ledges, and the moat at the foot is the ocean that surrounds the Universe.

The Khmers spared neither effort nor jewels to create a unique temple complex. Initially, Angkor Wat was the most impressive Khmer religious center in terms of its rich content. But as a result civil war, invasions of atheists, better known as the "Khmer Rouge" and Pol Pot's soldiers in the 1970s, most of the decorations and artifacts were looted, and irreparable damage was caused to the complex itself. It was possible to protect the temple from the invasion of vandals only in 1992, when UNESCO controlled it.

Tour of the ancient temple

Today tourist excursions on the temple complex are available to almost everyone. The main requirement is to follow the simple rules of staying in the temple and respect this cultural and architectural monument.

Angkor Wat will give some of the most vivid impressions to anyone who ends up in Cambodia. Exotic adventures, history saturated with oriental culture and amazing religion - this is only a small part of what you will get to know outside its walls.

You also need to know that the complex of buildings includes several dozen temples and individual buildings, and the entire irrigation system, which is 900 years old, still works properly and performs its functions today. Particularly noteworthy are the temple mountain, which has the name Bayon, the images of the main god Buddha, carved from stone, the Elephant Terrace and the statue of the Leper King. Of course, it is impossible to describe in words the grandiose creation of human hands. Each building is made in a special style and has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at some of the sights.

One of the earliest buildings of Angkora is Phnom Bakheng. It is believed that it was built in the ninth century and eventually received the appearance of a structure with five tiers and several towers. The central area of ​​the complex is called Angkor Thom, which literally means " Big city". Along the entire perimeter, it is surrounded by a water channel and walls (100 m and 8 m, respectively). The citadel includes five gates that are surrounded by high towers, the walls of which are decorated with images of deities.

Behind the walls of the citadel is the Bayon pyramid, which has already been mentioned above. It is surrounded by 54 towers. There are also such attractions as the Bafuon temple (more precisely, its ruins that have survived to this day), the palace, the sanctuaries of Baphuop and Pimeanakas (which is better known as the “Palace of Heaven”), the Elephant Terrace (from which the rulers watched the progress of all ceremonies). Here you can also enjoy the original features of the Gates of Victory and stone bridges, which are decorated with the faces of the gods.

If the buildings mentioned above, for the most part, were subjected to partial or complete restoration, then some churches retained their original appearance. For example, Ta-Prom.

How to get there and where to stay

You can get to the temple complex from Phnom Penh (240 km) or from Siem Reap (6 km). It is Siem Reap that is most popular among tourists, as the tourism business has been actively developing here recently. For the convenience of visiting Angkor Wat, which hundreds of thousands of tourists go to see every year, an international airport has been built here, and a lot of modern hotels will provide convenience for visitors without any problems. Getting to the temple complex from here is quite easy. This is what has made it so popular among tourists.

If you are going on a tourist visit to Cambodia for the first time, it is better to use the services of a guide. Even today, the territory of the country is littered with mines and other life-threatening and health-threatening reminders of the Khmer Rouge invasion. Therefore, it is easiest to get safely to the temple and get the impressions that you came here for as part of a tourist group led by an experienced guide.

The main attraction of Cambodia are the ancient temples. There are a great many temples in Cambodia, but I will write about the most interesting, majestic and beautiful, which amaze with their bas-reliefs and interesting masonry. The temples of Angkor in Cambodia are a whole complex of temples, which includes the well-known temple of Angkor Wat. All of these temple complexes are spread over an area of ​​more than 210 km² and many of them are still under exploration.

Cambodia attracts attention with its originality - this is not Thailand at all, all emasculated, sleek, comfortable and touristy. I still remember the amazing feeling of crossing the Thai-Cambodian border during the February 2015 trip. Beauty, culture, fit people in uniform are almost immediately replaced by rustic simplicity, helpers, shopkeepers and a pot-bellied topless customs officer. I was impressed by the wild lands, through which they traveled for an infinitely long time, free residents, able to sleep in a hut made of polyethylene and at the same time enjoy life, but most of all they were struck by the temples of Cambodia.

I tried to tell about our first impressions of visiting Cambodia, Thailand in a separate article, which turned out to be moderately emotional and I hope interesting. For comparison, I suggest reading an article about a similar trip inside Vietnam - there are differences

  • How to get from Fukuoka to Ho Chi Minh City on your own

These are amazing temple ensembles that even Hollywood, which has repeatedly chosen them as scenery for its films, could not get around. Tourists have noticed features associated with sightseeing in Cambodia, which everyone should know about before planning a trip to the temples:

  • each temple is beautiful at different times of the day: some at dawn, some in the afternoon
  • You can take great pictures at any time of the day.
  • visiting the temple complexes of Cambodia takes a lot of time, so you should devote at least 2-3 days to this event in order to have time to visit the most worthy places. These days you can find a hotel in the nearby town of Siem Reap.

About how to choose cheap housing abroad with independent travel read the article, in addition, I suggest using a hotel card to select a suitable place for the first days of your stay in Cambodia:

In addition, to inspect the entire Angkor complex, you should think about renting a transport, because. many temples are at a fairly large distance from each other. Earlier I already wrote about the rental of the main modes of transport, as well as about public transport Cambodia. However, tourists who have gathered to inspect the temples of Cambodia are provided with an expanded version, so I will summarize here.

All modes of transport in Cambodia in 2015

  • A bicycle is an interesting proposition if you stay a few days in Siem Reap (this is the closest place to the Temples). Approximately $2 per bike per day.
  • Moped - renting mopeds ($8-10 per day) by foreigners in Siem Reap is prohibited by law. However, if you come from another city, then be sure to leave the transport in paid parking lots,.
  • Taxi - can be rented for one day for $30-40.
  • Elephant - You can ride an elephant from the gates of Angkor Thom to Bayon Temple. The cost is $10. And in Angkor Village you can not only ride an elephant, but also take a lesson from professional mahouts. The mahout will help you learn to sit confidently on the elephant and even with him you can learn a few commands for the elephant. Costs approximately $50.
  • Balloon - This amazing vehicle can be used for $11 per person (cart includes up to 30 people). It will be possible to see only Angkor Wat from the air and capture it on the camera. But the balloon rises only in good weather.
  • Minibus - The cost of renting a minibus with a driver (for 12 people) is approximately $50 per day.
  • Motor rickshaw (tuk-tuk) - I think the most popular transport for moving around the territory of the Angkor complex. The cost of renting a tuk-tuk varies from $10 to $20 per day.

About how not to get into trouble when renting bikes or motorbikes in Cambodia, be sure to read an important article, remember that failure to follow the rules can cost you a lot of money for repairs or theft of a motorcycle. You can also read information about transport in Cambodia:

Entrance ticket price to the territory of the temples of Angkor:

  • for one day is $20,
  • for 3 days - $ 40 (you can visit during the week)
  • per week - $ 60 (it can be used within a month).

Visiting hours famous temple Cambodia - Angkor Wat from 5 am to 6 pm. Do not try to lose the main (entrance) ticket, because on the territory of the temple complex there is its own sisuritl, whose employees will very quickly notice the absence of a ticket and issue a fine.

angkor wat temple

One of the main buildings at the moment, which is a national pride and is depicted on the flag of Cambodia.

The temple of Angkor Wat was built during the reign of King Suryavarman II (1112 - 1152). During his reign, Cambodia became a great power. Anggor Wat is an amazing architectural structure, which is created without any mixtures (fastening materials), stone blocks fitted so that they stay on top of each other very accurately. The temple was built in 89 years, the builders who participated in the construction, there are about 150 million people.

The heart of the temple is five towers - one in the center (this is the mythical Mount Meru, where all the gods and goddesses live) and four towers (temples) around it, and this whole place is in the middle of the moat (ocean), and the sun and moon revolve around the mountain . Angkor Wat can be recognized as the largest religious building in the world, because. it is built on belief in gods and goddesses. Therefore, it is divided into three worlds: the lower world, the world of people, and the world of the gods. The vision of these worlds is visible not only in the building itself, but also on the bas-reliefs and sculptures that adorn all the walls of the temple.

A lot of tons of stone were used to build the temple, and the weight of one block could reach up to 500 kg. Therefore, elephants helped the Khmers during construction to move especially heavy blocks. When excavating and studying the area, scientists did not find the buildings of ordinary Khmer builders who built ancient structures, so a theory was put forward that these buildings were not built by people at all, but that's another story ....

Angkor Wat is surrounded by a moat and was inhabited by crocodiles in ancient times. The temple is well preserved in comparison with other buildings of Angkor, because. Buddhist monks still live here.

In 1992, along with other buildings of the city of Angkor, it was taken under the auspices of UNESCO. Angkor Wat Temple is a major tourist attraction in Cambodia.

There are also many beautiful temples in this complex, which are also worth seeing, I will briefly talk about them in:

  • angkor thom
  • Bayon Temple
  • Bapuon
  • Royal Corps and Pimanakas
  • Pre Paliley
  • Thep Pranam
  • Terrace of the Leper King
  • Elephant Terrace
  • Klings and Prasat Sor Prat
  • Ta Prohm Temple is the most breathtaking temple of Angkor and everyone who comes to see Cambodia should see it. It is interesting because it is abandoned and given to the jungle, the trees that permeate it.

  • Banteay Kdey and Sra Srang
  • Ta Keo
  • Pre Can Temple
  • Pre Neck Pian
  • Ta Som
  • Preah Vihear

As you can see, there is something to see, therefore, having decided to get acquainted with ancient architecture stock up not only patience, but also strength. Since you will have to walk a lot, listen if you hire good guide, even more, but you will get plenty of impressions. All you need now is to choose the best time to fly to Cambodia and plan a vacation, and life in this country is quite budgetary, even for selective travelers. Good luck with your exploration of ancient structures.

Read the rest of the story in the following article:

And remember that it is not necessary to fly to Cambodia by direct flight, both Thailand and Vietnam are quite suitable for you, and then the road will take 7-8 hours by cheap buses, during which you can enjoy the colors of this amazing country. Do not be afraid . You just need to take a small step.

Angkor Wat- the greatest temple complex in Cambodia with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 200 hectares and a height of 65 meters, built by the ancient Khmers in the 12th century. The temple of Angkor Wat is one of the most recognizable monuments of Hindu architecture in the world, which attracts millions of tourists every year. I have wanted to see it with my own eyes ever since I heard about Angkor in Cambodia from an experienced travel friend. Located near the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia, it is the country's most significant landmark, and a schematic representation of the turrets of the main temple adorns any emblem in Cambodia, including the national flag. And the Khmer temple of Angkor Wat itself is recognized as one of the new wonders of the world.

Long before my first trip to Cambodia, I studied in detail the history of the construction of Angkor Wat, and then, of course, my husband and I went to the Khmer country and saw it in all its glory. We did not book a tour, we just bought plane tickets and flew in on our own. And we liked it there so much that we returned more than once to discover new and interesting details on the territory of the main temple complex of Angkor every time. And now I will tell you in detail about visiting the main shrine of the Khmers, about the construction of Angkor Wat and the details that you need to pay attention to during the visit.

And I'll start by defining what Angkor Wat is.

What is Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat- This is a Hindu temple of the XII century dedicated to the god Vishnu, the main attraction of Cambodia and one of the world's archaeological masterpieces, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is located 6 kilometers north of the city of Siem Reap on the territory of the Angkor temple complex. Its name literally means "temple city", because the word "angkor" from the Khmer language is translated as "city".

According to Hindu cosmogony, Angkor Wat symbolizes the sacred Mount Meru - the place where the gods live - surrounded by mountains and the ocean. The architectural plan of the city combines elements that depict a heavenly city, as if transferred to earth. In this, the main Khmer temple of Angkor Wat is similar to the temple.

Basic information:

NameAngkor Wat
Where is6 km from the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia on the territory of the Angkor temple complex
GPS coordinates13° 24′ 45″ N, 103° 52′ 0″ E
13.4125, 103.866667
What isHindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu, built during the heyday of the Khmer empire. It is the largest religious building in the world, protected by UNESCO.
How to get thereArrive in the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia, and then go on an excursion to Angkor on your own or by hiring transport with a personal driver in the city. You can also buy a place on an organized tour to Angkor Wat with a tour guide
Working hoursFrom 5:00 to 18:00
Cost of visitingTicket price for 1 day - $ 37 per person. A ticket for three days costs 62 USD, and for a week - 72 dollars.
When and by whom it was builtXII century. The construction of Angkor Wat was started by Suryavarman II and completed by Jayavarman VII.
Architectural styleKhmer
Area200 ha
Height of central prasat65 meters
Wall dimensions1.5 x 1.3 km (rectangular)
The width of the moat around190 meters
Best time to visitNovember to February (during the dry season)
Attendance (number of tourists)Over 2.5 million people per year
Page on the UNESCO website

Interesting fact: Angkor Wat is a symbol of Khmer national pride and has been featured on the Cambodian flag since 1863.

View of Angkor Wat from above. Photo by Cambodian photographer Sok Sothy (A Sok Sothy picture)

I will especially note that Siem Reap is very conveniently located for visiting the Angkor Wat temple complex and it has all the conditions for the convenience of tourists coming from all over the world.

The history of Angkor Wat is closely linked to the rise of the Khmer kingdom in the 12th century. I have read several books on the history and architecture of the Khmers, and now I will briefly tell you about the most important thing - the construction of the brilliant temple complex of Angkor Wat.

The boom in the construction of temples in Cambodia occurred due to the combination of Indian traditions nurtured on Cambodian soil mixed with Javanese. This effect immediately singled out the Khmers among their neighbors. They began to build temples of two types:

  1. temple mountain in the form of a stepped pyramid, dedicated to Shiva;
  2. Temple at ground level to honor ancestors.

By honing their architectural skills and sometimes combining the incompatible or creating something unique, the inhabitants of the Angkor Empire came to the conclusion that the temple-mountain in form and content became irrelevant, and they focused on creating temples at ground level.

Who built Angkor Wat - historical background

Vishnu statue at Angkor Wat

To figure out who built Angkor Wat, let's first look at history. At the beginning of the 11th century, grandiose changes reigned in the Khmer political arena. Suryavarman I was more inclined towards Buddhism - whether for personal preference or for political reasons - but he began to introduce Buddhist elements into the construction of temples. Thus, the power of the Brahmins was balanced, who by this time felt their power so that they built their own temple -.

Suryavarman conquered Dvaravati, a Buddhist state in central Thailand, and his successors seemed to no longer live in Angkor, because for a long time no new Khmer temples appeared. But Phimai was erected (on the territory of modern eastern Thailand), as if the center of power had temporarily shifted there.

So when Suryavarman II reigned on the Khmer throne, it was necessary to take decisive measures and return the center to where it belonged, as it was conceived at the dawn of the formation of the empire. The king fought and built. The Khmer Empire occupied a huge size, and Angkor Wat began to take on its usual shape.

All in history Khmer Empire talks about progressive development, about the method of trial and error. Maybe this is what makes it different from many other ancient civilizations, where construction technology appeared immediately, and then deteriorated over time until it was completely lost. In Egypt, there were no centuries of teaching, there were no courses for pyramid builders. In Peru and Bolivia, the most impressive achievements are the most ancient, such as or. Then comes the era of imitators. But in Cambodia, the process of consistent development and honing of architectural skills is clearly visible.

angkor wat

So, in the courtyard of the middle of the XII century - the heyday of the Khmer empire, and in Cambodia is being built angkor wat temple. Dedicated to Vishnu, it eventually became a Buddhist temple-monastery. First the sanctuary of the god and the palace of the king, then the tomb of its creator.

Combining all the advanced building techniques and architectural craftsmanship, Angkor Wat has become a unique combination - a temple-mountain at ground level. What did not work out in Jayavarman IV at Koh Ker, Suryavarman II was able to achieve. He built built an earthly version of the heavenly city. The result was a huge temple complex, which raised it up to the gods - a three-stage pyramid and the highest tower rise to 60 meters! The Khmers even have a legend about this, which says that Indra gave Angkor Wat to his human son so that he would not miss the heavenly city.

Schematic of the Angkor Wat temple. Photo from the book “Angkor. The Greatness of the Khmer Civilization" by Marilia Albanese

Interestingly, all Khmer temples usually face east, while the facade of Angkor Wat faces west. The western direction can be explained by various reasons: the west is the direction of Vishnu and a favorable location in relation to the previous capital. They began to look at each other. If the Khmers built the temple of Angkor Wat with a facade to the east, then it would stand, as if turning away from the past. And the Khmer believe in karma. Maybe that's why Angkor Wat survived the entire history of Cambodia - the change of religion, power and God knows what else. One way or another, he was reborn and became the face of the country.

From Angkor, roads stretched to all other temples in the form of an endless serpent. The tradition of the Nagas, which came from India, was entrenched, the Khmer snakes became a symbol of the rainbow, the connection of earth and sky. Therefore, it was the rainbow that connected the cities with the heavenly Angkor. We saw nagas back in Bagkong, but now they have become much more refined.

Cities of Angkor on the map and ancient Khmer roads to them

Naga snakes meet at the eastern entrance to Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat - photos and details

And now I will tell you about the main thing - how best to see Angkor Wat.

  • The first time we visited Angkor Wat, we came to the western entrance. It seems to me that it is best to do just that - after all, then the turrets of the main prasat will gradually appear before your eyes as you walk along the stone road through the canal.
  • Then there will be galleries, so long that you want to walk there for a long time. But they divert attention. After the first galleries, a huge temple area appears. Along the way, we entered lonely standing libraries on the right and left.
  • And only at the end does Angkor Wat itself appear. How long one would not want to stand and admire it, but one must go inside, because the details of the Hindu temple are as curious as its appearance.

All roads and architectural elements in the Angkor Wat complex lead to the central prasat of the temple, which rises above everything and is the home of Vishnu. The temple was built with visual perception in mind. And when you examine it correctly, you understand the architects' idea.

Some unresolved technical problems in the construction of Angkor Wat still remain, for example, with stepped vaults. However, we can safely say that the Khmer Empire created a masterpiece of architecture, raising architectural excellence to an unattainable level.

Let's wander through this unusual place and admire the most important monument of Hindu architecture Angkor Wat in the photo.

Eastern entrance to Angkor. From here, despite the fact that this is not the most popular entrance, it is best to start exploring the monument if you are not visiting Angkor for the first time. Come in the morning - at this time the walls of the temple are very well lit.

The charming turrets of the Angkor Wat temple complex look especially stunning in the setting sun.

The charming turrets of Angkor Wat look especially stunning in the sunset.

The connected galleries, which first appeared in, surrounded the main temple of the Khmer Empire from all sides. And Banteay Srei shared rich bas-reliefs. And in the case of Angkor Wat, the scriptural scenes took up a much larger surface. Scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, the reign of Suryavarman II and Vishnu - all achievements are embodied in one place. The king is equated with the gods, his deeds are compared with the heroic deeds sung in poems, his wars are compared with great battles. The bas-reliefs end with the story of the last battle, the Battle of Kurukshetra.

Stone drawings on the bas-reliefs make it possible to touch something ancient, and the size of the panel, which stretches over the entire length of the gallery, is truly amazing!

The walls of Angkor Wat are decorated with scenes from the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, skillfully carved in stone.

The walls of the temple are also decorated with figures of celestial apsara dancers, which invariably attract the attention of tourists. Apsaras peek out literally from every wall. Some of them are more popular than others - this can be seen from the zeal with which travelers stroke the stone maidens, trying to enlist their support and catch their luck.

There are always a lot of Buddhist monks in Angkor Wat. And tourists are happy to take pictures of them against the backdrop of the walls of an ancient temple.

It's important to know: Do not forget that before you take a photo with a monk, you must always politely ask him about it. Women should not touch the monks in any case!

It is more convenient to leave Angkor Wat through the same western gate in order to once again walk past the galleries and libraries, turn around several times and remember Angkor Wat.

My tips for visiting the Angkor Wat temple complex:

  • For the first time, it is still better to see Angkor Wat from the western entrance and it is better to do it in the afternoon, otherwise the sun will beat right in your face while you go towards the main prasat.
  • If you stay in Siem Reap for a couple or more days and Angkor Wat impresses you so much that you want to return, then come here for the second time early in the morning and start exploring from the east side.
  • And of course, one day it is worth coming here at dawn, to the western entrance.

If you have two or three days to Angkor, then it is best to plan your first day like this. In the morning it is worth meeting the sunrise at Angkor Wat, then have breakfast and go to get acquainted with other temples, and in the late afternoon return to Angkor and wander around it.

How to get thereto Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Getting to Angkor Wat is very easy. The complex is located not very far from the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia. Therefore, you first need to think about exactly how to get to Cambodia.

  • The simplest way is come by plane. Flights from all Asian countries fly to Siem Reap - from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia. Usually, tourists come from Thailand to see Angkor - on their own or as part of an excursion from Pattaya.
  • Personally, we went to Angkor Wat several times on our own. by public transport from Phnom Penh and from Bangkok. Read about all the difficulties of the road. If such difficulties are of no use to you, then it is better to fly.

If you have already arrived in Siem Reap, then there is also several ways to get to Angkor Wat:

  • First, you can. This is the easiest way, although not very comfortable, but almost all tourists do this. In order not to build a route on your own, you can simply hire a person who will take you to Angkor Wat and other temples of Angkor for a fee throughout the day. It is very easy to do this right on Siem Reap Street, at a travel agency or at your hotel.
  • Secondly, you can rent a motorbike, bicycle or electric bike - this is a convenient option for independent and experienced travelers, which implies that you need to know where and how the temples are located relative to each other. Many people are afraid to go to see the temples of Angkor on their own, mistakenly thinking that it is impossible to do this or fearing a fine. So, somewhere since 2016, there are no problems to drive yourself to the territory of Angkor on the transport that you rented. There will be no penalties for this. But don't forget to park your bike in a safe place and, just in case, block the wheel with a special lock so that no one leaves on your two-wheeled friend.

So, you have reached Angkor. What's next? As for Angkor Wat, it is the first temple that tourists come across after entering through the main entrance to the territory of the archaeological complex on the way from Siem Reap. By the way, there are two routes for studying the temples of Angkor that have been established over the years -. Angkor Wat falls into both routes.

Ticket prices for Angkor Wat not so high compared to

  • If you buy a ticket to Angkor for one day and see only Angkor Wat, then its price is $37. Such a ticket is worth buying only if you have arrived only for one day. By the way, with this ticket you can also see all the nearby temples of Angkor and Banteay Srey.
  • The price of a ticket to Angkor is 3 days higher - $62 per person. It used to be cheaper, but nothing lasts forever, and prices for Cambodia's main attraction have also increased since February 1, 2017. This is the most popular entry ticket option among tourists. If you are planning to watch the temples of Angkor for only two days, it is more profitable to buy a three-day ticket.
  • There is also a ticket for a week for $ 72, which gives an excellent opportunity to watch Angkor Wat and other temples of Angkor (far and near) for 7 days a month.

Tickets are bought at a special place at the box office in front of the entrance to the Angkor temple complex. The cashier will take a picture of you and immediately print a personalized ticket with your photo. This way, only you will be able to use your ticket to Angkor, and no one will be able to transfer it. Please note that the queues for tickets for one day (which is not photographed) and for three days or a week are different.

Angkor Wat Temple Complex Visiting Hours:

Unlike other temples of Angkor, the temple complex of Angkor Wat opens earlier and closes later than others. Therefore, it is worth starting and ending your visit to Angkor here.

  • Angkor Wat temple opening hours: daily from 5:00 to 19:00.

Firstly, we must immediately stipulate that we really liked Angkor Wat. That is why we have been here three times already. Every time we visit Cambodia, we definitely visit Angkor Wat.

This was the first Khmer temple we saw since we arrived here right at dawn. A very grandiose sight - the red sun rises over the turrets of Angkor Wat. We immediately advise everyone to meet the dawn at Angkor Wat, despite the fact that it is very crowded there, especially in winter and spring, when the tourist season is high and Chinese tourists come here in droves.

You can also try to come at sunset, (especially if you are not for one day), and spend one of the evenings on the territory of the Angkor Wat complex.

  • Sunrise at Angkor Wat spectators are brought to 6.00. But it's better to be here by 5.30 - and in order to take a place among other photographers, and the first lightnings are also very beautiful. Take a flashlight with you.
  • Sunset at Angkor Wat arrives around 6:00 pm. But, as with the sunset, it would be wiser to be earlier. In addition, at 16.00 the best light and you can take pictures of the temple itself, and then meet the sunset.

Secondly, Angkor Wat is the most famous temple ancient Khmer. An interesting fact is that it was here that the Placebo concert was recorded and some scenes from the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie were filmed here. The American actress also returned to Siem Reap and Angkor Wat to shoot her own film First They Killed My Father, based on the autobiography of Ung Luong, a Cambodian woman who survived.

Thirdly, it is the most unique historical monument, the ruins of which can give an idea of ​​bygone centuries. Compared to, which are understandable only in the complex, Angkor Wat can be viewed without getting to know other temples of Angkor, if there is no time. But I would, of course, recommend visiting as many different Angkorian temples as possible while traveling to Cambodia.

Of course, wandering through the stone ruins is quite difficult when you don’t really understand why all these buildings were erected. And the weather in Cambodia is usually either very hot or humid and stuffy. For example, for the first time we did not understand much at all. Upon arrival at Angkor Wat, we all thought that now we would leave the complex, but it turned out to be simply huge. And after a while, all the impressions were mixed up.

But before we returned to Cambodia again, I became so interested in understanding everything that I spent many hours studying materials about each temple of Angkor. And on the second and third visits, we walked around the temple complex of the ancient Khmer already with knowledge of the matter, and even conducted excursions for a friend. Now here I am telling you about Angkor Wat.

Briefly summarized as follows: Angor Wat is a must see!

Angkor Wat on the map

Open on a large Google map →

Symbols on the map:

  • Gray marker on the map— Angkor Wat
  • Orange- ticket office where they sell tickets to Angkor Wat
  • Pink- two entrances to the temple complex Angkor Wat (western and eastern)
  • Yellow- a place where you can fly in a hot air balloon over Angkor Wat
  • burgundyinternational Airport Siem Reap in Cambodia
  • Blue- Siem Reap city, where all hotels are located

What else is important to know about Angkor Wat and the temples of Angkor

On the pages of our blog we write about the development of Khmer architecture and the honing of architectural skills over time, and century after century we follow what happened in Cambodia and what led to the creation of the masterpieces of Angkor and the construction of Angkor Wat:

air tickets to Siem Reap online Aviasales.

Hotels in Siem Reap

I saw an excellent aerial panorama of the world-famous Cambodian temple, was impressed, and decided to tell you more. But for starters, be sure to fly over this ancient structure anyway. Soak up the spirit of an ancient civilization. The huge temple with pointed towers is a miracle of symmetry. Symbolizes the sacred mountain from Indian mythology. Around the temple are moats, which symbolize the oceans washing the foot of the divine mountain. Angkor Wat is the largest temple complex in the world. It is interesting for its galleries, towers, pavilions and gates, richly decorated with stone carvings, but all of them are inferior in grandeur to the central temple.

In 1150, the gigantic Angkor Wat complex was erected in Cambodia. Most likely, the construction took about 30 years, so we can assume that Angkor Wat began to be built somewhere in 1110. The ruins of Angkor lie about 240 km northwest of the capital of Cambodia (formerly Kampuchea) - the city of Phnom Penh, not far from big lake Tonle Sap. Although, in theory, the temples of Angkor Wat are the place in India, as they are a typical example of Hindu architecture.
Clickable 3000 px Angkor Wat is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and serves as both a sanctuary and a tomb for Suryavarman himself. Angkor Wat for the Khmers, who ruled from the 9th to the 15th century in Cambodia, is something like a heavenly palace in which the spirit of kings can reside. In front of the temple is a moat 200 meters wide. During the rainy season, which in Cambodia can last up to 4 months, the moat is filled with water. In addition, several more lakes have been dug within the city. The only way to get inside is through the main portal in the wall that surrounds Angkor Wat in a 260 square kilometer area.
The temple itself is built from several platforms, following one after another. The first platform (180 by 180 meters) is 3.5 meters high, the second platform (110 by 115 meters) rises by 7 meters, and the third (75 by 75 meters) is 13 meters above the ground. All three terraces are surrounded by galleries with gable roofs. The towers are interconnected by absolutely symmetrical galleries. All buildings are symmetrically located. This is strange, because in ancient times the Khmers were not familiar with the laws of balance. All buildings in Angkor Wat are distinguished by the severity of lines and clarity. Lush jewelry does not match this. Each stone of the temple is covered with carvings or bas-reliefs. What is only the gallery of the first platform 600 meters long. There are 8 panels with a total area of ​​more than 1000 square meters. Most of all, scenes from the life of the gods are depicted. Lots of erotic motives. The most popular figure found here is the dancing goddess Apsara. In the center of the complex on the Bayon temple is depicted the face of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, one of the main characters of Buddhist mythology. In addition to the images of the gods in the temples, there are historical paintings. For example, those that depict local rulers, warriors going to battle.
There are 5 main shrines in the temple. The first is located in a 60-meter tower, which can only be entered through gates, stairs and open courtyards. Around this tower are four more, where the remaining shrines are kept. There are more than 200 small temples in Angkor Wat.
Tourists usually start their journey through Angkor Wat from the western entrance. Climbing up a short flight of stairs to the first cross-shaped terrace guarded by giant stone lions, one comes to a long sidewalk leading to the center of your journey. The gaze falls on the gopura (gopura - entrance, entrance in Hindu terminology) with three towers, the upper part of which is dilapidated. The shape of this gopura is so developed and elongated that it almost looks like a separate building. A long closed gallery, through which one has to pass, extends along the moat in both directions. This is the main facade of Angkor Wat. In the middle there is a passage narrow enough for the main entrance, and along the edges of the gallery you can go through huge arches located at ground level. Arches used to serve as passageways for elephants, horses and carts.
From the central entrance, the guides lead tourists to the right and lead them to the end of the gallery, paying attention to the windows with chiseled columns and skillfully carved bas-reliefs on the walls. At the end of the gallery you can see all five towers of Angkor.
In the courtyard, on the left and right, there are two small buildings - these are libraries. They, like all the buildings of Angkor Wat, have the shape of a cross. Behind the libraries there are two swimming pools (65×50 meters). The left one is always filled with rainwater, while the right one is usually dry. Standing in front of the left pool, you can clearly see the 10 towers of Angkor (five of them are reflected in the water).
Between the first and second levels of the complex there are cross-shaped passage galleries with square columns dividing the courtyard into four parts. Some columns are decorated with Khmer and Sanskrit inscriptions. All the rest of the free space is given over to elegant rosettes, cornices and bas-reliefs. In fact, there is no place that the carver's hand would not touch. Further up the stairs you can get to the gallery of the second level (100 × 115 meters). Its main feature is the image of more than 1500 sculptures of beautiful goddesses.
The next third, and last, level was allowed to visit only the king and the monks. Twelve stairs with 40 steps each - one in the center of each side and 2 at the corners - rise at a 70 degree angle to the most important level. The steps are very narrow, so you need to go up sideways, and go down with your back, that is, facing the steps.
Angkor Wat could not reach us. There were too many who wanted to destroy it, even after Angkor Wat was opened. Today, traces of shooting are visible on the walls of the temple. According to the political beliefs of the Khmer Rouge, the country needed to be freed from religious dependence, so numerous figures of the gods were beheaded. Now, after two decades, restoration work begins. Oddly enough, but this powerful complex was learned relatively recently - about 100 years ago. Lost in the Cambodian jungle near Lake Tonle Sap, the French traveler Charles Emile Buivo wandered for a long time among dense thickets, giant trees, frightened by predators and tortured by clouds of mosquitoes, but suddenly stumbled upon ancient city. Prior to this, the existence of this complex was not even suspected. This is how Angkor Wat (“Capital Pagoda”) was “extracted from oblivion” - the pearl of the craftsmanship of the ancient Khmers, the world's largest religious building, erected in the middle of the 12th century, during the reign of King Suryavarman II.

The history of the Angkor period dates back to 800 BC, when the Khmer king Jayavaman II declared the independence of Kampuchea (Cambodia) from Java and founded the capital of the new state - the city of Hariharalaya, located in the north of Lake Tonle Sap. From that moment on, Jayavaman II was active in seizing the territories of neighboring states, and by 802 BC Kampuchea owns lands that now belong to China and Vietnam. In the same year 802, he declares himself a full-fledged ruler and creates a cult of worship of the god Shiva.

In 889, Yasovarman I ascends the throne and decides to start building a new capital - Yasodharmapura, which in Sanskrit means "holy city". Keeping the tradition, he also, like his predecessors, builds a huge reservoir. The construction of reservoirs was associated not only with the life and needs of the city, but also with the observance of the tradition, the roots of which go back to the myth of the sacred Mount Meru, surrounded by a great ocean. Mount Meru in religious construction was symbolized by a temple surrounded by water, and the lingam *, located inside the temple, symbolized the ruler, who was the viceroy of God on earth. Yasovarman I built his temple on the hill of Phnom Bokeng and surrounded it with a moat, which was filled with water from the reservoir he created. During his reign, Yasovarman I built many temples and carried out no less reforms.

Over the next 300 years, the great rulers of the Khmer Empire built many temple complexes, which, after many centuries, brought to us the story of the life of a great civilization. The last temple was erected during the reign of Jayavaman VII. After his death, centuries-old construction stopped.

It is known that already by the year 1000, during the period of its highest prosperity, the city occupied an area of ​​190 sq. km, which meant that he was largest city medieval world. The city of Angkor was the size of present-day Manhattan. On the vast expanse of its streets, squares, terraces and temples, 600,000 people lived, and in the vicinity of the city - at least a million more. The inhabitants of Angkor were the Khmers, who professed Hinduism, brought to Southeast Asia in the 1st century AD. e. The earliest references to Angkor in Cambodian chronicles date only to the 15th century. Unfortunately, there are no documents left from the most ancient people. They used a very fragile material as a record material that did not stand up to time. But the inscriptions carved in stone are of great historical importance, there are more than a thousand of them, most of them are made in Khmer and Sanskrit. It is not known how the complex was built - not a single source has been preserved, except for a legend that speaks of the divine origin of the city. According to this legend, Prince Preah Ket Mealea was a guest in heaven with the god Indra. He lived there in a beautiful palace. However, the heavenly dancers did not like the prince, and they begged God to return him to earth. In order not to offend Preah Ket Mealea, Indra ordered the heavenly architect Preah Pushnuk to build a palace-temple on earth exactly the same as the one in which the prince was visiting. So, according to legend, Angkor Wat was born.
It is absolutely certain that Angkor Wat was a thriving city. A completely incomprehensible reason - why did it turn into an abandoned city, where did all its inhabitants go? After all, the fertile soil gave three crops of rice a year, the Tonle Sap lake abounded with fish, and the dense forests - with various game. There are currently two main theories. According to the first, in 1171 the city was defeated by the Chams - the neighbors of the Khmers. And in 1431, the Thais finally finished off the already weakened people. But, then it is completely incomprehensible why the invaders did not occupy the reclaimed lands ...
There is a second theory, which is denied by the scientific world, as it is completely fantastic. It relies on a Buddhist legend: the emperor was so offended by the son of one of the priests that he ordered the boy to be drowned in the waters of Lake Tonle Sap. In response, the angry god brought the lake out of its banks and crushed Angkor along with all its inhabitants.
Angkor Wat is perhaps the largest religious building ever erected by man. It is much larger than any Muslim mosque, European cathedral, any pagoda or pyramid. However, despite all the historical and cultural value, the complex is threatened by a serious problem. Unfortunately, they do not want to take seriously the reconstruction of Angkor Wat, as it requires very high costs. But this historical monument of ancient culture is in a very deplorable state. The war that has been waged here for the past two decades, as well as the looting of temples by thieves, had very detrimental consequences for the monuments. But, in addition, the inexorably advancing jungle vegetation destroys the Angkor complexes, its stone buildings are covered with mosses and lichens.

To date, the Angkor temple complex is listed World Heritage UNESCO.

Interesting fact: all the temples of Angkor were built without the use of cement and any other binding materials. During the construction of temples, blocks of sandstone were most often used, which were interlocked according to the principle of a castle, and the fortress walls were laid out from tuff.

Angkor Wat is surrounded by a 190 m wide moat. In the old days, crocodiles were bred in it. On the western side of the moat, a stone dam crosses, which is the entrance to the territory of the temple. The territory of Angkor Wat is walled with a length of 1025 m by 800 m. A long and wide road leads from the gate to the temple, laid along an embankment that rises almost one and a half meters above the ground.

Angkor Wat has survived much better than many other buildings of the Angkor complex, which is explained by the fact that after the last settlements left these places, Buddhist monks lived in Angkor Wat. They live here and now.

The complex was discovered on January 22, 1861 by the French traveler Henri Muo. In the 1970s, some of the buildings and sculptures of the complex were vandalized by Pol Pot's soldiers. In 1922, along with other buildings, the city of Angkor was taken under the auspices of UNESCO.

A bicycle is a good idea for walking around the temples. Of course, only if you intend to stay in Siem Reap for more than a day.

Most of the local population prefer this type of transport when they visit Angkor, which means you have the opportunity to be closer to the local population, which entails not only joy and pleasure, but more low prices for food and drinks on the territory of the temple complexes.

White Bicycles is a fairly large local bike rental company. They are supported by many hotels and guest houses, because the main percentage of their income goes to charity, in support of educational programs for children from low-income families.

Taxis are a fairly common option for traveling around temples. It is convenient for those who want to "touch" the treasures of Angkor, but prefer such trips in an air-conditioned car cabin. Negative side such walks can probably be that you find yourself isolated from sounds, smells and many other delights.

The cost of one day taxi rental ranges from $25 to $35. Basically, the price depends on what time you plan to start walking around the temple complexes. If you prefer to meet the sunrise on one of the wonderful terraces of Angkor Wat, then the cost of renting a taxi will be higher.

Renting mopeds by foreigners in Siem Reap is prohibited by law. However, some manage to bring a moped from Phnom Penh. If you have found a way to rent a moped, then we strongly recommend that you leave it in paid parking lots, because. there is a huge possibility of theft or theft.

For those who want to get a bird's eye view of Angkor Wat, the Angkor Balloon company can offer you a trip in a basket hot air balloon. The route is fixed and there is no possibility to change course, the flight altitude is about 200 meters above the ground. The cost of pleasure is $ 11 per person (up to 30 people are placed in the basket). Unfortunately, this type of travel is not always available due to weather conditions.
Elephant travel was at its peak in the early 20th century. It was on elephants that the first routes through the temples of Angkor were laid. Now, of course, everything is more civilized and put on the track of organized tourism. You can ride an elephant from Angkor Thom gate to Bayon Temple. The cost of such a trip will cost you about $ 10. But in a place called Angkor Village, you can not only book an elephant ride, but even get a real lesson from professional mahouts. They will teach you how to sit on the elephant confidently and you will learn some commands to control the elephant. The cost of such a course is approximately $50. Popular with group travelers. The cost of renting a minibus with a driver (for 12 people) is approximately $50 per day.
Perhaps the most popular transport for moving around the Angkor complex. Rickshaw cabs are quite comfortable and an important bonus is that they can protect you from the rain. If you are lucky with a driver, he may turn out to be a good guide, and also, knowing the temporary flows of tourists on the main routes in the complexes, he can help you avoid the crowd of photographing and screaming people. The cost of renting a motor rickshaw ranges from $10 to $20 per day.
As we said earlier, walking is not the most convenient way to travel, and for good reason. Firstly, Angkor Thom is located 8 km from Siem Reap. Secondly, many picturesque temples are located at a distance of 15-10 km from Angkor Thom. It is also important to take into account the fact that after 11 o'clock in the morning the sun is at its zenith and long hiking can be a very serious burden on the body. However, if the facts described above did not scare you away, you decided to walk, then discover the road that lies behind the wall of Angkor Thom. This route will not only reveal little-known temples hidden in thickets of tropical trees, but will also give you the opportunity to enjoy the singing of birds and the music of the jungle.

By the way, literally in August 2014

It is a constitutional monarchy with the head of the king. The legislative body is the Parliament, which consists of two chambers. Its capital is Phnom Penh, and its main attraction is Angkor Wat (Cambodia). The photo below shows it at sunset.

A little about the country and its people

A small state is lost in the green jungle. It arose in the 600s AD. Nature is still virginally beautiful and surprises the traveler with amazing plants of the wet savannah and unusual animals. In the center is A on three sides it is surrounded by mountains. And the fourth opens with a view of the Gulf of Thailand. The main artery of the country, and Tonle Sap, flow along the valley. This amazing stream periodically changes its direction. A river can flow into or out of a lake. The country's population is the Khmer people (approximately 14 million), who are 95% Buddhist. For them there are more than 4 thousand temples. The language that is used in everyday life is Khmer, the elderly speak French, the young learn English and Chinese. The climate is humid and hot. Best months to visit - from the end of October to April, when there is a dry winter with temperatures from + 22 ° C to + 26 ° C. But humidity stays at 93% all year round.

Landmarks of the country

The tourism business in the country is still poorly developed. The city of Siem Reap is known for its pagodas, temples and wats: wat Bo (wall paintings), Preah Angcherk pagoda and Preah Angchorm (very revered local residents. There are two Buddha statues here), Yatep - local spirits live here and guard the city. Sihanoukville is different beautiful beaches and diving centers. But still, the main thing that Cambodia is proud of is the Angkor temple complex. Everything fades before it, like the stars and the moon before the light of the sun. It is located near the city of Siemrap. In all its grandeur, the sights of Angkor are located in the center of the state of Cambodia.

The temple complex can almost be considered a city. This iconic building is the largest in the world. Before you is a panorama of Angkor (Cambodia, photo below), now cleared of the jungle.

In addition, there is a temple in this historical reserve. This is also a visited and very interesting temple. It offers a magnificent view of Angkor from above. The jungle dominates Ta Prohm and is not going to leave it yet. There are more modest, but no less remarkable temples: Baksey Chhamkorg, Thama Bai Kaek and Prasat Bay.

World heritage under the supervision of UNESCO

Giant, largest - it's all about Angkor. Cambodia a thousand years ago very quickly, in just 30-40 years, erected and also decorated a temple for Hindus, worshipers of the god Vishnu. This was done at the behest of King Suryavarman II. He was a warrior who spent his time not in fun, but in caring for the strengthening and centralization of the state. But he remained in history as the creator of the Angkor temple. Cambodia has attracted all its forces for its design and construction.


By the time Angkor was created, Indian culture had existed for at least 4-4.5 millennia. The knowledge of Indian astronomers was extremely high. It can be assumed that they were involved in the creation of the layout of Angkor. Cambodia would hardly have been able to do this on its own. Moreover, the temple was dedicated to the deity Vishnu - the guardian of the universe, the protector from evil, the link between people and the universe.

At the end of the 20th century, the British historian D. Grisby concluded that the main structures in Angkor were a projection onto the ground. He was prompted to look for such a relationship by an inscription on an excavated stele of the 12th century, which reported that their country was similar to the sky. Such a connection is indicated by another inscription of an earlier time, which says that the stones of Angkor are associated with the movement of the stars in the sky. This has given rise to numerous modern studies and discussions in the world of historians and archaeologists. They don't stop today.


At that time, there was a lot of sandstone in the kingdom of Cambodia. The temple complex of Angkor was built from it. The construction took about five million tons of material. It was rafted down the Siemrap River. All stones are very smooth, as if they were polished. No mortar was used to fasten them, and they are held only by their own weight. They match one another so perfectly that the blade of a thin knife cannot pass between them. It is believed that elephants were used in the construction. Absolutely all surfaces are covered with kilometers of carving. These are scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharata, unicorns and dragons, warriors, griffins, charming dedavasis (dancers). From all of the above, it follows that there were very skilled craftsmen who built Angkor. Cambodia, by all assumptions, had centuries of experience in such construction.


This was a period of maturity in the development of sophisticated architecture with complete harmony of all its parts. As in many ancient civilizations, the sanctuary was the home of the gods. Only the priestly class and kings gathered in it, and it was also intended for the burial of rulers. Angkor Wat, a temple complex in Cambodia, is a rectangle with dimensions of 1.5 x 1.3 thousand meters and an area of ​​two km². The area of ​​the Vatican is almost three times smaller. Along the entire perimeter there is a moat filled with water, 190 m wide. A platform is installed in the center of the courtyard, which is enclosed by a wall. A temple was built on it. No capsule was found anywhere that contained it. original name or date of commencement of construction. The temple of Angkor Wat (Cambodia) consists of three buildings with a common center. It has five lotus-shaped towers. The tallest central tower rises 65 m from the ground. The main entrance to it leads from the west. The road to it, made of sandstone blocks, is surrounded by low parapets, on which there are sculptures of snakes with seven heads.

Today, the entrance to the gopuram (the gate tower above the entrance) is through sacred place under the south tower. It has a huge figure of Vishnu with 8 arms. It fills all space.

The sculptural decoration is organically connected with the whole composition of the temple. On the first tier, the most remarkable are eight huge images, the area of ​​​​which is 1.2 thousand square meters. m. The walls of the 2nd tier are decorated with bas-reliefs of apsaras (celestial maidens). There are two thousand of them. From the second level you can see the entire courtyard. Stone steps lead to the third level, to huge conical towers. The highest is the center of the universe. All the towers represent, as the ancient Khmers understood it, the abode of the gods. In the tallest one, the recumbent figure of Buddha is still preserved, although the temple was originally dedicated to Vishnu.

historical reserve

The temples of Angkor in Cambodia are not limited to the colossal and mysterious Angor Wat. The city of Angkor itself was a "Capital City" with a population of over 1,000,000 people who lived in wooden houses that rotted in the high humidity. Its ruins are located about five kilometers from the Angkor Wat complex. Temples built of sandstone and tuff have been preserved there: elephant terrace, Ta-Prokhm, Angor-Thom (included in the UNESCO heritage list), Preah-Kan (translated as “sacred sword”), Ta-Prum and Bayon Temple. It has 54 towers pointing to the sky, and all of them are decorated with images of the Buddha.

Angor Thom ("Great Capital") and Bayon Temple

It was the capital under the ruler Jayavarman VII. He adopted the philosophy of Buddha and built a square city in honor of him with a fantastic area of ​​900 hectares. It is divided by roads into 4 equal parts. The remains of stone buildings sprouted by the jungle. In the center stands the Bayon Temple.

Its size is smaller than other sights of Cambodia, but if you get closer to it, it strikes with grandeur. Bayon has three levels. The first one depicts scenes from peaceful life and battles. On the second, which is much better preserved, the tourist finds himself in a labyrinth of galleries with low ceilings. Faces are carved on each of the fifty towers, which, depending on the lighting, can look either good or evil. These ruins look majestic, especially when viewed from the third level.


This is a temple-monastery, which was called Rajahavira (“royal monastery”) with a complex layout. Its territory is heavily overgrown with trees with powerful trunks and branches. Its clearing began in 1920. But the jungle does not want to part with him. This Buddhist temple is very romantic, as some of the ruins and tropical trees are deliberately left in it. It makes an indelible impression on tourists. On the territory of the monastery, large silk trees and strangler trees grow among the ring structures.

If the seed remains in the gap of the masonry, then it gradually grows and breaks the wall with its roots and heavy trunk. Initially, they become the frame of the building, but when they die, they destroy it. The temple itself consists of three galleries with one center. It is surrounded by a moat. Entrances through gopuras (entrance towers) are located on the four cardinal points. The stele in the monastery describes its wealth (tons of gold dishes, silk beds), and also attributes to the king the creation of hundreds of statues of gods, decorative towers, almost half a thousand stone dwellings, as well as the presence of hospitals in the kingdom. All remaining walls are, of course, covered with exquisite carvings. The place where the episode of the film "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider" with Angelina Jolie was filmed is very popular with tourists. On one of the pillars, red paint has been preserved. As the guides say, human blood was added to it. In fact, iron oxides were added to it, which are very resistant to fading. The stegosaurus that is carved on one of the medallions is something inexplicable in Ta Prohma.

How to Get to Angkor, Cambodia

By air

There are no direct flights from Russia to Cambodia. There is an international airport near the city of Siem Reap. Liners arrive in it through China (eastern and southern airlines), Korea (Seoul), Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand (Bangkok, Pattaya). The most expensive, but also the most popular flight is Bangkok-Siem Reap. It's easier to fly to Bangkok and then fly via Kuala Lumpur or Phnom Penh. From the capital of Cambodia, you can then go by taxi or by bus. The airport is 7 km from Siem Reap, and the hotel can be reached without complications. And if a room is booked, then the tourist will be met for free and taken to the hotel.


Siem Reap can be reached by speedboat from Phnom Penh if time and money permit. Tickets are sold at the hotel reception or travel agencies. Traveling along the lake and the river in six hours will allow you to get acquainted with the life of the local population.


From neighboring Asian countries (Thailand, Vietnam), as well as from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, you can take a bus. There are a lot of flights on offer. The cheapest are Cambodian. Bus during the day - quite safe transport. Night trips are not recommended.

Tours «Angkor Cambodia»

Tour operators offer a trip to exotic Cambodia. For example, Moscow companies, VAND, Coral Travel, as well as TEZ-tour. Tours are designed for three days and two nights.