Need to know in Thailand. This mysterious and beloved Thailand! Attractions and entertainment

Finally, the long-awaited two weeks of vacation are coming and the question of where to go is no longer worth it - of course, this is Thailand. How could it be otherwise: everyone around is saying how cool it is - banana-coconuts, heavenly beaches, everything is super-cheap. Well, the choice is made, we buy vouchers or tickets, read on the Internet what is there and how much and look forward to a paradise vacation. But once there, we begin to understand that everything is not as it was in our expectations, and next time it’s better to go to our beloved Egypt (Turkey, Spain, etc.). There have been more and more such cases lately. So what is wrong or why you might not like Thailand:

1. Winterers are not tourists!

A huge number of our compatriots have recently left to live in Thailand. Someone runs away from the cold winter, someone lives on a journey for a long time. Usually these are people with remote work - programmers, designers, copywriters, photographers. Very often, for additional income, they keep blogs in which they describe Thailand in detail. When you search for information about Tai through a search engine, you will most likely end up on their sites. Sometimes, there is just a storehouse of necessary information - how to get from where, what money to bring, how to connect mobile Internet on a local SIM card. But they usually also describe their lives - how much they spend, what they eat, where they live. You may get the impression that everything is very cheap in Thailand, but in the end everything turns out to be wrong. Of course, the prices there are not the same as, for example, in Europe, but for a person who lives in this country and for a tourist, they will be different. Preferences in comfort, food, etc. may also turn out to be different. In the end, they know where it is cheaper and tastier to eat, how much a taxi ride really costs, where and what is worth or not worth buying, how and on what you can save. It comes with experience, you won't learn it in two weeks. As a result, you can lay down an amount less than necessary for a vacation and you will have to save on everything.

Remote work on the beach.

2. Food budget.

In Thailand, you will almost never find an all-inclusive hotel, usually only breakfast. This is not necessary, because. You can eat here on every corner, no matter where you live. Surely you have already heard about Thai cuisine, about its cheapness, about Tom Yum soup and huge shrimp. And about macaroons with kebabs for 10 baht and a whole grilled chicken for 120 baht. Based on this, you calculate the budget for food. Many people like Thai food. But not everyone! There are also many who, after a couple of days of trying Thai dishes, begin to eat their usual food. And the usual food for us is European, which means expensive. Therefore, it is better to immediately increase your budget for food. Plan on food at least 600 baht per day per person. More is better. You will also try all sorts of fruits, you will constantly buy water on the street. If you don’t spend it all, great, buy more fruit for home. Otherwise, you risk going through the entire vacation half-starved and angry.

By the way, did you know that in Thailand:

  • no real bread
  • you can hardly find a really tasty steak anywhere
  • Thais have fish sauce with a strong smell of rotten fish, they love it
  • they often add sugar even to second courses

But there is:

  • delicious Tom Yum soup;
  • inexpensive crabs, shrimps and lobsters;
  • a huge selection of exotic fruits, all fruits are very sweet.
  • delicious roti pancakes

Street food.

3. Thailand is Asia!

In all cities, small and large, you will feel the fetid smells of sewage, you can meet rats in Thai markets, and giant cockroaches on an evening walk around the city. This is not Europe, this is the real Asia. They don't shampoo the streets here. Asians have a different philosophy of life, different living conditions and different concepts of cleanliness.

Typical street.

4. Heat and humidity.

It is very hot in Thailand, especially if you are here during the hot season (from March to May). Humid air at t + 35, and even higher in large cities, not everyone can easily endure. You quickly begin to sweat and be thirsty. Most tourists burn on the first day and go all vacation like boiled crayfish. Thailand is located almost on the equator, these are the tropics.

5. Not what you saw in the picture or out of season.

You arrived at the best beach that you saw in the picture, you thought your heart would jump out of your chest, but no, it was not quite as expected. Photoshop? No, it's not the season. Some beaches really differ in attractiveness depending on the season, plus high tides, low tides, waves, some beaches are poorly cleaned in the off season.

Beach on Koh Chang.

6. "Buy everything on the spot"

Many, yes many, almost everyone advises to travel light, taking almost only glasses and money with you. And why, because everything can be bought on the spot much cheaper than with us. Here only pitfalls can await you.

  • Difficult to find large size shoes;
  • New unfamiliar shoes often rub your feet, especially in high humidity;
  • Men's shorts are often very wide;
  • Many find it difficult to find a suitable swimsuit;
  • It is difficult for tall people with trousers, jeans, pants, because. Thais are all short;
  • Larger sizes can also be problematic;
  • Headwear is also a problem, there are some pretty ones, but when you try them on, they don’t fit;
  • The price usually corresponds to the quality, for example, the pattern may blur during the first wash, the threads may crawl or the collar will rub. If you're not picky, it's fine for you. But if you are used to quality things, their prices do not differ much from Russian ones.

Of course, if you wish, you can find almost everything, but are you ready to spend 3-4 days of your vacation on shopping and markets? Especially the male half of humanity?

7. Sidewalks and traffic.

Upon arrival in Tai, even crossing the road is scary at first. Left-hand traffic, a huge number of motorbikers, chaotic driving style, driving on sidewalks, constant non-compliance with traffic rules. No one will give way to you if you are standing on the edge of the road, even at a pedestrian crossing, unless you brazenly trample under the wheels. There are practically no sidewalks or they are narrow, bikers ride on them and everyone who is not lazy to park.

8. People go to Pattaya for sex.

People from all over the world come to Pattaya for sex. Especially a lot of older men over 50 from European countries. The sex service industry is developed and does not hide in the underground. You can find prostitutes, gays and transvestites in abundance on the streets. Go-go bars and massage parlors invite customers and are ready to satisfy any whims of customers. So, if you managed to find a hotel near Walking Street in Pattaya, and also with children, you will not be envied.

Walking street in Pattaya.

9. Do Thais speak Russian?

Thais in the most popular resorts try to learn Russian, but it is not easy for them. Usually they know a dozen Russian words. In hotels, airports, train stations, taxis, you will have to explain yourself in English, well, or with gestures.

10. Long flight.

For residents of the European part of Russia, it will take 9-10 hours to fly to Thailand if by direct flight. And if you fly on your own, then for sure also with 1-2 transfers. In fact, for many it is quite tedious. You may encounter these problems on a long flight:

  • If you can't fall asleep, you'll be bored despite watching movies and playing games.
  • Dry air in the aircraft cabin irritates the respiratory tract, eyes, tightens the skin of the face and lips.
  • Due to long sitting in a chair, the whole body begins to numb. Legs swell.
  • Clothing begins to reap and crush.
  • Dizziness may occur.
  • If drinking alcohol, arrive exhausted and disoriented.

Despite all the amenities, a long flight is tiring for many.

Well, are you scared? In fact, everything is not so scary. These are just minor shortcomings and if you take note of them and prepare, then there will be no problems. Thailand is worth a visit, it is a beautiful tropical country with many advantages that cover all the disadvantages. If you have taken into account all all the points in this article, you will definitely want to come back here.

There are three mobile operators in Thailand. All of them offer users almost the same conditions. There is no domestic roaming in the country. You can buy a SIM card immediately upon arrival at the airport, in 7/11 and Family March stores, in phone shops and in travel agencies. In the same chain stores, you can easily replenish the balance, usually on the check they simply write the number that needs to be dialed. Passport will be asked without fail. Cellular services are inexpensive, one minute of conversation will cost only 1 baht, SMS - 2 baht. When calling to Russia, it is better to use Internet telephony, for this you need to dial the code used by a specific operator (003, 004 or 006, etc., without a plus) and the Russian code - 7. One minute of a call in this case will cost no more 7 baht.

It is very convenient to immediately buy an Internet package with a SIM card, the cost for a week does not exceed 200 baht. All decent hotels in Thailand now have Wi-Fi, this is the norm. Usually the connection is stable in the rooms, and not just in the lobby or at the reception. The quality of both cellular communications and the Internet is improving every year, and most often it does not cause any complaints.

Language and communication

The Thai language has a soft sound and extremely difficult, in the opinion of a European, writing. It is based on Sanskrit, does not include spaces between words, and overall looks very specific. A language with four keys, quite euphonious, without harshness and expressive expressions. But when Thais begin to speak quickly, it is difficult to distinguish even the boundaries between words and sentences, however, this is probably true for any foreign language. Thais do not expect tourists to know their language. Therefore, from the first hesitantly pronounced phrases, they may not understand.

English is known in tourist areas, but not to say that well. There is even such an expression "Tyinglish". The fact is that Thais soften and creatively rethink many sounds that are difficult for them. In Pattaya and Phuket, many sellers know certain words and phrases in Russian.

Word or phraseWritingPronunciation and application features
Hello สวัสดี Savadi, men can add cap, and women can add ka (you just need to remember this)
Thank youขอบคุณ Kapun, similarly, men add a cap, and women ka
A littleนิดหน่อย Thread (useful to indicate the spiciness of the dish)
Yesใช่ Tea
Noไม่ May (negative particle, also placed at the end of the question)
Not sharpไม่เผ็ด Mi pet
Do you have...คุณมี The product can be called kun mi sam in English, for example, mango, banana, most people will understand this phrase (at the end, you must also add the particle mai) it turns out: Kun mi ... mai
Tastyอร่อย Aroy, you also need to be able to thank
Don't want, don't needไม่ต้องการ My cap (useful for answering annoying sellers)
Everything is alright, do not worryไม่เป็นไร Mai pen rai - a phrase, a reflection of the Thai mentality, literally a formula for forgiveness "I'm not angry, don't worry"

Features of the mentality

The mentality of the Thais is well demonstrated by the well-known expressions: sabai-sabai and sanuk-sabai. They are translated as pleasure, comfort, while sabai means the comfort of the body, and sanuk means the soul. Thais aspire to such a state in the life of the present and the next. They are mostly Buddhists, therefore, they believe that in future incarnations their good deeds will be credited to them. Therefore, they strive to earn as many pluses to karma as possible. This, of course, is very simplistic and even rude.

They have one more fad - the desire to "save face", that is, their dignity. It is difficult for foreigners to fully understand, but it can be difficult for a Thai to say “no” or “I don’t know”, because it will be a loss of face. They are also rarely in a hurry, this is worth considering.

The fusion of religions in Thailand is very interesting. In addition to Buddhists, there are many Muslims in the south. In everyday life, images of Hindu gods are often found, for example, the elephant Ganesha. And, of course, not a single building is built without spirit houses, and this is a reflection of very ancient, pagan beliefs. It is better not to touch the houses of the spirits, and enter the temples only without shoes. When it comes to religion, Thais can be very sensitive and principled. And, of course, all Buddha statues are inviolable.

Shopping. What to bring from Thailand?

In Thailand, shopping is specific. Clothes and cosmetics of well-known companies are not brought from here. Although it is in the expensive stores of Bangkok. But why, if there are not enough suitcases for the riches that the generous Thai nature is ready to bestow. Now without pathos. Buying, of course, is worth it in reputable pharmacies and stores, then the quality is guaranteed, but on the other hand, you can have so much fun in the markets, looking at unusual goods, price tags and bargaining with sellers.

So what to bring from Thailand:
coconut oil is a very useful and multifunctional product;
Thai cosmetics - here, of course, you should contact the official representative offices;
T-shirts with interesting inscriptions and pictures;
Thai medicines - the choice must be approached carefully;
cheap electronics - be careful, avoid scammers;
leather goods - if you can determine that it is not a fake;
blue tea - you can try other Thai teas, but blue is the most hyped;
unusual soap;
deodorant Crystal;
fruits - durian cannot be transported, well, it is unlikely that you will want it because of the smell.

Local kitchen. What to try?

Thai cuisine, according to various studies, is among the top most delicious in the world. Here it must be said right away: Thais eat very spicy food, but they understand that such spiciness does not bring pleasure to foreigners. However, from time to time they are still fond of red pepper. Therefore, when ordering a dish, it will not be out of place to remind you of your preferences in two words - no spicy.

Top 5 Thai dishes.

1. Tom yum is, of course, the most popular, and rightfully so. A spicy soup with lots of spices (you don’t need to eat them all), in chicken broth with shrimp or other meat, tomatoes, onions, seasoned with Thai chili paste and coconut milk is a pure taste delight.

2. Tom kha gai - also a combined chicken broth soup, but less spicy, without chili paste and with more coconut milk. Very soft, rich taste. That's why I love Thai cuisine, so it's for the richness and brightness of tastes provided by many ingredients.

3. Pad thai is fried rice noodles with shrimp, sauces, peanuts when served and various greens. In general, there are many types of pada. They can also beat an egg, serve with a slice of lime, green onions, etc. A very tasty and unusual dish, it's all about the nuances of cooking, there is noodles in every country, but pad thai is one of a kind.

4. Som tam is a salad made from grated green papaya with sugar, fish sauce, tomatoes, lime, peanuts and a couple of other ingredients. Usually some greens are served with the salad. There is also catfish with raw crab, but this pleasure is not for everyone.

5. Sticky rice with mango (the Thai name for this dish is very rarely used in the tourist environment). Add sweet coconut milk sauce and juicy mango pulp to boiled rice, and here you have the finished dish. In fact, not everything is so simple, you need to take a special kind of rice, cook it in a special way, just like the sauce. Thais make even the simplest things unusual, but they also serve them beautifully. In restaurants, this dish is usually unreasonably expensive (I personally saw it for 120 baht), you can buy it in the market for 40 baht.

And that's not all. Seafood, just fried rice with meat, grilled fish, chicken and duck, sweets and necks, and much more delicious can be found in almost any establishment.

Holidays and events

On the November full moon, Thais celebrate Loi Krathong very beautifully. They lower into the sea compositions specially made for this purpose - boats made of banana leaves and flowers. Now they also launch burning balloons or Chinese lanterns into the sky. The exact origin and original meaning of the holiday is unknown. Probably, it is connected with the worship of the spirit of Water, because it falls at the end of the rainy season. Now it is a beautiful tradition, a sign of respect for nature. Lowering the boat is a ritual of absolution, but they also do not forget to put a coin to appease the spirits.

The most fun and widely celebrated day is Songkran. This is the Thai New Year, it is usually celebrated for a whole week, but it is especially active on April 13-15. It looks like this: the entire population is actively pouring water on each other. The stores even sell special guns for this purpose. Once in Pattaya, in the evening, a fire engine arrived at the main square and began to pour water on the people from large hoses. If you do not want to get wet to the skin these days, it is better not to leave the house. Joke. And now seriously. You can show the Thais with signs or say that you do not want to be doused. However, not everyone responds to such requests.


In general, tourists in Thailand live safely and quite comfortably. You can go for a walk in the evening or even late at night. But reasonable caution has not been canceled. We keep our finger on the pulse, hide the wallet away, do not shine with an expensive phone. Ladyboys are especially prone to stealing, their nimble hands need to be monitored very vigilantly. You should also not provoke the Thais, most of the quiet and peaceful ones can find one with a violent temperament. Thais especially do not like the dismissive attitude towards their religion, culture and the royal family.

It is worth fearing in tourist cities, especially in Bangkok, various fraudulent schemes. Do not believe the statements "today is Buddha day, Wat Arun is closed." Once we were told that Chinatown was closed due to a holiday, yes, the whole quarter was closed. This usually means that they want to lure you into a store or restaurant. And what kind of “divorce” there will be, it depends on the trickster’s imagination, but it will definitely happen.

3 tips that will definitely come in handy when traveling in Thailand

1. Do not judge the whole country by tourist cities and villages. Thais, in the vast majority, are very modest and even shy people. They are always ready to help, guide, show the way, but the spirit of Pattaya is completely alien to them. They are not used to showing their personal lives and do not expect such manifestations from others at all.

2. Don't choose Pattaya for a beach holiday. Pattaya is definitely a very interesting city. There is something to do here - water parks, shopping, Nong Nooch flower garden, zoo, excursions. Yes, they sometimes swim here and even enjoy it, but you will not find Bounty-type beaches here. And there are many of them in Thailand. Tours to Pattaya are cheaper, but you should be aware that it will still take at least an hour to get to the paradise coast, for example, on Koh Lan. The sea in Pattaya is relatively swimmable, but the fact is that it is dirty.

3. Very rarely, but it happens that traditional Thai dishes are not made very well even in expensive cafes. If you didn’t like it once, you shouldn’t put an end to the whole kitchen, you must definitely give it another chance. I promise you will not regret and find something of your own. Tip: adjust the spiciness with persistent requests to the cook.

The material uses photos from pixabay, unsplash and flickr, and tourismthailand.

Three factors influenced the national cuisine of Thailand: climate, location and culture. Fertile lands, the possibility of year-round harvesting, the absence of religious restrictions on food - all this formed the gastronomic picture of the country. The basis of many dishes is rice, garnishes of meat, vegetables, fish are added to it, and all this is seasoned with a huge amount of spices. The latter fact is a big problem for Europeans, whose stomachs are simply not used to such a load. However, it is enough to ask for “not hot” (“not spicy”) when ordering, then the tourist will be brought a less spicy version of the dish.

Thailand is famous for its hot and sour tom yam and tom kha soups. A spicy dish with shrimp and spices will not leave anyone indifferent. Due to the large amount of garlic and chili peppers, people with gastric diseases are not recommended to eat it.

When you come to the restaurant, you should also try sauces with curry and coconut milk. They are served with potatoes (kaeng karee), peanuts (kaeng massaman) or greens (kaeng khieo).

Another important component of the national cuisine is noodles (rice, wheat and egg). It is boiled, fried, added to the broth. It serves as a side dish for marinated pork or chicken, meat or fish meatballs and even dumplings. Pad Thai (fried rice noodles) is one of the most popular dishes among travelers. In addition to the main ingredient, it includes an egg, sprouted beans, garlic, spices, fish sauce. As an additive, you can choose shrimp, pork or chicken.

Seafood lovers will find many interesting and delicious dishes. For example, you should definitely try sea fish baked in salt with palm leaves (Salt fish grilled on charcoal). The meat prepared in this way is very tender and fragrant. Another option for cooking fish is steaming. It is seasoned with lime, garlic and chili, which results in an unforgettable spicy-sour taste.

Thai food

One of the most unusual fruits in Thailand is the durian. It has such a disgusting aroma that some establishments even forbid entry to people who bought it before - so as not to scare away visitors. This prickly green fruit with creamy flesh has won the title of "King of Fruits". For the first time, it is recommended to eat it, holding the nose first, but in the future, even an unpleasant smell will not be able to scare away - it has such a delicate and unusual taste.

What to bring as a souvenir and as a gift

When buying souvenirs, foreigners try to choose something that will remind them of the country and the time spent here. Since the tourism business in Thailand is very well developed, vacationers are offered a huge range of souvenirs - from magnets and small ceramic figurines to world-famous clothing brands.

Figurines and images of elephants

Since the elephant is a symbol of Thailand, most often tourists buy figurines of this animal and objects with its image (masks, kitchen utensils, panels) as a souvenir. You will also be pleasantly surprised by the favorable price for such trifles as beads, handmade jewelry boxes, bags and shoes made of natural materials. It will be a great solution for those who need to buy gifts for the whole family.


A great gift for men is Thai rum Sang Som. It is usually drunk diluted with soda or used as a base for cocktails. Rice wine is also an interesting option. It tastes a bit like champagne, but without the prickly bubbles. For lovers of the exotic, you can buy a tincture on a scorpion or a cobra (they are credited with simply miraculous properties).

Silk products are something that you should definitely buy for your wardrobe. Local markets sell traditional clothes, as well as modern models that you will not be ashamed to wear for a walk around Moscow. It is best to go for silk in Korat and Surin - although the price bites a little, the quality of the products will be excellent.


Thailand continues to be a leader in the production of gemstones, so jewelry lovers should definitely check out local jewelry stores. However, when choosing such a purchase, it is important to take from the seller a document confirming the authenticity of the product and an export license.

Treasures of Thailand

Silver items

A good and practical souvenir is products made of blackened silver. In Chiang Mai there is a whole street where shops of local craftsmen are located, here you can choose something for yourself at an affordable price.

In Thai markets and in shops whose counters are not equipped with cash registers, it is customary to bargain. However, you can save money in large shopping centers. To do this, you need to choose stores where they draw up documents for a VAT refund, which is 7%. They will be indicated by a sign with the inscription VAT Refund (similar to the European Tax Free). Money can be received already in Thailand, at the airport, but in this case it is better to arrive at the landing a little earlier: the procedure takes some time, and there may be a queue near the window.

What can be taken out of the country

Carried away by shopping, many tourists forget that there are clear restrictions at customs on the export of goods from the country. For example, one person can take only a liter of alcoholic beverages. Exotic fruits are best sent to the luggage compartment. To take seeds or plants out of Thailand, you need to have a special permit. The same applies to animals or products made from their skin and wool.

To avoid unpleasant misunderstandings that will end up with all purchases remaining at the airport, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of what is prohibited to take out. So, it is better to refuse the purchase:

  • drugs, weapons;
  • stuffed animals;
  • durian fruit;
  • ivory, tortoise shells and products made from them;
  • religious objects and statuettes of Buddha above 13 cm;
  • raw ingots of gold, precious stones, corals (products from them must be accompanied by certificates);
  • rare representatives of flora and fauna.

Thailand money

The national currency of Thailand is the baht (THB), the small change is the satang. As of November 2, 2015, the exchange rate of the baht to the dollar is 1:0.03. It is most profitable to exchange currency in banks or licensed exchange offices. Airports and hotels tend to have the least advantageous deals. You can also withdraw cash from ATMs. However, in this case, in addition to the loss of interest during the conversion, you will also have to pay a commission of 150 THB.

Credit cards are accepted in restaurants and shops. However, when paying in cash, it is easier to keep track of spending, as the exchange rate fluctuates constantly.

It is recommended not to accept banknotes (both baht and dollars) that have visible damage: it will be difficult to pay with such in the future. They can only be exchanged at certain branches of Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited or Thai Farmers Bank, and this, in turn, is a waste of time and money.

Where to stay in Thailand

Thailand offers a huge selection of options for living for any period. In large cities, even small guest-type hotels offer quality service, and the price will be a pleasant surprise. In the provinces, it is better to stay in trusted hotels belonging to global chains.


The most popular in Bangkok among tourists choosing accommodation are Sukhumvit and Silom streets, as well as Siam Square and the surrounding area - the largest shopping centers and restaurants are located next to the hotels. These areas are also convenient because Rattanakosin is nearby - a real tourist mecca with a lot of attractions.

When choosing a hotel room, it is better not to save on comfort. The fact is that such amenities as air conditioning and the availability of cold and hot water in a hot climate are simply necessary.

Of the five-star hotels in the capital, President Solitaire, Landmark, Royal Orchid Sheraton and InterContinental received the best reviews from guests. They are located in the city center, from the additional services there are swimming pools, massage and spa salons, gyms, shops and restaurants are also located on the territory.

The Ariyasom Villa 4 * hotel is an excellent option for those who decide to plunge into the atmosphere of Thailand without giving up the usual comfort. The hotel rooms are decorated in a traditional style, natural materials - wood and silk - are used for decoration. The restaurant offers a vegetarian menu as well as fish dishes.


In Phuket, travelers will find a wide variety of offers for long and short stays. It is best to stay in hotels for a few days. So, tourists who have vacationed on the island more than once recommend JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa 5 * and Centara Grand Beach Resort 5 *. Among the inexpensive options, Kamala Beach Resort 3 *, Thanthip Beach Resort 3 * and Bamboo House 3 * stand out.


A large selection of housing in various price categories is presented in Pattaya. Quite a few affordable hotels and guesthouses are located on Soi Buakhao and in the surrounding area. Room prices vary depending on the proximity of the coastline and the season.

Royal Cliff Beach Terrace 5 * - a hotel designed for a romantic getaway. It is simply buried in greenery, and the sound of the surf gives peace and serenity.

Travelers who choose a beach holiday may prefer the Pinnacle Jomtien Resort & Spa 3 * hotel. The water in this part of the coastal zone is much cleaner, and if the sea is stormy, visitors can swim in one of the four pools located on the territory. However, this hotel is not suitable for those who plan to often get out into the city - the road to the parking lot with a taxi or tuk-tuk will take about 15 minutes. Sabai Lodge 3 * also deserved good reviews from tourists.

Koh Samui

Finding accommodation on Koh Samui depends on the preferences of travelers. For example, young people who love fun parties and nightlife are better off staying in the Chaweng area. Hotels Bhundhari 4 *, Poppis 4 *, located on the coast, offer quality service at a bargain price. The five-star Nora Buri Resort & Spa is a luxury hotel. There are both regular rooms and private villas.

Along Lamai Beach, which is just beginning to gain popularity, you can find both fashionable large hotels and more colorful budget options. For example, when choosing Rummana Boutique Resort, guests do not rent a room, but a bungalow. On site you can rent a bike or car, as well as book a dive tour.


Travelers who have bought a tour to Thailand through an agency can count on a transfer to the hotel. If vacationers planned the trip on their own, they have a choice of how to go to the city. From the airport to the center of Bangkok can be reached both by taxi and by train. The first option is the fastest, but also the most expensive. The approximate price will be from 300 to 400 baht (THB) (including a surcharge for clerk services).

The most economical mode of transport is the City Line trains. The cost of the trip is from 15 to 45 THB depending on the distance, however, the tourist will have to put up with a large number of intermediate stops, and the journey will take half an hour. Also, direct buses Express Line run from the airport, which will take you to the city center without stops in 15 minutes (fare - 150 THB). Boarding for public transport is carried out on the lower floor of the airport, so you do not have to leave the building. Tickets are sold at vending machines near the platform and ticket offices, and for this you need local money, which you can buy at exchange offices on the upper floors.

Bus stops in the city center are Makkasan (MRT Petchaburi Station) and Phaya Thai (BTS Skytrain Phayathai Station). From them it is convenient to plan a further route.

Those who flew to Bangkok for the first time will be pleasantly surprised by how well all directions are marked - knowing English even at the most elementary level, it is very difficult to get lost here. If you have an international driver's license, you can rent a car. There are windows of companies providing such services in the airport building.

Visa information

Russians do not need a visa to visit the Kingdom of Thailand for up to 30 days. All you need to enter the country is a passport (for minors - a birth certificate) and a completed migration form. If the children are not traveling with their parents or guardians, a notarized power of attorney will also be required.

Good news for those whose travel is not limited to Thailand only: the authorities have lifted the ban on the so-called visa-runs. That is, tourists whose stay in the country may exceed 30 days were able to avoid additional fees. It is enough for them to cross the border with Cambodia and return back - a visa is no longer required.


The tourist police urge foreign citizens to be vigilant and carefully monitor their property. Pickpocketing is not uncommon in public places, and especially absent-minded travelers risk parting even with their suitcases.

Despite the hot tropical climate, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Thailand is under control. Of course, this does not mean that you can forget about elementary security measures. So, drinking raw water, eating street food is a pretty big risk, just like in any other country.

Going for a night walk, especially in nature, it is worth taking a repellent with you: there are mosquitoes that carry malaria and dengue fever, for which there is no vaccine.

You should also be careful when interacting with wildlife. Monkeys, jellyfish, sea urchins - these are the animals that most often do not reciprocate people's attempts to take pictures with them and can inflict small, but very painful wounds.

Another way to get into trouble is to commit a crime, albeit without malicious intent. It is important to remember that in Thailand it is forbidden to smoke in public places (a fine of 2000 TNV). In addition, it is important to choose expressions when speaking on the topic of religion and power: insulting the king and Buddha is punishable by law. This also applies to the desecration of their images and statues.

Useful addresses and phones

If a vacationer got into an unpleasant situation, for example, he was robbed or there is a threat to his life and health, you can always count on help. Most offenses are dealt with by the police - tourist (telephone 1155) and local (123 and 1644 - English-speaking). The ambulance phone number is 191, the fire department is 199. On the islands and in the provinces, the numbers of the tourist police are different: Fr. Phuket - 07 633-50-15, about. Samui - 07 742-12-81, Chiang Mai - 05 324-89-74, Surat Thani - 07 642-53-61.

In case of loss of a passport, a citizen of the Russian Federation must apply to the Embassy, ​​where he will be issued a free certificate for returning to his homeland. To do this, you need to provide a police report on the loss of a passport, an identity card and two photographs. The document is issued absolutely free of charge.

The Russian Embassy in Thailand is located at 78 Sap Road, Surawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, the entrance to the consular department is from Soi Santiphap, the emergency phone is (+66 90) 403-36-45, email is [email protected].

Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Pattaya (Chonburi and Rayong provinces) - 353, Pra Tamnuk, Pattaya, Chonburi 20150, Royal Cliff Beach Resort, Royal Cliff Grand building, 1st floor. Tel: (+66 38) 25-04-21 (ext. 2888).

Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Phuket (provinces of Phuket, Krabi and Phang-Nga) 75/149, Patak Road, Chalong, Phuket, 83120. Phone/Fax: (+66 76) 38-44-69.

How to get to Thailand

The main number of international flights is accepted by the capital. The presence of a direct connection between Moscow and Bangkok greatly simplifies the road. Aeroflot ships run daily from Sheremetyevo to Suvarnabhumi, departing at 19:40 and 21:35, with an approximate flight time of 8 hours and 50 minutes. In addition, Thai Airways operates direct flights several times a week. If you buy a ticket shortly before departure, the price will be a little over 43,000 rubles (as of 11/02/2015), but you can find better options when booking in advance. Flights with transfers by S7 and Qatar Airways are also much cheaper.

My sister came to visit us last week. For the first time I got out alone in Thailand on a tour. Due to the fact that she is flying to Asia for the first time, she had many organizational issues that most tourists who travel to Thailand for the first time have. For many beginners who are going on vacation in Tai, this information may be useful.



What a tourist needs to know about Thailand and always remember so as not to get into trouble. Travel agencies do not talk about it, unfortunately. The Thai sun is relaxing, but never forget these simple tips:

  • In Thailand, the king and his family are revered. Avoid any discussion of the king, including on the Internet. Cases of imprisonment for 20-30 years simply for saying a bad word or a joke about the royal family are real and happen regularly.
  • For drugs imprisonment for decades. Yes, it's true, many foreigners are imprisoned every year for drug use and trafficking. Have you seen the movie "Ruined Palace" or "Bangkok Hilton"? If you are going to Tai, in no case should there be anything narcotic. Forget weed. Do not agree to carry anything in your luggage if strangers ask you to.
  • Thailand bans e-cigarettes and hookahs. You can not bring and vape vapes with you. Problems with the police are guaranteed.
  • Smoking is prohibited on the beaches. You can get a very large fine if you smoke on the beach.
  • Don't feed the fish in the sea. On excursions, do not throw anything into the sea for the fish. This threatens imprisonment or a fine of several thousand dollars.
  • Quadcopters (drones) are prohibited. Huge fines or imprisonment for using drones without registering each device with the police. It’s easier not to take and do without a video from a height than to fool around with it.
  • Standard insurance does not apply if you rent a bike. Even if they were sober. For the insurance to work, you need to: a) enable this additional option, b) have category A rights. So, take the bike at your own peril and risk, if something happens, the insurance company will not pay for the treatment.
  • Insurance is not valid if you drink alcohol. In the event that injuries are received in a state of intoxication, even if they drank a can of beer, that's it, there will be a refusal. More information on insurance
  • Do not try Jackfruit (breadfruit). It causes severe allergic reactions in many people.
  • When renting a bike, do not leave your passport as a deposit. It often happens that your passport is taken hostage and then they demand money to repair the bike on which you allegedly had an accident.
  • Divorces when renting housing from Russians and Europeans. Do not send money to anyone who offers to help you book accommodation on the Internet. There are normal people, of course, but most of these pseudo-realtors from the Internet are scammers. A lot of divorces according to this scenario take place when the money was sent, they arrived and it turned out that there was no housing, no money, and there was no trace of the assistant. Do not succumb to any persuasion, even if he sends you a scan of your passport.

What to take with you to Thailand

Take the minimum of everything with you, especially clothes. For the first day, 2-3 T-shirts, 1 shorts, 1 skirt will suffice. Do not buy anything in Moscow, here it all costs a penny - 200-400 rubles for one thing. In any case, you will start shopping here, seeing what bright and cheap clothes are here, so take a minimum of things.

Shoes are also very cheap. All you need from shoes is flip flops, which cost 100 rubles here, if you don’t have your own. Sneakers and shoes are not required, only extra weight and luggage space.

Do not buy a swimsuit in Moscow either - in Thailand it is really possible to buy a normal swimsuit for 500-800 rubles (and in Moscow for 3000). It’s just that when you find out how much it all really costs, you won’t be able to overpay in Moscow.

Sun protection in Moscow costs a fortune. Here we take Nivea 50 sunblock for 199 baht (400 rubles). I think even with this course it will be cheaper to buy a cream in Thailand.

Fashionable shorts for 129 baht (260 rubles). And how much do these cost in Russia? From 1,500 rubles for a noname to 8,000 rubles for a "brand" ...

What not to take

100% no evening dresses, high heel shoes, sneakers, jeans, trousers, long-sleeve sweaters, windbreakers are required ... Jeans and trousers are hot even at night. Sneakers don't really fit. Unless you are going to climb mountains or ride a motorcycle.

Do not take any technology, except for a phone / tablet and camera.

Don't bring a towel with you. Even the cheapest hotels always have towels that are changed every day.

Shampoos, soaps, shower gels, toothpaste also do not need to be carried with you, in any 7-Eleven all this is sold in small jars of 20 baht. Also, the hotel often puts free shampoos and soaps during cleaning.

In no case should you take hookahs, vapes and other electronic cigarettes with you! Prohibited by law throughout the country.

What money to take to Thailand and how much?

Take as much money as possible with you to Thailand. There will be a lot of temptations, since everything is very cheap and you really want to buy it. It depends on what requests, but on average $ 1000 for two for a vacation is definitely enough. If there is not much money, then $500 will be enough, but you will have to save money, do not take a taxi, do not eat in expensive cafes for tourists, but eat at markets, at 7-Eleven or at, reduce the number of excursions. But it's better to take more money and then save money in Moscow.

What kind of currency to take? Dollars or Euros? Dollars. Maybe the euro. If you have cash euros, take them. If you have rubles, then change to dollars. Ask in the exchanger only large bills of 50 and 100 bucks— on them the course is higher than on small ones. Change all rubles to dollars, the more you take, the better.


Do not take any liquids, scissors, spray deodorants with you to the cabin of the aircraft (suddenly you don’t know). It seems that liquids can be up to 100 ml, that is, nail polish will most likely be missed, but you will have to buy water after all the shmons. You can take water on the plane, which you can buy in duty free. Can you take perfume on a plane? If less than 100 ml, then you can take it with you in hand luggage.

Manicure scissors, nail files, a spray gun are definitely not allowed. Even lighters are often pulled out.

Do not put anything valuable in your luggage - money, documents, equipment with you to the cabin in a backpack.

How much luggage is allowed - usually up to 20 kg per person. Can you pack your luggage in 2 bags if you are flying alone? No, only 1 piece of luggage per person.

Life hack: a suitcase can be wrapped with ordinary cling film for 50 rubles. Wrapping luggage at the airport costs 500 rubles.

If you get motion sickness in transport, drink dramin before the flight (this is from motion sickness pills)

Another tip is to take something to eat with you. Sandwiches, chips, peanuts - something like that. Because you really want to eat, and there will be a feeder only an hour after departure. At the airport, the prices are the most severe, for example, a small peanut is 100 rubles. In duty free with the current rate, now everything has also become very expensive.


How to navigate at the airport abroad? There is no need to worry, everything is logically clear usually. You will most likely not have to speak English with anyone, but understanding the language will come in handy in order to find a transporter from your flight.

Just follow the signs there:

  • arrival - arrival
  • passport control - here you will need to fill out a card, everything is simple there, last name, first name, hotel
  • baggage or luggage - transporters
  • flight N — number of the flight from which the luggage

At the airport, take a cart and throw chumadans on it so as not to drag it in your hands.

Do not change money at the airport, there is the lowest exchange rate. 10-20 dollars can be exchanged in case of some water to buy or a snack.

At the airport, they can give out local SIM cards, take them for yourself. Do not call from a Russian number, it is very expensive, more than 150 rubles per minute, in extreme cases, SMS - 20 rubles.

Where do you go after getting your luggage? With luggage you go towards the exit. A person from a travel agency (Russian) will meet you near the exit or on the street. At the exit, look for the tour operator's sign. It is the operator, Pegasus, Corel, Anex, or whoever will be there, and not the site on which I bought it. A person from the company can even stand on the street, where there is a taxi.


The tour includes a transfer to the hotel. At the airport, a guide from a travel agency will meet you and take you by the hand to the desired bus. The bus will bring you directly to the door of the hotel. There, at the reception with a passport and a voucher, you will be settled. On the bus in Russian they will say something interesting about the country, the guide usually always meets Russian.

If you don’t want to travel by bus with all the tourists, refuse it at the travel agency and book a private transfer.


To check in at the reception, you need to give your passport and voucher. Some hotels may require you to pay a deposit, which is returned upon check-out.

There may be a so-called "mini-bar" in the room. Usually this is a small refrigerator in which there are several cans of beer, cola, soda, there can also be chips, nuts, chocolate. All this is paid, moreover, 2 times more expensive than in the store. There are usually 2 bottles of water for free. Payment for the minibar upon check-out. You can check at the reception what is paid there, what is not.

Life hack: if you really want to drink something from the minibar, you can drink it, and in the morning before cleaning, run to the store and buy exactly the same bottle at a normal price and put it in the bar.

If the bed is dirty or there is not enough towels, contact the reception, they will change everything (just don’t need to “download rights”, but calmly explain the situation with a friendly smile).


Do not be shy about your English, as the locals do not ideally know it either, many are much worse than you. Pronunciation? Grammar? Time? No, we haven't heard. In practice, everything is simpler, and no one pays attention to grammar.

If you are flying on a package tour, in principle, you may not know the language at all in this case. We often see our aunts here, who rub something in Russian to the Thais. And they don’t understand a word, then the aunts begin to speak in syllables or raise their voices. The main rule of communication is to smile, be calm, do not raise your voice. If something cannot be explained in words, show it with gestures.


Meeting with a guide is a waste of time, as the guide will give you minimal information, and most of the meeting will be selling overpriced excursions. So, it is not necessary to come to the meeting at all. Especially if the bus starts to intimidate that at the meeting with the guide you need to fill out a registration card for the tourist police or activate insurance or something like that. This is a 100% scam, there are no cards for the police, there is no need to activate insurance and air tickets, all this does not concern the guide at all. The main task of the hotel guide is to promote you on excursions.


For some reason, many guides try to intimidate package tourists. I don’t know why, maybe so that there were fewer adventures and he was not disturbed once again. Or to sell their excursions, and people should be afraid of everything else. In general, here are the most popular guide intimidations:

  • In Thailand, there are poisonous snakes under every bush…….. In a year and a half of our life in Thailand (Pattaya, Krabi, Phuket), we saw snakes probably 2-3 times. What is the probability that you will see a snake in 10 days of vacation?
  • Thailand is very dangerous. Do not go anywhere yourself, only the hotel and the beach……. Well, no comment here. Complete nonsense. It is safer to go somewhere on your own in Tai than in Russia. Well, maybe you shouldn’t walk along the dark streets at night, lighting the way with your iPad, you shouldn’t climb into the jungle or swim in stinky rivers.
  • You must definitely come to the information meeting with the guide. If you don’t come, your insurance, air tickets will not be activated, you will be taken to the police, as you will need to fill out a registration card……… Also, complete nonsense, the guide does not affect either air tickets or insurance in any way, they are “activated” from the date of purchase tour. There is no need to take any cards to the police. All this just so that you buy excursions from him.
  • Do not buy excursions in street travel agencies, your insurance does not work there ... ... ... Nonsense, insurance is valid everywhere and it does not depend on your guide. Does not apply if the insured event occurred while in a state of intoxication. Read more.
  • All Thais want to deceive you……… In fact, there is some truth, they often try to scam tourists in the market for higher prices, but the hotel guide deceives you much more, telling all these horror stories, and then offers tours that will cost more than 2 -3 times the real value.
  • You can’t put money in your back pocket, you can’t put money on the table, only give it to your hands, etc……. All these are myths. What really cannot be done with Thai money is not to paint the faces depicted on them.


You can take excursions both from a guide from a travel agency, and from street agencies (cheaper), as well as from online services. Insurance will be the same both there and there, despite the guide's assurances that insurance is not paid in a street travel agency. The guide has nothing to do with insurance really. Insurance is not paid if the injury was received while intoxicated or while driving a motorbike.

In fact, everything will be simple. Traveling on a package tour for the first time in Thailand is not at all annoying. When traveling independently to Tai, there are much more nuances.

Dear readers, if you have experience of traveling to Thailand, write in the comments what other useful tips will be useful on vacation and what tourists who are going to Asia for the first time need to know about Thailand.

Are you going to Thailand for the first time and you have a lot of questions? In this post, we answer all the questions of beginners, and even the most “stupid” ones ...

When is the best time to go to Thailand? Weather and rainy season.

In Thailand, the main thing is to choose the right season :)

The tourist season in Thailand lasts all year, but the weather is different on different coasts of Thailand: when it rains on one side, on the other it can be sunny, dry weather. Only in March the weather is great throughout southern Thailand. If you want to choose a different season, then keep in mind:

  • from November to April it is better to relax from the side of the Andaman Sea (, the “bounty” island);
  • from February to October - in the Gulf of Thailand ( , ).

For clarity, see the map:

What are the prices for tours to Thailand and how to buy a tour cheaper?

If you are going to Thailand on a tour, then it is most profitable to purchase ready-made tours directly via the Internet. In this case, you will not have to wait for long approvals and confirmations, all documents will be immediately sent to you by e-mail, and any questions can be asked by phone or e-mail.
See prices for tours to Thailand from different tour operators in the Low Price Calendar:

Which is better: to go to Thailand on a package tour or on your own?

Traveling to Thailand on your own or with a package? It all depends on your time and budget.

If you are traveling for less than 14 days, and it is important for you to have a vacation in Thailand as cheaply as possible and close to your compatriots, while you are not picky about the quality of the hotel, then it is easier to buy a ticket. Most likely it will be a ticket to Pattaya or Phuket (Patong beach is the worst on the island).

Do I need a visa for Thailand?

Russians can stay in Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa, and to travel to Thailand you only need a valid passport and a return ticket, more details.

Citizens of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia are issued a visa upon arrival at the airport for 15 days. You can do it online on the official website.

For more information about visas, it is better to find out at the Thai consulate in your country, because. the rules are constantly changing and no forum will give you accurate information. The consulate is easily found through Google. For example, the official Consulate of Thailand in Kyiv or Kazakhstan - ask questions about visas there.

Citizens of Belarus need to apply for a visa in advance at the Thai consulate in their country.

How to organize a trip to Thailand on your own?

In the photo: tourists arrived at their guesthouse

Technically, everything is simple: we outlined a couple of places that you are curious about, then took air tickets + booked accommodation + bought insurance. As we move through Thailand, we turn to numerous “tourist information” kiosks - there you can take tickets for buses and ferries, buy excursions, etc. - it will be cheaper than Russian-speaking hotel guides. For beginners, the most important thing is to stop being afraid and start moving. You will be surprised how much easier everything is in Thailand than we think from home. To get started, you can simply buy a flight and a hotel in one place, for example, in Phuket.

Detailed instructions on how to travel to Thailand on your own -.

Well, for the most fearful, you can always contact one of the Russian-speaking people who works in Thailand as a. For an additional fee, such people can meet at the airport and help beginners upon arrival, and even organize interesting excursions that will certainly be more interesting than package tours from hotel guides.

Where is the best place to relax in Thailand

In the photo: a beach holiday on Koh Tao

Looking for clean white sand beaches? So you need to. The best islands for relaxation are, (where they filmed the movie “The Beach” with DiCaprio). However, it must be borne in mind that these islands have poor infrastructure, so staying there for a long time can be boring. But the beauty is amazing! It is best to go to these islands for 3-5 days.

Where is the best place to go on holiday in Thailand? Many people think that the ideal vacation is a combined one. For example, such a route: a week in Phuket, 3-5 days on the island of Phi Phi, then 10 days in and before leaving - a couple of days in a colorful (amazing skyscrapers and shopping).

Lovers of mountains, nature and antiquity go to the north of Thailand - to.

For families with children, or are ideal. For the first time, it is better to choose Phuket - it is easier to get there, well-developed infrastructure. On Koh Samui, you will have to buy an expensive air ticket, or, which can be tiring for a child.

How much is a ticket to Thailand?

Depends on where you're flying from and how far in advance you buy tickets. For example, a flight from Moscow to Thailand and back on average costs from $400 during the tourist season. On sale in the low season, you can find tickets for 300 - if you see such a price, take it without hesitation.

How and when is it cheaper to buy air tickets?

In the photo: In Thailand, you can fly to Bangkok, or you can immediately go to Phuket

The best prices for air tickets for holidays in Thailand in winter (November-February) should be looked for in summer, the best sales are in July, from September prices begin to rise sharply. See tickets not only for direct flights to Thailand, but also with transfers (Beijing, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, etc. - it depends on which city you are flying from) - it can be cheaper that way. It is most convenient to compare ticket prices of different airlines.

Where to book a hotel or apartment in Thailand?

In the photo: hotel prices in Thailand depend on the chosen beach and season

The best budget hotels and apartments are booked for a year or six months at Bucking. The closer to the holiday date, the higher the prices and the fewer offers. Refuse booking in Thailand is very rare, so it's better not to count on it. On islands like Koh Tao, expecting to find accommodation upon arrival is very risky - inexpensive options are almost always busy :(

Apartments in Thailand can be rented for the price of a good hotel room. Only here the best apartments are usually not on the first line. But if you are ready to walk 10-15 minutes to the beach, then you can rent a good apartment quite inexpensively. By the way, some apartments provide a shuttle to the beach and back.

  • : which one to choose and where to stay.
  • : from inexpensive to luxurious.

Is it possible to rent a villa in Thailand?

In the photo: a villa in Thailand

Yes, and at a very reasonable price.

For a company or a large family, when traveling with children and grandparents, renting a villa in Thailand is more profitable than several rooms in a hotel.

Decide on which beaches you would like to spend your vacation and for how long. You are more likely to find good options if you are looking for a villa for a week or more. Then study the suggestions. For example, .

How much money to take with you to Thailand

Thailand is getting more expensive every year. So don't trust the tales of super-cheap Thai living. You can relax cheaply, but only if you are very picky about living conditions. For details on prices and what currency to take to Thailand, which bank cards, read:.
It is still possible to travel to Thailand on a budget and comfortably, but on the condition that you prepare yourself and in advance.

What currency to bring with you and where to change money in Thailand

In addition, there are a lot of international restaurants in Thailand with Italian, Mexican, Japanese, Korean, American cuisine - choose those restaurants where foreigners cook, otherwise the food will be Thai-style - with sugar.

What to see in Thailand?

The most interesting is the sea and the islands. Moreover, not that “beach vacation”, where there is nowhere for an apple to fall from tourists, but sparsely populated and beautiful beaches with white sand. The popular or Phi Phi Islands are beautiful, but going there with a tour is too hectic - it takes longer to go than to rest. Therefore, even if you are traveling to Thailand on a package tour, do not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a ride on your own to one of the picturesque islands.

Holidays on Phi Phi island in Thailand

For example, on the islands of Phi Phi (the film “The Beach” was filmed on one of them) during the day you can’t push through, but after 17 hours everything calms down, all excursions leave, and you can enjoy the beauty. If you rent a good hotel for the night, then during the day you can swim on a private beach - believe me, you will never forget this! We already wrote how.

What to take with you to Thailand: clothes, documents, medicines?

What to bring from Thailand?

First, you need to bring unforgettable pictures:

Second, souvenirs for friends:

In the photo: the markets of Thailand

Tourists are happy to bring coconut oil, wood products, latex from Thailand.

Do you need travel insurance in Thailand?

From 2019, insurance in Thailand is required! If there is no insurance when checking at the border, they will not let you in until you buy, but at the border prices will already be much higher, and you will have to communicate in Thai or English, they do not sell Russian-language insurance at the border. Even if they don’t check insurance at the border, then keep in mind that there are plenty of opportunities for tourists to get injured or get an intestinal upset, and the prices for treatment are higher than in Europe (checked for yourself). Therefore, do not take any kind of insurance, but choose the one that will help you if something happens. Oddly enough, but it is necessary to choose insurance not by price - expensive does not mean reliable. Read this carefully:

  • Be carefull! Now they are advertising on the Internet - many tourists have already been abandoned abroad without help in serious condition, see below.