Responsibilities of the locomotive crew in the event of a train breakdown. Actions of employees of train crews in the event of a malfunction of the automatic coupling equipment of the car

After receiving an order from DSC to combine trains into a double train of an odd system, the DSC organizes shunting work to combine trains according to one of the options below using the following technology.

OPTION 1 (Park "G")

The combination of trains into a double train is carried out on one of the tracks of the park "G" along 3s - a connecting track or the 16th connecting track.

The trains to be combined are located: the leading (head) - on one of the tracks of the receiving and departure park "G", the driven (tail) - on one of the tracks of the receiving and departure park "A". To combine the trains into a double train, the shunting dispatcher brings the plan of the forthcoming work to the DSP MRTs-1 and DSP MRTs-2, the operator of the PTO of parks "A" and "G", who bring the plan to the relevant employees. In parallel, in the parks "G" and "A" the leading and driven trains are being prepared for departure, according to the technological process of the station.

Full testing of automatic brakes is carried out separately for each part of the train on the tracks of the parks indicated above, with the issuance of certificate VU-45 to train drivers in the prescribed manner.

The formation of a double train is carried out by sending a double train (the tail section of a double train) along the 3s-connecting or 16th connecting track along the prepared shunting route from park "A" to park "G". The officer on duty at the station of the MRC-1 post coordinates in advance with the shunting dispatcher of the odd system the route of combining the tail section of the train with the head part, and then coordinates with the officer on duty at the station of the MRC-2 post the upcoming shunting work to form a double train. Before merging the tail section with the head EAF, the MRC-2 is obliged to warn the driver of the leading locomotive in the G fleet about the upcoming coupling of the tail section of the train with it.

Before the departure of the tail section of the train, the DSP MRTs-1 is obliged to warn the driver about the upcoming coupling with the lead train, which is standing on one of the tracks of the "G" park.

The driver of the tail section, going to the junction, departing from the path of the park "A" according to the readings of the shunting traffic lights, follows the 3s-connecting track to the shunting traffic light M-78 or along the 16th connecting track to the traffic light M-222, where he stops. Traffic lights M-78 or M-222, respectively, should signal a prohibitory indication.

After the train stops, the driver reports to the DSP MRTs-2: “The train from the number ... of the path of the park“ A ”at the signal M- ... is standing. Ready to merge. Machinist…”

Having received this information from the chipboard driver, the MRC-2 prepares a route from the M-78 signal or the M-222 signal, respectively, to the path of the G park, where head part double train. After testing the automatic brakes, the driver is obliged to drive the train according to the permissive indications of the M-78 or M-222 shunting traffic lights, respectively, at a speed of no more than 20 km / h. Before reaching the head of the train 20-50 meters, the driver of the tail section must stop the train and personally, together with the maintenance worker, inspect the coupling devices of the tail car. After making sure that the automatic coupler is in good condition, he coordinates via radio communication with the driver of the tail section standing in the way of the park "G" the possibility of coupling the trains and, then, at a speed of up to 3 km / h, pulls the train to the connection.

After coupling the tail section locomotive with the last head car, the tail section driver makes sure that the coupling of the automatic couplers is correct, after which the assistant tail section driver combines the brake hoses. Then, the driver of the head of the train performs an abbreviated testing of the autobrakes. After an abbreviated test of the auto brakes, the twin train departs according to the indication of the exit traffic light H2A or H2B.

The driver of the head electric locomotive informs the DSP MRTs-2 about the readiness of the train for departure. The officer on duty at the station of the MRC-2 post coordinates with the train dispatcher the time of departure of the double train, after which he sends the train. The train dispatcher organizes the unimpeded passage of a double train through the section.

OPTION 2 (Park "A")

The combination of a double train is carried out along the 3C - connecting or 16th connecting track. Compositions of trains for combining into a double train are located on the tracks of the receiving-departure park "A". In order to combine the trains into a double train, the shunting dispatcher brings the plan of the forthcoming work to the MRC-1 post on duty at the station, the operator of the PTO of park "A". After the maintenance of the trains in technical and commercial terms, the duty officer at the station of the MRTs-1 post of the odd system announces via the park communication and drives the train locomotives under the ready trains. To carry out a full testing of auto brakes and fill out a certificate of brakes form VU-45, the operator of the STC of park "A" in advance informs the operator of the PTO of park "A" necessary information(weight, number of axles, etc.) of the combined trains.



17.1 . When a freight train is broken on the haul and delivered to the station, be guided by clause 16.48 of the PTE and the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work.

Upon delivery of the ruptured train from the haul, replace the damaged connecting brake hoses with spare ones or removed from the tail car and locomotive.

17.2. When a burst train is taken out of the haul, the absence of compressed air in the TM of the last cars can be allowed only if it is impossible to restore the integrity of the TM and, for this reason, it is necessary to close the end valves. At the same time, the driver of a train on the rise must declare the need to provide an auxiliary locomotive at the tail of the train (or take the train out in parts) to move to the nearest station. Where the fault must be repaired or the faulty wagon uncoupled.

The procedure for the withdrawal of such trains from the stage, the speed of their movement, taking into account the provision of brake pressure and track profile, is established by order of the head of the road and indicated in local instructions.

Before the train leaves the haul, perform a short test of the autobrakes of the serviceable part of the train.


For normal and uninterrupted operation of auto-brake equipment on locomotives, MVPS and wagons in winter conditions, it is necessary to prepare it for work in these conditions in a timely and thorough manner and ensure proper care for it during operation.

18.1. Measures to ensure proper operation of the brake equipment of locomotives and multiple unit trains in winter conditions

18.1.1. To ensure proper operation of the braking equipment in winter conditions, the locomotive crew must:

- on locomotives that are in the sludge, at an air temperature below -30 0 C, do not allow compressors to start without preheating the oil in the crankcases;

- during the start-up of the steam-air pump, open the steam valve constantly, turn on the pump at a slow speed, with the outlet cocks of the steam and air cylinders open. Only after the condensate has been removed from the cylinders and the pump has warmed up sufficiently, close the outlet cocks, and then increase the opening of the steam valve;

- during long stops of the train, the compressors (steam-air pump on a steam locomotive) should not be turned off.

18.1.2. After the arrival of the locomotive or MVPS from the voyage to the depot, the locomotive crew is obliged to drain the condensate from the main tanks and collectors, blow out the brake line at the I position of the driver’s valve handle by successively opening the end valves on both sides, perform other work according to local instructions.

18.1.3. The locomotive crew is obliged during the operation of the locomotive and the MVPS to prevent freezing of brake parts. Ice that appears on the brake parts and linkage of the locomotive and MVPS, the locomotive crew must remove as soon as possible (when parking at the station, at the turnaround point).

18.1.4. At sub-zero ambient temperatures, the locomotive crew that receives the locomotive without uncoupling it from the train is obliged to disconnect the TM sleeves. Blow out the brake lines of the locomotive and train, reconnect them and open the end valves.

18.2. Measures to ensure proper operation of the brake equipment of wagons

18.2.1. The circulating stock of VR intended for replacement of faulty ones on railcars shall be kept on closed racks at ambient temperature, but not more than 6 months.

18.2.2. In winter, when preparing the brakes in the composition, pay attention to the tightness of the flange connections of the brake devices and the cuffs of the brake cylinders.

18.2.3. Wagon inspectors and rolling stock repairmen are required to do the following:

- before connecting the TM hoses, blow it out with compressed air, clean the heads of the connecting hoses from dirt, ice and snow, clean the surfaces of the electrical contacts of the heads of the hoses No. 369A, and also check the condition of the sealing rings. Replace bad rings. It is forbidden to apply oil to the rings;

- when purging the TM in the process of connecting the hoses and charging the brakes, make sure that the air passes freely;

- open the frozen brake cylinder, remove the piston, clean the working surface of the cylinder, wipe it with a dry technical cloth and lubricate. Change bad cuff. After assembly, check the cylinder for tightness;

- before testing the automatic brakes as part of a stationary compressor unit at a temperature of –40 0 C and below, after fully charging the brake network, perform full braking and release at least 2 times;

- before testing the automatic brakes and detecting VR that did not work for braking and release, as well as those that had a slow release, fix the flanges, inspect and clean the dust-catching mesh and filter, and then repeat the test of the brakes; in case of an unsatisfactory test result, replace the BP;

- in case of poor mobility of the linkage parts, lubricate their hinged joints with axle oil with the addition of kerosene, remove the formed ice.

On passenger cars at the points of formation and turnover of the train, the conductors are obliged to clear the ice from the brake linkage. It is not allowed to send to the train wagons with brake pads that do not move away from the wheels due to freezing of the leverage;

- while the train is moving through the station, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the entire train. In case of detection of wagons with wheels that are skidding, have potholes (sliders) or other malfunctions that threaten traffic safety, and take measures to stop the train.

18.3. The procedure for warming frozen places of brake equipment

18.3.1. It is allowed to heat the main reservoirs, injection, feed pipes and the main air pipeline with an open fire (torch) on steam locomotives that run on solid fuel, electric locomotives and electric trains, subject to fire safety rules that exclude the possibility of ignition of structural elements of locomotives and electric trains.

18.3.2. On diesel locomotives, diesel trains, railcars and steam locomotives running on liquid fuel, the use of a torch is only allowed to warm up those frozen places in the brake system that are at least 2 meters away from the fuel tanks, and oil supply fittings, oil and fuel lines.

18.3.3. It is forbidden to use an open fire to warm up the braking equipment on locomotives and MVPS in their parking areas in the presence of flammable and combustible liquids spilled on the tracks at the points of equipping locomotives with liquid fuel, in the vicinity of loading and unloading devices, parks with tanks for petroleum products, warehouses of flammable materials and other fire hazardous places, as well as in the presence of wagons with discharge, flammable and liquid cargoes on adjacent tracks.

18.3.4. In case of freezing of the main air duct, first of all, tap it with light blows of a hammer - a dull sound indicates the presence of a water plug. Such a place in the air duct must be warmed up, and then the line must be blown through the end valves until the ice plug is completely removed.

18.3.5. It is possible to heat the main reservoirs, injection, feed and bypass pipes with fire only after the compressed air has been released from them and with the inlet valves closed. It is allowed to open the taps only after the fire has been removed.

18.3.6. On steam locomotives, when the tube of the stroke regulator of the steam-air pump freezes, the pressure rises above the set value. In this case, it is necessary to turn off the pump, reduce the pressure to normal, and then warm the frozen place.

18.3.7. Frozen connecting hoses of the air ducts should be removed, warmed up and reinstalled or replaced with spare ones.

18.3.8. When the BP freezes, turn it off and release air from the working volumes with the exhaust valve until the TC rod completely leaves, after arriving at the BP depot, replace it.

18.3.9. It is forbidden to thaw frozen brake devices and their components with an open fire.

18.3.10. If one of the brake cylinders freezes, it is necessary to leave the VR switched on and continue working with the rest of the TC. After arriving at the depot, eliminate the malfunction of the brake cylinder.

In this case, turn off the VR on MVPS cars, and after arriving at the depot, open the brake cylinder, remove the piston, clear the cylinder and piston of ice, and lubricate their working surfaces. After assembling the shopping center, check its density.

Other malfunctions of brake equipment that are associated with their freezing and methods for their temporary operation are indicated in local instructions.

18.3.11. In all cases of malfunction of the brakes on locomotives and wagons of the MVPS and if it is impossible to eliminate it, the driver must personally turn off the brake, completely bleed the air with the exhaust valve and check the brake pads from the wheels.

The malfunction of the brake equipment must be eliminated at the nearest station where the depot or PTO is located.

18.4. Features of brake control in winter

18.4.1. At zero and sub-zero ambient temperatures, braking when checking the operation of automatic brakes is carried out by reducing the pressure in the surge tank:

- in freight loaded trains by 0.8-0.9 kgf/cm 2 ;

- in empty freight trains by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2;

- in passenger trains and MVPS by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2. (To check the EPT, the pressure in the TC should be 1.5-2.0 kgf / cm 2);

- in passenger trains and MVPS with composite brake pads or disc brakes by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm 2 (for EPT, the pressure in the TC should be 2.0-2.5 kgf / cm 2).

In case of snowfalls, snowdrifts, blizzards, before checking the operation of the brakes of a train with composite pads or disc brakes, perform service braking to remove snow and ice from the friction surface of the pads or linings. If such braking (before checking the brakes) is impossible, then counting the distance traveled by the train in the process of reducing the speed by 10 km / h should be done first by reducing the speed, but not later than the train passes a distance of 200-250 meters after the start of braking. In this case, the locomotive crew is guided not by the signal signs "End of braking", but by the distance indicated in tables 10.1., 10.2. this instruction. Depending on the local conditions local regulations may set two brakes: initial (to clear the pads from snow and ice) and to check the operation of the brakes.

18.4.2. For all types of testing of automatic brakes, the first stage of braking should be performed by reducing the pressure in the UR in accordance with paragraphs 9.2.3., 9.2.4. of this Instruction, and at temperatures below - 30 0 C - by 0.8-0.9 kgf / cm 2 in freight trains and by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2 in passenger trains of normal length.

18.4.3. At air temperatures below -40 0 C, as well as at higher temperatures in conditions of snowfalls, snow drifts, blizzards, the first stage of braking should be carried out by reducing the pressure in empty freight trains by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm 2, and in the rest cases according to clause 18.4.1. Strengthen braking in a freight train to produce a step of 0.5-1.0 kgf/cm 2 .

18.4.4. On steep long descents during snowfalls, snowdrifts and blizzards, the first stage of braking at the beginning of the descent on freight trains is performed by reducing the pressure of the brake line by 1.0-1.2 kgf / cm 2, and if necessary, the discharge is increased to full service braking.

18.4.5. The time from the moment the driver’s crane handle is moved to the vacation position until the train (except for MVPS) is set in motion after it stops increases by 1.5 times in comparison with the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in clause 10.3.13. this instruction.

18.4.6. Taking into account the experience of operating the brakes, it is allowed on long descents with snow drifts, or when the snow level covers the rail heads, to switch on the air distributors of freight cars equipped with composite brake pads in the loaded mode with a net load of more than 10 tf per axle within the road. This procedure is introduced by an instruction (order) by the head railway. After passing the section with steep long descents before the transfer of cars to another railway, the VR braking modes must be switched in accordance with clause 7.1.12. this instruction.

Taking into account the experience of operating brakes on steep long descents, the heads of railways are allowed by their order to establish a procedure in which, in the event of snow drifts, snowfall, blizzard or snow level exceeding the level of rail heads, temporarily close such sections to traffic until the tracks and rails are cleared of snow .

18.4.7. Frequently check the operation of the automatic brakes on the way, performing a braking stage to clear the blocks from snow and ice. Subject to the same check and EPT when driving passenger trains and multiple unit trains.

The time after which the brake test must be carried out is specified in the local instructions. It also indicates additional places to use the brakes before following the slopes.

During snowfall, blizzard, snowdrift and freshly fallen snow, the level of which exceeds the level of the rail heads, before braking before entering the station where the train will stop, or before following the descent, brake to check the brakes, if the train travel time without braking before exceeds 20 min.

18.4.8. With a degree of braking of more than 1.0 kgf / cm 2 (more than 2.5 kgf / cm 2 in the shopping center), sand is first supplied to the rails 50-100 meters before the start of braking until the end of braking (except for the single next locomotive - see paragraph 10.1.25.).

18.4.9. If, when approaching the stations, with a prohibition signal and a signal to reduce speed, when following the descent after the first stage of braking, the initial braking effect is not obtained within 20-30 seconds or the necessary braking effect in the train is absent during further movement, perform emergency braking; in case of an unsuccessful attempt to stop the train, act in accordance with clause 10.1.14. this instruction.

11.9 When disconnecting (breaking) a train on a haul, the driver must:

immediately report the incident by radio to the train drivers who are sent along the haul, and to the station attendants who limit the haul, who in turn immediately report this to the train dispatcher. In the absence of radio communications, messages are transmitted by other means of communication in the manner prescribed in clause 16.43 of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Ukrainian Railways;

through the assistant driver, and in case of separation of cars in a passenger train, with the help of the head of the train or train electrician, check the condition of the composition and coupling devices of the cars that have been disconnected, and, if they are in good condition, couple the train composition. To upset the parts of the train that have become disconnected, for coupling it is necessary with extreme caution, if only when the cars collide, the speed does not exceed 3 km / h .;

Replace damaged brake hoses and parts of automatic couplers with spare ones or those removed from the tail car and near the front bar of the locomotive.

In all cases, when operations to connect the parts of the train that have been disconnected cannot be performed for 20 minutes or more, the locomotive driver is obliged to take measures to ensure that the part of the train that is left without a locomotive is secured with brake shoes and hand brakes. .

If the part of the train that was left without a locomotive is on the slope opposite to the movement, then it is fixed immediately, while one of the brake shoes must be made under the wheels of the tail car.

After coupling the parts that have become disconnected, the assistant driver, by the number of the end car and the presence of a train signal on it, must make sure that the train is intact. Before the restoration of traffic, the brake shoes must be removed from under the cars, the hand brakes released and a shortened test of the brakes carried out.

a) during fog, blizzard and other adverse conditions, when the signals are difficult to notice;

b) if the part that has been unhooked is on a slope steeper than 0.0025, and from the push during connection it can move to the side opposite to the direction of train movement.

In exceptional cases, the locomotive of the train that is behind can be used to connect with the part of the train that has unhooked, in the manner provided for in paragraph 11.14.5.

11.11 If it is impossible to connect the train, the driver must demand a recovery train or an auxiliary locomotive in the manner prescribed in paragraph 11.2, having previously indicated in the application the approximate distance between the parts of the train that have become separated.

In exceptional cases, provided for in clause 11.2, a train locomotive (with or without wagons) can be used to deliver the text of a written call for help to the station. The tail of such a locomotive must be marked in the manner provided for in clause 7.5 of the Signaling Instructions.

It is forbidden to leave trains containing cars with people and dangerous goods of class 1 (explosive materials) on the haul without protection by railway workers.

60Actions lok. Br. When the train breaks on the stage, the collapse of the cargo or the derailment of the suspended state from the rail. Same as 59

The order of mutual cooperation of practitioners in case of convergence of wagons on the stage with an exit for the gauge

Chergovy at stations that intersect the stretch (and at the DC - without intermediary DNC), and the drivers are responsible for the responsibility of the driver, who gave the notification. Отримавши повідомлення, ДСП в першу чергу негайно вживає заходів щодо припинення відправлення поїздів на перегін, а також, у разі стабільної роботи радіозв'язку, додатково повідомляє про зупинку поїзда внаслідок сходу рухомого складу машиністів, які слідують вслід за поїздом, в якому допущено схід рухомого warehouse and according to the total amount, as well as povidomlya chipboard stations, intermediary stretches, and DNC. At the vipad, if the chipboard is not like Machinsky, Shpo, Idlid, in the afternoon, the curtain warehouse is allowed in the yaku, the chipboard is knocked down by the zyanist Vicenist, and the mudfire that dodatkovo povidomlyaє about the train's zupinka in the aftermath of a rumpled warehouse. Also, the chipboard is responsible for revealing information about the convergence of cars at the train and negligently informing the DSC where the convergence happened (km, pc), information about the number of cars that arrived, that character immediately (including the visibility of dimensions by total tracks) , organize a call from the head of the station, the maister from the in-line morning staff, the electrical mechanics of the STsB and the call, the chief practitioner of the ECC. For the obviousness of the victims, I will help the young lady medically.

The DSC informs the DNCO, the ECC about the departure of the carriages and the order to close the haul (number) for the movement of trains.

DNTSO issue an order for the management of the main train (depending on the location) and additional information about the type of transport subdivision of DN, URB, DGP.

DNTs dіlnitsa take care of their own dispatch of the main train to the station, which borders the stretch, where the convergence happened.

DNTSO, DNTs collectively organize the removal of the head and tail parts of the train from the haul.

DNTSO, DNTs, ECC analyze the situation on the additional driver for a distant traffic on the total amount (for example, the dilnitsa of the two-column chi is rich in the amount of energy - the presence of energy supply and dimensions on the total amount).

DNTSO, DGP in case of necessity to organize the transportation of passenger and private trains by other routes.

When the passenger car is similar to the rails, the conductor of the goiter car:

- evaluate the place of the wagon immediately (passage, station, piece spores) and inform the head (foreman) of the train and the responsible electrician in accordance with the established procedure;

- switch over, so there is no light under the car and a short hum on the hull;

– organize the evacuation of passengers from the railway carriages or on the earthen track in case of unsafe conditions for passengers on the flights. Change to the next evacuation of passengers.

In the case when there is another freight train on the haul behind the train, in the carriage of which the automatic couplers were allowed to break, it can be used to withdraw the tail section of the train from the haul, provided that it does not, as a rule, exceed ten wagons. To do this, in agreement with the DSC and the driver of the first train, the second train is combined with a group of cars that remained on the haul after the automatic coupler was broken. Before connecting to these wagons, make sure that they are secured and will not move forward when connected. After coupling with a group of cars, it is necessary to connect the hoses of the brake line, charge the brakes of the group of cars, test their action on the operation and release of the brakes of the first and second in the direction of the cars and after the order received from the DSC (which makes sure that the head part of the train has already arrived at the station ) follow to the first station at a speed of 5-10 km/h To give manual signals or give information to the driver using a portable radio station (mobile phone), an assistant driver or other road worker must be on the first car in the direction of the train, who fulfills the requirements of the driver. If the number of wagons to be removed from the haul exceeds 10 or there is a passenger (multi-unit) train following these wagons, then the haul is released from trains sent after the train in which the automatic couplers broke and the withdrawal of the remaining part of the train on the haul is carried out by an auxiliary locomotive.

1.3 Output order trains from the haul

at violation train brake line integrity

or brake malfunctions in the last two cars

In the event of a rupture or malfunction of the brake line of the train, the absence of compressed air in the TM of the last cars and the impossibility of restoring its integrity by the forces of the locomotive crew, the failure of the brakes in one or 2 last cars, the train is deduced from the haul only by an auxiliary locomotive, which becomes at the tail of the train, with speed limit for freight trains no more than 25 km/h, for passenger no more than 15 km/h

When requesting an auxiliary locomotive, the train driver who stopped on the stage is obliged to report personally to the DNC of the section, or

through the chipboard of the nearest stations, about the number of cars in the tail section of the train, located after the car with the damaged HM. In the event that 30 or more wagons with faulty automatic brakes remain in the tail section of the train, only a two-section freight locomotive should be issued to assist the train. If there are up to 30 wagons with serviceable brakes in the tail section of the train, assistance can be provided, in addition to the above locomotives, and by the diesel locomotive of the ChME-3 series (taking into account the weight of the train that stopped on the haul, the profile of the track and the stop point with the condition that the train be taken from its place).

Assistance to a passenger train or electric train can be provided by a locomotive of any series.

If another train is on the haul from the side of the station from which assistance will be provided from the tail of the stopped train, the following procedure for clearing the haul is established:

■ If there is a passenger locomotive on the haul, assistance is provided only to a passenger or commuter train.

■ If there is a freight train on the haul, the locomotive crew secures the freight train, the locomotive is uncoupled from the train by order of the DSC, and this locomotive renders assistance to the freight or passenger train. It is strictly forbidden to unhook a locomotive from a human train or a train that contains wagons with dangerous goods.

■ If there is a passenger train with locomotive traction on the haul, following the stopped freight train, it is taken from the haul by a separate locomotive to the station, from which assistance will be provided to the freight train that has stopped due to a malfunction of the autobrakes.

■ If there is an electric train on the haul, then at the command of the DSC of the section, the locomotive crew changes the control cabin and returns without stopping to the station, from which assistance will be provided to the freight train that has stopped due to a malfunction of the auto brakes.

■ If it is required to provide assistance to a passenger train that has stopped due to brake failure and there is also a passenger train behind it, then by order of the DNC, such trains can connect at a speed of no more than 15 km/h leave the haul to the first station where the TM train is being repaired.

After hitching the auxiliary locomotive to the tail of the train, the locomotive crew of the head locomotive closes the end valves TM of the car (group of cars), in which (in which) the integrity of the brake line is broken on both sides, the locomotive crew of the auxiliary

of the body locomotive includes the brakes of the tail section of the train in the brake line of the locomotive (train) and takes control of the tail section of the train. Both locomotive crews check the operation of the brakes in two cars before (after) the faulty car (group of cars) of their group for braking and release; the driver of the head locomotive recalculates the actual brake pressure in the train, taking into account the disengaged part of the brakes, and follows with a speed limit to the first station at which the malfunction of the brake line must be eliminated or the faulty car is uncoupled from the train.

During the driving of the train along the haul, the driver of the auxiliary locomotive fulfills all the instructions of the driver of the head locomotive. When braking or reducing the speed to stop, the driver of the head locomotive is the first to perform the braking step, after which he gives the driver of the auxiliary locomotive an indication of the amount of discharge of TM (taking into account the length of each part of the train, the presence of empty and loaded cars, etc.). If it is necessary to release the brakes during the movement of the train or before setting it in motion after stopping, the driver of the auxiliary locomotive is the first to release the brakes, and after completing the release of the brakes and transferring RKM No. 394 (395) to the second position, he notifies the driver of the head locomotive. It is allowed to release the brakes in the head part not earlier than 10 With. after the start of the release of the brakes in the tail section of the train. Dual brake control passenger train performed at the command of the driver of the front locomotive at the same time.

While following the haul with such a train, the handsets of the radio stations on both locomotives must be removed from the console.

In cases that threaten traffic safety (rolling stock derailment, fire in a train or locomotive, breakage of a contact wire, warning of a collision with people or vehicles, etc.), the drivers of both locomotives are allowed to apply emergency braking with the transfer of information about this to the driver of the head (auxiliary) locomotive immediately after braking.