Registration of a logging ticket for sanitary felling and reconstruction of green spaces. issuance of completed documents to the applicant

You can apply for the service:

  • Through a legal representative

Service provision mode:

  • Single window mode

List of required documents:

    For submission of documents:

    1. Application from the balance holder of green spaces for the provision public service(the name of the public service is indicated), for legal entities - on a letterhead indicating the details of the organization, for individuals - indicating passport data.

    2. Power of attorney

    The requirements for a power of attorney are established by articles 185, 185.1, 186 of the Civil Code Russian Federation.
    General requirements: date, place of drawing up the power of attorney, signature of the Principal and Attorney, name of the legal entity, list of specific actions covered by the power of attorney.
    For the identification of legal entities in the power of attorney, it is necessary to indicate the name, TIN of the legal entity, for the identification of individuals - full name, passport data.
    Form of power of attorney: free.

    3. The act of surveying green spaces.

    4. A checklist of green spaces to be cut down and (or) pruned, certified by the signature and seal of the balance holder of the territory.

    5. A plan of the territory with an exact indication of trees and shrubs to be cut down and to be pruned, certified by the seal of the balance holder of the territory.

    6. Contract with a contractor for the execution of works on felling and (or) pruning of trees and shrubs.

    Documents receiving:

    How to get a service

    Application methods:

      Through a legal representative

    • through the MFC

    Ways to get results:

      Through a legal representative

      through the MFC

    Email submission address:

    Cost and payment procedure

    The service is provided free of charge

    Terms of service provision

    Service completion time:

    The period during which the application for the provision of services must be registered:

    Maximum waiting time in the queue when applying for the service in person:

    Legal entities

    Grounds for the provision of services, grounds for refusal

    Reason for providing the service:

    The basis for starting the provision municipal service is a personal appeal of the applicant (his representative, authorized representative) to the MKU "MFC MO Kavkazsky district" or to the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district with an application and the documents attached to it, necessary for the provision of services.

    Reason for refusal:

      Special status of green plantations intended for felling (destruction)

      The presence of false data in the submitted documents

      Incomplete information in the application and submitted documents

    The result of the service

    Making a decision on extradition felling ticket within the territory of municipality;

    Refusal to provide a public service.

    Information about counseling


    call center

    Counseling location address

    Additional Information

    Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,

    Break from 12:00 to 13:00

    Weekends - Saturday, Sunday.

    The documents

    Documents confirming the need to carry out work requiring cutting (destruction) of green spaces on a specific land plot



    How to get a document:


    Number of copies:


    Documents confirming the need to carry out work requiring the cutting (destruction) of green spaces on a certain land plot by the applicant shall be provided independently.

    Information about the timing of work.




    How to get a document:


    Number of copies:


    Information about the timing of the execution of works on felling or pruning of green spaces.

    A document (power of attorney) certifying the rights (authorities) of a representative of an individual or legal entity, if the application is submitted by a representative of the applicant (applicants)


    certified copy

    certified copy

    How to get a document:


    Number of copies:


    Applicant's identity document




    How to get a document:


    Number of copies:


    For verification and copying

    urban plan



    How to get a document:


    Number of copies:


    urban plan land plot or in the case of issuing a permit for the construction of a linear object of the territory and a land surveying project

    Title documents for land and real estate




    How to get a document:


    Number of copies:


    Decree, order, certificate of state registration of rights, sale and purchase agreement, lease agreement, etc.

    Bank details of the applicant



    How to get a document:


    Number of copies:


    applicant's bank details


    Template to fill

    Sample Application




    How to get a document:



    Number of copies:

    Authority in charge of the document:

    Administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district


    APPLICATION for a logging ticket


    Template to fill

    Sample Application

    Refusal to provide a municipal service


    Refusal to provide a service / perform a function

    Received documents:



    Number of copies:


    Notice of refusal to provide a municipal service

    Deciding on the issuance of a logging ticket on the territory of the municipality


    Positive result of the provision of a service / performance of a function

    Received documents:



    Number of copies:


    PERMISSION for felling (transplantation) of green spaces

    Additional Information

    Information about the public service

    Issuance of a logging ticket on the territory of the municipality

    Service registration number:


    Date of placement of information in the Regional Register of Public Services:

    Date of the last update of information in the Regional Register of Public Services:

    Appeal procedure

    The procedure for appealing against actions (inaction) and decisions taken in the course of providing a municipal service is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The applicant has the right to file a complaint against the decision and (or) action (inaction) of the authorized body, an official of the authorized body or a municipal employee in the provision of municipal services (hereinafter referred to as the complaint).

    The subject of the complaint are, among other things, the following decisions and actions (inaction):

    violation of the deadline for registering the applicant's request for the provision of municipal services;

    violation of the term for the provision of municipal services;

    requirement from the applicant of documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for the provision of municipal services;

    refusal to accept documents from the applicant, the submission of which for the provision of municipal services is provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    refusal to provide a municipal service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them;

    a requirement from the applicant, when providing a municipal service, for a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    refusal of the authorized body, official of the authorized body, municipal employee to correct the typographical errors and (or) errors in the documents issued as a result of the provision of the municipal service or violation of the deadline for such corrections.

    A complaint received by a body providing a municipal service is subject to consideration by an official empowered to consider complaints within fifteen working days from the date of its registration, and in the event of an appeal against the refusal of the body providing a municipal service, an official of the body providing a municipal service, in the acceptance of documents from the applicant or in the correction of misprints and errors, or in the event of an appeal against a violation of the deadline for such corrections - within five working days from the date of its registration.

    The complaint is submitted in writing on paper or in electronic form. A complaint can be sent by mail, through a multifunctional center, using the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and the official website of the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district (, the Unified portal of state and municipal services (www.gosuslugi .ru) or a regional portal of state and municipal services, and can also be accepted at the personal reception of the applicant.

    The complaint must contain:

    the name of the body providing the municipal service, the official of the body providing the municipal service, or the municipal employee whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;

    surname, name, patronymic (the last one - if available), information about the place of residence of the applicant - an individual or the name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity, as well as the contact phone number (numbers), e-mail address (s) (if any) ) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant;

    information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the body providing the municipal service, an official of the body providing the municipal service, or a municipal employee;

    arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the body providing the municipal service, an official of the body providing the municipal service, or a municipal employee. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant's arguments, or copies thereof.

    If there are no documents that are essential for the consideration of the complaint or are not attached to the complaint, the decision is made without taking into account the arguments in support of which the documents were not submitted.

    The complaint is signed by the applicant.

    Upon receipt of a complaint containing obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family, an official has the right to leave the complaint unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it and inform the applicant who filed the complaint about the inadmissibility of abuse right.

    If the text of the complaint is illegible, no response to the complaint is given, which is reported to the applicant who filed the complaint within seven days from the date of registration of the complaint, if his name and postal address are readable.

    If the adoption of a decision on the complaint is not within the competence of the authorized body, within 3 working days from the date of its registration, the authorized body sends the complaint to the body authorized to consider it and informs the applicant in writing about the redirection of the complaint. In this case, the period for considering a complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the body authorized to consider it.

    Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the body providing the municipal service makes one of the following decisions:

    satisfies the complaint, including in the form of cancellation of the decision taken, correction of typographical errors and misprints made by the body providing the municipal service in the documents issued as a result of the provision of the municipal service, return to the applicant of funds, the collection of which is not provided for by legal acts, as well as in other forms;

    refuses to satisfy the complaint.

    A written response containing the results of the consideration of the complaint (in case of refusal to satisfy the complaint, the reasons for such refusal must be indicated in the written response) shall be sent no later than the day following the day the decision is made, specified in paragraph 5.3 of Section 5 of this Administrative Regulation, to the applicant in writing and at the request of the applicant, a reasoned response is sent in electronic form on the results of the consideration of the complaint.

    If, as a result of consideration, the complaint is found to be justified, then the relevant official makes a decision to hold liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the official responsible for the action (inaction) and decisions carried out (taken) in the course of providing municipal services on the basis of this Administrative Regulation and giving rise to the applicant's complaint. In the event that, during or as a result of the consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or a crime are established, the official empowered to consider complaints shall immediately send the available materials to the prosecution authorities.

    All complaints about actions (inaction) and decisions carried out (adopted) in the course of the provision of municipal services on the basis of these Administrative Regulations are recorded in the complaint register indicating:

    decisions made;

    Complaints are considered resolved if all the issues raised in them are considered, accepted necessary measures and written responses.

    Applicants have the right to appeal against decisions taken in the course of the provision of municipal services, actions or inaction of officials, responsible or authorized employees, employees involved in the provision of municipal services, in court.

    Organizations involved


    Law of the Russian Federation On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services

    Registration number:

    String(19) "2300000000183651107"

    On Amendments to the Decree of the Administration of the Losevsky Rural Settlement of the Kavkazsky District of June 28, 2012 No. 64 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision by the Administration of the Losevsky Rural Settlement of the Kavkazsky District of the Municipal Service “Issuance of Permits for Cutting (Planting) Green Plantations on the Territory of the Municipal Formation”

    Registration number:

    Source of official publication:

    Lights of Kuban

    String(19) "2300000000184518018"

    Constitution of the Government of the Russian Federation

    Registration number:

    Source of official publication:

    Russian newspaper

    String(19) "2300000000164515417"

    About environmental protection

    Registration number:

    Source of official publication:

    string(19) "2340200010003208745"

    Registration number:

    Source of official publication:

    Our news

    String(19) "2300000000184519145"

    Law of the Russian Federation "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation"

    Registration number:

    Source of official publication:

    "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 06.10.2003, No. 40, art. 3822

    String(19) "2300000000179037875"

    Administrative regulation

    Approved by legal act:

    On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district of the municipal service "Issuance of permits for felling (planting) green spaces in the territory of the municipality."

    Registration number:

    2. The procedure for the provision of municipal services is completed by the applicant receiving:

    felling ticket;

    Notices of refusal to provide municipal services.

    2.4. The term for the provision of a public service, including taking into account the need to apply to organizations participating in the provision of a municipal service, the term for suspending the provision of a municipal service if the possibility of suspension is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the term for issuing (sending) documents resulting from the provision of a municipal service

    The term for the provision of municipal services is 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application and the documents attached to it.

    2.5 List of normative legal acts regulating relations arising in connection with the provision of municipal services, indicating their details and sources of official publication;

    The provision of municipal services is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents:

    the Constitution of the Russian Federation,

    Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation”.

    1) incomplete composition of information in the application and submitted documents;

    2) the presence of false data in the submitted documents;

    3) the special status of green plantations intended for felling (destruction):

    a) objects flora listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and (or) the Red Book Krasnodar Territory growing in natural conditions;

    b) monuments of historical and cultural heritage;

    c) trees, shrubs, lianas of historical and aesthetic value as integral elements of the landscape.

    2. The grounds for suspending the provision of municipal services are not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the refusal to provide a municipal service within 10 working days from the date of acceptance of the application and the documents attached to it.

    2.9. The procedure, amount and grounds for charging fees for the provision of municipal services

    The municipal service is provided free of charge.

    2.10. The maximum waiting time in the queue when submitting a request for the provision of a municipal service and upon receiving the result of the provision of a municipal service

    1. The maximum waiting time in the queue when submitting documents for the provision of municipal services should not exceed 15 minutes.

    2. The maximum waiting time in the queue upon receipt of the result of the provision of a municipal service is no more than 15 minutes.

    2.11. The procedure and deadline for registering the applicant's request for the provision of municipal services

    The application and the documents attached to it that meet the established requirements are accepted and registered on the day of their presentation (receipt via electronic communication channels) to the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district by the official responsible for receiving and registering documents, and within 24 hours are transferred for execution to the person responsible for the provision of public services.

    2.12. Requirements for the premises in which the municipal service is provided, for the place of waiting and receiving applicants

    1. The room in which the municipal service is provided must be equipped with chairs, tables, writing instruments, A4 paper and document forms.

    2. Premises allocated for the provision of municipal services must comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules.

    3. The workplaces of employees involved in the consideration of citizens' appeals are equipped with computer technology (as a rule, one computer) and office equipment that allow organizing the performance of the function in full (paper, consumables, stationery are allocated in an amount sufficient to perform the function of considering citizens' appeals).

    4. Places for holding a personal reception of citizens are equipped with chairs, tables, provided with stationery for writing written appeals, information stands.

    5. For waiting, citizens are given a special place equipped with chairs.

    6. In places where municipal services are provided, equipment is provided available seats public use (toilets).

    7. Officials responsible for the performance of municipal services are required to carry badges (tablets at workplaces) indicating their last name, first name, patronymic and position.

    2.13. Indicators of accessibility and quality of municipal services

    1. The applicant has the right:

    submit additional documents and materials or apply for their reclamation;

    receive municipal services in a timely manner and in accordance with the standard for the provision of municipal services,

    file a complaint against a decision made on the basis of an application or against an action (inaction) of officials of the Administration;

    file an application for the suspension or termination of the provision of municipal services.

    2. The main requirements for the quality of the provision of municipal services are:

    The timeliness of making a decision on the provision of a municipal service or refusal to provide it,

    Convenience and accessibility for citizens to receive information on the procedure and progress in the provision of municipal services.

    2.15. Features of the provision of municipal services in a multifunctional center

    When providing a municipal service in the MKU "MFC", the basis for starting the provision of a municipal service is the applicant's (his representative, authorized representative) appeal to the MKU "MFC" with an application and a set of documents necessary for the provision of the service, in accordance with clause 2.6. administrative regulations. The applicant's request for the provision of a municipal service can be expressed in electronic form (if there is a technical possibility of using the means of information and telecommunication technologies of the body providing the municipal service and the MCU "MFC"). After receiving the application with the necessary documents, it is sent within 1 day to the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district for registration, unless other terms are established by the agreement on interaction between the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district and the multifunctional center.

    III. Composition, sequence and deadlines for the implementation of administrative procedures (actions), requirements for the procedure for their implementation, including the specifics of the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form

    3.1. Composition and sequence of administrative procedures in the provision of municipal services

    1. The provision of municipal services includes the following administrative procedures:

    1) acceptance and registration of the application and supporting documents attached to it;

    2) consideration of the application and making a decision on the possibility of providing a municipal service, on returning the application or on refusing to provide a municipal service;

    3) Issuance of the result of the provision of municipal services to the applicant.

    2. The block diagram for the provision of municipal services is given in Appendix No. 3 to this Administrative Regulation.

    3.2. Acceptance and registration of the application and supporting documents attached to it.

    1. The basis for the start of the provision of municipal services is the appeal of the applicant (his representative, authorized representative) to the Administration or MCU "MFC" with an application (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations) and a set of documents necessary for the provision of services, in accordance with subsection 2.6 of the Administrative regulations.

    2. An employee of the Administration or a specialist of the MCU "MFC", authorized to receive applications, establishes the subject of the appeal, the identity of the applicant, checks the identity document, checks the applicant's authority, including the authority of the representative to act on behalf of the principal.

    3. An employee authorized to receive applications checks that all required documents, based on the relevant list of documents specified in subsection 2.6 of the Administrative Regulations. When establishing the facts of the absence of the necessary documents, the inconsistency of the submitted documents with the requirements established by the current legislation, the employee authorized to receive applications notifies the applicant of the existence of obstacles to the provision of municipal services, explains to the applicant the content of the identified shortcomings of the submitted documents and proposes to take measures to eliminate them:

    1) if the applicant agrees to remove the obstacles, the employee authorized to receive applications returns the submitted documents;

    2) if the applicant does not agree to remove the obstacles, the employee authorized to receive applications draws his attention to the fact that this circumstance may interfere with the provision of municipal services.

    4. If the applicant does not have a completed application or fills it out incorrectly, the employee authorized to receive applications helps the applicant fill out the application.

    5. When an applicant sends a request for the provision of a municipal service in electronic form (if it is technically possible to use the means of information and telecommunication technologies of the body providing the municipal service), an employee of the Administration or MCU "MFC MO Kavkazsky District", authorized to receive applications, prints using technical means application with attached documents (if any).

    6. An employee of the Administration or MCU "MFC", authorized to receive applications, generates the result of the administrative procedure for receiving documents and submits the application, within 24 hours in the order of office work for its registration to the general department of the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district.

    7. General maximum term acceptance of documents cannot exceed 15 minutes.

    8. The result of the administrative procedure is the registration of the application and the documents attached to it in the general department of the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district.

    9. The maximum term for the execution of this administrative procedure is 2 calendar days.

    3.3. R consideration of the application and making a decision on the possibility of providing a municipal service, on returning the application or on refusing to provide a municipal service.

    1. The head of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district writes off the application and transfers the application in the manner of office work to the clerk-clerk.

    The clerk enters the data about the performer in the journal "Incoming Correspondence" and transfers the application to the employee authorized to process the application.

    2. An employee of the Administration authorized to process an application, after receiving the documents, checks the completeness and reliability of the documents, identifies the existence of grounds for the provision of a municipal service, suspension, return of an application or refusal to provide a municipal service.

    3. In the event that the applicant does not provide, on his own initiative, the documents specified in subsection 2.6 of the Administrative Regulations, an employee of the Administration, within 1 working day from the date of acceptance of the application, prepares interdepartmental requests to the relevant authorities (organizations), which are signed by the head of the settlement.

    An interdepartmental request is drawn up in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”.

    The direction of the interdepartmental request is carried out in electronic form through the channels of the network of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI) or through other electronic channels.

    It is also allowed to send requests on paper by mail, fax, or by courier.

    4. When deciding on the possibility of providing a municipal service, the employee authorized to process the application prepares a logging ticket and submits it for signature to the head of the settlement.

    5. If there are circumstances that prevent the continuation of the execution of the municipal service specified in clause 2.8 of this Administrative Regulation, the employee authorized to process the application prepares a notification about the return of the application and the documents attached to it or about the refusal to provide the municipal service, indicating the rationale for the return or refusal.

    6. The Head of the Administration signs a logging ticket and passes it to the employee authorized to process the application for transfer to the applicant, or agrees and signs a notification on the return of the application and the documents attached to it or on the refusal to provide municipal services and transfers it for registration.

    7. The general term for the execution of the administrative procedure is 5 working days.

    8. When returning the submitted application, the term for the execution of the administrative procedure is 5 working days.

    9. The result of the administrative procedure is the return of the submitted application with all the documents attached to it, or the refusal to provide a municipal service, or the preparation and signing of a logging ticket.

    3.4. H sending the decision on approval of the layout of the land plot (notification of the return of the application or the refusal to provide municipal services) to the applicant.

    1. The basis for starting the procedure is the receipt by the employee authorized to produce on application of a signed logging ticket.

    2. The employee authorized to process the application prepares a cover letter for sending a logging ticket.

    3 The employee authorized to process the application sends to the head of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district for signing a cover letter on the direction of the logging ticket.

    4. The head of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Caucasus region signs a cover letter.

    5. The employee authorized to process the application transfers the prepared documents personally by delivery or sends the documents by mail, or sends them to the MCU "MFC", if the application was submitted through a multifunctional center.

    6. In the case of issuing the result of a municipal service in the Administration, an employee of the Administration establishes the identity of the applicant and checks his authority. The applicant confirms receipt of the result of the municipal service with a personal signature in the relevant register of registration of issued documents.

    7. The specialist of the MCU “MFC”, who received the result of the provision of the municipal service, checks the availability of the transferred documents, makes a mark in the register on acceptance and transfers the accepted documents according to the register to the sector for receiving and issuing documents of the MCU “MFC MO Kavkazsky district”.

    8. In the event of issuing a notice of refusal to provide a municipal service or a resolution approving the layout of the land plot, in the MCU "MFC":

    1) the responsible specialist of the MCU "MFC" establishes the identity of the applicant. Checks the receipt, introduces the contents of the documents and issues them;

    2) the applicant confirms the receipt of the documents with a personal signature with a transcript in the corresponding column of the receipt, which is stored in the MCU "MFC".

    99. The total maximum period for sending a notice of refusal to provide a municipal service or a felling ticket to an applicant cannot exceed 3 working days.

    10. The result of the administrative procedure is to send the applicant a logging ticket or a notice of refusal to provide a municipal service.

    4. Forms of control over the execution of administrative regulations

    4.1. Control over the execution of the administrative procedures established by this Administrative Regulation is carried out by officials of the authorized body responsible for organizing work on the provision of the Municipal Service.

    4.5. Current control is carried out both in a planned manner and by carrying out unscheduled control measures.

    In the course of planned control, comprehensive and thematic inspections are carried out. When conducting a comprehensive audit, the provision of municipal services as a whole is considered, while conducting a thematic audit - issues related to the execution of a certain administrative procedure.

    Current control is carried out by conducting checks by the head of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district on the completeness and quality of the provision of municipal services, compliance with and enforcement of the provisions of this Administrative Regulation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, identifying and ensuring the elimination of identified violations, consideration, decision-making and preparation of responses to appeals the applicant, containing complaints about the actions (inaction) of the specialists of the authorized body involved in the provision of municipal services.

    The frequency of current control is established by the head of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district.

    4.7. Based on the results of the inspections, in case of violations by the actions (inaction) of specialists of the authorized body involved in the provision of municipal services, the guilty persons are held accountable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.8. All responsible persons involved in the provision of this municipal service are personally responsible for the performance of their duties and compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of the administrative procedures specified in this Administrative Regulation.

    V. Pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for appealing the decision and actions (inaction) of the body providing the municipal service, as well as their officials

    5.1. The procedure for appealing against actions (inaction) and decisions taken in the course of providing a municipal service is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.2. The applicant has the right to file a complaint against the decision and (or) action (inaction) of the authorized body, an official of the authorized body or a municipal employee in the provision of municipal services (hereinafter referred to as the complaint).

    5.3. The subject of the complaint are, among other things, the following decisions and actions (inaction):

    5.3.1. violation of the deadline for registering the applicant's request for the provision of municipal services;

    5.3.2. violation of the term for the provision of municipal services;

    5.3.3. requirement from the applicant of documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for the provision of municipal services;

    5.3.4. refusal to accept documents from the applicant, the submission of which for the provision of municipal services is provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    5.3.5. refusal to provide a municipal service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them;

    5.3.6. a requirement from the applicant, when providing a municipal service, for a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    5.3.7. refusal of the authorized body, official of the authorized body, municipal employee to correct the typographical errors and (or) errors in the documents issued as a result of the provision of the municipal service or violation of the deadline for such corrections.

    5.4. A complaint received by a body providing a municipal service is subject to consideration by an official empowered to consider complaints within fifteen working days from the date of its registration, and in the event of an appeal against the refusal of the body providing a municipal service, an official of the body providing a municipal service, in the acceptance of documents from the applicant or in the correction of misprints and errors, or in the event of an appeal against a violation of the deadline for such corrections - within five working days from the date of its registration.

    5.5. The complaint is submitted in writing on paper or in electronic form. A complaint can be sent by mail, through a multifunctional center, using the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and the official website of the administration of the Losevsky rural settlement of the Kavkazsky district (, the Unified portal of state and municipal services (www.gosuslugi .ru) or a regional portal of state and municipal services, and can also be accepted at the personal reception of the applicant.

    5.8. The complaint is signed by the applicant.

    5.9. Upon receipt of a complaint containing obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family, an official has the right to leave the complaint unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it and inform the applicant who filed the complaint about the inadmissibility of abuse right.

    5.10. If the text of the complaint is illegible, no response to the complaint is given, which is reported to the applicant who filed the complaint within seven days from the date of registration of the complaint, if his name and postal address are readable.

    5.11. If the adoption of a decision on the complaint is not within the competence of the authorized body, within 3 working days from the date of its registration, the authorized body sends the complaint to the body authorized to consider it and informs the applicant in writing about the redirection of the complaint. In this case, the period for considering a complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the body authorized to consider it.

    5.12. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the body providing the municipal service makes one of the following decisions:

    1) satisfies the complaint, including in the form of cancellation of the decision taken, correction of typos and errors made by the body providing the municipal service, typos and errors in the documents issued as a result of the provision of the municipal service, return to the applicant of funds, the collection of which is not provided for by legal acts, as well as in other forms;

    2) refuses to satisfy the complaint.

    5.13. A written response containing the results of the consideration of the complaint (in case of refusal to satisfy the complaint, the reasons for such refusal must be indicated in the written response) shall be sent no later than the day following the day the decision is made, specified in paragraph 5.3 of Section 5 of this Administrative Regulation, to the applicant in writing and at the request of the applicant, a reasoned response is sent in electronic form on the results of the consideration of the complaint.

    5.14. If, as a result of consideration, the complaint is found to be justified, then the relevant official decides to hold liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the official responsible for the action (inaction) and decisions carried out (taken) in the course of the provision of municipal services on the basis of this Administrative Regulation and giving rise to the applicant's complaint. In the event that, during or as a result of the consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or a crime are established, the official empowered to consider complaints shall immediately send the available materials to the prosecution authorities.

    5.15. All complaints about actions (inaction) and decisions carried out (adopted) in the course of the provision of municipal services on the basis of these Administrative Regulations are recorded in the complaint register indicating:

    decisions made;

    the actions taken to provide information and (or) apply administrative measures of responsibility to the official responsible for the action (inaction) and decisions taken in the course of the provision of the municipal service, which resulted in the applicant's complaint.

    5.16. Complaints are considered resolved if all the questions raised in them are considered, the necessary measures are taken and written answers are given.

    5.17. Applicants have the right to appeal against decisions taken in the course of the provision of municipal services, actions or inaction of officials, responsible or authorized employees, employees involved in the provision of municipal services, in court.

    Head of Losevsky

    rural settlement

    Kavkazsky district Yu.D. Lamanov