A tribe of white people in America. Mystery of the White Indians

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of looking into the past. And Genrikh Mikhailovich Silanov, a scientist from Russian city Voronezh did it. He invented equipment that is capable of photographing past events!

Genrikh Mikhailovich believes that this is a manifestation of the effect he discovered, which he called the "field memory phenomenon." It is still difficult to say what is actually happening: the identified physical processes need additional study.

It should be noted that the technology of retro-shooting is his professional secret, which, for obvious reasons, he has not yet disclosed. We can only say that with the use of a retro camera invented by him, as well as an improved development technology specially for this purpose, fixation of visually invisible phantom field structures is achieved, which in form completely preserves the appearance of people, plants, animals, as well as any other objects of animate and inanimate nature. , regardless of the time they were in this area of ​​the survey and fell into the field of fixation of its retro camera.

According to G.M. Silanov, any structure FOREVER leaves its imprint in the lines of force of the field at each particular moment of time. It is their reflection (excitation or some kind of activation) that is fixed by its special equipment. All this is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Kirlian effect, when, under the influence of a high-frequency field, contours are highlighted, for example, parts of a torn leaf, showing its original integrity. appearance. So, in his retrophotos you can see the river bank on which there is a tree, and in a regular photo you can see that this tree has long been broken.

The “field memory” effect was accidentally discovered by Genrikh Silanov in 1992 while trying to improve equipment for shooting invisible UFOs, which his Voronezh UFO group has been hunting for for a long time.

Sometimes there is an overlay of images on his retro photographs, i.e. the image of one time is, as it were, superimposed on another. But this, probably, can be eliminated in the future with the improvement of equipment and technology for retrofilming.

Oddly enough, but we are not given to see the present. If we look at the starry sky at night, we see a picture that was millions of years ago, since the light from them travels to us for a very long time. If we look at any object, we still see it with a delay, because. the light, although incredibly fast, but still for a moment comes to the eyes, carrying us visual information about what has already taken place, i.e. past event, and we will see the next event only a moment later. In reality, of course, this difference in time is imperceptible, but theoretically it exists. Thus, WE SEE ONLY THE PAST!

Genrikh Silanov revealed some of his professional secrets to me, briefly giving the following explanation. The human eye, on average, sees in the range of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves from 380 to 770 nanometers, and the film, or rather its sensitive emulsion layer, is able to capture radiation outside the specified parameters - in the ultraviolet and infrared ranges. Most of the invisible information can be found in a narrow band of the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, which is closer to the border of the visible range, i.e. closer to 380 nanometers.

The most important parts of a retro camera are a special lens and a special plate or film, where there is practically no gelatin layer, which delays the passage of ultraviolet waves. After all, everyone knows that window glass does not transmit ultraviolet light, so it is impossible to sunbathe in an apartment with ordinary glass in the windows. To do this, you need quartz glass, which transmits ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the question arose of a lens that would transmit the widest spectrum of electromagnetic waves, and this task can only be performed by very pure quartz glass or its analogues with the appropriate characteristics.

Silanov took and made a sample of quartz crystals in coarse sand, and then conducted a thorough spectral analysis of them in his laboratory. Having chosen the right samples, he melted them and cast a very thin lens. Then, for a long time, according to the Newton method, he manually polished it. As a result of this titanic work, a very thin lens was ready in a year.

He inserted it into a studio camera and took a test shot from the doorstep of his laboratory. On the photo he received, he found that next to the car standing in the yard, a phantom image of the same car was clearly visible, but standing in a different place where it stood a week ago (see photo).

Thus, the “field memory phenomenon” was discovered. He also made photographic plates himself, practically eliminating the gelatin layer from them. And he began to conduct photo experiments, during which the past began to literally “come to life”. In his retro photographs, he saw the invisible reality of the past!

Silanov gathered enthusiasts and went on an expedition to the Khoper River, where he continued his experiments. One of the best shots of that time is a shot of the head of a soldier in a helmet during the Great Patriotic War (see photo). At the same time, it was established that the soldier's helmet was Czech. Further investigations showed that the Czechoslovak division of Ludwig Svoboda was formed in these places. And more than 50 years have passed between the time of this event and the time of shooting!

In the summer of 1996, Genrikh Silanov invited me to take part in the International Expedition, where various anomalous phenomena were studied, incl. and the methodology and equipment for retroshooting was improved, which already had several modifications. The Khoper-96 expedition left me with a lot of positive emotions. On top of that, there was excellent fishing, better than which I can’t remember. Later on Khopra was visited by expeditions from England, Japan and other countries, who were interested in retro photography.

It is interesting that academician of the International Academy of Informatization (MAI) Leonid Pritsker (Kazakhstan), as well as a scientist from Zhukovsky near Moscow, Corresponding Member of MAI A.V., achieved similar results in a slightly different way. Karavaykin.

The latter, using the Vega equipment he created, successfully studies the so-called "UFO tracks" in their landing sites. As he himself states, "in accordance with the nature of the functional distributions of the density of time in their spatial regions." Experts, not without reason, believe that the use of this fundamentally new information channel is revolutionary not only in ufology, but can, without exaggeration, radically change the worldview of mankind. (In accordance with the teachings of the famous Russian scientist Kozyrev, matter is a detector that detects changes in the density of time.) But the achievements of Karavaykin A.V. can also help in unraveling the mysteries of retro-shooting - the phenomenon of "memory of the field".

It should be noted that L.S. Pritzker was the first to make a historical portrait "from nature". So, in St. Petersburg, he photographed the empty throne of the king in the palace and received a fairly distinct phantom image ... Peter the Great, who once sat on the same throne! And he has many such pictures. By the way, the Kazakh republican prosecutor's office, conducting a targeted examination of his photographs, made an official conclusion about their authenticity.

A retro photo of the Russian scientist G.M. Silanov opens up incredible prospects. So, with the improvement of the technique of retro-shooting, images can be obtained from almost any period of time. Thus it will be possible to see the true chronicle of the Earth. For example, take a picture of Bogdan Khmelnitsky or a given episode of the last war, or see who killed American President John F. Kennedy, etc.

With the help of retroshooting, many crimes can be solved.

And then not retro photography will be created, but an even more promising direction - retro films that will allow you to see past events in dynamics. Imagine a super-fantastic reality - retro cinema!

Genrikh Silanov showed me photographs of the Khoper River, in the vicinity of which exotic plants grew. Later, in one of the TV shows, I saw similar palm trees in Egypt. How much time has passed since the period when Egyptian palm trees grew in Russia?

It should be noted that for reasons still unknown, retrophotos were obtained earlier. So, a photo of American President Lincoln is known, taken with a camera with a friolite lens (friolite transmits ultraviolet better than glass, and many old cameras had friolite lenses). Many phantom pictures are taken even now, without knowing the reasons for their appearance, which is usually associated with mysticism, etc.

Therefore, this topic must be studied, because there are physics unknown to us and little-studied or inexplicable anomalous phenomena. Naturally, far from everything is clear in the problem of retro-shooting, but science will eventually give its explanation for everything.

Imagine what achievements can be in archeology, history, forensics (to solve a lot of crimes at once!) etc. The very fact of having retrophoto-movie-video equipment will become a powerful deterrent to crime.

Retro photography opens up new fantastic opportunities in science and technology, will have a positive impact on the solution of many problems facing humanity, therefore, in spite of everything, this priority direction will develop.

Sergey Paukov,

independent researcher, writer, Kyiv

Heinrich Silanov
Head of the spectral laboratory of the State Unitary Geological Enterprise "Voronezhgeologiya", Head of the public research expedition "KHOPER". He invented equipment that is capable of photographing past events.

Silanov believes that he discovered a hitherto unknown physical effect, which he called the "field memory phenomenon". The well-known Kirlian effect is similar to the "field memory phenomenon". Remember? A fragment of a green leaf is placed in a high-frequency electric field, photographed ... and in the picture we see a luminous scheme of the whole leaf. Silanov discovered this effect by chance, in 1992, when he was trying to improve his equipment for shooting UFOs.

From the little that Silanov told about his retro shootings, one can understand the following. Photographic film is "sharper" than the human eye in the ultraviolet and infrared spectral ranges.

A lot of information inaccessible to us can be found in a narrow band of the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, near the lower limit of the visible range ...

The most important parts of a retro camera are a special lens and a plate, or film, where there is practically no gelatin layer that delays the passage of ultraviolet waves.

That's why the question about the lens arose. Everyone knows that window glass does not transmit ultraviolet light, so it is impossible to sunbathe in an apartment with ordinary glass in the windows. To purchase a tan at home, you need quartz glass.

An ordinary camera lens plays the role of a banal window pane; in the first, random "pictures of the past", only a small fraction of ultraviolet penetrated into the camera ... Realizing this, Silanov took up unusually painstaking work.

In coarse sand, he selected tiny crystals of quartz, then melted them and cast them into the shape of a very thin lens; finally, for a long time and carefully, according to the Newton method, manually polished it. As a result of this, truly ascetic work, a year later the “lens of time” was ready.

Genrikh Mikhailovich inserted it into the camera and took test shots from the threshold of his laboratory. It was then that a stunning shot appeared with a long-departed car ...

On the left - a real image of the car, on the right - phantom outlines.

Bringing his equipment to the desired "condition", Silanov gathered enthusiasts and went on an expedition to the Khoper River, where he continued the experiments.

In the right corner of the picture, a tree with a broken crown is clearly visible; a faint shadow on the picture shows what was once its top.

A young girl was packing a sleeping bag. After she left the area, photographs of the area were taken. But in the "Memory of the Field" she remained. All phases of her movements are even captured. Therefore, the back and head are so vague: the girl bent over many times for about ten minutes, and the camera clearly recorded a relatively motionless part of the body.

A tent with a net hung out to dry. Manifested "memory" on the river sand. The time of the event that occurred can be determined very conditionally. Given the design of the tent, this could have happened in the seventies of our century.

Camera figure. "Memory of the Field", manifested against the background of trees. positive form. The image looks like a ghost.

A man in a boat (kayak). Memory manifested on the water. Judging by the clothes and hairstyle of the man, the event took place in the recent past.

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Silanov Heinrich
The insidiousness of geopathogenic zones

On the centuries-old path of his development, a person often encounters phenomena for which he cannot find an explanation, and therefore envelops them in a veil of mystery and supernaturalness. From generation to generation, stories about observed phenomena are transmitted, which, as a rule, are associated with certain places and identified with "otherworldly forces." This is how myths about “dead places”, “evil spirits” and other miracles are born ...

The kerosene phenomenon
The story that will be discussed, at first glance, has nothing to do with UFOs. For some, it may seem nothing more than a funny curiosity, for others it may prompt intriguing reflections, as happened with Ivan Mikhailovich Korchagin, a resident of the village of Staraya Kriusha, Voronezh Region.
Novokhoperska Madonna
Departure to Novokhopyorsk took place on July 6. Two hundred and fifty kilometers of the way to the smallest details of the familiar road and in front of us is Khoper in the green decoration of the floodplain forest. This year there was a small spill, and therefore our parking lot has not changed much. They set up tents, pulled an awning over the dining table, and the camp acquired a residential look. We spent two days on the improvement of the camp and the installation of devices.
...The camera "discovered" a tropical jungle near an ordinary Russian river, a forest of slender palm trees. When were the tropics here? Fifty million years ago, a hundred?..
... On an empty royal throne in one of the palaces of St. Petersburg, the camera recorded the ghost of a seated man. An 18th-century caftan, a familiar lanky figure… Emperor Peter the Great!
What's this? Excerpts from a fantasy story? Nothing happened.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of "looking" into the past. And Genrikh Mikhailovich Silanov, a geologist and specialist in laboratory research from the city of Voronezh, did it.
He invented equipment that is capable of photographing PAST EVENTS! Silanov believes that he discovered a hitherto unknown physical effect, which he called the "field memory phenomenon".
But the discoverer speaks sparingly about the nature of the effect and, for obvious reasons, does not disclose the technology of “retro-shooting” yet ...
According to Genrikh Mikhailovich, any material structure at any moment of its existence leaves its imprint on the lines of force of energy fields. It is the reflection (excitation) of such imprints that is captured by special photographic equipment.

How to make a time machine
Here is the time to say what kind of technique allows you to photograph the past. Of course, it's not exactly normal. The lenses of mass objectives are coated for enlightenment with a thin film of magnesium fluoride, which delays the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. But it is precisely at these frequencies, according to Silanov's assumption, that the film fixes the “field memory”. Heinrich Mikhailovich uses this term for lack of a more precise one. About what field there is a speech - he precisely does not know. It only assumes that images of the past emerge due to special excited states of electromagnetic, gravitational, microwave or other fields, when certain frequencies are in resonance with the exciting frequency. Space, the scientist believes, is a large hologram that stores information about everything that has ever crossed it or was placed in it. Under certain conditions, any point in space is able to “turn on” the memory, which materializes in light quanta, resurrecting the image of the past.

The hypothesis would seem too fantastic if it were not confirmed by many photographs. All of them were made by Silanov in the ultraviolet range using a special lens, filter and film. Head of the spectrographic laboratory of the Voronezhgeology association, he has been manufacturing special photographic equipment for many years. This experience was useful in his new hobby.

Ordinary optics do not transmit ultraviolet through itself. For a lens capable of “seeing through” time, Silanov seeks out grains of natural quartz that transmit UV rays, subjecting them to analysis on a spectrometer. Then he melts these grains of sand in a crucible that has the required curvature for the lens, after which he manually polishes the resulting lens for a long time, using the method described by Isaac Newton.

Heinrich Mikhailovich uses a film that is also unusual: it is devoid of a gelatin layer that does not transmit ultraviolet light. Finally, wanting to choose a suitable light filter, the researcher took pair photographs for a long time on a Sputnik stereo camera: he took pictures simultaneously with two lenses, one of which was covered with a K-12 light filter, which expanded the range of penetrating rays towards short waves. For a long time ordinary photographs were released, but from a certain moment the frames became unpaired ...

Czechs and Mongols - neighbors of dinosaurs

It so happened that most of the photographs were taken in the summer months, on annual expeditions to the Khoper anomalous zone. Genrikh Mikhailovich - the permanent leader of the Khoper public research expedition - every summer leads a team of enthusiastic researchers. Much has been written about the frequent appearances of UFOs over the Khopra river bed. But the memory of the past is no less interesting and mysterious phenomenon than luminous objects in the sky.

Well, for example, here is this picture of a bush, from which the profiles of soldiers in helmets “sprout”. When they later began to analyze the attributes of the photograph, it turned out that the fighters of the Czechoslovak regiment under the command of Ludwig Svoboda, which was formed just in this area, had such helmets. What comes out? The quartz lens captured soldiers who probably actually visited the banks of Khopra in 1943.

And on another Khoper landscape, the face of a man in ancient clothes looms - presumably a Scythian, an ancient inhabitant of these places. Soldiers in pointed helmets immediately evoke the memory of the Golden Horde warriors. Next to them you can see the ropes thrown across the river - probably, such was the crossing over the Khoper. And in another picture of the same southern Russian natural zone, a dinosaur is vaguely distinguishable, probably once trampling the emerald mosses of the Chernozem region with three-toed paws.

Here, try to figure it out, by pressing the shutter release button, in what era the whimsical fields of the anomalous zone will throw you ... Genrikh Mikhailovich himself does not yet know how to control his time machine - he still does not have a “time switch” in his hands. We tried to shoot the same place with five devices at the same time. Instead of five identical frames, various layers were obtained - from the previous minute illuminated by the same sun to the dense twilight of past geological epochs.

And this happened in my house
Silanov believes that soon the possibilities of transtemporal imaging will expand by attracting the infrared part of the spectrum - he has already begun to manufacture the appropriate equipment. But the usual photographic technique of the new generation - digital - can, he believes, give miracles of paradoxical photography.

For this, two conditions must be met. The “memory of the past” is more likely to emerge when working with a telephoto lens, which “presses” the space, collecting together the images smeared in it. And rather, you can expect the appearance of "outside" images, if you shoot at dawn or before sunset, when the proportion of ultraviolet rays in the spectrum is especially large.

Moreover, while talking with many professional photographers, who, by the way, carried out an examination of Silanov's unusual photographs, certifying the absence of editing and technical defects, he learned that many of them also received something strange on the negatives more than once. Personally, I am ready to testify that it is so. A guest in the Shaivite ashram in the village of Okunevo Omsk region(another characteristically anomalous zone), I leafed through albums with photographs and saw hundreds of photographs in which another, transparent, usually sacred content was superimposed on top of the visible image. Shaivites swore: they did not adjust any intentional tricks when developing and printing.
Recently my son (the author of the article - note semer777kin) returned from Stockholm, where he filmed a lot with a digital camera. The urban landscape captured the water mirror of one of the many straits, in the center an orange buoy is clearly visible. For some reason I took two pictures in a row from the same place. But on the second - what the hell! - this buoy is not visible. Maybe in a moment he sank into the water? But this is not the sea with its waves, and passing motor boats not nearby.

Why refer to others! Last spring, I personally took in Egypt a few photos inside great pyramids and next to them, on which there are transparent spheres - a kind of large soap bubbles. Their origin is completely unclear. According to a professional photographer, to whom I showed the pictures and negatives, this is hardly a technical defect ...

Photo hunting for ghosts

The most striking of Silanov's strange photographs are those in which the faces of strangers appear. This phenomenon has its own history. Shortly after the invention of photography, the American William Mammler, shooting a self-portrait on a glass plate from a tripod, discovered next to his own image ... the translucent face of his cousin Sarah, who died in the same house twelve years ago. The girl in white clothes stood with a detached face, her cheek pressed against William and her transparent right hand resting on his shoulder. Obsessed with mystical fear, Mammler turned to the police, where they conducted an examination and established the authenticity of the photograph.

Almost a century after the death of the unfamous Greek writer Dimitrokopulo, no one would surely have remembered if he had not published new, previously unknown novels by Victor Hugo. Moreover, in French, which - for a more dashing twist of the plot - the Greek did not have a chance to own. Then where are the texts from? From Hugo himself, Dimitrokopulo assured. Personally, he did not compose them, but only wrote them down, being in a state of trance. They tried to expose the rogue Greek for a long time, especially his lack of knowledge of French. But first, the “Hyugists” fell into confusion: the methods of constructing the plot, the literary style, even the linguistic nuances - everything is genuine. The skeptics finally fell silent when, during one of the mediumistic sessions, a Greek in a trance was photographed. The translucent figure of Victor Hugo was clearly visible on the print next to the writing Dimitrokopoulos.

It is not uncommon for the dead to “fit” into the frame, as if trying in this way not only to remind themselves, but to assure their living relatives: we have not disappeared, we exist in parallel with you, we follow you, love and protect you. Heinrich Silanov, a practical scientist, himself a skeptic and little believer by nature, is well aware of the vulnerability of his information. No one is required to take a word. Especially in such a flexible art form as photography, where any man-made illusions are possible. Official science, with its inherent fanabery, fundamentally does not want to notice Silanov's paradoxes. And he does not want to scratch at her high threshold with the sole purpose of proving that he is not a camel.

When a phenomenon is ignored by the generals of science, any attempt to prove anything to them will be rejected by all means. This is memorable from the history of genetics in our country, or from closer examples related to parapsychology. Therefore, there is no need to break into a closed door, Genrikh Mikhailovich believes. It is only necessary to check single facts on a massive scale. Everyone has cameras now. If there are not 80 images with images that have wandered to us from the past, as in the Silanov collection, but an order of magnitude more, physicists will have nowhere to go and will simply have to study the memory of the field.

The well-known Kirlian effect is similar to the "field memory phenomenon". Remember? A fragment of a green leaf is placed in a high-frequency electric field, photographed ... and in the picture we see a luminous scheme of the whole leaf!

The field "completes" the former, lost form of the organism...
miracle effect

Head of the international research expedition to study anomalous phenomena "Khoper-96" G. M. Silanov

Left - real image of the car, right - phantom

The image of a soldier captured on the banks of the Khoper River. The picture was taken half a century later!
Silanov discovered the miracle effect by accident, in 1992, when he was trying to improve his equipment for shooting UFOs.

After all, Genrikh Mikhailovich has been leading the Voronezh group of researchers of unidentified flying objects for many years ...

It was then that he saw how in some pictures, as if the ghosts of non-existent objects are superimposed on things visible to the naked eye. It looked like a photomontage, but it wasn't...

However, if you think carefully, then there is nothing particularly surprising here. Oddly enough, but we are not given to see the present! If we look at the stars at night, we see a picture of the sky that was thousands and millions of years ago, because the light from many stars comes to us for a very long time ...

Furthermore. Whatever object we look at, we still see it with a delay, because the light needs at least an insignificant, but still time, to get from the object to our eyes.
In his short story "The End of the World", the famous Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev describes the consequences of the speed of light slowing down to approximately one meter per minute.

From the little that Silanov told me and others about his retro shoots, one can understand the following. Photographic film is "sharper" than the human eye in the ultraviolet and infrared spectral ranges.

A lot of information inaccessible to us can be found in a narrow band of the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, near the lower limit of the visible range ...

The most important parts of a retro camera are a special lens and a plate, or film, where there is practically no gelatin layer that delays the passage of ultraviolet waves.

That's why the question about the lens arose. Everyone knows that window glass does not transmit ultraviolet light, so it is impossible to sunbathe in an apartment with ordinary glass in the windows. To purchase a tan at home, you need quartz glass.

An ordinary camera lens plays the role of a banal window pane; in the first, random "pictures of the past", only a small fraction of ultraviolet penetrated into the camera ... Realizing this, Silanov took up unusually painstaking work.

In coarse sand, he selected tiny crystals of quartz, then melted them and cast them into the shape of a very thin lens; finally, for a long time and carefully, according to the Newton method, manually polished it. As a result of this, truly ascetic work, a year later the “lens of time” was ready.

Genrikh Mikhailovich inserted it into the camera and took test shots from the threshold of his laboratory. It was then that a stunning shot appeared with a long-departed car ...

Bringing his equipment to the desired "condition", Silanov gathered enthusiasts and went on an expedition to the Khoper River, where he continued the experiments. One of the most successful photographs of that time can be called a photo where, against the background of a bush, the head of a soldier in a helmet from the period of the Great Patriotic War appears.

It was later established that the soldier's helmet was Czech. Further investigations showed that it was in these places that the Czechoslovak division of Ludwig Svoboda was formed ... more than fifty years ago! ..

But what is half a century! Where the Khoper flows, there was once a jungle similar to Indian or African. This was also proved by the Silanov apparatus ... It is interesting that, following a slightly different path, similar results were achieved by a Kazakh scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences L. S. Pritsker, as well as a researcher from the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow A. V. Karavaikin.

It was Pritzker who was the first to make a historical portrait “from life”. He photographed the phantom emperor Peter in St. Petersburg ... And the scientist has a lot of similar pictures. By the way, the republican prosecutor's office of Kazakhstan, conducting a targeted examination of his photographs, made an official conclusion about their authenticity. Some photos were taken with the use of a conventional Kyiv-30 camera.

It can be said that Karavaikin approached the “field memory phenomenon” from a completely different angle. Using the equipment he created - not only photographic - he successfully studied the so-called "traces of UFOs" in their landing sites, sometimes associated with very interesting anomalies.

The scientist managed to prove that time, as a physical category, has a different density in different areas of space ... and under certain conditions is able to store information! Were the images stored in the memory of the Universe captured by the cameras of Silanov and Pritzker?

When will the retro movie come out?!

The conclusion of the prosecutor's office of Kazakhstan on the authenticity of the photographs of L.S. Pritzker
It is difficult even to imagine what consequences the development of the method of retro photography can lead to.

The scope of application is huge - from the use of "photos of time" by forensic scientists to solve crimes to the restoration of the distant past of peoples, civilizations, those early periods of the Earth's existence that are inaccessible to paleontologists ...
But what if retro photography is followed by live, moving, and even sound retro cinema?!
There will be no "blank spots" in the past.

There will be a scientific revolution that will change the life and thinking of all mankind. And, given the current pace of progress, it may not be long to wait.
It becomes quite clear to the characters in the story that they see only the past; a world inhabited by the ghosts of people and objects, perhaps already in other places and states.

This assumption completely coincides with the teaching of the esotericists of the West and the East about the presence of certain chronicler spirits that register any event, or a subtle environment where everything that happens is forever imprinted (in Rudolf Steiner - "Akasha Chronicle").
There is a huge amount of documented evidence of mysterious visions that sometimes occur in mirrors. These messages are truly global in nature: they belong to the most diverse eras and cultures, and come from the most diverse continents. These reports come not only from ordinary people, but also from well-known and authoritative people: prominent political and public figures, scientists ... At the same time, visions in mirrors often tell about things that are completely real, confirmed, reliable.

Our ancestors also paid attention to the fact that mirrors made of different materials affect health in different ways. In front of some, a person’s strength was added, while others, on the contrary, acted depressingly, people in front of them felt bad. Hence the numerous folk signs and customs associated with mirrors.

Moreover, from time immemorial, mirrors of various origins and designs have been used for such exotic purposes as clairvoyance, divination, time travel, introvision (seeing the internal organs of a person), thanks to which shamans and healers made fairly accurate medical diagnoses and determined methods of treatment ... “Nature is full of innumerable reasons that have never been experienced. And although nature begins with causes and ends with experience, we need to go the opposite way, that is, start with experience and look for the cause with it.

Leonardo da Vinci

From time immemorial, highly reflective surfaces of natural origin were used as mirrors: water, oil, shiny resin, mercury, coal, volcanic glass (obsidian), polished stones and other natural “mirrors”. Later, mirrors of artificial origin were used: polished metal surfaces of various shapes and sizes, glass with amalgam. Special designs were also made from several mirrors, giving multiple reflections.

In addition to flat mirrors, concave surfaces were especially popular, allowing reflections to be focused. They can also be of natural and artificial origin: stones and rocks of a certain shape, polished metal vessels (bowls, ladles, etc. - especially filled with water), mirror rooms, rotating mirrors, etc. The fact that concave mirrors are capable of not only to saturate the space in front of you with additional energy, but also to “compress” or “stretch” time, they guessed for a long time. Modern experiments show the same. It is believed that such mirrors, more than others, have the ability to change the space-time continuum around them and introduce human consciousness into a special state.

Chronicles, memoirs of contemporaries and excavations of archaeologists tell about the so-called "psychomanteums" of Greek oracles, where people went to consult with the spirits of the dead.

According to modern researchers, these devices, which were large bronze cauldrons polished from the inside, could be an effective means of obtaining information from the subtle world.

A drawing of the octagonal "mirror room" by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) has been preserved.

We can only guess about the purpose of this mirror structure. What material the mirrors were made of is also unknown.

Most likely, these were polished metal surfaces, since flat glass mirrors of such dimensions were not yet able to be made in Leonardo's time.

Mirror De Vince

No less interesting is the so-called "Egg".

Michel Nostradamus.

Being inside this apparatus, the great seer performed his amazing travel in time and dictated impressions of what he saw to his secretary.

It was said that the clairvoyant received the secret of this design from several layers of different polished metals from the descendants of the secret order of the Templars ...

David Wilcock - The Vatican has a time machine.

If we combine these inventions with the invention of the Italian Luigi Ighina, and synchronize them according to Schumann's frequency, using not a quartz lens, but a pinhole, we will get a ready-made chronovisor, a time machine.
If you use this principle in radio astronomy when observing celestial bodies, then you can get a lot of discoveries.