Why are phones not allowed on planes? Are the phone and the plane compatible: when is it allowed to use a mobile phone during the flight

During air travel, many passengers are faced with a ban on the use of mobile gadgets, and sometimes devices are required to be left in the luggage compartment. Such rules cause dissatisfaction among passengers and a lot of questions, because almost no company explains the reasons for its appearance. So is it still possible to use the phone on the plane, and what are the restrictions on mobile communications and the Internet?

Reasons for the phone ban

It is believed that mobile phones can interfere with aircraft navigation and radio systems, especially precision approach systems and ultra-high frequency stations.

Previously, it was believed that mobile communication interferes with the operation of aircraft devices, but scientists and just inquisitive passengers have empirically proven that it is absolutely safe for electronics. But even after the results of the experiments were made public, many carriers left the ban on the use of gadgets in force. Experts explain the limitation by a number of factors that can provoke inconvenience and trouble for the crew and passengers.

  1. Reinsurance against interference. Despite the evidence that mobile gadgets do not interfere with on-board electronics, airlines are trying to protect the equipment that people depend on as much as possible. This decision is explained by the fact that even if 1-2 phones do not interfere with the operation of the devices, then 100 simultaneously turned on devices can create certain difficulties.
  2. Eliminate distraction. The takeoff and landing of the liner, and especially non-standard situations on board, require complete composure and precise execution of the flight attendant's commands. In emergency cases, even one delayed passenger, distracted by a conversation or social networks, can cause serious trouble for himself and his neighbors.
  3. Avoiding conflicts. Some of the passengers may be annoyed by a fellow traveler who endlessly talks on the phone or takes selfies, which ultimately leads to unnecessary disputes, quarrels with an unpredictable ending.
  4. Passenger safety. During turbulence, bulky smartphones and tablets with large screens can turn into traumatic objects.
  5. economic factor. Some airliners have paid Wi-Fi on board, so the ban on the use of mobile networks is often explained by the desire to earn additional income.

Most major airlines have opted for the alternative. They ask passengers to put their phones into a special “Flight” mode or turn them off during takeoff and landing, and the rest of the time, gadgets can be used without restrictions.

Does the network catch on board

Mobile communication on board is an expensive pleasure for both telecom operators and passengers

The availability and quality of the telephone network on board aircraft depends on the country, the airline and the specific operator. The signal from conventional mobile towers is not available at high altitude, so the liners are equipped with special base stations (picocells). For signal transmission, they use satellite channels, and a significant drawback of such equipment is its high cost.

In order for subscribers to gain access to mobile networks, the operator must enter into a special agreement with the service provider. Accordingly, calls from an aircraft are made at the price of international roaming and cost a round sum. Therefore, passengers use the service in rare cases, equipment costs do not pay off, and many airlines (including Aeroflot) simply refuse it.

Is it possible to charge the gadget on board

Not all models of domestic aircraft are equipped with sockets and USB connectors, which is why it is recommended to charge the phone before flying at the airport

The ability to charge a mobile gadget on board an aircraft depends on the aircraft class:

  • business class lounges are equipped not only with sockets, but also with USB connectors, which are installed near each seat;
  • when flying in economy class, you need to clarify this issue even before landing - modern air carriers are trying to increase the comfort of passengers, but sockets are often absent in older models.

But when traveling on low-cost flights, it’s better to take care of charging your phone in advance - such companies save on absolutely everything, so many useful services are not available on board.

How many phones can you take on a plane

In order not to get into a difficult situation when transporting several mobile phones, it is necessary to study the customs rules of the airline

To find out how many gadgets you can take on board, you need to check the customs regulations of the country where the traveler enters. If phones, tablets or other devices are for personal use and not packed in boxes, then even 2-3 units usually do not raise questions. But 10 new identical models of gadgets in factory packaging can create trouble - the passenger will have to prove the absence of commercial interest, which will be extremely difficult.

Rules for using the gadget in different airlines

The phone is asked to turn off the phone during takeoff and landing so that passengers are not distracted and can respond to an emergency

Each airline has its own rules for the use of mobile gadgets on the plane, which is better to read in advance. The requirements of all Russian carriers are almost the same.

Aeroflot and Pobeda

Aeroflot and Pobeda are asking passengers to turn off mobile phones on the plane or switch them to special modes (Flight, Autonomous). It is strictly forbidden to use gadgets with an activated data transfer function, including Bluetooth. If the ship's commander suspects that the devices are interfering with on-board equipment, he may request that all devices be turned off, with the exception of pacemakers and hearing aids. Some domestic liners have a Wi-fi service, but you can use it only when the “Turn off phones” sign is off.

S7 Airlines

Starting from 2016, S7 Airlines has allowed passengers to use mobile gadgets if they are switched to the special flight mode. The restriction on larger equipment (laptops) continues to apply during takeoff and landing, and the rest of the time it can be used with the data function turned off.


On Nordwind flights, it is allowed to use mobile gadgets switched to "Autonomous" or "Airplane Mode" at all stages of air travel. During landing and flight, you can work on netbooks and laptops with Wi-Fi / Bluetooth turned off. All devices that do not have special modes that block data transfer, as well as wireless headphones, are prohibited. If the ship is equipped with a sign that reads "Turn off phones", use of the devices is allowed only when it is not active.

During the flight, the passenger is obliged to strictly follow the rules established by a particular airline. It is not recommended to enter into conflict with the crew, as disputes will not give any result. In addition, as a punishment for violating security, the disputer will be fined or removed from the plane without compensation for the cost of the ticket.

One of the technical safety rules that causes the most questions is the request to turn off your mobile phone while flying on an airplane. Many people ignore this request, but do it thoughtlessly.

The phone turned on on board is actually useless and not particularly dangerous. But during takeoff and landing, he is asked to turn it off to eliminate the slightest risk of failure of electronic systems. The probability of occurrence is almost zero:

At an altitude of about 3 km, phones will lose the signal from ground stations and begin to actively search for it. If the devices of all passengers on board are turned on, then this may affect the operation of highly sensitive aviation instruments.


  • no one will get through to you anyway (why keep it on and drain the battery?)
  • when the "flight mode" is on, all functions remain available (except for calls and the Internet)
  • due to theoretically possible interference, the pilot may not hear an important message from the controller
  • in a hard landing, things flying around the cabin can cause injury to others. Therefore, tablets and laptops are asked to be removed.

What threatens disobedience to the violator

Disobedience to turn off the phone is not mandatory and is usually not checked. But in theory, for violations of safety rules, airlines can:

  • to prohibit movement on the aircraft;
  • withdraw from the flight;
  • cancel the ticket;
  • recover in court a fine for the delay in departure and the damage caused by this circumstance;

In some countries, they can simply take away the gadget for the duration of the flight.

Often, an extremely effective measure of restraint is chosen - the offending passenger falls into the "black lists" of air carriers, and is unable to purchase plane tickets for several years.

And if your switched on phone has caused losses for the airline, you may well be brought to civil or administrative liability.

Remember that if there is a threat of a crash, the violator may also be subject to criminal liability.

Of course, over time, the risks from the use of electronic devices on board are constantly decreasing, but passengers should strictly adhere to the rules of the airline they use.

Seasoned travelers who have flown multiple times know that certain restrictions can apply to the use of mobile phones on an airplane. However, numerous studies on this subject give the most uncertain results. Let's find out if you can use the phone on the plane?

Etiology of prohibition

Why do passengers wonder if they can use their mobile on an airplane? What is the reason for such an unusual ban?

The aircraft is an extremely complex system. A whole mass of communication and navigation devices is concentrated on board, which operate at different frequencies. With the introduction of the first mobile phones into wide operation, it became necessary to study their impact on aircraft equipment. Since the issue presented was poorly studied at first, the airlines decided to play it safe by prohibiting the inclusion of such devices on board.

Cell phones have been present in the modern technology market for several decades. Since their inception, the equipment that is installed on board aircraft has undergone significant changes. And if earlier the radio waves that reproduced the first mobile phones could potentially cause malfunctions in the operation of navigation systems, today this is almost impossible.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, major airlines are still conducting research on whether telephones and other electronic devices can be used on aircraft. Such tests are aimed at identifying interference that various technologies can produce.

Why do individual airlines still continue to impose bans on the use of mobile phones on board? There are several reasons for this, which we will discuss later in the material.

Forced reinsurance

Almost every week, new types of mobile devices appear on the market, which are equipped with additional, previously unknown functionality. All this leads to a change in the protocols and standards for the operation of such devices. Therefore, their impact on aircraft equipment requires additional, thorough research. With regular changes, airlines are resorting to reinsurance in case of interference with the functioning of aircraft equipment under the influence of new microwaves emitted by portable devices used by passengers.


Rules for the use of mobile phones during flight are made by airlines, as users must remain vigilant on board. This may be required in case of unforeseen circumstances during landing or takeoff. It is extremely difficult to get passengers to understand information about the behavior on board when the majority of them are fascinated by the images that unfold on the screen of personal devices.

Comfort Requirements

Airlines try to provide passengers with complete comfort during the flight. If some people calmly endure being several thousand kilometers above the ground, others behave nervously. Therefore, in order not to panic, they need a calm environment.

It is extremely difficult to provide it when people around you are talking on cell phones everywhere. Therefore, in order not to create a nervous environment for certain categories of passengers, owners of electronic devices should once again consider whether it is possible to use the phone on an airplane.

Getting additional income

Some passengers believe that airlines are forcing people to wonder if they can use their phones on the plane because they want to earn extra money. And in fact, setting restrictions on Internet access from mobile devices and conversations forces people to turn to paid communication services provided by flight attendants. Therefore, this option has the right to life.

Passenger safety

Establishing rules regarding whether a telephone can be used on board an aircraft is driven in part by the need to ensure safe travel for each individual passenger. Some airlines insist not only on refusing to carry out negotiations on board, but even forcing people to hide portable devices after takeoff. The reason lies in the risk of injury to yourself and others with active body movements while playing games, falling out of the device from your hands, nervous behavior during conversations.

The practical side of the issue

So can you use your phone on an airplane? Officially, mobile devices are allowed to operate on board aircraft. Similar bans were lifted by world airlines back in 2014. However, in reality, employees of individual companies that provide flights have the right to independently form rules that impose certain restrictions on the actions of passengers on board.

Given the official permission to use mobile devices in aircraft, the majority of airlines decided to find their golden mean regarding this issue. Therefore, when boarding a flight, you can often hear explanations from flight attendants regarding whether it is possible to use a cell phone on an airplane and what restrictions are imposed on such behavior.

What do pilots think about this issue?

Is it possible to use the phone on the plane according to the pilots? According to on-board workers who are at the helm of aviation transport, it is not worth using portable devices during takeoff. In particular, it is not recommended to use built-in cameras with flash during the acceleration of the aircraft along the runway. Flashes from windows can raise the suspicion of existing breakdowns or become a distraction for pilots who will be forced to make emergency braking.


So we found out whether it is possible to use a mobile phone on an airplane. As you can see, each airline has its own opinion on this matter, forming the appropriate rules for the behavior of passengers. Be that as it may, if flight attendants ask you to turn off or hide a portable device - in order to avoid trouble, it is better to silently follow the advice.

Almost every passenger who uses the services of air carriers has a mobile phone. However, there is a lot of controversy associated with this gadget regarding whether it is possible to use the phone on airplanes. All airlines, without exception, ask passengers to turn off their mobile phones during takeoff and landing, or at least switch them to airplane mode. Let's consider what this is connected with and what the use of a mobile phone on board is fraught with.

Why do airlines ban phone use?

There are several good reasons why you should turn off your phone on airplanes. The ban exists for a reason:

  1. In the modern market of mobile gadgets, there are a lot of old and new models. This range is constantly updated with new products with all kinds of built-in functions that change the protocols and standards of this equipment. No one can accurately predict how a mobile phone will affect aircraft equipment. Of course, all new gadgets that enter the market are carefully studied, but this market is crowded, so it is simply impossible to keep track of all the new products without error.
  2. The second factor is to ensure the safety of passengers. When the plane enters the turbulence zone, shaking begins, due to which the gadget can fall out of the hands and fall on another passenger. Also, if a passenger is talking on the phone while shaking, the connection may be interrupted, causing the person they were talking to to believe that something has happened to the plane.
  3. It is important that passengers are as focused as possible on the words of flight attendants. It is difficult to convey something to a person who is passionate about a smartphone. This is especially true in emergency cases.
  4. Some people are terrified of flying. Flight attendants understand this, so they try to create the most comfortable conditions for all those present. It is almost impossible to do this if sounds from smartphones or phone calls are heard from all sides.

At the legislative level, no one can prohibit passengers from using phones during the flight. But flight attendants may demand that they be turned off, in which case it is better to fulfill their conditions. There were situations when passengers who did not want to comply with the requirements were simply removed from the flight.

In theory, if the rules of the airline stipulate a ban on the use of the telephone, and the passenger violated it, the representatives of the organization have the right to cancel his ticket and collect a fine, the amount of which is indicated in the fares.

If the passenger refused to remove or turn off the gadget, which led to the threat of a crash or other emergency, they have the right to be held criminally liable.

The ability to use the gadget depends on the rules of the airline

How do airlines treat phones on board now?

Today it is no longer necessary to turn off the phone during the flight. Every smartphone has an airplane mode - it is enough to turn it on during each trip so that the phone does not pose a danger to those around you. However, only American and European airlines are distinguished by such loyalty.

As for Russian carriers, most of them strictly require the phone to be turned off during takeoff and landing. You can turn on the gadget only after climbing 3000 meters and then in airplane mode.

Are there any restrictions on the model or design of the device?

In general, there are no restrictions on models and designs of smartphones. With what they let you on a plane is not so important, the main thing is that it has an airplane mode, which is now available in almost all smartphones. But there is one exception.

Recently, some airlines do not allow owners of Galaxy Note 7 smartphones from the South Korean developer Samsung to fly. This happens for a reason, since there have been repeated cases of spontaneous combustion of the device while it is charging.

Once a situation arose when such spontaneous combustion occurred on board the liner. Of course, the plane was successfully landed, and none of the passengers were injured, however, the entire cabin was covered with smoke, and people were very scared.

Of course, when the phone is switched off, there is no danger, but airlines prefer to play it safe, since no one can hope for the responsibility of passengers.

No one will forbid you to travel, but you will not be allowed to take your phone into the salon. It will have to be handed over in the off state to the luggage compartment or cancel the flight.

Only one smartphone model is strictly prohibited

Is it possible to call and connect to the Internet: how much does it cost

You still won’t be able to make calls on board the aircraft - when the liner gains altitude, the phone will lose signal from ground towers. You can't call anyone, and no one can call you either. But you can still talk on the phone: through instant messengers and social networks connected via Wi-Fi. In addition, some airlines enter into contracts with mobile operators, giving passengers the opportunity to make calls on the plane. But these are rather exceptions to the rule.

As for connecting via Wi-Fi, many airlines provide this service, but it is paid. Its cost depends on the tariff and the selected carrier. It is worth noting that for the most part, connecting to the Internet during the flight costs a lot of money: from 1000 rubles to 100 dollars or more.

Why you need airplane mode

Airplane mode is a useful feature that allows you to keep your phone on during a flight. It blocks the ability to make and receive calls, access the Internet, use the radio and wireless technologies.

Airplane mode also saves battery life. With this feature, the life of both passengers and flight attendants is greatly facilitated.

Charging is available on most aircraft

Can you charge your phone on an airplane

As for airport buildings, you can charge your mobile phone in them almost at every turn - there are sockets and cable connectors everywhere. There must also be connectors on board the aircraft, but this depends on the characteristics of the airline. In business class, charging your phone is easy, as every seat there is equipped with a socket.

It is also possible to recharge the gadget in the economy class, but it is possible that a queue will line up for one connector. Check with the air carrier in advance how things are with recharging in the cabin.

Thus, the use of a telephone on board an aircraft is a controversial thing. Almost all airlines allow you to do this after the aircraft has climbed, some do not prohibit it even during takeoff and landing. Check with your air carrier in advance about the rules regarding mobile phones during the flight.