Detailed information about the company Yaroslavl river port. Yaroslavl river port Yaroslavl river port

zone. Coniferous trees form the basis of plant life. This zone is also characterized by swamps that cover mainland Canada and northern Siberia. Taiga is the largest landscape zone in Russia. Its width in the European part reaches 800 kilometers, and in Western and Eastern Siberia - 2150 kilometers. The taiga zones of Russia began to form even before the onset of glaciers. In Europe, taiga forests occupy almost the entire Scandinavian Peninsula and Finland. In Russia, the southern border of the taiga runs approximately through: Pskov, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Chita, Komsomolsk-on-Amur and the middle Sikhote-Alin in the Far East, where it is replaced by mixed forests. Most of Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, mountain ranges northern and middle Urals, Altai, Sayan, Baikal, northern Sikhote-Alin, northern Greater Khingan are covered with taiga forests. The taiga is divided (in the direction from south to north) into three subzones according to the nature of vegetation: southern, middle and northern. In the northern taiga, undersized and sparse spruces and pines dominate; in the middle taiga, mainly blueberry spruce forests grow. The vegetation of the southern taiga is much more diverse. The extreme southern border of the taiga is located on the 42nd parallel (the northern part of the island of Hokkaido in Japan), the extreme northern border is up to the 72nd parallel (Taimyr). In terms of latitudinal extent, this is one of the most extended climatic zones in the world. Flora Pinega forest The taiga is characterized by the absence or weak development of undergrowth (since there is little light in the forest), as well as the monotony of the grass-shrub layer and moss cover (green mosses). Types of shrubs (juniper, honeysuckle, currant, etc.), shrubs (blueberries, lingonberries, etc.) and herbs (oxalis, wintergreen) are not numerous both in Eurasia and in North America. The taiga of the Urals is characterized by light coniferous forests of pine, a rare larch taiga with an undergrowth of dwarf pine, Daurian rhododendron and other plants. Fauna Animal world taiga is richer and more diverse than tundra. The lynx, wolverine, chipmunk, sable, squirrel, etc. are numerous and widespread. Of the ungulates, there are reindeer and red deer, elk, and roe deer; hares, shrews, rodents are numerous: mice, voles, squirrels and flying squirrels. Of the birds, capercaillie, common hazel grouse, nutcracker, crossbills, etc. are common. For the taiga of North America, American species of the same genera are typical as in Eurasia. In the taiga forest, in comparison with the forest-tundra, the conditions for the life of animals are more favorable. There are more settled animals here. Nowhere in the world, except for the taiga, there are so many fur-bearing animals. In winter, the vast majority of invertebrate species, all amphibians and reptiles, as well as some mammalian species, plunge into suspended animation and hibernation, and the activity of a number of other animals decreases. Types of taiga According to the species composition, light coniferous (Scotch pine, some American pine species, Siberian and Dahurian larch) and more characteristic and widespread dark coniferous taiga (spruce, fir, stone pine, Korean cedar) are distinguished. Tree species can form pure (spruce, larch) and mixed (spruce-fir) forest stands. The soil is usually sod-podzolic. Humidity is sufficient. Humus content - 1-6%. Protection of the taiga The taiga of Eurasia, mainly the massifs of the Siberian taiga, is called the green “lungs” of the planet (by analogy with the South American hylaea), since the oxygen and carbon balance of the surface layer of the atmosphere depends on the state of these forests. To protect and study the typical and unique natural landscapes of the taiga in North America and Eurasia, a number of reserves and national parks have been created, including Wood Buffalo, Barguzinsky Reserve, etc. Industrial timber reserves are concentrated in the taiga, large deposits of minerals (coal , oil, gas, etc.) The traditional occupations of the population are hunting for fur-bearing animals, collecting medicinal raw materials, wild fruits, nuts, berries and mushrooms, fishing, forestry (oil extraction and processing), cattle breeding. Taiga in culture Master of the taiga Border. Taiga novel Sibiriad Piranha hunting (film) Taiga. Survival course (TV series) Ringing Cedars of Russia (book series) Efrosinya (TV series) The End of the Emperor of the Taiga (film) Song by A. Pakhmutova, S. Grebennikov and N. Dobronravov “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart” (1962) Song “Taiga” band Pilot Song "Brennende Taiga" by Dschinghis Khan

Yaroslavsky River port.

The river port in Yaroslavl was created after the Second World War on the basis of the Yaroslavl pier, founded since the 13th century. Developing production capacities, the port from year to year increased its cargo turnover and expanded the range of processed cargo. Today JSC "Yaroslavl River Port" meets all the requirements of a modern developed transport company.

Main activities

  • Freight and Passenger Transportation
  • Loading and unloading works
  • Extraction and sale of sand, crushed stone, PGS
  • Comprehensive fleet maintenance
  • Internautical maintenance and repair of the fleet
  • "Special berth" services
  • Rental of warehouse space and territory
  • Tool making


The port has:

  • towing fleet with a capacity of 300–1340 hp;
  • non-self-propelled fleet;
  • floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 5-16 tons;
  • passenger fleet - motor ships of the "Moscow" type;
  • complex for passenger service;
  • portal cranes with a lifting capacity of 16 tons, modern high-performance handling equipment and special gripping devices for various cargoes;
  • open and closed warehouses with convenient access roads;
  • a complex for ship repair - workshops, a dry floating dock (dock-caisson), a repair base.

Although the regular transport connection along the Volga was established in the second half of the 19th century, river stations on the shore began to be built only in Soviet times, and before that their functions were performed by floating and stationary landing stages. In Yaroslavl, a moored landing stage for boarding and disembarking passengers existed until the mid-1970s.

The first stage of the river station with a pier was commissioned in 1976.

As conceived by the architect, the clock tower-lighthouse with an external staircase in the form of a serpentine and a dial in the form of the sun became the dominant feature. The clock stopped in the early 1990s, even the hands are gone now.

The layout of the building is designed in such a way as not to obscure the view of the embankment from the side of the river and to preserve the unified concept of the historical development of this area. The foundation was laid on an alluvial area created with the help of dredgers.

The complex, designed in the urban planning traditions of the USSR, included a spacious lobby with cash desks for suburban areas and long distance, information desk, waiting room, cafe, cinema for 400 spectators, telegraph, hotel, hairdresser and medical center. Also, premises for official use were provided: a post office, a control room for a transit passenger fleet, and a police station.

The second stage of the Yaroslavl River Station was solemnly put into operation on November 5, 1984, timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the October Revolution. The building houses a restaurant for 200 seats with an open terrace, a cafe designed to serve 100 customers at the same time, and 2 banquet halls for 70 and 30 seats. Visitors could get into the restaurant complex not only from the lower, but also from the upper part of the embankment - via a specially built bridge.

In the 1990s, the terminal was closed due to unprofitability and has not been used for its intended purpose since then. The premises are leased to offices, shops, showrooms and car dealerships.

So observation deck The river station offers a beautiful view of the embankment, the Volga and the Imperial Bridge built in 1913, which was visited by Tsar Nicholas II.

The restaurant and banquet complex "Volga" serves residents and guests of the city, including organized tourist groups. On the roof of the building there is a restaurant "Vanilla Sky" with a summer terrace, sun loungers and tents. Equipped with a spacious children's corner with a miniature pool and a coating that imitates a green lawn.

Currently, regular and recreational transportation along the Volga River in Yaroslavl and the region is carried out by Yaroslavl River Port OJSC. The company operates a fleet of 5 Moskva-type vessels that operate on the Volga from Yaroslavl, as well as one SP-44 ferry vessel operating in the city of Tutaev. Water transport runs only during the warm season. The navigation season lasts from April to October, the start and end dates of navigation depend on weather conditions.

Prices and timetable of the river station in Yaroslavl in 2019

The cost of a ticket for the motor ship "Moscow" from the River Station:

  • to Tolga or Vakarevo: for adults - 32 rubles, for children from 5 to 10 years old - 16 rubles.
  • to Konstantinovo: for adults - 100 rubles, for children - 50 rubles.
  • to New Chentsy: for adults - 97 rubles, for children - 48.50 rubles.

The passenger has the right to carry with him free of charge hand luggage(easily portable things up to 1.8 m long and weighing no more than 36 kg).

Tickets can only be purchased at the box office of the ships.

Starting from the beginning of May, excursion ships depart from the pier 4 times a day, passing by the Strelka and the Tolgsky Convent. Duration river walk- an hour and a half. Departure at 11:30, 13:30, 15:30 and 17:30. Excursion walks are organized by motor ships Moscow-208 and Moscow-182.

  • The price of an adult ticket for the motor ship Moscow-208 is 350 rubles, a child ticket is 100 rubles, children under 5 years old are free of charge.
  • The price of an adult ticket for the motor ship Moscow-182 is 200 rubles, a child ticket is 50 rubles, children under 5 years old are free of charge.

Since Yaroslavl is part of the Golden Ring, all cruise ships with tourists, without exception, moor in the city for a long stop. For guests from abroad traveling on the route from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl is also included in the list of places to visit.

How to get there

From railway station Yaroslavl-Glavny walk fixed-route taxis No. 99 and trolleybus No. 1. You need to get off at the Red Square stop, and then go down to the pier (600 m).

From the railway station Yaroslavl-Moskovsky and the nearby bus station, you can take trolleybus number 9 and minibus number 91.

Walk 15-20 minutes from Strelka. leisurely step.

For quick and comfortable movement around the city, you can use mobile applications Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Maxim, Gett, TaxSee, as well as the local online service Yar-taxi.