Pvlk rzhd work schedule. Exhibition train Russian Railways (PVLK)

7,700 people visited the mobile exhibition and lecture complex of Russian Railways in Orenburg region November 3rd to 7th.

In early November, a mobile exhibition and lecture complex (PVLK) of Russian Railways operated on the South Ural Railway. The unique train, created by Russian Railways to demonstrate domestic innovative achievements and technologies, visited the stations of Buzuluk, Orenburg, Orsk. During this time, the mobile exposition was visited by 7,700 people.

The train was in Orenburg on November 4 and 5. Students of the Orenburg College of Railway Transport and the Orenburg Medical College visited the exhibition, listened with interest to the story of the guide.

The mobile complex includes 12 cars, including 9 exhibition cars, each of which presents thematic expositions dedicated to the history of the formation and development of Russian railways, demonstrating modern railway projects and technologies in the field of innovative development, transportation process management, energy saving and energy efficiency, youth and personnel policy. Also, the complex presents a variety of models of modern rolling stock, infrastructure facilities and others.

The PVLK exposition is updated annually. This time, it includes a carriage dedicated to the Year of Ecology. There are mock-ups of equipment that allow you to control the state of the environment, on the information stands you can see a list of reserves through which the railways pass. Also in 2017, the 80th anniversary of the formation of the audit apparatus in railway transport is celebrated, in connection with which the complex focuses on train safety technologies.

Students of the Orenburg Institute of Communications are getting ready for the “It's great to be young” forum, which will be held in early December and this year will be dedicated to environmental problems.

On May 24, 2015, a mobile exhibition and lecture complex (PVLK) of JSC Russian Railways arrived in Gomel. Here he will stay for 2 days. An exhibition dedicated to railway transport was organized inside special cars. In 2015, the train route was laid along the railways of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. A detailed schedule of the PVLC is published on the website www.rzd-expo.ru.

About the fact that this train will arrive in Gomel, I found out quite by accident from Twitter. I searched on the Internet, but did not find any details about how to get on the tour. Assuming that trains usually stop at stations, I went to look for this exhibition train there. I walked along the platform, saw a bunch of different trains, except for the one that I needed. I had to contact the information desk, where they told me that the PVLK was standing near the railway crossing in the area of ​​​​ul. Chongar division. It's already good, half the work is done, I went there :)

Composition noticed from afar. He came up and greeted the tour guide. The exhibition is open from 9:00 to 18:00, a break from 13:00 to 14:00. Free admission. The tour starts from the first carriage and then moves along the carriages to the end of the train. Everything in the cars is very technologically advanced, even the doors are opened with special buttons.

Car "Conferences and lectures"

The first carriage from which the inspection of the PVLK begins is called "Conferences and Lectures". Here I took a free seat in the front row and waited a bit until a group of people wishing to participate in the tour gathered.

The car has interesting lighting that constantly changes color. There is a big TV on the wall. And on the ceiling is an interactive starry sky.

People gathered, the tour began.

A short film-presentation about JSC "Russian Railways".

Let's go to the second car...

Car "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War"

The second car is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War and the role of the railway in it.

At the beginning of the car, a model of a heating car from the times of the Great Patriotic War was created, which was used to transport troops.

According to the guide, all things here are original. During the creation of this composition, only the lid of the teapot from that time could not be found.

While the guide was talking about the events of those days, a train was driving along the rails, explosions were thundering, planes were buzzing. Interesting and informative.

Steam locomotive E y with ambulances.

Hook-type track destroyer.

They honored the memory of the fallen with a moment of silence.

Car "Innovative development of Russian Railways"

In this car, we got acquainted with the history of the development of Russian railway transport from 1837 to the present.

Railway paraphernalia of the head of the station of the late XIX - early XX century.

High-speed electric train "Sapsan".

High-speed electric train "Allegro".

High-speed electric train "Lastochka".

Car "Rolling stock of Russian Railways"

Here are collected large-scale models of modern locomotives, wagons, track and other railway equipment.

SUPDK "Sever" (top) and dual-fed electric locomotive EP20 (bottom).

DC electric locomotive 2ES6 "Sinara".

All layouts are very well made.

DC electric locomotive 2ES10 "Granit".

Wagon "Railway Infrastructure"

In the car there are working models-panoramas, railway stations, crossings, traction substations and other infrastructure facilities. For example, the Vostochny cosmodrome.

A little more space...

Combat railway missile system "Molodets".

Car "Energy saving, energy efficiency and environmental safety"

The exposition of the car is dedicated to instruments and devices that ensure the use of energy-saving technologies.

Solar lighting system "Solartube".

The system of solar modules of the station in Anapa, providing the station with 100% electricity during the daytime.

Gas piston diesel locomotive TEM19.

Car "Automation, telemechanics and communication. Transportation process management»

Here you can feel the complexity of the process of organizing and managing transportation.

Another job...

Very cool!

Car "Youth and personnel policy of Russian Railways". Training complexes»

This car has several simulators. Expanse for children :)

However, this is not only interesting for children. Adults are also not averse to driving a virtual KamAZ :)

Training complex for an electric locomotive driver.

Another little machinist takes his place :)

Car “Nanotechnologies. OJSC RUSNANO

The last car presents the products of more than 20 Russian enterprises - both RUSNANO projects and independent companies.

At the end of the tour, visitors could leave their thanks and wishes in the guest book.

I really liked the exhibition. Glad I was able to get here. Against the backdrop of the dull Tibo’2015, which I didn’t even upload photos of, it was really interesting here. It is bad that information about the arrival of this train was very scarce. I am sure that many do not even suspect that this train has arrived in Gomel.

On January 29, a mobile exhibition and lecture complex arrived at the Kirov-Passenger station.
The train expositions demonstrate the results of cooperation with world leaders in the field of locomotive building, high-speed traffic, nanotechnological solutions used in railway transport.

The exhibition train runs regularly throughout the entire Russian railway network, and its exposition is constantly updated, demonstrating the latest solutions used in the ongoing deep modernization of Russian railways.
I learned about the arrival of the exhibition train a week and a half in advance. I fit in on time and therefore went there in the late afternoon with my friends who are also passionate about by rail

Here they showed a video about the prospect of building high-speed railway lines in Russia
We go to the second car

It's much more interesting here. It is dedicated to the theme of the railways of the USSR

But the most unique exhibit was the model of the Vitebsk station in 1944. Shown here is the station during the German occupation

Then we were told about the Vitebsk station and the city. It was interesting and informative. And we're moving on
The third carriage presents models of high-speed electric trains that are operated on our roads

Electric train SM6 "Allegro" (used on the route St. Petersburg-Helsinki, Finland). Alas, the train itself is not assigned to us ...

ES1 "Lastochka" It is used on many suburban and interregional lines in different regions of the country, starting from Leningrad and up to Sverdlovsk region. Modified ES2G electric trains operate on direct current sections, which are single-system, unlike their predecessor

EVS1 "Sapsan". Used between our two capitals
4 wagon

EP20 double-fed electric locomotive
Then came DC electric locomotives


2ES6 "Sinara"

2ES10 "Granite"

Rail bus RA2

Gas turbine locomotive GТh1. One of the most powerful locomotives in the world. Today he works in the Sverdlovsk region. In the future, it is planned to use them on the direction of Novy Urengoy-Surgut-Voynovka (Tyumen) for the development of heavy traffic on autonomous traction

wagons high-speed train Talgo "Swift". Now Talgo is working on the Moscow-Nizhny-Novgorod route instead of the above-mentioned Sapsan. Strizh flight to Berlin is planned today
Fifth car

Ecological diesel locomotives were presented here. I photographed only Chmukha
Sixth car

Here I photographed different railroad maps
The seventh car passed quickly only paying attention to the simulator of the EP1M electric locomotive
The penultimate eighth car aroused the greatest interest
The control simulators of the electric train ES1 "Lastochka" are located there.

There is an opportunity to feel like a driver on the Adler-Alpinka Service section, Krasnodar Territory, North Caucasus Highway
The only jamb is that the direct current contact network is visible on the screen, but in fact the site is electrified by alternating current

Speedometer "Swallows"
And then the EP1M AC electric locomotive simulator

Pokatushki across the expanses of the Irkutsk region to the Slyudyanka station of the East Siberian Railway

EPshki remote control
The three of us took turns running the epshka. Here in the eighth car it was more interesting than everyone
let's leave the car for a while

The last ninth car is represented by various nano-developments. We were here for a short time, and then returned to the previous ones, where we again managed to control the simulators while there were no people

At the end they wrote a review about PVLK

The tour was interesting and informative.
Today, on the 30th, the train will be with us all day, and tomorrow it will go to the Zuevka station, and after it to Izheevsk, and from there to the Southern passage of the Gorky road.
Thanks to all 31.12.2015 |11:38

Northern Suburban Passenger Company announces schedule changes due to the operation of the mobile exhibition complex

JSC "SPKK" informs that for technical reasons the schedule is partially changed suburban train No. 6009 Yaroslavl-Glavny - Alexandrov, departure from Yaroslavl-Glavny on January 9, 2016. The train will run to Shushkovo station according to the current schedule, then:

Shushkovo 18.16 - 18.17;

sq. 147 km 18.22 - 18.23;

Berendeevo 18.26 - 18.27;

sq. 142 km 18.30 - 18.31;

about. Bagrimovo settlement 18.35 - 18.36;

Also, in connection with the work of the mobile exhibition and lecture complex of Russian Railways (PVLK) on January 7, 8 and 9, 2016, the schedule of the commuter train 6284 Yuryev-Polsky - Ivanovo departs from Yuryev-Polsky station at 4:57. On these days, the train will follow the current schedule to Pelgusovo station, then Tekstilny - 7:13 - 7:25 (instead of 7:13 - 7:15). The train will arrive at Ivanovo station at 7:35 (instead of 7:25).

On January 12, the timetable of suburban train No. 6326 Danilov - Bui is changed, departing from Danilov station at 18:29. The train will follow the current schedule to about. 438 km, then Korega 20:39 - 21:18 (instead of 20:39 - 20:41) and arrive at Bui station at 21:27 (instead of 20:50).

All detailed information You can find out about changes in the timetable, as well as appointments and cancellations of trains at the Unified Information and Service Center of JSC Russian Railways by calling 8-800-775-00-00 (round the clock, the call is free for all regions of Russia), as well as at stands located at train stations and stations.

The organization of transport services for the population by suburban rail transport is the responsibility of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is they who determine the volume of suburban traffic in the region: they order the required number of trains and wagons and set the tariff for the population, which, as a rule, is lower than the economically justified tariff, while they are obliged to compensate the carrier's losses in full.