Entertainment nc marine. Sea party for adults: dive into the abyss of fun! Construction of sand structures

Program content: the formation of moral and patriotic feelings (interest in military service, respect for the military profession) through the form of active recreation; moral and volitional qualities: purposefulness, courage, endurance, organization, independence, perseverance in achieving results, respect for rivals in the competition, goodwill, responsiveness, the ability to sympathize.


  • Preserve and strengthen the health of children (areas - "Health", "Physical culture", "Safety")
  • Improve physical qualities through team outdoor games (areas - "Physical Culture", "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety")
  • Expand ideas about the Russian Army; to consolidate knowledge about different types of troops (navy, airborne assault, coast guard troops, marines and marines, etc.) (areas - "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization")
  • To form gender representations: for boys, the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Fatherland, for girls, respect for boys as future defenders. (areas - "Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition")

Holiday progress:

Slide song - "My Army"

Presenter 1:
The date has a special meaning
Sons of the brave birthday!
All the Russian people on this date,
Sends greetings to the sailor and the soldier!

Host 2: Guys! Today we celebrate the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every citizen of Russia has a sacred duty to protect his native state, to ensure peace and tranquility for his compatriots with all his might. Therefore, he also has the honorable right to be called the Defender of the Fatherland. Always at all times, the Russian army enjoyed well-deserved respect and glory!

Presenter 1: We invite the national teams of D / s No. 17 and 20 to go on a sea, training and military voyage. It is dedicated to a significant event - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The task is important and responsible. Bold, courageous, sports teams arrived at the training camp. Meet them! Teams line up on deck!

To the music, the teams perform rebuilding, pass a circle along the “deck”, line up in 2 lines, near the benches.

Presenter 2: The right to raise the flag is granted to our captains, two ships: "Brave" - ​​and "Brave" - ​​Teams at attention!

Alignment with the flag! - raising the flag to the anthem of the Russian Federation. Ship crews at ease!

Presenter 1: At our holiday there is a jury that will evaluate your victories and award you a steering wheel point for winning relay races.

Victory is on the shoulder of the brave,
A great success awaits
Who, without flinching, if necessary, will join the battle
One for all!
Let the jury the whole course of the battle
Track without a hitch.
Who will be friendlier
That one will win!
Jury presentation!

Presenter 1: The girls prepared congratulations for our boys:

1. On a February day, on a frosty day,
Everyone celebrates the holiday, girls on this glorious day
Congratulations boys!

2. We will not give you flowers, they are not given to boys.
Girls a lot of warm words
They will leave you in your hearts!

3. We wish you forever, so that life is not timid,
May boyish courage be with you forever!

4. And all the obstacles on the way, overcome you together,
But first you need to grow up and grow up!

5. Listen, boys, congratulations,
We wish you happiness in life, health and luck!

Presenter 2: Today, brave and resourceful cabin boys are going on a training sea voyage. Difficult tests are waiting for them! Is everyone ready to go sailing?

Presenter 1: The crew of the "Brave", ready to sail?

The crew of the "Brave", are you ready to sail?

Raise the anchor! Give away the moorings! FULL GO!

The music "Storm of the sea" is turned on

Host 2: Attention, attention! A storm rises on the sea, our ships are blown away, there are many reefs on the way.

Host 1: Lead the ships between the reefs! Rudder right! Left hand drive! Full speed ahead!

1. Relay "Between the reefs"

Participants, snake run between the pins, run around the rack, run in a straight line, pass the boat to the next player.

Host 1: Well done yoongi! Did the job correctly and accurately. Reefs successfully completed!

Presenter 1: But a sailor cannot be a sailor if he does not know how to tie a sea knot!

2. Relay "Sea Knot"

Each participant has a ribbon, in his hand, on a signal, on a signal, the participant runs to the counter, ties the ribbon on the cord, and returns running.

Leading: All cabin boys know how to tie sea knots, it's great!
And our cabin boys are very funny and love sea songs!

Jury word.

Song "Sea Captain"

Presenter 2: Everyone is in a good mood, and ahead of the course is an island! We are running out of fresh water, we urgently need to replenish it. Launch the boats!

3. Relay race "Crossing on boats"

Children run in pairs in a large hoop, ferry participants from one side to the other.

Presenter 1: Here we are on the island, crews halt! We are greeted by locals who love to play fun games.

Game with the audience "Be careful!"

Airplane - arms to the sides

Ship - hands together, swimming with hands.

A company of soldiers - walking in place

Presenter 1: It was fun on the island, but it's time for us to continue the naval exercise. Full speed ahead!

Presenter 2: We have been at sea for a long time, the teams need to refresh themselves. Any cabin boy can cook dinner and replace coca.

4. Relay "Cooking dinner"

Participants one at a time, jump over circles with potatoes, take one potato at a time, take one potato at a time, put it in a basin at the counter, return at a run. The last cook jumps over the circles, takes a bowl of potatoes, and comes back.

Jury word.

Host 1: Lunch turned out great! And now I suggest that ours remember the various types of troops that are in our army.

5. Relay "Type of troops"

Show slides with different types of troops of the Army.

The jury gives anchors for the correct answer, at the end of the relay the points of both teams are calculated

Presenter 1: Each sailor must not only swim and dive well, but also provide assistance on the water. Let's test your skill and water rescue skills. Start training!

6. Relay race "Rescue of a drowning man"

The participant puts on a life buoy, runs around the rack, returns by running.

Host 2: Well done yoongi! Everyone is saved! But a big shark appeared in the sea.

Game exercise "Shark"

On a signal, the teams throw the ball to each other in a clone, turning to each other at the “Shark” signal, they line up in 2 columns. Or they run around the hall, imitate swimming, on a signal they line up.

Presenter 2: And now we will see how you can dive to the seabed and get sea stones.

7. Relay "Diving to the seabed"

Participants run to the tunnel, climb into it, take a stone and return back along the rope, with an added step, put the stone in a hoop at the counter, when the last participant brought the stone, lay out the word "Victory" from the brought pebbles.

Presenter 2: We have successfully completed the tasks assigned to us. The teaching is coming to an end.

Presenter 1: Today you proved once again that the strongest, bravest and appreciating friendship cabin boys, ready to help at any moment and defend the Motherland, can become real sailors.

Presenter 2: The jury sums up the maritime exercises. For our brave cabin boys, the guys from nurseries No. 17 and 20 have prepared their musical surprises.

Musical numbers d / s No. 17, 20.

Slide film - "The power of our Army"

Jury word. Rewarding.

Presenter 1: Crews, attention! Alignment with the flag! Lower the flag! Ship captains lower the flag! Crews leave ships!

Building in one column, the circle of honor. The song "Salute.


1. Preliminary conversation with children in a group on the topic "Sea"

2. Acquaintance with marine paraphernalia - a ship, fish, etc.

Audience: children from 2 to 4 years old

Goals and objectives:

  • Socialization of children
  • hardening
  • Development of the spiritual and emotional sphere
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Development of musical perception
  • Vocabulary Enrichment
  • Increasing the emotional background of children

The script for the children's holiday "Sea Voyage"

The site is decorated with flags, balls, a swimming pool, fish, artificial flowers, decorative animals, "lianas"

Children go to the playground, holding on to a rope or in pairs.

It sounds: “Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind!”

Leading: Hello kids! Today we will go on a very interesting and exciting sea voyage.But there is no sea here, how can we sail? First we must go to the sea. Guys, let's go!

Sounds like "We're going, we're going, we're going." Children climb on the "car", depicting the movements of the motor or steering wheel.


A car

Rushing along the road.

And behind him thick dust

The cloud swirls.

Guys, look, where are we? And who is meeting us?

Sounds Aquatoria

Leading: We have arrived at the port! A port is a place where ships live. Ships can sail the seas for a long time, but they all want to return to their home - to the port.

A sailor is sailing on a ship

He does not yearn for the earth,

He is friends with the wind and the wave,

After all, the sea is his home.

Captain: Hello! I'm so glad to see you today! I see you have already prepared for today's holiday - you are all so beautiful today! Let's get acquainted! I am a captain, I sail the seas and oceans!

Sailing, sailing boat

To distant lands!

Who is the captain of the ship?

Of course it's me!

Captain: Well, guys, will you sail with me to distant lands? Take your seats!

Sounds like a sea voyage

Leading: Guys, look where we sailed with you!

What an island, what a wonder!

It's so quiet and beautiful here!

Let's go down to this beautiful island.

Sounds "Chunga-Changa" (quietly)

Captain: I have never seen such beauty! Come here guys!


Guys, look who is this? This is a parrot, he is the owner of the island, he is very glad to see you. And he invites you to dance!

Children dance with the leader.

Leading: Guys, look, here we have the real sea!


And the sea will rush towards the wave,

Yes, how it will sparkle, but how it will laugh!

I will throw myself into the arms of a green wave -

Oh sea, you missed me too!

At this time they take out the pool


Glittering water in the sun

From a sunny smile

But in the water - look here -

Swimming, playing fish!

Suitable for the pool

Guys, look how many fish! How beautiful they are - red, yellow, blue, green, and even gold!

Children name the colors of the fish

Let's catch these fish!

Playing with fish

Sounds like "Song of the Goldfish"

Leading: Guys, what good fellows you are! See how many fish you have caught! Let's put them in a basket and take them to our large aquarium, where they will get to know the fish that live with us.

Children sit on benches.

Captain : Guys, do you want to become real captains? (YES!) Then I give each of you my boats and we will set them sailing!

The host distributes paper boats to children

Captain: (at this time)

I made a boat

And I run to the pond.

And my friends are with me

Have fun running.

We will be a paper fleet

Let on the water

And squint in the wind

Let's dream!


I made a boat

He let him out on the water.

You sail, my boat,

And then come home!

Guys, let's send our ships sailing!

Children launch boats in the pool. They blow on the boats, then wave them goodbye.

Sounds "Little boat" Sitnik

Children move away from the pool, sit down

Leading: Guys, let's remember what we did today, who did we meet? We went by car, And who did we visit? (To the captain) Where did he invite us? (to his ship) Where did we sail? (to the island). What were we doing there? etc

Well, now it's time for us to go home. Take us, captain, back to port!

Children board the ship

Sounds Aquatoria

Let's say goodbye to our captain and ask him to come to us again! Goodbye!

Captain: Goodbye, guys! And so that you do not forget me, I give you such a surprise ship!

Gives a ship with candies

Leading: Well, now we will have a real sea lunch. Goodbye captain and thank you!

The captain raises to the bridge, waving to the children

The children leave, holding the rope. It sounds like "Come on, sing a song to us"

Note. The event is held outdoors, in sunny warm weather. If the air temperature allows, you can add 1-2 warm-ups - picking flowers; collecting boats and, for example, bunnies - in different baskets.

The best option in musical design is to gradually increase and decrease the volume of the sound.

Educator: Kolodyazhnaya Olga Sergeevna

The phonogram sounds: the sound of the sea.

Educator: Gulls curl in the open,
Let's swim, guys, in the sea.
We are on the deck of the ship!
My team "Cabin boy" at least somewhere

Cunning, skillful, strong and brave!
Children: Sailors are brave,
We are not afraid of the storm.
Bold and confident

We sail on a ship.

Educator: The sea has become calm and smooth. You can also fish.

I fished for trout for seven weeks
I couldn't catch her
I'm all wet
And the whole chill

And I tore my dress.
Caught in the woods
Fished in the gardens
I even caught in the oven!

And what about trout?
All seven weeks
Hiding, brothers, in the river!
game program

"Funny Aquarium"

There is a large impromptu aquarium on the wall, on it are multi-colored algae, pebbles, bright funny fish are attached. Game number on each fish (number). Children in turn "catch" one fish with a number and the corresponding game is played.

No. 1 D / and "Underwater kingdom"

Children should clap their hands as soon as they hear the name of an object that may be in the underwater kingdom. If the object is not from the underwater kingdom, the guys show their puffy cheeks and are silent, like fish.

What or who can be in the underwater kingdom?

  • Seaweed
  • Kids toys
  • sea ​​pebbles
  • shells
  • fish
  • bright crackers
  • Sand
  • Waves
  • hare
  • piglets
  • Starfish
  • Sea water.

#2 Speech with movement "Floating, sailing boat"

Sailing, sailing boat
On the mast of the sail!
Sailing, sailing boat
On the bridge - the helm!

Sailing, sailing boat
Drops anchor!
Sailing, sailing boat
Sailors on deck!

Sailing, sailing boat
And at the helm - the boatswain!
Sailing, sailing boat
They are ruled by the captain!

No. 3 M. p / and "Fisherman"

The driver twists the rope low parallel to the floor, the players jump up so as not to touch the rope.


Satisfied with fishing, a fisherman goes,
Good catch on the hook:
Tin can, holey shoe,
A punctured ball and a torn jacket.

Well, he was left without an ear for now,
But he will tell "Thank you" river!

At the end of the game, everyone sits down, the teacher asks the question:

Guys, why does the river thank the fisherwoman?

No. 4 S/r game TV show "Window to Nature"

Educator: And now take your seats in the television studio - guests and participants in the program.

Music saver.

Educator: Hello, dear viewers and guests in the studio. We start our transmission "Window to nature" .

Now we are transmitting our report from the laboratory "Brook" where experiments with water are carried out. Let's ask our scientists about it.

  1. What discovery did you make? (Water can flow, pour). How did it happen? (Demonstration of experience).
  2. What are you working on now? (I want to prove that water is clear, colorless, not white).

How to do it? What will you do first? What's next? (Demonstration of experience). What happened? (Conclusion).

Child: I will take a glass of milk and put a spoon in it - it is not visible in milk. Now I will lower the spoon into a glass of water - you can see it, which means that the water is clear, colorless.

3. What are you doing now?

I watch the paint dissolve in the water. The water has become colored.

What can be the conclusion?

Water is a solvent, it can change its color.

Educator: Thank you for interesting experiments. And we will wait for new discoveries. Stay with us!

Music saver.

Educator: In the rubric "And we have a guest today" we receive guests - Polina and her mother Natalya Viktorovna. They will introduce us to their project "What can water do?" . (Presentation of the project and a story about working on it)

Educator: Thank you to our guests. Don't switch!

Meet my friend
small and fast
Blue-eyed brook
The cup is silvery.

He runs from afar
On stones and branches.
I envy a little:
Oh, how lucky!

He sees the ocean
Ships and seagulls.
Every boy is a captain
Dreaming about this.

The brook hurries
On the grass and cones,
And on the back he is lucky
The boy's boat.

T. Zhibrova.

In the morning, the rain does not sleep.
He's knocking on our window.
Us yesterday with my girlfriend Zina
He caught up with the store.

We didn't run away
We started playing with him.
We danced in the puddles
Like in a river, they got wet themselves.

He knocks on the window again
Calls to play a little.
We are in a puddle - there,
We are in a puddle - here.

We would still, but here's the trouble:
The puddle ran out of water.

V. Minkova

If our hands are in wax,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend,
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without which we will say directly
Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For the ships to sail
We cannot live without water!

Music saver.

Educator: Our program has come to an end. See us tomorrow at the same time.

We want the birds to sing
To make noise around the forest,
To have blue skies
To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries!
We want the sun to warm
And the birch is green

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
For the squirrel to jump
To make the rainbow sparkle
To make it rain in the summer.

Educator: You and I do not yet know everything about water, but we still have a lot to discover and learn all the secrets of water, and in this, as always, our scientists will help us. Thank you all for your attention. Goodbye.

What is the most popular vacation in summer? One way or another, it is associated with water - life-giving cool moisture. This is especially true during the hot summer season. What kind water attractions most popular and why? What must be researched and evaluated by everyone? Our review will help you answer these questions.

Popular water attractions

It is absolutely natural that summer holidays are mainly associated with water. What else will help to cool off in the heat and enjoy the coolness, refresh and cheer up?

And it's not just about swimming in a variety of water bodies. We want thrills, extreme, novelty of impressions. And this will not be the case. Today, there is simply an abyss of opportunities for an active, rich, memorable vacation. Water attractions - that's what every vacationer needs, regardless of age.


Water slides are very popular attractions, loved by both children and adults. Of different lengths, heights, shapes, with bends and plumes - each slide gives the riders their own sensations.

Ways of descent are also different, using all sorts of watercraft and devices. Entertainment, of course, fun, giving maximum positive emotions.

But do not forget about safety - each slide has its own rules for descent and restrictions on the age, height and weight of the riders.

In the American Kansas City Water Park, you can ride from the world's highest water slide (52 meters). You will fly at a speed of about 80 km per hour. But it's still not the fastest descent.

Some attractions allow you to fly down at speeds of more than 100 km per hour. Does the brave man enjoy such super-extreme entertainment? Something hard to believe.


Do you know water rides that allow you to literally walk on water? These are such transparent balls made of plastic - aquazorbs. Not only kids like this entertainment.

Adults also want to jump and somersault inside the zorb, sliding along the water surface.
It is difficult to maintain balance, but falling is absolutely painless. On the contrary, this process is fun both for the “zorbonaut” and for the audience.


Would you like to take off sharply above the surface of the water at one fine moment with the help of a powerful water jet? Today it is quite real, such entertainment is called flyboarding. It's more like an extreme sport.

Actually, a flyboard is a board that is connected by means of a flexible hose to the water jet of a jet ski. The most powerful pressure of water is supplied to the boots fixed on the board. A flyboarder can regulate his movement with the help of water cannons.

You can, like a bird, soar sharply upwards and immediately dive into the abyss of water, like a dolphin. These flights give an unforgettable experience, but are available to those who take risks and are not afraid of extreme sports.


Water attractions are very diverse - popular bananas and various slides are known to everyone. Do you know a device called aquaskipper - is it aquaplan or a waterplane?

Simply put, this is a water scooter that moves due to muscular strength. A person jumps and thus moves along the water surface. Jumps and pushes provide movement at a speed of about 30 km per hour.

The weight of the aquaskipper is about 12 kg, it is made of aluminum and foam. They ride it both in calm and in the presence of waves.

Blob or water catapult

In fact, water rides are a fascinating thing. At least for those who are not afraid to take risks and get new experiences.

Are you ready to experience the water catapult? The mechanism of its action is as follows: the so-called blob (that is, a catapult) is installed at a depth of at least 2.5 meters. Nearby is a tower from which the daredevil makes a jump to one end of the blob. And at the other end, another jumper (blober) soars up sharply and then jumps into the water.

Attractions on the water are so diverse that everyone can choose the right entertainment for themselves - from banana riding to kitesurfing and water skiing.

An overview of the most extreme water fun - in this video:

Take it, tell your friends!

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