The largest mountain in Africa is the name. The largest mountains in Africa

There are a great many mountains and mountain ranges of the most diverse age and origin in the world, but among them it is precisely some mountain ranges and individual massifs of Africa that should be distinguished. Such as the Atlas Mountains, due to their old age and influence on the climate, because it is because of them that moisture does not enter the Sahara. Other mountains are due to their youth, such as the famous Kilimanjaro volcano, which formed only one and a half million years ago, and also affects the climate. However, as will be described below, today the climate itself, thanks to human activities, has an impact on the majestic volcano.

1. The highest mountain on the African continent is Kilimanjaro. Not only does it reach 5895 meters in height, but it is also considered one of the most. There are a number of theories about the origin of such a strange name. The most reliable researchers are considered to be a translation made from Swahili, and literally calling the volcano "a sparkling mountain." But to be precise, Kilimanjaro is a triumvirate of volcanoes with the names Kibo, Shira and Mawenzi, which have potential activity and are located in the northeast of Tanzania.

2. The Shira volcano was the first to appear, and in terms of height it is significantly inferior to the peak of Kilimanjaro, amounting to only 3962 meters. Scientists believe that in the past this volcano was higher, and the current values ​​​​are the result of a powerful eruption. Shira is located to the west of the highest peak of the African continent.

3. The second oldest formation is Mawenzi volcano - this peak is at least 5149 meters high, and it is located to the east of the main peak. The highest point of Kilimanjaro at 5895 m is Uhuro Peak, on the youngest volcano Kibo. It was formed due to the eruption of its neighbors, and has the characteristic characteristic of Kilimanjaro - the flat top of the mountain. In fact, the peak is a plateau - a huge volcano basin with a diameter of 2 kilometers.

4. Occupies an area of ​​64 kilometers in width and 97 kilometers in length. Such a huge size allows it to have a noticeable impact in terms of climate on the adjacent lands.

5. The top of the mountain is covered with eternal ice, and it is almost at the very equator - the mountain is located only 3 degrees south of the equator line. However, according to the latest research on the dormant volcano, it is confirmed that snow volumes are steadily decreasing. There are three reasons for this. The first of these is a significant reduction in precipitation. So, now on the highest peak of Kilimanjaro, no more than 200 mm of precipitation can be expected per year, at the same time, the snow melts much faster. The second reason is the approach of red-hot lava to the crater, and the heating of the top. And the third is the development of global warming. For these reasons, the ice cap of the volcano has shrunk fivefold in a few decades.

The article tells about the biggest mountain of the African continent. Contains facts about its features, which are associated with a unique geographical location. The material contains data on the origin of African mountain peaks.

Mountains of Africa

The Cape and Dragon Mountains are located on the coast of the Indian Ocean - their height decreases relative to the central part of the mainland.

Rice. 1. Cape and Dragon Mountains.

The Cape Mountains are an example of the revived mountains that arose on the most ancient mountain systems and adopted their folded structure.

The highest peak of the Cape Mountains is the peak of Compasberg, whose height is 2500 m. In the north of the mainland, with the displacement of two lithospheric plates, the relatively young Atlas Mountains were formed.

These mountain peaks are a continuation of the young European peaks that are located in the Gibraltar region. The length of the mountain ranges of the Atlas Mountains is 2500 km.

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Rice. 2. Atlas mountains.

Initially, only part of the mountain system was called Atlas.

These mountain peaks act as natural boundaries between the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, as well as the Sahara. They are populated mainly by Arabs and Berbers. The Atlas Mountains make up the ranges: Tell Atlas, High Atlas, Middle Atlas, Saharan Atlas.

Mount Toubkal (4100 m) is considered the main peak of the Atlas Mountains. Due to faults in the tectonic plates, tremors often occur in the Atlas Mountains region.

The highest mountain in Africa

Kilimanjaro is the mountain symbol of the black continent. In the old days it was an active volcano. Today its summit is covered with snow.

Rice. 3. Kilimanjaro.

Translated from the Swahili language, the name literally translates as "sparkling mountain."

Scientists are sure that the volcano can wake up at any moment. Geographically, Kilimanjaro is located on the territory of present-day Tanzania and covers an area approximately equal to 400,000 hectares. This is one of the largest volcanoes in the world.

The mountain has three peaks:

  • Kiba peak;
  • Mawenzi Peak;
  • Shira Peak.

The largest of the three points is Kiba Peak. The two remaining peaks (Mawenzi - 5149 m. and Shira - 3962 m.).

Its highest point is Uhuru Peak, which is considered to be Kiba Peak.

The majestic volcano is located in the northeastern region of Tanzania, it is also the highest point in Africa - its height is 5895 meters.

In ancient times, peoples who had never seen snow before were convinced that the peak was made of silver. But they did not dare to check their guesses - many frightening legends and superstitions were associated with the volcano. Local natives gave the giant volcano a different name - "The Abode of the God of Cold."

The lower slopes of the mountain are actively used by local residents for growing coffee and maize. Up to a height of 3000 meters, a tropical rainforest grows.

At the top of Mount Kilimanjaro lie centuries-old ice, and this is strange, because it is located only three degrees south of the equator. According to scientists' forecasts, by 2020 the eternal ice will disappear forever from the tops of the dormant giant. The reason is global warming. The dormant volcano has an almost conical shape, which is made up of many layers of petrified lava and ash of volcanic origin.

In 1987, UNESCO awarded the territory of Kilimanjaro the title of National Park.

When climbing a mountain, a person crosses all climatic zones. Climbing to the top is only possible from Tanzania.

What have we learned?

We learned what consequences can cause the melting of eternal ice. We found out the name of the highest point of the most majestic mountain peak of the continent. We received data on how much area the mountain peak occupies and from which side it can be conquered without being in danger. We learned what peoples inhabit the foothills.

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Basically, the African mainland is occupied by plains, and the mountains are located in the south and north of the continent. These are the Atlas and Cape Mountains, as well as the Aberdar Range. There are significant mineral reserves here. Kilimanjaro is located in Africa. This is an inactive volcano, which is considered the highest point of the mainland. Its height reaches 5963 meters. Many tourists visit not only African deserts, but also mountains.

aberdar mountains

These mountains are located in the central part of Kenya. The height of these mountains reaches 4300 meters. Several rivers originate here. From the top of the ridge opens a wonderful view. In order to preserve the local flora and fauna, in 1950 a national park was created here by many animal lovers and conservationists. It works to this day, so having been in Africa, you should definitely visit it.


The Atlas Mountains system skirts the northwest coast. These mountains were discovered long ago, by the ancient Phoenicians. The mountains were described by various travelers and military leaders of Antiquity. Various inland plateaus, highlands and plains adjoin the mountain ranges. The highest point of the mountains is the city of Toubkal, which reached 4167 meters.

cape mountains

On the southern coast of the mainland are the Cape Mountains, the length of which reaches 800 kilometers. This mountain system is formed by several ranges. The average height of the mountains is 1500 meters. The compasberg is the highest point and reaches 2326 meters. Between the peaks there are valleys and semi-deserts. Some mountains are covered with mixed forests, but many of them are covered with snow during the winter season.

dragon mountains

This mountain range is located in southern Africa. The highest point is Mount Thabana-Ntlenyana, whose height is 3482 meters. A rich world of flora and fauna is formed here, and climatic conditions differ on different slopes. Rain falls in some places, and snow falls on other peaks. The Dragon Mountains are on the World Heritage List.

Thus, there are many mountain ranges and systems in Africa. In addition to the largest ones mentioned above, there are also highlands here - Ethiopian, Ahaggar, as well as other elevations. Some objects are among the world's treasures and are protected by various communities. Several national parks and reserves have been formed on the slopes of the mountain peaks, and the highest points are places of climbing ascents that complement the world list of climbing tourists.

Kilimanjaro is one of the symbols of the African continent. Once it was an active volcano, and now its peak is covered with snow, thanks to which it got its name. Translated from the Swahili language, it means "sparkling mountain." Despite the fact that this volcano is considered extinct, scientists say that its activity can resume at any time.

Kilimanjaro is located on the territory of modern Tanzania and covers an area of ​​​​about 400,000 hectares. This is one of the largest volcanoes in the world. This unique African mountain attracts every year many tourists who dream of admiring the incredible scenery, and climbers who appreciate the mountain for its variety of routes.

The mountain has three peaks. The highest point - Kiba Peak - was conquered before anyone else. The fact is that it is to this peak that the easiest route leads, which you can overcome without even having special training. Two other peaks (Mavenzi - 5149 m and Shira - 3962 m) are more impregnable and treacherous, therefore, in the entire history of climbing on their slopes, many unlucky climbers have died.

An interesting fact is that the fee that is charged from tourists for visiting the Tanzanian National Park, the center of which is Kilimanjaro, is the main source of replenishment of the budget of Tanzania. The park itself is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

This is quite natural. The mountain is so unique that even the climate here is different from the climate in the surrounding area. Elephants, giraffes and lions roam at the foot. At the very bottom, on the slopes, there are banana groves and coffee plantations, at an altitude of 1800 m they give way to tropical rainforests, where you can meet monkeys, leopards and honey badgers. Even higher begins the kingdom of mountain swamps and meadows. So, gradually the levels replace each other, finally leaving the snow kingdom.

African peaks

Kilimanjaro is not the only mountain in Africa that deserves attention. In second place after it is Mount Kenya, located on the territory of the state of the same name (right on the equator line). Its height is 5199 m. Many rare animals can be found among the inhabitants of the slopes of the mountain. Kilimanjaro and Kenya are the highest mountains on the continent standing alone.

Mount Stanley closes the three giants, which, like Kilimanjaro, has three peaks (Margherita - 5109 m, Alexandra - 5091 m and Albert - 5087 m). It is part of the Rwenzori Mountains, formed by crystalline rocks. In these mountains, half covered with tropical forest, there are a huge number of unique representatives of flora and fauna. That is why two national parks have been created here, the purpose of which is to preserve rare species of animals and plants.

The fourth and fifth places in height belong to the mountains Speke and Baker, also located in the Rwenzori mountain range. The peak has several jagged peaks, but they are all less than 5 km (4890 m, 4865 m, 4834 m and 4572 m, respectively). Mount Baker has a height of 4844 m.

The Rwenzori mountains are quite difficult to climb, they require serious preparation on the part of climbers.

Regardless of height, origin and location, the mountains of Africa are unique. They seem to have been created specifically for those who dream of enjoying the exotic of the continent, amazing untouched nature and the original culture of the local population.

Perhaps everyone at least once in their life has heard such a beautiful word as Kilimanjaro. But before, any schoolboy could tell what it is, but today the meaning of this word is far from known to many. Let's fill this void. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, besides it is also a symbol of the Black Continent. The height of the mountain reaches 5891 m. Kilimanjaro is on the 4th place in height among all the existing peaks of the world, in addition, it was included in the group of "7 peaks".

To be precise, Kilimanjaro is not a mountain, but several inactive volcanoes, which consist of volcanic rocks and volcanic ash. Scientists claim that the highest mountain in Africa appeared about a million years ago. One of the main peaks of Kibo is considered the highest and at the same time the youngest, it is completely covered with a snow cap.

The most amazing thing is that no one saw the eruption of Kilimanjaro, only landslides were observed. However, at the youngest peak, clouds of gas periodically appear, which can lead to the collapse of the summit and lead to an eruption.

Recently, the ice and snow at the peak of the mountain have begun to melt. This can be caused by several reasons: an increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth, a lack of precipitation that forms a snow cap. According to some scientists, this phenomenon indicates the awakening of the volcano. All this is just speculation that has not been proven at the moment.

A bit of history

Kilimanjaro in translation means "sparkling mountain". The name is actually chosen correctly, because the snow cap on the mountain really shimmers brightly under the sun's rays. In the distant past, people who lived at the foot of the mountain thought that there was silver at the top of the mountain. After the first exploration of the top of the mountain, it began to be called the "Abode of the god of cold."

In Europe, they learned about Kilimanjaro at the end of the 19th century. This is the merit of the priest of the Protestant church Johannes Rebman. The first person to climb Kilimanjaro was Count Samuel Teleki. He managed to get to the snow line at an altitude of 5300 meters, it took more than one year. After that, the Earl decided to conquer Mount Kenya. In 1889, two more people conquered Kilimanjaro: the Austrian climber Purtsheller and the traveler Meyer.

Volcano Legends

A huge number of legends are associated with the volcano, some of which can still be heard today. Locals continue to believe that gods live on Kilimanjaro, and dwarf gnomes live in the dungeons. In addition to the gods, evil spirits have settled on the peak of the mountain, controlling weather conditions. Another legend says that the Vachagga people used to live in the vicinity of the volcano. Since that time, a story has come down to us about two brothers named Kibo and Mawenzi. According to legend, the elder brother made fire from the younger. Since they learned about the tribe relatively recently, there is an opinion among scientists that this is confirmation of the recent activity of the volcano.