The most beautiful cities in Spain: photo and description. Cities and resorts in Spain Popular Spanish cities

Spain - the most detailed information about the country with a photo. Attractions, cities of Spain, climate, geography, population and culture.


Spain is a state in Southwestern Europe. This is one of the largest countries of the European Union, located on the Iberian Peninsula and occupying more than 2/3 of its territory. Spain borders Portugal to the west, France and Andorra to the north, Gibraltar and Morocco to the south. The state consists of 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities and is a constitutional monarchy.

Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. The country is famous for its beaches and the sea, cuisine and nightlife, special atmosphere and friendliness of the locals. Interestingly, in terms of the number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Spain is second only to Italy and China. In addition, it is a country with great geographical and cultural diversity. Here you can find almost everything: from lush meadows and snowy mountains to swamps and deserts.

Useful information about Spain

  1. The population is 46.7 million people.
  2. The area is 505,370 square kilometers.
  3. The official language is Spanish (in some autonomous communities, the local dialect is also considered the official language).
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.
  7. Spain is among the 30 most developed countries in the world.
  8. In Spain, during the daytime, some shops and establishments may be closed (siesta). Some restaurants and cafes do not serve dinner before 8-9 pm.
  9. Tips are included in the bill. If you liked the food or service, you can set aside 5-10% of the bill.

Geography and nature

Spain occupies 80% of the territory of the Iberian Peninsula. It also includes the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and a very tiny part of the North African coast. The Iberian Peninsula is located in the extreme southwest of Europe.

The relief of Spain is extremely diverse. Mountains and plateaus play the main role in it. The country is one of the most mountainous in Europe. The largest mountain systems: the Pyrenees, the Cordillera Betica, the Iberian, Catalan and Cantabrian mountains. The largest plain is the Andalusian lowland, located in the south. In the northeast is the Aragonese plain. The highest peak in continental Spain is Mount Mulasen (3478 and). The highest peak of the country is located on the island of Tenerife - it is the Teide volcano (3718 m).

River Tahoe

The largest rivers: Guadalquivir, Tajo, Duero, Ebro. Spain is known for its long coastline. There are several thousand beaches along the coast. The largest resorts: Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz, Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Canary and Balearic Islands.

Due to geographical features, the flora and fauna of Spain is very diverse. The north of the country is similar to Central Europe, and the south resembles North Africa. Broad-leaved forests are found in the northwest, deserts and semi-deserts in the south, and Mediterranean flora is characteristic of the coast.


Spain is one of the warmest, even hottest countries in Europe. Although due to the relief here you can find several climatic zones. The Mediterranean climate prevails, which is maritime on the coast, and arid in the central part. In most regions of the country, summers are dry and hot, winters are quite warm and humid. In the central regions, frosts are not uncommon in cold weather.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Spain is April-May and September-October. July and August are very hot in most areas. During the cold season it can be quite rainy.


In the third millennium BC, the Tartess civilization existed on the territory of the modern Iberian Peninsula. But already in the second millennium BC. Iberian tribes came here, who later mixed with the Celts. In ancient times, the Pyrenees were called Iberia. The Iberians quickly settled in the territory of Castile and built fortified settlements. Around the same millennium, Phoenician and Greek colonies were founded on the coast.

Interestingly, according to the most common theory, the name of the country comes from the Phoenician "i-spanim", which translates as "shore of darmans". The Romans used this word to refer to the territory of the entire peninsula.

In the 3rd century, almost the entire territory of the Iberian Peninsula was subjugated by Carthage. In 206, Carthage lost control of the Pyrenees. From this period, for almost two centuries, the Romans tried to subdue these lands. The last free tribes were conquered by Rome in 19 BC under Emperor Augustus. Spain was one of the most prosperous and important Roman provinces. The Romans built expensive fortresses here. By the end of the 1st century, more than 300 cities were founded here, trade and crafts flourished.

In the 4th-5th century, Germanic tribes penetrated the territory of Spain, which were soon completely replaced by the Visigoths. Even earlier, the first Christians appeared here. The Visigoths established their kingdom here with its capital in Barcelona and then in Toledo. In the 6th century, the emperor of Byzantium, Justinian, tried to return Spain to the rule of the empire.

In 711, Arabs and Berbers from North Africa came to the territory of the Iberian Peninsula, who were later called the Moors. Interestingly, they were called to help by the Visigoths themselves (or rather, one of their factions). In just a few years, the Moors conquered almost all of the Pyrenees and formed the Umayyad Caliphate. It should be noted that the Arabs were quite merciful, preserving the property of the people, the language and religion of the conquered territories.

Around the same time, the Reconquista movement arose, the goal of which was the liberation of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims. In 718, the Moors were stopped in the mountains of Asturias. By 914, the Kingdom of Asturias included the territories of Galicia and Northern Portugal. After the end of the Umayyad dynasty in 1031, the caliphate collapsed. At the end of the 11th century, Christians captured Toledo and some other cities. In the 12th century, the Spanish Empire was proclaimed, which arose after the unification of Castile and Aragon and existed until 1157. In the future, despite the division, the kingdoms fought together with the Moors. By the 13th century, only the emirate of Granada remained on the Iberian Peninsula.

Despite the power of the Castilian kingdom, the country was tormented by unrest and unrest. Dominance belonged to knightly orders and powerful nobles. In Aragon, on the contrary, there were many concessions to the estates. In 1469, a dynastic marriage between Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile contributed to the unification of the two kingdoms. In 1478, the Inquisition was established, which served as an impetus for the persecution of Muslims and Jews. In 1492, the conquest of Granada and the end of the Reconquista took place.

In 1519 the Habsburg dynasty came to power. In the 16th century, Spain became one of the strongest powers in Europe. The absolute monarchy was established as a form of government. The Spanish kingdom captured Portugal and numerous colonies in South and Central America. Already by the middle of the 16th century, constant wars and high taxes led to economic decline. During this period, the capital of the kingdom was moved from Toledo to Madrid.

At the beginning of the 18th century, with the death of Charles II, the War of the "Spanish Succession" broke out. As a result, the Bourbon dynasty reigned, and Spain became "pro-French". In 1808, a popular uprising broke out, which led to the abdication of the king. Subsequently, the French were expelled from the country and the restoration of the Bourbons took place. In the 19th century, Spain was tormented by unrest and unrest. The state lost all American colonies. In 1931, the monarchy was overthrown and a civil war began, in which Franco won. Francisco Franco established a dictatorship that lasted until 1975. This year was crowned Juan Carlos I of the Spanish Bourbon dynasty.

Spain consists of 17 autonomous regions, two so-called autonomous cities and 50 provinces.

Autonomous communities:

  • Andalusia
  • Aragon
  • Asturias
  • Balearic Islands
  • Basque country
  • Valencia
  • Galicia
  • Canary Islands
  • Cantabria
  • Castile - La Mancha
  • Castile and Leon
  • Catalonia
  • Murcia
  • Navarre
  • Rioja
  • Extremadura


The indigenous population of the country is the Spaniards (Castilians), Catalans, Basques, Galicians, etc. The official language is Spanish. In autonomies, the ethnic language or dialect is often spoken. Almost 80% of the population professes Christianity, of which 75% are Catholics. Interestingly, the average life expectancy in Spain is one of the highest in the world. She is 83 years old. The Spaniards themselves are quite friendly, open and emotional. These are noisy and temperamental people. They are often unpunctual, a little lazy and irresponsible.

Tips for communicating with Spaniards:

  • Spaniards are very patriotic towards their country or autonomy. You should not raise such topics: "is Catalonia Spain" and so on.
  • The vast majority of the population are Catholics, so words and actions that can offend the feelings of believers should be avoided.
  • Avoid talking about the colonial past and the Franco regime.
  • During lunch or dinner, the Spaniards do not start eating until all the guests have sat down. They also don't leave until everyone has finished eating.
  • Close people or good friends hug or kiss each other on the cheeks when they meet. Otherwise, they are limited to a handshake.


Information about modes of transport in Spain.

Major airports:

  • Barcelona
  • Palma de Mallorca
  • Malaga - Costa del Sol
  • Gran Canaria
  • Alicante / Elche

Spain has an extensive network of high-speed trains that connect the major cities. The rail service also includes long-distance trains and a commuter train network. There are regular bus services between many cities. Major cities are connected by high-speed highways. Motorways are tolled here.

Speed ​​limits:

  • 120 km/h on freeways and motorways,
  • 100 km/h on normal roads,
  • 90 km/h on other roads,
  • 50 km/h when driving in populated areas.

The blood alcohol level must not exceed 0.5 g/l. The driver and all passengers must wear seat belts.

Spain is the second country in Europe in terms of the number of cruise ship calls. Main ports of Spain:

  • Barcelona
  • Palma de Mallorca
  • Las Palmas
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Malaga
  • Bilbao

Spain cities

Spain has hundreds of old and interesting cities. But the most popular are:

  • - a noisy and vibrant capital that will amaze you with modernist architecture, wide streets and squares, museums and vibrant nightlife.
  • Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain and the capital of Catalonia. Famous sights, masterpieces of modernist architecture and art nouveau Gaudí are concentrated here.
  • Bilbao is a large industrial city.
  • Cadiz is considered the oldest city in Western Europe.
  • Granada is a stunning city in the south, surrounded by the snow-capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada.
  • Cordoba is an ancient city with a rich Moorish heritage.
  • Toledo is an ancient capital with sights from various periods.
  • Seville is the capital of Andalusia and one of the most beautiful cities in Spain.
  • Valencia is one of the largest cities in the country. The place where paella was invented.
  • Alicante is the resort capital of the east coast and the Costa Blanca region.

In the south of Spain in Andalusia, you can find a lot of evidence of antiquity. Cadiz is located here - one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Western Europe with the remains of a Roman settlement. Nearby is Ronda - a beautiful city located on steep cliffs. The cities of Cordoba and Granada have preserved a rich Moorish heritage. Seville, the cultural center of Andalusia and all of southern Spain, has a dazzling collection of sights and the largest gothic cathedral in the world.

Crossing the north through the plains of La Mancha into Central Spain, it is worth visiting picturesque Toledo. This ancient Spanish capital and the most beautiful ancient city located on a hill. Not far from the Portuguese border is Merida with an impressive Roman heritage. If you are interested in relaxation and beaches, then you should go to Alicante, Malaga, the Canary and Balearic Islands.

Popular tourist destinations:

  • Costa Blanca - 200 km of coastline, beaches and charming seaside towns.
  • Costa Brava is a coastline with many seaside resorts.
  • Costa del Sol is a sunny beach in the south of Spain.
  • Ibiza is one of the Balearic Islands, famous for its clubs and discos.
  • Mallorca is the largest of the Balearic Islands.
  • Sierra Nevada - the highest mountain range of the Iberian Peninsula with ski slopes.
  • Tenerife - lush nature, volcanoes and great beaches.


Historically, Spain has been an important crossroads between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, North Africa and Europe. As such, fantastic collections of unique attractions can be found here. The country impresses with the number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, historical and cultural monuments.

The most famous sights of Spain

  • Old city of Toledo.
  • Historic center of Salamanca.
  • Burgos Cathedral in the city of the same name.
  • Moorish heritage of Granada and Cordoba.
  • Architectural masterpieces of Gaudí in Barcelona.
  • Gothic cathedral in Seville and architecture in the Mudéjar style.
  • Rock paintings in Altamira cave
  • The historical centers of the cities of Cuenca, Merida, Cáceres, Zaragoza, Avila and Segovia.
  • Romanesque churches in Lleida.
  • Ancient Roman walls in the town of Lugo.

Notable festivals:

  • Feria de Abril is the best fair in the Pyrenees. If you love folklore, flamenco and wine, then you will definitely like this event. It takes place in April-May.
  • Fallas is a festival in Valencia.
  • Dia de Sant Jordi is a Catalan holiday.


Spain is an extremely popular tourist destination, so you need to look for accommodation in advance. When traveling here in the high season, accommodation will cost more. Many cities, even small ones, are tourism oriented. Therefore, it is not a problem to find accommodation for any groups of tourists and financial possibilities.


Spaniards love to eat, drink wine and are very proud of their cuisine. Spanish cuisine can be described as fairly light, with lots of vegetables and a huge variety of meats and fish. Interestingly, traditional cuisine does not use a lot of spices, but relies entirely on the use of high quality ingredients and their taste. Spaniards' meals are slightly different from ours. Their breakfast is light. Lunch is served at 13.00-15.00. Lunch is followed by a siesta. Dinner is late.

Traditional food and products: paella, jamon, tapas, Chorizo ​​(spicy sausage), Bocadillo de Calamares (fried squid), Boquerones en vinagre (anchovies with garlic), Churros (Spanish donuts), Empanadas Gallegas (meat pies), Fabada asturiana (stew), various varieties of gazpacho (soups), Tortilla de patatas (egg omelet with fried potatoes). The main alcoholic drink is wine, which is of very good quality here. The most popular soft drink is coffee.

Sunny and hospitable Spain is a country with ancient traditions, rich history, unique cultural heritage, luxurious resorts known all over the world.

Spain is numerous architectural masterpieces, as well as historical and cultural attractions that are famous for. The list of the most famous and popular cities looks like this:

  • Madrid.
  • Valencia.
  • Barcelona.
  • Zaragoza.
  • Seville.
  • Murcia.
  • Malaga.
  • Palma de Mallorca.
  • Gran Canaria.
  • Bilbao.

In this article, we will tell you about some of them. The names of Spanish cities are well known to many of our compatriots. But their history, sights are not known to everyone. We will begin our acquaintance with the capital of the country.

Capital of Spain Madrid

The city got its name from the phrase “majer-it“. Translated from Arabic, it means "source of full waters." And it is no coincidence. Madrid is distinguished by a large number of underground waters and springs.

The city was founded, according to historians, by the Arab Emir Mohammed I. In 852, he built a small fortress called Al Qasar on the banks of the Manzanares River. It was supposed to be a defense against the Castilians and Leonese. Later, the Magerite settlement appeared around it.

In 1085, Alphonse VI - the Castilian king - captured Madrid. At that time, twelve thousand people lived there. This small provincial town was not much different from neighboring settlements. But this was before King Philip II, who belonged in 1561, moved his residence to the city. Since then, Madrid has become the capital of the country. It began to develop actively, in connection with which immigrants from other regions were drawn here. New buildings, monasteries, churches, residential buildings began to appear in the city.

The French Bourbon dynasty came to power in Spain in 1700. During the reign of Charles III Madrid became a beautiful type. It was at this time that the Alcala Gate, the Royal Palace appeared here, the water supply system was reconstructed and modernized.

A massive uprising engulfed Madrid in 1808 when the French captured the city. He was severely suppressed. From 1814 to 1936 the city was constantly rebuilt. This process continued until the start of the Spanish Civil War. After its completion, the capital of Spain was in crisis for almost twenty years.

In 1975, after the coming to power of the king (Bourbon dynasty), Madrid begins to develop again. Today it, like many beautiful Spanish cities, is a beautiful metropolis, which has a place for both historical monuments and modern buildings of the European level.

Museums and palaces

What should a tourist definitely see in the capital of Spain? It is difficult to answer this question, since there are many memorable places that are of interest to tourists. For example, the Prado Museum, which contains collections of paintings from the 12th-19th centuries, which in the past belonged to the ruling dynasties of Spain and were donated to the museum. Here you can see the famous works of great masters - Sandro Botticelli, Goya, Rafael Santi, Velasquez ("Las Meninas"), Jose Ribera, Francisco de Zurbaran, Titian, Tintoretto, Bosch.

We recommend stopping your attention at the Academy of Fine Arts. It was founded in April 1752 by Ferdinand VI. Here is a collection of paintings of the XVI-XX centuries, works by El Greco, Zurbaran, Bellini, Murillo, Goya, Rubens, El Greco. Residents of Madrid consider the Royal Palace, which was built in 1764, to be the main attraction of their city. This is the most majestic palace in Europe. It has 2000 rooms.


In this article, we present Spanish cities to you. The list continues with Barcelona. The city is located on the Mediterranean coast. It is the second largest city in Spain. But besides this, it is the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia. Barcelona is located near the French border (120 km) on a plain, which is adjacent to the hills, and is surrounded on all sides by rivers.

Many major Spanish cities are the tourist centers of the country. Barcelona is one of them. The city has a developed infrastructure, which allows tourists to easily get there from any country in the world. It has its own airport, which is located ten kilometers from the city limits. Barcelona is an important railway junction and port city.

Spanish cities - the history of Barcelona

According to one of the legends, the city was founded by Hercules four hundred years before the founding of Rome. It is known that in the fifteenth year BC it was under the rule of the Roman Empire. At that time it became a fortification. The remains of its walls have survived to this day.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Barcelona, ​​like other Spanish cities, was attacked and conquered by the tribes of the Moors and Visigoths, which led to its gradual decline.

It was only in the 9th century that Louis the Pious, the son of Charlemagne, conquered Barcelona and created the capital of the Spanish Empire here.

During the French Revolution, Barcelona became part of Napoleon's empire for four years, but then returned to Spain again. In the XIX century, the city was one of the first to embark on the path of industrialization, becoming the industrial center of the state thanks to mechanical engineering and textile production.

The beginning of the 20th century turned out to be a difficult time for Barcelona. Political and cultural repression resumed again, numerous nationalist unions appeared, which demanded autonomy.

At the end of the 20th century, Barcelona became the cultural center of the country and was officially recognized.


Spanish cities have a huge number of attractions. Barcelona is no exception. Without a doubt, the main monument of history and architecture is the Church of the Holy Family, which was built according to the project of Antonio Gaudi. The majestic building, breathtaking in its appearance, attracts special attention of tourists also by the fact that its construction has been going on from 1882 to the present day, since it is carried out only on donations.

The uniqueness and complexity of the structure is due to the fact that the architect worked without using drawings, which complicated the construction after his death (1926). Experts say that construction work will be completed in 2026, and the temple will become the highest in the world.

This is not the only brainchild of Gaudi. According to his designs, many buildings were built that are today included in the UNESCO list - the House of Mila, the Guell Palace, the Guell Park and others.

Many believe that acquaintance with the city should begin with the Gothic quarter - the Old Town. Remains of Roman buildings remain here to this day. The Church of Sant Pau del Camp, the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, the chapel of St. Lucia remind of the Middle Ages.

The Spanish cities, photos of which you see in this article, have many cultural attractions. These undoubtedly include the National Museum of Art in Barcelona, ​​which was created in 1990. It consists of several collections: Gothic, Baroque, Romantic and Renaissance art, engravings and numismatics, Art Nouveau.


Famous Spanish cities cannot be listed without mentioning the capital of Andalusia, the third most populous city in the country. It is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, on two banks of the Guadalquivir River. Seville is a major commercial and industrial center. The city is located 471 kilometers from the capital of the country. Many popular Spanish cities attract tourists. Seville is one of them.

A bit of history

The inhabitants of the city call themselves "sevillanos". According to legend, Seville was created by the Greek god Hercules. At different times, the city was owned by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Greeks.

In 1729, Seville signed an agreement on cooperation with Britain and France, and a little later - with the Netherlands. The rapid development of the city took place at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, when Seville, after the discovery of America, became the commercial port of the country.

What to see in Seville?

Since the city was ruled by Arabs and Normans at different times, this left its mark on its architecture. It harmoniously combines different architectural styles.

The ancient part of the city delights with monumental sculpture. The special pride of the locals is the quadrangular Giralda tower. It was built at the end of the 9th century according to the project of the famous architect Al-Mansur. Initially, it became the minaret of the mosque, and later Christian craftsmen turned it into the bell tower of the cathedral. Tourists are happy to climb to the observation deck located here. From here you have a stunning panorama of old Seville, the Guadalquivir River and the hills on the horizon. Heralda rises above the Seville Cathedral, in which Alphonse X, Ferdinand III and other rulers of the country were buried.

Seville is home to the third largest cathedral in the entire Christian world. On its territory there is a tomb in which Columbus is buried. But this is only a version, since researchers are still arguing about where the ashes of the famous sailor are located.

Next to the cathedral is the Archive of the Indies, a Renaissance building. It was built in the 16th century. In the XVIII century, Charles III made this building a repository of documents that related to the South American colonies of Spain.

Palma de Mallorca

Popular Spanish cities are well known to Russian tourists. This picturesque resort belongs to them. It is located in the bay of the same name.

Historical reference

The whole history of the city is inextricably linked with the history and development of the island of Mallorca, where it is located. Initially, it belonged to Carthage, but after his death, pirates settled here. Quintus Caecilius Metellus (Roman consul) conquered the island and stopped the activities of the pirates. Over time, the Romans turned the island into a province, which they called Taracona Spain, and began to build new cities. Pollensa is located in the southeast of the coast, and the second city - Palma de Mallorca - in the south. The port of this city played an important role in trade relations with Roman Spain and Africa.

During Roman rule, the main activity of the population in the city was agriculture (growing olives, winemaking). In the 5th century, these lands were captured by the Vandals, who established Byzantine rule here, in connection with this, Christianity began to spread.

In the XIII century, the city was conquered by King Jaime I of Aragon. From that moment on, it became the capital of the kingdom. The work of his father was continued by Jaime II - the son of the king. During his reign, trade and shipbuilding developed.

In the middle of the 19th century, the city flourished due to the influx of tourists. Now, like many Spanish cities, it is a major entertainment and cultural center that attracts many tourists every year.


La Seu - the Cathedral - began to build under King James II. This magnificent building is often called "light" because of the many windows, and the lighting system was developed by Gaudí himself.

Bellver Castle

The unusual rounded fortress is made in the Gothic style. This building was built under James II. Later it was turned into a military prison. Today it houses the Historical Museum.

It is impossible to reach this fortress on foot, as it is located above the city bay and the Al-Terrenu quarter.

Spain is the westernmost country in Europe, located on the Iberian Peninsula. This country is one of the most beloved tourist destinations in Europe. Here everyone can find something for themselves: Spanish cuisine, folklore, architecture and local flavor attract and fascinate.

If you prefer to stay in popular places, then among the cities of Spain you will definitely have plenty to choose from. Large-scale events and festivals are held throughout the country every year, and local architecture will forever enter your heart. We, in turn, present you with the ten most famous and beautiful cities in Spain each of which deserves to be visited.

Top 10 most famous and beautiful cities in Spain

Barcelona is a favorite vacation spot for thousands of tourists, the business and cultural center of Spain. The city is the second largest with a population of about 5 million inhabitants.

The true heart of Barcelona La Rambla and the Gothic Quarter. The city could be called an open-air museum thanks to its stunning architecture. Barcelona boasts two thousand years of history, its own Catalan language and unique culture. Barcelona is the capital of modernism, there are 5 masterpieces of the UNESCO World Heritage: Parc Güell, Palau Güell, Casa Mila, Palau de la Musica Catalana, Hospital de la Santa Cru.

While in the city, you should definitely visit the Sagrada Familia, which is a kind of symbol of Barcelona, ​​the Picasso Museum, the Tibidabo amusement park.

Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. Madrid is a lively and friendly city and is said to be the city that never sleeps. Located in the geographical center of Spain, Madrid borders Castile and León to the west and Castilla-La Mancha to the south and east. Madrid is a city of kings with its own cultural and artistic history. Here, for example, is the world-famous Prado Museum. About 50 million tourists visit the Spanish capital every year.

The city has many beautiful parks and squares, it is also distinguished by the presence of a large number of outdoor cafes (Terrazas) and taverns with excellent food.

The best way to get to know the city is on foot. The most famous sights of Madrid are the main square Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace of the 18th century, one of the most visited Prado Museum in the world, the wonderful Retiro Park, La Almudena Cathedral, the Reina Sofia Museum of Modern Art, the Rastro open market.

The largest city in southern Spain and the capital of Andalusia, Seville was founded in the 8th-9th century BC. The city is located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River and simply mesmerizes visitors with hundreds of orange blossoms and magical nights. This is the city of Carmen, Don Juan and Figaro. Seville is famous for its festivities, but it is also the center of commercial and industrial activity.

In Seville, it is worth visiting the Seville Cathedral and the Giralda Tower, located on Virgen de los Reyes Square - these are one of the most famous architectural monuments in Spain. Also popular with tourists is Plaza de España, located on the edge of the northeastern part of Maria Luisa Park; Alcazar - Moorish palace of the 14th century; Museum of Fine Arts of Seville, Torre del Oro - tower of the 13th century.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Andalusian cuisine of Seville. Here you can try flamenco eggs, sherry sautéed kidneys, stuffed artichokes.

Valencia is a dynamic city at the center of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Valencia is the third largest city in Spain. Along with magnificent beaches, Valencia boasts a unique character, which gives it ancient buildings, futuristic architecture, famous museums and galleries. Spain's most famous dish, paella, was made in Valencia.

You will need at least a week to see the city in its entirety, as its architectural and cultural monuments are so numerous. One of the most famous buildings in Valencia is the city of arts and sciences, which is a huge futuristic educational complex. Also famous are Valencia Biopark, Turia Garden.

Many tourists come to Valencia for the opportunity to relax on the magnificent beaches with soft, golden sand, sparkling water and cool Mediterranean breezes.

Palma de Mallorca is the capital of the Mallorca region. This is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. In recent years, many Europeans have chosen the city for a weekend getaway. There are many boutiques, designer and cheap shops. The architecture of the city is unpredictable, village streets are combined here with ultra-modern buildings in the Vogue style.

The most impressive building in Palma de Mallorca is La Seu Cathedral, one of the finest Gothic buildings in the world. Bellver Castle and the Royal Palace are also beautiful and interesting. Palma de Mallorca is a nightlife paradise with many bars and nightclubs.

Ibiza is a city of entertainment and parties. However, it should be noted that not only active life is the hallmark of the city. For example, here is the Old Town (Dalt Vila), which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The narrow streets and the charm of the city will not leave you indifferent.

The most popular museums in the city are the Archaeological Museum, the Puget Museum, and the Museum of Modern Art. Also in the Old Town, a Dominican monastery, founded in 1500, is open to the public. Fans of unusual structures will love the Necropolis of Puig de Molins, a cemetery with a thousand-year history of more than 3,500 underground burial chambers.

And, of course, Ibiza is famous for its beach holidays with the possibility of boat trips and many parties.

Cordoba is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city is located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River in the center of Andalusia.

Cordoba is a charming city that attracts with delicious spicy food, flowers, flamenco, great jewelry and fine wines. In addition, Cordoba is famous for its architectural and cultural monuments and museums.

La Mesquita (Mosque-Cathedral) is the most popular place in Cordoba. This is the largest mosque in Spain, built in the 8th century, which was reconstructed into a cathedral in the 13th century. The mosque-cathedral is surrounded by old Jewish and Moorish quarters, which are very interesting in themselves. Also in Cordoba it is worth seeing the famous gardens of the Alcazar (Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos), the episcopal palace, the 10th century palace complex Medina Azahara, the Roman bridge.


Granada is one of the most spectacular and important cities in Spain, the last refuge of the Moors. Granada is located in the southeastern part of Spain in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The city is a meeting place for Christian and Muslim cultures. The most famous and emblematic monument of the city is the Alhambra Palace, which is a must-see for all travelers in Andalusia. The name of the palace in translation means "red", he got it thanks to the outer walls of red-brown brick.

Pamplona is located between the Pyrenees and Embro and is the capital of the autonomous region of Navarre in northern Spain. The city is famous for the annual festival of San Fermin with bullfights. This food and dance festival attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year from July 6 to 14.

Like other cities in Spain, Pamplona has a lot to see. Here is the Musée de Navarra, famous for its Roman mosaics, murals from the 14th century and collections of art from various artists. Also, tourists should visit the Pamplona Cathedral, Taconera Park, the Church of San Satumino.

Tours of Pamplona include visiting the world famous beaches of San Sebastian, the famous vineyards of La Rioja and the Pyrenees.

Malaga is the capital of the Costa del Sol region. It is the largest and most visited city in this region of Spain. Malaga is also an international port - one of the three international ports in Spain.

While in Malaga, you should see with your own eyes the Picasso Museum, the Cathedral and the Citadel of Gibralfaro. The latter is interesting for its history. Gibralfaro was built in 1040 to protect against pirates. Later, the fortress was repeatedly completed and was not inferior in size to the royal residence.

Malaga is famous for its fish and seafood, which are prepared according to unique recipes. Here you can try a dish called Pescaito Frito (mixed fried fish), marinated fish, squid and anchovies.

Have you already been to Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Seville? Have you sunbathed enough on Spanish beaches, tried paella, sangria, gazpacho and all local seafood? Spain, besides this, has more to surprise you with! The editors of Our Spain have compiled for you a rating of the five most unusual Spanish cities that will not leave indifferent the most fastidious tourists.

5th place

On the 5th place is the town (Castellfullit de la Roca) in the province of Girona.
The town is located on the edge of a basalt cliff formed by lava flows many thousands of years ago. The height of the cliff on which the houses stand is about 50 meters.

Most of the buildings in this town are built from the same volcanic rock as the rock itself. The population of Castelfulit de la Roca is only 1000 people, but at the same time, this city is considered one of the most photographed attractions in Catalonia.

4th place

On the 4th place in our ranking, we placed the city (Ronda), the old part of which was built over a 100-meter gorge. Ronda is located 100 km northeast of Malaga. The city is spread over two high mountain plateaus at an altitude of 750 m above sea level. These two plateaus are connected by the amazing New Bridge (Puneto Nuevo), which is built over the El Tajo Gorge, its depth is 100 meters. At the bottom of the gorge flows the river Guadalevín.

It is impossible to convey in words the beauty of the landscapes that open from the bridge. In addition to the landscapes and the bridge, Ronda has enough ancient sights, such as the Arab baths of the 12th century or the cathedral, rebuilt from an Arab mosque.

3rd place

In third place was an amazing town (Setenil de las Bodegas) near Ronda. It, unlike Ronda, is located not on top of the gorge, but right in it. This "white town" lies in the mountains of Andalusia and surprises everyone with its architecture.

Overhanging the streets and lanes are rock vaults that protect them from strong winds in winter and suffocating heat in summer. The houses seem to be cut into the basalt rocks and look like a continuation of the caves. It seems as if the rocks are about to collapse, however, in the entire history of the town, which has exceeded eight centuries, not a single building has collapsed.

2nd place

The second place was taken by the city of "Spanish troglodytes". (Guadix) can be called one of the most extraordinary cities in Spain.
The word "troglodyte" for an unknowing person sounds creepy. But one has only to delve into the history of this word, as it immediately becomes clear that there is nothing frightening in it. Translated from Greek, it means "living in a cave." Several urban areas are an intricate web of cave houses, roads and chimneys sticking straight out of the ground.

It should be noted that due to their location in a mountainous area, all the "cave houses" were built at different heights. That is why, walking through the cave quarter, people almost always walk on the roofs of houses.

This place is located near the Sierra Nevada mountains, and therefore here at any time of the year from the observation platforms you can admire an amazing view of the city with snowy mountain peaks in the background.

1 place

Well, and tops the rating of the most unusual towns in Spain, of course, the blue town (Juzcar). Huscar is also known as Pueblo Pitufo. Previously, this place was an ordinary white village in the province of Malaga. However, in 2011, everything changed after Sony Pictures offered to temporarily repaint the entire village in blue, of course, for a fee for each resident.

Perhaps there is nothing surprising in the fact that after the contract of the first village of the Smurfs with Sony Pictures, a vote was held among the residents, according to the results of which (149 "for", 36 "against") it was decided to leave the blue houses. Thus, an ordinary village and gained popularity among tourists.

There are many reasons to visit Spain. First of all, the presence of a deep spiritual connection between Spaniards and Russians. In addition, only here you can find an amazing combination of gentle sea and hot sun, piercing blue sky and bright golden sand. The location of Spain on the border of Africa and Europe, Islam and Christianity had a significant impact on the appearance of the country. There are many amazing things here that cannot be found anywhere else in the world! Every intelligent person needs to visit this country of passionate flamenco dancers and brave bullfighters at least once. Admire the famous Sagrada Familia, the house of El Greco, the world-famous exhibits of the Prado. Hear the soft sounds of the Spanish guitar. To fully capture the magnificence of this country, you need to visit the most beautiful Spanish cities.

It is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Seville is home to the world-famous bullfighting and flamenco, which create an unforgettable atmosphere in it. The legend says that Hercules himself opened this city for people by cutting the symbolic ribbon with huge scissors. The divine origin of the city endowed its inhabitants with abilities that manifest themselves in a special relationship to the world. Seville cannot be called an ordinary city, it is a separate world inhabited by residents who proudly call themselves sevillanos. The city is divided into two contrasting parts by the Guadalquivir River. The most famous city attractions include the Golden Tower, the Cathedral, the Alcazar Palace. Numerous tourists are invariably delighted with trips in open carriages.

Its location gives the city a special charm. It is located at the foot of the mountains, proudly raising their snow-capped peaks to heaven. Granada has a very special atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which makes it so attractive to romantics. The city is crossed by narrow streets, on both sides of which there are beautiful white houses. Residents of the city are distinguished by special friendliness and good nature. And life in Granada is very calm and measured. For eight centuries the city was ruled by Muslims. Numerous monuments of ancient Moorish culture remained in memory of their reign. In one of the oldest quarters called Albayzin, the old atmosphere has been preserved to this day, in which traditional gypsy dances are harmoniously intertwined. The architecture of Granada surprisingly combines modern and ancient buildings. This contrast gives the city an additional charm. The Alhambra Palace deserves special attention, which is considered one of the most beautiful and best preserved monuments of Arab architecture. The ancient Cathedral is still in use today. Close to it adjoins the Royal Chapel, admiring the magnificent facade and roof. Many monasteries, cathedrals and fountains make Granada an amazingly beautiful city.

The best time to visit it is autumn or spring. During these periods, the majestic beauty of the Spanish capital is best manifested. Extremely picturesque parks, numerous architectural monuments of the past and famous fountains put Madrid on a par with the most beautiful cities in the world. It contains the creations of such world famous geniuses as Goya, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Raphael, Titian and Rubens. Tourists are invariably attracted by the Prado, Thyssen-Bornemiss, and the Reina Sofia Art Center. The Royal Palace is a majestic architectural monument. And the famous Retiro Park adjacent to it can rightfully be proud of a surprisingly harmonious combination of architectural and natural attractions.

It is impossible to thoroughly know Spain without visiting Barcelona, ​​which rightfully bears the name of the cultural and industrial capital of the country. In fact, it is an open-air museum. This status is primarily due to its history, which has more than two thousand years. Barcelona can be proud of its unique architecture, the heart of which is the Gothic Quarter and La Rambla. Every year the city hosts a large number of different festivals. The most famous sights include the Ricassa Museum, the Sagrada Familia and the famous Tibidabo hill.

Almost a million inhabitants used to live in this fabulous city. Currently, it is one of the most visited tourist centers. For five centuries, Muslims reigned supreme in the city. They left behind a large number of architectural sights. Cordoba gained special fame for the ancient bridge that spans the Guadalquivir and the picturesque ruins of an ancient settlement. But the main attraction of the city is the famous Botanical Garden, conveniently located in the lower rivers. It presents rare specimens of flora and fauna from all over the world. Not far from the city are the ruins of Medina Asahar, which is considered one of the best examples of Moorish culture.

Like many Spanish cities, Zaragoza was built over two thousand years ago. Its founders are the ancient Romans. Architectural monuments of the past, as well as beautiful modern buildings, give the city an unforgettable charm. Aljaferia Castle, which is rightfully considered the most beautiful monument of the Moorish culture of Northern Spain, is considered his calling card. Other sights of Zaragoza include the Fasetas Monastery, the Church of Santiago, the Museum of Religious Art, numerous palaces, in particular, Sastago, Don Lope, Condes de Morata, Torero. And the Pilarist Museum contains works by the Baye brothers, Velazquez, Goya.

This city is considered one of the most ancient in Spain. It is located near the border with Portugal. Despite the rather impressive population (more than one hundred and eighty thousand inhabitants), the city clearly feels a rustic charm. The main attraction of Salamanca is the Romanesque Cathedral, built in the twelfth century. Its painted altarpiece is frescoed by Nicolásoa Florentino himself, who is considered one of the most famous artists of the early renaissance. An addition was made to the temple at the beginning of the fifteenth century. Its design harmoniously combines two styles - late Gothic and Plataresco, which is one of the trends in the Renaissance style. The construction of the cathedral was finally completed in the first half of the seventeenth century. One of the main treasures of the temple is a bronze crucifix, handed over by El Cid to his spiritual shepherd.

Another attraction of Salamanca is a square called Plaza Mayor. It is considered to be the most beautiful square in the country. It was created at the beginning of the eighteenth century by the famous architect Churriger. Around the square are magnificent arches, which depict the kings of Spain, as well as General Franco. In the middle of the square rises the picturesque town hall. Plaza Mayor acts as a kind of living room for city dwellers who often make appointments here.

In general, any Spanish city has its own legend, a past rich in interesting events and many natural and architectural attractions. The Spaniards are very fond of various holidays and festivals, which attract guests from all over the world.