Visit the Snow Maiden! New Year's trip to Kostroma. Journey to the fairytale house of the Snow Maiden in Kostroma What does the Snow Maiden do in her fairytale house

Hello, friends!

On the eve of the last New Year, we visited.

This time I invite you to visit a close relative of Grandfather Frost - his granddaughter Snegurochka.

As you know, Santa Claus is a lonely man (that is, there is no reliable information about his wife and children), but the granddaughter somehow miraculously appeared.

And she lives neither far nor close in her maiden house in the city of Kostroma, which is located next to Veliky Ustyug.

Our path lies there. We harness a cheerful trio of horses to the sleigh (no, after all, it’s probably better that we go by train or fly by plane, or maybe we’ll sail on a boat) and again we set off on an exciting trip: to the New Year holiday and a fairy tale.

But, before we cross the threshold of the fabulous house of the Snow Maiden, we will try to understand: where did the Snow Maiden come from and how did she become the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

History of the Snow Maiden

As always, it is very difficult to understand such cases. And the more you learn, the more you get confused in the pedigree of this sweet girl.

Many researchers find signs of the modern Snow Maiden in the very distant past and associate her appearance with ancient religious rites, and with the pagan goddess of death, winter and night Morana, and find similarities in ancient Greek mythology and culture of other countries and peoples.

But be that as it may, already in the 19th century, the image of the Snow Maiden as a girl born from snow was known in many legends. Mentions about it appear both in the explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl, and in the studies of the collector of Russian folklore A.N. Afanasyev.

Evidence of the birth of the Snow Maiden, supported by documents, can be considered two events that occurred in the cultural life of Russia.

This is the play "The Snow Maiden", written in 1873 by the Russian writer A.N. Ostrovsky, and the opera "The Snow Maiden" by Rimsky-Korsakov, performed a little later (in 1882).

The opera was a great success. The Snow Maiden was loved for tenderness, beauty, selflessness (for the sake of love, she parted with her life and melts with the first rays of the spring sun).

The image of the Snow Maiden began to be used in scenarios for children's parties, including Christmas trees.

But the post-revolutionary struggle against religion did its job. In the end, in 1929, the celebration of Christmas and, accordingly, children's Christmas holidays was officially banned.

All the attributes of this holiday (the Christmas tree, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden) "gone" into the deep underground.

But the Russian soul has always demanded a holiday. And, probably considering that it would not be possible to completely eradicate the tradition of celebrating the Christmas holidays, Soviet ideologists established the celebration of the New Year instead of Christmas.

And in 1937, at the New Year's holiday in the Moscow House of Unions, for the first time, the Snow Maiden appeared next to Santa Claus, who from that time became his faithful companion and one of the main characters at the New Year's holiday.

So we can consider the appearance of the Snow Maiden next to Santa Claus as a purely Russian know-how. In none of the countries (in the presence of the same attributes of the holiday - a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, adapted to the culture of each country), there is such a character as the Snow Maiden.

The image of the Snow Maiden was carefully thought out, famous Russian artists N.K. Roerich, M.A. Vrubel, V.M. Vasnetsov participated in its creation.

In a word, this is the story. And this is a topic for a large and laborious study.

We don't need it now. After all, we are in a hurry to celebrate. And most importantly - do not be late to visit the Snow Maiden.

Not far off New Year. And then the obedient granddaughter and faithful companion of the old Santa Claus will leave her fabulous house and will meet guests with him at his residence in Veliky Ustyug.

Where does the Snow Maiden live?

And again the question: why did the Snow Maiden settle in Kostroma - in this small ancient city on the Volga?

Probably because it's not very far from her grandfather's residence (my version).

But, in fact, the story of the appearance of this fabulous tower is as follows.

Many explain this by the fact that the image of the Snow Maiden is associated with the ancient ritual of the funeral of Kostroma and the fact that it was in these places that the Russian writer A.N. Ostrovsky created the famous play “The Snow Maiden”.

Later, already in 1968, when it was planned to make a film about the Snow Maiden, a place near the city of Kostroma was chosen as the location for filming. The village of Berendeevka was built here (well, of course, it was wooden scenery).

After the end of filming, the scenery was transferred to Kostroma, where the Berendeevka park and the Snegurochka tower appeared from that time.

In Kostroma, the program "Fairytale Kostroma - the birthplace of the Snow Maiden" was developed. The day of her birth was named the date - April 4th. And since 2009, the birthday of the Snow Maiden has been celebrated annually in these places.

So the residence of the Snow Maiden in these places is quite legal and justified by undeniable arguments.

What does the Snow Maiden do in her fairytale house?

Have you ever thought about where the granddaughter of Santa Claus lives and what does the granddaughter of Santa Claus do after the end of the New Year holidays?

With grandfather, everything seems to be clear, he leaves even further north on a trio of his dashing horses.

And what is the Snow Maiden to do? After all, do not melt every time with the onset of warm days?

But no, she returns to her fairy-tale tower and works tirelessly there, doing her daily business with her assistants until the next arrival of Grandfather and the celebration of the New Year.

And you need to do a lot of different things: visit your friends - go to visit Kikimora Vyatskaya in the spring, be sure to visit Berendey in Pereslavl-Zalessky in the summer, in the fall you need to prepare well for a trip to Karelia for the Olonets games of Santa Clauses and for the birthday of your beloved Grandfather. Well, let's not even talk about winter - it's the hottest time.

And all year round the Snow Maiden welcomes guests together with her assistants Domovikha, Domovoi, Kot-Bayun in her terem.

Fairy yard of the Snow Maiden

In Kostroma, on the banks of the Volga, among wooden carved houses at st. Lagernaya, 38 there is a whole fabulous town.

The Snegurochka hotel awaits tired travelers, and the Metelitsa restaurant awaits those who are hungry. And, of course, the goal of our trip is the fairy-tale courtyard of the Snow Maiden with a wooden Tower with carved architraves and a porch and a fluffy Christmas tree in the center.

A feeling of magic is created by a huge stone in the yard, a kind of fairy-tale landmark, a slide from which you can slide down with a breeze on a wooden sled, a mini belfry with small bells.

And inside you will find a real miracle.

Terem tour

The hostess herself will meet you, introduce you to her fabulous friends, and lead you through her mansions and courtyard.

Moving from room to room, you will visit a puppet show in the Svetlitsa, in the Upper Room the Snow Maiden herself will tell about how she lives in her house, what she does and what magic items help her work miracles. Then you will learn a lot of interesting things about the life and origin of the Snow Maiden from ancient myths and legends and get acquainted with the handicrafts of talented Kostroma children.

Visit to the Ice Room

Can you imagine that suddenly, in the midst of the summer heat, you find yourself in a room where real Frost reigns (the temperature is always minus 14)?

Yes it is possible. Among the surprises that the Snow Maiden has prepared for her guests is a room made of ice. And here, not only the walls are icy, but also dishes, jewelry, sculptures. And the Ural craftsmen created all this beauty.

And so that the guests do not freeze, they are invited to taste various fabulous drinks: for children - a sweet magic cocktail, but for adults they are served in ice cups, whichever is stronger.

And, of course, you can’t get there without warm boots and warm clothes.

Snegurkino Compound - an outdoor game program

Sightseeing tour of Kostroma.
Kostroma is a reserved pearl of the Golden Ring and the most beautiful city of Rus'! Kostroma is the same age as Moscow, the oldest jewelry center, a solid merchant city and the largest port city on the Volga. Beauty-Kostroma spreads out on seven picturesque hills at the confluence of two rivers - the Volga and Kostroma, and the well-preserved ensemble of rich mansions of the 18th-19th centuries, patterned wooden houses and the fan arrangement of streets (by the way, invented and approved by Empress Catherine the Great herself) gives it a special, unique charm.
The squares and streets of Kostroma literally "breathe" with history, and in the well-groomed, decorated with luxurious flower beds historical center of Kostroma rare historical and architectural monuments are concentrated. You will admire the tall Fire Tower - an outstanding monument of classicism, the building of the guardhouse, the House of General Borshchov, get acquainted with the perfectly preserved ensemble of the Trading Rows, which still carry out their service regularly. This is a real ancient "city within a city"!
Kostroma is famous for its unusual monuments and monuments. The most romantic monument of Kostroma is Ostrovsky's pavilion on the embankment of the rampart of the ancient Kostroma Kremlin. The views from here to the Volga are simply enchanting! At the top of the Milk Mountain stands a monument to the national hero and patriot of Russia - Ivan Susanin, who saved the future Tsar Mikhail Romanov at the cost of his own life. You will admire the sculpture of the most fabulous native of Kostroma - the Snow Maiden and the touching monument to the Rescue Dog, who served in the Kostroma fire brigade and saved many lives. Kostroma is the cradle of the Romanov dynasty, because it was in the Ipatiev Monastery of Kostroma that Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was hiding from the disgrace of Godunov.
Excursion to the only Sumarokov moose farm in Russia. A fairytale forest, communication with amazing animals, one-year-old and two-year-old elk calves can be petted and hand-fed. If you are lucky, then on the way, on the forest path, under the fascinating story of the guide, you will be able to meet a moose cow. It happens that one of the "freed" moose accompanies the group on the way to the parking lot or back - just like that, "for the company." It happens that tour groups run into them immediately after arrival right at the bus stop. Who is not afraid, can stroke and be photographed in an embrace.

"Village" of Russian jewelers, the village of Krasnoye - on the Volga - jewelry art center not only the Kostroma land, but the whole country. Unique master jewelers work in Krasnoye, whose products have repeatedly won first places at international exhibitions. Their products have been exhibited in many countries, and collectors all over the world consider it an honor to have the products of Krasnoselsky jewelers in their collections. You can see the best examples of their craftsmanship in the Krasnoselsky Museum of Jewelry and Folk Applied Arts, the building of which was built in 1904 according to the project of the famous architect A.N. Benois and is an architectural monument of the early twentieth century. The exposition of the museum contains unique exhibits of archaeological excavations of the Krasnoselsky region - these are household utensils, tools, and the most interesting items of jewelry art of the 30s - 90s of the last century. The guide will introduce you to the history of the development of the Krasnoselsky jewelry business from handicraft to a world-famous modern jewelry center, tell you about the traditions of the jewelry industry and its roots. You will see and enjoy an exhibition of jewelry by local artists, presented in the form of a wide variety of women's jewelry, vases, souvenirs, crockery, which have been and remain a kind of anthem of Russia. In addition, you will learn about what is Krasnoselskaya filigree, otherwise filigree, you will learn about its importance in the development of the jewelry art of the Kostroma Province, as well as about the features of the process of making jewelry in the filigree technique by craftsmen of the Kostroma Territory, both in the last century and today
Specially for you master jewelers will hold a master class. And for those who want to buy some of the exclusive jewelry for themselves as a keepsake, there will be a great opportunity to do it in a specialized store. The prices will pleasantly surprise you...

Departure to Moscow.
Arrival in Moscow in the evening, depending on traffic congestion.

Excursion tour for schoolchildren to Kostroma for 2 days / 1 night

We invite you to go on a tour to Kostroma and visit the hospitable Russian province, as well as visit the Snow Maiden. The noble appearance of this ancient city and its royal history, which forever connected Kostroma with the Romanov dynasty, do not leave indifferent anyone who visits this amazing city of the Golden Ring of Russia.

Kostroma is famous for its sights, so the abundance of tourist routes and excursion programs allows you to return to this city more than once.

Kostroma is the birthplace of the fabulous granddaughter of Santa Claus Snegurochka. It was on Kostroma land in his estate Shchelykovo that the famous Russian playwright N. Ostrovsky wrote the play of the same name, several centuries have passed since then, but the heart of this fabulous girl continues to beat in one of the corners of the museum-reserve - at the bottom of the Blue Key spring that does not freeze even in winter.

The Snow Maiden herself lives in a fabulous house in the very center of Kostroma. She does a lot of needlework, invents different fairy tales, answers letters from children from all over Russia. And you can visit her not only during the New Year holidays, but also at any other time of the year.

Kostroma is also famous for its delicious cheese, flax and birch bark, wooden architecture and Orthodox churches and monasteries.

Tour program:

The night before, departure from Moscow, by train.

1 day

Arrival in the city of Kostroma. Group meeting at the railway station.

Sightseeing tour of Kostroma. You will see the amazingly beautiful Church of the Resurrection-on-Debra, the Ipatiev Monastery of the Holy Trinity - the cradle of the August House of the Romanovs, the Epiphany-Anastasiyin Convent, the unique architectural ensemble of the city center with shopping malls, the building of the former guardhouse, monuments to Ivan Susanin and Yuri Dolgoruky and several symbols Kostroma - a fire tower and Ostrovsky's gazebo.

08:00. Breakfast in a cafe.

09:00. A trip to the only moose farm in Russia, an excursion will introduce you to amazing animals, give you the joy of communicating with them, there is an opportunity to see and feed little moose calves. Tamed animals are so accustomed to people that they are not afraid of them at all and simply follow them, begging for a treat. Sumarokovskaya moose farm

10:30. Arrival at the moose farm. The tour will introduce children to amazing animals, give them the joy of communicating with them, and have the opportunity to see and feed little elk calves. Tamed animals are so accustomed to people that they are not afraid of them at all and simply follow them, begging for a treat. Sumarokovskaya moose farm especially like children who can join the wild nature. Reviews of tourists who visited this place are always positive.

12:00. Departure to Kostroma.

13:30. Lunch at the cafe.

15:00. Excursion to the museum-estate of Flax and birch bark.

In the Museum of Flax and Birch Bark, visitors will see with their own eyes the process of turning flax straw into peasant shirts, learn about the traditions of making ancient birch bark products. You can buy a birch bark or linen souvenir in the souvenir department, as well as take master classes in making a memorial sign with the coat of arms of Kostroma - a birch bark medal or a rag doll-amulet

16:30. Departure to the hotel.

17:00 Check-in at the hotel.

18:00 Dinner for extra. fee 350 r.

Day 2

08:00 Breakfast at the hotel. Buffet.

Release of rooms. Boarding the bus.

09:30 Interactive program in the house of the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden and her helpers, Brownies and Cat Bayun will lead the guests through the courtyard and the fabulous Terem, show the most interesting things and together with you make wishes that will surely come true. In Svetlitsa you will find a puppet show about a snowy beauty, in Gornitsa the Snegurochka will talk about her life and introduce her to mysterious magical objects, and in the next room there will be an amazing meeting with Slavic myths and legends. In the Room of Miracles you will find extraordinary works of Kostroma children who will undoubtedly amaze you with their imagination and creativity.

Visit to the Ice Room with refreshments.

The Ice Room is a unique hall where -14 degrees Celsius all year round. It is made by the hands of the Ural craftsmen from real ice. You will admire the fabulous beauty and be surprised at the skill of the craftsmen, as well as treat yourself to ice drinks for children and adults. Children will try a magical cocktail of snow and melt water with magical bubbles, while adults will try original Russian drinks from ice glasses. But before getting to Ledyanaya, guests are invited to put on warm zipuns and felt boots on their feet.

10:30 visit Museum-Reserve "Kostroma Sloboda"».

A unique open-air museum of wooden architecture. The entrance pavilion to the museum as a temporary portal separating modernity and antiquity. From the noisy city you will find yourself on a quiet village street, stretching along the picturesque river Igumenka. You will learn about the life of the peasants, their crafts, holidays, family life, about all the features of village life.

Information and theatrical program "Around the stove«. In this program we will tell you about the life, way of life and traditions of a peasant family. You are given the opportunity to try to perform various types of household work: to get a cast-iron from the stove with a tong, to iron the laundry with a “wooden iron” - a rubel, to walk with a yoke. The hostess of the hut will show the guests the games played by the peasant children. At the end of the program tea.

12:00.Lunch at the cafe.

13:30. Holiday program in Art Museum "Christmas of the 19th century" will introduce the children to how Russian families celebrated Christmas 100 years ago, children and adults will be able to make New Year's toys and candles themselves and decorate the Christmas tree in the style of the last century, become a participant in jester caroling, funny Christmas games.

Dinner for extra fee 350 r.

23:21. Departure to Moscow.

The cost of the tour, in rubles per 1 student in a group:




20sh.+2 resist.


25sh.+2 resist.





"Volga"7290 rub./person7880 rub./person7160 rub./person6850 rub./person6330 rub./person

The tour price includes:

  • accommodation (double rooms with private facilities);
  • excursion program, including entrance tickets to museums;
  • meals (2 breakfasts, 2 lunches);
  • guide services;
  • transport service on buses tourist class.

Supplement for an adult in a group: + 300 rub. to the cost of the tour.

Additionally, you can order dinner: from 350 rubles/person for 1 dinner.

Additionally purchased:

railway tickets for the reserved seat train: from 1800 rubles for a student, from 2970 rubles for an adult.

The Russian Railways system has dynamic pricing, check the cost of the railway when booking!!!

Attention, tickets go on sale 60 days in advance! Group travel should be planned in advance!

Tickets can be purchased independently, or through our company.

*The time and procedure for the provision of tourist services in the program may change while maintaining their volume.

*At your request, the tour can be calculated based on the accommodation of any hotel, for any dates of arrival, number of days and group members.

*When booking, specify the cost.

1st day

Departure of the train from St. Petersburg.
We recommend arriving at the station 1 hour before the train departure.
You will receive boarding passes and vouchers the day before your trip.

2nd day
Arrival at Nerekhta station, meeting with the guide.

Excursion program visiting "At Moroz-Master", where a real New Year's fairy tale awaits you at the Lavrovskaya factory of artistic painting.
Not everyone knows about the small old town of Nerekhta, not far from Kostroma. But it is here that the real factory of wooden New Year's toys! Here Frost-Master, together with his assistants-masters, prepare gifts for children and adults for the New Year!
You will become a member of an interactive program with a Russian wooden toy "Fun and Fun of Frost the Master". Drive head over heels, start a spinning top, spin a wok, and also snacks, crippled kids, spinning tops with spinning tops ... Many, many exciting funs await you on the Frost-Master's Ventures and Funs game program!

Master class of art painting on wood "Gift with your own hands."
"Cause - time, fun - an hour" - you can make a wonderful toy with your own hands! Master artists will share with you the secrets of creating festive masterpieces. Hand-painted gifts will keep the warmth of the holiday for a long time, bring light and kindness to your home!

Moving to Kostroma.

Sightseeing tour of Kostroma with a tour of the main sights of the city, during which you will see:

  • shopping malls that stretch from Susaninskaya Square to the ramparts of the Kremlin and are called Gingerbread, Bread, Kvass, Fish, Meat;
  • Ostrovsky's gazebo, which was filmed in the film "Dowry";
  • fire tower - the main decoration of Susaninskaya Square, which aroused the admiration of Emperor Nicholas I, and was considered the best fire tower in the Russian province;
  • guardhouse - the place of stay of the personnel of the main guard;
  • monument to Ivan Susanin.

Excursion to the Residence of the Snow Maiden.

The Academy of Snow Wonders is an entertaining, educational, interactive program for everyone. The best teachers of the Academy of Snow Wonders will reveal the secrets of frosty craftsmanship in the Magic Lab, teach you how to create magical items using the simplest materials and rich imagination. And handmade souvenirs will remind you of the fabulous Kostroma for a long time to come.

Moving to Yaroslavl.

Sightseeing tour of Yaroslavl with a visit to the Kremlin.

Free time.

Transfer to the railway station of Yaroslavl.

Departure of the train to St. Petersburg.

3rd day

Arrival in St. Petersburg.

TO The company reserves the right to make changes to the tour program without reducing the overall volume and quality of services, as well as to cancel the tour and / or offer alternative travel options in case of a shortage of the group.
The seating of tourists on the train is made approximately five days before departure at our discretion. All requests for seats in the car are considered, but their implementation is not guaranteed.
Dress for the weather, in comfortable clothes and shoes.

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program description

Excursion tour around the Golden Ring for 2 days, "On a visit to the Snow Maiden in Kostroma"

ROUTE:Moscow - Pereslavl-Zalessky - Yaroslavl - Kostroma - Sumarokovo - Ples - Vladimir - Moscow


1 day

  • 7-45. Meeting in Moscow, station metro station "Komsomolskaya", in the building of the Leningradsky railway station, in the ticket office, from Komsomolskaya Square. The group is met by a guide with a sign "Origins of the Golden Ring".
  • Departure to Pereslavl-Zalessky.
  • Approaching Pereslavl-Zalessky, you immediately understand that Orthodox traditions here are intertwined with our pagan past. Not every city can boast of an architectural monument of the XII century. On Red Square like a mighty hero from antiquity stands Transfiguration Cathedral witnessed many historical events.
  • Departure to Yaroslavl.
  • Dinner(or free time).
  • Founded by Yaroslav the Wise back in the 11th century at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers, the city of Yaroslavl is getting prettier day by day. Its entire central part is under the protection of the UNESCO World Organization. Excursions are special here: there is an opportunity to wander around the center, admire the famous arrow, singing fountains, temples of the XVII century. Northern Florence, this name appeared to the city not by chance, it is one of the brightest, solemn and, at the same time, ancient cities of Russia. Inspection of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, architecture Church of Elijah the Prophet and beautiful nearby embankment, rebuilt for the 1000th anniversary of the city.
  • Departure to Kostroma.
  • Visit to the residence of the Snow Maiden. The residence of the Snow Maiden is not just the abode of a good sorceress. Here, the “snow girl” not only performs miracles in front of an admiring audience and shares all the secrets with pleasure, but also allows you to put your hand in it ...
  • Hotel accommodation in rooms of the selected category.
  • Dinner (extra charge) or free time.

2 day

  • Breakfast. Release of rooms BEFORE departure for the tour.
  • We are waiting for an excursion in the northernmost city on the "Golden Ring" - Kostroma. This is a surprisingly cozy, quiet and calm city. Here you can take a break from the frantic rhythm of big cities, admire the absolutely round “frying pan”, as the central square of Kostroma is called, In fact Susaninskaya. Thanks to the immortal feat of this peasant from the village of Domnino, the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail, was able to ascend the throne.
  • Departure to Sumarokovo.
  • Excursion to the only Sumarokov moose farm in Russia. Winter fairy forest, communication with amazing animals that you can stroke and feed from your hand.
  • Dinner(or free time).
  • Departure to Plyos.
  • Clean air, beautiful nature, rural silence and the spirit of Rus' - all this is a city of antiquity and landscapes that tourists love, it is beautiful as a whole, like an amazing panorama, beautiful in every detail, in every nook and cranny, the splendor of which was conveyed to us by the artist Isaac Levitan . You will see the residential houses of the Plyos merchants - magnificent examples of Russian classicism and baroque. On Mount Freedom is the oldest church in the city Assumption Cathedral 1699 - the most ancient landmark of urban architecture. Immediately on the route we have the Museum -exhibition complex "Places of presence". Will meet you at the entrance monument to Vasily I. Located on the waterfront memorial house museum of the great artist I. I. Levitan, not far from the Church of St. Barbara, next to the pier, where part of the episodes of "Cruel Romance" were filmed, you will be greeted by two new sculptures that have become new sights of the city: "Plyosskaya cat" And "Dachnik".
  • Moving to Vladimir.
  • The walk will start from golden gate– a masterpiece of Russian fortification past Water tower (now the museum "Old Vladimir") according to original Georgievskaya street, earlier it was the heart of the New City, here in the XII century the court of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky was located. Along the way, you will meet many interesting characters: scientist cat, artist, sculpture Vladimir Fireman with a functioning water pump- mechanism of the XIX century, mischievous And filera. You will see the symbol of the old city - monument to Vladimir Cherry and find out what she was famous for. Especially for tourists on the street are equipped two viewing platforms, from where a beautiful view of the banks of the Klyazma and the magnificent Assumption Cathedral. Near the first city pharmacy XVIII century is monument to a pharmacist, according to legend, you need to rub his nose and bald head - for good health. On Cathedral Square You will admire Assumption Cathedral- a unique monument of Vladimir-Suzdal architecture with frescoes by Andrey Rublev, Demetrius Cathedral- a magnificent example of ancient Russian plastic art and white stone carving.
  • Departure to Moscow(estimated time of arrival 23-30, Komsomolskaya metro station).

The tour price includes:

  • accommodation in a hotel, in a room of the selected category - 1 night,
  • food to choose from 2 options: 1). breakfasts (except the 1st day) 2). Breakfasts (except on the 1st day) and lunches.
  • excursion program,
  • entrance tickets to museums according to the program,
  • services of an accompanying guide and guides in museums,
  • transport service according to the program.

Additional charges (net prices):

  • Supplement for dinner on the 1st day of the tour - 450 rubles per person. for the program (optional);
  • Supplement for a Russian-speaking foreigner - 400 rubles per person. for the program

If the number of tourists in the group is less than 19 people a foreign-made minibus may be provided for transport services.

Tour duration 2 days / 1 night. The duration of the hotel stay for this tour is 1 day. Check-out time at the hotel is 12:00.

The tour operator reserves the right to change the order of excursions, and if it is impossible to conduct any excursion, replace it with an equivalent one, without reducing the total volume of the program.

The tour operator is not responsible for weather conditions, traffic jams, road repairs, changes in the rules of travel to attractions.

The time of arrival in Moscow is indicative and cannot be considered an obligatory item in the program.


  • Please provide the mobile phone of tourists for emergency communication with the guide.
  • Please send information to

gold ring of Russia

On the trip you need to take:

1. An identity document (passport) and an insurance policy.

2. Medicines if you suffer from chronic diseases.

3. Drinks.

It is advisable to take on a trip:

1. Raincoat or umbrella in case of rain, in summer - a hat that protects from the sun, sunglasses and, most importantly, comfortable shoes.

2. A small pillow under your head and a blanket, woolen socks will make your trip more comfortable, especially if it is a long trip and there are night crossings.

3. When traveling in bad weather, as well as in autumn and spring, it is advisable to wear closed shoes, because. in small towns in Russia, roads are usually unpaved.

4. When traveling, accompanied by visits to existing Orthodox churches and monasteries, women must have a scarf on their heads, and clothing must cover their shoulders and knees. Visiting active monasteries in trousers, shorts, open T-shirts and tracksuits is not allowed.

5. Photo and video camera. Remember - almost all objects of visit charge a fee for photo and video shooting, in some monasteries, as well as inside temples, photo and video shooting is strictly prohibited.

In the bus:

1. We do not smoke on buses.

2. During the journey, the bus makes technical (sanitary) stops every 2.5 - 3 hours, the duration of which is set by the head of the group. We kindly ask you to strictly observe the time allotted for the stop.

3. While the bus is moving, it is not allowed to walk around the cabin.

4. It is forbidden to distract drivers while driving. All your questions will be answered by the accompanying group / guide.

5. The top shelf in the passenger compartment of the bus is intended only for small things and books; heavy objects (including bottles) are strictly forbidden to put on top in order to avoid accidents.

6. The bus seats recline back (this is not possible in minibuses). During parking, the chair must be returned to its original position, take out your garbage from the bus.

Tour day order:

1. The exact time and place of departure of the group is indicated in your program. If tourists are late to the place of gathering of the group, the money for the tour is not returned.

2. The time of departure from the hotel for excursions, the time of breakfast, dinner and an additional program is announced by the accompanying group. This time is obligatory for all participants of the tour. A delay in the departure of the bus may lead to a reduction in the excursion program, and, in some cases, to the cancellation of visits to the planned objects. The program has an estimated time. In some cases, there may be slight delays, about which the accompanying group informs tourists.

3. The time of visiting the excursion objects is reported to the accompanying group. We kindly ask you to strictly observe the time allotted for the inspection of a particular object of visit.

4. If you decide to leave the group - you must inform the group escort in advance. In any case, ask the accompanying person for the phone numbers and addresses of hotels along the route.

5. On the territory of monasteries it is not allowed to be drunk, run, talk loudly, take pictures of the inhabitants of the monastery (monks, clergymen).

6. If you have any doubts, contact the group guide for help.

7. The bus is one of the most convenient modes of transport and the most unpredictable, because they always make their own adjustments to delays on the way, namely: traffic jams, congestion, traffic accidents. Therefore, we recommend that you be patient, do not worry, and, of course, take an interesting book, a good magazine or guidebook with you on the road.

8. The schedule of the excursion group is scheduled, if you are behind the group, then you get to Moscow on your own, and at your own expense. The travel agency is not responsible for your late arrival.


During a multi-day tour, meals are provided according to the program.


1. To check into a hotel for a multi-day tour, you must have an identity document (Russian passport). We kindly ask you not to forget the documents at home and in the hotel.

2. In order not to forget things in the room - take all things out into the corridor and once again carefully inspect the room, check the drawers of the table and bedside tables.

3. Room keys must be handed over to the hotel administrator.

4. If your things are delivered to the room by a hotel employee, then it is advisable to pay the so-called. tips.

Precautionary measures:

1. Handbags and wallets should be held firmly in your hands, and not on your shoulder.

2. It is desirable to keep documents separately from money. If the passport is lost, all costs associated with obtaining a certificate are paid by the tourist on their own.

3. Do not leave valuables, handbags, photo and video equipment in sight on the bus.

4. Do not leave things unattended while visiting excursion sites.

5. If you get lost - do not hesitate to ask passers-by for directions.

In connection with the tightening of control over the transportation of passengers, it is necessary to book tours with the full data of tourists, namely:

  • - full name (in full);
  • - series and number of the passport;
  • - Date of Birth;
  • - if the tourist is a foreigner, citizenship must be indicated in the note.
If for some reason all the data of tourists are not entered, then it is possible to add data two days before the start of the tour (deadline). If two days before the start of the tour there are no such tourists, then we are forced to cancel the reservation.
The grounds for transferring information about passenger traffic to ACDPDP are:
  • - Federal Law of 09.02.2007 No. 16-FZ "On Transport Security" (Article 11);
  • - Federal Law No. 15-FZ dated 03.02.2014 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Ensuring Transport Security”;
  • - Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2012 No. 243 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers and personnel (crew) of vehicles, as well as the provision of the data contained in them”;
  • - Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 05.09.2014 No. 242 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 19, 2012 No. 243".