For the first time, a special camp for children with autism will be held in the Ryazan region. Report from the summer camp for teenagers with autism of the Center "Anton is right here near Moscow" Camp near Moscow Children with autism without parents

We publish great news from the Crimea!

A new correctional camp for children with autism will now be held in the Crimea in Koktebel. Children with special needs, as well as their parents, brothers and sisters are invited to the camp.

Earlier, for 4 years, in Koktebel there was a camp from the association "Space of Love" (Kyiv organization, director A. Smolyar). Given the current political situation, the Kiev camp in Koktebel will no longer be held. But children still need help and corrective measures. In addition, there are new families that only this year faced the problem of autism. Help is needed not only for children, but also for their parents.

The territory of the private sector of the urban-type settlement Koktebel "Dom U Gaidaev" is now preparing for a new camp.

The camp will be run by a new team of specialists from Ukraine and Russia led by Natalia Gaidai. A lot of approaches to organizing the camp are similar to the Spaces of Love camps, but there are also fresh ideas. This year, children will have the opportunity to receive classes both in a group format and individually. In addition, specialists from the Podsolnukhi Center bring to Crimea new technologies that were not previously available in any correctional camp in Ukraine and Russia. These are the Tomatis method (a system of audio-vocal training) and the author's technique of Maksimova E.V. "Co-creation" (correction of autism through work with the body).

The organizers hope that children and their parents will enjoy the summer holidays with health benefits.

In the camp program:

Group classes (music therapy, manual labor, play therapy, kinesitherapy).

Individual lessons at will (speech therapist, defectologist, neuropsychologist, Tomatis therapy, hippotherapy).

General events (hikes, performances, discos, workshops, excursions).

Classes are taught by experienced teachers.

on the basis of the private sector, 15 minutes from the sea, closed shady courtyard, with a playground and sandbox, gazebos and summer kitchens.
2-3 local rooms.
There are superior rooms (with an isolated bathroom).
It is possible to cook by yourself (supermarket and markets nearby), or order meals.

When paying before June 1, the registration fee with accommodation for a mother with a child: 18,600 rubles.
Further and on the spot: 23,200 rubles.

Limited number of seats.

Contact phones: +38 050 911 02 78 Natalia Gaidai (Crimea)
+7906 549 33 13 Nadezhda Petukhova (Russia)
Location: urban settlement Koktebel, per. Club 3a, Feodosiya, Crimea
Start: June 8 at 11:00
End: June 22 at 20:00

See the announcement of the camp in 2015!

The famous volcano Kara-Dag

Embankment of Koktebel

The director of the Moscow Center for Autism Problems, Ekaterina Men, organized a summer camp near Daugavpils for children with this disorder. Now she is going to put autistic children at the desks of one of the city's schools along with ordinary ones, she told

Ekaterina is a journalist, publisher, co-founder of the Vykhod Foundation for Assistance in Solving Autism Problems in Russia, the initiator of the creation of the Autism Biomedicine Research Center and the mother of an autistic son. In 1985, she left her native Daugavpils for Moscow, graduated from the editorial and publishing department of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, and worked as a journalist. When her youngest son was born, who was diagnosed with autism, she had to change her profession.

Ekaterina, how did you end up in Daugavpils?

- My mother lives here. I have been visiting often in recent years. I also went to Riga with a two-day seminar. Then my parents from the local Mūsu pasaule Autism Center contacted me, I decided to help them: I met, organized several training sessions for local speech therapists and defectologists. Two years ago I was shown the scientific base of Daugavpils University. It is located near the Belarusian border in the town of Ilgi, on the territory of the reserve, in a renovated hunting castle of the 19th century. Entomologists, zoologists, biologists work there. Unique nature, beautiful lake. It is not for me to tell you that, despite its small size, Latvia is very different. Mostly visitors imagine the Latvian landscape as a seaside, and

Latgale is a lake region. The place is very comfortable, right in the forest. When I saw him, I thought that it would be great to bring autistic people here: they are very interested in nature and have a healing effect.

And this summer, together with the Faculty of Biology of Daugavpils University, we organized a camp there.

- How many children did you have?

— Nine children with parents, brothers and sisters. Small group, but the idea was that none of the parents would pay for it. The young employees of the Faculty of Biology have experience in fundraising, we helped with the formulation of the application for the project, and the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund allocated money. The project is quite specialized, as it is entirely connected with nature therapy. For example, the Daugavpils zoo came to us. They brought in containers of non-dangerous small animals that you can pick up: turtles, hamsters, some insects and reptiles. The children touched them, and the employee spoke in detail about them. We went to this zoo itself, traveled around Latgale and examined different landscapes, parks: the university gave us a bus. The grant covered the entire program plus the work of specialists: canis therapists, hippo therapists. The young biologists, who weren't experts on autism, were just doing their usual work next to us and throwing a lot of ideas at the same time. Children with their help drew on stones, sorted various natural materials, they were shown luxurious collections of insects.

Is this an international camp?

- Mostly Latvian children. But we say that we have one nationality - autism.

Our Moscow center is the official Russian partner of the American Institute for Autism Research. We work with the Americans, the British, people come to us from Saudi Arabia, where research on our topic is well funded. We have a certain vision, we are ideologists, we produce various, including fundamental projects, we work with the scientific and medical community. Together with the Ministry of Health, we are developing a concept of medical care for people with autism. There are projects in the field of innovation, including those that have created a unique model for the inclusion of autistic children in mainstream school education.

- I was told that we have good legislation in this area in Latvia, there is an attitude to include children in the general education process, but there are no specialists in schools.

- This situation is typical for Russia and for the entire post-Soviet space, we observed it in all countries with which we have a connection. In Ukraine now, of course, there are many political problems, but we try to be above them, we have close friendly relations with the Ukrainian autistic community. At one time, we helped Kazakhstan, which is trying to introduce inclusive models, we are working with Belarus. Everywhere on the territory of the ex-USSR, there is good legislation that establishes inclusive education as the most high-quality and promising, the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, including education, has been ratified. But it is one thing to declare, and another to implement. There are no personnel, and no one produces them.

At first, I hoped that there was some kind of assistance system for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorders -, somewhere you can take the child, and there they will be professionally dealt with. I realized that there is no such system in Russia, and my colleague, Yana Zolotovitskaya, who is also an autistic mother, and I had to create it. We brought the so-called ABA therapy based on applied behavioral analysis. This is the main method of correcting autism, it has the status of evidence-based medicine, although it is pure pedagogy, learning, an outgrowth of behavioral psychology. Its testing began in the 1950s in the United States.

In the Soviet Union, behaviorism was not studied within the framework of psychology, and we did not even have the basic knowledge to master the ABA, but since 2010, we have trained many specialists at distance courses certified by the International Council for Behavioral Analysis, which is located in the USA. Training takes place online in a virtual classroom. We organize it together with the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. Several people from Riga also studied with us.

Communicating with parents who know the whole landscape here, I understand that in Latvia, of course, there is an absolute disaster with personnel, and before achieving the results that we have achieved, we need to build a system from scratch.

The problem is, you can't just copy it. You take the matrix of this model, disassemble it into parts and see how it can be reassembled so that it does not lose its essence, but already on domestic rails, taking into account the traditions of education, legislation, and so on. Before we put children at desks who were going to be “included” (included in society -, we trained specialists for three years. Now it is happening faster, we consult a lot, and the regions are trying to launch according to this model. The program "Turn on me" has been developed. We legalize the method and create a profession. Now in the same Daugavpils we are thinking of launching a pilot project in some school.

- What kind of specialists?

— Personal assistants, or tutors, as we call them, teachers of the so-called resource class, in which children with autism spend part of their time, a coordinator who heads the psychological and pedagogical service of the school and is responsible for inclusion, which is associated not only with the inclusion of children with autism , but also ordinary children in the process of co-education.

Should they be included as well?

- Certainly.

We conduct tolerance lessons with schoolchildren, teachers' councils with teachers. This process has a beginning but no end.

- Can autistic children study in a general education school according to any other model?

We have been monitoring the scene for a long time. We found out that this is not how it works either in England or Germany, but this model is available in many American and Israeli schools. The fact is that autism leads us into a trap. It is corrected only by educational methods, but at the same time, the child looks so that no school will let him on the threshold.

This disorder combines low social competence, communication and behavioral disorders, everything that an ordinary child needs at school is violated. They cannot sit at a desk, listen to the teacher, understand the rules of the lesson, all this they need to be taught separately. And no matter how you undertake to teach an autistic person in a general class, behavioral analysis will always underlie the process. Therefore, I can confidently say that the Latvian school system is not ready to include autistic people.

We know that with mild, or, as we say, high-functioning forms of autism, children are enrolled in schools, they look smart and intelligent, they can reason perfectly, remember, and have outstanding intellectual abilities. But then a lot of problems begin, with which no one knows how to cope. They begin to spy, expel, harass or poison. Any child with autism spectrum problems requires a special approach, has special educational needs, ABA technologies for them are the same as ramps for a wheelchair user.

— There are enough opponents of the idea of ​​inclusion both among the parents of ordinary children and among the parents of children with special needs who require special classes.

— Our teachers are able to teach any children regardless of their ability to speak and the degree of socialization, as well as objectively assess their skills at the “entrance” to the school, since different functions do not develop simultaneously in autistic children. An individual educational plan is drawn up for each child. But, in addition, in this model there is a separate room, we call it a resource class. This is a kind of transition zone in which children have their own places, and tutors work with them individually, and the resource teacher is responsible for ensuring that children are included in the general education class only when the individual and general programs coincide. For example, if a child does not speak, but can read and write, then he is sent to a resource class during oral work.

The point is that the bar for general education never drops. The child is included in it as much as he is currently ready, and spends more and more time in the usual class. In our project, the most “difficult” or low-functioning boy is Danya, who just started talking at the age of 10 and answers questions by typing answers on a communicator. Now they have already begun to call him to the blackboard, he is doing very well in mathematics, and he can write the answer on the blackboard. He can write a dictation with everyone, but the dialogue part of the lesson is left out for him.

- And what should ordinary children who study in the same class as autistic children know?

- Almost all of our children came straight to the first grade, and their usual classmates took their presence for granted. The students are different: one redhead, one fat, one with glasses, and one with autism and does not speak.

Is he just silent?

- Our Danka at first, being a fan of computers, ran into the head teacher's office and pushed her with his booty from her chair to sit at her computer. The rules of behavior for these children need to be taught like the alphabet. Relatively speaking, you can get him to sit diligently in a cafe, and when you bring him to school, he yells and grabs the director by the floor of his jacket, and he needs to be taught school rules at school.

And the attitude of children in general is exclusively a reflection of the intentions of adults. We trained teachers for half a year so that they would not be afraid, would not pass on fear and rejection to students.

In our model, no one suffers or is sacrificed, the lesson goes smoothly. There are people who say that their children will pick up something harmful, they will start waving their arms. An autistic person needs this physiologically, but an ordinary seven-year-old child will not just make unreasonable movements. Only good things can be picked up from our children: sincerity, inability to lie.

— Do you finance your Russian project at the expense of the state?

— We are a non-profit non-governmental organization, but last year we received a presidential grant for an inclusion project. When officials find out that each child is entitled to his own tutor, they clutch at their heads: expensive! However, the UNESCO Education Planning and Development Department, which deals with the inclusion of not only people with disabilities, but also various national minorities and other isolated groups, calculated that uneducated people with disabilities cause serious damage to the economy, moreover, the more developed the country is. It turns out that it is better to invest in school education than to pay for expensive social programs and the fight against crime. Our goal is to introduce the model to at least one school in every district of Moscow. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a rather conservative organization, reports that for every 68 children there is one child with ASD. This group outnumbers children with cancer, heart disease, asthma and diabetes combined.

The incidence depends little on the level of socio-economic development of the country, race, nationality, climate and other things.

We interact with various structures, now the state is turning to us for expertise. Literally before my departure, an agreement was signed with the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers, the main industry association of the Russian Federation, which deals with compulsory insurance under state guarantees. We agreed that we will create an expert group to draw up standard recommendations for companies to cover medical expenses.

Does politics affect you?

— Politics, unfortunately, affects everything in the Russian Federation. But we do not deal with it, we develop within the framework of the reality that is offered to us.

What about social attitudes?

- Attitude in society towards autists will change in accordance with the level of information. In 2009, I, a person from the media environment, by April 2, World Autism Awareness Day, established by the UN, could not embed a single article anywhere. I was told that this is a marginal topic. In 2010, there were already several heroic publications that wrote about it. And then we have already begun to make thematic broadcasts with the Dozhd TV channel and, by and large, have removed this information blockade, and now on April 2, any serious publication considers it indecent not to respond to the date.

Of course, and this is a drop in the ocean. But the more knowledge, the more loyal the society.

As always, in the middle of June, we invite you to a correctional camp for children with autism! The organizer of the camp is ANO "Center for the Early Development of Children with Autism" Sunflowers ", Zhukovsky. The camp is traditionally held on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in the resort village of Kuchugury in the Krasnodar Territory. A fun summer guaranteed!

Attention! Dates in 2019. June 9 is the arrival date. On this day at 19:00 the grand opening of the camp, acquaintance and parent meeting. June 10 is the first working day. June 16 day off (excursion). June 22 - the last working day, in the evening the closing of the shift, farewell. June 23 - Departure. You can arrive earlier / leave later, the main thing is to write about it to the organizer as soon as you buy tickets. All negotiations are conducted by mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
Since I always write this announcement in winter (and now we have Epiphany frosts!), It's hard to describe how good it is in Kuchugury in June! This is the very first summer month, the holiday season has not yet begun, but it is already warm, because the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov warms up very quickly, and by the middle of the shift, the sea temperature almost becomes equal to the air. When we arrive at the camp, there are no tourists yet, beaches, shops, cafes - everywhere is free, there are few people. At this time of the year on the Azov coast, rains are very rare, usually the weather is clear. Since this is the very beginning of summer, the sea is still clean and there are no infections typical of the hot south! download the questionnaire for the camp

Our address in Kuchugury: Krasnoflotskaya street, 40. The territory for the camp was chosen very carefully, and we are not going to change it, despite the fact that we regularly receive proposals to camp in another place. Just imagine! There are only 24 rooms in the guest yard with all amenities: toilet, shower, air conditioning, TV, refrigerator. For the period of the camp, we book all the houses, that is, only we will occupy the territory. This is very important, because on vacation there are often conflicts between families with children with autism and other vacationers. We have tried to create a comfortable reception environment for our guests. The owners of the guest yard are elderly people, pensioners, who have been hosting our camp for more than a year, during this time they have seen everything, everyone understands.
The yard is shady, there is a lot of greenery, each family has its own separate entrance. On the territory there is a sandbox, a swing, a trampoline, a green lawn for games, a fountain, a dining room and a kitchen where you can cook and eat in an organized way (imported 3 meals a day complex). You can not order food, but cook it yourself. There are all conditions for this. The shared kitchen is very good, you can cook for the whole family: there are 2 refrigerators, 3 stoves, a microwave, 2 sinks, a lot of utensils for cooking. Almost every room (except two) has a small outdoor terrace with a table and chairs. The territory of the guest yard is closed, there is video surveillance, a code lock. To the sea 5-10 minutes.
Since the village is small, all shops and pharmacies are within walking distance, there is a Sberbank with an ATM nearby, in addition, there is a large food and clothing market.

The correctional program involves intensive work not only with children, but also with all family members. Below is a sample daily schedule.
8:00 Wake up
8:15 Charging
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:30 Morning groups
9:30-11:30 Parent group 1
12:00-13:00 Individual lessons
13:00 Lunch
13:30 Brainstorming before the performance
14:00 Parent group 2
14:00-18:00 Activities / sea / sleep to choose from
18:00 Preparation for the evening performance.
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Performance or boring evening (jam, disco, theater, party, filmstrip or something else)
The morning block consists of 4 half-hour classes: game, music, art therapy, kinesitherapy. The number of children in the group is 5-7. Each child is provided with an accompanying person. For older children, "adult" classes are provided. For sibling kids - a speech therapy game group. For older siblings - a teenage group (led by a psychologist). For parents: a parent group, which is highly desirable to attend, because. children whose parents take care of themselves, the correction process goes better). IMPORTANT. Parents act as escorts.
The afternoon block of classes from 12 to 13 and from 14 to 18 hours are classes of your choice. For an additional fee, you can take classes in ABA therapy, speech therapy, Tomatis therapy, neurocorrection. This is not a required part of the program.

As always, in the middle of June, we invite you to a correctional camp for children with autism! The organizer of the camp is ANO "Center for the Early Development of Children with Autism" Sunflowers ", Zhukovsky. The camp is traditionally held on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in the resort village of Kuchugury in the Krasnodar Territory. A fun summer guaranteed!

Attention! Dates in 2019. June 9 is the arrival date. On this day at 19:00 the grand opening of the camp, acquaintance and parent meeting. June 10 is the first working day. June 16 day off (excursion). June 22 - the last working day, in the evening the closing of the shift, farewell. June 23 - Departure. You can arrive earlier / leave later, the main thing is to write about it to the organizer as soon as you buy tickets. All negotiations are conducted by mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
Since I always write this announcement in winter (and now we have Epiphany frosts!), It's hard to describe how good it is in Kuchugury in June! This is the very first summer month, the holiday season has not yet begun, but it is already warm, because the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov warms up very quickly, and by the middle of the shift, the sea temperature almost becomes equal to the air. When we arrive at the camp, there are no tourists yet, beaches, shops, cafes - everywhere is free, there are few people. At this time of the year on the Azov coast, rains are very rare, usually the weather is clear. Since this is the very beginning of summer, the sea is still clean and there are no infections typical of the hot south! download the questionnaire for the camp

Our address in Kuchugury: Krasnoflotskaya street, 40. The territory for the camp was chosen very carefully, and we are not going to change it, despite the fact that we regularly receive proposals to camp in another place. Just imagine! There are only 24 rooms in the guest yard with all amenities: toilet, shower, air conditioning, TV, refrigerator. For the period of the camp, we book all the houses, that is, only we will occupy the territory. This is very important, because on vacation there are often conflicts between families with children with autism and other vacationers. We have tried to create a comfortable reception environment for our guests. The owners of the guest yard are elderly people, pensioners, who have been hosting our camp for more than a year, during this time they have seen everything, everyone understands.
The yard is shady, there is a lot of greenery, each family has its own separate entrance. On the territory there is a sandbox, a swing, a trampoline, a green lawn for games, a fountain, a dining room and a kitchen where you can cook and eat in an organized way (imported 3 meals a day complex). You can not order food, but cook it yourself. There are all conditions for this. The shared kitchen is very good, you can cook for the whole family: there are 2 refrigerators, 3 stoves, a microwave, 2 sinks, a lot of utensils for cooking. Almost every room (except two) has a small outdoor terrace with a table and chairs. The territory of the guest yard is closed, there is video surveillance, a code lock. To the sea 5-10 minutes.
Since the village is small, all shops and pharmacies are within walking distance, there is a Sberbank with an ATM nearby, in addition, there is a large food and clothing market.

The correctional program involves intensive work not only with children, but also with all family members. Below is a sample daily schedule.
8:00 Wake up
8:15 Charging
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:30 Morning groups
9:30-11:30 Parent group 1
12:00-13:00 Individual lessons
13:00 Lunch
13:30 Brainstorming before the performance
14:00 Parent group 2
14:00-18:00 Activities / sea / sleep to choose from
18:00 Preparation for the evening performance.
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Performance or boring evening (jam, disco, theater, party, filmstrip or something else)
The morning block consists of 4 half-hour classes: game, music, art therapy, kinesitherapy. The number of children in the group is 5-7. Each child is provided with an accompanying person. For older children, "adult" classes are provided. For sibling kids - a speech therapy game group. For older siblings - a teenage group (led by a psychologist). For parents: a parent group, which is highly desirable to attend, because. children whose parents take care of themselves, the correction process goes better). IMPORTANT. Parents act as escorts.
The afternoon block of classes from 12 to 13 and from 14 to 18 hours are classes of your choice. For an additional fee, you can take classes in ABA therapy, speech therapy, Tomatis therapy, neurocorrection. This is not a required part of the program.