In the land of cheap apartments (Orlovka, Chui region). Ski resort "Orlovka" The history of the village of Orlovka


  • The address: Orlovka, Kyrgyzstan
  • Telephone: +996 555 6260
  • Cost (season 2019-2020)

Characteristics of the Orlovka slope

  • 9 tracks
  • Max track length 2890 m
  • 2 2 4 1
  • Elevation difference 560 m
  • Instructors
  • Rescuers
  • Tracks for children
  • Equipment rental
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Trail lighting


Orlovka - ski resort with all amenities

Orlovka, this is another beautiful place Kyrgyzstan, which attracts crowds of fans of skiing. Orlovka is located 90 km from Bishkek. Not only skiing is organized here, but also excellent conditions for living. The hotel offers 2, 3, 4-bed rooms, which are equipped with necessary furniture, shower, toilet, washbasin with hot and cold water. In addition, there is a small cottage - a home for a family or a group of friends.

Tracks in Orlovka are prepared with the help of new snowcats, under the guidance of highly qualified specialists. The maintenance of the snow cover is carried out with the help of snow cannons. Here, perhaps, the largest number of tracks are located, there are 9 of them, all of them are of different difficulty levels, the total length is up to 2890 m, and the height difference is from 30 to 560 m, so skiing may be of interest to athletes of different levels of training.

Three cable cars are constantly operating with a length of 110 to 350 m; the average lifting speed of the cable car is about 3 m/s. The ropeways are located one after the other, and this significantly increases the length of the descent. The landing and disembarkation of tourists are constantly monitored by instructors who are always ready to help with advice and deed.

On the territory of the complex there is an equipment rental point with a large selection of equipment, both for adults and for children and teenagers. Some trails are illuminated, so it is possible to ski in the dark. It is possible to order saunas, baths, billiards.

Photo gallery

ORLOVKA is one of the oldest settlements in Kyrgyzstan, located
in the Kemin district, not far from the Bishkek-Issyk-Kul highway.
About 4 thousand inhabitants live in the village.

The history of the village of Orlovka

The history of Orlovka began in 1910. At that time, many people from Russia moved to Kyrgyzstan. Settlers of the Poltava and Kursk provinces and North Caucasus founded a small settlement in the north of Kyrgyzstan, later called Orlovka. There are two official versions about the origin of the name Orlovka:

  1. The village was named so because next to the village there was a source "Berkut", which in Russian means "Eagle". The source was named so because many golden eagles used to soar above it.
  2. The second version suggests that the village was named after one of the first settlers, Orlov.

The founders of the village were Vasily Yakovlevich Duginov (1878-1977), Maxim Alekseevich Glushko (1889-1976) and Savely Stepanovich Polyakov (1883-1967). In 1913, the settlement consisted of 113 households, the population gradually increased. For permanent residence in Orlovka came from neighboring villages.

The revolution of 1917 also affected the inhabitants of Orlovka. At the same time, the first authority was organized in the village - the Village Council. After the revolution, labor associations of peasants, committees of peasant mutual assistance, the Iskra association were created in Orlovka, whose members sewed boots, made felt boots, were engaged in agriculture and beekeeping.

During the period civil war some residents of the village participated in the battles on the side of the Red Army. For exploits, the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan awarded the "Orlovites" G. Melnikov, K. K. Solodovnikov, M. V. Maltsev, F.V. Mikheev, I.V. Mikheev, N. I. Surikov.

After the revolution and the civil war, a period of collectivization began for Orlovka Agriculture. In 1930, the first collective farms "Zavet Ilyich" and " New life", which later merged into one collective farm" Zavet Ilyich ". This contributed to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the village.

The first school in Orlovka was built in 1934 with funds from the Peasants' Mutual Assistance Committee. At the same time, a school for peasant youth was created, which played a big role in eliminating the illiteracy of the population.

During the Second World War, Orlovka worked for the front and provided the townspeople, workers of factories and factories with meat, milk and bread. Approximately 300 villagers went to the front, of which 152 died in battle. In Soviet times, in Orlovka, in the Victory Park, an “obelisk to the Orlovites who fell in battles for the Motherland” was installed, where veterans gather annually and to this day on Victory Day.

During the Soviet period, the Kiminsky Chemical Metallurgical Plant and the Kyrgyz Mining and Processing Plant were built on the territory of the village.

Orlovka today

City status was assigned to the urban-type settlement of Orlovka on September 27, 2012. Located on the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Range, 9 km from the railway. station Bystrovka (on the line Bishkek (Frunze) - Balykchy (Rybachye).

5.7 thousand inhabitants (2017). Its highest point is 1160 meters above the level. The length of Orlovka from south to north is 3.0 kilometers, from west to east - 3.3 km. The city stands on the alluvial fan of the Taldy-Bulak River. average temperature July - 20 - 25 degrees, January - 5-9 degrees below zero.

Founded in 1910 by settlers from different parts of tsarist Russia - Kursk province, Poltava province, from the North Caucasus.

Over 3 years, more than 110 households were built on an empty place, surrounded by household plots. The founders of the village were Vasily Yakovlevich Duginov (1878-1977), Maxim Alekseevich Glushko (1889-1976) and Savely Stepanovich Polyakov (1883-1967).

In 1913 it consisted of 113 households. Way of life local residents changed radically in 1917 after the overthrow of the tsarist autocracy.

With the advent of Soviet power, the village began to live and develop in a new way. Within its boundaries, two collective farms were formed, which later merged into a single complex. Animal husbandry and arable farming actively developed, improved and grew. worked Kindergarten and a school, paramedical station and shops. During the period of Soviet power, when a small village turned into a prosperous locality with a developed economy. In 1930, two collective farms were formed: Zavet Ilyich and Novaya Zhizn. Later they were combined into one - "Ilyich's Testament".

Now in modern city there is a mining and processing plant, chemical-metallurgical and brick factories, which are the city-forming enterprises. There is a production association that provides the city with water and heat.

Schools and hospitals, shops and shopping malls are open.

In the vicinity of the city there is a ski base, where a narrow serpentine road leads. It is always crowded in the winter season.

Wonderful, picturesque landscapes, tall green fir trees, mild climate, salubrious air attract many tourists who come here for more than one year.

Despite the fact that in 2012 Orlovka received the status of a city, the way of life of its inhabitants has changed little. Every year, city holidays are held, which have long become traditional. They are especially brightly held in kindergartens, where folklore groups often perform. During the Nooruz holiday, people's festivities are bright and colorful.

In the park "Victory" there is an obelisk "To the Orlovites who fell in battles for the Motherland."

Orlovka - picturesque corner Kyrgyzstan, 90 km from Bishkek. Accommodation in 2, 3, 4-bed rooms. Each room has the necessary furniture, shower, toilet, washbasin, hot and cold water. All tracks are prepared by new ones, run by specialists, there are snow cannons.

It is equipped with 9 pistes of various difficulty levels, from 150 to 2890 m long with a height difference from 30 to 560 m. A well-groomed pistes will allow both professionals and amateurs to have fun.

    Length 2890 m elevation 560 m

    Length 1500 m elevation 430 m

    Length 1700 m elevation 430 m

    Length 1800 m elevation 430 m

    Length 1200 m elevation 430 m

    Length 1000 m elevation 350 m

    Length 500 m elevation 110 m

    Length 150 m height difference 30 m

Three cable cars are constantly in operation. The length of the cable car lifting route is from 110 to 350 m; the average speed of the cable car is about 3 m/s. Cable cars are located one after another, which significantly increases the length of the descent. At the bottom and at the top of the cable cars there are always instructors who will always help you.

suspended cable car:

    The length of the ascent route is 900 m. The drop is 350 m. The speed is 3.4 m/s.

    The length of the ascent route is 500 m. The difference is 110 m. The speed is 3.2 m/s

    The length of the ascent route is 600 m. The difference is 120 m. The speed is 3.4 m/s

Towing ropeway:

  • The length of the ascent route is 150 m. The difference is 30 m. The speed is 2 m/s

On the territory of the base there is a hotel where you can settle in cozy double, triple, six-bed rooms or in a three-bed cottage.

At your disposal are: a sauna and a billiard room. Available . There is a large selection available (children, teens, women, adults). Instructors are always ready to help you. Night skiing is possible.

Phones and other contact information:

    996 773 12-12-15 (Irina Pavlovna) directly at the base

    office of the representative office of the ski base in Bishkek (booking questions and all information about the base)

    996 312 31-11-85

    996 312 93-78-73

    996 312 54-55-56


    90 km from Bishkek, towards the lake. Issyk-Kul, not far from Orlovka village.

    1640 m above sea level

Rope type:

    Double chair lift (chair lift)

    Cable car kid

    Length of runs from 150 m to 2890 m

    Drop from 30 to 560 m

For snowboarding - a special sports facility with an arched design Half-pipe (Half-pipe) The ideal track is prepared by snow cannons. There is a large selection of ski equipment (children's, teenage, women's, men's) 200 sets of ski equipment and 30 snowboards


Day skiing, time from 9.00 to 16.30

Evening skiing, time from 20.00 to 22.00

** The cost of Ski-pass (pass) for lift services is 100 soms.
The card is reusable, valid throughout the season.

Ski equipment rental (only with a passport)

The cost of living at the base "Orlovka"