Closing the number of the car, what are the sanctions. How not to hide parking numbers

Open tests of widespread video recording cameras were held at the Moscow Raceway, where representatives of public organizations were invited, including the well-known Blue Buckets. The inventive "violators" were opposed by four complexes - "Strelka", "Avtohuragan", "Cordon" and "Krechet". Naturally, the greatest attention was focused on Strelka, which in recent years has flooded the roads of Moscow and the Moscow region. The principle of operation of all types of cameras is the same - the measurement of instantaneous speed, they differ only in technical subtleties.

Technologies of deception

Among the ways to deceive the cameras were both standard ones, such as sticking a piece of paper over part of the license plate, and quite unusual ones, for example, a second fake registration plate attached to the radiator grille. By the way, he still failed to deceive any of the systems - they all correctly identified the desired number. But they could not cope with the inverted camera number - it was immediately classified as unreadable. True, such extreme ingenuity in real conditions can end badly at the very first traffic police post - you will have to pay a fine for unreadable numbers.

The main disappointment for car owners may be that the most common way to avoid a fine - a leaf pasted on one of the symbols of the number (it doesn’t matter if it’s a maple leaf or a sheet of paper) is completely useless. The fact is that all cameras are equipped with special infrared emitters, and a thin barrier in the form of a leaf is not an obstacle for them. But something thicker, for example, cardboard, can already resist the "probing" rays.

The video recording systems failed to determine those numbers in which at least one character was painted over or discolored (this was done with ordinary putty), as well as those on which the relief was destroyed. Cameras are powerless in these cases, even though the human eye can easily determine the number. However, the problem is likely to be solved when an employee of the information processing center takes over, because this is where numbers are sent in which the camera cannot recognize just one character.

According to the results of the tests, all cameras were almost equally unprepared to completely overcome the masking of numbers, which drivers sometimes resort to, and lost with a score of 10:14.

Work on bugs

According to the developers of the cameras who were present at the tests, all the identified shortcomings of their systems are planned to be eliminated in the near future. So, the cameras want to teach to distinguish the color, brand, and possibly the model of the car, then if there is “doubt” about a particular number, the system will be able to check all possible options in the database and select the right one. In addition, the work of operators who double-check camera readings will be improved organizationally.

The developers considered the poor maintenance of video complexes to be the main problem. The same "Arrows" are tritely rarely washed, because of this, over time, they begin to incorrectly fix the number or even go blind. Therefore, it is proposed to legislate the need to maintain systems for automatically fixing violations.



- Yes, tests have shown that technologies are imperfect and can be deceived. However, it is unlikely that anyone on the road will dare to use such impudent tricks. So drivers who have passed the tests should not be taken as a call to action. Rather, they have become a useful lesson for developers of control systems, showing that a computer cannot yet completely replace the human eye and brain.

It is a pity that the complexes that measure the average speed of the car, and not the instantaneous, did not participate in the testing. This could really be useful, because they are already being actively installed on the roads of Moscow and the region, but so far no one knows what to expect from them and how accurately they work.

One of the main problems that await us every day, for which you can get a fine without violating traffic rules, is dirty numbers. This problem is relevant in autumn, winter, spring, when dirt accumulates on the street, which settles on the license plate. If, in case of contamination of the front glass, it is still possible to clean it with wipers, then in order to clean the numbers, you will have to get out of the car and wipe it.

It is worth taking into account that a truly soiled car license plate will not be able to detect a police lock in the daytime, and this was and will be a significant reason for issuing a fine for unreadable numbers in 2019.

Dirt can spoil the visibility of the number in a matter of minutes and provide the opportunity for the traffic police to impose an administrative fine on you, which they will do with great pleasure. To avoid the issued administrative penalty for unreadable numbers in 2019, we advise you to follow the simple rules , which will not take much time, but will save you from imposing fines:

  • Have a rag with you, with which you can wipe the room and do not mind getting it dirty. When stopping a vehicle, inspectors can not only issue a fine, but also ask them to wipe the contaminated sign. Washing dirt with the sleeve of a sweater or jacket is not a very smart idea, but they have every right not to let you go without cleaning.
  • Before leaving, check the readability of the rooms and their cleanliness.
  • In the dirty season, it is recommended to stop after a couple of tens of kilometers for an accurate and safe ride. This will help to relax the eyes and the body as a whole. At this time, you can leave the salon, look at the rooms.

Attention!!! Do not wipe license plates with dry rags! Remember, dry sand or dirt is a terrible abrasive for plates that can rub off paint or scratch them. Moisten a cloth with non-freezing liquid (the same condensate is suitable for rinsing glasses in the cold season) or water. Thus, the dirt will be washed off cleaner without damaging the paint. If, by chance, you scratched the number, you will need to re-register the car or replace it with a duplicate.

However, the issue of visibility and getting the driver under a fine for driving with unreadable numbers remains open.

Readable or unreadable numbers?

In accordance with the country's law on administrative offenses, license plate must be legible in the dark and daylight hours. According to GOST 50577-47 p4.7 - the license plate must be clearly visible from a distance of 20 meters. But there are also secondary rules. To begin with, here are examples of numbers that are readable, but at the same time may be subject to violation:

  • Dirty number, readable due to the play of chiaroscuro at night, but not fixed by photo and video equipment.
  • The license plate is slightly smeared with dirt on one side, partially covering one symbol of the number, but at the same time it remains visually clear due to the bulge.

In the daytime

Number plates during the day are unreadable if at a distance of 20 meters it is impossible to make out at least a letter or digit of the front or back number.

At night time

During the night period, the plates are unreadable if at a distance of 20 meters it is impossible to make out at least the letter or digit of the rear number.

Attention!!! At night, only the rear license plate is checked, the dirty front one is not taken into account. Keep this in mind so you don't get fined for anything.

Dirty room fine

Status for the 2014-2015 season, the fine for an unreadable sign in accordance with the first part of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is 500 rubles. A verbal or written warning may also be issued asking them to wipe the rooms if the pollution is not too serious.

The Unreadable Numbers Act also states that daytime fines are only issued when any of the numbers has one or more unreadable characters. If the white background is dirty and this does not interfere with the reading of the characters, then there is no violation.

Attention!!! If the car looks very dirty, and the numbers are completely covered up, then the traffic police inspector is obliged to issue a fine of 500 rubles. Often there are scammers who try to convince the owner of the vehicle that too dirty numbers are equated with their absence and demand a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprive the rights of up to three months. It's illegal! There is no deprivation of rights for unreadable numbers in the law!

What to do if the traffic police car stops for an unreadable number

According to Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, part one: “Driving a car with an unreadable, violated or non-standard registration plate entails the imposition of an administrative fine of 500 rubles or a warning. The exceptions are the cases described in the second part of the article.

After stopping the car for dirty numbers, you should not sort things out with the traffic police and show your aggression. If there is no video or photographic recording of the violation, immediately take a damp cloth and wipe the license plate. Your number will be readable, and the inspector will not be able to provide evidence of a violation, and, accordingly, issue a fine or a penalty. If the inspector continues filling out the protocol without evidence, there are 2 scenarios.

Option 1. You can remind the traffic police inspector article 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses

“If the committed administrative offense is of little significance, then the authorized body, official or judge can stop the punishment and release the person who committed the traffic violation from liability, limiting himself to an oral reprimand.”

If the inspector is conscientious and you were not rude to him, everything should be resolved without drawing up a protocol. Otherwise, the second option will help you.

Option 2. Fix clean numbers by capturing an inspector or a traffic police station in the frame

After wiping the license plate, you should take a picture of it yourself. It is advisable to capture a traffic police station, an inspector, a company car or some other signs indicating where the stop occurred in the frame from the car. Attach photos to the protocol and leave a comment:

“The inspector stopped for the presence of dirt on the license plate, which interferes with reading. I consider the actions of the traffic police officer (name of the inspector who stopped you) unlawful, because the state sign of the car is readable, this is confirmed by photographs taken after the car stopped. I ask you to stop the proceedings, as there are no events of violation.

Inspectors, most often, are adequate and understanding people until you start being rude. Speak with a smile, calmly and problems will be solved by themselves. Aggressive and nervous drivers are often checked for the study of the Code of Administrative Offenses and are credited with more serious responsibility for unreadable numbers, such as “lack of state signs”, guided by the fact that they are heavily soiled or covered with dirt.

Article 12.2 part two: "Driving a car without state signs entails an administrative offense and a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for up to 90 days."

This is nothing more than a provocation on the part of the inspectors. Dirty rooms have nothing to do with it.

Video: How some traffic police inspectors are bred for unreadable numbers

Bad weather is not a sign for a fine

If your rooms have become dirty due to bad weather, you can attach a printout of the forecast from Phobos to the protocol. This is the same as the attached photo. However, if this case is brought to trial, the usual printout will not be considered evidence. For the court, it is necessary to submit a written request to Phobos and wait for a response for several weeks.

Summing up

Dirty numbers are not considered a traffic violation! This is a shortcoming that is eliminated at the stop. The Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for punishment when driving a car with dirty numbers and does not require an examination.

At night, a clean rear registration plate is already enough to point out to the inspector his illegal actions.

When stopped by an inspector, try to immediately wipe the number. If it came to drawing up a protocol, take a picture of the clean numbers and attach to the protocol, indicating an explanatory comment.

If the inspector is ahead with a photograph, you will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles or agree on a verbal warning.

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    Good morning everyone! From the article and the video, 1 point is not clear to me - explain please: if the driver at night drives a car in which the entire front number is covered with something, and everything will be ok with the back (we read from 20 m.) - this is not a violation or 5000 (or deprivation)?

Some drivers, in order to avoid fines for violations that are captured by photo and video cameras, hide car license plates in various ways. It can be a simple piece of paper, a rag, a grid, a reflective film, etc.

Type of penalty and nature of the violation

Article No. 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says that a fine for closed numbers in the amount of 500 rubles is provided for drivers. The main condition for imposing a penalty is driving a car. That is, if the car is in the parking lot, then the citizen does not violate anything.

To recognize the number as unreadable, as well as to fine the driver for this, only the traffic police inspector is authorized. According to the above article, this happens if he fails to read at least one letter or number from a distance of twenty meters.

The number is closed with a disc

If you hide the designation "RUS" or the image of the flag, then there will be no penalty. You also need to take into account the time of day, because at night the twenty-meter rule does not apply to the front number, which cannot be said about the back, which must be readable at any time.

The illegibility of numbers is not always recognized as deliberate concealment, since there may be several reasons for this:

  • weather(for example, snow or dirt has stuck to the number);
  • some numbers or letters are erased;
  • paper or other material accidentally stuck to the number (but the fact that the driver was not involved in this is difficult to prove).

And here the question arises, how will the traffic police inspector determine whether the driver deliberately hid the number or not? He does this at his own discretion, but his decision can be appealed if there is strong evidence.

Note! If we are talking about deliberate concealment of the number, then a more severe punishment is due for this. The driver is supposed to pay a fine of 5,000 rubles or be deprived of his rights for a period of one to three months, but only by decision of a judge or official.

Penalty for the film on the numbers

Under the deliberate concealment of the state. The numbers mean the following:

  • the presence of curtains;
  • the number is sealed with a reflective film, which is strictly prohibited;
  • the sign was covered with snow or mud on purpose;
  • the presence of any third-party object (it can be paper, a rag, etc.).

The room is closed with a rag

What is the penalty for a closed number when driving:

  • in case of deliberate hiding with mud or snow - 500 rubles *;
  • the sign has worn off over time - 500 rubles *;
  • the erased sign was inaccurately touched up by the driver - a warning, a fine of 5,000 rubles * or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months;
  • the number is incorrectly fixed: with black bolts or with the help of additional holes - a fine of 500 rubles *;
  • third-party material is used to hide - 5,000 rubles * or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months;
  • in 2018, there is a fine for a film on a license plate - 5,000 rubles * or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months;
  • the sign is turned upside down - a fine of 500 rubles * or deprivation of rights;
  • a fake license plate is used - 2,500 rubles * for installing or depriving a driver's license for a period of 6 months to one year for driving a car.

Cars with closed license plates in the parking lot

Additional Information! Some drivers began to deliberately hide license plates in order to leave the car in paid parking and not spend money. The law only talks about a fine for driving a car with an unreadable registration plate, so citizens use it.

The fine for sealed numbers rises to a rather large amount, which is 5,000 rubles. For hiding the number, not only a fine is charged, but they can also deprive you of your rights, so you should think carefully before deliberately hiding the numbers.

Fine payment algorithm

One of the following ways:

  • at the scene;
  • by mail;
  • by email.

Important! The first method will be the most acceptable for the driver, since with adequate communication with the inspector, you can get off with one warning.

When the driver agrees that the fine for concealing license plates was issued legally, and he does not intend to appeal it, he will need to pay it within sixty days. You can do this in any convenient way:

  • through a bank branch
  • using a self-service terminal;
  • using online services.

The latter method is very popular, as it does not require payment of a commission.

Additional Information! Drivers can pay fines for concealing a vehicle registration number at a 50% discount if they make the payment within the first three weeks of receipt.

If the driver intentionally fails to make a payment, he will face fines. When the voluntary payment period comes to an end (2 months), the amount of the fine will double, and the case will go to the bailiffs. They will use different methods of influencing the offender, among them are:

  • withholding wages;
  • administrative arrest;
  • deprivation of a driver's license;
  • public Works.

How to appeal

No one will argue with the fact that sometimes our roads are not conducive to driving clean cars. This may be due to weather conditions and simply poor maintenance of public utilities and roads. We started talking about the cleanliness of the car due to the fact that the topic of this article will be unreadable or dirty numbers on the car, which directly depend on the cleanliness of the car itself and the presence of dirt on the roads.
If you think about it, the concepts of a dirty and unreadable number are still different concepts. Since the number can be unreadable and from the fact that the paint has simply worn off or it has been covered with something (grid, plastic, paper, etc.), it would be more correct to speak of unreadable numbers. In this article, we will talk about what criteria are decisive in order to recognize the number as unreadable and what kind of fine awaits a driver with such a number.

Criteria for an unreadable number on the car (erased, covered by something)

The criteria for unreadability are regulated, oddly enough, not in a separate technical document, but directly in the legal document of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.2 in the form of a note. So, in the footnote to this article it says ...

The state registration plate is recognized as non-standard if it does not meet the requirements established in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation, and unreadable if at a distance of 20 meters it is not possible to read at least one of the letters or numbers of the rear state registration plate in the dark, and in daylight hours of at least one of the letters or numbers of the front or rear state registration plate.

Comment: That is, during the day, both of the state signs installed on the machine must be readable. But at night, the front sign may not be visible, while the driver will not bear any responsibility for this. At night, traffic police inspectors will only be interested in the rear state registration plate on the car (motorcycle). That is how this interpretation should be understood.

Here I would like to develop the theme of the unreadability of the license plate. This is exactly the moment where the human factor is present, or rather, human abilities and ambitions play a role. Let's say someone is able to see the license plate from 25 meters, while the paint on the number can be erased. And the other will say that he cannot determine what is written on the number and from 5 meters. As a result, dirt, lack of paint, and even the absence of illumination at night for the rear number plate, all these circumstances indirectly affect the readability of the number plate. They do not have a single objective parameter that would unambiguously determine an equivalent definition of the readability of a license plate for everyone and everything. This is bad, but you can’t get away from it ... That is why, when a driver is fined under Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 1, there often remains a certain residue that the fine was issued illegally. Let's move on to the fine that can be imposed for an illegible state license plate.

Penalty for unreadable (worn off, no paint) state registration plate

A fine for an unreadable sign will be issued to you under Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Driving a vehicle in violation of the rules for installing state registration marks on it" part 1, which in this case reads as follows ...

... Driving a vehicle with unreadable, non-standard or state registration plates installed in violation of the requirements of the state standard, with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 2 of this article, - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

That is, if the driver does not see a symbol on the state sign of the car due to worn paint, then he will be given a warning or a fine of 500 rubles will be issued. Read more here "Penalty for the erased number". This article also applies to a dirty number (For more details, see the article "Penalty for a dirty number on a car"). Yes, indirectly, dirt can also be attributed to intentional pollution, that is, to a substance (material) with which the driver may want to hide the symbols on the state sign. However, a fine for a dirty number is usually issued under Part 1 (Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) or simply asked to wipe the numbers on the spot.
In addition to this case, we would like to consider the option when drivers deliberately try to hide the symbols of the state sign. So, for example, in this case, glass is used, a film is used for the appearance of glare during photo-video fixation, numbers are covered with a grid or simply strips, sheets of paper. What is the punishment and fine in this case?

Penalty for unreadable (glued, covered with a film, mesh, piece of paper, magnets) state registration plate

In this case, it is worth referring to the same article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.2 but part 2. It is she who will give an answer about the fine to the actions of unscrupulous motorists who are trying to hide their license plates by using various materials that prevent identification of the sign. So part 2 of article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation reads ...

Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in the places provided for this, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates equipped with materials that prevent or hinder their identification - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months.

That is, if the driver is convicted of using film, plexiglass, mesh, and the like, he is threatened with a punishment of 5,000 rubles or even deprivation of rights. It should be noted that this item cannot be attributed to drivers who cover their numbers with a piece of paper in the parking lot, because in this case the driver does not drive the vehicle. TC is worth it!
As a result, a fine for a hidden number can only be issued if the driver drives the vehicle, if it is parked, it is possible to be offended by the driver for as long as you like, calling him a bad person, but this is not a reason to write him a fine.

How to avoid a fine for an unreadable or closed number

Here it is worth saying a few words about the case when the driver's license plate is unreadable. For example, a traffic police officer says that the state registration plate is not visible to him from 20 meters. In this case, you should politely appeal to the fact that everything is relative. That someone else might well read this sign. At the same time, it is worth referring to the alternative for Article 12.2, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for a warning, not a fine. If the driver does not have unpaid fines or has not had other violations within 6 months, then you should definitely say about it. All this will be arguments to get off with a warning, not a fine. If the fine could not be avoided in any way, you can certainly talk about this if you violate part two, that is, when the driver closed the number, then you can save a little on it. More on this later.

How to pay a fine for an unreadable or closed number with a 50 percent discount

When is it possible to deprive rights for a number closed by something

According to Article 3.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, deprivation of a special right is possible only by decision of a judge. That is, if the traffic police decides to issue a fine on the spot, then this is only a fine in money. If the inspector decides to send the protocol to the court, then only the court will decide the fate of the driver, while the court can also impose a fine, not a deprivation. This is based on the circumstances.

Question answer on the topic "Penalty for an unreadable, hidden license plate"

Question: What is the penalty for an unreadable sign if the paint is worn off or it is dirty?
Answer: Minimum fine (500 rubles) or warning

Question: What is the penalty for the fact that the sign is covered by something and cannot be read while driving the vehicle?
Answer: This is equivalent to the absence of a state registration plate - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Question: Is it legal to issue a fine under article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 2 (closed number plate) if the vehicle is stationary?
Answer: No. Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 2, refers to the management of the vehicle, without special cases.