Alternative aviation of the future. Planes of the future - bold decisions

Her Majesty's High Court of Justice of England(English) Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in England, in Russian usage High Court of London or High Court of Justice) - one of the three highest courts of England and Wales, together with the Court of Appeal and the Royal Court.

High Court of London
High Court of Justice of England and Wales
View High Court of England and Wales
Instance Court of First Instance for Complex and High-profile Cases
Court of Appeal for certain categories of cases
Jurisdiction Great Britain Great Britain
Foundation date 1875
Composition judges are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Judicial Appointments Commission
Eligible for Judiciary Acts 1873 and 1875
Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales Lord John Thomas (English) Russian
took office October 1, 2013
Conference hall
The Royal Courts of Justice, which houses the High Court and the Court of Appeal for England and Wales
Location London, Strand
The address Strand London England WC2A 2LL

The High Court of London was created as a result of judicial reform carried out by the Judiciary Acts of 1873 and 1875. This judicial reform united the courts of common law and the law of equity into a single system of high courts in England and Wales, which allowed the courts to apply legal remedies deriving from both legal systems.

The High Court consists of three divisions: the Queen's Bench Division, the Chancery Division and the Family Division. Each of these branches has its own jurisdiction.


Branch of the King's Bench ( Queen's Bench Division) is the largest branch of the High Court, in 2013 it included 72 of the 108 judges of the entire court. This division deals with all civil cases that fall in the high court but are not directly assigned to the jurisdiction of one of the other two divisions. As an appellate court, the court reviews decisions of county courts in civil cases and decisions of magistrates' courts in criminal cases. Three special courts are formed within the division. The Commercial Court considers disputes on banking law and private international law, the Technological and Construction Court - disputes requiring technical knowledge, the Admiralty Court - disputes from maritime law. In addition, the so-called Administrative Court was formed within the division, which is a division that reviews decisions of lower courts and considers complaints against the actions of administrative bodies.

Chancery department ( Chancery Division) is authorized to consider disputes on trusts, corporate law, inheritance law, some land disputes. As part of the department, the Patent Court and the Judicial Chamber were formed to legal entities, which deal, respectively, with disputes related to

Whatever the sky of the future - blue, red or star-striped, one thing is clear: it will be more crowded than now. Countless constructors, designers, innovators and futurologists are haunted by the idea of ​​aircraft available to everyone - because the sky is our home. In this review - 10 of the most interesting, promising, unusual or crazy private jets in concept and reality.

1. Supersonic Fly Supersonic Business Jet

This concept supersonic private jet designed to ensure that a narrow circle of leaders of large firms, diplomats or mediators could negotiate in New York - and five hours later in Moscow. In addition to the pilot and his assistant, the cabin can accommodate 6 people, and even a stewardess; such comfort for businessmen of the future (the concept is still very far from the real implementation).

Engineers Oyvind Roar Berven and Tomas Brodreskift are preparing to shake our imagination in a couple of years with an LSA private jet (however, this is not a name: LSA is a “light sport aircraft”), which will be equal in cost to an SUV car. The wingspan of this Pegasus is 9 meters. The only thing that confuses in the description of the aircraft is that the creators rely on its battery power. What kind of batteries are these that can fly 1200 kilometers is not an easy question.

One of the most famous private jet projects, the Terrafugia Transition is a hybrid of a car and an aircraft. Bulky and voracious - but really existing and flying, albeit for the time being as a prototype. The creators are clearly not all right with the debugging of the aircraft-car, but already this year they are going to start selling at an estimated price of 200-250 thousand dollars.

4. Cobalt sky

Conceptual private plane from the French company Cobalt Aircraft is called Cobalt Co50. He can soar into the sky with the power of 350 horses and a speed of 453 km / h, the maximum flight distance is 1840 kilometers. A special feature of the aircraft is the luxurious interior design. The first batch of these aircraft should leave the assembly line in the very near future.

5. Eco-friendly private jet

This private jet concept- embodiment ecological vision of technology: body made of "green" materials (light linen and recyclable polycarbonate), energy saving (wings covered with photovoltaic cells), streamlined natural shapes. Project name - Oriens Glider, designer - Roland Cernat.

Honda Fuzo- this private plane-automobile for our distant descendants, who will already deal with the colonization of the moon and begin to explore Mars. Or computer games? Even the steering wheel of John Mahieddine's creation is made in the form of a joystick - the project is obviously not too serious, but it looks funny.

7. Elite aircraft AvA

This aircraft project weighing 9.1 tons is designed for 1-2 people and flying at an incredible speed: up to 3 kilometers per second! Essentially, this good option for those who have almost saved up a hundred million for a tourist cruise into space - of course, you can’t break out of the globe at such a speed, but you can fly 8725 kilometers in two and a half hours. If such monsters with jet engines are produced, then only under an individual order.

The brainchild of the Finnish engineer Aki Suokas (Aki Suokas) is almost ready to break away from the mortal earth: its mass is 70 kg, and the carrying capacity is two centners. It's all about lightweight carbon composites. And the most pleasant thing about FlyNano is its truly light (for an airplane) price: less than 25,000 euros. Release on sale is expected in August.

Development light sport aircraft- a promising business, so a well-known company joined it Cessna with his project Cessna 162. The seven-meter aircraft is developing cruising speed 207 km / h, able to overcome 870 km, while carrying a load of up to 222.3 kg. Despite a test accident in 2009, a production line in China is almost ready for the project. Most likely, this particular aircraft will be the first of those described by us to enter the stage of open sales.

This concludes our overview of private jets. And if not a single concept impressed you, but you still want to fly, then you can try.

Experts believe that in the near future the aircraft will not undergo drastic changes. These will be devices of traditional design, but with more outstanding characteristics. IN military equipment the roll will be shifted to the "drones". However, during the Paris Air Show in 2017, a number of aircraft manufacturers showcased new concepts aircraft designed to change the idea of ​​​​aviation. The “heavyweights” will be replaced by nimble city air cars, electric aircraft and cargo-passenger drones.

Electric cars? No - electric cars!

During the Paris Air Show, Israeli-based startup Eviation unveiled its Alice Commuter, an all-electric lightweight craft. The aircraft of the future uses distributed propulsion with one main pusher propeller on the tail and two pusher propellers on the wings. A total of 2.7 tons of lithium-ion batteries provide enough power to carry nine passengers for a range of 600 miles (965 km).

The designers hope that the new development of the Alice aircraft will help catalyze the demand for high-capacity batteries and spur the development of fast-recharge technology. Addressing these issues is critical to enabling electric flight. international company Uber is already discussing plans to use electric cars as air taxis in the future.

In 2018, Eviation intends to move from the assembly of the Alice prototype and testing (which has already begun) to the certification process. The firm expects to begin operating its first commercial flights in 2021. The startup is already negotiating with regional operators.

"Killer" Boeing-737?

Another ambitious startup Wright Electric offers its vision of the aircraft of the future. And it will also be electric. But unlike the small-scale development of the Israelis, the developers intend to no more and no less push the most popular model in the world - the Boeing-737.

According to Wright Electric, fuel is the largest component in the cost of a flight. The simplest way reduce these costs - do not use aviation kerosene at all. The company is developing a commercial passenger aircraft of the ECO series, which is powered by batteries and can operate short-haul flights within a radius of 300 miles (480 km). By the way, short-haul flights account for 30 percent of all flights, which is $26 billion in monetary terms.

The company announced the creation of a 150-seat aircraft that could cut the market for the Boeing 737. The partnership is carried out jointly with the low-cost British airline EasyJet, which helps to carry out the project.

Return move

By the way, the largest aircraft manufacturer Boeing does not intend to remain in the wake of progress. Mike Sinnett, vice president of commercial product development, during a presentation at the Paris Air Show 2017 "Boeing's Future Research and Prospects" said that the company is considering using electric aircraft for cargo transportation in the near future.

“The aircraft of the future that we are developing today will be smaller than today. Most likely, they will be either electric or hybrid with electric propulsion systems. We expect our craft to become fully autonomous,” Sinnett said.

Flying car? Already a reality!

The flying car is no longer a futuristic concept. The Slovak manufacturer AeroMobil proved this by presenting its latest aircraft at Top Marques Monaco and the Paris Air Show in 2017. By the way, AeroMobil is already available for pre-order: the cost of the "aircraft" is $ 1.2 million, which is not much for a transforming car. In the future, the company plans to build a variety of models in several price categories.

Aircraft characteristics:

  • Full conversion to flight mode in less than 3 minutes.
  • Automotive range (driving distance on one gas station) - 700 km using the NEDC cycle.
  • The maximum aviation range is 750 km.
  • Fuel tank capacity 90 liters.
  • Propeller with variable forward pitch (2400 rpm).
  • Maximum speed: in car mode - 160 km/h, in airplane mode - 112/259/360 km/h (depending on tasks).
  • Take-off weight - up to 960 kg (payload - 240 kg).

By the way, Airbus is also developing a promising air taxi.

Russian aircraft

Russia recently amazed the world with tests of a hypersonic aircraft, like a fantastic blockbuster that has descended from the screen. Although the project is secret and there is no need to wait for official explanations, both specialists and ordinary people gossip about its capabilities.

The Yu-71 glider, according to some sources, represents a class of unmanned hypersonic aircraft 6 generations designed for military purposes. The Russian plane is allegedly capable of accelerating to 11,000 km and actively maneuvering, which makes it almost impossible to intercept it (at least with existing methods). The flight range is about 5,500 km, the altitude is up to 80,000 m, which allows the device to overcome part of the path in near-Earth orbit. By the way, similar projects are also being developed in China and the United States.

With a good source of energy, even a rock or a whole house will fly, and this is a problem because there is little progress in the development of energy production and storage. I can also add that the American Night Hawk stealth aircraft should not fly in general, but thanks to the on-board computer and electronics that monitor the critical flight parameters of the aircraft in real time and prevent and limit the transition of the aircraft to critical flight modes. Electronics did something that raised a flying iron into the air. All these concepts are based on new nanotechnology materials, a completely different type of engine. Who knows, maybe these techno fantasies will fly. The dream liner took off because it used carbon fiber plastic, carbon fiber, fiberglass. Thanks to lithium-ion batteries, it has become possible to create a flying motorcycle or quadrocopter. The main thing is a powerful and economical source of energy, and in aviation and spacecraft this is a huge problem.

Source: © websites With a good source of energy, even a rock or a whole house will fly, but there are problems with this because there is little progress in the development of energy production and storage. I can also add that the American Night Hawk stealth aircraft should not fly in general, but thanks to the on-board computer and electronics that monitor the critical flight parameters of the aircraft in real time and prevent and limit the transition of the aircraft to critical flight modes. Electronics did something that raised a flying iron into the air. All these concepts are based on new nanotechnology materials, a completely different type of engine. Who knows, maybe these techno fantasies will fly. The dream liner took off because it used carbon fiber plastic, carbon fiber, fiberglass. Thanks to lithium-ion batteries, it has become possible to create a flying motorcycle or quadrocopter. The main thing is a powerful and economical source of energy, and in aviation and spacecraft this is a huge problem.

Source: © with a good source of energy, even a rock or a whole house will fly, but there are problems with this because there is little progress in the development of energy production and storage. I can also add that the American Night Hawk stealth aircraft should not fly in general, but thanks to the on-board computer and electronics that monitor the critical flight parameters of the aircraft in real time and prevent and limit the transition of the aircraft to critical flight modes. Electronics did something that raised a flying iron into the air. All these concepts are based on new nanotechnology materials, a completely different type of engine. Who knows, maybe these techno fantasies will fly. The dream liner took off because it used carbon fiber plastic, carbon fiber, fiberglass. Thanks to lithium-ion batteries, it has become possible to create a flying motorcycle or quadrocopter. The main thing is a powerful and economical source of energy, and in aviation and spacecraft this is a huge problem.