Bus tours in Riga in Russian. Excursions from Jurmala and Riga

Given the rather compact size of the country as a whole and the well-established transport connection, you can even get out of Riga on your own in one or a couple interesting places that attract travelers with their natural beauty or mysterious history. Although, along with independent and spontaneous excursions, organized by specialists from travel agencies or individual guides tours. In this case, you will not need to think about transport, the possibility of getting lost and the likelihood of a language barrier. However, there are usually no problems with the latter in Latvia, because most of the population understands and speaks Russian, not to mention excursion programs ah, most of which is provided in different languages, in particular in Russian.

But whatever way you choose to get to know Riga and its environs, we can say that you will get a lot of impressions and vivid emotions from most trips. After all, here harmoniously intertwined the richest nature, centuries-old history and extraordinary culture.

As for what kind of excursions you can visit when staying in Riga, there are a lot of them. It is better to start your acquaintance with the city with sightseeing walking tour of the historical center, during which the traveler will have the opportunity to wander along the old Riga pavement, see iconic historical places(for example, the Town Hall Square, the Dome Cathedral, the House of the Blackheads and much more), as well as hear many exciting stories. Such an excursion can be organized independently, armed with detailed map the center of Riga and a guidebook, as well as using the services of the city's tourist office or a private guide. True, the latter can be quite an expensive pleasure - prices for a two-hour tour of Old Riga range from 35 - 100 euros for a group of up to 4 - 6 people.

Quite interesting and exciting while exploring the city can also become night tour in Riga, bus sightseeing tour for historical and cultural attractions the Latvian capital or getting to know the city sides of the river tram. In any of the above cases, the tourist will be able to get an impression of this amazing city and get acquainted with its traditions.

For a further and deeper acquaintance with the Riga and Latvian culture as a whole, we can offer to drive in one direction or another from the capital. I will single out, probably, the most popular destinations that are in the greatest demand among tourists visiting Riga.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine Latvia without the sea and without its beautiful resorts. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists who come to Riga tend to drive to the coast at least for a day. It is for them that excursions are organized, which are usually called " Day by the sea" or something like that.

Here, of course, first of all, a visit is meant Jurmala located just twenty minutes from the capital. During such a trip, tourists are usually introduced to the main attractions of this famous resort, stretching for 32 kilometers along the coast, namely, they show the heart of the city - the Majori district, in which the Jurmala City Museum is located, offer a walk along the colorful Jomas Street or demonstrate masterpieces of the famous Jurmala wooden architecture. And of course, it is difficult to imagine Jurmala without its Kemeri Park, where you can find not only one of the very interesting churches, but also enjoy the magical air of the so-called "Jurmala health resort". In addition, there will probably be some time left after sightseeing to look into a couple of shops, swim or just wander along the beach. In general, a great option that is perfect for those who want to see something, and relax and unwind.

In addition to getting to know Jurmala and a cursory inspection Kemeri park, you can go directly to the study of this amazing nature reserve. After all, Kemeri Park itself is one of the most popular tourist sites in Latvia, attracting numerous tourists. During a tour of protected areas, you can see rare birds and plants, as well as admire unusual natural landscapes.

If you love cinema, you can take a tour of cinema town "Cinevilla", located 10 kilometers from the Latvian Tukmus (only about an hour by car from Riga). There you can admire the city of the beginning of the last century, created specifically for filming films, as well as find out what Latvian cinema is like, what film pavilions look like from the inside, as well as try on stage costumes and buy a couple of nice souvenirs. In principle, you can get there not only as part of an organized group, but also by car, train or bus, and book a tour of the facility on the spot.

The fans beautiful buildings and art, it is definitely worth going on a tour of the architectural sights of Latvia. Undoubtedly, the most striking of them is Rundale Castle, which attracts numerous travelers with its rich history, chic interiors and concerts often held within its walls.

Exciting, although sad, will be a trip to Salaspils Memorial, created on the site of one of the largest concentration camps in Europe during the Second World War and dedicated to the victims of fascism.

If possible, you can also visit one of the unique and very interesting Latvian towns, which you can go on an excursion during the day. It is, of course, located near Riga Yelagva, famous for its castle with the tombs of the dukes of Courland, the first Lutheran church in Europe and delicious cuisine.

No less exciting history and interesting sights can be found in Sigulda, during a tour of which you can see the Sigulda New Castle, built in the national style at the beginning of the 20th century, Turaida Castle, built in the 13th century in the Gothic style and being one of the most popular tourist sites in the country, the largest suffusion cave in the Baltics - Gutman's Cave , as well as take a walk along special hiking trails, take a ride on an air trailer or visit one of the amusement parks located here (most of which offer, first of all, sports and environmental activities).

And although this is not the whole list of excursions that you can visit if you stay in Riga for at least a couple of days, it becomes clear that there will be no difficulty in choosing directions. You can book an excursion both in advance, using specialized Internet resources, and upon arrival, looking into one of the tourist offices. I will only note that in Riga there is an official tourist reference phone Tourist Hotline 1188, which provides consulting assistance on organizing excursions, as well as providing reference tourist information. In addition, when planning some kind of excursion, you can contact the Riga Tourist information Center located at Town Hall Square 6 or go to their website www.liveriga.com.

It remains only to listen to yourself and go where your heart calls you.

Sergey pro

Leonella pro

We went with my daughter 13 years old to Sigulda by car walking tour with guide Tatiana. A very rich program beautiful places Latvian Switzerland. It's great that during the tour it was possible for the child to "break away" by riding a "sled" from the mountain, and then climb cable car, and listen to the stories of the Middle Ages by visiting the ruined gothic castle on the territory of the estate of Prince Kropotkin, and then visit the Turaida Castle, learn about the life of the bishop and those times and mystical story Turaida Rose. Tatyana is a wonderful storyteller, very delicate. A trip by car guide, we were very comfortable. Very beautiful landscapes, you can't take your eyes off!

Leonella pro

I liked the tour very much. Went with my 13 year old daughter. The guide managed to interest the teenager, which he didn’t even want to finish, throughout the tour he supported our interest by asking questions. Lot interesting facts and places were shown where the famous Soviet movies. Lina gave advice on museums, interesting places. 3 hours went by without a hitch. Highly recommend!

Marina pro

Wonderful tour - interesting and informative! The guide Galina is a very interesting conversationalist and an educated person! She makes every effort to make it interesting for everyone, young and old)) She showed us not only ancient sights, but also whispered about new museums and opportunities! So, after her tour, I visited the Museum of Living Silver, went to the Museum of Architecture in the monument "Three Brothers". But I didn’t read anywhere that you can visit them and both are amazing! Galina, thank you very much!

Irina pro

We were in Riga with a layover in a few hours. We decided to take the tour, because. We didn't have time to explore the city ourselves. We were a family of 3 with a child and two ladies joined. The tour took about 3 hours, despite the fact that it was Monday and the bell tower of St. Peter was closed, we had a great tour of the city with Lina. She told a lot and very interestingly, showed old photos of Riga and individual buildings. There were plenty of legends too. The child (8 years old) was not bored at all.
Lina also recommended a place as an overview of the city and a wonderful cafe with a tasting of the Riga Balsam, and this is NOT the hyped Black Magic, which you won’t get into without an appointment and without a group (meaning the descent to the basement to the alchemists, in the upper room of Black Magic, go in - taste No problem, they were there too
Everyone liked it very much! We ourselves would not have covered so much in the few hours that we had in Riga!

You can explore Jurmala by electric car. Excursion in the fresh air, and the speed of the electric car is 15 - 20 km / h. The price of an excursion in Jurmala is from 4 lats (7 euros). Electric car parking next to the Jurmala Tourist Office, but it is better to clarify all the information in advance by calling (+371) 20242231. More details and. On the same electric car, you can make an excursion around Sigulda and Turaida Castle.

In Old Riga there is a sightseeing train with a small steam locomotive, which travels around the entire Old Riga in 30-45 minutes. There are headphones, where the audio guide tells about the sights of Old Riga in Russian. The price of the tour is 4 euros per person. Starts from Domskaya Square.

For romantic natures, there is an offer to take a tour of Old Riga on a horse-drawn carriage.

There are different routes in Riga sightseeing tours on buses (there are even open buses without a roof) of the companies "Riga City Tour" (26655405), "Riga Sightseeing" (27762776) and "Sightseeing.lv" (67271915). On the buses, during the tour, an audio guide in 9 languages ​​(including Russian) tells about Riga through the earpiece. The ticket is sold for the whole day or for 2 days. You can get off where you like and get on the next such sightseeing bus. Prices for such buses - from 10 euros per person. .

Along the Riga City Canal and along the Daugava River around the Old Town, you can take an excursion on an old wooden boat with a motor or on river tram(ship). Phones. More about the boat Laima and Riga Cruises. At sunset, you can also take a 2.5-hour steamboat ride from Jurmala that will take you to Old Riga. . Prices for tickets for a tour along the Riga Canal and Daugava from 3 lats. All information about boat trips and excursions on the LiveRiga and RigaEvents website.

On weekends in the summer, you can get to know Riga while riding a 120-year-old tram that runs on two different routes. Read more about the retro tram.

There are a large number of companies in Riga and Jurmala organizing bus tours in Latvia and Bus tours outside of Latvia. Organized thematic excursions from Riga to Latvia in Russian offer the largest travel companies and the most famous tourist bureaus and agencies: Skaistie Skati, Jurata, VisiAutobusi, RigaTur, Blagovest, Laimture, LatTravel, Impro.

To find more bus tours in Latvia, just type in the search engine Google.lv or Yandex.ru "bus tours in latvia", "bus tours from riga prices", etc. and you will get a whole list of tour agencies and travel agencies offering bus tours from Riga and Jurmala throughout Latvia. For example, Remaco, Putniks, Mari, Rainbow Tours, Atlantic, Fortuna, Star Tours.

Excursion bureaus and travel agencies organize bus tours outside Latvia - to Estonia: Tallinn, Pärnu, Tartu; to Lithuania: Vilnius, Kaunas, Trakai Castle; as well as to the capitals of Finland and Sweden - to Helsinki and Stockholm and to more distant foreign countries. Very often, bus excursions and tours from Riga abroad can be bought at a big discount on collective shopping sites, the so-called. discount coupons. More details on the sites: For smart, Kolosalno, Refresh.

There is a ferry from Riga to Stockholm (Sweden) and back every day. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to go on an excursion to Stockholm, organized by the Tallink ferry company itself.

Not far from our hotel in Jurmala there is a tour desk. Large selection of excursion programs in Jurmala, Riga and Latvia lasting from 3 to 10 hours. The price of excursions is from 20 to 35 euros per person. .

Such an amazing and colorful city as Riga should not be deprived of the attention of a real tourist, reinforced by the fact that the city center is on the list world heritage UNESCO.

In Riga - the most proven and convenient option for exploring all the splendor of the Latvian capital, the list of which is more than impressive: Riga Castle, St. Peter's Church, Swedish Gates, Riga TV Tower and many, many others. For domestic tourists, of course, excursions in Riga in Russian are of interest, thanks to which the city appears in a new light - rich in history and traditions.

In old Riga, plunging into the history of winding and narrow streets, imbued with the mysticism of the city is a must when traveling to Latvia. will allow you to cover a wider range of interesting places both in the city itself and in its environs.

The city is magnificent not only in the daytime. plunge into the romance and warmth of European antiquity and lift the veil of urban legends. All those sights that you saw during the day, at night take on a completely different look.

It is amazing how rich Riga is in cultural events. The city is literally immersed in expositions of various subjects. Fans of technology will be interested in visiting the Museum of Retro Cars, the Railway Museum, the Military Museum, the Fire and Technical Museum and the Riga Aviation Museum. Adherents of art will certainly like the State Art Museum, the Porcelain Museum, the Fashion Museum, the Museum of Decorative Arts and many others.

They will find in Riga not only informative, but also entertaining rest. The Lido Recreation Center is a park of all kinds of attractions, game rooms, events, which in winter serves as a skating rink. The local water park and the zoo will not leave the kids indifferent either.

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Individual excursions: what to see

Private guides with good education and training, as well as extensive experience in conducting tours, will be able to tell in an interesting, lively and exciting way about everything related to Riga, its historical monuments and famous residents. So individual excursions in Riga are more than a great alternative to hectic group tours, the main attributes of which are sightseeing buses, and not the personal approach and attentiveness, as is the case with private guides.

In an individual format, according to interests, it is worth going to, which surprises in Riga. And it surprises that here, for example, orchids grow different types and Tauris and horses live in the wild. Amazing sensations arise from a trip to the Baltic Sea. The shores here are so quiet and peaceful that you involuntarily begin to lose track of time.

It will reveal all the charm of European cuisine. In Riga, you can try a real local delicacy - lamprey. In fact, it is better to try it without knowing what it is. Lampreys resemble leeches or eels from 10 centimeters to 1 meter in length, which feed on fish meat, hence their exquisite taste. Lamprey is distinguished by a large ring-shaped mouth with many sharp teeth. When cooked, they are not so terrible, and it is in Riga that they are prepared in the best possible way.

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Prices for excursions in Riga

The cost of excursions in Riga from Russian-speaking guides is indicated in euros: for the entire group or for each participant in the group.

You can agree on the terms of individual accompaniment directly with the guide.

Tours from Riga abroad 2019

As a rule, visiting one country this becomes not enough and instantly another one begins to beckon with its originality and culture. The most popular destination from Riga is considered. The appearance, culture and legends of the old city were formed with the participation of completely different peoples: Russians, Germans, Swedes and Danes. All this is reflected in local architecture, cuisine and folklore. Of the sights, you should visit numerous religious monuments of different eras and confessions, as well as take a walk through the old city.

And Latvia a few centuries ago had a lot in common, but now the countries are moving in different directions. Vilnius, which is not so far from Riga, is worth visiting for cathedrals, churches and medieval castles.

Excursions from Riga around the area

In times of rapidly developing science and technology, it is very interesting to plunge into the atmosphere of history. A pleasant trip will be a tour to or, which has been popularly called "Vidzeme Switzerland" for many centuries. Travelers are attracted by dense fairy-tale forests and castles from the time of the Crusaders.

Very close to Riga main resort country - city . People flock to Jurmala for treatment mineral waters and local sanatoriums. The architecture of the city gives it a charming toy look; it is not for nothing that more than 400 objects in the city are included in the list of architectural monuments. Jurmala is also rich in entertainment events, since it is here that the music competition “ New wave”,“ Jurmalina ”and KVN.