BTO (type of river vessels). Backwater of memory of the Parisian commune Motor ship Danube

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The term is also used by R. McCulloch, it was not distinguished by other anthropologists. The well-known Polish anthropologist Chekanovsky called this type pre-Slavic, and in Soviet anthropology its closest analogue is the Central Eastern European race.

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An excerpt characterizing the Neo-Danubian type

Alpatych carefully looked at Dron and frowned. Just as Dron was an exemplary headman, so Alpatych not without reason managed the prince's estates for twenty years and was an exemplary manager. He was eminently able to understand by instinct the needs and instincts of the people with whom he dealt, and therefore he was an excellent manager. Glancing at Dron, he immediately realized that Dron's answers were not an expression of Dron's thoughts, but an expression of that general mood of the Bogucharov world, by which the headman had already been captured. But at the same time, he knew that Dron, who had profited and hated by the world, had to fluctuate between two camps - the masters and the peasants. He noticed this hesitation in his gaze, and therefore Alpatych, frowning, moved closer to Dron.
- You, Dronushka, listen! - he said. - Don't talk to me empty. His Excellency Prince Andrei Nikolaevich themselves ordered me to send all the people and not stay with the enemy, and there is an order from the king. And whoever remains is a traitor to the king. Do you hear? Downstream of the Volga, 50 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod, there is a village with the intricate name "In Memory of the Paris Commune" or simply PPK. It is already worth visiting just for the sake of such a name, but by chance it houses the OJSC "Shipyard in Memory of the Paris Commune". The plant has a backwater where the river fleet winters, and in the summer only decommissioned ships remain there, which are about to go for scrap. I could not visit such a place. I have long dreamed of visiting the ship cemetery .. Well, one idiot's dream has become less. :)

The backwater is fenced off from the river by a dam, where you can drive by car and almost drive into the hold of the ship. After exploring the ships, you can go to the other side of the dam and swim in the river, getting all the pleasure you can. Let's take a walk through this rusty beauty.

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Bor bridge. The two-lane road part of the combined bridge was built in 1965 over the railway track.

These vessels are repaired at the factory.

Motor ship of the "Sixth Pyatiletka" type of project 576 - "Vandovka".

The ship was launched on July 1, 1959 on shipyard"Red Sormovo" ( Nizhny Novgorod), was assigned to the Volga Shipping Company. Equipped with a hitch for pushing barges. On May 25, 1971, she collided with the sea tanker Stepanakert on the Volga-Don Canal and was decommissioned. Interestingly, he rotted in the PPK for more than 30 years, or what?

To climb on board the ship, someone put a ladder against the hull. The stairs are very flimsy and short. When I got to the top, I realized that I would pull myself up and climb higher, but there was no way back. He returned to the car, took the rope and climbed back.

Engine room. Once there was one of the diesels.

As soon as I climbed up, I immediately took out the camera and began to put on the hood at 24-70. Blenda did not want to dress and flew into the most, at least in appearance, deep and smelly puddle at the bottom of the hold, with some kind of rusty shit. What a surprise, damn it, I thought. I noticed the cell where she fell, and she could not completely burrow into the rust at the bottom - the edge stuck out like a beacon. In general, you have to climb, since the stairs to the engine room are nearby. Then I decided to shift the keys to the car for some kind of goblin. When I climbed for the rope, I just put them in my pants pocket, and not in a special pocket with a zipper. I pull the key fob, take out the key... then the decorative chain opens, and the car key flies into the next, also seemingly the deepest and most smelly puddle. With a gurgle, it goes to the bottom and burrows into the shithole. And I'm standing upstairs, holding only a keychain in my hands. Oh... I cursed a lot then, of course.

In this way, I had the prospect of staying near a locked car 550 kilometers from spare keys. Suppose I open the car, in extreme cases, you can break the glass, but start it if the electronics in the key close? I instantly put the camera in my backpack, fastening it to some kind of pipe so that it also does not fly into the hold, and like a bullet into the turbine hall, to look for the key. I must say that I was lucky - I remembered the cell where he fell, and poking around in a rusty shit, I felt for him. He took it out, opened it, took out the battery, blew it out and put it in different pockets - let it dry. After that, he took out a hood and returned to the deck.

Captain's bridge "Vandovka".

Now I had to solve such a problem: go or not to the car, check the key. I decided that I wouldn’t go, because if it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work anyway, and I’ll ruin my mood and won’t take it off. Therefore, I decided to shoot "Vandovka" to the end, and then, when I go down, to check the key.

Cabin "Vandovka".


Some kind of device.

Skylights in the engine room.

Top of the add-on.

Coupling device on the bow of the barge.

It was coupled with such a thing on another barge. As you can see, the hitch allowed the barge and the other vessel to move up and down relative to each other. In general, this view of the barge reminded me of an imperial cruiser from Star Wars.

Barge No. 194 on the left, Vandovka on the right. Have you ever seen a mega bath?

Have you been to her bottom?

Draft marks on the barge.


This is what Vandovka looked like in life. Photo by Alexei Kirillov from

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In the foreground is a barge that is being cut. Behind her is the tug "Ozerny 88", on the right is the pusher tug "Marshal Blucher".

River tug "Lake 88". Project Ch-800.

OZERNY - the common serial name of motor ships of two different types (pr. 501 or Ch-800, Slovak designation RR800, " river tug 800 hp”, H-3180 and H-3181), large raft tugs with ice reinforcement.

Project Ch-800. Various modifications (the so-called series I, II, III and IV) of the Soviet project 501, differing in the power of the machines and some design details. Vessels with a capacity of 1050 hp in some sources they are designated as pr. 3801-S, ships with a capacity of 1100 hp. (series IV) - as pr. Ch-1100. During operation, some vessels were converted to work as pushers.

Projects H-3180, H-3181. A more modern type of tugs with similar characteristics and increased machine power. Etc. H-3181 - a modification that slightly differs in hull size, draft, and wheelhouse design.

Serial construction. The construction of motor ships pr. Ch-800 and its modifications was carried out in 1952 - 1961. in Czechoslovakia. The ships received names in honor of outstanding Russian scientists, researchers and travelers, as well as the serial name "Ozerny". A total of 104 units were built. The construction of motor ships pr. H-3180 and H-3181 has been carried out since 1977 in Hungary. At least 16 units were built, of which 7 were from the original H-3180 design. Vessels were assigned serial numbers beginning with 201.

Spreading. The tugboats of the Ch-800 project and its modifications were delivered to the majority of European and eastern basins: Volga, Kama, Moscow, Ob-Irtysh, Yenisei, Lena shipping companies. To date, most of the ships have been decommissioned or mothballed due to the ceased mass rafting of timber in rafts. The tugs H-3180 and H-3181 pr. were supplied to the Volga, Kama, White Sea-Onega, Yenisei shipping companies. For similar reasons, they are used as auxiliary duty tugs in backwaters, for one-time piloting of non-self-propelled vessels, and also as pushers. One vessel was mothballed after a serious accident.

View of the tugs of the Ozerny type from the stern. Right 88, but the number of the left is in doubt. 72 is written on the cabin, but on the sides over the inscription "Ozerny 72" is written with more recent paint "Ozerny 90". If you believe, then both are decommissioned and are in Nizhny Novgorod.

And here is another view of the Ozernye from the Marshal Blucher. On the wheelhouse of the starboard tug, 72 is clearly visible, while on the port side, 90 is read in black paint. What kind of fraud?

It's time to finally get on this mega-tug - "Marshal Blucher".

Marshal Blucher, OT 4000 - a series of three linear large river pusher tugs of project 947, which included the ships Marshal Blucher (lead ship), Marshal Tukhachevsky, Yubileiny. The largest pusher tugs in the USSR. The power of the main engines is 4,000 hp. with .. Built at the Rybinsk shipyard in 1970 and 1971. In the late 90s and early 2000s, all ships of the series were decommissioned. The lead ship of the series was the last to be decommissioned in 2002.

Then the problem arose - how to get on it? Several metal cables hung from the sides. They were dry, and theoretically it was possible to climb on them, but I did not succeed. Yes, and at first there is an uncomfortable place, there is nowhere to put your feet, since the bottom is very sloping. After a little thought, I remembered about grasping knots. Of course, they are designed for a rope-rope system, but why not try to tie on a cable?

After tying a 10 mm static gripping knot around the cable, I made a loop where I stood with my foot. The knot slipped a little, tightened and fixed. Above, I knit the second knot - the second step. In this way, having tied 4-5 knots, I climbed on board the tugboat.

Marshal's engine room. The remains of one of the diesels are visible.

Exhaust pipes from them.

Captain's bridge.

IMHO, in the backwater, the highest point.

A couple of pusher tugs of the Danube type: 26 and, apparently, 24. To their left is the DON icebreaker tug.

Motor ships of the DUNAYSKY (projects 112, 112A and 112B) and ZELENODOLSK (projects 749, 749A and 749B) types are large linear pusher tugs equipped with an O-200 automatic coupler. During the operation of the vessels on some of them, the felling was raised higher to improve visibility when working with a barge train. This was achieved by completing the construction of a new building on the roof of the regular cabin or by raising the regular cabin on racks.

Ships of projects 112 and 749 have a similar design. The construction of motor ships pr. 749 has been carried out in the USSR since 1957, motor ships pr. Vessels pr. 112 received the serial name "Danube". The ships of project 749 were given names in honor of the cities of the socialist countries and the USSR.

Pushers of this type were supplied to the shipping companies of the Volga basin: Volga, Kama, Volgotanker. Later, some ships were transferred to the Moscow and North-Western Shipping Companies. Vessels are operated: on the Volga, Kama, Moscow-Volga canal. They are used with barge trains of two to four sections, as well as for wiring through lock sections of barge attachments. dry cargo ships type "Volzhsky". Currently, some early-built ships have been decommissioned.

Diesel-electric ships of the DON type (project 16) are medium-sized linear icebreakers equipped with a towing hook. Vessels are equipped with trim system.

Serial vessels differ slightly from the pre-series sample in terms of hull dimensions. Only in the 50s. At least 13 icebreakers of Project 16 were built, of which 10 were serial vessels. The ships were given names in honor of the rivers of the USSR. Icebreakers of this type were supplied to the main European and Eastern shipping companies: Volzhsky, Kamsky, Volgotanker, Belomorsko-Onega, Moscow, Ob-Irtysh, Yenisei, Lensky. Vessels were used mainly to extend river navigation in autumn and spring. In summer, some icebreakers were operated as tugboats. Currently, most of the ships are decommissioned or decommissioned.

Danube 26.

"Marshal Blucher".


And now let's see big ships. This is the ship of project 305 "Yuri Zavadsky"

Project 305 motor ships (DUNAY type) - medium passenger ships designed to work on passenger and tourist lines. One of the most successful and massive series of ships of this class in the USSR. Motor ships have one-, two-, four-, as well as six- and eight-bed cabins, including those equipped with washbasins, two restaurants, two saloons and a room with passenger seats. During the operation of ships cabins large capacity were re-equipped, some ships were modernized to increase their comfort. The construction of motor ships of project 305 was carried out in Hungary in 1959 - 1967. A total of 49 ships were built. Project 305 ships were named after the rivers of the USSR.

A terrible warning. But I was already tired after the tugboats and swimming in the Volga, so I decided not to climb.

This ship was built in 1963, the first navigation sailed in 1980 (I wonder what he did for 17 years?). It was decommissioned on May 15, 1998.

On the left - catamaran-type vessel R-19 "Ivan Belyaev". (Built in 1978, converted in 1989 to transport cars (cars 185 units, DVT - 1103 tons). Since 2007 it has been on sale.

And this is the second ship in the backwater of project 305. Presumably, Viktor Kholzunov.

Beauty and all...

Farewell look at Zavadsky.

Y. Zavadsky is not going anywhere. And it's time for me to return to Nizhny.

(c) Russos, 2009

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    Today we will look at ancient Rome through the eyes of a little girl. Here she is - drawing her self-portrait on one of the columns of the atrium, in the huge house of her father. Her name is Domitia and she is only 5 years old. She has an older brother who is 14 years old. He was named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, after his father. Girls are not given such long names as boys. Worst of all, their father insisted that all daughters be called Domitia. "Domitia!" The one that draws on the column he calls Domitius III. Her older sister, who is 7 years old, is called Domitia II. And the one who is 10 years old is Domitia I. It could also be Domitia IV, but only their mother died in childbirth, 3 years ago. It's hard to figure it out, right? It was difficult for the Romans too. They could easily calculate the pedigree from the male line, because the men had triple names, like Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. But a terrible confusion began when they tried to figure out which of the Domitius married whom, who was their aunt or stepmother, and to whom specifically. Domitia III not only paints the column, but also observes what is happening in the house. It's morning now. During these hours, her father receives friends and clients who have come to pay their respects to him. Among them is Lucius Popidius Secundus. He is 17, and in 5-7 years he plans to marry Domitia II. However, he is not looking for the location of the future bride, but her father. Poor Lucius, he doesn't know that even though his family is rich, Domitia's father thinks they're Subura scumbags. After all, this area of ​​Rome is full of barbers and prostitutes. Suddenly, all the men, including her father, leave. The second hour of the day begins, and he must speak in court, in front of a large audience of clients who will applaud his speeches and boo his opponents. Now the house is quieter. Men will return only for dinner, that is, after 7 hours. But what is happening in the house during these hours? What do Domitia, Domitia and Domitia do all day? Not an easy question! All Roman documents that have survived to this day were written by men. Therefore, we know little about the life of Roman women. However, we cannot talk only about men, so let's try to figure it out. Let's start with the atrium. There is a large loom on which their mother wove material for the toga. Domitia, Domitia and Domitia, had to spin woolen threads, which would then go to a huge canvas, oval in shape, and more than 10 meters long. The Romans considered yarn and weaving a good pastime for their wives. We know this from many inscriptions on the tombstones of Roman women. Unlike Greek women, Roman women could leave the house and walk around the city. They visited public baths in the mornings when there were no men there, or went to separate baths reserved for women only. In the 70s AD. they could even, if they wished, bathe naked with the men. But there were places reserved only for men: the Forum, the courtroom, or the Senate building. For women, the public spaces were porticos, with gardens, sculptures, and walking paths. When Domitia, Domitia and Domitia wanted to go out for a walk, like the portico of Libya, they had to prepare. Domitia II and Domitia III are already ready, but Domitia I, who is engaged and will marry dear Filat in 2 years, is not ready yet. She's not busy, she just has more to do. Since she is engaged, she must wear the appropriate signs: wedding ring and everything that Filat gave her: jewelry, earrings, necklace and pendants. She can even adorn herself with a myrtle diadem. All this seems to say: "I'm getting married soon to the guy who gave me all this!" Meanwhile, Domitia II and Domitia III are playing with dolls, pretending to be their sister dressed in a wedding dress. The day will come when the girls will marry, and the dolls will be brought as a gift to the household gods. So, everyone is ready. The girls get into palanquins carried by strong slaves. An escort is with them, and they move to the portico of Livia to meet their aunt there. Slaves carry palanquins on their shoulders. The girls peer out from behind the curtains to gawk at the street crowd. They will cross the city, pass the Colosseum, and then turn towards the hill on which the portico of Livia is located. It was built by order of Livia, the wife of Emperor Augustus, next to the estate of Vedia Polion. Not that he was an exceptionally good guy. Once he tried to feed his slave to the eels from his own fish pond, just because he knocked over the dish. Fortunately, the emperor, present at the dinner, tempered his ardor. The palanquins stopped and the girls got out. Hand in hand, they walk in pairs up the steps leading to an enclosed garden surrounded by a colonnade. Domitia III separates and goes to draw on a column. Domitia II follows her, but her eyes are drawn to the graffiti on the column. She notices a drawing of gladiators and imagines them fighting. She cannot watch gladiator fights, except with one eye, from the extreme back rows of the Colosseum. From there, she will have a good view of 50,000 spectators, but is unlikely to see the bloody battle in the arena. If she wants to get a good place, she can become a priestess of Vesta, and then she will get the best place on the floor. But the career of a vestal virgin is not to everyone's taste. Meanwhile, Domitia I met a future bride like her, who is 10 years old. Time to go home. They return after 8 hours of walking, but something is going on in the house. There is a broken dish on the floor. All the slaves have gathered in the atrium and are waiting for the master's arrival. He will be beside himself with rage. He does not raise a hand against children, but like most Romans, he believes that slaves should be punished. The whip is ready and waiting for him. No one knows who broke the dish, but if necessary, the owner will order them all to be tortured. The butler opens the front door. Anxious whispers are heard among the slaves. But it is not the owner who enters the house at all, but a pregnant teenager girl. This is the eldest daughter of the family - she is 15 years old, and she is already a veteran in marriage and childbearing. Guess what her name is. She has a 5-10% chance of not surviving the upcoming birth, but now she has arrived to have dinner with her family. Although she is still a teenager, she has already shown herself to be a good wife, having given birth to her husband's children, who will bear his name, and in the future will become his heirs. The family moves to the dining room, where dinner is already served. It seems that the father of the family was invited to dine at someone's house. After dinner, the girls return to the atrium, where they see off their older sister. She will go home in a palanquin, accompanied by her father's bodyguards. After the wires, the sisters return to the atrium. All slaves, young and old, men and women, await the arrival of their master with trepidation. When he returns, each of these slaves may fall prey to his wrath and desire to restore order and obedience through intimidation and beatings. And the girls go upstairs to their bedrooms and get ready for bed.

Description, history

Medium linear pusher tugs of the BTO type (lake pusher tug) are a continuation of the Volgar type ships (project R-45), and due to the original name of the lead ship of the series - Volgar-40 - they are sometimes mistakenly assigned to this type .The author of the project is the Central Design Bureau of the MRF of the RSFSR, Leningrad (now JSC "ITsS"), the chief designer of the project is S. B. Shur (1984), the construction plant is the SSRZ im. Butyakova, Zvenigovo, Mari ASSR.

BTO tugs were produced in a series of 9 vessels. The construction of the series lasted from 1985 to 1991. The first ship of the series was named "Volgar" with the next number - 40 (later this name was changed to its own name "Nikolai Ilyin"), the rest of the ships received serial numbers from 601 and their own names. The numbers "600" in the numbers indicated the engine power - 600 l. With.

The purpose of the vessel is to push dry-cargo and oil-loading trains and barges with a total carrying capacity of up to 8000 tons along inland waterways on local and transit lines, as well as on roadsteads and in locks; navigation area - rivers and reservoirs of the category "O" with the provision of work in broken ice with a concentration of 8 points, up to 30 cm thick (class * "O" (ice) according to the classification of the River Register of the RSFSR (now the Russian River Register)).

Structurally, the ship is an all-metal twin-screw motor ship with a developed tank and a four-tiered superstructure. The peculiarity of the vessels of this project is the presence of a rotary thrust device (PUU), that is, the nose stops for pushing and the O-150T-8 auto coupler are located on a special spatial structure connected to the fore end of the hull by a vertical hinge and having the ability to rotate relative to the longitudinal axis of the hull by 20 degrees in each direction by hydraulic cylinders with an internal diameter of 320 mm., a rod stroke of 2240 mm. (2 per side, one above the other) with control from the wheelhouse.

The vessel has the following characteristics: - overall length - 31.4 m; - overall width - 10.2 m; - height of the side amidships - 3.7 m; -draft: with reserves for 12 days (with a displacement of 410.2 tons) - 2.37 m; with full reserves and ballast 37t. (with a displacement of 453.4 tons) - 2.53 m; - overall height from the waterline with the mast littered - 13.2 m; - traction force in still deep water: 62 kN (6.32 tf) at a speed of 10 km/h; 31 kN (3.16 tf) at a speed of 13 km/h; -speed without train - 18.2 km/h; -crew - 10 people (including 4 officers); - residential cabins in the superstructure: single blocks with individual bathrooms - 2; single cabins - 4; double cabins - 3; - main engines (2 pcs) - 6NVD26A3, 272 kW (370 hp) at 950 rpm; - reverse gears (2 pcs.) - MS-400, gear ratio - 3.42 (forward) / 2.75 (back); output flange power - 224.3 kW (305 hp) at 208 rpm; - propellers - 2 pcs., in rotary (35 degrees in each direction, both synchronously and independently of each other) guide nozzles; diameter - 1.8 m; step - 1.05; 1.10; 1.15; 1.9 m (options); number of blades - 5; - steering machine (for turning the guide nozzles) - 2RG4.0, hydraulic, torque on each stock 40 kN * m (4 tf * m.); - diesel generators - DGA 50M1-9, 50 kW (2 pcs.); -diesel-hydraulic pump (for the operation of the launcher and towing winch) - 2G13-36A, 50 kW .; - towing winch - 1GLB6/12, hydraulic, pulling force 60 kN (6.12 tf.); - towing hook - 3TA for 100 kN (10.2 tf.) with the possibility of recoil from the wheelhouse; - anchors: Hall, bow - K300 (2 pcs.), stern - K1000; - bow spiers: left - YASH2R, right - YASH2RD with the possibility of remote recoil of the right anchor from the wheelhouse; (stern anchor is lowered and raised by a towing winch); - life-saving equipment - boat SSHPV-7, life rafts PSP-10 (2 pcs.), life buoys (2 pcs.);

The ship has fuel, oil and cooling systems for the main and auxiliary diesel engines, power supply with alternating current 220 V. and direct 24 V., hot and cold water supply, wastewater with collection in a fecal tank, water heating, general ship and engine room ventilation, fire extinguishing , ballast-drainage, hydraulics.

The ship is equipped with the Angara-RB shortwave radio station, the Kama-R ultrashortwave radio station, the Pechora-1R radar station, the NEL-M4 self-recording echo sounder, magnetic compass KM 100-1, radio broadcasting communication system "Ryabina", emergency, fire alarms and internal telephone connection with KATS-20 switch.

BTO tugs were delivered Volzhsky and Moscow Shipping Company. They worked on Upper Volga and on canal Moscow-Volga. It is possible that in 1990s due to lack of work, some ships were mothballed.

PUU on the ships of this project were practically not used in operation, and on the motor ship building No. 9 ("Pavel Pyankin"), rigid box-section beams were installed instead of hydraulic cylinders from construction.

In the course of operation, a significant drawback of the project was revealed - low power density for a ship of such dimensions and weight with a relatively large sail area. To improve the operational parameters of some motor ships (in particular, lines No. 2 "Igor Aseev", 5 "Boris Safonov", 7 "Inzhener Smirnov", work was carried out on a comprehensive modernization, which consisted in replacing the main diesel engines built in the GDR with domestic more powerful 211D (6CHN21/21) of the Balakovo plant with a capacity of 585 hp with the corresponding replacement of reverse gears and propellers.Thanks to this, as well as a number of other measures, the class of ships increased from * "O" (ice) to M-PR (for BTO "Igor Aseev", in addition, the nasal tip was changed to a conventional design instead of PUU).

Nordic race: an example of dominance Danube type

In contrast to the previous insert, this one is a series of Nordics in which the Corded Ware type element is weak or absent, and thus remains close to the older, small-headed, mesocephalic Danubian type. The reason for the relativity of this definition is that not enough skulls of the Danubian type have been found, and this does not allow us to draw more accurate conclusions.
Rice. 1. Norwegian from Drommen, near Oslo. The absolute size of the head is medium, comparable with small dark Mediterranean varieties; height and body weight are small.
Rice. 2. Mesocephalic Englishman from Southampton; his small face, concave profile, rounded nose, lack of angularity in facial features and skull, combined with a high cranial vault, suggest that he is close to known skeletal remains of the Danubian type.
Rice. 3. Galician of mixed Ukrainian-Polish origin: an excellent example of the Danubian type, common here from the Neolithic and settled throughout the rich agricultural plain from southern Poland to Russia, while the Nordics proper settled in other regions.
Rice. 4. Lithuanian, although brachycephalic, but basically belonging to the same Danubian type.

Nordic race: Galyptat and Celtic types

Rice. 1 (Brand and Schreiner, Die Somatologie der Norweger, plate 27, fig. 81). Norseman from Drangedal, the standard type of the eastern valleys described in chapter 9, section 4. This type is associated with Iron Age Hallstatt remains found in Central Europe - and this type did not spread to Scandinavia until perhaps after the middle of the first millennium BC. e. Since that time, the Galyptat type has been replaced by other types in Europe, but has survived in Sweden and the eastern valleys of southern Norway.
Rice. 2. An Englishman from the outskirts of London, belonging to the same racial type. In England this type is mostly of Anglo-Saxon and Danish origin.
Rice. 3. East Englishman from Ipswich, Suffolk. Most of the English belong to this ancient local Iron Age Celtic type (Iron Age Nordic type), which was brought from southwestern Germany by the Celts and is distinguished by a lower skull vault, more sloping forehead and more prominent nose. Hair color is more often brown than blond.
Rice. 4 (photo by C.W. Dupertue). The Nordic type of the Iron Age is especially common in Ireland, which has never experienced major invasions of the Germanic-speaking Galyptate Nordics. This individual from County Clare, with his sloping forehead, aquiline nose, and brown hair, is an excellent example of this type.
Rice. 5 (photo by C.W. Dupertue). A specific population, a product of isolation, developed in the Aran Islands. Here a local Nordic type arose with a huge head length, an extremely low cranial vault, a long nose and face, a predominance of blue eyes and golden and red hair. The young man in this photo is a perfect example of this type.
Rice. 6 (photo by C.W. Dupertue). The Aran Islander in this photo is rather dark-haired for his group and has an extremely low head height of 0.000 mm. It illustrates the fact that the most short-headed individuals in the Aran population are not blond. Note the converging temporal facets and the cylindrical profile of the calvaria when viewed from the front. This feature, in a less pronounced form, is inherent in the entire Celtic Nordic type of the Iron Age as a whole.

Exotic Nordics

It will show Nordics living in places very remote from the modern center of concentration of Nordics in North-West Europe.
Rice. 1. Russian from the upper class, Kharkov province, southern Russia. His homeland is a secondary center of concentration of the Nordics, and, apparently, it has been so since the time of the Scythians. Nordics are quite common among the representatives of the upper stratum of Russia; this can be explained by the preservation of the unchanged Slavic racial type among them, and in part by the infusion of Scandinavian blood during the formation of the Russian state. Other Nordic influences may also have come from the Iranians and Finns.
Rice. 2 (photo by B.N. Vishnevsky). Chuvash from the Chuvash Republic, eastern Russia. Chuvash - Tatarized Finns - include both partially Mongoloid forms (see insert 3) and Nordic and Nordic-Ladoga types. The Chuvash in this photograph is a Nordic, long-faced and narrow-nosed type; these Nordic features could have been introduced by the ancient Finns, or they may have come from the Iranian- and Turkic-speaking Nordics from Central Asia, who came here as part of the Scythian-Sarmatian and even Turkic conquerors.
Rice. 4. The Portuguese from Traz-os-Montiges, in which a strong Nordic tendency is visible. Nordics are occasionally found in northern Portugal and Spain; since the time of the Celtic migrations, there have been Nordic settlements in these areas of the Iberian Peninsula.
Rice. 5. Rifian from the coastal village of Aidir, Beni-Urriagel tribe. In terms of pigmentation, size and morphology, this individual is an excellent example of a Nordic, moreover, a Northern European. Nordics appeared in North Africa during the Middle Kingdom in Egypt, and possibly even earlier. Today they are mostly preserved in the Rif Mountains, but sometimes they are found on canary islands, as well as in the mountains of Dzhurdzhura and Aures in Algeria.


The term "Neo-Danubian" is used in this work to describe a general class of central and eastern European light or partly light brachycephals who appear to be descended from a non-corded Nordic (i.e. Danubian) prototype brachycephalized by the Ladoga substrate. This type is predominant among the modern Slavs of Poland and Russia, and is also common in East Germany and among the Austrians.
Rice. 1. Belarusian from the Minsk province.
Rice. 2. Ukrainian from Volyn, where this type is especially common. The shape of the tip of the nose and the upper lip are inherited from the Ladoga type. As a rule, these traits are more pronounced in women than in men.
Rice. 3. German from Saxony, where the largest number of neo-Danubians from all the lands of Germany. Note the extremely short interorbital distance, combined with the low root and bridge of the nose, and extreme brachycephaly. The type represented by this individual is not a transitional Danubian-Ladoga type, but is a recombination.
Rice. 4. Brachycephalic Austrian from the vicinity of Linz, Upper Austria. Although it has a much less Ladoga appearance than previous specimens, this Austrian, upon careful examination, shows the same general neo-Danubian features: round head, low nasal skeleton, wide, upturned nose tip, long, everted upper lip, strongly developed cheekbones, light pigmentation. As this individual and others in this insert show, the neo-Danubian type is a highly varied mixture of the Danubian element in Nordic combination with the Upper Paleolithic types of Eastern Europe.