The largest Boeing 787 capacity. Choosing a kitchen and toilets

Among there are many different modifications that are combined into families. They differ in technical specifications and have their own characteristics in the cabin and cockpit. The history of the Boeing company confirms that it has always strived for a high level of safety and comfort provided by its liners.

The Boeing 787 takes pride of place in their line of aircraft. It's a widebody passenger liner with two jet engines. His official name— Boeing 787 Dreamliner. It is more economical than other Boeing models. During its development, a number of innovations were used, such as composite materials.

Late 20th century Boeing's planes could no longer compete with new models. Therefore, it was necessary to present a completely innovative passenger liner. The company announced on the development of the Boeing Sonic Cruiser. Its speed was supposed to be close to sonic, fuel consumption did not increase. The subsequent rise in oil prices thwarted this project.

In the new century, the company released Boeing 7E7. It had some characteristics similar to Sonic Cruiser. Later its name was changed at 787.

The new passenger liner soared into the sky in 2009. Previously, it was tested on routes in and within the country itself.

All Nippon Airways became the first airline, which began to use these aircraft.

In 2013 these were suspended due to battery problems. Later they were continued.

The largest Boeing 787s are modifications 787-9 and 787-10.

Characteristics of the Boeing 787

It is a low-wing aircraft with a swept wing and a single-fly tail. Fuselage 50% carbon-based composite materials.

Engines for it are developed by the company Rolls-Royce. They differ quietness and economy.

Part of the systems (anti-icing or flaps) are integrated into a single unit, which significantly reduces the possibility of failure of one of them.

The flat bottom of the fuselage allows you to take in the luggage compartment 45% more baggage.

The cockpit has projection indicators, which allow pilots to see the terrain map, taxi patterns, and take-off and landing approaches.

Installed in the nose of the aircraft special sensors for measuring the level of turbulence, which reduces the discomfort of passengers during the flight.

In the photo, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is beautiful and modern liner, whose design varies depending on the company it's used.

Boeing 787 cabin

It is enlarged by 40 cm. This made it possible to put more chairs and make the aisles wider. The toilet facilities have also become more spacious.

Compartments for hand luggage now allow people to stow up to four suitcases with wheels.

The portholes are larger and have a special dimming.

Boeing 787 cabin.

Passengers can use the Internet and entertainment programs in the lounges.

The new materials from which the fuselage is made make it possible to store inside pressure at the level of 1800 m. For conventional aircraft, it only stays at 2400 m.

The air in the cabin is supplied by electric compressors from the outside, so the humidity is maintained necessary and comfortable for passengers.

The layout of the Boeing 787-800 cabin shows that such liners can accommodate from 250 to 330 people.

Aircraft modifications

It is considered the basic option. It began to be used in 2011. He can fly distances up to 13,600 km. The cabin can be located up to 250 passengers.

Model 787-9 is the extended version. He is able to overcome routes at 14,100 km, and the salon is designed for 290 seats. He took to the air for the first time in 2013, and a year later it was already being used on commercial lines.

Assembly 787-10th started in 2016. The number of seats in the cabin has been increased to 300-330. Designed for short routes (no more than 12,000 km). It will be available to airlines in 2018.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner development project was born in the early 2000s. There was a need to transport a large number of passengers, spending less time. Boeing announced this. It was assumed that the plane would fly, almost at sonic speed, while saving fuel.

The ambitious statement was not destined to come true, and the project, called Sonic Cruiser, was discontinued. From now on, the bet was made on more urgent fuel efficiency. The first takeoff took place in 2009.

In 2011, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, a new product from the aviation industry, made its first commercial flight. The twin-engine jet aircraft with a wide body can accommodate up to 330 people in economy class.

The liner was exhibited at the air show in the UK and at the Russian exhibition MAKS-2011, demonstrating its brilliant performance.

The Dreamliner was certified in 2011, and three years later, the long version 787-9 was certified. Test tests and flights were carried out jointly with Japanese partners, they also received the first aircraft of this series.

The developers introduced a new form of engine nacelles, with a toothed rear end. "Chevrons", according to engineers, can reduce the external and internal noise of motors by 15 dB. Noise reduction can also be affected by shields installed between the wheels.

The design of the liner contains composite materials. Carbon fiber and other alloys are found in the fuselage elements, load-bearing surfaces, as well as in the tail equipment, doors and interior trim. Almost half of the structure consists of composites, aluminum, titanium and steel alloys are also used. This combination strengthens the structure, reduces its weight and improves fuel efficiency.

The swept wing has two turbojet engines on both sides of the fuselage. Engines manufactured by General Electric brand GEnx-1B are installed on some machines, on others power plants from the Rolls-Royce concern (Trent-1000). Jet thrust 2*280.

The software is modern, with multifunctional LCD monitors. There are indicators on the windshield that display important flight parameters.

It is planned to equip the airliner with a thermal sensing system, which makes it possible to have visibility in dense clouds. This is possible with high-tech infrared sensors and cameras.

Electric compressors supply air from the outboard space directly inside, creating a comfortable humidifying environment.

To increase economic efficiency, manufacturers use all kinds of innovations. The developers of the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner made the fuselage not from disparate panels, but from a single section. The savings amounted to one and a half thousand sheets of aluminum and up to 50,000 various fasteners.

There is a development for identifying and attenuating turbulent effects, for the smooth passage of such zones.

New technologies and revolutionary design have made it possible to create a unique product in the form of the Boeing 787.


The Boeing 787-8 model is the base aircraft of the family. Its flight range is about 14,000 kilometers. In 2011, the price of the liner reached $230 million. Capacity up to 250 passengers.

The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner is a long-haul model (more than 14,200 kilometers). The cost of a copy in this variation, respectively, increases to 270 million dollars. Commercial carriers acquired this airliner in 2014. Capacity 290-300 passengers.

The version of the Boeing 787-10 is extended. The first sales will start in 2018. The aircraft can accommodate up to 330 passengers and can also be operated on short routes. The range is the same as the base Dreamliners.

Flight parameters 787-8

  • Wingspan - 60.17 meters
  • Machine height - 17 meters
  • Aircraft length - 56.69 meters
  • Crew - 2 pilots
  • Passenger capacity - 250 people in economy class
  • Fuselage: height 5.97 meters, width 5.77 meters
  • The size (width) of the cabin - 5.49 meters
  • Takeoff weight - 227932 kilograms
  • The weight of the aircraft without fuel is the largest - 161 tons
  • Empty liner weight - 118 tons
  • Maximum speed - 956 km / h
  • Hovering speed - 902 km / h
  • Range, distance - 13620 kilometers
  • Takeoff run length - from 2600 meters
  • Flight height (ceiling) - 13100 meters
  • Power plant - 2 GEnx-1B or Trent-1000 motors
  • Fuel consumption - 4.8 tons per hour

Salon interior and seating layout

The developers of the 787 family have worked out in detail the interior space of the cabin. The windows are exceptionally large, the pressure inside is comfortable (higher), clean humidified air.

Luggage racks for hand luggage are spacious, there is LED lighting (salon and individual).

The cabin can accommodate up to 330 seats, depending on the model.

The first six rows are given over to the business class and are arranged according to the 2/2/2 scheme. Accommodates 36 passengers and is the most comfortable in the aircraft. The chairs here are soft, comfortable, folding into a bed and located obliquely. Each seat is equipped with an LCD screen, there are multimedia entertainment. A varied individual menu can be ordered when booking tickets.

Improved conditions include sets of blankets, warm socks and pajamas. The glass does not have the usual shutters, dimming occurs with the help of innovative polarized glass.

Not very successful are the places in the 3rd and 6th rows. After the third row there are toilets, and behind the 6th row there is a partition.

The economy class of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner has rows assembled in a 3/3/3 pattern. The chairs are comfortable, with reclining backs and sufficient legroom. Each seat is equipped with a multimedia monitor. The menu is quite varied, designed for a long trip.

Favorable seats in the economy class are in rows 16 and 27. There are no reclining seatbacks in front of them, you can safely stretch your legs. Food delivery starts from the 16th row, so the choice of dishes and drinks is quite wide.

Toilets are located directly behind rows 25 and 38; these places are not very comfortable in terms of rest and a calm flight.

Dreamliner news

A new modification of the Boeing 787-10 wide-body aircraft was certified by the US Federal Aviation Commission in January 2018. In the first half of the same year, delivery will be made to a Singaporean customer.

A carrier from the UAE since May 2018 opens a route to Morocco (Casablanca). The flagship liner from the Emirates has 8 cabins in the first class, 28 cabins in the business class and 199 seats in the economy category. Branching out the network of destinations, it is planned to cover Australian cities, Hong Kong and the countries of the Malaysian environment.

In March 2018, the first flight on the route Hanoi - Moscow is planned, which is launched by the Vietnamese carrier. There will be direct flights three times a week.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner flying from New York to London has broken the speed record. Favorable favourable wind allowed to develop a speed of 1248 km / h. On January 15 of this year, a flight took place lasting 5 hours and 13 minutes (in 2015, the duration of this flight was less than three minutes).


The Boeing 787 Dreamliner family offers revolutionary, ultra-efficient passenger aircraft. The good speed of flights over medium distances has made the cars of this line popular among commercial carriers.

Dreamliners are economical and comfortable, which allows them to be used in the most passenger-intensive directions. Since 2011, more than 150 routes have been opened around the world.

The delivery plans include more than three thousand copies until 2030. The potential of the family is huge, the number of commercial orders is constantly growing.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a wide-body, twin-engine jet passenger aircraft developed by the American company Boeing. Maximum number of passengers (in single class configuration): 250 to 330, depending on the variant. Boeing says the Dreamliner will be more fuel efficient than previous designs and will also be the first significant passenger aircraft to make extensive use of composite materials.

The first copy was shown at a presentation at a factory in Everett on July 8, 2007. The first test flight was originally scheduled for September 2007, but was repeatedly delayed. On August 27, 2009, Boeing announced that the first test flight would take place before the end of 2009, with the first aircraft deliveries to be made in the fourth quarter of 2010. The first flight was carried out on December 15, 2009.

As of June 2010, 868 Boeing 787 aircraft have been ordered. At the same time, since the beginning of 2009, the number of orders has decreased by 70 units.

At the largest air show in British Farnborough, which opened on July 19, 2010, the latest aircraft industry is shown - including the latest Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

In terms of capacity and flight range, the 787 is comparable to the Boeing 767. Until January 28, 2005, the 787 was developed under the designation 7E7.

  • Type - passenger aircraft
  • Developer - Boeing
  • First flight - December 15, 2009
  • Major Operators - All Nippon Airways
  • Units produced - 7 - are used for certification, 23 - will be transferred to customers after certification is completed
  • Unit cost - 787-3: $150.0–155.5 million; 787-8: $161.0-171.5 million; 787-9: $194.0–205.5 million

Aerodynamic design

Twin-engine, turbojet, low-wing swept-wing wing with single-keel empennage.

Development history

Sonic cruiser

By the end of the 1990s, it became clear that the Boeing 767 was outdated and could not compete with the new developments of rival Airbus, such as the Airbus A330. In 2001, Boeing announced the start of development of a new project, the Boeing Sonic Cruiser. It was promised that the new Boeing aircraft would be able to fly at speeds close to sonic, while on average consuming no more fuel (due to shortened flight time) than the 767th or A330. With the 9/11 terrorist attacks and rising oil prices, it became clear that airlines were more interested in fuel efficiency than speed, and the Sonic Cruiser project, which was also expensive and technologically complex, was put on hold. Boeing 7E7

April 26, 2004 Boeing presented its new project codenamed 7E7. This new project served as a replacement for the Sonic Cruiser, inheriting many of the ideas and technology from its predecessor. On January 28, 2005, Boeing announced that the 7E7 will be produced under the name Boeing 787. On April 25, 2005, that is, a year after the start of the project, appearance 787th was "frozen".

The first test flight of the airliner was planned to be carried out back in the summer of 2007, but then the concern was let down by its partners, not ensuring the delivery of a number of key parts on time. After a series of delays, the Boeing 787 first flew on December 15, 2009.


On the this moment Boeing offers three variants of the airliner.

  • 787-3 - 296-seat version with a range of 6,500 km, designed for busy short-haul routes. This variant will replace the Boeing 767 and Airbus A300 with domestic flights Japan. Boeing received orders for this variant from All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines. Start of delivery - January 2010. Cost - 146-151.5 million $
  • 787-8 - the basic version, designed as a replacement for the Boeing 767-300ER. Accommodates up to 250 passengers (depending on configuration), range - 15,700 km. Cost - $157-167 million
  • 787-9 - Stretched variant, accommodating up to 290 passengers, with slightly more range than the 787-8. Designed as a replacement for the Boeing 767-400ER, Airbus A330-200 and A340-200, McDonnell Douglas MD-11 and Lockheed L-1011. Cost - 189-200 million $

Boeing is also considering the 350-passenger 787-10 variant, which could theoretically replace the 777-200A and 777-200ER.


787-3 787-8 787-9 787-10
Length: 55.5 m 55.5 m 63 m 68.9 m
Height: 16.5 m 16.5 m 16.5 m 16.5 m
Wingspan: 51.6 m 58.8 m 60.0 m 60.0 m
Fuselage diameter: 5.77 m 5.77 m 5.77 m 5.77 m
Max. takeoff weight: 163.5 t 216.5 t 244.9 t 244.9 t
Capacity: 290-330 pass. 210-250 pass. 250-290 pass. 300-350 pass.
Cargo capacity: 16 t 16 t 16 t ?
Engines: 2 x General Electric GEnx either
2 x Rolls Royce Trent 1000
2 x GE GEnx either
2 x RR Trent 1000
2 x GE GEnx either
2 x RR Trent 1000
2 x GE GEnx either
2 x RR Trent 1X88-77
Cruising speed:

M 0.85 (903 km/h) at 12,000 m

Range: 6,498 km 15,699 km 16,299 km 15,699 km
Fuel tank: 124 700 l 124 700 l 138 700 l 145 685 l
Service ceiling: 13,000 m 13,000 m 13,000 m 13,000 m
Commissioning: 2010 2010 2011 2012

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner, also known as the Boeing 7E7, is a wide-body jet passenger airliner developed by the American company " Boeing Commercial Airplanes”, for use on medium and long-range air routes. Depending on the modification, the 787th is capable of carrying from 210 to 380 passengers over a distance of up to 15 thousand kilometers. The Dreamliner is designed to further replace the Boeing 767 and also to compete with the European Airbus A330 wide-body aircraft. Thanks to the extensive use of composite materials and the installation of economical engines, this airliner consumes 15-20% less fuel than the Boeing 767.

aircraft cost

787-8 - $212 million

The Boeing 787 is produced in collaboration with numerous suppliers from around the world. The final assembly of the aircraft takes place at the Boeing plant in Everett, Washington, as well as at the company's new plant in the state South Carolina in North Charleston.

Boeing 787 photo

By the end of the 90s, Boeing began considering a program to replace Boeing 767 aircraft. Initially, in 2001, a project was put forward to create a passenger airliner capable of flying at near-sonic speeds, which would reduce flight time. This project was designated Boeing Sonic Cruiser.

What is 787 made of?

Composites - 50%
Aluminum - 20%
Titanium - 15%
Steel - 10%
Other - 5%

Several major carriers in the US, including Continental Airlines, have supported the idea of ​​a high-speed airliner. But after famous events On September 11, 2001, and the subsequent rise in oil and fuel prices, airlines became more interested in the fuel efficiency of an airliner than in its speed performance. For this reason, on December 20, 2002, the Boeing Sonic Cruiser project was officially cancelled.

On January 29, 2003, Boeing announced a change in course from the creation of a high-speed passenger airliner to an economical one. The project was designated Boeing 7E7. In July 2003, the 7E7 project was also named Dreamliner. Later on January 28, 2005, the company announced that the new airliner would be produced under the designation Boeing 787 Dreamliner. On April 26, 2004, Japanese airline All Nippon Airways became the Dreamliner's first customer, announcing an order for 50 aircraft with first deliveries scheduled for 2008.

Sales target: 3,300 units over the next 20 years (2011-2030)

The base model of the aircraft received the designation Boeing 787-8. This modification is designed to replace the Boeing 767-300ER aircraft and, depending on the configuration of the passenger compartment, is capable of carrying from 234 to 296 passengers over a distance of 14,100 to 15,200 kilometers. The length of the Boeing 787-8 is 56.7 meters with a wingspan of 60.1 meters. Under the swept wing in the nacelles are two turbojet engines GEnx-1B manufactured by General Electric or Trent-1000 manufactured by Rolls-Royce. These engines have a thrust of 280 kN each.

The aircraft was used a large number of composite materials based on carbon fiber. Composite materials on the Boeing 787 are used on the load-bearing surfaces, fuselage, tail and doors. The use of composites made it possible to maintain the strength of the aircraft while reducing the weight of the entire structure, and this, in turn, had a positive effect on fuel efficiency.

On the Boeing 787, a modern ARINC 661 avionics complex is installed. Wide multifunctional displays are used to display flight information. Also in the cockpit, like military aircraft, a head-up display (HUD) is installed on the windshield to display important flight information. It is also being considered in the future to integrate FLIR (Forward looking infrared) thermal sensing technology into this system. This system, thanks to IR cameras and IR sensors, allows you to "see" through the clouds.

Initially, the flight of the aircraft was planned for September 2007, but for various reasons the first flight was constantly postponed, and was made on December 15, 2009. All tests were completed in mid-2011. In the same year, at the end of August, American and European certificates of readiness for flight were received. Commercial operation of the Dreamliner began on October 26, 2011.

In addition to the base model, it is planned to produce three more variants of the aircraft.

This is a shortened version of the Boeing 787-3, which has a length of 56.7 meters and is designed for flights up to 6 thousand kilometers.

Extended to 62.8 meters, Boeing 787-9, with a flight range of 15.7 kilometers. Its deliveries are planned for 2014. This version allows, depending on the configuration of the seats, to place in your cabin from 250 to 290 passengers in those classes.

In 2013, Boeing announced that it was working on the longest airliner of the Boeing 787 family. This version, which has a length of 68.3 meters with a wingspan of 60.1 meters, was designated Boeing 787-10.

As of September 2013, 86 aircraft of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner family have been built.

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 787-8 aircraft

  • Boeing 787 first flight: December 15, 2009
  • years manufactured by Boeing 787: since 2009
  • Length: 56.7 m.
  • Height: 16.9 m.
  • Wingspan: 60.1 m.
  • Empty weight: 110000 kg.
  • Wing area: 325 sq.m.
  • Maximum speed: 945 km/h
  • Ceiling: 13100 m.
  • Flight range: from 14100 to 15200 km.
  • Engines: 2 turbofan Rolls Royce Trent-1000 or General Electric GEnx-1B (280 kN)
  • Crew: 2 people
  • Number of passenger seats, in three classes: 234 seats

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 787-9 aircraft

  • Length: 62.8 m.
  • Height: 16.9 m.
  • Wingspan: 60.1 m.
  • Empty weight: 115000 kg.
  • Wing area: 325 sq.m.
  • Cruise speed: 913 km/h
  • Ceiling: 13100 m.
  • Flight range: 15700 km.
  • Engines: 2 turbofan Rolls Royce Trent-1000 or General Electric GEnx-1B (320 kN)
  • Crew: 2 people
  • Number of passenger seats, in three classes: 280 seats

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 787-10 aircraft

  • Length: 68.3 m.
  • Height: 16.9 m.
  • Wingspan: 60.1 m.
  • Wing area: 325 sq.m.
  • Cruise speed: 913 km/h
  • Maximum speed: 954 km/h
  • Ceiling: 13100 m.
  • Flight range: 13,000 km.
  • Engines: 2 turbofan Rolls Royce Trent-1000 or General Electric GEnx-1B (340 kN)
  • Crew: 2 people
  • Number of passenger seats in three classes: 323 seats

After a terrible start to its flying career, the Dreamliner returns rejuvenated and ready to redeem itself. In our material - a story about an airplane that even aerophobes will like to fly.

Now the most ordinary flight on the Dreamliner resembles a high-tech attraction, but the path to the success of this aircraft began very hard. The Boeing 787 began to be developed back in 2004, but for various reasons it flew for the first time only in 2009. Well, the first transoceanic flight of the Dreamliner 787-8 happened only on July 2, 2011. Before the first commercial flight had to wait a few more months, and it still took place on October 26th. But even here, not everything went smoothly.

A series of accidents with Dreamliners due to factory defects forced the Federal civil aviation US and European agency aviation security suspend flights of this model on January 16, 2013. Boeing managed to achieve the return of the aircraft to the air only by the end of April of the same year.

In order to somehow rehabilitate itself in the eyes of the public, in 2014 the company introduced the new Dreamliner model 787-10. It became longer than its predecessors, and began to accommodate up to 330 passengers with a flight range of 13 thousand kilometers. The Dreamliner has always focused on passenger comfort, which in principle is contained in the name "dream liner", and therefore it is not at all surprising that the main innovative ideas in the model concerned reducing the noise of engines and chassis.

The developers of the Dreamliner carefully approached the development of the internal atmosphere of the aircraft. There is a SkyInterior lighting scheme that changes the color of the cabin depending on the phase of the flight. The porthole windows are automatically dimmed to create even illumination. The entire flight operates a microclimate system that controls the humidity of the air, so that passengers can more easily endure the flight.

In the Dreamliner, you begin to feel a sense of comfort from the very first minutes of your stay on board. You will immediately be surprised by the wide space at the entrance. The plane has a very spacious hall, where there is no crowding.

The next achievement in the fight for space is the luggage racks, which, after loading luggage, close up and seem to take up no space at all.

Next up is dynamic lighting. It is adjustable for different times of the day and does not interfere with passengers to relax and use computers. Also, don't be afraid bright sun and all kinds of flashes: electronic shutters centrally dim the windows and retain the style of interior lighting.

At the same time, these same windows are really large and strikingly different from other aircraft models. When auto dimming does not work, you can adjust the transparency of the windows yourself, and you can take great pictures right through them.

The feeling of comfort is supported by a diverse menu with a pleasant splash of ice cream, exotic wine and other pleasant surprises.

It becomes possible to surprise passengers with goodies thanks to the spacious and comfortable kitchen, which is located in the tail.

Interestingly, the Dreamliner is just as comfortable for pilots as it is for passengers. A translucent display is installed in front of both pilots, where all the necessary indicators for takeoff and landing are visible. This is done so that you can control the process both visually and technically.

In addition, there are a number of other "gadgets" to simplify the management of such a massive aircraft. Particular attention is paid to the process of take-off and landing - for each airport, the routes of arrivals are included.

Now the largest number of Dreamliners are located in the fleets of Japanese All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines, Indian Air India, Qatari Qatar Airways and American United Airlines. Qatar Airways put the 787 on flights from Doha to Moscow, but this is a five-hour route that does not allow you to fully experience the benefits of the Dreamliner. To do this, it is better to choose a path that will take 12-14 hours and will provide an opportunity to see the backlight at different times of the day, try breakfast and lunch and evaluate the convenience of sleep.