What to see in Almaty. Sights of alma-ata and interesting places for tourists

During its existence, Alma-Ata managed to visit a military fortification, was called Verny and even had the status of the capital of Kazakhstan. Although formally the main city of the country is now Astana, Alma-Ata has retained the right to be called the cultural and economic center of the state.

Due to its location in the foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau, the city has the opportunity to acquire the largest alpine sports complex in the world - Medeo. It appeared back in Soviet times, and was later modernized. On the streets of Alma-Ata, you can also easily find evidence of different eras nearby. Fountains play a special role in the urban structure. They are not only objects of decor, but also parts of a complex irrigation system. In especially dry periods, 125 fountains do not allow green spaces to die.

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What to see and where to go in Almaty?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

1. Medeo

The world's largest alpine sports complex. It was built in 1972, and in 2010 a major reconstruction took place. The local skating rink is called the "record factory". Natural features have a positive effect on the results of skaters, so more than 200 world records have been set in Medeo for all the time. In 2011, a cable car was laid from here to the Chimbulak resort.

2. Mount Kok-Tobe

In the past it was called Verigina Gora. From a height of 1130 meters, a picturesque view of the city opens. You can get to the top by car or by cable car. For some time, starting in 2004, the mountain was closed to the public. There was a threat of a landslide and a descent of soil on residential areas. Extensive work was carried out to prevent a disaster, after the restriction was removed. A monument to "The Beatles" was erected on Kok-Tube.

3. TV tower "Koktobe"

Built on the slope of the mountain of the same name. The construction work dragged on for almost 10 years and was completed by 1984, when the tower was in full operation. In terms of seismic resistance, it is one of the most reliable in the world. Height - 371.5 meters. Observation platforms are organized at marks of 146 and 252 meters. There are 3 underground floors, which among other things can serve as a bomb shelter.

4. Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan

The project, on behalf of Nazarbayev, was handled by a group of authors led by Sh. Valikhanov. The monument was opened in 1996 on Republic Square. The stele itself is 28 meters high. At its top is a six-meter "Golden Man", under which is a winged leopard. All this symbolizes the Kazakh statehood and its resilience. There are 4 more figures around the base of the stele: children on stallions, as well as the incarnations of Earth and Heaven.

5. Ascension Cathedral

Consecrated in 1907, and construction took less than 4 years. The building is spacious and bright. Workshops in Moscow and Kyiv worked on the details of the interior design. The iconostasis was made by N. Khludov. Probably, all this taken together saved the cathedral from destruction under the Soviet regime: the premises were transferred to the museum. Returned to the Russian Orthodox Church after repairs in 1995. It is an example of an earthquake-resistant structure.

6. Alma-Ata Central Mosque

One of the largest mosques in Kazakhstan. Laid down in 1993, built by 1999. A 36-meter dome with a diameter of 20 meters was erected on a snow-white building. It is decorated with verses from the Koran, applied by Turkish masters. During the repair work, a modern sound-amplifying system was added, which is used on holidays. Up to 7,000 people can pray in the mosque at the same time.

7. St. Nicholas Cathedral

Founded in 1909, when Alma-Ata was still called Verny. The temple was placed on a high foundation and awarded seven small chapters. In Soviet times, the building housed a museum of atheism. After the war, parishioners returned to the cathedral without crosses and icons. This temple became the only one operating in the city. A complete renovation was carried out in the 90s. In 2012, a monument to St. Nicholas was erected nearby.

8. Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

It is one of the oldest in the country and in the region as a whole. Founded in the 30s of the XIX century. Initially, funds began to be collected in Orenburg and went a long way before ending up in Alma-Ata. The wanderings of the collection in different rooms ended in 1985, when the museum's own building was built. Seven exhibition halls housed exhibitions on the history of Kazakhstan and cultural values.

9. Opera and Ballet Theatre. abaya

Initially, it was a music studio, but a year after its foundation in 1934, it received its current status. In 1941, the troupe moved to a new building. It was rebuilt many times in the future, but the classicism style was preserved. The building is an architectural monument and even got on a banknote of 2 thousand tenge.

10. Russian Drama Theatre. Lermontov

It was created on the basis of the Russian Drama Theater in 1933. The name Lermontov was given to him in 1964. The event was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer. The theater building has been undergoing major repairs for almost three years. The artists again entered the familiar stage in 2008. Performances are designed for both adults and children. Performances are traditionally staged in Russian.

11. Museum of Musical Instruments. Ykylas

Musical instruments of different nations are collected under one roof. The museum has been operating since 1980, and its collection is constantly replenished. At the moment, the funds contain about a thousand copies of musical instruments. The bias is made in the Kazakh culture, but the Russian Uighurs and Dungans are also not deprived of attention. Among other things, dombras that previously belonged to famous artists and poets are stored here.

12. Museum of Art. A. Kasteeva

The foundation was laid at the exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakhstan SSR. In 1970, it opened as a museum of applied arts, and 6 years later acquired its current status. The building where the collection is located is a monument of culture and history. Since 1983, the museum has been named after Abylkhan Kasteev, an artist who stood at the origins of the national visual arts.

13. Kazakh State Circus

Formed in 1970, the troupe consisted for the most part of novice artists who had passed through the Moscow Circus Variety School, as well as through local studios. After the collapse of the USSR, many changes took place in the team, it was created almost anew. The circus has its own building since 1972. Inside, there is everything necessary for artists, including recreation rooms and yards for walking animals.

14. Alma-Ata metro

The only one in Kazakhstan and the second in Central Asia. Opened in 2011. The length of the network is more than 11 km, and the number of stations has now been increased to nine. The metro in Alma-Ata is a type of transport that is unprofitable for the state. It was built in difficult geological conditions. There are still some risks, so the rules of operation are strictly observed.

15. Green Bazaar

Trading stalls in the Medeu region have existed since the middle of the 19th century. By the 40s of the last century, sheds over retail outlets took shape. And in the 70s, wooden structures were demolished and a large single building was built. The total number of places for trade began to equal one thousand during the summer period. The next stage of expansion came in 2017, when new complex an area of ​​20 thousand m².

16. Fountains of Alma-Ata

They are not just a decoration of the city: in combination with a ditch network, they irrigate Alma-Ata and do not allow street plants to die in especially hot and dry periods. The first fountain was opened in 1948. Now there are 125 of them, some of them are not single, but are presented in the form of fountain groups. All fountains start on May 25 and run until October 25. The water supply schedule is the same for everyone and has not changed for decades.

17. Monument to The Beatles

The opening took place in 2007 on Mount Kok-Tobe. Before undertaking the project, sculptor Eduard Kazarian applied for permission from Paul McCartney. The singer did not come to the ceremony, but sent a friend. The sculptural composition is not like the monuments that were erected in honor of the Liverpool Four before. Bronze John sits on a bench with a guitar, while his colleagues are depicted standing.

18. Park named after the first president

The arboretum was laid out in 2001 on an area of ​​73 hectares. All the elements characteristic of green urban areas meet here: alleys, flower beds, places for recreation, boulevards. One of the oaks was planted by President Nazarbayev himself. The multi-stage fountain, decorated with numerous details, including the signs of the zodiac, is the main attraction of the park. The area was chosen not only by tourists, but also by the townspeople.

19. Park of culture and recreation. Gorky

One of the most popular holiday destinations in the city. Founded in 1856 in the floodplain of Malaya Almatinka. The territory was planted with seeds of plants characteristic of Central Russia, since the soil characteristics allowed them to germinate. Since 1934, recreation centers began to be built on the coast, attractions appeared. At present, there is a need for reconstruction, although the dilapidation has practically no effect on attendance.

20. Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen

Broken on the site of a cemetery in the 70s of the last century. The current name was given in honor of the feat of the defenders of Moscow. Panfilov and his associates were awarded a sculptural composition. On an area of ​​18 hectares, you can not only walk, but also find interesting architectural monuments and iconic city places, such as the House of Officers. In the central part of the park stands the Holy Ascension Cathedral.

21. Almaty Botanical Garden

Spread over an area of ​​more than 103 hectares. Exists since 1932. His status has changed many times. Now on the basis of the garden there are several research laboratories that study different types of plants planted here. In the zero years there was a threat of liquidation of the botanical garden. It is located in a prestigious area, so there is a demand for land developers. There are several restoration projects, but the process has not started yet.

22. Almaty Zoo

Since 1937, one of the oldest zoological parks in the country has been located on an area of ​​32 hectares. Most of the territory is reserved for ponds with waterfowl. The inhabitants of the zoo are divided into sectors for the convenience of tourists. The total number of species is about 500. Of these, 77 are listed in the Red Book. Excursions to the "Sea Aquarium" are popular. There are especially remarkable animals in the zoo, for example, a pair of white lions.

23. Big Almaty Lake

It has a tectonic origin and is located at an altitude of 2511 meters above sea level. Coastline– approximately 3 km. The size of the alpine lake varies depending on the season. The water level drops up to 20 meters. The water surface changes its color in the palette from greenish to turquoise. Although Big Almaty is part of the national park, now it belongs to the city.

24. Tamgaly-Tas

The tract is located 120 km from Alma-Ata. Its feature is numerous rock petroglyphs. There are Buddhist and runic writings and drawings from different periods. The territory along the coast of the Ili River is under state protection, but part of it was transferred to a long-term lease to a private company in 2016. Tamgaly-Tas is also a Buddhist temple under open sky.

25. Charyn Canyon

It is located 200 km east of the city. It is part of the national park of the same name. Numerous tourist groups from Alma-Ata go here. The length of the canyon is 150 km, the height is up to 300 meters. Researchers believe that it is over 12 million years old. Among the natural features, one can single out a relic ash grove and a large number of birds nesting here - about 100 species.

Despite the fact that Almaty (in Soviet times - Alma-Ata) almost two decades ago lost its official status, it is still the largest and most most interesting city this country. In this regard, today the title of the southern capital of Kazakhstan has firmly entrenched in Almaty. We invite you to take a short walk memorable places this magnificent city, located at the foot of the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

Almaty: historical background

This city is located in the southeast and has a long history. So, according to scientists, they appeared here more than two thousand years ago. Later, several urban settlements were founded on the territory of modern Almaty region, one of which was called Almatu. It was from him that the name of the southern capital of Kazakhstan subsequently came. Not far from the city passed linking Europe with China. In those days, local cities prospered. In the 13th century, Almata, like many other settlements in various countries, fell into decay due to the invasion of Genghis Khan. Soldiers breathed new life into the future Russian Empire who founded a military fortification here in the middle of the XIV century. The city began to develop very quickly, mainly due to the numerous immigrants from Russia. This settlement was given the name Verny. 10 years after the arrival of Soviet power in Kazakhstan, the old name was returned to the city with minor changes. Then Alma-Ata became the capital of the Kazakh SSR. This city remained the capital even after Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991. Then it was decided to rename it to Almaty. The city lost its status as the official capital in 1997.

Today Almaty is the largest economic, financial and cultural center of Kazakhstan. More than two million people live here. The sights of Almaty and the Almaty region deserve special attention. We suggest that you learn more about interesting places to visit in the southern capital of Kazakhstan.

Almaty, Kazakhstan: Attractions

Many foreigners who come to the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in particular to Almaty, note the enormous natural wealth of this country. After all, there are high picturesque mountains, and a magnificent canyon, and rivers, and lakes. In addition, the historical and architectural sights of Almaty and the Almaty region deserve special attention. These include the Medeo high-mountain skating rink, the Kok-Tyube hill, from where a magnificent view of the entire southern capital, parks, fountains, museums, monuments and other buildings of the city opens. So, if you have a map of Almaty with sights in your hands, you will see that interesting places here are concentrated not only in the central part of the city, but are scattered in its various districts. So, we offer to get acquainted with the main places, visiting of which will be interesting for tourists.


Usually, locals the sights of the city of Almaty begin to be shown to their guests from Kok-Tobe. This name is given to the hill, whose height is 1130 meters, as well as the park area located on it. It should be noted that Kok-Tube is not only a landmark of the city, but also a place of national importance, because there is a three-hundred-meter TV tower, which can be seen in all panoramic pictures of Almaty. You can get to Kok-Tube either by a special shuttle bus or by cable car. Usually, tourists prefer the second option, since on the way from the funicular cabin a magnificent view of several areas of the city opens up. For travel by cable car you will need to pay 2,000 tenge round trip, and by bus - 500 tenge. In addition, you can make a foot climb up the hill, but few dare to do this. On Kok-Tyube, you can walk through a small park, look at the magnificent panorama of Almaty, watch the inhabitants of the mini-zoo, buy souvenirs, dine at a national restaurant, and take pictures at the Beatles monument. Thus, if you are exploring the sights of Almaty and considering which one to visit first, then we advise you to give preference to Kok-Tube.

Palace of the Republic

The sights of Almaty without fail include the Palace of the Republic. It is located at the intersection of Dostyk and Abay avenues. This is architectural structure has been the pride of the city for several decades. Various concerts of both local and foreign performers, various festive events, etc. are held here. At one time, the architects of the Palace of the Republic (then called the Palace of Culture) were awarded the USSR State Prize.

Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen

Many sights of Almaty are inextricably linked with historical events times of the Great Patriotic War. These include the Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen, located in the Medeusky district of the city. The park is spread over a vast area of ​​18 hectares. It was founded in the 19th century and had various names. The park received its modern name in honor of 28 fighters who accomplished a feat in the defense of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. The territory of the park is very green and well-groomed. In addition, it is also known for a number of its buildings, such as the Memorial of Glory, the Ascension Cathedral, the Museum of Folk Instruments.

Ascension Cathedral

The sights of Almaty, photos of which can be seen in various guidebooks and on postcards, always include the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is located in the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen. This wooden structure, erected at the beginning of the last century, is truly unique. So, the cathedral was among the few buildings in Almaty that survived the devastating ten-magnitude earthquake that occurred here in 1911. After the Soviet power came to Kazakhstan, the cathedral was no longer used for worship, and a museum of local lore was placed in its building. The temple was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church only in 1995. Today, regular services are held here, and numerous tourists come here to admire the beauty of this magnificent structure.

Memorial of Glory

This object is also located on the territory of the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen. It was built in 1975 in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Great Victory. At the same time, the Eternal Flame was lit here.

The most popular sights of Almaty for tourists: Medeo skating rink

This sports complex is located near Almaty in the Medeo tract of the same name and is the highest skating rink in the world. It is located at an altitude of one and a half thousand meters above sea level. The Medeo skating rink is famous for its purest ice, on which 126 world records have been set. It was built in 1972. With the independence of Kazakhstan, on the territory of the Medeo skating rink, the international music festival "Asia Dausy" or "Voice of Asia" began to be held, which later became very famous. In 2009, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out in the sports complex, and it again opened its doors not only for athletes, but also for residents and guests of Almaty. By the way, in winter every day several thousand people come here to go ice skating. The entrance fee to Medeo is 1800 tenge. If you don't have skates with you, you can rent them here for a fee.

Independence Monument

If all the sights of Almaty listed above appeared during the existence of the Soviet Union, then the Monument of Independence, majestically towering on the central square of the city, is already a tribute to a new milestone in the history of the country's development. This is a large-scale object reflecting the entire history of the formation of Kazakh statehood. In the center of it is a high pillar, on top of which is the figure of the "Golden Warrior".


In the summer in Almaty, you can see a huge number of working fountains of various shapes and sizes. In total, there are 120 such objects in the city. The first of them appeared in Almaty in 1948. Every year on May 25, Fountain Day is held in the city, when at nine o'clock in the evening fountains begin to work throughout the metropolis. You can enjoy the water splashes and the beauty of these structures from May 25 to September 15.

Almaty (the sights of the city deserve a separate story) has a fairly ancient history. Even in the X-IV century. BC. nomadic tribes lived on the territory of the future city. And before the X century. there were already several settlements here, one of which was called Almatu. These settlements were located on the Great Silk Road and played the role of a trade and craft center.

In the XIII century. the area of ​​these settlements was subjected to the Mongol invasion and was destroyed. The city itself was founded on February 4, 1854. Then it was decided to establish a military fortification between the two Almatinka rivers, which was supposed to play the role of an outpost of the southern trade route. In 1859, the St. Petersburg surveyor Golubev identified this place on a geographical map as the settlement of Verny.

In 1867 this settlement became a city. The governor of Semirechye at that time was G. A. Kolpakovsky, and the first head of the city of Verny was P. M. Zenkov. In 1921 (February 5), the city of Verny was renamed Alma-Ata by the new authorities. In 1993, the city was given its original name - Almaty (Apple). The city today is located in the basin of the Zailiysky Alatau.

It has geographical coordinates: 76 ° 54 ‘E. and 43°15‘ N. sh. The area occupied by the city is 682 km². The settlement has 8 districts and borders in the south on the Zailiysky Alatau mountain range, belonging to mountain system Tien Shan. In the east, Almaty is surrounded by the Talgar region, in the west - by the Karasai region, and from the north, the city is supported by the Ili region.

Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

Alma-Ata is home to one of the largest museums in all of Central Asia. It was founded in the 30s of the XX century. It was during that period that the formation of its main collections began. In 1985, the institution began to operate in a new building, which is considered one of the best in the city in terms of urban architecture.

There are about 300,000 items in the museum's funds. The most interesting of them are exhibited on the territory of seven exhibition halls. Of all the museums, this one is the most visited in Kazakhstan.

Since 2002, the building of the mosque has been officially classified as an architectural monument. The building was erected on the site of an old temple, which has been operating since the end of the 19th century. The three-story rectangular building can accommodate about 7,000 people. Famous architects were involved in the construction process.

The central dome of the mosque is located directly on the two-tiered drum. It was decorated with stalactites around the circumference and interesting colored mosaics. The interior of the building has two-tiered arcades, which are used as an additional area for visitors who come to pray.


The natural climatic conditions of Almaty are determined primarily by the location of the city in the basin of the northern foothills of the Tien Shan. This is expressed by the mountain-valley circulation of air masses and the presence of altitudinal zonation, where the plain passes to the mountain slopes. The geographical location of the city in the middle of the mainland also matters.

The combination of these factors determine the climate of Almaty as continental, temperate. January is the coldest month of the year, while July is the warmest. Frosts begin in mid-October and end in mid-April. Direct frosts last from the third decade of December to the second decade of February inclusive.

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Heat with air temperature exceeding 30°C is present in the city for more than 30 days a year. Within the city limits, there is some difference in the average daily temperature in different parts of the city, on average 1-3°C. Precipitation in Almaty falls on average about 660 mm per year, most of which falls on April, May, October and November.

Month: Average temperature C°: Average rainfall (mm):
January -4,8 35
February -3,0 40
March 3,5 76
April 11,5 100
May 16,5 107
June 21,5 55
July 24 46
August 23 32
September 17,5 25
October 10 58
November 2,8 55
December -2,7 40

Guests of the former Kazakh capital should definitely see one of the large halls designed for concerts, festivals and other cultural events. The palace was built in 1970, when D. Kunaev ruled the country. Its opening took place on the day of the centennial anniversary of V. I. Lenin.

The design of the building implies the presence of large spacious rooms located under a single roofing. Special reinforced concrete racks act as a support. The hall can accommodate 3,000 people.

The city has a zoo, which was one of the first to appear on the territory of Kazakhstan. It was founded in 1937. Now the whole area is divided into seven separate segments - each of them is inhabited by certain classes of representatives of the fauna. In total, there are about 500 species of animals.

The zoo was created in Alma-Ata not only for research work, but also to familiarize children and adults with wildlife. Now it is very popular with locals and tourists.

One of the main symbols of the city is the Palace of Schoolchildren, in which there are about 80 sections and circles. There is also an Internet training center on the territory of the building, which allows children to gain knowledge in the field of computer literacy and learn how to use the Internet.

The building itself is a most beautiful composition; in its center is the banquet hall. It is adjacent to other groups of rooms. There are extensive grounds and alleys near the building, which allow various events to be held.


In the southern capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8% of the population of the state lives and is 1.8 million people. (January 2019). The numerical composition of the city was directly influenced by the migration component associated with the high status of the city. For 70 years, the city of Almaty has been the republican and state capital.

After the transfer of the capital to the city of Astana, Almaty remained the most important financial, cultural and industrial center of the country. Therefore, the city continues to develop in all directions. Until the middle of the XX century. Russian population prevailed in Almaty. With a defined political and socio-economic transition period between the 20th and 21st centuries there was a tendency for the predominance of the Kazakh ethnic group in the city.

Now in the city there is an increase in the Kazakh population (about 60%) and the presence of bilingualism. National composition Southern capital Kazakhstan for the entire time of the existence of the city was a significant diversity, changing only in its numerical indicators.

Nationality: Living in Almaty:
Kazakhs 60%
Russians 26%
Uighurs 5,5%
Koreans 1,9%
Tatars 1,4%
Azerbaijanis 0,7%
Uzbeks 0,7%
Ukrainians 0,6%
Dungan 0,5%
Turks 0,5%
Kyrgyz 0,5%
Germans 0,4%
Kurds 0,2%
Chechens 0,15%
Ingush 0,15%
Armenians 0,14%
Belarusians 0,1%
Other nationalities 1%

Almaty residents have a special mentality. Their national landmark can be considered interethnic tolerance and mutual understanding between representatives of different ethnic groups. You can also note the hospitality, goodwill and high culture of the inhabitants of the largest city of Kazakhstan.

Iversko-Seraphim Monastery

The Holy Synod ordered that a convent be founded on the territory of Alma-Ata in 1908. Initially, a small community was created at the Church of All Saints. The nun Nektaria was appointed the first abbess. The next year there were about 80 women in the monastery.

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After some time, the monastery was closed. However, in 2003 the Holy Synod came to the conclusion that the monastery was worth rebuilding. Now this place is considered the spiritual center of Alma-Ata.


In November 1993, Kazakhstan introduced the national currency - tenge, which has the ISO 4217 code and the designation KZT. The unit of exchange for the tenge is the tiyn, which is equal to 1/100 tenge.

Banknote (value): Coin (value):
200 tenge 1 tenge
500 tenge 2 tenge
1000 tenge 5 tenge
2000 tenge 10 tenge
5000 tenge 20 tenge
10 000 tenge 50 tenge
20 000 tenge 100 tenge

At the end of February 2019, the tenge to the US dollar is 376 (KZT) to $1, to the Russian ruble - 5.7 (KZT) to 1 ₱ and to the euro - 426 (KZT) to 1 €. The European euro, the US dollar and the Russian ruble are the most commonly used currencies for exchange in Almaty and Kazakhstan.

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At the same time, in some private moments, when shopping in small shops, or paying for taxi services, Russian rubles are directly accepted. Therefore, tourists from Russia can safely carry money in the form of rubles with them - there are simply no problems with exchanging Russian currency for Kazakh currency in Almaty.

You can exchange currency in the southern capital in banks, their branches and numerous exchange offices. You should not deal with currency exchange to private individuals. This may end up being deceitful on their part.

The important sights of the city include the cable car, put into operation in 1967. With its help, you can climb the popular mountain Kok-Tobe. Now the route for lifting and lowering passengers meets all international safety standards.

The total length of the route is 1727 meters. It usually takes about 6 minutes to move from the start point to the end point. The height difference between the two stations is 250 meters.

Kitchen features

Almaty, whose sights are related to the national cuisine of Kazakhstan, surprises with the variety and uniqueness of local dishes. Features of the original Kazakh food were laid down in ancient times by nomadic tribes living in this area at that time and engaged in cattle breeding.

And these basics of cooking national dishes have been preserved to this day. The food is based on the following ingredients: horse meat, beef and lamb, milk of cows, sheep and camels, as well as various offal from meat and milk. Later, when people began to cultivate the land here, vegetables and cereal products were added to the diet of Kazakh cuisine.

Having been in Almaty, you should definitely try the following national dishes:

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Of the interesting architectural objects, it is worth noting the Ascension Cathedral. It is a masterpiece of wooden architecture, and can also be considered a good example of a seismically stable structure. It is included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan of republican significance.

The building of the cathedral at various historical stages was used in different ways. At one time, a museum was set up in it, after that - a concert and exhibition pavilion, and various public organizations were also located here. It was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1995.

How to get there

Several international airlines operate regular flights to Almaty, including low-cost airline AirBaltic, as well as Lufthansa, CSA, British Airways, Etihad Airways, KLM and Turkish Airlines.

The national carrier Air Astana with a fairly modern fleet of Airbus and Boeing aircraft operates direct flights from major European cities such as London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and is a good alternative to expensive European airlines.

A taxi from the airport to the city will cost 1800-2000 KZT.

Distance from Moscow to Almaty is 3890 km.

Vehicle: Itinerary: Travel time: Approximate cost:
Airplane Moscow-Almaty 4.5 h From 10 000 ₱
Airplane St. Petersburg-Almaty 5-7.5 h From 10 500 ₱
Airplane Samara-Almaty 8-18.5 h From 11 000 ₱
Airplane Novosibirsk-Almaty 3-11.5 h From 6 500 ₱
Airplane Kazan-Almaty 6-20 h From 10 000 ₱
Airplane Yekaterinburg-Almaty 5-18 h From 8 500 ₱
A train Moscow-Almaty 3 days 4 hours From 11 000 ₱
A train S. Petersburg-Saratov-Almaty (1 change) 4 days 4 hours From 10 500 ₱
A train Novosibirsk-Almaty 1 day 12 h From 4 200 ₱
A train Barnaul-Almaty 1 day 8 h From 4 000 ₱
Bus Moscow-Kazan-Yekaterinburg-Astana-Almaty (3 transfers) 50 h From 6 000 ₱
Bus Novosibirsk-Almaty 22 h From 4 000 ₱
Bus Barnaul-Almaty 29 h From 5 600 ₱
Bus Omsk-Almaty 21 h From 4 700 ₱
Automobile Similarly bus route The fare depends on the type of car, its condition

Which route to take, each traveler chooses for himself.


In Almaty, which in fact became the largest city in Kazakhstan, public transport sufficiently developed.

Services for the movement of citizens and guests of the southern capital in the city there are buses, trolleybuses, metro and taxis:

According to the general rules, buses and trolleybuses in Almaty should run from 6 am to 11:30 pm with an interval of 7 minutes. Some of these routes run with some changes in the schedule. And fixed-route taxis, as a rule, repeat the plans for the movement of buses.

Almaty. Bicycle rental "Almaty Bike".

There is a bike rental service in Almaty, where more than 50 automated stations "Almaty Bike" have been opened since 2016. The cost of renting a bike is up to 1 hour 100 KZT, up to 2 hours 250 KZT, and then - at the established rate. The city is also actively building high-speed tram lines to replace obsolete tracks.

Many tourists will be interested in the television tower, whose height is 371 m above ground level. Famous architects worked on the project. At the base, they provided a reinforced concrete three-story foundation that can withstand heavy loads.

The tower is considered one of the most seismically resistant structures in the world. She has already had to withstand earthquakes. To strengthen the soil, an apple orchard was planted next to the building, which is also a decoration of the area.

architectural landmarks

Almaty, whose architectural sights are quite attractive, can offer tourists various objects for acquaintance.

For example:

The city is so rich in various attractions and entertainment that not only tourists, but also the natives can get confused. To properly organize your leisure time, see the list of places to go in Almaty.

The most interesting places in the city are:

  • Zhibek Zhoby Street (Arbat).

If you want to have fun and interesting time, go to the Arbat. You will admire the ancient architecture and enjoy the unforgettable atmosphere.

Lovers of painting will like it here: usually on the Arbat there are artists who not only sell paintings, but can also paint your portrait.

Also on Zhibek Zhoby often hold gatherings of creative personalities and arrange entertainment events in which everyone participates.

religious objects

People of many nationalities and religions live in Almaty. Therefore, there are more than 70 religious buildings on the territory of the city.

These include:


The monuments located in Almaty bring their own additional flavor to the appearance of the city.

Some of these objects:

Museum of Arts named after A. Kasteev

Tourists have the opportunity to look at the largest museum in Kazakhstan, the fund of which contains more than 23 thousand exhibits. The basic part of the collection is represented by the works of the fine arts masters of the country. There are also foreign collections, consisting of genuine works by Italian, French, English and German and other European artists.

Visitors can see the best exhibits from the fund. The institution conducts special work in several directions. Research is being carried out in the field of the history of national and foreign fine arts.

Famous squares and streets

The southern capital of Kazakhstan has many famous streets and squares in the urban infrastructure, for example:

Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai

Another cultural attraction is the local Opera and Ballet Theatre. It was opened in 1934, therefore it is also of historical value. The theater troupe moved to the current building in 1941. Well-known architects N. Prostakov and T. Basenova worked on his project.

In the 90s of the XX century, the theater was going through hard times. During this period, work began on the restoration of the building. And they have been going on for several years. The theater resumed its activities only in 2001.

Top 6 popular places in the city

All Attractions of Almaty →

Almaty, whose sights can turn into features, pleasantly surprises guests of the city with unusual objects.

These include:

A continuation of the cultural series of attractions is the museum, which presents a geological exposition. The history of the institution began during the Great Patriotic War, when one of the academicians took the initiative. Initially, he created a small museum, which was gradually replenished with new interesting exhibits.

The tour of the institution starts from the foyer. It is from here that visitors take the elevator to the main premises. On the basement floor, you can see a mine with trolleys filled with ore.

Where to go with children

Don't know where to take a walk in Almaty with children? The city has a lot of entertainment that will appeal to children of all ages. Choose the right one!

Of course, all children love animals. Almaty Zoo is a wonderful place where both kids and adults will be interested.

A fairly large area with rare and exotic animals awaits you. By the way, animals are loved here, so they are well-groomed, and there is no specific smell in the cages. Children will be delighted!

For recreation and walks in Almaty with children, you can use the following cultural sites:

In the central part of Alma-Ata there is a botanical garden covering an area of ​​103 hectares. Its history begins in 1932, when a decree was signed to establish a scientific base in the botanical sector. Since then, experts have been studying the acclimatization of plants, planting greenery not only in the city, but in the entire republic.

Walking through the area, you can see birch, oak, rowan and other groves. Exotic plants grow in large greenhouses. However, special permission is required to view them.

What to see in 1 day

When planning an introductory walk around Almaty in 1 day, it is necessary to take into account 2 factors: the city is very large and there is a mountain tourist infrastructure on its outskirts.

One of the options for a day trip around the city:

Among the main attractions of Alma-Ata, it is worth highlighting the Palace of the Republic and the Central State Museum located opposite, the exposition of which is dedicated to the history of Kazakhstan and presents more than 2 thousand monuments of material and spiritual culture, including a miniature copy of the "Golden Man" - the main archaeological treasure of the country.

In the Park them. 28 Panfilov guardsmen can pay tribute to those who died on the battlefields of World War II, and in the Ascension Cathedral, located in its very center, built in 1904-1907. without a single nail, listen to an Orthodox service.

Another interesting place in Almaty is Mount Kok-Tobe (literally "Green Hill") with a beautiful panorama of the city. A cable car leads to the top of the mountain, located at an altitude of 1100 m above sea level in the southeastern part of the city, starting from the square near the Palace of the Republic (immediately behind the Arman cinema).

At the top of the "Green Hill" there is an amusement park, a small zoo, cafes and souvenir shops, and it is here that the tallest building in the city, the Almaty TV tower, is located. The park is open to visitors daily from 11:00 to 24:00, from Friday to Sunday and on holidays - until 01:00.

Bath and recreation complex "Arasan"

In Alma-Ata, one bath and health complex, consisting of three sectors, is very popular. In the first of them there is a Russian bath, where the temperature regime reaches 100 degrees, in the second - a Finnish sauna, and in the third - a hammam with sunbeds made of stone.

Visitors can use the hydropathic, washing department, shower pavilion and various services. Clients also have access to special rooms where they can relax after bath procedures.

What to bring

The souvenir market in Almaty is well developed.

Some places where you can buy this product:

The cost of the souvenirs themselves has a wide range, for example:

When planning a trip to Almaty, you can be sure that the city will give you unforgettable impressions from getting to know its sights and the hospitality of the inhabitants of the southern capital of Kazakhstan.

Article design: Oksana Ilchenko

Summing up

To visit Alma-Ata and other cities of Kazakhstan, a passport is not required. However, in any case, it is recommended to check the ban on leaving Russia. There are certain situations in which customs control may not release outside the Russian Federation.

After familiarizing yourself with the places listed above in Alma-Ata, it is worth exploring the sights of Astana, the city that is currently the capital of Kazakhstan. Tourists who are interested extinct volcanoes of the world, may pay attention to similar objects located on the Kazakh territory.

Almaty and the surrounding region are rich in beautiful terrain, regardless of the time of year. We have compiled eleven weekend itineraries - for those who want variety and new experiences.

Issyk (another name for the lake is Esik, which means “door” in Kazakh) is a picturesque, alpine lake surrounded by an unusually beautiful nature dense forests and wide flower fields. The lake is located at an altitude of 1760 meters above sea level, in the Issyk gorge of the Zailiysky Alatau, about 70 km east of Almaty.

Here you can also visit the Issyk burial mound of the 4th-5th centuries. BC. and the place where the Saka warrior was found, dressed in armor and golden clothes, which later became the symbol of Kazakhstan.

  • To destination: 1 hour 40 minutes
  • With you: dry rations, water, warm clothes, sneakers, spare shoes, raincoat, sunglasses
  • Location: 70.5 km from the city along the Kuldzhinsky tract in Esik

The amazingly beautiful Bartogay reservoir is located 186 km from Almaty in the tract of the same name in the floodplain of the Chilik River between the Toraigyr and Sogetty mountains, blocked by a 60-meter stone-fill dam 60 meters high, 330 meters long with a complex of culverts.

Fishermen can go fishing, and outdoor picnic lovers can relax in the shade of trees in a small grove, where there are tables and benches specially for this purpose.

  • To destination: 2 hours 40 minutes
  • Location: 194 km from the city along the Kuldzhinsky tract towards the village. Kokpek

A place of extraordinary beauty is located in the area of ​​Ile-Alatau natural park, not far from the sanatorium "Ak-Kaiyn". After passing the sanatorium, you will find yourself in a birch grove. If you turn left, a beautiful meadow and apple orchards will open before you.

  • To destination: 20 minutes
  • With you: dry rations, warm clothes, sneakers, raincoat, hat, sunglasses
  • Location: 9 km from the intersection of Dostyk and Al-Farabi ave.

On the way to BAO, you should turn onto the path behind the Alpine Rose Hotel and in 30 minutes you can get to the Chukur Gorge.

It is not so popular with tourists, so here nature is in its original form, there are almost no people. You will have a magnificent panoramic view of the mountains, a meadow and a waterfall. Here you can organize a picnic for one day.

  • To destination: 30 minutes
  • With you: dry rations, water, warm clothes, sneakers, raincoat, hat, sunglasses
  • Location: 1.5 km from Alpiyskaya Rosa Hotel

The unexplored desert area entices with amazing structures from clay deposits - the "Valley of Castles", "Vedmino", "Zendan". Toward evening, the walls of the canyon turn red and begin to shimmer with amazing colors. The Charyn River flows near the canyon, originating from the foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau, near which you can stop for a picnic and refresh yourself. In addition to poplars, tamarisk and reeds growing around, the famous ash grove is also located here.

  • To destination: 4 hours
  • With you: glasses, hat, sun cream, dry rations, water (1.5-2 liters per person), comfortable shoes
  • Location: 200 km from the city

The lake is surrounded by Tien Shan spruce, aspen, juniper and mountain peaks.
Just above the lake you can see the space station - the highest point of the BAO (3200 meters above sea level) and the observatory, which you can visit if you wish. In summer, the path to this amazing place on a mountain bike is a real challenge for fans of extreme sports. It is impossible to swim in the lake, because even on the hottest day the water temperature does not exceed eight degrees.

  • To destination: 1.5 hours
  • With you: dry rations, warm clothes, comfortable shoes, hat, water
  • Location: within the Alatau-Ili National Park. Height - 2510 meters above sea level

Favorite place for divers in Kazakhstan. Kaiyndy is considered one of the most inaccessible places due to its location in the thick of the forest and the lack of a road. The birch forest that used to be in this place is now flooded and trees grow right in the middle of the lake, making the lake so attractive for tourists. The color of the water often changes due to minerals and lime. If you come closer to the water, it will turn out to be crystal clear and you can see the preserved branches of trees under water and trout, launched here in 1930.

  • To destination: 7 hours
  • With you: dry rations, warm clothes, boots or sneakers, spare shoes, raincoat
  • Location: 280 km from the city, 190 of them on the highway; in one of the Kungei gorgesAlatau

The largest of the known singing dunes reaches three kilometers in length and 150 meters in height. It is unique not only for its ability to "sing", but also for its location - in the area among the stone mountains. You can hear the singing by sliding down from the top of the dune in dry weather. The buzz is similar to the music of an organ, and it appears due to the friction between the grains of sand, as a result of which they are electrified and vibration occurs.

  • To destination: 3 hours
  • With you: mats, dry rations, polyethylene (for extreme descent from the dune).
  • Location: 182 km from Almaty, on the territory of the Altyn-Emel nature reserve.

Photo: Evgeny Karimov

Turgen Gorge is quite a popular place among Almaty residents. It can be easily reached, and most importantly - there are many different attractions. For example, an ostrich farm, Bear Falls, an open-air museum, a trout farm and more.

  • To destination: 2.5-3 hours
  • What to bring: Appropriate shoes (comfortable, with non-slip soles), insect repellant spray
  • Location: 70 km from Almaty, there are two ways to get there: along the Kuldzha highway and along the Talgar highway

The Assy highland plateau is also called Assy-Turgen. The plateau is located at an altitude of almost 3000 meters above sea level. It is incredibly beautiful here, especially in the summer. On the upper platform of the plateau, an astrophysics observatory was built, in which one of the largest telescopes in the world is installed.

  • To destination: 2.5 hours
  • With you: warm clothes, a thermos with hot tea, a blanket
  • Location: 100 km east of Almaty

Here, on the rocks, many petroglyphs, images of mysterious deities, late Buddhist inscriptions have been preserved. In addition to Buddhist drawings, there is a stone with ancient Turkic runic inscriptions of the 8th-9th centuries.

There are several theories about the origin of the rock inscriptions. According to one version, during the earthquake, a large piece of rock broke off and fell to the ground, one of the Buddhist missions, which stopped on the banks of the Ili River, took this as a sign. They painted three images of Buddha on the breakaway part of the rock - Buddha Shakyamuni, Buddha of Infinite Light Amitabha and Bodhisattva of Infinite Sympathy Avalokiteshvara.

  • To destination: 2 hours
  • Bring: water, sun hat, light snack
  • Location: tract near the Ili River, 120 km north of the city of Almaty