Ways to solve the problems of tourism development in the Crimea. Mechanisms for the intensification of tourism development in the Republic of Crimea during the transition period

Kosheleva Anna Igorevna
Ph.D., Art. teacher
[email protected]

Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogly
Russia, Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov
[email protected]


The main purpose of the article is to search, on the basis of ongoing studies of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea, mechanisms for intensifying the development of tourism in the region during the transition period, which, due to its characteristics, creates the prerequisites for the industry to reach a qualitatively new level. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the Crimean tourism market before and after joining the Russian Federation, explore the problems of state regulation of tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea in the transition period, consider international experience in the development of the tourism industry in regions with similar tourism and recreational resources. As the main mechanisms for intensifying the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea, a methodology for the formation of tourist and recreational clusters, as well as a draft of a unified concept for the development of ecological tourism in the region based on the creation and implementation of green routes, is proposed.


tourist and recreational complex, Republic of Crimea, transitional period, state regulation, tourist cluster, ecological tourism.

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Kosheleva Anna Igorevna, Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogly

Mechanisms for the intensification of tourism development in the Republic of Crimea during the transitional period// Regional Economics and Management: electronic scientific journal. ISSN 1999-2645. - . Article number: 4502. Publication date: 2016-02-06. Access mode: https://site/article/4502/

Kosheleva Anna Igorevna
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer
[email protected]

Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogli
Russia, Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov
[email protected]


The main purpose of the article is the search of the mechanisms of tourism development intensification in the Republic of Crimea during the transitional period, which, by its nature, creates prerequisites for entering the industry on a qualitatively new level. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the tourist market of Crimea before and after the entry into the Russian Federation, research the problems of state regulation of tourism sector of Crimea in the transition period, consider the international experience of tourism development in regions with similar tourism -recreational resources. As the basic mechanisms of tourism development intensification in the Republic of Crimea the authors introduce the technique of formation of tourist-recreational clusters and the project of a unified concept of ecological tourism development in the region based on the creation of green routes.


tourist-recreational complex, Republic of Crimea, the transitional period, state regulation, tourism cluster, eco-tourism.

Suggested Citation

Kosheleva Anna Igorevna , Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogli

Mechanisms of tourism development intensification in the Republic of Crimea in the transition period. Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal. . Art. #4502. Date issued: 2016-02-06. Available at: https://website/article/4502/

Introduction. After political crisis in Ukraine, in early 2014, the population of Crimea made a fateful decision to reunite with the Russian Federation. Today it is a full-fledged region of our country, not without serious problems. The transition period, which is the gradual integration of new entities (the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol) into the legal, economic and political spheres of Russia, is an extremely important moment for the further development of the peninsula. At the same time, among the primary tasks is the solution of the issue of strategic development of one of the most promising budget items of the Republic of Crimea, and now Russia as a whole - tourism.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the scientific literature over the past year, a lot of publications have appeared, which present the results of both comprehensive studies of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea, and individual aspects of the development of the tourism sector in this region. Among others, one can single out the monograph "The concept of development of the tourist and recreational potential of the Crimea" edited by prof. Laiko M.Yu. , which presents a deep analysis of the infrastructure components of the hospitality and tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea and proposes scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of currently inefficient facilities. The monograph explores the possibilities of improving the efficiency of work hotel enterprises based on the introduction of methods of income management, segmentation, forecasting, work with distribution channels; mechanisms for improving the transport and logistics component of the tourism and recreational sphere of the Republic of Crimea are proposed based on the creation of a regional management company on the basis of public-private partnership; the concept of sustainable development of the tourist and recreational potential of the Crimea is presented.

It should be noted that scientific developments significantly contribute to improving the efficiency of the development of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea. However, in view of the dynamically changing economic environment, as well as on the basis of a study of the results of the functioning of the tourism sector of the peninsula as part of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to further develop and study the main problematic issues of such a strategically important economic sector for the Crimean peninsula as tourism.

Formulation of the problem. With all the wealth of the region in tourist and recreational resources, a large number of problems do not allow this area of ​​the economy to develop effectively. In this regard, the search for mechanisms for intensifying the development of tourism in the region, based on ongoing research of the tourist and recreational complex, becomes relevant. Transitional periods in the economy are considered as structures that give rise to new, previously unknown forms of social relations, activities. Significant changes in the economy of transition periods are explained by the extreme aggravation of existing socio-economic problems, increased attention from public authorities. In this regard, any transitional period in the economy can become an opportunity to reach a qualitatively new level of its development, to reveal promising areas for intensifying the development of individual sectors of the economy.

Presentation of the main material of the study.

Comparative analysis of the tourist services market of the Republic of Crimea before and after joining the Russian Federation.

From the very collapse of the USSR and until the reunification of Crimea and Russia, there was a colossal shadowing of the tourist economy: the first place was taken by the uncontrollable private sector, which remained free from accounting not only by tax authorities, but also in terms of coordinating the quality of tourism services provided. As a result, the resort aspect of recreation on the peninsula was supplanted by unorganized beach tourism. The Ukrainian state was quite satisfied with this state of affairs, therefore, no steps were taken on their part to develop and get out of the shadow of the tourism industry in the region. A similar situation with declining tourism without investment and any state support continued until the spring of 2014 and the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation. “This year the situation is such that 80% of tourists stay in collective accommodation facilities, and 20% in private ones. This has not happened in the history of the Crimean peninsula for a long time and is due to the fact that sanatorium-resort institutions have concluded agreements on the direction of vacationers with state and corporate institutions Russian Federation”said Elena Yurchenko, Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, following the results of 2014. This step on the part of our state is one of the steps to translate into reality a targeted policy for the development of the Crimean region, the main provisions of which are set out in the Strategy for the Development of Crimea until 2020.

Prior to the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation, the lion's share of vacationers Crimea received from Ukraine. This was a deliberate policy of the authorities, who did not burden themselves with unnecessary spending and attracting investments in the dilapidated and obsolete infrastructure of the peninsula. Respectively, foreign tourists There were almost no non-CIS countries in the region. The extremely low level of service and the lack of conditions to which they are accustomed repelled even hypothetical applicants. As a result, Crimea has turned into a resort of exclusively local importance, where Ukrainians are used to relaxing. And this state of affairs persisted until the 2014 season and the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation. Despite the sharp drop in the tourist flow of Ukrainian tourists (from 65% in 2013 to 5% in 2014 and their same insignificant number in 2015), in general, there was no serious drop in demand for Crimea from vacationers, since tourists from Russia quickly replaced vacant places in hotels (in 2013 they were 26% of the total number of vacationers, and in 2014 it was 93%, in 2015 it slightly increased to 95%) .

With a change in the composition of vacationers, priorities have also changed: if for Ukrainian tourists the main and only criterion for a service is its price, then for more affluent tourists from Russia, the price is also important, but it is not a primary guideline. This group of vacationers is accustomed to the level of service of leading world-class resorts. They are willing to pay more high price for the tour, however, they also want to get a more elaborate and professional product for it. This relationship also works in the opposite direction: most tourists from Russia will not be satisfied with even very cheap services of inadequate quality. And the sooner the tourist enterprises of the Crimea catch this new market trend, the more successful they will be able to occupy a niche in their field.

Today, the material and technical base of hospitality infrastructure facilities of the Republic of Crimea, the range and quality of services lag behind the world level, which reduces the competitiveness of this region by international market. When using accommodation statistics, it is important to note that the data varies depending on the source. Based on the information provided by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, there are 825 sanatorium-resort and hotel facilities in the region. Among them, 467 institutions are engaged in the provision of a special sanatorium-resort service or health-improving services. The remaining 358 institutions provide accommodation services. There are also 92 health camps for children in Crimea. The State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, on the other hand, has other information (1225 accommodation facilities - this is the total number, which includes 748 hotels). In other sources, you can find other figures, which indicates a poor study of the entire composition and structure of accommodation facilities in the region.

On the this moment in existing hotels, the number of rooms is difficult to assess, since the management of hotels at the peak of the season go to tricks, making extra bed and furniture in the rooms to turn double rooms into triple or even quadruple rooms. The same practice is common in children's health institutions.

Based on statistics from various sources, the number of accommodation facilities with any category is 271, while the number of accommodation facilities without a category is 684, that is, 2.5 times less. They are categorized in the following order: 5 stars - 1.1%, 11.1% - 4 stars, 32.8% - 3 stars, 38% - 2 stars and 17% - 1 star.

Based on the research, it can be concluded that the hotel base of the Crimea has a serious preponderance towards low category accommodation facilities. This was beneficial for budget Ukrainian tourists, for whom the issue of price always prevails over other indicators. Comparing with Russia, on the same length of the Sochi coast five-star hotels there are about 2% of the entire hotel base, and there is also an acute shortage of them. Moreover, if 3-star class hotels prevail in Sochi, then in Crimea there are mainly 1-2-star hotels and without stars.

In addition, the problem of seasonality is acute on the peninsula, which, it should be noted, is different depending on the type and orientation of accommodation facilities. For example, for hotels and similar establishments, the season is three months, and for medical and recreational accommodation facilities - five months, and only less than 40% have a year-round activity. The average seasonality factor in Crimea is 0.45. This indicator indicates the amount of change in sales compared to the annual average. In this case, the coefficient is less than one, which indicates a large number of months in a year with low sales. This value is typical for resorts with a pronounced seasonal orientation.

A large imbalance is demonstrated by the distribution of health-improving facilities, the vast majority of which are concentrated in the Yalta and Evpatoria districts. An unfavorable trend of the last twenty years is a decrease in the role of medical procedures in the structure of services provided and, accordingly, an increase in recreational and recreational activities.

According to official data, there are 38 campsites on the territory of Crimea, but most of them are tent camps, albeit on the seashore. They have a minimum set of amenities, for which budget European tourists, for example, are completely unprepared. Speaking about the needs and desires of tourists, the tendency of the prevalence of renting a house or a room (bed) in the private sector stands out.

The problems of the development of transport infrastructure are by far the most numerous, financially costly, but also the most important, since without carefully thought-out logistics it is impossible to provide high-quality tourism services. However, positive results in this direction indicate the deep interest of the state in resolving this issue.

Currently, without any complications, there are only two ways to get to the Crimea: using ferry crossing through the Kerch Strait or by air. However, both of these transport arteries were only additional for many decades. They are not designed for a large flow of passengers, which created a transport collapse in 2014. During the first half of 2014, there was an increase in the number of tourists who arrived in Crimea via a ferry crossing (by 2.8 times) and by air (by more than 2 times) . The vast majority of Ukrainian citizens themselves practically do not visit the peninsula for tourism purposes. There are three international airports: Simferopol Airport, Kerch Airport and Belbek Airport (it is a mixed type airport, at the moment military aircraft are based there), however, in the summer of 2014, only Simferopol Airport was available for air transportation.

The development of the tourist and recreational industry of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is carried out under the influence of the transition to the information society, the growing crisis in the global economy and the growth of competition in the international market of tourist and recreational services. Under these conditions, the special relevance of determining new directions for the strategic development of the tourist and recreational industry of Crimea and its active integration into the system of world tourism is emphasized.

The purpose of the report is to study the current state of the Crimean sanatorium and resort industry, to identify priority areas for its strategic development and ways to effectively implement them.

Research results. The nature of the natural resource potential, historical traditions of economic development, socio-cultural priorities for many years determined the recreational specialization of the Crimea as a strategic direction of its regional development. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea specializes in the production of health-improving and medical services and is the leading tourist and excursion region of Ukraine, which annually receives more than 5 million vacationers and more than 500 thousand sightseers.

There are more than 600 health-improving institutions in 13 resort areas of the autonomy. Every fourth institution of the sanatorium and resort industry belongs to health resorts, of which more than two-thirds are sanatoriums of various specializations. Resort resources of the Crimea, along with favorable climatic conditions and therapeutic mud, beaches and landscape resources, sea and mountain air also include mineral waters. More than 100 mineral springs are known: chloride, calcium-sodium, thermal sodium chloride and others.

The main capacity of Crimean sanatoriums is concentrated in the region of Bolshaya Yalta and the Saki-Evpatoria group of resorts, boarding houses have become widespread in Alushta, Yalta, Sudak, Feodosia, on the coast of Simferopol and Bakhchisaray regions. The load factor of the institutions of the sanatorium and resort industry of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea has had a negative trend over the past five years: if in 2005 it was 65.1%, then in 2009 it decreased to 58.2%. During the 2010 and 2011 seasons was in demand inexpensive vacation in the private sector. During the late 1990s-2000s the structure of health resorts underwent changes associated with the weakening of the therapeutic function of resorts and the strengthening of health and recreational functions. sanatorium crimea tourism resort

The complex nature of the sanatorium and resort industry, as well as the features of its functioning in modern economic conditions, the mobile structure of additional paid services, a variety of forms of ownership, a high level of competition in the recreational services market, a steadily increasing demand for recreational services - all these and other features of modern of the regional sanatorium and resort industry determine the need to solve the problem of substantiating rational measures for its development both in the short and long term.

In 2010, the Strategy for the Development of the Tourism and Recreational Complex of Crimea until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) was developed. It defines the goals, priorities and objectives of the prospective development of recreation and tourism in Crimea, the directions of state policy to create conditions for the formation of a modern competitive tourism industry and its transformation into a leading sector of sustainable socio-economic development of the region.

In the adopted Strategy, one of the main priorities for the region is the formation of a competitive sanatorium and resort industry, which is possible way overcoming the seasonality of recreation in the Crimea and the development of innovative forms of treatment and tourism. During the development of the Strategy, competitive advantages and limitations for the development of sanatorium and spa treatment in Crimea. So the strengths of the sanatorium-resort industry of the Crimea were named:

  • - high rating of the region in medical and climatic zoning;
  • - historically established inter-district and international recreational specialization;
  • - great balneological potential, poorly used in resort practice;
  • - unique mud resources of Saki, Chokrak, Tobechik and other lakes;
  • - traditions of sanatorium treatment in the CIS countries;
  • - established network of health resorts;
  • - highly effective methods of sanatorium treatment of tuberculosis, pulmonary, cardiovascular and nervous diseases;
  • - Highly qualified medical staff.

At the same time, its weaknesses were also noted:

  • - deterioration of the healing properties of the natural environment of the Crimea due to pollution of the air and water basins;
  • - depletion and change in the properties of exploited therapeutic mud;
  • - the need for reconstruction and repair of many sanatorium facilities, updating medical and diagnostic equipment;
  • - outdated number fund of sanatorium-and-spa institutions;
  • - deterioration of the competitive position of the Crimean health resorts due to the reduction of subsidies;
  • - lack of a marketing mechanism for attracting clients from far abroad countries;
  • - lack of branded products based on the Crimean brine and therapeutic mud.

The priority areas for the development of sanatorium-and-spa treatment in Crimea are defined by the Strategy as follows:

  • - preservation of the medical specialization of the resorts created on the basis of high-quality climatic, balneological and mud resources and created unique highly effective methods of resort treatment (sanatoriums for spinal patients in the city of Saki, children's sanatoriums in the city of Evpatoria, sanatoriums of the cardiological and neurosomatic profile in the city of Yalta, etc. ), carrying out their comprehensive modernization;
  • - creation of balneo-mud treatment complexes on the lakes of the Kerch Peninsula and Tarkhankut;
  • - setting up the production and export of medical, perfumery and cosmetic products;
  • - expansion of medical and preventive services of health resorts and hotels (SPA-programs, short-term "beauty tours", etc.).

The defining tasks for the sanatorium and resort industry should be the modernization of the number of rooms in existing sanatorium and health-improving enterprises in order to increase their comfort and overcome seasonal fluctuations in occupancy; demolition of old and dilapidated buildings. It is also necessary to optimize the labor market of the tourist and recreational complex, which provides for the establishment of an education system and advanced training of personnel for the sanatorium-resort and tourism sectors of the region in educational institutions; improving the quality of practical training of specialists.

Currently, in order to achieve the strategic goal of improving the system of state and municipal government, it is planned to conduct an experiment to create branded networks based on hotel and sanatorium-resort enterprises of the state ownership of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The implementation of the Strategy provides for the implementation of the Program for the transfer of enterprises of the sanatorium-resort and tourist-recreational industries to year-round operation (2012-2017), as well as achievements by 2020. indicators of the number of sanatorium-resort institutions and tourism enterprises with their own accommodation base, in the amount of 900 pcs. and export of sanatorium, tourism and hotel services in the amount of $450 million.

Thus, Crimea interested Europeans as a region where medical and health tourism can be successfully combined. As part of the reform of the sanatorium and resort industry, this direction opens up great prospects. In Germany, a presentation of the tourist opportunities of the Crimea will take place, within which it is planned to announce the possibilities of the Crimean medical tourism and conduct a series of trainings for German travel agents.

Conclusions and offers. Thus, the main strategic goals should be the repositioning of the Crimean region to receive and serve international tourists and vacationers, improve the quality of services provided, and develop innovative forms of treatment. The implementation of the designated promising areas will contribute to the growth of the authority of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the world market of tourist services, strengthening the autonomy's economy, filling the state budget, creating a powerful recreational industry, and preserving the historical and cultural heritage. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a project to promote health tourism: from product advertising, interaction between a medical institution and a tour operator to sell it, to financial instruments for activating a client (trade unions, credit unions, insurance companies, and others).


tourist Crimean peninsula

Crimea has a variety of healing resources, many of which are unique. The presence of diverse natural resources made it possible to create a multifaceted system of sanatorium treatment and recreation in the region.

Tourism in Crimea is traditionally an integral part of state policy and an important part of the national economy.

Regardless of the forms of ownership and departmental subordination, the resort institutions of Crimea, in solving a common problem, act as a single recreational complex that requires management and organizational and methodological support for control over the implementation of state guarantees to various contingents of the population, regulated by a number of legislative documents of the Russian Federation.

The main purpose of writing this work is to reflect the process of managing recreational activities in the Republic of Crimea. For this, the following tasks were set:

analyze the current state of recreational activities in the Republic of Crimea

analyze the state policy of the Republic of Crimea in terms of recreation

make suggestions for its possible modernization

1. The main characteristics of the tourist flow to the Republic of Crimea

In the context of the independence of the Republic of Crimea, the used methodology for counting tourists, which is based on an estimate of the number of arrivals in Crimea by rail, lost its relevance in 2014-2015 due to structural changes in passenger traffic: there was a reorientation of transport communication with the Republic of Crimea from the previous priority railway transport for air transport and ferries. Appropriate adjustments will be made to the method of counting tourists. In this connection, the comparison of the number of those who rested on the peninsula in the season of 2014 with the seasons of previous years in the current conditions of independence of the Crimea is incorrect.

According to the data provided by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea in 2014, 4.78 million passengers arrived in the Republic of Crimea. Of the total number of passengers arriving in Crimea in 2014:

% arrived by railway transport,

% - by ferry crossing,

% - by air.

In 2013, 66% of all vacationers came to Crimea by train, 10% of tourists - by air and 24% - by road (including through the Kerch ferry crossing).

In previous years, the Republic of Crimea was visited annually by 6 million tourists. The dynamics of visits is shown in Figure No. 1

Rice. 1 Dynamics of tourist visits to the Republic of Crimea

It should be especially noted that 20% of all tourists are organized vacationers, the remaining 80% are tourists who prefer to stay in private mini-hotels and apartments.

The distribution of the flow of tourists in the Crimea is also not uniform. (Fig. 2). Among the regions, the greatest load is noted:

in the Yalta region - rest in the region is chosen by 34.8% of tourists,

in Alushta - 19.2%,

in Evpatoria - 19.2%,

in Feodosia-Sudak - 10.4%,

in Saki - 4.9%.

Rice. 2 Distribution of tourist flow in Crimea

The average duration of rest in the Crimea is 10-14 days.

The duration of the season in Crimea is 5 months a year (from May to September), of which the most active holiday season is in July-August.

The main purpose of staying in Crimea in most cases is a "beach" vacation - 55% of all tourists choose a "beach" vacation. For the purpose of recreation, entertainment and travel, 20% of tourists come to the resorts of the peninsula, for the purpose of treatment - about 25%.

The share of inbound tourism accounts for 34.4%, while in 2009 the share of foreign citizens in the total tourist flow of Crimea was 26.2% (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3 The ratio of tourist flows in the Republic of Crimea

According to the geography of tourist arrivals in Crimea in 2013, tourists from Ukraine dominated - 65.6% of the total tourist flow. 26.1% of the total tourist flow are citizens of the Russian Federation, 4% are citizens of Belarus (Fig. 4). The flow of tourists arriving from other foreign countries is distributed as follows: Turkish citizens - 34%, Baltic citizens - 15%, German citizens - 15%, British citizens - 10%, Israeli citizens - 7.5%, US citizens - 6% .

The most popular mode of transport (Fig. 5) for Crimean tourists is the railway - 66% of all vacationers come to Crimea by train, 10% of tourists arrive by air and 24% by road (including through the Kerch ferry crossing). At the same time, there is an increase in the number of tourists arriving by air. Air traffic in 2013 amounted to 604.4 thousand people, which is 7.7% more than in 2012 and 1.6 times more than in 2009 (Fig. 6)

Rice. 4 The structure of the tourist flow by geography of arrival in the Republic of Crimea

Rice. 5 Distribution of tourist flow by means of transport

Rice. 6 Air traffic for 2009-2013, thousand people

Every year, in the structure of the tourist flow by road, the share of tourists who arrived in Crimea by the ferry crossing "Crimea-Parom" accounts for about 28% - more than 350 thousand people arrive annually. However, already in 2014, there was an increase in passenger traffic through the ferry crossing (by 2-2.5 times).

1.1 Crimean accommodation facilities and tourist enterprises of Crimea

There are 825 sanatorium-resort and hotel establishments on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. Of these, 467 institutions provide specialized sanatorium treatment or health-improving services, the remaining 358 institutions provide temporary accommodation services.

Of the 467 Crimean health resorts, 151 institutions provide specialized sanatorium treatment, 316 facilities provide health-improving services.

From the standpoint of tourism development, the category of health resorts, which provide various health and medical services, is of particular interest. This category is represented by the following main types of accommodation facilities: sanatoriums, boarding houses with treatment, children's sanatoriums, hotels with treatment, medical rehabilitation centers, health-improving centers, health-improving complexes, tourist and health-improving complexes (Fig. 7).

In addition, from the standpoint of the development of tourism in the Republic of Crimea, the category of institutions providing health-improving services is of interest. This category consists of 224 objects (boarding houses, tourist and health centers, tourist and health centers, hotels), which provide an initial medical consultation, SPA services, diet programs, a beach, a swimming pool, a sauna, etc.

Rice. 7 Classification of Crimean accommodation facilities

In addition, there are 92 children's health camps in Crimea (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Distribution of children's health camps by regions of Crimea

Also separately there are 31 children's sanatorium. As a result, the total number of children's institutions in Crimea is 123.

According to the principle of year-round operation in Crimea, there are 315 year-round facilities (of which 128 are sanatorium-resort facilities), 510 seasonal facilities (of which 465 are sanatorium-resort facilities).

The territorial distribution of health resorts by regions of Crimea is as follows:

168 objects are located in the Yalta region,

in Feodosia - 112,

in Alushta - 107,

in Evpatoria - 103,

in the remaining 12 regions - 335 accommodation facilities (including the cities of Simferopol, Stary Krym and Sovetsky district).

Distinctive feature territorial location specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the Yalta region - 33 (44% of the total). At the same time, 70% of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in Evpatoria.

In the Crimean health resorts, broncho-pulmonary, neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gynecological and other diseases are treated. In addition, there are 4,500 households providing temporary accommodation services and 14,000 landlords (private sector) on the territory of the Republic. The peculiarity of this sector is that it receives over 80% of the total tourist flow (more than 4 million tourists a year).

In Crimea, 208 tour operators carry out tourism activities. 1147 tourist escort specialists (tour guides and guide-interpreters) have been included in the register of tourist escort specialists. To base excursion tours and routes developed by business entities, about 200 routes are included.

In Crimea, there are 21 tourist information centers in 10 regions of the peninsula: Kerch, Saki, Simferopol, Yalta, in the Sudak, 9 Evpatoria, Feodosia regions, as well as in the Bakhchisaray, Chernomorsky and Leninsky regions. Of these, 11 are year-round.

1.2 The functioning of the beaches of the Republic of Crimea

The total length of the beaches of the Republic of Crimea is 517 km.

As of April 1, 2014, there are 560 beaches on the territory of the republic, of which, according to their functional purpose, 69 are medical (beaches of sanatoriums), 58 are recreational (beaches of other medical and recreational institutions), 71 are children's (beaches of children's health institutions), 332 - general purpose beaches, the functional purpose of 30 beaches is currently being determined (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9 Crimean beaches as of 04/01/2014

In 2013, 10 beaches on the territory of the republic received Blue Flag certificates from the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), thereby confirming compliance with international requirements for safe and comfortable recreation.

1.3 Development of tourism in Crimea

The basis for the development of tourism is a special geographical position, diverse climate (the climate of the southern coast of Crimea is subtropical Mediterranean type) and a huge natural potential: Black and Sea of ​​Azov, Crimean mountains, about 900 caves, the largest - Red, Marble, Uzundzha, Emine-Bair-Khosar, 1657 rivers and temporary streams with a total length of 5996 km, 30 natural lakes and 1554 artificial reservoirs, 15 waterfalls, the most significant of them are Uchan-Su and Jur -Dzhur, 6 reserves (Crimean, Yalta mountain-forest, Cape Martyan, Karadag, Kazantip, Opuk).

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are over 11.5 thousand monuments of history, culture and architecture belonging to various historical eras, civilizations and religions. There are 26 deposits of therapeutic mud and brine, more than 100 sources mineral waters various chemical compositions. In Crimea, there are 6 state reserves, 33 reserves (including 16 of national importance), 87 natural monuments (13 of national importance), 10 protected areas, 850 karst caves (of which 50 are recognized by specialists as suitable for arrangement and visiting by tourists), mines, wells and more than 30 parks - monuments of landscape art of national and world significance.

The following types of tourism are developing in Crimea:

cultural and educational (in Crimea there are 17 state museums, more than 300 public and departmental museums. About 800 thousand exhibits are kept in the funds of state museums alone);

eventful (over 100 different festivals are held annually in Crimea: music and wine, military and choreographic, theatrical and cinematographic, sports and folklore. Many of them have already become traditional for Crimea - these are the festivals "War and Peace", "Kazantip", "Genoese Helmet", "Theatre. Chekhov. Yalta", "The Great Russian Word", the International Telekinoforum "Together" and others);

pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of Crimea there are 84 tourist sites, 39 places mass recreation population, 284 tourist routes); eleven

cycling (an extensive network of tourist trails and rural roads create conditions for cycling. The most diverse for mountain biking is the South-Western Crimea);

autotourism (on the territory of Crimea there are more than 40 car camping sites, about 100 parking lots and parking lots with a total number of places of more than 3.5 thousand, more than 250 gas stations, as well as more than 110 stations Maintenance and more than 210 roadside cafes);

underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools, children's camps with diving training);

equestrian (on the territory of Crimea there are more than 20 equestrian clubs, which have developed one- and multi-day horse riding routes for tourists);

ethnographic (representatives of 115 nationalities live on the peninsula, there are 92 ethnographic objects, on the basis of which cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed);

rural (there are more than 80 objects of rural tourism in Crimea);

sports (international competitions in hang gliding, hot air ballooning and others);

cruise (cruise ships in Crimea can be received by four seaports located in the cities of Yalta, Sevastopol, Kerch, Evpatoria. In 2013, a record number of cruise ships entered Crimea

144, which is 45% more than the number of ship navigation calls in 2012. The number of tourists amounted to 63,009 people (in 2012 - 62,984 people).

The traditional leader among the port cities of Crimea is Yalta, in 2013 108 ocean liners and 16 river-sea class cruise ships).

There are 6 water parks on the territory of the Republic of Crimea:

Water park "Banana Republic" Aquaparkos "(Saki district)

Water park "Almond Grove" (Alushta)

Aquapark "Zurbagan" (Sevastopol)

Aquapark "Blue Bay" (settlement of Simeiz, B. Yalta) 12

Aquapark " water world» (Sudak)

Aquapark "Koktebel" (p. Koktebel, Feodosia)

More than 100 festivals and events are held annually in Crimea. In addition to the already well-known ones - "Genoese Helmet", "War and Peace", "Jazz-Koktebel", more than 30 (holidays of the arts of peoples, handicraft, culinary skills) are held during the "velvet season", which gathers large target audiences and is attractive factor

2. Features of tourism management

The relevance of the theoretical and sociological understanding of management in the tourism industry at the present stage is due both to the practice of functioning of the tourism industry, which is experiencing a growing need to systematize knowledge on the organization of the activities of tourism management entities, and the need to determine ways to improve tourism management, search for the optimal vector of development of the industry, taking into account the balance of interests all participants in the process: consumers, service providers, public authorities and local governments.

Management in tourism has a number of features due to the specific properties of the services provided by tourism organizations. As an integrated activity, tourism includes the activity of subjects of different levels and can be aimed at achieving different results. The issues of organizing effective interaction between the participants should be in the focus of attention of all subjects of tourism management interested in coordinating their actions and implementing joint programs for the development of the industry.

Firstly, the peculiarity of management in the tourism industry lies in the great depth of penetration and the complexity of the relationship between the constituent elements of the tourism industry: the management of many tourism organizations should develop a single management system that includes both regulatory activities by public authorities and self-government at the level firms and their associations.

Secondly, the specifics of management in the tourism industry is reflected in the fact that it is anthropocentric in nature - a person, with his needs, value system, mentality, appears as the core of this entire system. It is from this that the subjects of management in the industry should be repelled.

Thirdly, an equally important feature of tourism management is its seasonality. The supply of tourism services is characterized by inflexible production, they can only be consumed directly on the spot. A hotel, an airport, a recreation center cannot be moved to another region at the end of the season, they cannot adapt in space and time to a change in demand. This circumstance must be taken into account by the leaders of tourist enterprises, since fluctuations in demand can significantly worsen the conditions for the functioning of the entire tourist complex.

Fourthly, management in the tourism industry is distinguished by its two-level nature, the connection into a single system of two qualitatively different states of social reality - artificially planned and consciously organized activities of people in order to solve certain problems, and the emerging system of relations between participants in joint activities as relations of self-government and self-organization. This ratio of intentional and spontaneous components is the main social quality of the socio-cultural "body" of management. (Tikhonov, 2001)

Fifthly, special attention should be paid to taking into account such a feature as the non-primary nature of the tourist service. The tourism product is not a commodity, the demand for tourism services is extremely elastic in relation to income and prices, and therefore the change purchasing power of the population affects tourism services, and timely receipt of information will allow adjusting the volumes and goals of management.

Sixth, it is the specificity of marketing in tourism. Marketing is more important for management in the tourism industry. The seller of a tourist service, not being able to present its sample, as is practiced when selling goods, must find an opportunity to demonstrate the advantages of its product - service, which can only be done with a well-established marketing system. The consumer, as a rule, cannot see the tourist product before its consumption, and the consumption itself is carried out directly at the place of production of the tourist service.

In addition, due to the variability of the quality of the service, subjectivity in the assessment, there is a need for its constant monitoring, that is, this management function acquires special significance. The same tourist trip can be evaluated differently by two different people. The tourist service itself is unique, it is not possible to repeat it in all aspects. In this regard, management in the tourism industry should be focused on creating a system for collecting, processing and disseminating information.

Seventh, the effectiveness of the tourism industry does not appear immediately, as E. Sheremetyeva rightly notes, but with a time delay due to a long period of return on invested funds, and if the development goal is of a social nature, then the effect will not be expressed in cost form. (Sheremetyeva E, 2008)

The next, eighth, feature is that due to the fact that the tourist environment, despite its social orientation, is predominantly commercial in nature, most of the subjects of the tourism business determine, of course, making a profit as the main goal of their activities. Therefore, in our opinion, it is especially important for management entities to realize those consequences, including economic ones, that may arise as a result of inefficient interaction between all representatives of the tourism market (for example, in case of late submission of documents for a visa, the entire package of tourist services may be canceled ; in case of a change in the flight schedule, the receiving party also makes changes). It is a personal interest in the effective organization of interaction between management entities in tourism in the course of developing management decisions that can motivate tourism enterprises to seek mutually beneficial cooperation options, recognizing the priority of common interests over individual ones. A well-built, well-established and reliable network of communications between all partners allows each individual tourist market entity to protect itself, its consumers and partners from the instability of the external environment and crisis consequences.

Ninth, a feature of management in the tourism industry is dependence on the macro environment (natural, political and economic situation, force majeure), which, firstly, is reflected in the elasticity of demand; secondly, it emphasizes the need for trust in the provision of tourism services, since the relationship between all providers of individual services that make up an integral tourism product and consumers of services is built precisely on trust, since the quality of the tourism product itself can only be assessed in the process of consumption.

Considering the tourism industry, it should be noted that it is one of the most risky activities in the provision of services, as a result of which the number of risk cases specific to tourism is increasing. The risk is present at all stages of the provision of tourist services and covers all subjects of the tourism industry. In the tourism industry, the risk of undesirable events and their negative consequences is especially high because the very nature of the provision of services is often associated with the stay of tourists in various exotic, extreme and unusual places for them, where it is difficult to foresee the presence of unfavorable factors for the health of tourists. In addition, when interacting a large number business partners (foreign tour operators, consular services, hotels, transport and excursion companies), the coordination of their actions is difficult, which also explains the significance and relevance of the category of "trust" for the tourism sector.

Modern tourism is subject to the processes of globalization, which means the increasing interdependence of states and individual regions that form the world community, their gradual integration into a common system with common rules and norms of economic, political and cultural behavior for all, and therefore the question of increasing the level of trust between the subjects of management and strengthening partnerships is particularly relevant.

Globalization in tourism is characterized by a single information space for market entities, the presence of service consumers in different parts of the world, international representative offices of tourism business entities and product distribution channels, production location taking into account the maximum possible realization of competitive advantages, savings obtained from the international scale of activities, high costs for development of products and rapidly changing technologies, state regulation of the industry (introduction of uniform standards for the provision of services, stimulation and support of certain types of tourism, protection of consumer rights).

The market is saturated with offers of various directions and price levels. Local and international carriers compete in national markets. It should also be noted that the tourism industry is open to external influences that are beyond the control of the subjects of tourism activities. As a result, cooperation between them is actively developing in the form of coordination and integration of partners' interests for the implementation of joint projects and strengthening of market positions. In the future, competitive advantages will be provided only to those organizations in the tourism industry that will be able to compete on an equal footing for the consumer with foreign companies, both in the domestic and foreign markets.

Globalization gives rise to the interdependence of participants in the tourism market - today, a change in demand in the market of one country can stimulate or, on the contrary, restrain the market of another. This relationship explains the need to develop a system of measures aimed at giving the tourism industry stability. The categories of "trust" and "risk" begin to play a special role for tourism subjects, without which the industry cannot exist today.

Thus, the listed features of management in the tourism industry indicate that it is necessary to create a favorable climate for its functioning and development, and this is possible only with the close cooperation of all stakeholders - tourism organizations, consumers and the state, the implementation of state policy in relation to the tourism sector in based on its recognition not only as a promising economic sector, but also as a significant component of the social sphere, which implements a number of important social functions in its activities. These factors actualize the issue of the effectiveness of the functioning of the management system in the tourism industry. However, at present, as management analysis shows, this activity lacks consistency, management is characterized by fragmentation.

Intense competition for the consumer, globalization and integration of the tourism business pose the task of improving the methods of making and implementing decisions, increasing the efficiency of their activities, which can be conditionally divided into two categories: techniques aimed at increasing consumer demand, and organizational- management related to reducing investment risks by optimizing management and introducing new organizational forms of management (strategic alliances).

As Duran T.V. rightly points out, the jointness of productive activity makes it possible to compensate for the weaknesses of each individual subject, therefore, dependence on others for the implementation of joint activities can be called a compensatory relationship. The subject-subject relationship reflects the dependence of individuals on each other for various reasons: they either carry out common activities, although they perform different functions, or exchange the results of activities (Duran, 2011)

Based on the foregoing, we can offer 3 theoretical models of interactions within the framework of the provision of tourist services:

A unilaterally directed model, characterized by the influence of one of the subjects of the tourism industry (consumer of services, public authority, subject of tourism activities) on others, in order to satisfy their interests;

Bilaterally directed asymmetric model, characterized by the interaction of two actors to achieve common goals, taking into account the interests of each other in the absence of coordination of interests on the part of the third;

Bilaterally directed symmetrical model, characterized by the interaction of the specified subjects of the tourism industry in the process of achieving common goals, taking into account the interests of each other.

The identified features of management in the tourism industry lead us to the conclusion that a two-way symmetrical model makes sense in tourism, due to the understanding of the significance and necessary dominance of compensatory ties due to the interdependence of subjects. In practice, multidirectional actions and spontaneity of management prevail, resulting in bankruptcy of enterprises, their inability to withstand crises and force majeure situations, which entails the insecurity of consumers of services and violations of the law regarding the protection of their rights.

Of the theoretical models, three management models are encountered to a greater or lesser extent in practice.

The first model assumes the absence of central state administration, all issues are resolved locally based on the principles of market "self-organization", i.e. decisions regarding the development of the industry are made on the basis of intuition, a single concept for the development of national tourism is not implemented, as a result of which the tourism sector develops spontaneously and unsystematically. The model of self-regulation was chosen by the United States in 1997, however, at present, the United States has revised the principles of state regulation of the tourism sector, recognizing that tourism is a significant component of the national economy, and it can successfully develop only with significant support from the state.

The second model provides for a strong and authoritative ministry that controls the activities of the industry based on the principles of partnership between the state and the tourism market. This model (“partnership”) assumes the recognition of the tourism sector as a significant sector of the national economy, provides significant state support for high growth rates of national tourism production.

The Central State Tourism Administration actively interacts with local authorities and private business. Another essential component of such a model is a clear division of state tourism administration into two branches. One branch deals with global issues of public administration: the regulatory framework for the industry, the processing of statistical information, the coordination of regional activities, and international cooperation at the interstate level. The second branch is marketing. Her competence includes everything that is necessary to create the image of the country abroad: participation in exhibitions, management of tourist offices abroad. To implement the partnership model, certain conditions are required: large financial investments in the tourism industry, investment in tourism infrastructure. The main purpose of such interaction is to reduce the role of the central executive in economic processes and reduce government spending by attracting financial resources (investment) from private business. In addition to tourism administrations and national tourism organizations, which usually include representative offices abroad, numerous industry associations have a significant influence on the regulation of the tourism business. The partnership model for many years has been costly, but effective, implemented in countries such as Spain, Italy, France (Saak, 2007)

The third model of organizing the management of the tourist complex - the "administrative model" - is the inclusion of management tasks at the level of central executive authorities in the competence of a diversified ministry. This model assumes the recognition of the tourism sector as a priority sector of the national economy. When implementing this model, it is very important to choose effective schemes for interaction between federal and local authorities. A chain of responsibility for the implementation of activities within the framework of federal programs for the development of tourism is developing vertically. In this case, the administrative levers of macroeconomic regulation prevail, namely laws, federal programs for the development of tourism, licensing, certification and other mechanisms for the legal regulation of the tourism business. An important role is also given to economic instruments: preferential taxation, government loans, and so on. The administrative model is common in a number of countries with high tourist attendance - Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, China (Evdokimov, 2004)

The practice of world tourism confirms that no country is able to ensure the successful development of tourism without active and constant cooperation between the developers of legal acts and tourism business practitioners. The preparation of regulations for the development and regulation of tourism activities, carried out without prior scientific analysis, is also not optimal.

In modern conditions, given the reduction in tourist arrivals in Russia over the past years and the underdevelopment of the national tourism market, meaningful state intervention in the tourism business is, in our opinion, a necessary lever to improve the efficiency of the industry. In terms of the scale of international tourism, the federal structure and the method of organizing the tourism industry for Russia, the third management model is the most acceptable. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the interaction between authorities, the private sector and associations - representatives of the tourism business has not reached European proportions either in public administration or in the field of marketing.

The tourism industry was one of the first to feel the effects of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. At the same time, the crisis revealed the predominance of the situational management model, the inconsistency of the actions of management participants and the weakness of planning, as well as the need for coordinated regulation of the industry by all management entities, since most of the tourism market suffered significant losses as a result of the current situation. Under such conditions, the stability of the functioning of the industry could be ensured only if a model of social partnership was built between all the subjects of management in the field of tourism services - public authorities, representatives of tourism organizations, their associations and consumers of services.

In the Russian tourism industry, most companies are not yet characterized by a systematic technological approach to brand management - spontaneous processes aimed at securing a company in the market are increasingly characteristic, and therefore the current situation in the tourism industry requires the development of techniques and methods of management influences that are adequate new realities.

3. State management of tourism in the Republic of Crimea

Connections of factors of tourist demand and supply should be carried out by regulating the sphere of tourism and travel in the interests of the development of the country as a whole or the region.

The regulation of activities in tourism in most foreign countries takes place with the participation of the public and private sectors. The results of studies conducted by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) have shown the growing participation of private entities in the development of international tourism with their active support from the state.

Russia, despite its colossal tourism potential, occupies a very modest place in the world tourism market. It accounts for less than 1.5% of the world tourist flow. Among the tourist enterprises of the Russian Federation there are 350 foreign companies or companies with 100% foreign capital, which are mainly engaged in outbound tourism.

Objective and subjective economic and political circumstances in the last year have caused a reduction in the flow of tourists to the Republic of Crimea. To this should be added the instability of the development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation. In particular, there is a demand for sanatorium-resort and tourist-excursion services in the Russian Federation, and the supply of these services has sharply decreased in recent years. The modern network of tourist institutions (1.4 million places), together with sanatoriums, boarding houses, houses and recreation centers, is largely in need of reconstruction. The price level prevailing in the domestic tourism market is so high that it practically does not differ from the foreign offer. This largely determines the choice of consumers not in favor of domestic supply.

Targeted social tourism, carried out in the interests of people with low incomes, is practically disappearing. It involves the provision of state assistance and flourishes in many foreign countries. In particular, for clients social tourism include, for example, schoolchildren, young people, pensioners, the disabled. According to domestic experts, over 80% of the country's population are potential consumers of social tourism in the Russian Federation.

Social tourism- travel, other tourist trips for the purpose of recreation, recreation, familiarization with the natural and cultural and historical heritage, sold to citizens of the Russian Federation at the price of a social tour or carried out independently and subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs.

social tour- the minimum required set of tourist services that does not exceed the basic standard of accessibility for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Basic social tour accessibility standard- a set of calculated indicators of the minimum required set of tourist services; is established by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the provisions of this Federal Law.

Organization of social tourzma - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur that forms, promotes and sells social tours on the basis of a license, provided that their implementation in the aggregate is at least 70% of all tourist services and the profitability rate when forming the price of a social tour does not exceed 10%.

The emergence of the noted negative circumstances is mainly due to the fact that at the present stage the market levers that ensure the further development of tourism are weak. The strengthening of market levers is associated with the need to provide conditions for the priority development of domestic and foreign tourism in order to revive traditional tourism centers and develop new tourist areas. The weak action of market levers and the clearly insufficient social orientation in the tourism sector require active government intervention.

It is assumed that it is necessary to carry out state regulation in the global order in two main generalized directions.

First directionis connected with the adjustment of market self-regulation by drawing up plans (forecasts) and government programs, taking into account the rather high degree of spontaneity of the currently implemented ratios in the supply-demand systems for many important types of products and services.

Second directionensures the implementation social programs and social orientation of the market economy. Market self-regulation without proper state intervention leads to: an increase in monopolization, an acceleration of the stratification of the country's population into rich and poor, a reduction in those industries that are not sources of instant profit (science, culture, art, healthcare, education, etc.).

Thus, state regulation in the field of tourism can be carried out by influencing the expansion of the tourism market and implementing appropriate social policies.

The state policy in the field of tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea is carried out by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea.

The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter - the Ministry) is the executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea, accountable, controlled and responsible to the Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

The Ministry pursues the state policy and performs the functions of legal regulation, control in the sanatorium-resort and tourism industry, sectoral management in this industry, provides public services, manages state property, and also coordinates, in established cases, the activities of other executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea in the sanatorium-resort and tourism industry

The Ministry organizes, within its powers, the implementation of legislative acts and exercises systematic control over their implementation, summarizes the practice of applying legislation on issues within its competence, develops proposals for improving legislation and, in the prescribed manner, submits them to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

The impact on the expansion of the tourism market requires the development of a market strategy for promoting the tourism product. The strategy is the choice of a long-term optimal model of behavior in the tourism market, based on its characteristics. In any strategic approach, appropriate public and private sector influences are indispensable.

The influence of the Ministry is decisive in the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the Crimean tourism sector.

Specific tasks that can be attributed to state regulation are as follows:

making decisions on the development of organizational, economic and social policies in the field of tourism development, as well as preparing and adopting a plan for such development;

creation of conditions for solving the problems of social, targeted tourism;

development of programs for the development of the public and private sectors, taking into account the areas listed above;

ensuring effective investment of the public and private sectors;

ensuring constant control over the course and direction of tourism development, taking into account its prospects, both in the economy and in social life society.

The private sector, as a rule, is assigned the creation of tourist facilities and services (hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, commercial tourist facilities, etc.).

The federal law "On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation" defined the principles of state policy aimed at establishing the legal foundations for a single tourism market in the Russian Federation.

The state, recognizing tourism as one of the priority sectors of the Russian economy, is guided by the following principles:

) promote tourism activities and create favorable conditions for its development;

) determines and supports the priority areas of tourism activities;

) forms an idea of ​​the Russian Federation as a country favorable for tourism;

) provides support and protection Russian tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations.

At the same time, the main objectives of state regulation of tourism activities are:

) ensuring the right of citizens to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling;

) environmental protection;

) creation of conditions for activities aimed at the upbringing, education and rehabilitation of tourists;

) development of the tourism industry that meets the needs of citizens when traveling;

) creation of new jobs;

) increase in incomes of the state and citizens;

) development of international contacts;

) preservation of objects of tourist display, rational use of natural and cultural heritage

The priority areas of state regulation of tourism activities are the support and development of domestic, inbound, social and amateur tourism.

Specific directions of state regulation of tourism activities are determined.

It is carried out by:

creation of regulatory legal acts aimed at improving relations in the tourism industry;

assistance in promoting the tourism product in the domestic and global tourism markets;

protecting the rights and interests of tourists, ensuring their safety;

standardization in the tourism industry, certification of a tourism product;

establishing rules for entering the Russian Federation, leaving it and staying on its territory, taking into account the interests of tourism development;

direct budget allocations for the development and implementation of federal targeted programs for the development of tourism;

tax and customs regulation; providing preferential loans, establishing tax and customs benefits for tour operators and travel agents engaged in tourism activities on the territory of the Russian Federation and attracting foreign citizens to engage in tourism;

promoting the staffing of tourism activities;

development of scientific research in the tourism industry;

promoting the participation of tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations in international tourism programs; provision of cartographic products.

Since the tourist receives a set of services provided to him in a certain place where the tourist event takes place, the activities of municipalities to support the provision of these services can be quite important, both at the local level and at the regional (interregional) level.

Tourist services are provided, as is known, in places representing the geographical area that tourists or market tour, segment choose for the purpose of travel. Such a territory contains all the facilities necessary for the stay, accommodation, food and leisure activities of tourists. There is thus a single market for the tourist offer, a competitive market unit.

The distribution of municipal tasks for the provision of tourism services can be as follows.

At the local level (at the level of settlements):

planning of the area for tourist events, infrastructural measures;

marketing (market offer of the area);

coordination of travel agencies;

information for tourists, their support;

organization of tourist leisure;

organization of tourist congress meetings.

At the regional and interregional level:

development of the region, tourism-regional planning, measures for the conservation of nature and culture;

market analysis, marketing concept development;

measures for the implementation of cooperation and the provision of interests in the joint services, departments;

professional consultations, organization of internal marketing;

work with the press, with domestic and foreign travel agencies, transport companies, organization of services by hotel and catering enterprises, tour operators and intermediaries.

The Ministry has developed a program for the development and reform of the recreational complex of Crimea 2014-2016. In accordance with this program, it is possible to single out the main directions for the development of tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea

List of used literature

1.Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation"

2.Avanesova G.A. Service activity: history and modern practice, entrepreneurship, management: Proc. allowance. - M.: Aspect Press, 2004. - 318 p.

.Balabanov I.T., Balabanov A.I. Economics of tourism: Proc. allowance. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. - 175 p.

.Bogolyubov V.S., Orlovskaya V.P. The economics of tourism. - 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 192 p.

.Butko I.I., Sitnikov E.A., Ushakov D.S. Tourist business: basics of organization. - ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2008. - 384 p.

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.Duran T.V. Theory of social management: textbook. allowance. Yekaterinburg: Publishing House Ural. Univ., 2011. -191 p.

.Durovich A.P. Organization of tourism: textbook. allowance / A.P. Durovich, N.I. Kabushkin, T.M. Sergeeva and others - Minsk: New knowledge. - 2003. - 632 p.

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.Papiryan G.A. International economic relations. The economics of tourism. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. - 208 p.

.Tikhonov A.V. From the sociology of management to the sociology of tourism. Sotsiologicheskie issledovanija. 2001 No. 2.

.Saak A.E., Pshenichnykh Yu.A. Management in socio-cultural service and tourism: textbook. allowance. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

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.Sheremetyeva E. Uglich can become a “Russian Davos” // Municipal authority. 2008. No. 4.

.Economics and organization of tourism: international tourism: Proc. allowance / E.L. Dracheva, Yu.V. Zabaev, D.K. Ismaev and others; ed. I.A. Ryabova, Yu.V. Zabaeva, E.L. Dracheva. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: KNORUS, 2009. - 586 p.

The modern development of the economy of the Crimean region is characterized not so much by the development of separate industries as by the formation of various inter-industry complexes. In this issue, tourism should be considered as a large independent economic system that unites various industries. Effective interaction of all types of organizations and enterprises within the framework of the intersectoral tourism complex is the basis for creating a high-quality competitive tourism product. The tourist complex was not previously considered as one of the effective ways to increase the competitiveness of the Crimean region. The hotel industry is used to characterize as a form of providing paid services for accommodation, leisure activities.

At the present stage of development of tourism in the Crimea, the hotel industry is the reserve that is able to form the competitive advantages of the region, so this issue must be approached with an understanding of trends and distinctive features, regional factors influencing the formation and development of the tourist complex of the Crimean region.

The problem of tourism development in the regional aspect was considered by such researchers as: M.G. Boyko, L.M. Gopkalo, questions of the theory and methodology of economics and management, the priority of directions for using the resort and recreational potential of the Crimea are touched upon in the studies of Tsekhly S.Yu.

The most important priority of research work is the need to accumulate and systematize theoretical knowledge and methodological approaches, their application in practice in solving urgent problems of competitiveness, attractiveness of the tourism industry at the regional level.

The tourist complex is represented by various organizations. Direct service organizations include enterprises - organizers of tourism, the main task of which is to provide tourism services. Indirect service organizations include enterprises in related sectors of the economy, science, culture, and the education system. The formation of a modern market mechanism for the relationship between enterprises of the tourist complex in the resort and recreational sphere requires the analysis and consideration of a number of factors.

We list the main groups of factors affecting the activities of enterprises in the tourism industry:

1. political factors (international situation, political stability);

2. economic factors (general state of the economy, financial stability, development of the tourism sector);

3. socio-demographic factors (increase in population, distribution of the population by income level, incidence rate);

4. medical factors (professional and age-related diseases, the incidence rate in the country);

5. research (progressive scientific developments, modern service technologies, technologization and computerization).

Characteristics of types of tourism in the Crimea


Crimean hiking tourism has been developing since the end of the 19th century. In Soviet times, several planned routes were laid along the mountainous Crimea, closing on mountain and seaside camp sites, there were about three dozen seasonal tourist camps.

Currently, the organizers of the majority of walking tours in the Crimea are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Minsk and other travel agencies and tourist clubs.

Those who have a rest in a health resort on the coast always have the opportunity to take walks. For these purposes, there are specially equipped trails (Tsarskaya, Botkinskaya, Shtangeevskaya, Kalendskaya, Kurchatov, Raevsky, etc.).

Southwestern Crimea

The mountainous southwestern Crimea is interesting for its historical and archaeological monuments - this is the Khan's palace in Bakhchisarai, " cave cities"and monasteries, ruins medieval fortresses, sites of primitive man and much more. Interesting routes on its territory offers the Crimean natural reserve. The trails are laid on the most picturesque places most interesting objects reserve.

Southeastern Crimea

The mountainous southeastern Crimea, unlike the southwestern one, is interesting for its natural attractions - waterfalls, caves, mountain peaks. Recommended West Coast Crimea from Sandy to Lyubimovka, Laspi Bay, the vicinity of the village of Maly Mayak, the valley of the river. Sotera - east of Alushta, as well as the villages of Solnechnogorskoye, Malorechenskoye, Rybachye, Privetnoe, Sea, Veseloye, Solnechnaya Dolina, Koktebel.

Cycling tourism

Plain and pre mountain Crimea, Tarkhankutsky and Kerch peninsulas are very convenient for cyclists, especially beginners, because of the gentle terrain, unloaded roads, and the availability of convenient parking lots on the coast.

The mountainous Crimea, the southern and southeastern coasts are somewhat more complicated in this regard. Here the terrain is more rugged. More trained cyclists come here. In the nineties, mountain bike enthusiasts began to master the Crimea. Mountain bike championships are also held in Crimea. An important role is played by the presence near the mountains Black Sea coast, where there is always the opportunity to relax and take a break from cycling.


Speleotourism - i.e. inspection and exploration of caves, has a long tradition in the Crimea - since the time of the Crimean Mountain Club of the early twentieth century. And now its popularity is constantly growing.

Great amount caves (over 800) and other karst cavities in a relatively small area, their diversity, the convenience of entrances and approaches to them makes the mountainous Crimea very popular in this type of tourism.

Rock climbing

Climbing in its classic form with eternal ice and discharged air of the highlands is impossible, but ideal conditions for rock climbing - amateur and sports. Well-known climbing walls are equipped in accordance with international requirements. These are the Nikitskaya cleft near Yalta, Mount Sokol near Sudak, Petrovsky rocks near Simferopol, rocks above the Red Cave.

The natural features of the Crimea are such that climbing can be done at any time of the year: in winter - on the Angarsk wall of Chatyr-Dag, in summer - on the rocks of the Grand Canyon, and in spring and spring - to conquer the rocks of the South Bank.

rocks grand canyon- "blank spot" on the climbing map of Crimea: only one route has been laid here, and the opportunities for rock climbing are great, and the rough surface of sheer cliffs is of particular interest to climbers for laying routes by free climbing.


The transport network of the Crimea began to form about 25 centuries ago. Each era has left us sections of roads in deserted, primordial clean, picturesque corners Crimea, with an abundance of natural and historical attractions - from the era of the Roman Empire to the runways of the "Buran" of the Soviet Empire. It is pleasant for a beginner to ride with a breeze along the Bakhchisarai-Yalta highway. Highway, manually punched in the mountains in the 19th century, makes hundreds of turns, climbing Mount Ai-Petri, from where the amazing beauty of the southern coast of Crimea opens.

The Romanovskoye highway, specially built for the passage of royal persons, and then the first persons of the Soviet state, makes it possible to see the Crimean nature reserve in all its splendor: Kosmo-Damianovsky Monastery with healing spring, a trout farm, the Pavilion of the Winds on the cliffs of the Gurzuf Yayla, the Uch-Kosh gorge above Yalta and many other sights of the Crimea.

Water tourism

Water tourism is one of the new types of tourism that have begun to develop in the Crimea recently. It includes riding yachts, jet skis, boats, sailboats, etc. Most of them also require good strength and endurance.

The jet ski is the most exciting entertainment, with the most complete feeling of space, speed and freedom. In control, it differs little from a conventional motorcycle, but gives much sharper turns and departures.

The coastal area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov enjoys long-standing and well-deserved respect among amateurs and professionals aquatic species sports: windsurfing (riding a sailboard) and kite surfing (riding a board after a kite).

Congress tourism

Conferences, congresses, seminars, scientific symposiums, business meetings, exhibitions, training seminars on a variety of topics are regularly held in Crimea. And, of course, the annual tourist fairs. The most important of them is "Crimea. Tourism. Recreation", which takes place in Yalta in early March. As a rule, hotels, health resorts and famous palaces serve as venues for business events. Most of them have their own conference halls for 300-500 seats and provide accommodation services for participants. In addition, cultural, excursion, transport and other services are provided.

One of the leaders of business tourism in the Crimea is the hotel "Yalta". Up to two dozen business events are held here annually.

The optimal time for such events is April-May and September-October, when there is no influx of tourists.

The program is published with abbreviations (indicated by .....), for the purpose of research and methodological work of the teaching staff of universities, and the educational work of students. The full text is published in pdf format on the official website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea mtur.rk.gov.ru

to the decision of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated December 09, 2014 No. 501
(as amended by the decision of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated June 29, 2015 No. 358)


  1. Program Passport


Sources of funding for the State Program: funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, federal budget funds in the amounts determined by the Federal Target Program "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020"

Total funding of the State Program (thousand roubles.)

For 2015 - 2017 8,243,110.0

Federal budget 8 105 400.0

budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan 137,550.0

local budgets 160.0

extrabudgetary funds are not provided.

Expected results of the implementation of the State Program

Ensuring the integrated sustainable development of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment:

  • ensuring the development of resorts and health-improving areas with the implementation of the protection and rational use of available natural medical resources, the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;
  • ensuring the innovative development of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of public-private partnership;
  • modernization (reconstruction) of the existing potential of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea;
  • development of development concepts and an appropriate investment portfolio for the development of tourist destinations in the Republic of Crimea;
  • diversification of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea, focused on various segments of the tourism market;
  • expanding the scope of the active period of the tourist season, increasing the volume of sales of the Crimean tourist product;
  • creation of a unified information base of the tourist network of Crimea (including the route network);
  • development of tourism products focused on the needs of the modern tourist;
  • improving the quality of tourist services, the efficiency of the activities of the Crimean entities of the tourism industry;
  • formation of a modern, competitive, transparent structure of the tourism business;
  • creation of a new system of methodological staffing for the tourism industry that meets the needs of the modern Crimean tourist;
  • bringing the professional training of state civil servants and municipal employees of the Republic of Crimea of ​​structural units responsible for the development of the resorts and tourism sector in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea;
  • bringing the quality of service in line with international standards;
  • promotion of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea in the international and domestic tourism markets;
  • development of types of tourism aimed at ensuring the year-round tourist season, including medical and recreational, cultural, educational, event, active, business and social;
  • formation of a recognizable tourist brand of the Republic of Crimea and its promotion;
  • development of scientific business concepts describing the mechanisms for the development of the resort and tourism sector, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the tourism business.

2 . Current state and development prospectsresorttourism sector of the Republic of Crimea

The Republic of Crimea is a unique region of the Russian Federation, which combines a powerful natural-climatic and historical-cultural potential, which is the basis for the development of the resort and tourism sector.

Favorable geographical position of the peninsula, diverse landscape, favorable climate, natural resources (Black and Azov Seas, water, forest resources), rich historical and cultural heritage ( the total number of architectural, historical and cultural monuments in Crimea is about 11,500 objects ), available recreational potential ( 100 mineral water springs , 14 deposits of therapeutic mud ), historical experience - determine the main directions of tourism development on the Crimean peninsula.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 40 salt lakes whose bottom sediments are formed by mud deposits. As promising deposits for use 6 objects can be considered in the spa treatment(lakes Saka, Chokrak, Uzunlar, Koyash, Tobechik, Dzharylgach ), the total reserves of therapeutic mud of which are 28.0 million cubic meters. Currently, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, the only developed deposit of therapeutic mud is Saki healing lake.

The resort resources of the Crimea, along with favorable climatic conditions and therapeutic mud, also include mineral waters.

More than 100 mineral springs are known: chloride, calcium-sodium, thermal sodium chloride and others. Currently, about 20 sources of mineral waters are exploited on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, including in the cities of Saki, Evpatoria, Yalta, Bakhchisarai region.

The existing deposits of mineral waters are not used enough, mainly for internal and external use in sanatoriums and resorts. In the cities of Saki, Evpatoria and Yalta, mineral water pump rooms are equipped. For industrial bottling, only the well of the Sakskoye mineral water deposit, located on the territory of JSC Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant Krym, is currently used (mineral water is known as Krymskaya).

The effective functioning of the sanatorium and resort industry remains one of the priority areas for the development of the Republic of Crimea.

It is based on the use of mineral waters, therapeutic mud, beaches, climatic and landscape resources, sea and mountain air.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea is located 770 collective accommodation facilities(health resort and hotel facilities) with a total capacity 158.2 thousand seats, of which 144 institutions provide spa treatment, 216 facilities provide health services, the rest 410 institutions - temporary accommodation services. Thus, the number of accommodation facilities providing treatment and rehabilitation services is 361 an object.

For year-round functioning are intended 139 health resorts (including 73 accommodation facilities of the state form of ownership of the Republic of Crimea) and 162 hotel establishments.

The number of year-round collective accommodation facilities is not enough to realize the potential of the resort and tourist sector of the Republic of Crimea, the work of tourist and recreational clusters, and permanent employment of the population.

It's hard to refrain from commenting here. Let's limit ourselves to interjection ugh. No sane investor will build hotels in the Crimea. For 2 months of the season?

To implement the strategic task of developing the resort and tourism sector, infrastructural restructuring, modernization (reconstruction) of the objects of the sanatorium and resort complex, primarily state (republican) ownership, is necessary.

There is a high level of depreciation of fixed assets (most of them are worn out by 70-90%) and medical equipment of health resorts. At the same time, the unique experience and traditions of sanatorium treatment and improvement of citizens have been preserved.

As a result of the transition to a year-round cycle of work of collective accommodation facilities, the number of organized tourists can reach an additional 2 million people annually (an increase of 60%).

From the standpoint of tourism development, the category of health resorts that provide sanatorium treatment is of particular interest. This category is represented by the following main types of accommodation facilities:

  • sanatoriums - 93,
  • children's sanatoriums, medical centers - 31,
  • boarding houses with treatment - 16,
  • hotels with treatment - 4.

A distinctive feature of the territorial location of specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the urban district of Yalta. At the same time, the majority of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in the urban district of Evpatoria.

  • boarding houses - 130,
  • children's health camps – 77,
  • sports and recreation complexes - 8,
  • educational and health center - 1, where the primary consultation of a doctor, SPA services, dietary nutrition programs are provided, there is a beach, a swimming pool, a sauna, etc.

In particular SPA-services on the territory of the Republic of Crimea are provided by 42 establishments .

In addition, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 4.5 thousand households providing temporary accommodation services, and about 14 thousand landlords.

Traditionally in collective accommodation facilities for the last

for several years, an average of 1.2 million people or 1454 people were accommodated per

one collective accommodation facility per year (121 people per month), which

testifies to the underutilization of the available collective funds


Total length coastline Republic of Crimea, suitable

for organization beach holiday, is 452 km. For public recreation

560 beaches are equipped with people on the water. coastline length

equipped beaches of the Republic of Crimea is 103 km.

There are 354 subjects of tourism activity, of which:

88 tour operators (included in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators) and

266 travel agents (notified Rospotrebnadzor of the start of a travel agency


2015, the provision of public services is carried out

"Certification of tour guides (guides), guide-interpreters and instructors -

conductors operating on the territory of the Republic

9 instructors-guides and 594 guides (guides, guides-


In 6 regions of the Republic of Crimea, there are 9 tourist

information centers (municipalities: city district

Evpatoria, Saki urban district, Sudak urban district, urban district

Feodosia, Chernomorsky district and Leninsky district). Besides, in

Evpatoria city, activities are carried out by 3 tourist information

The Republic of Crimea has all the resources necessary to

development of the following types of tourism:

medical and health-improving (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea

144 institutions provide tourists with a specialized sanatorium

resort treatment);

cultural and educational (in the Republic of Crimea there are 15 state museums and more than 300 museums operating on

public principles. About 800 thousand exhibits are stored in the funds of state museums);

eventful (more than 100 different festivals are held annually -

musical, wine, military, choreographic, theatrical,

cinematic, sports and folklore. Many of them have already

traditional for the Republic of Crimea are the festivals "War and Peace",

"Genoese helmet", "Theatre. Chekhov. Yalta", "The Great Russian Word",

"Bosporan agony");

pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of the Republic of Crimea are located

84 tourist sites, 26 places of public recreation, 193 tourist

cycling (an extensive network of tourist trails and rural roads

creates conditions for cycling. Most varied for

mountain bike tourism southwestern part of the Republic of Crimea);

underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools,

scuba diving camps for children);

equestrian (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more

20 equestrian clubs that have developed one- and multi-day routes

horse rides for tourists);

ethnographic (representatives of

115 nationalities, 92 ethnographic objects located, based on

which developed cultural and ethnographic routes);

sports (international competitions in hang gliding

sports, aeronautics on thermal balloons and others);

cruise (acceptance of cruise ships in the Republic of Crimea may

carry out 4 seaports located in the urban districts of Yalta,

Sevastopol, Kerch and Evpatoria).

Despite the presence of many prerequisites for the development of various

types of tourism, there are currently a number of common problems,

hindering the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Political instability in Ukraine.

Previously, out of 6 million tourists visiting the Republic of Crimea annually,

the bulk of tourists (65%) were citizens of Ukraine. AT

Currently, the reorientation of the tourist flow is being carried out - since 2014

the main tourists are citizens of the Russian Federation.

For the development of domestic tourism, it is necessary to conduct

large-scale work to form an objective image of the Republic

Crimea as a demanded safe tourist destination.

  1. Unsatisfactory condition of the infrastructure on the territory

tourist regions of the Republic of Crimea.

To ensure the integrated development of the resort and tourism sector

The Republic of Crimea has developed 6 tourist and recreational clusters,

which are included in the Federal target program "Social

economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”.

Creation and functioning of new tourist and recreational

clusters will create the necessary facilities that provide

infrastructures corresponding to the present and prospective

requirements and needs of the regions as tourist areas,

to intensify investment and tourism activities in the Crimea.

The formation of clusters is carried out pointwise throughout the territory

Republic of Crimea.

Clusters will be implemented from 2015, on their financing

more than 22.5 billion rubles were allocated. from the federal budget. Planned

develop clusters for all resort regions, taking into account the characteristics of their

development and fulfillment of the task of year-round operation of enterprises,

institutions (organizations) of the resort and tourism sector.

  1. Problem transport accessibility Republic of Crimea.

Structural reorientation marked this year

passenger traffic to the Republic of Crimea - from the previous priority

rail transport to air transport and road transport.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the limiting bandwidth thresholds.

the ability of transport hubs and communications of the Republic of Crimea to

towards other regions of Russia. Based on these limitations,

it can be concluded that the transport complex of the Republic of Crimea in

able to receive no more than 4 million tourists from Russia per season for the period up to

2017, i.e. before the completion of key development activities

transport complex.

The Republic of Crimea has all modern types

transport, but the location and structure of transport communications,

transport infrastructure as a whole does not meet the necessary

internal and external transport and economic relations and needs

significant improvement.

In addition, a number of problematic issues should be noted separately in

tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Seasonality of the tourism industry.

Seasonal fluctuations in the tourist flow to the Crimea are reflected in the change

service job generation trends, intensity

loading means of transportation, accommodation, restaurants and attractions. In high

season there is an overload of tourist centers, prices rise,

booking services for this period is made in advance. In low

the season is reversed.

In order to overcome the seasonality factor, it is necessary to develop and

promote new types of tourism products that are not subject to seasonal

fluctuations. This is, first of all, the development of medical and health-improving,

cultural, educational, eventful, active, business and

social types of tourism.

It is also necessary to gradually modernize the accommodation sector.

  1. High level of depreciation of fixed assets and medical facilities

collective accommodation facilities. First of all, it concerns objects

sanatorium-resort complex, located in the state

property, fixed assets and medical bases of which are worn out

70-90%, but at the same time, the unique experience and traditions of the sanatorium

treatment and rehabilitation.

Out of 188 collective accommodation facilities owned by the Russian Federation and state property

Republic of Crimea, need modernization and reconstruction at least 107

health resorts. The amount of investments in the reconstruction or modernization of one

object ranges from 85 to 200 million rubles. Estimated total cost

reconstruction and modernization of the number of rooms and medical

the base of these objects is from 18 billion rubles.

Reconstruction (modernization) of objects of the sanatorium and resort

complex of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of public-private

partnership as the most promising way to combine efforts

authorities and private business will ensure the main transition to

year-round operation cycle of enterprises in the industry, which in the future

strategically built development policy will lead to an increase

the number of domestic and foreign tourists, the number of jobs,

the volume of sales of services by both tourism enterprises and

enterprises operating in related industries

(transport, Agriculture, trade, service sector, etc.).

  1. High level of “shadowing” of the service provision market

accommodation for tourists.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 4.5 thousand

households providing temporary accommodation services, and

about 14 thousand tenants (private sector in recent years

received over 80 percent of the total tourist flow - about 4 million people.

tourists per year), while the key problem in this sector is

high level of "shadowing" - private households are not subject to

taxation, they are not subject to state statistical

reporting, they are billed as private households in all

municipal services.

Over the past 20 years, the problem of settlement

activities and taxation of the private sector of the Crimean tourist

industry did not dare.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop a system

identification of "shadow" subjects of the tourism industry, control systems for

activities of identified "shadow" subjects of the tourism industry, as well as

one of the tools is to carry out the classification of funds


Formation of a modern, competitive, transparent

structure of the tourism business will increase tax revenues in

budgets of all levels, create comfortable and understandable working conditions for

all participants in the market for the provision of tourist services.

  1. Uneven development of the tourism potential of the Republic

To date, the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic

Crimea is characterized by uneven development, which is manifested in

increased loading of accommodation facilities and infrastructure of the Southern

coast of the Republic of Crimea and, accordingly, the minimum load on

east and west of the peninsula (more than 60% of tourists prefer the South

coast of the Republic of Crimea, while Evpatoria and Saka health resorts

are not inferior to Alushta and Yalta).

The task for the further development of the sanatorium and resort

tourist complex and the Republic of Crimea as a whole is the development

Development plan of the territories with the definition of their specialization, further

development of the sanatorium-resort complex and tourism, taking into account

existing tourism resources, infrastructure, types and volumes

services provided to tourists, market capacity with the calculation

projected demand.

First of all, it concerns the development of development concepts

tourist territories of the Republic of Crimea. The lack of concepts

makes it possible to ensure the integrated development of tourism for a long-term

perspective, violates the coordination and actions of participants in the tourist

The development of concepts for the development of tourist areas will allow:

— assess the potential of the territories of the Republic of Crimea (including its

competitiveness) in general in the provision of tourism services;

— clarify the parameters of territories (including borders,

infrastructure support, etc.);

— to identify priority types of tourism that have the greatest

potential and competitiveness;

— to identify potential areas favorable for placement

(or reconstruction) of tourism infrastructure;

— identify priority areas for tourism development;

– prepare indicative plans (business plans) for development

separate territories;

— investment passports of the territories.

Implementation of the understandable tourism potential of the Republic of Crimea

specific target groups of tourists, ensuring the development of tourism on

based on public-private partnership will attract more

financial flows not only in the tourism sector, but also in other industries

economy of the republic, which will affect the increase in the direct effect

development of tourism in the form of tax revenues to the budgets of all levels.

According to the data World Organization UN Tourism

(UNWTO) currently the volume of sales of tourist services is equal to or

even surpasses the export of oil, food or cars.

Tourism has become one of the major players in international trade and

represents one of the main sources of income for many

developing countries.

Thus, the development of tourism, taking into account the synergistic effect

will be an incentive for the development of the economy of the Republic of Crimea as a whole and will allow the Republic of Crimea to withdraw from the subsidized territory into

  1. 3 . Priorities, goals, objectives and indicators (indicators),

results, stages and terms of the implementation of the State Program

In the Republic of Crimea, the development of sanatorium and tourist

complex is a priority direction of economic development

Republic of Crimea.


National priorities in the field of tourism, which should

be guided by the subjects of the Russian Federation, currently

established by the following regulatory legal acts:

tourism activities in the Russian Federation”;

Tourism development strategy in the Russian Federation for the period up to

2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian

Federal target program "Development of internal and entry

Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, approved

2011 No. 644;

State program of the Russian Federation "Development

culture and tourism” for 2013-2020, approved by the order

"On tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea";

"On resorts, natural healing resources and health-improving

localities of the Republic of Crimea";

Federal target program "Socio-economic development

Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020”, approved

2014 No. 790;

Action plan for the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy in

of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11

2014 No. 2246-r.
