Brief information about the city of Vienna. Vienna: population, standard of living, social security, history of the city, sights, infrastructure development, photos

All Vienna, oddly enough, consists of numbers and interesting facts based on statistics and calculations. They are the basis of the new brochure Vienna in Numbers 2018, published by MA 23 (Economics, Labor and Statistics).

The entire publication is divided into eight sections, the information of which will be of interest to you, and in some cases will look very unexpected.
Let's get to know each other - "Vein. Population"!

The total population of Vienna on 1 January 2018 was 1,888,776. In ten years, the number of inhabitants of the Austrian capital has grown by 217,555 people, or 13 percent. In 2017, the growth was 1.1 percent (21,194 people). Vienna ranks second among EU cities in terms of population growth, losing only to Munich.

Population of Vienna by citizenship. Of the total population of Vienna, Austrian citizens make up 70.4 percent, 12.7 percent are citizens of countries that are members of the European Union, and 16.9 percent are citizens of other states. In detail: 4.1 percent are citizens of Serbia, 4.2 percent are citizens of Turkey, 2.4 percent are citizens of Germany, 2.3 percent are citizens of Poland, 1.7 percent are citizens of Romania, 1.2 percent are citizens of Syria, 1.2 percent are citizens of Hungary, 1.2 percent are citizens of Croatia, 1.2 percent are citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As of January 1, 2018, citizens of 181 states lived in Vienna! The smallest inhabitants of Vienna are representatives of Barbados, Lesotho, Tuvalu, Brunei and Tongo, less than five people each.

Migration of the population of Vienna. In 2017, 98,926 people moved to live in Vienna, and 82,135 people left it. Population growth in this vein amounted to 16,791 people. Most of all in 2017, the largest population growth in Vienna was observed from Syria - 22,649 people, Romania: 18,564 people, Germany - 18,323 people.

The average life expectancy of the inhabitants of Vienna. The average life expectancy for men living in Vienna was 78.3 years and for women 82.9 years.

Number of deaths and births in Vienna. In 2017, 20,576 people were born in Vienna, and 16,424 people died. The natural increase was 4172 people.

Population of Vienna by gender. 48.7% of the inhabitants of Vienna are men, slightly more women - 51.3%.

Population density in Vienna. Vienna's average population density is 46 people per 10,000 square meters. The highest population area in the fifth district of Margarethen is 276.6 people per 10 thousand square meters. The lowest population density in the thirteenth district of Hietzing is only 14.4 people per 10 thousand square meters.

The most popular names in Vienna among those born in 2017. For girls, the top three most popular names look like this: Sofia, Sarah, Anna. For boys: Alexander, Maximilan and Muhamed (Mohamed).

Average age of marriage. The average age of women living in Vienna getting married is 29.8 years, while twenty years ago this age was 23.6 years. For men, the average age at first marriage is 31.7 years, up from 25.7 twenty years ago.

Average age of a Viennese woman at the birth of her first child is 28.9 years. In 1986, this age was 25.1 years.

Provision of housing in Vienna for the population. On average, there are 35 square meters of housing per inhabitant of Vienna, and an average of 2.07 people live in one apartment.

Oleg Ivanov
According to

The Austrian capital remains one of the most popular tourist destinations. For those who are just planning a trip, we offer you to find out why Vienna is interesting for tourists.

In this city, everyone will find a zest for themselves. Therefore, we will briefly get acquainted with its history and draw up a "waybill".

Geographical position

Vienna is located in the east of Austria. The Danube flowing in the city with its own branch and the foothills of the Alps in the suburbs only add to the charm of the city. Add here the famous Vienna Woods, a small river of the same name, and it becomes clear why there are many tourists there.

The region where Vienna is located borders on Slovakia - only 60 km to Bratislava, and even less to the border. If we talk about the landscape, then in the city itself there is an average height difference (387 meters between the lowest and highest points), which is convenient for tourists.

Before you travel, back up your documents and keep them separate from the originals. Just in case, leave the same set to one of the relatives.

Modern Vienna consists of 23 districts, of which the old ones are the most interesting: such as Innerstadt or Landstrasse.

Vienna Map

A bit of history

As a village, the future Austrian capital appeared at the beginning of our era, when the Romans built an outpost for one of their legions. In the Middle Ages, the developing city was chosen by the nobility, and from the end of the 12th century it became a “family nest” of the Habsburg royal dynasty.

Periods of prosperity alternated with military hard times - Vienna was repeatedly taken under siege by the Turks, and in 1529 its defenders were able to defend the city, which was a tangible blow for the enemy. And a century and a half later (in 1683), under the city walls, the troops of Catholic countries inflicted Ottoman Empire a severe defeat, forcing her to completely abandon campaigns.

The further history of Vienna actually "made its face". The heyday of the Habsburg Empire, the development of art and science left a legacy in the form of palaces, parks, cathedrals.

The revolution of 1848 did not harm the city, which cannot be said about the beginning of the 20th century. Then Austria-Hungary fell, and the imperial center lost its significance.

Until 1918, the local opera had the status of a court opera.

During the Second World War, Vienna suffered from Allied bombing, and the post-war reconstruction took 15 years. The municipality was able to retain the charm of the old districts, which were restored in the 1970s and 1980s.

How to get to Vienna

Vienna is a place where you can see the real old Europe.

To get there, there are several transfer options. Air travel remains the most convenient - it is fast, although expensive. There are not so many direct flights from Moscow, but you can use other routes. With a transfer, you can get there via Warsaw (by LOT company) or Riga (AirBaltic). You can transfer in Minsk, from where BelAvia liners fly.

If Vienna is one of the points of the Western European tour, and is not its beginning, then the task becomes easier. There are a large number of flights, both airplanes and buses, in addition, there are many low-cost companies (budget companies).

Regularly check the flight information - if it is canceled, this should be reported. The easiest way is to view the company's page on the Internet, but you can also use the phone.

Budget flights are cheap, but you need to book seats two to three months before departure. Keep in mind that operators can set different prices for a reservation, so find out this point before ordering.

Moscow — Vienna

Now about the trains - the Moscow-Prague train with a trailer car to Vienna will cost at least 165 euros, you can also get on it in Minsk. There are also a couple of daily trains from there. Of the inevitable disadvantages, we note a day on the road (versus 5-6 hours on flights with transfers).

The bus ride will take even longer - about two days, and besides, you need to pass the borders. If you take an adult round-trip ticket, you can meet 310-320 euros.

A trip by car attracts with the freedom of choice of route. On the other hand, there is the need to buy a "green card", which indicates that it is valid in Austria. On such a long flight, fatigue will inevitably appear, and the journey through Vienna can begin with a rest.

Vienna weather and climate

Our tourists easily get used to the Austrian climate. In recent years, the summer here is getting hotter (it even reaches +36), but the midday sun gives way to coolness, and the average monthly figure on the column does not exceed +20°C. The proximity of the forest and the river help fight the heat.

It was in Vienna that the world's oldest newspaper, stock exchange and diplomatic academy began their work. They have been working since the 18th century, and the Vienna Newspaper has been published for more than 300 years (since 1703).

Spring is usually uninteresting experienced tourists. They can be understood - in March and April the weather is very changeable, but mostly warm. The usual cold autumn comes to Vienna at the end of November, so September is a great time for a tour.

Winters in this region are mild: the temperature has been -20°С only once in the last 35 years. The average January is +1°С.

Rains are infrequent, but clouds are frequent guests: the proximity of the Alps affects.

The main sights of Vienna

Vienna, like its description, is inconceivable without architectural delights and many museums.

From the heritage of the architects of old times, be sure to see such places:

  • Local Opera. Interestingly, all performances are divided into groups, depending on the complexity for the average viewer. True, queues for this temple of culture are a common thing.

  • This luxurious complex has more than two and a half thousand rooms and halls. Each of the monarchs completed the construction of the existing buildings in the courtyard.
  • Cathedral of Saint Charles built after the plague. Construction lasted 20 years. Charles VI began it, having made a vow to his heavenly patron, St. Carlo Borromeo, and his son Joseph was already finishing.
  • Scottish Cathedral. Services are conducted by Benedictine monks. The cathedral was repeatedly rebuilt, and in the 17th century it even burned because of a lightning strike.
  • Votivkirche. The temple in a strict Gothic style stands out for its height (99 meters).
  • Cathedral of Saint Stephen, whose 136-meter tower rises above the center. The original version was built in the 12th century, and the building received its current form at the beginning of the 16th century. Restoration of some elements is still ongoing - immediately after the war, the cathedral suffered from marauders.
  • which is 5 km from the center. it beautiful park with palaces, statues and fountains. The zoo located on its territory is the oldest in the world.
  • City Hall. More than two thousand windows give lightness to this building. In addition to the meetings of the municipality, various events for tourists are held there daily - from excursions to concert programs;

Be careful in crowded places - even in prosperous Austria, tourists can be subject to theft.

This is just a small list of what Vienna is rich in and what it is famous for. All these and many other wonders of architecture are in harmony with the streets of the Old Town, which are monuments in themselves. This applies primarily to the following streets:

  • Cathedral Square (Stefanplatz). This is the very center, the "heart" of the capital, where a lot of Viennese architecture is concentrated, and the parking of horse-drawn carriages only adds color.
  • Ringstrasse. The street seemed to circle central District- convenient for the tourist. It was laid in the place where the city walls used to stand.
  • Freyung. The old square is densely lined with palaces from different eras, each with a rich history.;
  • Geldenplatz. There are two bronze statues depicting Prince Eugene of Savoy and Archduke Charles. These figures are already half a century old.

Having set out to learn everything about Vienna, you will have to explore the city museums. It is unlikely that you will be able to get around everything, so we list the most interesting ones:

  • Mozart House at Domgasse 5. The composer lived in these apartments for three years. The uniqueness is that this is the only one of its shelters that has survived to this day.
  • Treasury of the Hofburg Castle, which contains real imperial kleinods. This is part of the residence, which also includes the royal chambers.
  • Belvedere Gallery located in the castle of the same name. Among the presented works there are many paintings by Gustav Klimt.
  • Museum natural history where you can see the skeleton of a dinosaur. Some of the exhibits previously belonged to the august persons.
  • Technical Museum, discovered back in the days of the Habsburgs. You can see not only a collection of antique musical instruments, but also cars of past years;
  • Transport Museum, designed for fans of buses and the subway. Having visited it, you can immediately imagine how and on what the townspeople moved around the capital in the last century.
  • Kaisergruft. This is the imperial crypt where the monarchs from the Habsburg dynasty are buried.

Contemporaries believedMozartbut a frivolous and walking person. This is partly truecomposerhe loved noisy feasts, but at the same time he surprised everyone with his efficiency.

It is impossible to describe all the worthy places of the city - they are at every step, so we limited ourselves to the most popular ones.

Vienna is inconceivable without its parks - there is a lot of greenery here, even grapes are grown, which is rare for the capital. The Municipal Park and the Belvedere are also worth adding to the tour program. Walking along the Belvedere, you can go to any of the two palaces, which house museums.

Other types of entertainment

In addition to the rich past, embodied in buildings and temples, tourist Vienna also offers modern forms of pastime.


On the outskirts in Kahlenberg there is a huge rope park, which is full of aerial paths and platforms in the trees. For children, there are separate "tracks", which are located no higher than 1 m. You can get there any day from 10 am. You should not worry about safety - a briefing is required before the walk.

Before leaving, be sure to draw up medical insurance - without it, a visa will not be issued. To do this, it is better to choose a trusted company.

In the summer, an indoor skating rink in the Stadthalle is open, but getting there is problematic - it is open only on Tuesdays for four hours. The winter skating rink in front of the town hall opens in mid-January, and the schedule there is more loyal: from 9 am to 10 pm.

For family vacation the Prater park with its attractions is suitable. In the evening, they are illuminated, and even one circle on the Ferris wheel will leave vivid impressions. However, in the summer there may be queues.

A tour by car is suitable for an active person - this is a trip around the city on a small "hot rod" with accompanying people. So you can feel the whole rhythm of the city, because the tour takes place on ordinary roads.

There are also a large number of bike tours - from sedate excursions to extreme mountain biking. The climate of Vienna allows such recreation to be practiced most of the year.

Night life

Despite some stiffness, the Austrian capital is rich in all sorts of clubs. There are many of them, and they are designed for any wallet. Pricing, as elsewhere, is determined by location.

For several centuries in a row, Vienna was considered the center of secular life in Europe. In many ways, this is the merit of the famous balls.

The most famous is the club "The Beverly Hills" on the Seilerstatt - this is the center, and the prices are high here. You will have to pay 9 euros for entry. The interior of the club is chic, the atmosphere is full of drive and dancing. The establishment is open until 5 am.
You can also get into this club using a flyer - if you have one, you need to pay only 3 euros.

Otherwise, nightlife in Vienna is not too different from similar events in other countries, but safety is higher.

For more a relaxing holiday you can advise "Jazzland", the local "Hard Rock cafe", the Irish pub "Bockshorn" and wine storage. For lovers beautiful views Onyx Bar will do, and connoisseurs of a foamy drink will be delighted with the menu of the Kolar bar.

Vienna City Transport System and car rental

The population of Vienna and its suburbs is more than 2.5 million people, so transport is represented here in large numbers.

The airport is located outside the city, 18 km from the center. Buses run regularly from Terminal 3.

In the town great amount trams and buses, as well as a subway with 5 branches. There is a system of single tickets that are sold in vending machines. A daily subscription will cost 7.60 euros, and for two days they pay 13.30 euros. A ticket for a week costs 16.20 euros.

Single tickets cost 2.20 euros: you can use them within the city with a transfer, but without a long break.

Tickets on buses are bought from the driver, while trams are equipped with vending machines that accept change. A tempting moment for some is that there are no turnstiles in the metro, although you still have to validate your ticket, as inspectors work there.

The city train goes out of town, and the price is different there.

All city transport does not run after 23:30 (the exception is the metro, which runs for another hour).

When renting a car, you need a driving license (preferably international), a passport, insurance and a bank account. There are also requirements for the age of the driver - rental cars are given from the age of 21, and the most prestigious models only from 25.

Tap water in Vienna is very clean, you can drink it without even boiling it.

When signing the contract, make sure that there are clauses about CDW, 3rd and party liability - these are analogues of our CASCO and OSAGO. Be sure to be registered and insurance in case of theft (theft Waiver).

"Skoda Fabia" with mechanical box gear will cost from 45 euros, for a Volkswagen Golf they will ask for at least 60 euros per day. A minivan will cost at least 70 euros, while a sports car will cost about 170 euros.

With a long lease, the daily payment is reduced. Car rental companies like Hertz, Megadrive and Europcar have regular promotions that can be found on their websites.

Accommodation in Vienna

With an overnight stay, if you reserve in advance, there are no problems. All hotels in the city can be divided into the following groups:

  • affordable (from 55 euros / day) are scattered throughout Vienna, located in the center can be busy, especially in summer. Rooms - from double to designed for six;
  • middle class (from 80-85 euros). It is already more convenient here, the room can be stylized "antique";
  • luxury (from 150 euros).

Before booking a room, ask the host for additional photos.

Apartments are often offered by mini-hotels. The cost of good housing for two per day is 110-120 euros. Breakfast is already included in this amount. To check in, you need to book a suitable option in advance.

As for apartments, their prices start from 40 euros.

Real estate here is traditionally expensive, and for a long-term lease, you need to have several fallback options - in the summer, tourists can “outbid” the price set by the owner. If we talk about hostels, then you can meet 20 euros - this is the price for a place near the station.

What to bring as a gift from Vienna: shopping

For lovers of shopping, this is simply a paradise, so the question of what to buy in Vienna would be good to decide before the trip.

Mozart can be called the most famous "brand" of the city: the composer is in the lead in terms of the number of souvenirs and goods with his image.

The fan also has something to see. The Vienna derby between Rapid and Austria has a hundred-year history and is accompanied by large-scale performances every time.

In order not to miscalculate, it is better to opt for the liquor of the same name and sweets. They may seem expensive, but the cheaper ones are more likely to be counterfeit.

Here is a small list of gifts that you can bring from the Vienna tour:

  • praline with flower petals (2.5-3 euros);
  • Sacher cake by Demell confectionery;
  • Giusto coffee (15 euros).

Among the souvenirs one can single out Rieder wine glasses.

Wine glasses are a great souvenir from the capital of Austria

The famous Viennese porcelain of the Augarten manufactory stands apart - for 30 euros you can buy a small vase or a figurine of an animal. A plate or cup painted after Klimt's paintings will also be a good souvenir.

Lobmayer glass products are another hallmark of the city. For example, you can buy an imperial coffee maker: this openwork product is pleasing to the eye, but it is also not cheap (from 170 euros).

An experienced tourist is in no hurry to buy the first souvenir that comes across. By going around several stores, you can find more reasonable prices.

The goods described are typically Viennese, but everyone can choose something that suits their interests. There are many boutiques and antique shops in Vienna.

Viennese cuisine: cafes and restaurants

For gourmets, there is expanse here: Vienna's restaurants will delight anyone. The traditional metropolitan menu includes the following dishes:

  • Wiener Schnitzel;
  • roast beef with onions;
  • salad;
  • chicken in Viennese;
  • local goulash;
  • sausages according to a special recipe;
  • boishel (offal stew).

It turns out that a week is barely enough to get acquainted with the kitchen. If the choice is made in favor of a meat dish, be sure to specify the portion size - this is indicated on the menu.
The largest schnitzels are served at the Figmuller restaurant. This is an establishment of an average price category, where lunch costs about 20 euros. There are also budget cafes, but they rarely give you the opportunity to experience the culinary flavor, offering standard dishes.

Now our readers know exactly where Vienna is located and what it is famous for. Have a nice trip!

Vienna is the federal capital of Austria and at the same time one of the nine federal states of Austria, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another land - Lower Austria. Located in the eastern part of the country. The population of Vienna is 1.68 million (mid-2008); together with the suburbs - about 2.3 million (more than 25% of the population of Austria), and thus Vienna is the largest city in Austria in terms of population, while ranking ninth among the largest cities in the European Union. Coordinates: 48°13′00″ s. sh. 16°22′24″ in. e. Time zone: UTC+1, UTC+2 in summer. Telephone code: +43 1. Postal codes: 1010-1239, 1400, 1450.

Vienna Map

History of Vienna

As locality Vienna has existed since the 1st century AD. Initially, the Roman legion settled in the city. A little later, the city began to fill with civilians. The Romans lived in the village until the 5th century. After they left, other people found shelter in the city, but so far, unfortunately, it is not known who they are. Those who came called their habitat “Vedunia”. In the 6th century, the Avar and Slavic tribes came to the city.

In the 9th century, the Carolingians came to the city, who built the castle and the church of St. Ruprecht (still preserved). With their arrival, the number of houses and, accordingly, the population increases. The first written mention of the city also dates back to the 9th century. In the 12th century, Vienna became the seat of the Babenbergs (Austrian dukes). Representatives of this genus built buildings of cultural and religious significance. Since 1278, the Habsburg dynasty ruled in Vienna. In 1469 a bishopric was established in the city.

In 1529, the inhabitants of Vienna repeatedly suffered from attacks by the Turks, but still won. 1679 was a fatal year for the city. Because of the plague, the population of Vienna was reduced by a third. In 1693, the Plague Column was erected in memory of the dead. Misfortune befell the city for the second time in 30 years. In 1713, a new outbreak of the plague arose, claiming tens of thousands of lives.

From the 16th century, a new stage began in the political life of the city. Vienna becomes the capital. In the 18th century, the industrial revolution swept the city. And since the 19th century, the sphere of culture and art began to develop rapidly in Vienna. By the beginning of the 20th century, the capital had become one of the largest cities world with a population of over 2 million people. But the world wars had a very negative impact on Vienna. Only in the 70s mass construction and reconstruction of the capital began.

Vienna today

Vienna is the economic, political and cultural center of Austria. It is the third UN seat city. The headquarters of OPEC and the OSCE are located in Vienna. In 2010, the city ranked first in the world for quality of life for the second time. The regional gross product of the capital is 178% of the European average. Vienna has developed: banking and finance, infrastructure, public transport, security, culture.

The city has a network of high-speed trains, metro, tram and bus lines.

Sights of Vienna

Vienna is fabulous beautiful capital. Its old part and Schönbrunn Palace were listed in 2001 world heritage UNESCO.

Schönbrunn Palace (XVIII century) is located in a picturesque place among beautiful gardens. The tourist will be able to appreciate the beauty of the royal rooms, created in the Baroque and Rococo styles, to look at the famous frescoes of the Grand Gallery and the Hall of Mirrors. Near the palace there is the world's oldest zoo (1752) and the Orangery, where you can listen to classical music in the summer.

In Vienna, there is the Belvedere Palace (XVIII), which consists of two rococo mansions. The palace was erected by Prince Eugene of Savoy. Currently, the buildings of the palace are well-known art galleries, where paintings by Klimt, Renoir, Schiele and Kokoschka, Monet are kept.

Another attraction of the city is the Hofburg Palace. Today, the Hofburg is the residence of the President of Austria. Of particular interest within the palace are museums with collections from the Habsburg dynasty, the State Halls, the Augustinian Church of the XIV century, the National Library, the Imperial Chapel. By the way, according to tradition, since 1498, a boys' choir has been performing in the chapel every Sunday.

Famous all over the world is the Vienna State Opera (XVIII century). The opera is very popular among both local and visiting people. Tickets to seat place almost impossible to get.

Among other famous sights of the city: St. Stephen's Cathedral (XII century), Prater Park, Museum Quarter, Museum of Fine Arts, Spanish Riding School, Music House, Hundertwasser House.

Vienna (Austria) - the most detailed information about the city with a photo. The main sights of Vienna with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Vienna (Austria)

Vienna is the capital and The largest city Austria, located in the northeastern part of the country. This is a metropolis with a unique charm, energy and atmosphere, the historical center of which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Vienna is cultural capital Europe, a surprisingly romantic and open city that has retained its colossal historical heritage. Here, among the spacious imperial squares and luxurious palaces, amazing sights, architectural monuments and masterpieces of art lurk.

Vienna is one of the most popular cities in Europe. The capital of Austria attracts gastronomic aesthetes with its culinary delights and restaurants, fashionistas with its shops, bohemians with theaters, opera, exhibitions and museums. Vienna is considered the city of music and art. Brilliant composers lived and worked here: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Strauss, as well as many famous artists who turned the city into a treasure trove of Europe.

Geography and climate

Vienna is located in the northeastern part of Austria at the foot of the Alps on the banks of the Danube. The river Vienna also flows here, which gave the name to the city. The capital of Austria lies on a hilly plain called the Danube. The surroundings are covered with forests, and vineyards grow on the slopes of the hills.

The climate is temperate with warm summers and mild winters. A little more than 600 mm of precipitation falls annually. The climate of Vienna is rather dry. In summer average temperature about 20 degrees, in winter - about zero. With the invasion of cold eastern fronts, frosts of up to -10 degrees are possible.

Practical Information

  1. Population - 1 857.6 thousand people.
  2. The area is 414.8 square kilometers.
  3. The language is German. Although Austrian German differs from traditional German in terms of pronunciation and morphology.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.
  6. Within the boundaries of Vienna there are 23 parks.
  7. The main religion is Roman Catholic.
  8. Vienna is one of the safest cities in the world. There are no slums and areas to avoid. You can walk around the capital of Austria anytime and anywhere.
  9. Separately, it is worth mentioning high-quality drinking water, which is not inferior in quality, and sometimes even surpasses that which is sold in bottles.
  10. Vienna has an excellent system public transport: metro and suburban trains, trams and buses. A single ticket is valid, which must be stamped at the entrance to the metro platform, tram car or bus. Tickets can be purchased at special vending machines at metro stations and tobacconists.


The history of Vienna as a settlement began around the 1st century AD. At this time, a Roman fort was built here. This small fortress bore the name of Vindobona. In the 5th century, the Romans left the fortress and it was settled by the Avar and Slavic tribes.

The first written references to Vienna date back to the Carolingian period (9th century). At that time there was a small castle, a dozen houses and a church. In the 12th century, the importance of Vienna increased. It becomes the residence of the Austrian Dukes of Babenberg.

By the end of the 13th century, the city became the main residence of the Habsburgs. In the second half of the 15th century, a bishopric was established here. In 1529, the Turks tried to capture Vienna, who suffered a crushing defeat here despite overwhelming superiority.

In the 16th century, Vienna became the center of the Habsburg Empire. The city is turning into one of the cultural, economic and political centers of Europe. In the 18-19 century, the capital of Austria is one of the centers of world culture and music. At the beginning of the 19th century, the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte entered the city several times. At the beginning of the 20th century, Vienna was one of the largest cities in the world. As a result of the defeat of Austria-Hungary in the First World War, the Habsburg Empire collapsed, and Vienna lost its influence.

In 1938, German troops entered the city. The capital of Austria was liberated by Soviet troops in April 1945. Modern Vienna is a major cultural, tourist and economic center of Europe, the headquarters of many international organizations.

How to get there

international Airport located in the suburbs of Schwechat. Majority European airlines and a significant number of intercontinentals have direct flights to Vienna. From the airport to the city can be reached by S-Bahn (S7) and buses. Most convenient way to get to the center - a nature train (Floridsdorf) to the Wien-Mitte station, and then you need to transfer to the U3 metro line to the center.

Vienna is one of the largest railway junctions. high speed trains go from Munich, Budapest, Zurich and Prague. Other destinations: Dusseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Brno, Bratislava. The capital of Austria also has excellent car accessibility.

Shopping and shopping

Shops are usually open from 9.00 / 10.00 to 18.00 / 20.00 and are closed on Sundays. Large shopping centers and supermarkets are open until 22.00. Many shops (including branded ones) can be found in the Kärntner Straße, Graben, Kohlmarkt and Mariahilfer Straße area. At Tuchlauben 3-7A / Bognergasse / Seitzergasse is the so-called "golden quarter" with the most luxurious boutiques, including: Prada, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Emporio Armani, Louis Vuitton, Valentino, Miu Miu, Alexander McQueen, Brioni, Mulberry, Etro, Pomellato, Brunello Cucinelli.

Food and drink

Vienna boasts one of the most famous culinary traditions in the world. A varied, but truly harmonious range of dishes reflects the combination of national and cultural traditions in the past of a multinational empire. First of all, the capital of Austria is famous for its coffee, desserts - the famous Sacher cake, strudel, salzburger nockerln.

Traditional Viennese fast food - hot dogs and hot sausages, which can be bought in the many Würstlstand eateries. Various Balkan and Turkish fast foods are also common. Of the traditional dishes, it is worth highlighting schnitzel with potato salad, slices of boiled beef with a side dish.


Vienna is a city with rich history, the capital of a once mighty empire. Here you can find magnificent sights, historical buildings and cultural monuments. But especially Vienna is famous for its museums, theaters and art galleries.

The Hofburg is one of the symbols of Vienna's imperial past. A huge luxurious palace, which was the winter residence of the Habsburgs. In the Middle Ages, there was a castle, from which a small chapel has been preserved. The Hofburg was expanded into a magnificent residence when Vienna became the capital of Austria-Hungary. Currently, you can find almost any architectural style here - from Gothic to Art Nouveau. And in its halls there is a national library, a treasury, a museum of musical instruments, weapons and ethnography, and the famous " spanish school riding."

Impressive and huge Palace Square- Heldenplatz (Heroes' Square). The equestrian statues of Archduke Charles, who won the Battle of Aspern against the troops of Napoleon (1809) and Prince Eugene of Savoy, who defeated the Turks, testify to the glorious past of Austria. Heroes' Square is not just a huge square in the center of the Austrian capital, it is one of the symbols of a glorious history.

Cathedral St. Stefan (Stephandom) is one of the most famous Viennese landmarks and one of the most significant masterpieces of European Gothic. The construction of the first church dates back to 1147. For a long time Stephandom was the most tall building Europe - 137 meters. old church was rebuilt in the Gothic style by order of Duke Rudolf IV. In 1359 he laid the cornerstone of the nave, and in 1433 the South Tower was completed.

Cathedral of St. Stefan is especially distinguished by a large beautiful roof and a high slender tower (136.7 meters). Interestingly, the number medieval towers such a height in the world can be easily counted on the fingers. Inside the cathedral there are many treasures of art, such as: the tomb of Prince Eugene of Savoy, one of the greatest commanders in Europe (1754), the Wiener Neustadt altarpiece, the pulpit of Anton Pilgram (1514-15), the tomb of Emperor Frederick III by Niklas Gerhart (1467-1513 BC) and a Gothic altar.

Cathedral of St. Stephen is the centerpiece of Viennese legends and stories. On the left side of the main entrance is a strange indentation that was used to measure the size of a loaf of bread if the customer was unhappy with its size. The unfinished northern spire is attributed to a young architect who was in love with the daughter of the builder of the southern spire. Although the most likely reasons are financial problems due to the constant threat of a Turkish siege and the gothic going out of fashion. And dozens of such romantic, funny and mystical stories.

Church of St. Karla is a Baroque masterpiece and the largest Baroque church north of the Alps. It was built in 1715 by the famous Austrian architect Johann Fischer von Erlach. It was erected in honor of the vow of Emperor Charles VI in gratitude for deliverance from a severe plague epidemic and was dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo.

The church is located on one of the central squares of Vienna - Karlsplatz. The square in front of the cathedral was rebuilt in the 1970s by one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century, Henry Moore.

The unusually wide pediment of St. Karla is made up of several contrasting elements that add to the unique and harmonious overall look in a surprising way. Two bells with an allegorical depiction of the life of St. Borromeo are reminiscent of the Italian Renaissance. They form the main portal, reminiscent of a Greek temple. The oval nave of the church has a beautiful dome (72 m high), spectacularly decorated inside.

Anchor (anchor) hours are located on the very old square Vienna "Hoher Markt" and represents the Art Nouveau style. The clock was built in the early 20th century by von Matz and forms a bridge between the two parts of the Anker insurance building. For 12 hours, twelve historical figures move along this kind of "bridge". Among them are the medieval lyricist Walther von der Vogelweid, Empress Maria Theresa and Prince Eugene of Savoy. Every day at exactly noon, the clock "beats" a small show, accompanied by music from different eras.

Belvedere is one of the most beautiful palace complexes in the Austrian capital. It consists of two magnificent palaces in the middle of a magnificent park. The Belvedere was built for Prince Eugene of Savoy by the famous baroque master von Hildebrandt. Interestingly, the palace complex was originally located outside the city walls, but today it is part of the third district of Vienna, which is located near the historical center. The architecture and design of the Belvedere halls is made in the Rococo style. Currently, both palaces house museums with Austrian paintings from the 18th-20th century. The park is a collection of over 4,000 plants from the Alpine ecosystem. It is especially beautiful in spring and summer.

Ring Boulevard is the main avenue of Vienna. Represents boulevard ring 4 km long, which encircles the center of the Austrian capital. The ring boulevard was founded in 1857 by Franz Joseph I. It was built on the site of the old fortress walls and fortifications. Walking here you can look at a large number of monumental historical buildings of various architectural styles.

The National Theater (Burgtheater) is located in the first district of Vienna opposite the town hall on the famous ring boulevard. This is a monumental building of the late 19th century, the facade of which is lined with white marble. It is one of the most famous theaters in Europe.

The Vienna Opera is located in the very center of Vienna in the southern part of Kärntnerstrasse. This is one of the most famous opera houses peace. The opera house was built in the second half of the 19th century in the style of the Italian Renaissance.

The Prater is Vienna's most popular entertainment fair. Its most significant part is the huge Ferris wheel. It was established at the end of the 19th century in honor of the anniversary of the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph. The height of the Ferris wheel is 60 meters.

Bluthgasse is an area of ​​narrow winding streets, medieval and baroque buildings. This area is located near the Cathedral of St. Stephen

Maria am Gestade

Maria am Gestade is one of the oldest buildings in the capital of Austria, a 14th-century Catholic church in the Gothic style. Located in the northern part of the historical center.

The Scottish Monastery is a Benedictine monastery founded in the 12th century. Located in the central part of Vienna on Freyung Square.

The Plague Column is a monumental Baroque sculpture built at the end of the 17th century from marble. Interestingly, the column is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and not to the Virgin Mary.

Church of St. Augustina - the court church of the Habsburgs. It was founded in the 14th century by Augustinian monks. This gothic religious building is located on the Josefplatz square in the center of Vienna.

Church of St. Petra is an early 18th century Roman Catholic Baroque church on Graben street. The church was built on the site of an old medieval religious building by Gabriel Montana under Emperor Leopold I.

Mariahilfer is a 17th-century Roman Catholic Baroque church located in Vienna's sixth district.

The Vienna City Hall is a grandiose neo-Gothic building of the late 19th century located in the historic center of Vienna. Designed by Friedrich Schmidt.

Parliament - a monumental building of the late 19th century, lined with marble. It is the seat of the national parliament.

Vienna, the capital of Austria, is deservedly considered one of the most comfortable and beautiful cities Central . In that old City thousands of tourists come every year to enjoy picturesque places of this city, feel the spirit ancient history, to touch the famous cultural and historical values, and, of course, to relax and have fun. For those who are not too familiar with this city and no, no, yes, and are wondering " Vienna city of which country?”, we have prepared this short excursion, which, we hope, will help not only to learn a lot of interesting things about this city, but also to plan a trip here on your next vacation.

- The population of Vienna according to 2012 is 1.73 million people.

– The area of ​​Vienna is 415 km².

- Euro is used as the currency.

— The population of the city is particularly friendly and hospitable.

— There are a lot of Russian-speaking people in Vienna, so when walking around the city, you will surely hear Russian speech. As a rule, these are immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, who moved to permanent residence, many of whom opened their own business in the field of tourism.

— In Vienna, since the end of the 19th century, tap water has been supplied to the taps of the townspeople's houses from mountain springs, thanks to which it is considered the cleanest city water in the world.

- Holidays in city ​​Vienna Austria really a weekend, so most shops, pharmacies and other establishments are closed these days.

- Going to a restaurant to eat, you can not be afraid to leave hungry. You will be surprised by the gigantic portions at a reasonable price.

What to see in Vienna Austria

The amazing city of Vienna is simply overflowing with sights. There are many luxurious old palaces, cathedrals, huge squares, green squares and fabulously cute and cozy streets, so a week is not enough to get around, see everything and at least get to know the architecture and history of the city. The city of Vienna wonderfully combines history and modern life, this is the city where famous artists, musicians and architects lived, so it is especially loved by art lovers and it is not for nothing that it is considered the heart of Europe. There are many places in Vienna connected with the life and work of great composers such as W. Mozart, L. Beethoven, J. Strauss, F. Schubert, J. Brahms.
Baroque city - Vienna capital of Austria attracts romantics and lovers, because it has its own special atmosphere - it is an elegant city full of music, fragrant with the aromas of coffee and pastries, intoxicating with local wines. But in addition to architectural sights, this city is also famous for its nature - the boundless vineyards and lush greenery of the Vienna Woods are breathtaking. You will be amazed by the picturesque landscapes, the lush greenery of centuries-old trees and the invigorating crystal clear air. This city is not alien and idle life. Numerous casinos, restaurants, bars, clubs and discos with their doors wide open welcome visitors, promising a fun pastime and a charge of emotions.

When visiting the city of Vienna, treat yourself to Viennese cuisine

viennese cuisine- this is another pride of the city of Vienna, Austria, however, all became famous for its culinary culture. But Viennese cafes deserve special attention, because they have become an integral part of the city's history, and all because Viennese coffee houses are the oldest in the world. Numerous and varied, pompous and magnificent or democratic and simple - they are always happy to treat the traveler with fragrant coffee and magnificent pastries.

Vienna, the capital of Austria, deserves your attention!

The city of vienna invites you on an unforgettable journey. And, believe me, it is worth doing at least once in your life! However, once visiting this charming city, you will certainly decide to come here again, because this city is full of interesting places, which is simply impossible to see at a time.