Cruise control in action. How does cruise control work with a manual transmission? 

The cruise control system is not present in all cars. This is mainly the prerogative of modern models filled with a scattering of electronic systems, most often with an automatic transmission. There is a similar function in machines with mechanics, but such a design is not very common. Today's article will talk about the purpose, principles of operation and the basic rules for the safe use of cruise control.

What is cruise control for?

When making long intercity trips, the driver may experience some leg fatigue. The right leg, which exerts constant pressure on the accelerator pedal, suffers especially strongly. To remove the need to use the pedal, the car enthusiast can activate the cruise control, which will maintain the speed set by him. This function has a certain similarity with the aircraft autopilot system. When the cruise control is engaged, the driver can apply the brakes. After performing this action, the machine itself will return to the set speed level.

The activation of the system can be carried out using the gas and brake pedals, but such solutions are used extremely rarely. Basically, the on-off function is given to special buttons located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe steering wheel. There are several of them:

  • ON- activates the device;
  • "OFF"- turns it off
  • "SET/ACCEL"- fixes the speed and increases it. Pressing the button for the first time sets the current vehicle speed as the basis, repeated and subsequent presses increase it by 2 km / h.
  • RESUME- a command to accelerate to the set speed. If for some reason the motorist braked by pressing this key, he will give the command to the vehicle to accelerate to the specified speed level.
  • COAST- has the opposite effect of the "ACCEL" key. Pressing the "COAST" button reduces the value of the fixed speed mode.

How does cruise control work?

The main device that maintains a constant speed value is a servo drive. It is he who adjusts the throttle assembly. The throttle valve controls the air supply into the combustion chambers of the vehicle's power unit. The higher the amount, the more mixture will be released by the fuel injection system, with a corresponding increase in engine power and increase in speed. Having examined appearance of this valve, you can see a pair of drive cables: one is connected to the gas pedal, which the driver presses during the trip, the second is connected to the cruise control executive, which is controlled by electronics.

In some models, the adjustment is carried out using a vacuum formed inside the intake manifold of the internal combustion engine. The change in pressure affects the location of the membrane, depending on the value of the given speed level. The membrane, in turn, selects different throttle positions.

Before activating the function, the control unit always checks the current travel speed. If it goes beyond the boundaries of 40-135 km / h, the cruise control will not turn on.

Adaptive cruise control

In modern cars, especially well-known expensive brands, you can increasingly find the function of adaptive cruise control. In the vehicle specification, it is designated "ACC". It has a number of useful differences from conventional classical systems. To set the driving mode, the driver needs not only to fix the speed of the trip, but also to set the distance to the nearest car moving in front. This value is determined by special sensors mounted in the front of the car. The control device makes a constant request for data and if they reach the minimum set by the driver, the system either beeps or automatically slows down to increase the distance. In addition, many adaptive cruise controls are endowed with the ability to maintain a given lane, and can also read lane markings. Such a system is very convenient, but, unfortunately, quite expensive.

Rules for the safe use of cruise control

  1. Cruise control should not be used on roads with steep inclines. If the car has to overcome many mountains, it will work in a constant maximum loaded mode, which will negatively affect the condition of the internal components of the engine and the overall fuel “gluttony”.
  2. Never use cruise control on ice. Such use is highly likely to cause the car to fly into a ditch or provoke a serious accident.
  3. Cruise control should be engaged while maintaining a clear speed level. If you activate the function while in acceleration mode, the cruise control may not detect the current speed but continue accelerating, which could cause the vehicle to get out of the driver's control.
  4. Never use cruise control on busy highways. In such a situation, the system simply will not be able to quickly respond to emerging obstacles.

Summing up

Summing up the article, let's say that automatic cruise control systems are an undoubted convenience designed to make life easier for the driver. It is important to understand that help will be useful only if a certain set of operating rules are observed, which we have listed in the text. And further. Even if you own a car with adaptive cruise control, try not to relax too much. No matter how "smart" electronics are, it is much safer if they work under vigilant human control.

In the car. Meanwhile, this is an old system that previously could only maintain the speed of the car, and the driver did not have to hold the gas pedal. This system provided additional convenience and comfort when driving on highways and highways. As a result of the use of cruise control, the driver is less tired behind the wheel. Also, in theory, this helps to reduce fuel consumption, since the engine runs evenly when using the system, and its speed does not jump.

What is cruise control for in a car?

This system is needed to provide additional convenience when traveling long distances. For example, if a driver needs to get from one city to another, while covering 500-600 kilometers, then on a car without this system, he will have to hold the gas pedal for 5-6 hours (depending on the speed of movement), which is actually equal to holding right foot in an uncomfortable position. During the entire journey, you want to change the position of your leg, but you can’t do this. It seems that this is a trifle, but holding the gas pedal for 5-6 hours is actually very difficult.

By activating the cruise control function in the car, the driver can afford to release the accelerator pedal. The system will supply fuel to the combustion chambers not through the gas pedal, but through special pneumatic actuators. The driver will be able to regulate the speed of movement using the buttons that are located on the steering wheel (usually there are 5 buttons).

System management

Now that we understand what it is - cruise control in a car, we can figure out how it works. Usually there are 5 buttons on the steering wheel to control this system:

  1. On/Off button that activates and deactivates the system.
  2. The switch of fixing of the high-speed mode and increase in speed. That is, after accelerating to the required speed, the driver can use the switch to fix the current speed and release the gas pedal. Subsequent presses of this button will increase the speed by 1 km per hour.
  3. If, while using cruise control, the driver had to accelerate or brake sharply by pressing the gas or brake pedal, then the parameters of this system are reset. To quickly activate cruise control and return to the previously set speed, the driver needs to press the Resume button.
  4. Coast down button. Each press of the button reduces the speed by 1 km. In some models, the step of decreasing and adding speed is 1.5 km.
  5. The Cancel button deactivates the system.

Depending on the car model, this system may be represented by other buttons, the step of accelerating and decelerating speed may differ. But the principle looks exactly as described above.


In total there are several types of cruise control in the car. What does passive or active type mean? In the first case, the driver has the opportunity only to set the speed of the car. However, the second type involves the use of complex electronic devices that scan the space in front of the car, which opens up additional possibilities for driving a vehicle, depending on traffic conditions.

Passive type (PPC)

As we have already found out, passive cruise control allows you to keep a set speed, which is convenient for long trips over long distances. Due to the constant high-speed operation of the engine, fuel economy is ensured.

The control is turned off when the driver slightly presses the gas pedal. The design of such a system has a special pneumatic drive that regulates the flow of air-fuel mixture into the combustion chamber through the throttle valve. This eliminates the need to use the gas pedal.

Active (or adaptive) type

Adaptive cruise control is an advanced version of the active type. In addition to being able to maintain speed without stepping on the accelerator, vehicles with adaptive cruise control can calculate the distance to the car in front, and slow down or speed up depending on the situation on the road. That is, if the system determines that the distance to the car in front is decreasing, then the system slows down the speed. The speed is reduced until the gap between the cars, according to the system, becomes optimal. If the sensor stops seeing an obstacle ahead, then the car picks up speed and keeps this speed mode.


The adaptive cruise control setup on the car is smart enough to provide not only driving comfort on highways and highways, but also the safety of the driver, who can be too relaxed on the road.

In addition, this system can produce not only emergency braking, but also evasive maneuvers. This greatly increases driving safety, and often such systems have saved the lives of people and the integrity of the car itself in various situations on the roads.

Note that adaptive (or active) cruise control is closely related to the operation of ABS and ESP systems (stabilization and anti-towing systems), and if at least one of them stops working, then cruise control cannot be activated either.

dynamic type

In addition to adaptive and passive cruise control there is also dynamic. It is one of the varieties of the passive type. A feature of this system is the control of engine operation, which saves fuel and engine life.

For example, when climbing a hill, the system slows down and slows down, which protects the motor from unnecessary loads. Also, the speed is reduced and in the event of any problems with the engine and when the car enters into turns. After passing the turn, the previous speed is restored.

Now we figured out what it is - cruise control in a car. Let's define its main advantages and disadvantages.


The advantages of this system are obvious to every driver. First of all, this is convenience when driving and reducing the load on the back due to the absence of the need to keep your foot on the gas pedal. Some drivers note fuel economy as an advantage of such a system. In theory, savings are achieved by ensuring the uniformity of the engine and the absence of drops in fuel injection. In addition, if adaptive cruise control is installed, it also provides additional vehicle traffic safety.


The main disadvantage is the high cost of the system. Cars with cruise control systems are expensive and out of reach for most consumers. However, cars with conventional passive systems are already available to the middle class of consumers.

If you believe the reviews of some drivers who actively use this system, there is no fuel economy at all, and in some cases there is even increased consumption. Another serious drawback is the unsafe use of the system due to the fact that the driver can be too relaxed while driving. Constantly keeping your foot on the gas pedal, you won’t be able to relax much.

The next disadvantage is the impossibility of using the system on roads with frequent descents and turns, as well as on highways with heavy traffic. There is no need to talk about the use of the system in the city at all.

Many drivers do not recommend using this system on roads after or during rain, as the driver needs to feel the car when braking. Otherwise, it may lead to an accident. This system is suitable only for those drivers who often travel from city to city. In urban traffic, the function is practically useless, since there are no long sections of the route in the city where it would be possible to keep a stable speed for a long time.


Now we finally understand what it is in a car - cruise control. Such a system is really useful and necessary - it should be in every car. Gradually, such systems appear in cars of the middle and even budget class, but so far these are just passive varieties. In addition, you can install this system even on a car in which this technology is not provided by the manufacturer. Special installations are sold in car dealerships.

You can put an end to this. We figured out what it is - cruise control in a car. Technology is useful in some cases, but you should not get carried away with it, since the driver should not lose concentration on the road.

Long trips behind the wheel can be quite tiring for drivers. The monotonous position of the legs can lead to pain in the muscles, and sometimes cramps. To reduce the load on the legs and give the opportunity to rest from the pedals, you can use the popular option - cruise control.

Automakers mainly provide their cars with this system when equipped with automatic transmissions. However, it is not uncommon to find cruise control on the mechanics, what this gives the driver, you will learn from the article.

The system automatically participates in providing the car with a constant speed while driving. The set speed is maintained until the driver independently turns it off. This mode is most in demand outside the city, since on this section of the road it is possible to make longer journeys at a constant speed.

Before using cruise control, you need to know that it has several levels of dependence on the car's on-board computer. During its operation, other systems, such as ESP or ABS, must be in good condition.

The mode is activated using the steering wheel paddle or buttons on the multifunction steering wheel. To start, just use the "on / off" button. On certain sections of the road, the driver, without leaving the cruise control mode, has the ability to add gas without pressing the accelerator pedal with his foot. This function is also carried out using the lever or buttons on the steering wheel.

To add speed, the driver presses the button or lever with the “+” sign, the speed reduction is done in the opposite direction to the “-” sign.

You need to know that if the driver presses the brake or gas pedal while the cruise mode is on, the system will automatically switch to manual control by disabling cruise control.

Informativeness is provided with the help of a special indicator light on the car panel. If the lamp with the corresponding image is on, the cruise control is on.

Using the levers of the system, it is possible to set the desired vehicle speed. It is stored in the memory of the car computer. Leaving this mode, and then entering again, the driver activates the last recorded speed of the car.

Multifunction steering wheel with cruise control

As a rule, moving the lever towards “plus” or “minus” adds 1-2 km / h to the car. The minimum possible speed for setting the cruise mode is 30 km/h.

If necessary, it will be possible to exit the mode by pressing the “on / off” button again. After that, the corresponding indicator on the panel should go out.

"Mechanics" and cruise

Most often, cars with automatic transmission are equipped with this function, although you can independently put cruise control on the mechanics if this option is not provided by the automaker. In this case, the transmission will have to be switched by yourself.

A specialized company will also help to carry out tuning for installing a cruise. Some organizations have universal systems ready for installation. It is also allowed to independently purchase electrical equipment. In this case, the car owner selects the most comfortable option for his vehicle, taking into account ergonomic features.

Let's explain how cruise control works on the mechanics, because there is some difference here from working on the "machine". Pressing the clutch or brake pedal automatically disengages. The driver must shift the transmission to the desired gear and then restart the cruise control if necessary. Also, a shutdown is performed when the ignition is turned off, as is a reset of the speed settings.

Self-installation of cruise control

Installation is carried out on the steering wheel. To do this, a three-position button or lever is installed that provides control. They make it possible to configure the system, while you need free access to work with them. An on/off element is also mounted.

Cruise control kit

All wires are hidden under the casing and lead to the electronic control unit. Signaling is carried out for operation with a throttle valve. This can only be done on machines equipped with an electronic damper control. The installation procedure takes 1-1.5 hours.

In some cases, possible side difficulties are problems with the central lock. In this case, there is no adaptation of the keys. To resume this function, you will need to contact the official service, since the issue cannot be resolved on your own.

Adaptive cruise control system

The most advanced service for cruise control is its adaptive version. It allows you to control the speed of the vehicle in front, and based on the data obtained, the speed parameters of your own car are adjusted. Such services are usually called active, in contrast to classical passive ones.

Adaptive cruise control

The ability to maintain safe speeds and a sufficient interval between the front car is provided by built-in small radars and an additional digital signal processor.

Modern service is able to operate at speeds of 30-200 km/h. They are already equipped with individual models of the middle class and the premium segment. In some cases, such systems control not only the nearest car, but also taking into account road markings, ensuring movement in the required lane.

When the approach to the front car starts, the driver is signaled about the change in road conditions. Such actions help to quickly respond to a possible obstacle. More advanced cruise controls independently perform maneuvers with braking or other action on the car. Such services provide drivers and passengers with increased safety conditions.


With cruise control, it is easier for the driver to drive a car, both with an automatic transmission and with “mechanics”. You can install this system yourself if you have an electronic control unit. Modern cruise control improves safety on the road.

Not all modern drivers know what cruise control is in a car. However, this option belongs to rather old systems installed on foreign-made vehicles. This system is designed to provide comfort and convenience when driving on country roads. There are many benefits to using this option, so let's take a look at the characteristics of cruise control.

Cruise control: what is it

Cruise control is an additional option of the vehicle, thanks to which the speed is maintained at a certain level. This function is used exclusively for long trips on country roads or motorways. When driving in urban areas, this function is not used.

It is interesting! On domestic-made cars, the cruise control system began to be used relatively recently, and only on luxury trim levels. If the need arises, you can install it yourself, which is what many owners of Russian cars do.

The cruise control system functions as follows: the driver leaves the city on the highway, after which he turns on the option to support a certain speed limit. Regardless of the roadway, the system will keep the speed at a certain rate. This makes it possible for the driver to take his foot off the gas pedal, and also not to control the speed of movement.

The appearance of the cruise control buttons located on the steering column switch

The system in question is not at all a novelty, but in Russia it gained popularity not so long ago. In Western European countries, the use of cruise control is the norm, as the system eliminates driver fatigue during long journeys. This option is installed from the factory on cars with various types motors and transmission. If the system in question is not installed on the car from the factory, then this is not a reason to change the vehicle. You can install it yourself, and even a beginner can cope with this task.

The invention of the cruise control system falls on the United States, where the device is very popular. Today, manufacturers are engaged in the release of such a system. different countries: Germany, Japan, China and others. Translated from English, "Cruise Control" means "constant speed control." However, in addition to controlling speed and reducing driver fatigue, this system has another significant advantage - it is fuel economy. Numerous studies among motorists have made it possible to find out that fuel economy corresponds to values ​​up to 5-7%. This is another reason to complete your vehicle cruise control.

Features of functioning on manual transmission and automatic transmission

On vehicles with manual transmission and automatic transmission, the principle of operation of cruise control is the same, with the exception of some points. These moments lie in the number of functions performed by devices. However, consider the original components of the device, and its principle of operation.

The design of the simplest cruise control consists of a servo, which is connected to the throttle control mechanism. It is the servo that is responsible for supplying a certain amount of the fuel mixture. The servo drive is a negative feedback product used in driving a vehicle with a manual transmission.

Cruise control servo for fuel delivery

The principle of operation of the device is as follows:

The cruise control module analyzes the received information and also compares it with those set by the driver. Based on the processing of information, a certain auto control algorithm is created. Now let's figure out what are the differences in the functioning of the cruise control system for cars with manual transmission and automatic transmission.

How the system works on the "mechanics"

When using the cruise control system on a car with a manual transmission, the sector stops at the limiter. To do this, the driver must change from high to low gear. In addition, on the "mechanics" the driver needs to independently press the brake pedal when such a need arises.

On a car with a manual transmission, when driving uphill and with the cruise control option activated, the driver will need to shift to a lower speed. If you don’t switch to it when driving on a steep slope, then you simply won’t be able to overcome the obstacle. Similarly, with the situation when the car goes down the hill. If you do not downshift for engine braking, the motor will develop a high speed.

Video: cruise control on Suzuki Grand Vitara with manual transmission

How the system works on the "machine"

On the "automatic" with the cruise control option enabled, you will not need to switch, since the device is responsible for all actions. As soon as the car develops the desired speed, the servo will fix the position of the damper. If an adaptive type system is installed on a vehicle with automatic transmission, then the braking of the car occurs automatically.

Device Varieties

There are two types of devices under consideration, which are called passive and adaptive. The first option is a classic system that is used on cars with different types of gearboxes for a long period of time. The main function of passive devices lies in maintaining a certain speed.

The adaptive view is the most interesting and in demand, so we will deal with each view separately.

Passive cruise control and its features

The passive type of cruise control has the simplest design, and such a product is used mainly to maintain a certain speed while driving on highways and highways. The design of the passive device includes the following structural elements:

The device functions quite simply. To do this, you need to go out of town on a highway with a good road surface. It is not rational to use this option, both in city traffic and outside the city along roads with poor-quality road surfaces (if there are potholes and other defects on the roads, as well as on primers). As soon as the car develops a certain speed, which is optimal for this section, the cruise control is turned on (manually).

After enabling this option, the microprocessor located in the control unit is responsible for the speed of movement. Sensors determine the speed of the vehicle, as well as the position of the throttle, and transmit information to the control module. When the conditions of movement change, which can be ascents and descents, the sensors give appropriate signals.

It is important! Sensors do not detect other types of obstacles, so the driver should be careful when the cruise control is on.

As soon as the type of track changes when moving up or down, the sensors send signals to the control unit. The block analyzes the signals, after which it sends a command to the servo drive, and the throttle valve closes or opens.

Adaptive cruise control and its features

Adaptive cruise control is a new generation of device. This type of device is used on modern cars, and is intended not only to maintain a certain speed limit, but also to take into account the traffic situation. Accounting for the traffic situation is carried out with the help of auxiliary devices: sensors, radars and cameras.

The use of adaptive cruise control makes it possible to tie your vehicle to the vehicle moving in front. The speed of the vehicle ahead is taken into account, and a safe distance is maintained, on the basis of which the control unit controls the vehicle.

Location and overview of adaptive cruise control sensors

If the vehicle in front changes speed, the sensors will send appropriate signals to the ECU. The unit will analyze the signals and make a decision to reduce or increase the speed. If there is no vehicle ahead, then the device gives a signal about speeding up to the required value, after which it maintains it.

It is interesting! There are also cruise control systems that can read road markings. This feature allows the driver to eliminate the need to drive a car.

Adaptive cruise control is referred to as ACC. This type of system is installed on cars from the factory. The cost of such a system is quite high, due to the use of expensive sensors, cameras and radar. The device also uses a modern control unit capable of calculating not 2 functions, but several dozen. Depending on the model of the device, the driver can be alerted to an emergency ahead by both visual and audible signals.

It is also important to note the fact that the adaptive cruise control system is paired with ABS anti-lock braking system and ESP. If one of these systems does not function, it will not be possible to activate the cruise control. It is recommended to turn on adaptive cruise control when vehicles move at a uniform speed outside the city.

Displaying the adaptive cruise control system on the vehicle's on-board computer

If the design of the vehicle does not have an adaptive type of cruise control, then its installation does not make justified sense. Although this system is more advanced and modern, a passive device is quite enough for trips outside the city.

How to use cruise control

What is cruise control in a car, and why is it needed, has been considered in detail. It is important to understand the question of how to properly use this device. Indeed, many motorists, changing to foreign cars, do not understand what this option is and how to use it correctly.

If the cruise control is installed on the car from the factory, then the control buttons for this option are often located on the steering wheel, and only occasionally on the steering column switches. If the installation of cruise control is carried out independently, then a special control panel with several buttons is installed on the steering wheel.

Cruise control buttons located on the Hyundai multifunction steering wheel

The location of the control panel on the steering wheel is the most convenient, since at any second you can not only enable the option, but also disable it or make settings. However, some car models are equipped with control panels located on the steering column switches.

Control buttons for regular cruise control on Lada Granta

Depending on the model of the vehicle, as well as on the design of the device, there are some differences in control. The cruise control control algorithm consists in performing the following manipulations:

  • First you need to accelerate the vehicle to the speed at which it is planned to carry out further movement. The minimum speed at which the device can be turned on is 40 km/h.
  • Enable option. This is done by pressing a button in the form of a tachometer with an arrow or by moving the regulator to the “ON” position.

    The cruise control system is activated by pressing the button with the corresponding icon

  • At the same time, the corresponding white or yellow indicator will light up on the instrument panel, which usually looks like a tachometer with an arrow. If the device was installed on the car by yourself, then no indicators on the instrument panel will light up. The glow of the indicator in white or yellow indicates that the device is turned on, but this function is not yet working.

    The yellow icon on the dashboard indicates that the cruise control device is on, however, for its full operation, you must press "SET-"

  • The system is put into action by pressing the "SET" button with a minus. On some car models, the name of this button may differ, however, the switching principle is the same.

    Motorists who often move along the highway do not skimp on installing a function, even if it does not come as standard on a car.

  • In this case, the indicator will change from white or yellow to green, which indicates the operation of the device.

    The green icon indicates the operation of the cruise control function.

  • If you need to increase or decrease the speed of movement, you can use the buttons in the form of plus and minus. When you press these buttons, the speed of the car will increase or decrease by a value from 1 to 2 km.

To turn off the device, press the "Off" button. This is a complete turn off of the option, and is performed when you enter the city. An emergency shutdown is carried out by pressing the brake pedal. At the same time, the system enters the standby mode (lights up with a white or yellow indicator). At any time, you can turn on the option and continue moving along the track. It is often used when you need to overcome any obstacle, make a stop, etc. Another way to turn off the device is to press the gas pedal. This shutdown option is used on cars where adaptive systems are installed.

For more information on how to use cruise control in your car, see the manual for your vehicle.

Consider some of the designations of cruise control options:

  • On - turn on.
  • Off - disable.
  • Set Accel - setting the mode.
  • Resume - remembering the speed.
  • Coast - speed reduction.

Video: how to use cruise control

It is important to mention that the cruise control has a self-off function. For this, the following factors serve:

  1. If there is a sharp acceleration of speed of 5.4 km / h.
  2. If on a car with automatic transmission, move the lever to the neutral position.

On vehicles with manual transmission, shifting the gear lever will not disengage cruise control. The car will slow down, but the sound of the roar of the engine will be heard.

Summing up the device in question, the following advantages should be noted:

  • Rest for the driver. In this case, the driver can relax only the legs, but not the arms or head.
  • The ability to install the device on any car, even if it is not equipped with an option from the factory.
  • Reducing fuel consumption by 5-7%.
  • Using the adaptive view of the device allows you to automatically maintain not only the speed, but also the distance.

Cruise control, like almost any function, has its drawbacks:

  • If any sensor of the device fails, the system will not function. This is especially true for the adaptive control system.
  • If such a device is abused, then the drivers' vigilance decreases, which contributes to the occurrence emergencies on the road.

Video: Hyundai cruise control

In the modern world, even budget-class cars are equipped with an American device that maintains a constant speed. Despite all its advantages, the rationality of using such a system is due to frequent long-distance trips along the highway. If the car is operated in urban conditions, then the need for cruise control is completely absent.

A modern car is equipped with a large number of auxiliary systems that facilitate the process of driving. Moreover, the number of these systems is constantly increasing, but there are those that appeared quite a long time ago, among them is cruise control. But despite this, not everyone knows what kind of system it is and why it is needed. This is because cruise control has not found much popularity in European countries, and not all manufacturers install it. And yet, let's figure out what cruise control is in a car, what it is for and how to use it.


Cruise control is a device that maintains a constant speed of the car., automatically adding gas when the speed decreases and reducing it when it increases, for example, on descents, without driver participation.

Most often, cruise control is used while driving on highways. In urban areas, where the speed of the car is not constant, cruise control is not really needed. For safety reasons, cruise control is deactivated as soon as you press the brake pedal, it is inactive at speeds below 40 km/h.

What is cruise control for in a car?

Cruise control is an auxiliary system of the car, the main task of which is to maintain a given speed. It is useful for long trips on country roads, but in the city it is of no use.

If the car has left for a long section of the route, the driver simply sets a certain speed limit, and the system maintains it regardless of the road conditions (ascent, descent). At the same time, the driver does not need to press the accelerator pedal, which allows him to sit more comfortably and relax his legs. As a result, the driver is less tired from long journeys.

This system is far from new, it is almost half a century old. It was invented in the USA, and there it is more in demand. Cruise control can be installed on cars with any types of engines and transmissions (automatic transmission, mechanics).


A cruise control car has a small computer system that controls the car, collects data, analyzes it, and sends out signals. The computer is connected to the throttle and touch sensors.

If a high-quality system is installed in the car, then the driver will not feel jerks when changing the speed limit, which will not be affected by the unevenness of the roadway and the dimensions of the car. This system is not the only one, there are varieties that are worth considering in more detail:

  1. Passive QC calculates speed in accordance with three indicators - proportion, distance and acceleration.
  2. The adaptive type of system takes into account the speed at which the vehicle in front is moving. In this way, your vehicle will always be at a safe distance where the chance of a collision is minimal. In a car, the speed will automatically decrease when the car in front slows down. When the road is cleared, the speed will be restored to a fixed value.

The second type of system is the most modern, thoughtful and safe. Such cruise control is capable of emergency braking in the event that the driver does not respond to audible and visual warnings, and the likelihood of an accident increases.

How cruise control works

The principle of operation of cruise control is simple. In the simplest case, it consists of a servo drive (a drive with negative feedback to control the mechanical system), which is connected by means of a cable or rod to the mechanism responsible for supplying gas to the carburetor or injector (for gasoline engines). That is, when the car is moving at a constant speed, the accelerator pedal is at one fixed angle. Accordingly, the angle of the accelerator pedal will also be constant. If at this moment the driver turns on the cruise control, the ECU remembers its position. It also fixes the speed.

If, in the process of movement, the speed begins to fall, for example, on a rise (the corresponding sensors report this to the ECU), the electronic unit sends a command to the servo so that it changes the angle of the gas sector and increases the fuel supply. The tilt angle directly depends on the error signal. This will continue until the speed of movement begins to increase.

If the speed increases along the way (on the descent), then the electronic unit sends a signal to the servo to change the angle of the throttle sector to reduce the fuel supply. This can happen up to the moment when there is a mechanical stop at idle. This will naturally cause engine braking. However, two options are possible here, which depend on the type of cruise control installed.

If the cruise control is installed on a manual transmission, then the sector may rest against the limit stop. In this case, the driver will be advised to change gear. If we are talking about automatic transmission, then this process will happen automatically. As soon as the speed reaches the set level, the servo will stop moving and the throttle will remain in a fixed position.

If cruise control is installed on a car with a manual transmission, then the driver will need to slow down on your own if necessary. If the car has an automatic transmission, then it is possible to shift to a lower gear to reduce speed. However, if the car has adaptive cruise control, then the entire braking process occurs automatically in full. Now let's talk more about the types of systems used.

Drivers now have the option to purchase the cruise control system separately. You can install it yourself. It is important not to forget to register its functionality in the ECU.


What should the driver do if the cruise control does not work, resulting in a lack of control of the car and a decrease in speed, despite the active system and the setting of a fixed value? You need to check whether the cruise control really does not work and the problem lies precisely in it, or whether you need to look for the cause in another area. To do this, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Switch on the ignition in the car and activate the cruise control by pressing the corresponding button (ON). As a result of these actions, the corresponding indicator should light up. If this does not happen, do not be upset, perhaps the light bulb has simply served its purpose and needs to be replaced.
  2. We are looking for RES + - it can be a button or a switch. Keep this control enabled for 3 seconds. The indicator should light up for three seconds and go out for two. If the cruise control really does not work, the indicator will notify you of a malfunction.


Not every car, even of foreign origin, is equipped with cruise control. Do not change the same car because of this. There are two ways to solve the problem: buy a ready-made system or assemble a cruise control with your own hands. The first option will cost a tidy sum, and the second way to make your car more comfortable and safe will be inexpensive, but will seriously break your head. Do-it-yourself cruise control is installed differently depending on the model of the car and its technical characteristics.

For example, in the case of the Mazda3, the installation of QC is carried out only on models with two-liter engines. The reason lies in the type of throttle, which should be electric, not mechanical, as is the case with 1.6-liter engines.

It will be easier for owners of Renault Fluence and Megane3 to install cruise control with their own hands. This system will work properly on a car of any configuration, even the type of transmission does not really matter. True, there is one caveat: if the instrument panel does not provide indicators that display the operation of the transmission, then the control will be carried out blindly. Such an inconvenience will not overshadow the advantages that QC hides in itself.

You can install cruise control yourself by buying a ready-made mechanism or assembling it from scratch. This process is long, complex and is associated with subtleties that are determined for each vehicle model in individually. But QC is worth the time and headache.


A new adaptive-type cruise control is being developed that will monitor the speed of the vehicle in front and adjust your vehicle's speed to maintain a safe distance between vehicles. This type of cruise control is also called active. Traditional cruise control is called passive.

Automotive companies are developing active cruise control. It will maintain a constant vehicle speed and in addition adjust the vehicle speed based on the speed of the vehicle in front, maintaining a safe distance between them. This opportunity will appear due to the additional installation of a radar and a digital signal processor.

Let's analyze example of active cruise control on Mercedes cars. It works when you are attached to the car in front and with the help of a video camera it points to the license plate of the leading car. Then your car will follow the leader as tied if he does not change lanes, and the road is not a mountain serpentine with sharp turns.

This active cruise control operates at speeds between 30 and 200 km/h. And the main condition for its use is that in no case should you take your hands off the steering wheel, otherwise it will turn off. There are also options for active cruise control, when the car follows the road markings and moves within the lane, and does not look for another car.

If the vehicle in front slows down, the system sends a signal to slow down. When the road ahead is empty, the system gives a signal to restore speed.

The active cruise control system is designed to help the driver to avoid collision with the vehicle in front. If the system does not have time to slow down and there is a possibility of a collision, then it gives the driver a signal to apply the brakes or move away from the collision. In advanced systems, it is able to brake independently without the participation of the driver.