Countries where you can live for a penny. The cheapest countries in Europe

For those of our fellow citizens who have sharpened their "emigration skis", not all the cheapest countries for life may turn out to be suitable. Some are attracted by the modern Western model of civilization with its comfort, skyscrapers, high salaries and career prospects; such emigrants tend to go to the most developed countries in Europe, North America or Australia. But there are also those among Russians who just enjoy a simple, quiet life, while spending very little. A similar variant of emigration in English is called "downshifting", however, only people with passive income can afford it, which allows them to do without work abroad. Some, for example, rent out their Moscow apartments, and live abroad on this money.

1. India

It is this South Asian country that can be called the cheapest in the world. To have a hearty lunch together in an Indian restaurant, it is enough to have only 10 dollars in your pocket. Taxi drivers here are courtesy itself, they will wait at least an hour for a client doing their own business, then they will travel around the city with him, and at the end of the journey they will ask him no more than a couple of dollars.
Renting an apartment in India will cost about $ 100 a month, and in the south of the peninsula housing can be found for 20 bucks and live almost like a king. Life in Indian cities, as elsewhere, is more expensive than in the countryside, and in some cases sky-high prices are also found. But on the coast there quiet towns, not spoiled by the attention of tourists, where you can rent a house for 30-40 dollars and you will have to spend about the same amount on food. This, as they say, is a minimum, and everything that is on top is determined by the desire and wallet of a person.
But the described almost rosy picture also has a less attractive side - in India there is still a strict caste system and the social inequality associated with it. It is easy to face terrible poverty, terrible diseases, and one can be subjected to violence. Added to this is the difficult relationship with the former piece of India now called Pakistan, which may make some think whether it is worth moving here to live?

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2. Thailand

Further from India, you need to head east to the kingdom of Thailand - the next inexpensive country. But you need to immediately take into account that you can live cheaply here not where crowds of tourists go. An ordinary vacation in this country has an average price, and in the most popular tourist centers and pretty solid. To try to meet the same monthly amount of living as in India, you will need to climb into the Thai outback.
Those Russians who dream of moving to live in warmer places can turn their attention to this country. Especially such a move will seem comfortable for freelancers working via the Internet, which operates reliably in this country. Here you can spend no more than $ 140 per month, of which only 30 will go to pay for housing, and the rest will be on the table in the form of vegetables, fruits, chicken with rice or noodles. True, gasoline is not cheap here - about 100 rubles per liter.

3. Indonesia

Further from Thailand, you need to head southeast to get into another cheap country- Indonesia. Sunny beaches and a sea of ​​tropical fruits can attract here. The cost of living here is about the same as in Thailand, but it is much more difficult to find a part-time job here, since the country is confidently in first place in the world in terms of unemployment. The only thing left to do is to work online. The prices for living here are very low, only $ 150 is enough to live without too much glamor. You can have a hearty meal in Indonesia for only $1.

4. Laos

Another Southeast Asian country is Laos, which has become attractive for downshifters. Here is beautiful unspoiled nature, charming mountains, clean air, very friendly people - what is not a paradise for living? Laos has a peaceful Buddhist culture, and amateurs active rest can raft down mountain streams on rubber boats. You can even rent a luxury home here for only $20 a day, and if you need a budget option- then 9 dollars is enough. Comfortable one-room apartment in residential area for 150-200 bucks you will have a month at your disposal. In a nearby cafe for 2-4 dollars you can eat your fill. For 10 bucks a day, you can rent a moped and ride it around the country.

5. Albania

The next point of an inexpensive life awaits a potential emigrant in Europe, namely in Albania. In the south of this small Balkan country, you can lead a decent quiet life and at the same time much cheaper than its closest neighbors. For 100-200 dollars you can rent a decent apartment here, have a tasty lunch for 6 dollars and drink a bottle of beer for 90 cents.

6. Vietnam

And again Southeast Asia, now Vietnam, which is starting to attract more and more tourists, especially in its southeast. There are also luxurious tropical forests and coral reefs. But since tourism is just emerging here, even during the season there is not a large influx of multilingual crowds of tourists. Therefore, you can still rent decent housing here for 150-200 dollars. But you need to be prepared to share public beaches with the locals.

7. Nepal

From Vietnam again to the west, towards India, to its neighboring Nepal. This country is almost mystical, it has become an important spiritual center of Asia. Travelers who love to philosophize and seek their own path in life are sent here. But for poor tourists, Nepal, first of all, is a receptacle for a huge number of attractions, temples, and it also attracts here with its fantastically beautiful nature. You can get acquainted with all this very cheaply if you rent a one-room apartment in Kathmandu for no more than $ 200. And lunch in a restaurant here is not a luxury, the most expensive dish is no more than $8.

8. Guatemala

From Nepal, there is a long journey to the opposite side of the globe - to Guatemala, where it is quite possible to live on 300-500 dollars for a whole month. This Central American country has a mountainous landscape and rich history ancient Indian civilizations. There is a very beautiful nature and an abundance of exotic fruits. For only 200 bucks, you can find a comfortable one-room apartment with a full range of amenities, and about 120 more dollars need to be prepared for food. With such modest expenses, you can have a great month in this wonderful country. The only thing that makes you worry is the not very stable political situation in Guatemala itself and in neighboring countries - you will have to look for a quieter place.

9. Cambodia

Southeast Asia again, but now Cambodia, which, like its neighbors, demands very little for living in it. Becoming a citizen of this country is quite difficult, but at least here you can live your whole life on a tourist visa, and if you have only 300-350 dollars a month of income, then this life will be quite carefree if you close your eyes to its terrible recent history. Crime, fortunately, is not too developed in this country, and rather poisonous snakes pose a greater threat. In sun-kissed Cambodia, there is a lot of Asian flavor, ancient temples and cults unusual for Europeans. Those people who are looking for a place to live quietly and calmly, without much spending, tend to come here.
The cost of renting a comfortable two-room apartment here starts from 300 bucks, and for 550 "green" you can also rent a two-story mansion with a front garden, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. In a local cafe you can eat for $3, and even a visit to a European restaurant will cost no more than $5. But in Cambodia, not everything is so great. Nobody cleans the wild beaches here, so wild animals and stray dogs can roam there.

10. Philippines

You can finish your tour of the most inexpensive countries nearby - in the Philippines, where you can live a good month for $ 350. Expensive here is only the capital - Manila, which is full of tourists. It is most convenient and profitable to rent an apartment in the province of Cebu, which is quite developed, but not expensive. A house with amenities here can be rented for $300, and a night in a hotel double room will cost 1,200 rubles. You can eat a hearty and tasty meal here for an amount in the range of 100-150 local pesos. To enjoy fresh exotic fruits almost for free, you need to visit one of the local markets.

Many Russian tourists travel abroad expecting significant savings on costs associated with renting an apartment, buying food, and using basic city services. How justified can such expectations be considered? In which countries prices are significantly lower than in Russia?

Criteria of cheapness

If we are interested in the cheapest country to live in, what matters is the context in which we can examine this economic characteristic. The fact is that a single state can have inexpensive real estate, goods and services relative to its own citizens, but be too expensive for foreigners, and vice versa.

Tourism or immigration?

That is, looking at the “cheapness” of the state is in two aspects: if there is a source of income within it (this can be employment or, for example, renting out real estate) or provided that a person has a financial resource of external origin. The first aspect will probably correspond to immigration, and the second to the temporary visit of a person to the country: as a visitor or as a tourist.

Thus, if we find out that the cheapest country to live in is such and such (when comparing prices within it with the Russian salary), then by moving there and getting a local job, we can feel that local incomes allow us to feel too comfortable. And vice versa: a state with prohibitive prices with a Russian salary can be quite acceptable for living, provided that a person finds a job in a local company.

Aspect of purchasing power

In the article, we will characterize the cheapest countries for living in relation to the Russian salary. That is, we will carry out the study of the relevant economic features of states, implying expenses on behalf of a tourist or a person who has come to visit, and not for the purpose of immigration.

Consider the cheapest countries to live in - in relation to the income of a Russian tourist - in different parts of the world. The main thing we will pay attention to is real estate prices, basic goods and services supplied by local companies. Let's agree that the dollar exchange rate will correspond to 50 rubles. Based on this, we will indicate the prices immediately in Russian currency.


This region includes both economically developed and developing countries. From the point of view of the cheapness of real estate, goods and services, we will be interested in the latter.

Among the cheapest countries South-East Asia— Cambodia. It should be noted that this colorful, rich in cultural attractions and hospitable state is becoming increasingly popular among tourists. Therefore, with its current classification as cheap, we note that prices in it still tend to gradually rise in price.

Rental housing in large, possessing developed infrastructure settlements of Cambodia will cost about 10 thousand rubles. per month. In principle, it can be noted that for such money you can rent a small apartment in an average-sized city of Russia, including some settlements Moscow region.

Monthly food expenses in Cambodia will amount to about 2 thousand rubles. per person. In Russia, of course, it takes much more. And in this sense, a tourist from the Russian Federation will be able to significantly save on the corresponding expense item. According to many experts in the tourism industry, Cambodia is the cheapest country in the region to live in terms of food costs.

Comparable prices are typical for the neighboring state - Thailand. The Philippines are nearby. Renting a house here is a little more expensive - about 15 thousand rubles. per month, but the service is very cheap. For example, a taxi ride will cost about 10 rubles, and hairdressing services - about 40 rubles.

In Indonesia, which is also located in Southeast Asia, prices for the Russian budget are more than comfortable. Renting a house will cost about 5 thousand rubles. per month. The price of a good hotel room is about 1000 rubles. per day. The cost of food will also be about 1000 rubles. per month.

Laos is located in Southeast Asia. The prices for renting an apartment here are probably among the lowest in the macro-region - about 3 thousand rubles. per month. But the cost of food will be slightly more than in Indonesia - about 1,500 rubles. per month.

If we talk about another macro-region, then we can note that here, perhaps, the cheapest countries for Russians are located. Among them is India. Monthly rental housing in this beautiful country will cost about 1,500 rubles. The cost of food and basic services will be approximately 2 thousand rubles.

South America

Among the inexpensive, when compared with the Russian salary, countries to live in this region is Costa Rica. Renting a house in this small state will cost about 20 thousand rubles. In principle, for the same price you can rent an apartment on the outskirts of Moscow or in St. Petersburg. But the cost of food will be minimal - about 30 rubles. in a day. But this is subject to cooking at home. Prices for lunch in a restaurant are comparable to Russian ones - about 200 rubles.

In Guatemala, another Latin American state, renting a house will cost about 10 thousand rubles. per month. The cost of food will be comparable to Russian - about 7 thousand rubles. per month.

Among the most economically developed but affordable in terms of financial capabilities of Russians is Argentina. Renting a house here will cost about 7 thousand rubles. per month. Expenses for food will, however, amount to about 10,000 rubles, which is even higher than in many Russian cities.

Many Russians in the above Latin American countries are attracted not only by low prices, but also by the fact that they do not need a visa to visit them.

Requiring an appropriate entry permit, but very remarkable in terms of low living costs, the South American state is Belize. Accommodation and food prices are generally comparable to those seen in Costa Rica.


Among the exotic for Russian tourists, but very attractive in the economic aspect of the states - Nauru, located in Oceania. In general, the cost of accommodation, meals and basic services here will be about 10 thousand rubles. per month. Note that for a short visit to Nauru - within 2 weeks - a Russian tourist does not need a visa.


Many Russians are attracted by Cuba located in this macro-region. In this state, prices are quite comfortable for the Russian budget. At the same time, the country has a developed infrastructure - most of the services familiar to tourists from the Russian Federation will be available. Low prices in Cuba are largely due to the special structure of the economy with a strong socialist bias.

Probably, it cannot be said that this is the cheapest country for living among those available to Russians. The monthly rent of an apartment in Cuba will cost about 7 thousand rubles, about 10 thousand rubles will be spent on food. per month. However, the availability of a large number of entertainment and the development of infrastructure encourage many travelers who want to save money to come here. Also, an additional factor in the attractiveness of Cuba for tourists from the Russian Federation is that you do not need to obtain a visa.


Now let's try to determine the cheapest for a Russian traveler. Romania is one of them. You can rent an apartment here for about 7 thousand rubles, which is much cheaper than in Russia. But food prices are generally comparable to those that a Russian observes at home.

If we consider the cheapest countries in Europe, then Albania should be noted. A tourist who comes here will be able to take good number in a hotel for about 1000 rubles. per day. Relatively inexpensive can be public transport- about 15 rubles. for the trip. Taxi is comparable to Russian rates - about 150 rubles. per call, usually more expensive at night. Lunch in a budget restaurant will cost about 200 rubles, food costs per month - about 7 thousand rubles.

Perhaps the cheapest for a Russian tourist is Bulgaria. Renting a hotel room will cost about 700 rubles. per day. The cost of public transport is comparable to Russian - about 30 rubles. per trip (by the way, this is more than in many medium-sized cities of the Russian Federation). Taxi fares are about 30 rubles. per kilometer. Lunch at a restaurant will cost about 200 rubles. Food expenses will amount to about 7 thousand rubles. per month.

Quite comfortable prices for a Russian tourist in Lithuania. Renting a hotel room will cost about 700 rubles. per day. Taxi fares are about 30 rubles. per kilometer, a trip on intracity public transport - about 40 rubles. Lunch at good restaurant will cost about 500 rubles.

Cheap - in the West

The cheapest European country in the western part of the continent is probably Portugal. Prices here are, of course, higher than in Eastern Europe, but nevertheless for the Russian tourist are quite acceptable. So, a good hotel room here will cost about 2 thousand rubles. A trip by public transport - about 70 rubles. A taxi will cost about 200 rubles. for the trip. Lunch at a budget Portuguese restaurant will cost about 500 rubles.

What is the cheapest European country ready to host Russians without a visa? Perhaps one of them is Serbia. Prices here, in principle, are similar to those observed in neighboring Bulgaria. It can be noted that in located in the Balkans, prices are comparable. Unless in Montenegro, the costs are likely to be slightly higher, since the main currency there is the euro, and the local tourist market is at the stage of active growth, which leads to an increase in the cost of a number of goods and services.

Balkan specificity

It can also be noted that among the states of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia cannot be considered cheap. This is largely due to the relatively high salary of local residents - about 1,000 euros, which is about two times higher than, for example, in Bulgaria and Serbia.

It can be noted that in the economic aspect, the middle position between the expensive Slovenia and the budgetary Balkan countries - Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia - is occupied by Croatia. This, as in the case of Montenegro, is largely due to a steady tourist flow, as well as proximity to one of the most developed countries in Europe - Italy.

Benefit from neighbors

To some extent, the correlation of economic characteristics similar to the Yugoslav model can be observed in the example of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In the first, the salary is higher, respectively, and the prices too. Slovakia, in turn, can be considered a category of comfortable for Russian tourists from an economic point of view. For example, you can rent a good hotel room for 1500 rubles. A trip by public transport costs about 40 rubles. Taxi fares are about 70 rubles. per kilometer. Lunch at a budget restaurant will cost about 300 rubles.

In Poland, prices are comparable to those observed in Slovakia. You can rent a room in a budget hotel for about 1000 rubles. The cost of a trip by public transport and a taxi is about the same as in Slovakia. But prices in restaurants are slightly higher - lunch will cost about 500 rubles.

European salary scale

In general, it can be noted that in Eastern Europe and the Balkans Russian tourist can afford about the same as at home. Thus, moving here in order to save money is probably not a very justified decision. But for tourists with similar aspirations, for example, some states of Southeast Asia are quite suitable.

Where to go and save money?

If we try to determine the cheapest countries for tourists from Russia, then - without a strict ranking - we can form a list approximately like this:





What can be said about Europe, the prices in which are higher than in the marked states?

European benefit

The most attractive in terms of finance for Russians, we can include the following states:





Note that from this list only Serbia in this moment you can travel without a visa.

Of course, it is difficult to single out, for example, the 5 cheapest countries. It is much more useful to consider them in groups in the context of one macro-region - for example, Southeast Asia.

Prices and real estate

It can also be noted that developing countries are, as a rule, countries with the cheapest real estate. However, regarding this aspect, much, as in Russia, depends on the specific region. If, for example, prices for food and services are more or less the same everywhere, then the cost per square meter of real estate in different parts of the state can vary quite significantly.

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Pack your bags guys! website found 15 fabulous places where it is cheaper to live than we imagine. Of course, all of them have their flaws, but the eternal sun and blue water outshine them.


In addition to the fact that in Indonesia you can eat, pray and love, here you can simply live in an affordable way. And live on a low budget. The prices here are very democratic: you can eat for less than $1, live for $150 a month, but you can only work via the Internet, as there is a very high unemployment rate.


What's the catch? It's not clean beach island where you will lie under an umbrella for days on end. The wild local beach is sometimes "decorated" by packs of stray dogs or other inhabitants of the forest. Just right for those who want to live away from civilization.


The southeast coast of Vietnam is famous for its 11,000 hectares of rainforest. And it's almost the best place in Asia for diving and spearfishing: there is a huge barrier reef. And even on weekends these places are free from tourists.


Laos is a state in Southeast Asia, known for its beautiful mountains, Buddhist monasteries and rafting on rivers in rubber boats with stops at cafes and bars.


Despite the fact that this place is very popular among tourists and a little more expensive than other Asian countries, prices in Thailand are still not as high compared to many European countries.


A densely populated country with the Taj Mahal, famous caves, forts and temples, well, with a holy cow. In addition, it is also a very good place to live from an economic point of view. Only $100-110 is enough to rent an apartment here for a month for two. A plate of hot rice with chicken here can cost as little as 40 rupees - that's about 60 cents, for a full meal you will have to pay $1-2.


Mystical Nepal is renowned as the center of spirituality in Asia, and path seekers travel here from all over the world to meditate and soak up the unique atmosphere of this place. Those who do not yearn for enlightenment also go to admire the most beautiful mountains, stunning temples and ancient pagodas. Nepal is a paradise for budget travelers. Food expenses here can be limited to $1 per day. Of course, if you go to restaurants, it will be more expensive, but the most expensive dishes here cost at least $8, and renting a one-room apartment (Kathmandu) costs $1-2 per day. Public transport here costs up to $0.2.


China is a land of contrasts, with picturesque rural landscapes and crowded urban metropolises, with natural beauty that spreads across the wild and untamed plains of the Gobi Desert and northern peak Everest.

Despite the fact that China is a huge country, it is quite easy to get from one place to another. Traveling around the country will not exhaust you as much as in other countries. Yes, and a taxi in most cities is especially cheap - $ 1 for a short trip. And you can have a hearty meal here for only $2.


The most inexpensive countries for living have nothing to do with this state - housing is expensive here, but in comparison, for example, with Switzerland, holidays in Bulgaria are very economical. It is as beautiful here as in France, but a bottle of beer costs only $0.80, and you can rent an apartment here for as little as $200 a month.


Nicaragua is a real budget paradise for those who like to save money. In this country, everything is cheap, from food to rent. However, the minimum cost of living does not mean that you have to sacrifice the quality of life that you are used to at home. $995 will be enough to rent a large apartment, pay bills and meals for two, indulge in small entertainment (movies, for example), and even invite a cleaning lady three times a week.

After a year of hard work, everyone needs a rest. To have a good rest, you just need to radically change the environment around. Someone thinks that you can have a great vacation in your homeland, in its southern resorts. But will it be a radical change of scenery? In addition, today domestic resorts can compete with many well-known European resorts in terms of prices, but the level of service and the development of tourist infrastructure (accessibility of attractions, quality of roads and entertainment) are, alas, not always up to par.

Not all of Europe is “covered” by the Schengen agreements, which means that a visa is not needed everywhere. In addition, the most sophisticated European tourists are increasingly choosing "untrodden paths", tired of the bustle and stiffness of all sorts of Nice, Barcelona, ​​Boleares and the Alps.

Let's try to figure out in which country you can relax well, see something unique, have a tasty meal and save the family budget from "default".

Outside the Schengen area

Six European countries are available to Russians without any visa costs. Almost all of them offer excellent rest, warm sun, many interesting places and budget accommodation. These countries need tourists, so you can confidently count on a friendly attitude, comfort and a carefree stay. With some reservations, of course, but these reservations are insignificant. Let's just start alphabetically. So…

1. Albania

Once the most closed country in Europe for everyone, today it is open and attractive for tourists. In order to dissolve any prejudice, it is worth noting that, due to its closeness for a good half of the 20th century, ancient monuments have been perfectly preserved in the country, which cannot be found in Greece today. But not all at once!

You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 30 days (more than enough for a vacation), the country is waiting for visa-free travelers all three summer months and two more autumn months - this is still good weather, the rest of the year no one comes here anyway, it’s dank and damp .

An important condition: you must have a return ticket, otherwise, capricious Albanian border guards can send you back to your homeland.


Uncomfortable. There are no direct flights, you will have to fly with a transfer. Cheaper - through Greece. The more time between connecting flights, the cheaper the ticket. Get ready to pay around 250 euros for a return ticket.


The cost of living in a hotel on the beach ionian sea rarely exceeds 30 euros per night. A week in such a hotel costs no more than 160-180 euros.

What to watch?

In addition to bathing beach holiday, in Albania a must see:

  • Tirana is the capital, where you need to see the Pyramid (the former mausoleum of the dictator Khoja), now here is the Mummy club, where everyone dances and has fun, central square with a statue of Skanderbeg, Efem Bey Mosque;
  • Durres is a city on the seashore with a Greek amphitheater, an ancient Roman highway, a Venetian tower, numerous bunkers, and a panoramic restaurant. Road - train from Tirana (1 hour on the road, ticket - 1 euro);
  • Pogradec is a town on the shores of Lake Orchid, not far from the border with Macedonia. Here you can see the ancient basilicas, the tombs of the Illyrian kings, try the famous orchid trout in a local restaurant. You can get there by minibus for 4.5 euros. Lunch in a cafe - 2-3 euros.

A spoon of tar

Do not count on the European level. The roads are bad, transport without air conditioning. Stock up on a phrase book, preferably Russian-Italian. They don’t speak Russian here, but they haven’t heard about English at all.

Budget. Weekly vacation in a hotel by the sea - 300 euros with meals for two, plus airfare - 500. We get - 800 euros for a week for two (400 euros per person). Throw another about 50 euros on local transport and sightseeing.

2. Bosnia and Herzegovina

A quiet and peaceful country, part of Yugoslavia, with a predominantly Slavic, but Muslim population. You can stay up to 30 days a year without a visa. A return ticket is required upon entry.


Air ticket to Sarajevo (the capital) with a transfer in Belgrade and back - from 150 euros. In summer and early autumn, ticket prices can rise up to 200 euros.


average cost standard room for two in a *** hotel - from 30 to 50 euros. The hotels are comfortable and the breakfasts are delicious. Weekly accommodation - 180 - 300 euros.

What to watch?

The country is proud beautiful nature, but the most interesting thing here is an amazing mixture of Byzantine, Ottoman and Slavic cultures. The language barrier can be overcome if you listen carefully - native roots will help you understand the native. And the Russian language is not uncommon here. If we add here delicious and unusual cuisine, friendly and hospitable people, we will get a very attractive place for recreation. Of the main attractions of Sarajevo:

  • Latin bridge - the place of the murder of the unfortunate heir to the Austrian Empire, which led to the world war;
  • Moricha Khan - an ancient refuge for caravans, an example of medieval Muslim architecture;
  • Markale Square is the main marketplace of the capital of Bosnia;
  • Mosques, churches, churches, medieval quarters, markets, nightclubs - everywhere is an amazing mixture of the East and the Slavic spirit native to us;
  • Wine tastings - from 25 euros for a tour of the cellars, tasting and a souvenir (a bottle of wine and two branded glasses);
  • Hospitality;
  • Delicious cuisine;
  • Rich story.

A spoon of tar

Don't expect a high level of comfort. Most likely your hotel or guest house will not differ much from your own provincial hotel with all the "charms", but the service will be very warm and helpful.

Budget. Week in guest house— 130 euros; Airplane ticket - 200 euros; food - up to 60 euros per week. Total - 390 euros. Taking into account the costs of local transport, Moldova is one of the most "budget" countries for tourists.

On this, the countries outside the Schengen Agreement are exhausted. Let's see how you can inexpensively relax in the "other" Europe.

Inexpensive countries of the Schengen Union

Despite the fact that a visit to most European countries will require the hassle of obtaining a visa, the rest becomes more expensive by only 35 euros. Otherwise, individual tourists can successfully save.

The main conditions for saving:

  • Choose to stay not in the capital or famous resorts, but in small towns and villages, where everything is almost half the price;
  • Rest in spring or autumn, outside the "high season";
  • Instead of hotels, choose boarding houses or guest houses, the price of which includes breakfast;
  • Do not buy souvenirs on the main streets and in tourist shops;
  • Do not go to attractions-type restaurants, sometimes you have to pay very dearly for a bad and unprofessional program;
  • We are looking for friends among local residents, their advice helps to save money.

1. Croatia

The country is not included in the Schengen zone, but it already feels there. A visa will cost 35 euros, and with a Schengen visa entry is free. Advantages of the country: climate, landscapes and the sea - like in Italy; Slavic mentality, low prices.


There are direct flights, there are flights with one or two transfers, one thing remains unchanged - a ticket to any of international airports Croatia (round trip) costs at least 180 euros.

It is possible to travel by train, but the trip will cost more (a transit Hungarian visa is needed).


Even in the famous resort Croatia - Split - you can find excellent apartments by the sea for 35-40 euros per day. The main condition is to book in advance (three to four months in advance, and preferably six months in advance).

What to watch?

Attractions in Croatia great amount but be sure to check it out:

  • Palace of Diocletian in Split;
  • City of Dubrovnik (just stop by and take a walk, the city is expensive);
  • The city of Hum is the smallest in the world (17 inhabitants), here you can try "homemade" cognac;
  • Vranzhaka cave - near Split.

Croatia is an ideal country for a beach holiday. The sea is clean and the beaches are sandy.

A spoon of tar

When buying products on the market, be prepared for the fact that they will sell you more expensive than local residents. Make friends with a Croatian. Purchases will be cheaper by 20% at least. Restaurants here are expensive, it is better to eat on your own, buying in small shops.

Budget. Accommodation - 240 euros. Meals - 90 euros. Local transport - up to 20 euros per person. Flight - 180 euros. Total - 530 euros. It is necessary to take into account the entrance fee for visiting attractions, for this you need to prepare at least 20 euros per person.

2. Slovenia

Vineyards, caves, monasteries, ancient necropolises - all this is Slovenia. Of all the countries of the former Yugoslavia, this is the most expensive. Thanks to the climate and developed tourism, it is very popular in Europe. Holidays are cheaper than in Italy.


The cheapest tickets to Ljubljana are sold by Adria Airways. In this case, the trip will cost about 200 euros. The company offers a good bonus system, if you fly constantly, that is, you can use special discounts.


Apartments near the sea can be booked for 50 euros / day. Finding cheaper housing is problematic. The price level is supported by numerous tourists from Italy and Austria.

What to watch?

Holidays in Slovenia can become truly unforgettable, tourists are offered here:

  • Medieval castles where balls and knightings take place;
  • The real Alps with ample opportunities for lovers of skiing;
  • cave complexes;
  • Gorgeous waterfalls where you can swim;

Comfortable beaches and the cleanest sea, hundreds of restaurants and cafes - all this is Slovenia.

A spoon of tar

Despite the attractiveness of the country for tourists, every second person is faced with the problem of free Internet. If you are going to live in a guest house, you will have to do without the Internet.

Budget. Weekly accommodation - 300 euros. Meals - 120-150 euros. Flight - 200 euros. Attractions - 50-60 euros per person. Total - 670 - 710 euros per person.

3. Bulgaria

Our tourists know this resort country from the distant Soviet times. It must be said that little has changed in Bulgaria since then: the same sea, the same sanatoriums, the same brandy.


A flight to Varna and back (we don’t even consider Sofia as a city for recreation) costs from 300 euros. You need to “catch” discounts for this direction, at best you will be lucky to find a ticket for 30-40 euros cheaper.


Even during the "high" season in Varna, you can find a hotel costing 20 euros per night with breakfast. But you will have to search. The big search engines ( are the best way to handle your search.

What to watch?

Tourists never get bored in Bulgaria:

  • The abundance of monasteries and Byzantine temples;
  • Ancient ruins;
  • Museums and exhibition halls;
  • Natural reserves.

If yacht trips are very expensive here, then hiking or a trip to an ancient monastery with a Russian-speaking guide will cost 5-7 euros. Only you need to buy a tour on the spot, there is a possibility of big discounts.

A spoon of tar

You should not count on perfect cleanliness and impeccable plumbing in the hotel. In many ways, a budget holiday in Bulgaria resembles the sanatoriums of the native land.

4. Romania

The ancient land of the Dacians, beautiful Transylvania, Dracula's castle, the Black Sea beaches - all this is Romania, which tourists have not yet truly appreciated.


Flight from Moscow to Bucharest and back - from 140 euros. It is better to buy from TAROM airline (Romanian company). Most interesting cities for tourists - Sighisoara (to visit Count Dracula) and Constanta (near the blue sea). You can get from Bucharest by train or bus (journey time up to 3 hours, tickets from 12 to 15 euros).


In addition to a cheap flight, we will add inexpensive housing: from 15 to 20 euros per day, along with breakfast. These are the prices for rooms in guest houses and beach villas in Constanta.

What to watch?


Flight Moscow-Bratislava is expensive - 340 euros round trip. You can fly to Prague and then go by train or bus, but the savings will be no more than 15-20 euros. Not the most popular direction - hence the prices.


The most modest hotel in Bratislava will cost 25 euros per day. You need to count on 35-40 euros, no less. Breakfast is not included everywhere.

What to watch?

Slovakia cannot boast of an abundance of historical or cultural sights. But in terms of natural beauty, very few countries in Europe can compete with it. Ski resorts, small mountain hotels and farms where you can buy excellent sheep cheese. The advantages of the capital are that from here you can almost take a tram to magnificent Vienna.

Worth to visit:
Numerous National parks;
The city of Bardejov is the Gothic capital of Slovakia;
Castle Red Stone - a romantic story and an ominous dungeon;
Christmas market in Bratislava.

A spoon of tar

Cultural features are such that many perceive them as impolite and unfriendly. And this is just kindness! It's just that the national character is so gloomy and unsmiling.

Budget. Road - 340. Hotel - 210. Meals - 60. Sights - 40. Total - 650 euros / week.

9. Cyprus

The island is well "habitated" by tourists from all over the world. Not the cheapest place, but here you can relax "budget".


The cheapest flight from by Air Serbia - 150 euros round trip. With a change in Belgrade. Direct flights are more expensive.


Apartments near the sea can be rented for 25 euros / day. If you want the beach to be 200 meters from your accommodation, prepare at least 40 euros / day.

What to watch?

Usually people come to Cyprus not to look, but to swim and sunbathe, but there are interesting places. After the beach and swimming you need:

Walk around Nicosia, moving from the Christian to the Muslim part;
Ride on donkeys;
Swim in the "Bay of Aphrodite";
Visit the fortress of Othello in the Famagusta region;
Look into the famous catacombs.

In the kiosks of the tourist companies of Cyprus, you can buy an inexpensive excursion accompanied by a guide. The cost of such an excursion is 10-15 euros.

The crisis and pan-European economic instability have made Greece a country for budget holiday. The flow of tourists there does not dry out, but prices have become calmer.


Tickets to the main cities of Greece and back can be found within 140 euros. But if you persist, subscribe to airline news, you can "catch" a discount of 30-40%.


A good hotel in Greece is expensive. But every week, discount hours are announced in several hotels in different parts of the country. In this case, you can find a room in a four-star hotel for 35-40 euros / day. A room in a hostel, far from the sea and with minimal amenities - 28-32 euros.

What to watch?

Athens, Thessaloniki, Crete, Rhodes - there is something to see everywhere. It is possible to answer this question, but the answer will take several volumes. Greece is a paradise not only for those who love the warm sea and delicious wine, it is a place for those who want to see with their own eyes everything that they once read about in books with myths ancient greece, seen in films about the Spartans. Tourism for Greece is the last opportunity to stay afloat in the economic sea, so every tourist will be treated kindly and entertained.

Completes the review with the most distant and exotic country.
- swimming in the ocean, port wine for dinner, exuberant colors and a unique culture.


A flight from Moscow to Lisbon and back will cost 200 euros - Air France offer.


Guest houses in Lisbon offer guests rooms from 20 euros per night. For 30 euros you can rent a decent hotel room on the outskirts of the city, but close to the metro.

What to watch?

There are many attractions here, local travel companies We are ready to offer both one-day trips around the country and tours of 2-3 days. Such excursions cost from 25 to 150 euros. Try to see:

Portuguese wineries;
Several medieval monasteries;
Cathedral Lisbon;
Fortress of St. George;
City of Porto.

A spoon of tar

Cleaning in a hotel is a very conditional thing. Don't expect someone to change towels and put in shampoo. Punctuality is not in favor here, public transport runs on a free schedule.

Budget. Road - 200. Hotel - 180. Meals - 150-200. Attractions - 60-80. The result is 590-650 euros / week.

Europe is the same continent where a good half of Russia is located. And our country - occupies a large territory. You should not make something inaccessible or too expensive out of the Old World. We are going to travel where it is closer and more interesting. Due to the compact residence of completely different peoples, it is Europe that is of interest to tourists. We use the fact that we are nearby. Let's discover Europe!

List of countries where living is obscenely low. find out countries where you can live cheaply and enjoy life.

There are many places in the world where the cost of living will be lower than in Russia. Sometimes much lower. Cheap countries to live in are primarily the region of Southeast Asia, but you can also live in Europe not very expensively - read about this in articles and.

If you have long thought about where you can live cheaply abroad, then here you will find the answers. We present you a list of countries that are cheap to live in, where a month of living can cost less than a week of living in Russia.

UPD (winter 2019). The article has been completely revised taking into account the changed prices and the greatly depreciated ruble exchange rate (currently $1 ≈ 67 rubles). Prices in the article are indicative, indicated in local currency. The information is current for 2019.


(Photo © Hallmanlau / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Exchange rate: 1 Thai baht (THB) ≈ 2 RUB.

mecca for Russian travelers and downshifters. More and more Russians are leaving to live in Thailand, having decided to exchange gray everyday life and cold weather for a busy life in sunny Asia. This practice is especially common among residents major cities: people rent out their apartments / rooms, and the money received from this is more than enough for them to live carefree in Thailand right on the seashore. Another category of people are freelancers. Working remotely via the Internet, these people do not earn the most money by Russian standards, but such earnings are quite enough to live here.

So, the cost of living in Thailand (as in any other place) consists of two main parts: the cost of housing and the cost of food.

The cost of housing in Thailand

Renting a house in Thailand or a condo (one or two bedrooms, a kitchen, often even with a pool) will cost from 10,000 baht per month - from 17,000 rubles. With this money now in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is unlikely that it will be possible to rent housing of a similar level of comfort. And here is the whole house for you! For example, in St. Petersburg, we rented a room near the Technological Institute metro station for about 20 thousand rubles from utilities(price before the crisis, 2014).

Renting a room in Thailand for a month is, of course, cheaper - 4000-8000 baht per month, depending on the location, size and interior design. A studio in Pattaya and Phuket can be rented for about 30 thousand rubles a month, a hotel room - from 300-400 baht per day. Both in Phuket and Pattaya we rented a hotel room for 400 baht per day. As a rule, when renting for a long time, you can negotiate with the owner and rent cheaper.

The decisive factor in the pricing of rental housing in Thailand is geographical. In such popular tourist destinations as Pattaya, Hua Hin and Phuket, everything will cost more than in the north of Thailand - for example, in Chiang Mai. In addition, seasonality, amenities and the size of the dwelling affect the price. We recommend renting private accommodation on a special Airbnb service - there you will find a variety of options.

Food prices in Thailand

The second key ingredient is food. The cost of food in Thailand is surprisingly low. Barbecue will cost from 10 baht, a large plate of rice with meat - from 30 baht, soup with noodles and dumplings - from 40 baht. Food costs in Thailand will be even less if you cook on your own, buying groceries in shops and markets. Read more about current prices in this country in the article and - there are detailed prices for food and accommodation, as well as transport.

Bike rental prices in Thailand

For those who prefer to have their own vehicle, ideal motorbike rental. A month of rent will cost 3-4 thousand baht or 200-300 baht per day. In the north of Thailand, rent will be cheaper. Gasoline costs about 40-50 baht per liter.

Read our helpful articles-instructions on how to get to Thailand on a budget:


(Photo © mehul.antani /

Exchange rate: 1 Indian rupee (INR) ≈ 1 RUB.

The cost of housing in India (Goa)

In general, rental prices in India do not differ much from Thai ones. The cost of rent depends on the time of year (more expensive in winter), on the size and arrangement of the home, on the distance to the beach and, most importantly, on the term of the proposed lease. For example, in Goa, even during the season (in winter), rent a condo or a house far from coastline(over 3 km) can be from 18.5 thousand rupees per month, closer to the sea - from 23.5 to 30 thousand rupees per month. Most often, people rent houses (1-2 rooms with a kitchen, but not on the beach) for 20-26 thousand rupees per month. To calculate the cost of renting a house in Goa, you can use a special one that will take into account all the most important parameters and give you the average price for this type of housing.

A room in a guesthouse (double with shower and toilet) will cost from 470 to 700 rupees. You can rent a bungalow or a wooden house (there is a shower, a toilet, minimal furniture) for 400-1000 rupees per day. It is best to look for private accommodation in Goa on a special Airbnb service. Another option is to look locally, unless you decide to arrive before the holidays - New Year and Christmas, then it is better to book in advance.

Cost of food in India (Goa)

You can eat inexpensively in India in shacks - small eateries on the beaches, where you will find both European and Indian food. You can dine in a shack for an amount of 60 to 150 rupees. Breakfast will cost about 50-80 rupees, Indian dishes cost in the range of 100-200 rupees, soups - from 50 rupees.

Freshly squeezed juices cost from 50 to 100 rupees per glass, depending on the type of fruit. A bottle of local beer in a store is about 60 rupees, in a cafe - from 100 rupees, a cup of coffee in a mid-priced cafe - from 50 to 80 rupees. A bottle of water in the store - from 15 rupees, masala tea - up to 50 rupees, depending on the institution.

Bike rental prices in Goa

From 200 to 250 rupees it costs to rent a bike per day, for a month - 4-6.5 thousand rupees. The price depends on the power of the bike and its newness / shabby.


(Photo © Sunova Surfboards / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Bali is an island belonging to Indonesia.

Exchange rate: 10,000 Indonesian rupiah (IDR) ≈ 45 RUB.

Cost of living in Bali

Bali is becoming more and more popular every year, which is why housing prices are rising markedly. The cost of housing in Bali depends on the resort, location and amenities, rental period and size. For example, a house with three rooms and a kitchen in Kuta on the Airbnb service can be found from $500 per month, but if you try, you can find it from $400 per month. A room in a guesthouse for a month can cost from $70, but be prepared for very spartan conditions. In general, on average, a decent room in Bali can be found in a guesthouse for $13-15 per day.

Housing prices in Bali vary significantly from resort to resort - the more popular it is, the more expensive it is. Kuta, Seminyak, Nusa Dua, Sanur - here the prices will be quite high. In Uluwatu, Jimbaran, Canggu and other cities, it is cheaper, judging by the reviews of travelers, you can find a pretty house not too far from the sea within $400.

Advice: the longer you plan to rent a house, the cheaper it will cost you. In Bali, it is customary to pay the rent right away, so keep that in mind. It is also better to look for a house on your own, riding a bike around the area, as agencies and realtors take a large commission (besides, there is a risk of falling for an unscrupulous realtor). Before contacting agencies, read reviews on the Internet.

Cost of food in Bali

You can eat on a budget in Bali in warungs (small cafes), lunch for two will cost about 40 thousand rupees (about 170 rubles), that is, a meat dish costs up to 20 thousand rupees, soups are about the same. Vegetarian dishes are cheaper - up to 15 thousand rupees. Milkshakes cost up to 13 thousand. Sweet pancakes - up to 20 thousand rupees. On average, a dish in warung costs 20-25 thousand rupees.

Be careful - not all warungs are for locals, there are also tourist warungs designed for foreigners, prices are higher there. The closer the warung is to the sea, the higher the prices.

Useful articles about the island:

  • - flying to Paradise Island cheap!
  • - overview of current prices.
  • - information about prices for visa, transport, food and rental housing.


Exchange rate: 1 Philippine peso (PHP) ≈ 1.3 RUB.

The cost of renting a house in the Philippines

The Philippines is another place where you can live cheaply. The capital Manila is overly popular with tourists and, therefore, is not suitable for inexpensive living. However, the province of Cebu, which is a fairly developed region with all the necessary infrastructure, will be quite suitable for budget living. A house on the islands of Cebu, Panglao and can be rented from 13.5-15 thousand pesos (or from $ 300). If you put in a lot of effort and look hard, you can keep within 10 thousand pesos a month.

A room in a house in Boracay can be rented for 630 pesos per day, a bed in a hostel with facilities on the floor can be found for 300 pesos per day, and in general the average price in hostels is in the range of 400-500 pesos. The price for a double room in a hotel is on average 700 pesos per day, you can find cheaper - the price depends on the location and amenities. We advise you to look for private housing on the popular Airbnb service - there are not only standard rooms and apartments, but also exotic options.

Food prices in the Philippines

Food in the Philippines, as in other Southeast Asian countries, is inexpensive. In cafes and local shops you can eat your fill for 100-150 pesos per person, buying a serving of rice with meat and a drink, but you can eat cheaper. In tourist cafes, prices are higher - you will have to spend about 200-300 pesos per person. In restaurants, the main dish costs from 100-150 rubles. The most popular beer is San Miguel Pilsen: a 0.33 bottle can be bought for 30-50 pesos, rum costs from 80 pesos. inexpensive, better to buy in the markets.

Intro image source: © torbus / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.