Actions in case of emergencies on board the aircraft: emergency takeoff, landing, depressurization and fire. "Rules of conduct in the event of an accident on air, water and rail transport Safe position during an emergency landing of an aircraft

Passenger actions in case of an emergency (collision, overturn, rollover) on urban public transport

    group up, grab the handrails tighter, try to avoid falling

    put your feet on the floor, hands on the back of the front seat, tilt your head forward

    leave the vehicle through doors, windows, emergency exits. Provide assistance to victims

items: a fire extinguisher located in the saline, a brake shoe, a hard diplomat, etc.; in extreme cases, knock out the glass with a strong kick to the corner of the window, hanging on your hands on the ceiling rails. Before leaving, be sure to clean the window opening from the remaining glass.

If there is a smell of burning, such measures should be recognized as mandatory, since passengers may not have time to line up a queue leading to the existing exit. In case of fire, urban transport burns very quickly. In this case, the nose and mouth should be protected in advance with a scarf, sleeve or other material, if possible wetting it with any liquid.

In the event of a fire in the cabin, notify the driver, open the doors (with emergency release), emergency exits, or break a window. If there is a fire extinguisher in the cabin, take measures to eliminate the source of fire. Get out of the cabin outside crouching, without touching the walls and metal parts.

In the event of an accident in the event of damage to the current-carrying wire, the safest places in a tram or trolleybus are sitting. In this case, it is better to tear off your legs from the floor, and do not touch the walls and handrails. To get out of the electric transport, one should jump, simultaneously with two feet forward, without touching the body, so as not to close the electrical circuit with one's body.

If you fall into the water, wait until the cabin is half full of water, hold your breath and emerge through the door, emergency exit or broken window.

Actions of passengers in case of fire in public transport

    report the fire to the driver immediately

    protect your mouth and nose with a handkerchief, scarf, sleeve

    start putting out the fire

    open the doors with the emergency revelation button or break the glass

    leave the vehicle, skipping ahead of children, women, the elderly

    help the victims

Actions of passengers in the event of a public transport crash in

    if the vehicle is afloat, get out through the window

Remove excess clothing when immersed in water

    take a deep breath and climb out through the door or window

    break glass if necessary 126

    help children and non-swimmers

    get ashore to help the injured

Accidents in the subway Danger zones in the subway


It is forbidden: to jump over the turnstile; pass through the turnstile in a group


It is forbidden: to run on the escalator; sit on the steps of the escalator and put things on the handrails; linger at the exit from the escalator and create a crush

It is forbidden: to go down on the subway track; go beyond the boundary line at the edge of the platform; come close to the car until it comes to a complete stop

Forbidden: lean against the doors; interfere with the opening and closing of doors;

open doors while driving and at stops

From the rules for using the subway. In case of falling people and objects on the subway path, smoke, fire and other dangerous situations, contact the station attendant or the train driver using the “passenger-driver” system.

If you find forgotten, ownerless and suspicious things and objects in the subway or train carriage, immediately inform the police officers, subway workers or the train driver.

Actions of a passenger who has fallen on the way

    do not climb from the tracks to the platform (a high-voltage

contact rail)

    if the train is not visible, run to the beginning of the platform (there is a ladder)

    if a train appears, lie down between the rails, covering your ears with your hands and opening

Actions of train passengers when it stops in the tunnel

    do not leave the car without the command of the train driver "To the exit!" on command, leave the car from the side where the contact rail does not pass; move along the track along the train between the rails; when a train appears, take cover in the niches of the tunnel; be careful on the tracks when exiting the tunnel

    do not carry flammable, chemical and explosive substances with you

    do not plug household appliances into the car's electrical network

    if you smell burning rubber or smoke, contact the conductor immediately

    in case of a real threat, immediately leave the car through the vestibule doors and emergency exits; in extreme cases, knock out window panes with improvised objects (ladders - stepladders, hard briefcases - diplomats, tables torn from nests and clothes shelves)

    do not reach for suitcases, drop them; your life is not worth the things in them

What do passengers do in a train crash?

    move away from windows and doors

    grab onto the stationary parts of the car and rest your feet on something

    leave the car through the exits and windows. Evacuate casualties and children first

    move at least 30 m away from the track to avoid stepping voltage

    provide first aid to the injured

In collision and emergency braking accidents, the majority of injuries are caused by falls from shelves. To avoid them, or at least soften the blow, in addition to securing luggage, unsafe bottles, glasses in glass holders with spoons sticking out of them like daggers, etc. should be removed from the tables. Bend, especially on the shelves on which children sleep. Mattresses on the outside, or place a rolled-up blanket or unwanted clothing under them to form a protective cushion that is difficult to roll over. Completely, before fixing, close or open the doors of the compartment so that during a sudden stop they do not cause injury to a hand or head caught in the opening.

In case of a serious crash, you must immediately get out of the car (only by jumping out, do not fall under an oncoming train) and help the injured passengers. Look carefully for fallen current-carrying wires nearby: they can be a mortal danger.

A fire in a train is terrible not with a flame, but, first of all, with poisonous combustion products of synthetic finishing materials. Poisoning occurs in minutes. And with intensive combustion - seconds. To avoid this, in a moving train, go to the next car. Preferably in the direction of traffic, stopped on the street, if possible from the side, where there are no railway tracks. Do not scatter in all directions, as the rescuers who have arrived will look for you near the canvas.

In case of strong smoke in the car, cover your nose and mouth with a rag moistened with water - a towel, a pillowcase, a sheet, a piece of torn clothing. In half-empty cars, you can move on your knees. Since there is less smoke below (near the floor). There are situations when a moving train cannot be stopped. In such cases, it is necessary to proceed according to the following scheme.

    put on more clothes. Protect your head

    jump along the train to the side where there are no poles

    try to land on your feet joined together

    somersaults and rolls, extinguish the speed of the fall

Jump out of a moving train only in cases of direct danger to life!

Actions of passengers in case of fire in the train In the event of a fire

    report the fire to the train attendant

    wake sleeping passengers

    go to the front cars; if this is not possible - in the rear; tightly closing doors

If the exits are cut off by fire

    go to the compartment or the toilet

    close the door behind you and open the window

If it's impossible to put out the fire

    stop the train with a stop crane

    open doors, break windows

    help evacuate children and the injured

    get out of the car, get away from it

After the accident, quickly get out of the car through the door or windows - emergency exits (depending on the situation), as there is a high probability of a fire. Quickly opening windows in 3m and 6m compartments from the side of the transverse shelves serve as an emergency exit from the cars. smash

Coupe window only with heavy improvised items. When leaving the car through the emergency exit, get to the other side of the railway track, where there is more free space, taking documents, money, clothes or blankets with you. Once outside, immediately engage in rescue work: help passengers in other compartments break windows, pull out victims, etc.

Fuel may spill during an accident. In this case, move away from the train to a safe distance, as there is a risk of fire and explosion. If the current-carrying wire is broken and touches the ground, move away from it with jumps or short steps to protect yourself from step voltage. The distance over which the electric current spreads along the ground can be from 2 (dry) to 30 (wet) meters.

Check your knowledge by comparing your answers to the tests with the answers given at the end of the textbook.

Leaving the plane through the exit with a released and inflated ladder, you need to jump on it without stopping, and not sit on the edge, and then slide down. Only by jumping is an increase in the speed of evacuation achieved.

Leaving the plane by jumping onto the ladder

Right wrong

Leaving the aircraft using a canvas ladder

    try to wear a coat or jacket made of materials that are difficult to ignite and difficult to melt

    think about what shoes to wear; avoid high-heeled shoes, but if you wear them and you have to use an inflatable escape slide during the evacuation, then remove them when you leave the plane

    every time you take off and land, make sure the seat belt is pulled tight around your hips

    know what fixed position you need to take in an emergency landing; keep track of what is happening on board the aircraft; if all indications are that an accident is imminent, take the right posture

    know where the exits are on the plane and how they open

Actions of air passengers during decompression (cabin depressurization)

    put on an oxygen mask immediately

    fasten your seatbelt and prepare for a steep descent

Actions of air passengers in case of fire in an airplane

    listen and follow the commands of the crew members

    protect yourself from burns by covering the opening of the body

    duck down and crawl to the exit on all fours

    if the passage is blocked, move over the lowered backs of the aircraft seats

    once outside the aircraft, move away from it as far as possible Aircraft forced landing happens rarely.

Actions of air passengers during forced (emergency) landing on water.

    put on a life jacket and inflate it slightly

    bring or wear warm clothes

    take a seat in the life raft

Current page: 4 (total book has 8 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 2 pages]

§ 14. Safety in public transport and cars

Let's look at how to behave safely in public transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, metro) and car.

Bus one of the most common modes of transport. It easily maneuvers in the traffic flow, can dramatically change the direction and speed of movement. True, under adverse weather conditions and poor road conditions, in the event of sudden braking and in some other situations, an accident can occur with it. Moreover, a blow even at low speed often leads to injuries to passengers.

Bus evacuation through emergency exit

Doors, windows, ventilation hatches can be used to exit the bus in case of an accident.

Buses have special windows that can serve as emergency exits. To use them, you need to pull the sealing cord by a special handle, and then squeeze out the glass. You can simply knock out any glass with a solid object: a “diplomat” with a metal rim, a fire extinguisher, a brake shoe. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no people nearby who can be injured by sharp fragments. Do not forget to also beat off sharp fragments along the edges of the window.

After the accident has occurred, the first step is to determine where and in what position you are and whether there is a fire. Depending on the situation, move to the exit.

Cabin flooding is rare. However, once in it, you should not rush to leave the salon, you have to wait until it is partially filled with water, it will be easier to get out.

trolleybus And tram due to their relatively low speed and low maneuverability, the safest types of public transport. But we must remember that electric traction creates the danger of electric shock. During heavy rains, during thaws in winter, current-carrying wires may short circuit on the machine body. In 1996, in Moscow, up to 40% of trolleybuses failed several times for this reason, which caused interruptions in passenger service. Sometimes this led to injury to people.

Electric shock is also possible in strong winds, when the contact wire is likely to break and fall onto the roof of the car. It is possible to leave a trolleybus (tram) that is under current only by jumping in order to exclude an electric shock when a passenger, standing with one foot on a step, touches the ground with the other foot.

Evacuation from a trolleybus (tram)

Metro high risk vehicle. To avoid trouble, you must follow the rules for using the subway.

The first danger zone in the subway turnstiles at the entrance. An attempt to get through for free, create a crush and break through with a group, jump over the turnstile most often ends with a blow to its doors. For adults, such a blow is practically safe; for a child, it can cause serious injury.

Second danger zone escalator. The cause of a dangerous situation on it can be a sudden stop, unexpected acceleration or destruction of the escalator tape. Unable to resist a sudden stop on your feet, you need to group up and get up as quickly as possible. In the event of a sharp acceleration or destruction of the escalator tape, you must immediately move to the neighboring escalator by jumping or rolling over the fence and not lingering on it. You should not create dangerous situations on the escalator yourself: sit down on its steps, arrange running competitions, while blocking the passage, put objects on the handrails or throw coins, other things and watch how they fly down. Thin heels on girls' shoes, too soft or torn soles can get stuck in his corrugated steps.

Third danger zone platform. The flow of incoming and outgoing passengers, besides with bags, suitcases, backpacks, can create a dangerous situation. Going beyond the boundary line and being at the edge of the platform, you can fall on the way. An attempt to get a thing that has fallen from the platform on its own can lead to the same result. Having fallen on the way, you cannot immediately climb the platform (there is a high-voltage contact rail under it), you must run along the train to its beginning (there is a ladder). If a train appears, you should lie between the rails with your head towards the train, covering your ears with your hands and opening your mouth.

The fourth danger zone train wagon. During its movement, sharp braking and stopping, switching off of lighting, ignition of electrical wiring, smoke are possible. In a moving train, these situations become doubly dangerous. It must be remembered that each car is equipped with an emergency connection with the driver. In any dangerous situation, you need to use it: press the button, take your time, say what happened, and give the number of the car.

How to behave in the subway:

No need to try to get into the subway for free: the impact of the turnstile doors can be quite strong;

Do not run down the escalator, do not put things on the steps, do not sit down or stand with your back in the direction of travel;

Do not linger at the exit from the escalator, do not create a crush;

Do not approach the edge of the platform;

Do not approach the car until the train has come to a complete stop; remove the backpack or bag from the shoulder: they will prevent you from turning around in the car;

Do not pick up an object that has fallen on the rails on your own, call the station attendant for this;

Don't panic if the train stops in the tunnel; wait for announcements and follow all orders of metro workers;

Do not rush to look into a suitcase or bag left by someone, report them to the station attendant;

Remember: the safety of other passengers depends on your upbringing (a banana peel thrown onto the platform can cause injury for someone, not holding the lobby door behind you will hit the person following you).

A car. Most people use this mode of transport from time to time, even if the family does not have a car. Passenger cars are the most dangerous for pedestrians and passengers for several reasons:

Many motorists, unlike professionals, do not have good training;

Cars have a high speed of movement;

In the flow of cars, a passenger car can collide with a heavy truck, in which case its driver and passengers are at greater risk than people in the truck.

Measures to ensure safety in a passenger car:

Do not open doors while driving.

Do not drive without fastened seat belts;

You must have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher in the car;

While driving, you need to follow the road and not interfere with the driver;

Do not distract the driver from driving while the car is moving.

Sometimes during the trip the passenger is passive, does not follow the road, and the danger of a collision is a complete surprise for him. Therefore, you should develop a very useful habit: while sitting in a car, take every unusual signal (the sound of a horn, the growing sound of an approaching car engine, the squeal of brakes outside the window) as a warning of danger.

Seeing that a collision is inevitable, you need to rest your feet on the floor, and your hands on the panel or front seat. After a collision, you should try to quickly get out of the car.

If it is impossible to get out through the doors, this must be done by knocking out the front or rear glass with your feet. Any tool or other object located in the passenger compartment will help in this situation. A handy tool can also be an anti-theft device - a steering lock. Having got out, you need to help the others get out, get a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher out of the car.

Questions and tasks

1. Tell us about one of the city bus, trolleybus, and tram routes you know. Describe in detail the route, tell about the dangerous places through which it passes (crossroads, steep ascents, descents, overpasses at traffic intersections), the mode of movement of cars on this route at different times of the day and on different days of the week.

2. State the rules of safe behavior on the bus.

3. Tell us about the rules of conduct in a trolleybus and tram in wet, inclement weather.

4. Using public transport, study the design of the entrance doors of buses, trams. Explain why you shouldn't lean against them while driving. How can they be used as an emergency exit?

5. Tell us about the safety equipment in the subway. What dangerous situations can occur in a subway train car? Tell us about your actions in these cases.

6. Study the subway map in your city. Find possible detours for a situation where one of the sections is closed due to an accident. Do you know what kind of ground transportation you can use in case of an accident at the station you usually use?

7. Tell us what safety devices you know in cars.

TASK 18.

You are traveling in the evening on a subway train. In the car, besides you, there is only a sleeping grandfather. Suddenly the train stopped in the span between the stations. 20 minutes pass, but the train stops. And then you noticed a box left by someone at the end of the car. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Wake up grandfather and go with him to the other end of the car or hide behind the seats.

2. Open the box and see what's in there.

3. Notify the driver.

4. Throw the box out the window.

TASK 19.

You ride to school in a crowded subway car and you are at the door. Suddenly you feel dizzy and your stomach hurts. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Get off at the nearest station and sit.

2. Get off at the nearest station and go to the doctor.

3. Go to the clinic.

4. Ask someone to give you a seat.

TASK 20.

You and your mother were invited to the dacha to celebrate the New Year. Outside -29°C. From the metro station you have to drive along the highway for 17 km. At the bus stop, you learn that the buses will only start running in two hours. You were told that you could walk through the forest in an hour. Choose your next step from the options provided.

1. Stand at the bus stop and wait for the bus.

2. Go through the forest.

3. Try to get on any passing car.

4. Return home.

5. Try to find some other way to get to the desired place (another bus).

TASK 21.

You and your friend are on the subway. While waiting for the train, you notice that one of the passengers has dropped a bag on the rails and is trying to jump after it. The green signal of the semaphore is on. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Go look for a traffic police officer.

2. Stop the passenger from a rash act.

4. Tell this person to ask the station attendant for help.

TASK 22.

You are traveling with friends in a subway car. Suddenly the car begins to fill with smoke, watery eyes. People start to worry. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Transmit information to the driver via intercom.

2. Try to open the car doors and windows to let in fresh air.

3. Find a fire extinguisher under the seat in the car.

4. Keep calm, reassure people, ask adults for help.

5. When the train stops in the tunnel and the doors are opened, do not get out of the way.

TASK 23.

You are traveling with friends in a car in winter. Ice. You are sitting in the back seat. Suddenly, a dog runs out into the roadway across the car. The driver starts to slow down. As a result, the car begins to slide, and you see that a collision with a light pole is possible. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Shout, give advice to the driver.

2. Gather, group, rest your feet on the back of the front seat.

3. Lie down in the back seat with your head in your hands.

4. Sitting rest your hands on the back of the front seat.

5. Try to find seat belts and fasten them.

6. When stopping, leave the car.

§ 15. Railway transport

Rail transport today remains one of the most common, as it is relatively cheap and relatively safe. But the danger of accidents on it still exists, since it takes at least a kilometer to stop a train rushing at high speed. It can be difficult for rescuers to quickly come to the aid of its passengers in the event of an accident, since railway lines often pass far from settlements and highways.

Danger lurks not only in the train. Dangerous zones are also railway tracks, crossings, stations, boarding platforms. There is a real threat here not only for railway workers and passengers, but also for people living near railway tracks, stations, stations and depots.

Dangerous zones of railway transport

During the trip, one should not forget about the rules of conduct on the station territories (landing platforms, railway tracks and crossings, at stations and on trains). These most dangerous areas of railway transport are shown in the diagram. Although the speed of the train when maneuvering, approaching the platform is low, visibility for the driver and passengers is very limited. There are a lot of different technical devices on the access roads (semaphores, turnouts), so there is a risk of injuring your feet. It is best to cross railway tracks at underground, overhead or marked crossings. If you still have to get off the track (for example, at small stations in the countryside), you must be especially attentive and careful, do not cross the track without looking around, and never rush. Remember that the railway is a high-risk area!

How not to suffer from rail transport:

Do not walk on railway tracks, especially where there are arrows, do not play on the tracks;

Do not crawl under the wagons, when crossing the tracks, use pedestrian bridges, tunnels and crossings;

Do not run around the platform while waiting for the train;

Do not stand at the edge of the platform;

Do not approach the car until the train has come to a complete stop;

Do not lean out of the windows while the train is moving;

Do not open the outer doors of the vestibules and do not jump out when the train is moving.

Having settled in the car in your place, you need to safely place the luggage. It is better not to put heavy and bulky luggage upstairs, but to place it below under the lower shelves. Think about your safety while sleeping (especially on the top shelf). Learn the rules of conduct for passengers that are posted in the car.

What to do in case of a train crash:

Try to get out through the window;

Do not think about luggage: life is more expensive;

Do not go far from the accident site, having got out of the danger zone, try not to leave the adults;

Jump out of a moving train only in case of direct danger to life; at the same time, put on as many clothes as possible, protect your head, jump in the direction of travel from the side of the car where there are no poles, and try to land on legs joined together, and then extinguish the fall speed with rolls and somersaults.

In the event of a fire in the car, you should immediately inform the conductor about this, and in a commuter train - through the intercom to the train driver. After that, at the direction of the officials of the train crew, you must quickly leave for the front or rear cars of the train, tightly closing the doors behind you.

Questions and tasks

1. Name the dangerous areas of railway transport.

2. Imagine that you are late for boarding and do not have time to get to your car. How will you do it?

3. Make a list of things you need on the train.

4. What should the passenger know? What rules does he have to follow?

5. What should be done in case of an accident?

6. What should I do if there is a fire in the train car?

TASK 24.

You and your parents rush to the train. You are late for the train. On the tracks in front of you is a freight train. Choose from the options provided next steps.

1. Run across the tracks to the platform while avoiding the freight train.

2. Go to the transition and exit to the platform.

3. Crawl to the platform under the freight car.

§ 16. Air transport

Modern aircraft are reliable and almost always safe to fly. However, there are no completely safe mechanisms, machines. The plane is a very complex machine, and the weather during the flight is not always quiet and sunny. Unfortunately, an average of 3,000 people die in air crashes around the world every year.

In flight, the aircraft is always autonomous, its safety is ensured by the work of dozens of people on Earth: technicians, signalmen, dispatchers. But no matter how perfect it is, any flight on it always depends on external conditions. Strong winds, poor visibility, snow and rain affect flight safety, sometimes creating situations that require a lot of skill, perseverance, and sometimes courage from the crew and ground services to overcome.

The passenger must also comply with the rules on the implementation of which the safety of the flight depends.

How to behave in the cabin:

Before takeoff and landing, take your seat and do not walk around the cabin;

On the shelf located above the chairs, place only non-bulky things (coat, raincoat, jacket);

Listen carefully to the flight attendant's information about the rules of conduct and safety equipment on board;

During the flight, study the rules for the use of safety equipment;

Make sure that during takeoff and landing, the seat belt is pulled tight at the hips;

In dangerous situations, remain calm and follow all instructions of the crew.

In catastrophic situations on airplanes, two dangerous types of passenger behavior usually appear - panic and apathy. The second, oddly enough, is more common.

You should take this into account and never stop fighting for your life.

Let's take a look at some of the dangerous situations that can happen during a flight, and together we'll think about how to get out of them.

In the event of an accident on an airplane, the margin of time for action is very small, so fear, panic will only increase the danger, reduce this time. It is necessary to act wisely: your salvation depends on it.

If the accident occurs during takeoff, landing or at high altitude, the pilots will try to abort the flight and land the plane, but the emergency landing in this case will not be soft.

In an emergency landing, you must take a safe position: the body is bent, the head is tilted as low as possible, hands cover the head, legs rest against the back of the front seat.

Remove bulky, heavy and other dangerous items that can cause injury. Try to put on your outerwear.

After an emergency landing, you must not panic, follow all the commands of the aircraft crew, help those who are injured or in a helpless state. You can only leave the plane through the emergency exits. After leaving the plane, you need to move away from it to a safe distance, since it may explode. Actions must be clear, conscious, fast, because health and life depend on it.

Safe position during an emergency landing

When the aircraft is depressurized during the flight, the passenger has only a few seconds to put on the oxygen mask, which is located in the back of the front seat or overhead.

In case of an airplane fire all crew commands must be followed. After landing, the most important thing is to leave the plane as soon as possible, and for this you need to head to the nearest emergency exit. You should make your way to the exit on all fours, crouching as low as possible, since there is less smoke below (not so much fire as smoke is dangerous). Cover your mouth with a scarf or handkerchief (wet if possible). Do not take hand luggage with you, show determination and discipline.

During an emergency landing on the water you need to wear a life jacket, but inflate it only slightly so that it does not interfere with the exit.

Questions and tasks

1. If you have ever flown on airplanes, tell us about your impressions.

2. Tell us about the safety rules for air transport.

3. Recall and tell about any film or book that shows (describes) an emergency in air transport.

TASK 25.

During the flight, the plane experienced a malfunction, as a result of which an emergency landing was planned. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Do not panic, listen to the information of the crew.

2. Group before landing, cover your head with your hands and lean forward.

3. Get dressed.

4. Go to the crew to clarify the situation.

5. Fasten your seat belt.

6. Prepare your belongings for evacuation.

| Schedule for the academic year | Air transport

Fundamentals of life safety
5th grade

Lesson 16
Air transport

Modern aircraft are reliable and almost always safe to fly. However, there are no completely safe mechanisms, machines. An airplane is a very complex machine, and the weather during the flight is not always quiet and sunny. Unfortunately, an average of 3,000 people die in air crashes around the world every year.

In flight, the aircraft is always autonomous, its safety is ensured by the work of dozens of people on Earth: technicians, signalmen, dispatchers. But no matter how perfect it is, any flight on it always depends on external conditions. Strong winds, poor visibility, snow and rain affect flight safety, sometimes creating situations that require a lot of skill, perseverance, and sometimes courage from the crew and ground services to overcome.

The passenger must also comply with the rules on the implementation of which the safety of the flight depends.

How to behave in the cabin:

Before takeoff and landing, take your seat and do not walk around the cabin;
on the shelf located above the chairs, place only non-bulky things (coat, raincoat, jacket);
carefully listen to the information of the stewardess about the rules of conduct and safety equipment on board the vessel;
during the flight, study the rules for the use of safety equipment;
make sure that during takeoff and landing, the seat belt is tightly pulled at the hips;
in dangerous situations, remain calm and follow all instructions of the crew.

In catastrophic situations on airplanes, two dangerous types of passenger behavior are usually manifested - panic and apathy. The second, oddly enough, is more common. You should take this into account and never stop fighting for your life.

Let's take a look at some of the dangerous situations that can happen during a flight, and together we'll think about how to get out of them.

In the event of an accident on an airplane, the margin of time for action is very small, so fear, panic will only increase the danger, reduce this time. It is necessary to act wisely: your salvation depends on it.

If an accident occurs when taking off, landing or at high altitude, pilots will try to abort the flight and land the aircraft, however, an emergency landing in this case will not be soft.

During an emergency landing you need to take a safe position: the body is bent, the head is tilted as low as possible, hands cover the head, legs rest against the back of the front seat. Remove bulky, heavy and other dangerous items that can cause injury. Try to put on your outerwear.

After an emergency landing it is necessary not to panic, to follow all the commands of the aircraft crew, to help those who are injured or in a helpless state. You can only leave the plane through the emergency exits. After leaving the plane, you need to move away from it to a safe distance, since it may explode. Actions must be clear, conscious, fast, because health and life depend on it.

When the aircraft is depressurized during the flight, the passenger has only a few seconds to put on the oxygen mask, which is located in the back of the front seat or overhead.

In case of an airplane fire all crew commands must be followed. After landing, the most important thing is to leave the plane as soon as possible, and for this you need to head to the nearest emergency exit. You should make your way to the exit on all fours, crouching as low as possible, since there is less smoke below (not so much fire as smoke is dangerous). Cover your mouth with a scarf or handkerchief (wet if possible). Do not take hand luggage with you, show determination and discipline.

During an emergency landing on the water you need to wear a life jacket, but inflate it only slightly so that it does not interfere with the exit.


1. If you have ever flown on airplanes, tell us about your impressions.
2. Tell us about the safety rules for air transport.
3. Recall and tell about any film or book that shows (describes) an emergency in air transport.

TASK 25. During the flight, the plane experienced a malfunction, as a result of which an emergency landing was planned. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.
1. Do not panic, listen to the information of the crew.
2. Group before landing, cover your head with your hands and lean forward.
3. Get dressed.
4. Go to the crew to clarify the situation.
5. Fasten your seat belt.
6. Prepare your belongings for evacuation.

In case of aircraft and helicopter accidents, there are several main types of emergencies and therefore, for the sake of personal safety, each passenger is obliged to carefully read the memo on the rules of conduct on board an aircraft and rescue in the event of an accident during takeoff or landing.

In addition, he must listen to the flight attendant's instructions on the use of oxygen masks and the location of emergency exits from the aircraft of this design.

Most air passengers during an accident, instead of using the emergency exits, panic and arrange a stampede at the main entrances and exits. If you need to leave the aircraft on an inflatable ladder or from the wing of the aircraft, then to increase the speed of exit, you need to jump onto the ladder or onto the ground, and not try to sit down and slide down.

The jump will save you up to half a minute of time, which is very important in case of an aircraft fire or an explosion threat. Injuries and their severity during an unsuccessful takeoff or landing depend on the severity of the impact. Passengers are especially injured when their seat belts are not fastened. In this case, even a "conditionally soft landing" will entail fractures, bruises, dislocations and injuries, as the person will be thrown out of the chair into the cabin.

Emergency situations in the cabin


Decompression is associated with the rapid release of air from the aircraft cabin. Decompression is accompanied by a deafening roar and whistle of escaping air. The salon is filled with fog and dust, visibility drops sharply.

Air comes out of a person's lungs, there is a ringing in the ears, gases in the intestines expand, and this creates additional, sharp pain. To avoid death from suffocation and rupture of the lungs, it is necessary in the very first seconds of decompression to put on an oxygen mask located near each seat.

Poorly worn or simply pressed to the nose and mouth, an oxygen mask does not always save from loss of consciousness, so it must be put on. To help a passenger sitting next to you or your relative, you must first put on a mask for yourself. Otherwise, both of you can die, left without oxygen!
The action of the aircraft crew is an immediate descent to an altitude of less than 3000 m, at which the oxygen content is considered almost normal.

An aircraft fire can occur for several reasons. One of them is the ignition of one or more engines. In this case, through the windows you can see the flames escaping from the engines or turbines on the wing of the aircraft, and at the very beginning of the fire, a thick black smoky plume emanating from them. Such a fire is associated with violations and serious malfunctions in the operation of aircraft engines and, as a rule, leads to engine shutdown and forced landing.

In another case, a fire may occur due to negligence in handling fire in the aircraft cabin. Modern aircraft are not only made of aluminum, they carry a significant amount of synthetic and other flammable substances, such as plastic, foam rubber, polystyrene and others. These materials are dangerous not only because of their increased flammability, when burning or smoldering, they emit toxic substances, which, together with the fire, spread very quickly through the cabin, and a lot of thick black smoke is released, which makes breathing difficult and contributes to loss of orientation.

In the event of a fire in the aircraft engines or inside the cabin, the crew makes an emergency landing. In this case, the main thing is not to create panic, but in an organized manner after the plane stops, go to the main or emergency exits, observing the established order (children, pregnant women, the disabled, then everyone else). In case of fire inside the aircraft cabin, heading to the main or emergency exits, the following rules must be observed:

in no case do not open the emergency exit hatches from the aircraft where there is fire and smoke - this will only increase the fire and smoke in the aircraft cabin;
do not take hand luggage with you - this will complicate your situation and lead to the loss of precious time; try not to breathe the poisonous smoke (often yellow from burning plastic), cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or piece of clothing.
In a smoky aircraft cabin, it is better to crawl to the exit or on all fours, since there is less smoke below. Remember: smoke is more dangerous than fire! protect your skin from burns by wrapping yourself in clothes and wearing a hat, protect your eyes, face and hands from burns; do not stand in a long queue at the exit - there are other emergency exits;
if the passage is littered, then get over the chairs, lowering their backs;

The most important thing is to follow all the instructions prescribed by the flight rules and not cause a fire yourself.

takeoff accident

This is perhaps the most dangerous type of accident, since the aircraft has a full load of fuel during takeoff, which can explode or ignite on impact. In addition, a takeoff crash is a possible engine failure at low altitude, causing the aircraft to crash violently. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to survive, although in world practice there are cases of saving one or even several people who miraculously survived.

Emergency landing

During a forced landing, an airplane or helicopter can crash into trees, a rock, split in half, catch fire and explode. In the event of an emergency landing, a safe, fixed posture must be assumed.

bend over and tightly clasp your hands under your knees;
put your head on your knees or tilt as low as possible;
rest your feet on the floor, pushing them as far as possible (but not under the chair in front of you!);
at the moment of impact, you need to prepare for strong overloads, which can have a different direction (both down and up), so you need to strain as much as possible, as the athletes say, to group.

The crew of the aircraft must:

immediately evacuate all passengers and crew members to a safe place;
take with you group and individual emergency rescue equipment;
provide first necessary medical assistance to passengers and crew members;
prepare emergency radio stations for operation and transmit a disaster message; determine your location;
prepare signal visual means for use (signal mirror, bonfires, signal signs);
prepare a landing site for a rescue helicopter.

All the work listed above must be supervised by the aircraft commander or, in case of his injury, death, one of the crew members. After assessing the situation, the aircraft commander or the person replacing him makes appropriate decisions. He distributes duties between the crew members and the most active passengers who did not succumb to panic and decadent moods.

Their task is to organize a temporary camp, shelter from adverse weather conditions, make a fire and cook food. It is most advisable for everyone to remain at the crash site or forced landing, which naturally facilitates the search and allows you to save the strength and health of people until the rescue team arrives. This decision is justified under the following circumstances:

when a distress call is transmitted by the crew in the air or immediately after landing;
if the place of landing is not exactly determined; if the terrain is unfamiliar and difficult to pass (mountains, taiga, deep snow, etc.);
when the direction to the nearest settlement is unknown;
if most of the crew or passengers are injured and cannot move independently.

When deciding to stay at the emergency landing site, the pilot-in-command or a crew member replacing him, in the first place:

establishes a round-the-clock watch for air and the surrounding area in order to detect rescue groups and give them a signal in a timely manner;
organizes the care of the sick and wounded;
takes account of all available property and food and establishes the norms for their expenditure;
organizes the construction of shelters from adverse weather conditions;
organizes the search for water and the extraction of food, using local opportunities (picking berries, mushrooms, edible plants, fishing and hunting);
carries out the prevention of possible diseases associated with poisoning and various diseases.

The decision to leave the place of forced landing is made:

if the exact place of the emergency landing is known and the distance to the nearest settlement is small;
if the state of health of crew members and passengers allows to overcome this distance during daylight hours;
in the event of an immediate threat to life (flood, fire, volcanic eruption, ice field break, etc.);
if the aircraft and people cannot be detected from the air by a rescue helicopter or aircraft due to dense vegetation;
if within three days there is no communication and assistance.

When making a decision to leave the place of emergency landing, the commander or crew member replacing him must:

allocate responsibilities;
distribute water and food among road users and establish daily norms for their consumption;
determine and, if possible, develop in detail the route of movement, put it on the map and determine the approximate time of movement by stages;
prepare the necessary equipment, property and medicines that will ensure autonomous movement in deserted areas;
prepare means of signaling and communication for the possibility of using them at any time during the movement; prepare victims for transportation or independent movement;
at the scene of an accident or forced landing of an aircraft, leave a note with a detailed list of all crew members and passengers, indicate the circumstances of the accident (forced landing), the state of health of all crew members and passengers, the direction of movement, time of departure, lay out an arrow of stones or cut down trees, make notches in trees, etc. in the direction of the departure of the group.

Forced water landing

Forced landing of an aircraft on the water is quite rare, but often ends in serious injuries, death of passengers and crew. It should be remembered that the plane can splash down quite unexpectedly and sometimes so smoothly and imperceptibly for passengers that they will take it for a normal landing at the airport. But it can happen that during splashdown, when hitting the water, the plane falls apart and quickly sinks. Wherein:

there are no life jackets and inflatable rafts on the plane;
means of rescue are in one place and you will not be able to reach them during the time that the plane is afloat;
there was a panic and it was impossible to get to the life jackets; the water overboard is icy;
there is a storm on the sea, and the waves reach several meters high;
emergency landing occurred far from the coast in the open sea;
fuel spilled from the aircraft tanks into the water caught fire.

In addition, it should be remembered that although aircraft have some buoyancy, it all depends on what type of aircraft. If the engines are located on the wings - the aircraft will be in a horizontal position, but if the engines are located in the tail of the aircraft, then it will float tail down. Before sinking, the aircraft can be afloat from 10 to 40 minutes. But if his fuselage is damaged, then this time will be much less.

Crew actions

Launch all available life rafts (they inflate automatically when dropped, in winter this happens in 3 minutes, in summer in 1 minute).
If the rafts do not inflate automatically, then the halyard is pulled with a strong jerk, which leads to the cylinder of the gas filling system.
If time permits, take warm clothes on the raft, as well as an additional supply of food and water, regardless of the presence of an emergency supply on board the life raft.
Make sure no one is left on board the aircraft.
The command of passengers on life rafts is assumed by the commander of the aircraft, and in the event of his death - the senior in rank.
Upon completion of boarding the life rafts, immediately move away from the aircraft (helicopter) dive site to a safe distance, using oars and other available items for this. Then straighten and throw overboard a floating anchor, which will reduce the speed of drifting with the wind and will not allow the raft to go far from the accident site, which contributes to a faster search for it by rescuers. In addition, an oily stain remains at the accident site for a long time, which also facilitates the search.
If there are several rafts, they must be tied together with a rope at a distance of 10-15 m from each other.
Organize a search for people who can still remain in the water and take measures to get them on the raft.
Organize the collection of all items that are in the water, as they may be useful in the future.
If you have a radio, immediately send a distress signal and turn it on to beacon mode (instructions for using the emergency radio are printed on its body and no special skills are required to use it).

"Encyclopedia of Survival" Chernysh I.V.

Briefing for flight attendants

Security Council informs all flight attendants about the current situation.

If there is enough time, the briefing can be held at the front of the aircraft.

To prepare the passenger cabin for an emergency landing, it is necessary

full lighting.

Information for passengers

The captain of the ship informs the passengers about the situation that has arisen on board. If this is requested by the Security Council, it may use the established passenger information texts.

Preparation of work areas.

Remove all loose items, including newspapers and magazines (put in a bag).

Close and lock toilets, remove video monitors, remove baby cradles.

Fix kitchen equipment (containers, trolleys, etc.).

Turn off all electrical equipment, pull out the fuses.

Lock all compartments and wardrobes.

Open and fasten curtains, tear them down if possible.

Clear the escape routes from any items (hand luggage, etc.).

Doors and ladders

Door selectors must be in the “ARMED” position

Helper Passengers

When choosing assistant passengers, preference is given to crew members of any airlines that follow passengers, as well as other airline employees.

Assistance passengers must sit in emergency exit seats, in vacant cabin crew seats, and next to passengers who require additional assistance (disabled, unaccompanied minors).

When transferring assistant passengers, it is necessary to convince other passengers to give up their seats to them.

Passenger preparation information

The Security Council reads the stages of preparation for an emergency landing according to the instructions in accordance with the text of the emergency information. If there is little time for preparation, then the Security Council selects only those items that are necessary in this particular emergency.

The flight attendants themselves carry out and check the fulfillment by the passengers of the instructions of the Security Council, successively transmitting a signal about the completion of each stage of preparation:

Put the backs of the chairs in a vertical position, remove the folding tables,

steps and individual video monitors to: clear escape routes,

take a safety posture, avoid injury when landing.

Remove ties, unbutton collars to avoid breathing difficulties.

Outerwear. Wear in accordance with external conditions.

Punching and cutting objects, glasses, dentures must be removed and placed in hand luggage. If time is short, then these items can be placed between the seats of the chairs. The placement of these items in the pockets of the front seats is prohibited.

Hand luggage must be placed under the seats in front of you.

Light items are placed on the luggage racks (as an exception, there may be

restrooms used). In case of evacuation hand luggage

must be left on board the aircraft. Remove shoes, place them on a shelf or under the seat in front, so as not to damage the inflatable ladders and rafts.

Demonstrate emergency exits.

Emergency lighting.

Flight attendants must demonstrate a light path (if any) and

illuminated exit boards.

Emergency landing.

The use of stairways and wing exits should be explained.

Water landing.

Life jackets must be put on before landing on the water. The vests are inflated: just before leaving the aircraft through the door or after leaving the aircraft through the escape hatch (prematurely inflated vest will interfere with the adoption of a safe posture, evacuation and may be damaged during evacuation).

Life jackets for small children must be inflated by the accompanying person immediately after the aircraft stops. The infant life cot is inflated before leaving the aircraft.

Safe Posture.

Passengers need to explain the meaning of the command SAFETY POSITION and that it may sound shortly before landing. It is necessary to demonstrate to passengers a safe posture: while the security officer explains how to take a safe posture, flight attendants, sitting on the back of the first row seat in their area, demonstrate it. In first and business class cabins, a safe posture is demonstrated by flight attendants standing in the aisles. The safe position for the baby is individually explained to the accompanying person.

Warn passengers to expect several strong

jolts, and they should remain in their seats with their seat belts fastened until the aircraft comes to a halt.

Explain the start of the evacuation: at the command of the flight attendants, you need to unfasten the seat belts and

quickly run to the nearest exit.


After demonstrating the harness and training in its use,

require passengers to fasten their seat belts tightly at hip level

(A prematurely fastened seat belt will make it difficult for the passenger to prepare.)

Safety instructions for passengers.

Assistant passengers.

The briefing of the passenger-assistant includes: opening the exits; help downstairs at the ladder; providing assistance on the wing of the aircraft and on the ground; assistance to disabled passengers; collection of passengers at a safe distance; assistance to passengers who need it (the elderly, the sick, children).

Last readiness check

Flight attendants must make sure that the cabins and kitchens are fully prepared for an emergency landing.


Wear a full set of uniforms to distinguish yourself as a member of the crew. Remove metal emblems and name badges. Flight attendants remove their shoes at the time of informing passengers during training, or at the time of the last readiness check.

Passenger cabin lighting

Upon completion of the preparation, the lighting of the salons must correspond to the external

conditions at the time of landing.

Removable emergency equipment

Make sure emergency equipment is available. All equipment is in place until it is needed after landing.

End of preparation

The flight attendants must report to the SB, SB - to the commander of the ship.

Flight attendant seat

Take your seat and have a 30 second mood.

Carrying out evacuation

Evacuation does not always follow preparations for an emergency landing.

If an evacuation becomes necessary, flight attendants must

start it after the command "PASSENGER EVACUATION" in accordance with the "Instruction

for the evacuation"